Lord Balarama is the original spiritual master of all. By always remembering that he is pure spirit soul, part and parcel of the Absolute Whole, that he has a transcendental original form that is all perfect, that he has forgotten his perfect spiritual state and come under the clutches of maya, that he is offensive to Lord Krsna, being inebriated with the false designations of his gross body, but by the mercy of his spiritual master he can regain knowledge of his real self the method for the reawakening of the disciple’s original identity can be quickly accomplished. Read more ›
Author Archives: Admin108
Lord Balarama’s Festival in Iskcon San Diego, USA (Album 52 photos)
The children, the cows and the other residents of Vrindavana (5 min video)
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Among the sacred cities of the world, Vrindavana is probably the least well known. Yet this small town in northern India ranks with Rome, Jerusalem, and Mecca as a center of worship. It was in Vrindavana that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna, displayed His transcendental pastimes during His appearance on this planet some five thousand years ago. Over the course of centuries, the places of Krishna’s pastimes were lost to human memory, until they were rediscovered in the sixteenth century by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who is Krishna Himself in the role of His own devotee. Read more ›
Harinama in Brijuni, Istarska, Croatia (Album 29 photos)
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According to the Mayavadis, Lord Krsna’s name, form, qualities and pastimes are all illusory, false, temporary and contaminated. They mistake prema or pure love of Godhead for sentimentalism. Mayavadi philosophy characteristically contradicts the devotional path of bhakti at every turn. Therefore, Mayavadis are the greatest offenders. Read more ›
The nectar of Initiation (Album 66 photos)
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Any person who is seriously desirous of achieving real happiness must seek out a bona fide spiritual master and take shelter of him by initiation. Read more ›
Lord Balarama Jayanti Celebrations at Iskcon Munich! (Album 29 photos)
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Iskcon Munich, Germany congregation celebrated Lord Balarama Jayanti and Shravan Purnima by singing kirtan, maha-abhishek, listening to the pastime shared by HH Kavichandra Swami and last but not least by relishing the transcendental prasadam. All the guests were happy to participate and engaged their senses by pleasing Lord Balarama whose blessings are necessary while attaining the love and mercy from Lord Krsna. Read more ›
An offering to Tulasi (2 min video)
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Devotional scenes from Vrindavana. Read more ›
Bhaktivedanta Manor: Patron Evening 2014 (Album 11 photos)
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Every year many of the Temple’s greatest financial supporters are treated to a special evening of annual reports, entertainment and, of course, a three course meal Read more ›
Harinama in Croatia, Split (Album 32 photos)
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‘A thousand names of Lord Visnu is equal to one name of Lord Rama, and three names of Lord Rama are equal to one name of Lord Krsna’: thus the holy name’s transcendental nature is ever glorified in the scriptures. Read more ›
Check out the beautiful inside tour of Kalachandji’s Restaurant & Palace through navigable, 360 degrees, Google maps
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Kalachandji’s Hare Krishna Temple in Dallas Read more ›
Balaram Purnima 2014 – Abhisek Darshan at Krishna Balaram Mandir (Album 23 photos)
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Kirtan by H.H Lokanath Swami Read more ›
Balaram Poornima at Iskcon Los Angeles – New Dvaraka (Album 11 photos)
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The Puranas (smritisastras) say that anyone who chants the holy name, whether with faith or neglect, attracts the mercy of Lord Krsna. The holy name is the purest form of knowledge; it is the best of all vratas or vows and the highest meditation; it gives the most auspicious fruits; it is the greatest renunciation; it gives incomparable peace; it is the most pious of holy works; it is the supreme path of self realization; it is the greatest liberation and goal; it is the topmost destination; it is the best devotional service; it is the purest inclination; it gives love of Godhead and is the essence of remembrance of the Lord; it is the cause of all causes, the Supreme Absolute Truth; it is the most worshipable object and acts as the supreme spiritual master. Read more ›
Celebrating Sri Balaram’s Appearance Day performing the Yuga dharma in New York (Album 19 photos)
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“O Lord Gauranga! The fifth namaparadha is to think that the glories of the holy name are exaggerated, as for example when one thinks, ‘The scriptural presentation of the glories of the Lord’s holy name is not entirely true, because hyperbole has been employed to increase the readers’ faith in the chanting of the name.'” Read more ›
Beauty personified: Flower outfit Darshan on Balaram Purnima at Krishna Balaram Mandir, Vrindavana (Album 73 photos)
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For live darshan please visit our website http://vrindavan.tv/ Read more ›
Sri Jagannatha comes to Cardiff in the great festival of chariots (18 min video)
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A fine day in the Welsh capital Cardiff just right for Sri Jagannath to bless the people in the capital’s 8 Rathayatra festival of chariots, the enthusiasm of the devotee’s always makes this a special blissful day ending up in Bute Park’s Coopers Field behind the iconic Cardiff Castle a well known tourist spot. Read more ›
Mayapur gurukulis visit Iskcon Salem, Tamil Nadu (Album 143 photos)
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Gurukula Students from Mayapur came to south India yatra, during their yatra visited Salem and had wonderful preaching programs. Read more ›
Festival of Vedic India goes to Melbourne High School
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On July 26, as part of their annual International night, we took our Festival of Vedic India program into Melbourne High School.
We had a henna and Gopi dots stall as well as a space for people to try on Indian traditional wear. The traditional wear included saris, lehengas, jewellery for the women, and kurta, pants, shawl, and turbans for the men.
In the photos you can see that even the principal, Mr Jeremy Ludowyke, was excited to participate by getting dres6sed up. Read more ›
Cardiff Rathayatra 2014, UK (Album 172 photos)
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By the mercy of a Vaisnava devotee of the Lord, an imprisoned jiva may accept the holy name and the attendant sambandha-jnana and finally ascend to pure love of Godhead. Such a fortunate soul will consider even sayujya-mukti or impersonal liberation to be reprehensible. Read more ›
Reincarnation and Karma: How It All Works?
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Do we only live once? It all depends on one’s perspective. If you think we’re nothing but chemicals with no soul, then yes, it is the end. If you believe in only one life and then it’s heaven or hell, then no. It’s especially not the end if you happen to believe in reincarnation. Reincarnation suggests this is not our first life on Earth and it’s most likely not our last. Read more ›
Harinama in Rijeka, Croatia (Album 20 photos)
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Lord Krsna and His holy name are identical. They are an omnipotent spiritual sun that destroys the darkness of nescience. To stream mercy upon the conditioned souls the sun of the holy name has arisen on the horizon of this material world. The mist of ignorance and the clouds of anartha spread a blanket over the jiva’s vision so that he is unable to see the sunlike holy name. The sun is too big for any cloud or mist to cover, but if the jiva’s vision is obscured, then the sun is hidden from him. Read more ›
Making a mat for Sri Balarama, step by step tutorial (Album 15 photos)
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Deity Worship at Home Temple Read more ›
Srimad Bhagavad Katha in Iskcon Delhi (Album 8 photos)
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Srimad Bhagavad Katha (8th to 14th Aug) by Katha Vyasa H.G. Radha Damodar Das in ISKCON Delhi Auditorium from 6pm to 9pm followed by dinner Prasadam. Read more ›
Want a sample of monastic life? This is for you! (3 min video)
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Come & join us at Bhaktivedanta Manor for 3 months and get a sample of a monastic life. You will experience the early-morning devotional programme, practical temple services and the variety of festivals that make Bhaktivedanta Manor famous. Living in a spiritual community will help you to deepen your knowledge, strengthen your faith and build friendships that will last a lifetime. Read more ›
Sankirtana movement: Heaven On Earth! (Album 28 photos)
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Indradyumna Swami: As we come close to the middle of summer here in Poland we are getting an experience of what it’s like to be in the spiritual world; where all walking is dancing, all talking is singing and there’s a festival every day. Read more ›
Srila Rupa Gosvami Disappearance Day! At Ter kadamba, Vrindavana, India (Album 75 photos)
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Sri Rupa Gosvami was the leader of all the Gosvamis, and to guide our activities he gave us this Upadesamrta (The Nectar of Instruction) to follow. As Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu left behind Him the eight verses known as Siksastaka, Rupa Gosvami gave us The Nectar of Instruction so that we may become pure Vaisnavas. Read more ›
Harinama in Croatia, Zadar (Album 31 photos)
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“One who chants the holy name even once is considered a Vaisnava devotee, and the householders should be very attentive to respect such a person. But the devotee who constantly chants Krsna’s name is even a better Vaisnava, for he is endowed with all good qualities. The most advanced Vaisnava of all is he who inspires others who see him to immediately chant the Lord’s name. When he chants the name even once, attraction to rendering eternal devotional service to the Supreme Lord is irrevocably established. Kindly tell Me how the nondevotees can be made to accept the chanting of the holy name of Krsna.” Read more ›
Sri Krishna janmashtami Shobha Yatra in Delhi: 9th Aug, 2014 (Album 32 photos)
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Lord Krsna’s name is cintamani, formed of eternal and transcendental touchstone. Just as a touchstone yields all desirable objects, so the touchstone of Krsna’s holy name gives religiosity, wealth, sense pleasure and liberation to a materialistic person. To a surrendered devotee, it offers pure love of Krsna. Read more ›
Harinama in Croatia, Senj (Album 12 photos)
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Srila Haridasa continued to weep in ecstatic love. Lord Gauracandra encircled him with His arms in a loving embrace and said, “You are learned in all the truths of the holy name of the Lord; your spiritual conduct is exemplary; and you are an expert preacher. Therefore, O Haridasa, kindly reveal to Me something of the unlimited glories of the holy name. Please allow Me to savour your words. Read more ›
“Separation” – Poem by Madhu-dvisa Prabhu
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A little karma, a little charisma,
It will all be finished in the end.
Punah Mushika bhava: again become a mouse,
to ignominy condemned.
Do not think there’s aught in you
That Prabhupada does not lend.
Know this truth, depend on him,
And you will see him once again.
Srila Prabhupada Ki Jaya! Read more ›
ISKCON-London Mentorship System Maha Sanga 2014 (2 min video)
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This short trailer is about the ISKCON-London Mentorship System Maha Sanga in July 2014. It was organised by the ladies in Bhava Bhakti dd’s mentee group and the theme was Devotee Care. Read more ›
Harinama in Tel Aviv, Israel (Album 51 photos)
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The only method or means (sadhana) in this age is the holy name of the Lord. The only goal (sadhya) to be attained in this age is Krsnaprema. Even in the stage of perfection, the name is not given up but is chanted all the more, for it is intrinsic to the activities of prema. Indeed, the name is not different from the Lord: it is the very embodiment of prema. If the means is the end, then the end and the means never contradict one another. If process is identical to the objective, then it is easy for the jivas to attain the desired goal of life, Krsnaprema. By the mercy of His holy name, Krsna easily delivers the jivas in the age of Kali. Read more ›
Harinam in Union Square Park, NY (Album 18 photos)
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The Lord, considering the jivas’ welfare, descended in Kali-yuga along with His holy name to propagate the yugadharma (the religion of the age). By taking up the yugadharma the jiva attains love of Krsna: he has only to remember the Supreme Lord’s name (namasmarana or japa) and chant the Lord’s name congregationally (namasankirtan). Read more ›
What happened when a devotee sponsored books for distribution in his hometown of Sudbury, Ontario?
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Devotees had not visited this town in more than thirty years. I talked to my friend Navina Nirada Prabhu about my desire to sponsor the book distribution, and he came up with a plan to do it in early July (you don’t want to go there in the winter) with a friend of his from Ottawa, Jaya Sacinandana Prabhu. I told Navina that since I was sponsoring the books ($3500 worth), they should ask for any donation, no fixed price, and accept whatever was given, since the cost was covered. Read more ›
Srila Rupa Goswami Disappearance ceremony in Iskcon Delhi (Album 23 photos)
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Even though there are so many great acaryas, Srila Rupa Gosvami has been attributed with the honor of being that person who has established the innermost heart’s desire, of Sri Krishna in the form of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. When Sriman Mahaprabhu came to the village of Ramakeli-grama, He met with Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami and told them, “You should leave your homes and be with Me.”
After a short time they left their homes, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came from Vrndavana and met with Srila Rupa Gosvami at Prayag, the confluence of the rivers Yamuna and Ganga. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told him:
“The ocean of the transcendental mellows of devotional service is so large that no one can estimate its length and breadth. However, just to help you taste it, I am describing one drop.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya-lila 19.137) Read more ›
Sacinandana Swami with severe and painful ailment – update
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Medical doctors say that what I have (shingles) is one of the strongest pains. It is true – the pain killers, which I take seem to bow down before this pain and I don’t want to take anything too strong to cloud my consciousness. In addition there is a terrible stiffness of the neck. I can only lie down when I bring my head into my arms and then slowly put it down. Read more ›
Food For All UK (video)
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The month of Kartika (Damodar) is fast approaching. This year is our 28th Vraj Mandala Padayatra. We have one bullock cart and capacity for 7 devotees, 50,000 books and one month to wander through the twelve forests of Vraj. If you are a little physically fit and up for a transcendental adventure please contact me email Read more ›
Construction within 100 meters on both sides of Braj Parikrama route banned!
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The National Green Tribunal has banned new construction within 100 meters on both sides of Braj Parikrama route, spanning across three states of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan by declaring it as ‘No Development Zone’.
Braj Parikrama route spans across the Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh, part of Bharatpur district of Rajasthan and part of Palwal district of Haryana.
A bench of Justice P Jyothimani directed the government of UP, Haryana and Rajasthan to take steps to preserve the Parikrama path apart from restricting the growth of buildings. Read more ›
Photos from Jhulan Yatra 2014 at the Manor (Album 44 photos)
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Jhulana-yatra is a festival to celebrate Radha Krishna’s pastime of swinging on a golden swing everyday until Balarama-purnima. Read more ›
Remembering Madhu-dvisa Prabhu (18 min video)
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Madhu-dvisa Prabhu remembers Srila Prabhupada. Read more ›
Harinama in Byron Bay, Australia (Album 30 photos)
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Byron Bay is a beachside town located in the far-northeastern corner of the state of New South Wales, Australia. Even if one distributes ten million cows in charity during an eclipse of the sun, lives at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna for millions of years, or gives a mountain of gold in sacrifice to the brahmanas, he does not earn even one hundredth part of the merit derived from chanting Hare Krishna. Read more ›
Reflections on Polish Woodstock – By Acyuta Gopi dasi
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Bada Hari sings and they go wild. And at one point I just looked up and out into the crowd. A veritable sea of people. And I said a prayer in awe of how attractive Sri Nama Prabhu is because there is no logical reason that these people, with their purple hair and their rock and roll t shirts, their crazy costumes and covered with tattoos should love Bada Hari. Lol. He’s an older gentleman, he doesn’t have any crazy hair, he doesn’t look particularly cool by material standards. He’s not screaming or anything. No tattoos. He’s not singing songs about drugs, sex or rock and roll. Just singing the best old school ISKCON melodies from the heart and they are shouting the holy name back to him and all of us on stage with all their soul. Just goes to show that when you do kirtan with a sincere heart, it doesn’t matter what you look like, what you sound like, or even what melody you choose. Read more ›