Harinama at Burleigh Heads, Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia, 25 May 2014 (Album 59 photos)
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As a fire burns dry grass to ashes, so the holy name of the Lord, whether chanted knowingly or unknowingly, burns to ashes, without fail, all the reactions of one’s sinful activities. SB 6.2.18 Devotional service, beginning with the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, is the ultimate religious principle for the living entity in human society. SB 6.3.22 Read more ›

Prasadam distribution in the afflicted areas of Begov han, Topčić polje i Nemila by Iskcon Sarajevo (Album 108 photos)
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Our FFl prasadam distribution to flood and landslide victims continues, thanks to generous donators and hard working, enthusiastic group of devotees.
In Begov han they distributed 200 cooked meals, 40 in Topčić polje, 60 in Nemila. Devotees also distributed 300 apples and 300 sweets. Our matajis Amritavati Devi Dasi, Gojak Alena Campaka Valli dd and Manjari-rupa Ids donated baby and children clothes.
600 people got prasadam in one day! Read more ›

Capturing the magical moments at this year’s Sadhu Sanga Retreat in Boone, North Carolina (Album 214 photos)
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Indradyumna Swami: Thanks to Gajendra das and Denisse of Lotus Eyes Photography for capturing many of the magical moments at this year’s Sadhu Sanga Retreat in Boone, North Carolina. Words alone could not express the happiness and joy that 1,500 devotees felt in each others association while chanting Lord’s holy names for several days together. Read more ›

A “mystical experience” in a Greek island leads a soul right into distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books!
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38 years ago on a Greek island I had a somewhat mystical experience and when it was shared with a group of young travelers, a lady from Brazil said “something wonderful is about to happen in your life! (no clue what)

This statement compelled me to travel for no apparent reason, my mind was set on southern France (little did I know that was where Srila Prabhupada was at New Mayapura)

After traveling for three sleepless days I ended up in Zurich without a place to stay, everywhere was full, as the sun set with all the energy I had I made it to a youth hostel. The Hostel manager said “Sorry we are closing and we are full” Please “I cannot walk a step further, if I must i’ll sleep on your steps in that case”, i replied. He said “wait I will check again.. he came back “yes there is one bed but you will not want to stay there!, it is the only remaining bed in the hostel” It is upstairs with the Hare Krishna’s! “thats fine” I thankfully replied. (thinking, this will be diffrent)

When entering the room I could tell some of the devotees were a little unsettled about my moving in with them out of the blue, with out asking permission, one devotee looked at me when I entered their room and said “are you sure you are in the right place?” half jokingly I replied “unless there is another group of Hare Krishna’s? yes” (one devotee might have even gone to see about having me relocated)

So Krishna brought me to Him without having ever spoken to a devotee, never having received a book, or visited a temple.. i walked into a room with a sankirtan party (some of the most successful big book distributors in the world for a long time) because I was extremely tired (also of mundane existence) and desperately needed a place to sleep, the rest is history. Read more ›

Blissful vaishnavas perform Harinama Sankirtana in Arbat Street, Moscow, Russia (Album 87 photos)
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Living beings who are entangled in the complicated meshes of birth and death can be freed immediately by even unconsciously chanting the holy name of Krishna, which is feared by fear personified. SB 1.1.14 — One who chants the holy name of the Lord is immediately freed from the reactions of unlimited sins, even if he chants indirectly to indicate something else (sanketya), jokingly (parihasya), for musical entertainment (stobha), or even neglectfully (helana). This is accepted by all the learned scholars of the scriptures. SB 6.2.14 Read more ›

FFL Bosnia with help of Hungarian devotees distribute 300 warm meals to affected victims of recent flooding in Bosnia (49 pics)
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FFL Bosnia with help of Hungarian devotees distributed 300 warm meals to the most affected victims of recent flooding in Bosnia. These victims were from Željezno Polje and Topčić Polje villages in the Zenica-Doboj Canton and they literally lost everything. Their homes were totally destroyed (see previous album Topcic polje). They welcomed devotees and appreciated our gesture. Thank you all for supporting our mission in Bosnia. We will visit them again.
Stay tuned and please keep contributing! Please donate if you can over PayPal to “dhiraprasanta@gmail.com” for FFL Food relief in Bosnia. Thank you for you blessings, services, donations, support! Read more ›

Sadhu Sanga Retreat 2014, Boone, North Carolina, USA (Album 48 photos)
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Sadhu Sanga is an annual Kirtan retreat held during the Memorial Day weekend in North America featuring soul filling kirtans, association with devotees and delicious prasadam. A wonderful weekend of kirtan, lectures, association and delicious prasadam with special guests Radhanath Swami, Sacinandana Swami, Giriraja Swami, BB Govinda Swami, Indradyumna Swami, Bada HariDas Prabhu, Madhava Prabhu, Gaura Vani Prabhu and many more. Read more ›

Preaching in Rishikesh, India, April 30, 2014 (Album 38 photos)
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Kishore Krsna Das from Florida , Jayaprada Radhika Dasi from New Zealand, Bhaktin Yulia from Russia, got together and organised a three seminar on Mantra Meditation and Kirtan Yoga at Rishikesh India. Flyers were distributed to visiting Tourists from all over the world all day on seminar days and performed Hari Naam an hr before. Everyday we are surprised by around 20 tourists at our meeting who enthusiastically participated in the Hare Krsna Mantra Meditation lead by Jayaprada Radhika Dasi, followed by a talk and Kirtan Yoga ( kirtan with swami step) by Kishore Krsna Das. After the program we were able to sell over 50 small books at the three day meeting. We will try to do this preaching program everyyear in Rishikesh in the month of march april, anyone interested in participating feel free to email us at yogafru@aol.com. What follows are some pictures and videos for the pleasure of Sri Guru, Gauranga and Vaishnavas. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Read more ›

“Planting the seed” (Album 26 photos)
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On the 10th of May 2014, devotees of Sri Jaganatha Mandir Kuala Lumpur attended a Bhakti Vriksha retreat at the New Godruma Dhama farm in Lanchang,state of Pahang,Malaysia.

Transport departed from Sri Jagannatha Mandir, Kuala Lumpur at 6.00 am and reached the farm at 8 am. Upon arrival we were received by H G Gopesa Govinda Prabhu. Having been posted for 6 months at this farm Gopesa prabhu through the guidance of H G Simhesvara Prabhu has progressed in his knowledge and experience in farming and invariably blessed with a peaceful devotional life. This blessing if carefully observed can be seen to extend to all devotees who work at this farm.

Strict rules in accordance to the Vedic principles are observed at this farm and all activities from dawn to dusk are regulated in the most ideal atmosphere to practice devotional service. Participants were served with breakfast after an offering was first made to the Lord. The uncompromising quality of preparations at ISKCON is also being observed here. Read more ›

Narsimha Caturdasi Festival Celebrations at ISKCON Malaysia headquarters (Album 22 photos)
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The festival which was attended by around 150 people started at 7:30pm with Tulasi Puja followed by Arati for Lord Narsimhadev. HG Kripa Sindhu prabhu spoke about pastimes of Lord Narashimhadev and glories of the Holy Name. Chanting of 108 names and the Narsimha kavacha prayers followed the talk. This created a very prayerful mood in each and every one.

After the chanting of the Lord’s name, a drama was performed by Vraja Arts Theatre on the appearance of Lord Narshimhadev. Temple president of The Ramar Alayam expressed his gratitude to ISKCON for arranging this festival and requested to organize more such programmes. Read more ›

Prayer to Harinama – By Partha Sarathi Das Goswami
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My Dear holy name,
I am a fallen and dejected soul
My background is sinful, atheistic
My only business was demoniac

You chose to appear on my tongue and dance
I do not know what good fortune has come to me
For the last twenty-seven years I have been serving You
Please remain in my heart and never leave

If I can continue to chant for the next twenty-seven years
Then I may actually achieve something
Within your sound is an ocean of rasa
Goloka Vrindavana is contained in Your syllables Read more ›

Can you trust a guru who does not dance?
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Kadamba Kanana Swami: He just preached me off my feet! He said different things, like, ‘How many disciples do you have?’ then he said, ‘You must be the most happy man!’ and I said, ‘Well, it is not that nice!’ (laughter) ‘It’s okay but it is not that blissful!’ and he said, ‘No, guru must be the most happy man, otherwise how can he make anybody else happy?’ So, he said nice things like that.
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Sense gratification is a fascinating path to frustration
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“Eat this; see this; touch this – and you will enjoy.” The world glamorizes sense gratification thus.

In striking contrast, the Bhagavad-gita (05.22) asserts that such sense pleasures are sources of misery?

The Gita later reiterates this theme metaphorically: sensual pleasures taste like nectar in the beginning and poison in the end (18.38).

How can the same things both fascinate by being like nectar and frustrate by being like poison? Read more ›

Beautiful Vrindavana with its temples, residents, devotees, visitors and vaikuntha atmosphere (Album 139 photos)
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In the year 1515, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu visited Vrindavana, with purpose of locating the lost holy places associated with Lord Sri Krishna’s transcendent pastimes. Chaitanya wandered through the different sacred forests of Vrindavana in a spiritual trance of divine love. It was believed that by His divine spiritual power, He was able locate all the important places of Krishna’s pastimes in and around Vrindavana. Read more ›

The magnificent Temple of Vedic Planetarium gets the waterproofing treatment while a third ring of tiles is added to its huge dome
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More excitement at the TOVP as the third ring of the main dome begins installation. It is expected to take five weeks for completion. A layer of protection is being applied to the cement floors of the super-structure and other areas where a surplus of water passes. Read more ›

Niranjana Swami finds fresh inspiration and bliss from Srila Prabhupada’s Lilamrita!
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I’ve found myself overwhelmed with gratitude, both to Satsvarupa Maharaja and especially to Srila Prabhupada, and at the same time, immensely humbled by reflecting upon the tiny and insignificant efforts I’ve made in this life to spread Krsna consciousness in comparison to what Srila Prabhupada has done to expand Krsna consciousness throughout this world. In fact, I’ve realized that it would be an offense on my part to even attempt to make such a comparison. Read more ›

Iskcon Sarajevo: Hare Krishna Food for life, Olovo, Vareš (Album 50 photos)
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Our enthusiastic FFL team (including 4 Hungarian devotees) yesterday (did a big prasadam distribution in Olovo (Mid-Bosnia). In a cooperation with a city mayor office, devotees came to the city center, where municipality officers help them by bringing their tables-so devotees can start with distribution. Some 80 workers, who are doing very hard job of cleaning the city which was 2m under the water took our prasadam meal (lentils, subjee vegetables, salad, sweets and fruits). Later, devotees continued with prasadam distribution on the streets and in the buildings-literary door-to door! 250 people got prasadam in Olovo this way and our devotees everywhere introduced themselves as Hare Krishna Food for life! They even have nice aprons with Hare Krishna from Hungary!
After Olovo, they went to the city of Vareš, driving trough mountains and forest roads. On the photos you can see destroyed roads, people who really appreciate our devotees, and most of all entusiasm and atmosphere among our devotees.
Today (Sunday) devotees are on their way to Begov Han, where they will distribute prasadam to people who have literary lost everything, since their houses are destroyed and covered by mud in landslides. You will see photos (as soon as possible), stay tuned and please keep contributing! Read more ›

Iskcon Sarajevo: FFL warming-up for a big action (Album 25 photos)
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When the floods begun, devotees proposed that we should do some prasadam distribution. Seven days ago, we were lacking in people and laksmi, but we had sincere desire. We collected some laksmi among ourselves, and on Monday started a small action in the nearest affected area: Vogosca near Sarajevo.
Then miracles started to happen: more devotees took part, donations keep coming from everywhere and we decided to expand our FFL distribution.
While we are posting this, devotees (along with 4 Hungarian devotees, who came last night) are on their way to city of Olovo in the Mid-Bosnia, where they will distribute some 400 hot prasadam meals in the main city square.
Please keep serving, helping, donating and supporting. This prasadam distribution has just begun and it will expand.
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What happens to the graduates of Gurukula? Meet Sri Madhava Gauranga dasa
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Q: How did gurukula training help you in your spiritual life?
A: My gurukula training has been invaluable for establishing the value of self-improvement, respect, discipline, etc. Gurukula was, at the time, in an experimental phase, but although it wasn’t easy I was lucky to have people whom I respected. These things helped me to see the value of spiritual culture. All things considered, I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Q: What are your responsibilities in Mayapur now? How do you see their importance?
A: I serve as a Dean in the Bhaktivedanta Academy. I recently also took up the service of heading the agricultural division in ISKCON Mayapur, and I am also on the Mayapur Executive Council and Mayapur Policy Council. Srila Prabhupada clearly outlined his desires for, and the importance of, the future generations of ISKCON youth. I believe that implementing this vision is of the utmost importance to the future of society in general. I wanted to share with the newer generations all the benefits of the gurukula system of education without the negatives we suffered in the early days. Read more ›

8 Bhakti Yoga Graduates from the New Govardhana Bhakti Yoga Course, Australia
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“After 10 years of study at school, I finally studied the real thing at the Bhakti Yoga Course.”
– Jue

“The Bhakti Yoga Course provided a solid foundation for my new start i n devotional life. The knowledge I gained I can take with me wherever I go.” – Teiana

“There is so much knowledge to be gained by participating in the Bhakti Yoga Course. Easy to understand for newcomers and still full of nectar for those who have been practising for a long time.”
– Kera

“Every class I attended in the Course encouraged me to go the right way and gave me positive energy to keep going.”
– Yumin

“This Course has given me inspiration for attentive chanting and attending the morning program. It has taught me to regulate my activities and change my consciousness towards Krishna.”
– Parama Purusha Nitai dasa

“They say that as a gurukuli one can take advantage of Krishna consciousness, and I think I am taking advantage in a good way. I’ve realised that materialistic people are looking for happiness in so many ways, but I don’t need to look elsewhere because I have found real happiness.”
– Tulasi

“I learned a lot from the Course as a beginner. I found that it has given me a good foundation. There is a lot more to learn and realise, but the Bhakti Yoga Course provides a kick start. All the basic principles are covered and it is well structured and well presented.”
– Yogita Read more ›

Go-Veg Hare Krishna Cycle Team, New South Wales, Australia
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It has been seven years since the Go-Veg team started as the first Hare Krishna cycling team here in the Northern Rivers. Since then, they have participated in many events, both local and interstate, and are currently competing in the A Division. The members are Phalguna Krishna dasa, Narottama dasa and Sridhama dasa, who, through discipline and constant training, are able to hold their ground with the other riders. This shows the rest of the cycling community that being a vegetarian is no hindrance to performance. In the beginning, some wondered how the Go-Veg team would be able to keep up with the others, but now some of their fellow competitors have actually adopted a veg-based diet; some even eliminating meat altogether. Read more ›

Food for Life action in Serbia, flooded Obrenovac (4 min video)
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Small Serbian congregation reacted well and successfully started Food for Life prasadam distribution even though there is no legal ISKCON nor FFL. First day of distribution 4 devotees managed by the help of patriotic society “Serb for Serbs” to enter deep into flooded are where no media or civilians are allowed (besides those who are living there) Read more ›