Escape from the Greatest danger by doing a few God-centered activities
→ The Spiritual Scientist

In the Bhagavad-gita (2.40) Lord Krsna states that God-centered activities are so valuable that just a few of them can save a person from the greatest danger. The greatest danger of life is the danger of gliding down again into the evolutionary cycle of birth and death among the 8,400,000 species. – Srila Prabhupada, Sri […]

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Harinam down Oxford and Carnaby streets of London, Delicious Prasadam and blissful association! (Album 32 photos)

Three hour Harinam down Oxford and Carnaby streets and others. Delicious Prasadam, blissful association and a short nap in the fabulous Soho Temple Brahmacary ashram. If I don’t make it in this life, that’s where I want to come back to. There’s definitely something very special about the UK and the devotees here. Your servant, Dharmatma das Read more ›

Why is prana-pratistha not performed for the utsava-murtis though they ave their own names?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast Answer Summary: The very word pratistha means lay in a solid foundation, that is, fix firmly on the ground. So prana-pratisthita Deities are by definition non-movable except for emergencies – so Deities that are to be moved can’t have prana-pratistha done for them. Prana-pratistha is not the only way to invoke divine presence […]

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Why is the edited BBT Gita different from Prabhupada’s unedited original Gita?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Answer Podcast This is a very old and unnecessary controversy, all the points of which have been thoroughly dealt with on the site Specifically for the Gita changes, these three links painstakingly explain the hundreds of editing changes done and respond to the critic’s points. Bhagavad-gita Revisions Explained – Part 1 Bhagavad-gita Revisions Explained – Part […]

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Sunday, April 20th, 2014
→ The Walking Monk

Durban, South Africa

Katha Dance

African born Jambulani, affectionately known as Jabs, accepted a new name today through diksa initiation.  His new name is Jambavan.  In the ceremony held in the temple tent to local monks, Bhakti Chaitanya and Kadambha Kanana Swamis and I, initiated several candidates.  It simply means that the spiritual family is growing in South Africa.

On the schedule and in demand was more of the Dance Master stuff at the Bhakti Cloud tent.  With the presentation of “Little Big Ramayan” the night before, the details of avatar, Ram, and His pastimes, are fresh in the mind.  So, the djembe drums triggered some creative juices which lead to my rapping out the story.  This compelled participants to dance it out.  If you didn’t drum the site, you ended up standing and clapping, if not dancing and repeating the rap. 

This approach attracts major attention as on goers outside the marquee stood in delight and awe.  Many of the dancers were relatively new to the story of Ram’s great heroism, of love, of devotion, loyalty and dharma.  This technique, dancing out the story, is a remarkable learning curve and great substitute for mundane dance. 

I’m hoping that this katha dance (story dancing) will really take off and become mainstream one day, because it is wholesome and takes the practitioner to a metaphysical level beyond this world of maya (illusion). 

May the Source be with you!

6 KM

Out of control
→ KKSBlog

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 10 October 2013, Melbourne, Australia, Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.14) This movement of Caitanya Mahaprabhu is a mercy movement but we have to take it seriously; we have to take responsibility. A devotee has to take responsibility for what he does wrong and then correct it. We can’t just say, ‘Oh, these things are […]

New Vrindaban Daily darsan @ April 21, 2014
→ New Vrindaban Brijabasi Spirit

Within the boundless, all-pervading effulgence of the brahmajyoti is the extremely blissful and effulgent realm of Lord Visnu. Within that realm of Lord Visnu is an other effulgent realm of immeasurable transcendental bliss. Within that place is this forest of Vrindavana.[Source : Nectarean Glories of Sri Vrindavana-dhama by Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati Thakura, Sataka-2, Text-19, Translation.]  Please […]

Dhaneswara Prabhu on Harinam in central London
→ simple thoughts

Dear Maharaj/Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Dhaneswara prabhu (acbsp) author of ‘Spiritual Economics’ joins the Saturday Night Harinam in London. The Harinam started at 1pm and continued till 10pm, with a prasad break at 6pm. Everybody who came on that Harinam felt surcharged, walking on air. This would have […]