The launch of ISKCON’s 50th Anniversary celebrations in UK!
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Author Archives: Admin108
The launch of ISKCON’s 50th Anniversary celebrations in…
Purusottama Month is Coming!
You might already be aware of…
Purusottama Month is Coming!
You might already be aware of Purusottama month and its occurrence this year. To put it briefly, when the full moon occurs twice in a month, i.e. in less than 29 solar days, then the month is divided into 2 and a leap month… Read more ›
Hugely successful London Rathayatra celebration! Plenty of…
Hugely successful London Rathayatra celebration! Plenty of videos. We made a playlist with some of them.
You can watch them here all or on demand. Read more ›
Hare Krishna! Praying for the Welfare of Others
Urmila Devi…
Hare Krishna! Praying for the Welfare of Others
Urmila Devi Dasi: In summary, for intercessory prayer to be part of pure devotional service to Lord Krishna, it should be free of desires outside of that service, and it should ask for something favorable to the Lord. Such prayers should not stem from excessive attachment to the world. We can engage in intercessory prayer to deepen our relationship with Krishna, to develop a mood of humility and compassion for others, and with a desire to glorify our beloved Lord.
“I am praying to Krishna to offer you all His strength in the discharge of His noble service.” “I am praying for your long life and prosperity in Krishna consciousness.” “I pray that Krishna may bless you with a long life with which to open many temples and that in this very lifetime you may return back to home, back to Godhead.” “I pray to Krishna that you all may use your intelligence for Krishna’s service and not for any personal ambition.”
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Gauranga Festival in Ukraine, Day 2 (5 min video)
Gauranga Festival in Ukraine, Day 2 (5 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: Festivities continued throughout the weekend at the Gauranga Festival in Ukraine. The clear, fresh mountain air facilitated long and loud chanting of the holy names. Prasadam, cooked in ghee on open wood fires, was super excellent. And the association couldn’t be beat!
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Chanting and dancing in Washington Square Park, NY (Album with…
Chanting and dancing in Washington Square Park, NY (Album with photos)
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Hare Krishna Festival Photos In New York city 2015 (3 min…
Hare Krishna Festival Photos In New York city 2015 (3 min video)
Three Huge Colorful Chariots Are Pulled By Rope Down 5Th Avenue By Hundreds Of People Towards Washington Square Park. Festival Stage, Food Booths, Religious Booths, Singing, Music….photos In Washington Square Park.
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Watch Live Broadcasting from ongoing London’s huge…
Watch Live Broadcasting from ongoing London’s huge Rathayatra
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Sri Jagannath Ratha Yatra and Festival of India 2015 in NYC…
Sri Jagannath Ratha Yatra and Festival of India 2015 in NYC (Album with professional HR photos)
Jagannatha Ratha Yatra festival celebrated by the Hare Krishna devotees on New York’s Fifth Avenue, New York City. This festival is held in a mood of love and devotion and invokes universal peace, harmony, and good will for all creation
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Hare Krishna! Radhanath Swami Speaks on Happiness at Wedding…
Hare Krishna! Radhanath Swami Speaks on Happiness at Wedding Wire in D.C.
On June 10th, 2015 Radhanath Swami was invited to take part in the speaker series hosted by Wedding Wire where he was interviewed by Wedding Wire CEO Tim Chi on the subject of Ha… Read more ›
Hare Krishna! Memories of Brahmananda Dasa
Much can be said…
Hare Krishna! Memories of Brahmananda Dasa
Much can be said about our dear godbrother Bramhananda, but you know some devotees are just special. Just seeing him could make one smile and as one of Prabhupada’s original “white elephants” his efforts to serve him “in the day” are legendary. As one of the heavy pullers of our “mule team” for Prabhupada, those early devotees did so much for him. They cleared and paved the way for later devotees and enlivened many. Days were glorious but rigorous, filled with exhaustion and sweet surrender. Time moves on but it just won’t be the same without him around…yet we are happy for him.
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New Vrindaban’s 24 Hour Kirtan to Transport Partipants to…
New Vrindaban’s 24 Hour Kirtan to Transport Partipants to Vrindavana Dhama
The ninth annual 24 Hour Kirtan festival in New Vrindaban, West Virginia is set to give North American participants the experience of the 24 Hour Kirtan that runs 365 days a year in the original Vrindavana Dhama, India without having to travel thousands of miles. Around 600 devotees from all over the U.S. and Canada are expected to converge in the beautiful rural community that founder Srila Prabhupada called “a new place of pilgrimage for you Western devotees.” During a 1972 visit he also commented, “This Vrindaban, that Vrindavan, no difference.” The devotee participants will be joined by two groups of students, one from Cleveland State University and one from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, attending for the first time.
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Hare Krishna! The Ecstasy of Insignificance: Happiness Through…
Hare Krishna! The Ecstasy of Insignificance: Happiness Through Reality
A feeling of insignificance and a humble service attitude come not by astuteness, not by knowing some tricks, but by simple steadfastness in the process of Krishna consciousness. The Srimad-Bhagavatam tells us that Krishna showers all benedictions on those who consider themselves insignificant. Seeing them as significant, by His causeless mercy He shares with them the sweetness of devotional service. Insignificance is so inconceivably ecstatic that the Lord Himself desires it, as Srila Prabhupada describes: “Krishna says in Chaitanya-charitamrita, you will find, ‘Everyone worships Me with awe and veneration. But if anyone worships Me without any awe, veneration, and treats Me as insignificant, I like that. I like that.’
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Hare Krishna! Truth in a Nutshell
Four special verses in the…
Hare Krishna! Truth in a Nutshell
Four special verses in the Bhagavad-gita and four in the Srimad-Bhagavatam lay out the fundamental teachings of Krishna consciousness. My mom always keeps peanuts around the house. Crack the shells open, and you find two peanuts inside. So much goodness in one little package: beneficial nutrients, plant proteins, fats, fiber, and plenty of vitamins, minerals, and bioactives. As I looked at the broken shells in front of me one day, my mind was drawn to four special verses of the Srimad-Bhagavatam and four of the Bhagavad-gita, each set often referred to simply as chatuh-shloki: “the four verses.” Srila Prabhupada was the first to refer to them as “nutshell verses.”
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Hare Krishna! God Is Great—and Sweet
“I would believe only in a…
Hare Krishna! God Is Great—and Sweet
“I would believe only in a god who could dance,” wrote German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. During his times, God was generally portrayed as a frozen perfection—remote, static, and wholly unsociable. No wonder Nietzsche was disillusioned. He might have been pleasantly surprised to hear about Krishna, the God who dances with spellbinding expertise on the hoods of the venomous serpent Kaliya; the God who dances to the tune of His mother just to get butter; the God who dances with the gopis during the rasa-lila, a celebration of divine love; the God known as Vrindavana-natabara, the best dancer in the pastoral paradise of Vrindavana.
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Solve The Problem Of Terrorism On An Individual Level
Solve The Problem Of Terrorism On An Individual Level
Radhanath Swami: Terrorism is born of ego. Strife and friction are caused when we understand only the letter of the religious law but ignore the spirit behind it. Unity and brotherhood of mankind ca… Read more ›
Kirtan On The Mountain Peak (6 min video)
Indradyumna Swami:…
Kirtan On The Mountain Peak (6 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: Devotees from all over Ukraine gathered this week for their annual Gauranga Festival in the Carpathian mountains. Blissful Kirtan resounded throughout all the hills and valleys!
Watch it here… Read more ›
Remembering Brahmananda Prabhu (video)
By HH Indradyumna…
Remembering Brahmananda Prabhu (video)
By HH Indradyumna Swami.
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‘Bloop’ by Acyutananda Prabhu – Tribute to…
‘Bloop’ by Acyutananda Prabhu – Tribute to Brahmananda Prabhu (2 min video)
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A Mountain Retreat (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Two…
A Mountain Retreat (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Two thousand devotees in Ukraine are enjoying a week long festival of kirtan and seminars in the tiny hamlet of Slavske, in the Carpathian mountains. Staying in log cabins and other rustic build… Read more ›
Holy name festival 2015 – ISKCON LJUBLJANA (4 min…
Holy name festival 2015 – ISKCON LJUBLJANA (4 min video)
Slovenian Holy Name festival 2015
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Hare Krishna! Varnasrama-dharma Comes Later
Let us take the…
Hare Krishna! Varnasrama-dharma Comes Later
Let us take the great soul Sriman Jayananda prabhu for example. As a Vaisnava he was performing multi-tasks befitting actions performed in all the varnas. As the happy transcendental dustbin man [Sudra activity] he managed the temple’s waste. As a taxi driver he earned much needed income for the temple [Vaisya activity]. When guests arrived, he would be the charming host and hospitality representative able to preach about Krsna [Brahmana activity]. In matters of temple maintenance he managed the temples’ affairs [Ksatriya tendency]. All these actions combined enacted from a Vaisnava standpoint endeared him to Srila Prabhupada and the devotees.
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Srila Prabhupada’s Arrival 50th Anniversary – Invitation…
Srila Prabhupada’s Arrival 50th Anniversary – Invitation by Niranjana Swami (3 min video)
Srila Prabhupada built a house where the whole world could live in – It all started in Boston. Srila Prabhupada first set foot in the West fifty years ago, after a 35 day journey from Calcutta. Steamship Jaladuta reached Boston’s Commonwealth Pier at 5:30 am on September 17, 1965. He reached Boston’s Commonwealth Pier in hopes of fulfilling the order of his spiritual master. It was here in Boston that he wrote “Markine Bhagavata Dharma” – “Teaching Krishna Consciousness in America”. Being a pure devotee of Sri Krishna, Srila Prabhupada prayed, “I wish that You may deliver them. Therefore, if You desire their deliverance, only then will they be able to understand Your message.” Srila Prabhupada has given us an amazing gift, the gift of knowing Krishna and chanting His Holy names. Please join us in celebrating not only his arrival, but his life and teachings as well. This is a great chance for devotees to show their heartfelt gratitude for the love and compassion Srila Prabhupada had for all of us. New Gundincha dham invites you to please join us in celebration and glorification of Srila Prabhupada 50th arrival festival on September 19th and 20th 2015.
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From the Dairy of Mahavaraha Prabhu, long standing Personal…
From the Dairy of Mahavaraha Prabhu, long standing Personal Secretary of Jayapataka Swami:
Revisiting Jayapataka Swami in ICU
Screams. Tears. Despair. Anxiety. Stress. Tension. Depression. These are some feelings that patients and loved ones share while in the midst of the ICU environment. One or two dead bodies are transported out of the ICU and past the waiting area practically on daily basis. Just today, two patients left their bodies within a span of ten minutes. Patients experience so much pain, sadness, and irritation on an hourly basis. It almost seems that the comatose are experiencing greater relief than the conscious. Doctors are well conditioned to such patient responses in the ICU. They do not expect many signs of optimism from their patients. However, there itself enters H.H. Jayapataka Swami, an extremely unique case for all doctors in the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences n Delhi. His willpower, determination and overall response have had lasting impacts on all participants of this month-long crisis. Read on to find out some anecdotes of Jayapataka Swami’s response to various situations in the ICU.
27th May: When Jayapataka Swami was in the ICU for the first time, a patient was dying on the neighbouring bed, so Jayapataka Swami had a disciple read the 15th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita to the dying patient. Jayapataka Swami was praying for that patient every day. On the day that Jayapataka Swami was readmitted to the ICU, the same patient was about to leave the body. Coincidentally, some devotees had brought tulasi and maha garlands for Jayapataka Swami on that day. Dr. Vinaya thought these were for that patient who was leaving the body. By just being by the side of Jayapataka Swami, this patient was able to leave his body receiving mercy directly from Vrindavan!
31st May: I went around 9 AM into the ICU. Dr Tanmai was holding a paper with the whole alphabet for Jayapataka Swami and Jayapataka Swami was pointing to the letters. He was trying to say something so I told the doctor that I would help. Jayapataka Swami said many things including asking for prasadam.The previous day, we were allowing visitors to go only up to the glass door to have darshan as we could not risk exhausting Jayapataka Swami with too many devotees speaking with him. Today, in response, through his signs, Jayapataka Swami mentioned why we were holding the visiting devotees at the main entrance gate for darshan and then sending them away. He signalled, “Why is nobody coming close to me?” Through more signalling, he said that he wanted to see devotees. I promised that we would allow devotees to go close to him. Generally when we are sick, we like to be left undisturbed by anyone. But Jayapataka Swami, even in this condition, he always prefers devotees’ association. The fact that he cannot use his voice is not a hindrance to his desire to associate with devotees.
2nd June: Just as the visiting hours of the ICU unit were about to end, Jayapataka Swami was trying to say something through the alphabet chart to Ruci Prabhu and me. I was telling Jayapataka Swami, “Okay Jayapataka Swami, you have met enough people. It’s time to take rest. And also, the security guards and Dr. Sarin have imposed a strict rule on us that we are not supposed to be inside the ICU past the visiting hours.” While I was persuading Jayapataka Swami to take rest and explaining the strict rules, Jayapataka Swami was still trying to say something. At the end, we thought, “Alright, what does he want to say?” Jayapataka Swami said, “There is a men’s room here. So when the doctors come, you all go and hide there.” We said that there was no men’s room and that they were only outside. Then Jayapataka Swami lifted the forefinger of his left hand and pointed toward his right and there indeed was a men’s room! None of us had noticed the bathroom except for Jayapataka Swami. We then told him that the bathroom was only for the staff and not the public. Even though he is lying on a hospital bed in the ICU, Jayapataka Swami still has his alertness and sense of humor to play around with. Physical conditions seem to not affect him at all.
3rd June: I came to the hospital around 8:45 AM and started my chanting. While I was chanting at the ICU attendant waiting lounge, around 9.30 AM, Dr. Anamika came from behind and greeted me saying, “Hi”! I replied, “Hi. Hare Krsna!” She continued, “Swamiji is fine. During the morning rounds, they will discuss about the extubation. But you know, I have never seen a patient like him in the ICU. He is so bright and very active. His level of tolerance is super high. Very cooperative. I am so amazed.” All the doctors are sharing similar sentiments about Jayapataka Swami! To add to the activities, today, Jayapataka Swami even said that he wants to see devotees every 30 minutes.
4th June: For the past days, Jayapataka Swami has been communicating using the alphabet chart. Today, the head nurse was saying, “I am tired seeing him spell each word. Some of my staff are even tired by holding the chart! But he is going on and on and is not tired. “Even though the staff may be a bit tired, Jayapataka Swami is displaying the results that the ICU staff desires – he is slowly getting better and better!
6th June: I was doing the night shift along with Acyutananda Pr, Goloka Pr and Haridas Pr. At 12:30 AM midnight, we got a call from the night shift doctor, Dr. Anamika. She said that Jayapataka Swami’s carbon dioxide level had gone little high but that he was not allowing them to put on the C-pap mask which would help in his breathing. For half an hour, from 12 to 12:30 AM, the ICU staff was trying to put on the mask but Jayapataka Swami kept pushing it away. Dr. Anamika called Acyutananda Pr who told me to quickly go and try to persuade Jayapataka Swami to have the mask on. Jayapataka Swami kept saying that he didn’t want the mask on, that it was too tight and hurting him. He wanted to sleep for two hours and then have the mask put on after 3 AM. However, Dr. Anamika was trying to explain to me how the carbon dioxide was high and that they had to put the mask on because otherwise, they would have to intubate Jayapataka Swami, again. Medically, it had to be done. So I was in between the directions of doctor of the body and the doctor of the soul, trying to negotiate the best deal for Jayapataka Swami. In the midst of this scene, with a very weak and distorted voice, Jayapataka Swami told me to tell Dr. Anamika that he was praying for her. When I told Dr. Anamika, she was so touched and said, “Jayapataka Swami, I pray for your recovery every day.” Even though it was the middle of the night with his sleep disturbed and fighting in between the doctors and staff regarding the mask, Jayapataka Swami was showing his compassion to the others. Generally, patients in the ICU ward going through such horrible health difficulties would be requesting others to pray for them. However, Jayapataka Swami is the complete opposite. And this is surely not the first time that he is doing this. He is always like this; so much compassion flows through him, regardless of the circumstances. Finally, at about 12:45 AM, Jayapataka Swami agreed to have the mask put on.
7th June: In the morning, Devagauranga Prabhu was brushing Jayapataka Swami’s teeth. Jayapataka Swami asked for the name of the patient on the next bed who was in a coma. Devagauranga Prabhu asked the male nurse for the name; it was Pratibha. Jayapataka Swami said, “Tell the nurse that I am praying for Pratiba everyday.” Jayapataka Swami’s compassion seems to be limitless.
8th June: Simhesvara Prabhu, Regional Secretary of Malaysia, visited Jayapataka Swami and as soon as he walked in, Jayapataka Swami asked, “How are you?” He asked about when the temple opening would be at Seberang. Simhesvara Prabhu came out after seeing Jayapataka Swami and said that if someone is staying in a bed for a month and sees his close relatives or friends, the first thing the patient would do is pour out all the difficulties and depression. Jayapataka Swami showed absolutely no depression, no complaints – no signs of any of that. Instead, Jayapataka Swami was asking the news about preaching and the temple.
Jayapataka Swami’s humorous spirits are certainly not down, either. Today, Ruci Prabhu went to shave Jayapataka Swami. Jayapataka Swami specifically wanted one of the servants to shave him to make sure that there were no cuts. Ruci Pr had shaved the beard and only the upper lip portion was remaining. Jayapataka Swami still had the nasal feeding tube attached to his nose. At that time, Jayapataka Swami jokingly said, “Watch out for my trunk!”
Further, for the last two to three days, Jayapataka Swami has requested to have his prayers/contact book. Many doctors, nurses, and staff have become close with Jayapataka Swami, have wanted to be in touch with him and have wanted Jayapataka Swami to pray for them. They have been voluntarily giving their information. Doctors, nurses, and staff are all chanting the Hare Krsna Mahamantra! One security guard told us that she chanted 12 rounds the other day. Staff are all jokingly calling her as “Gurudeva.”
Jayapataka Swami has also personally distributed clickers from his ICU table, encouraging everyone to chant. The clickers are even running out!For example, Dr. Chetan came by in the evening to see Jayapataka Swami. At that time, he specifically wanted to receive a clicker from Jayapataka Swami’s hand. Jayapataka Swami made the effort to give it with his right hand to the doctor.
Another interesting point is that Jayapataka Swami’s bed is the first one in the ICU. When the family members of other ICU patients enter the ICU, they always offer pranams to Jayapataka Swami first and then walk forward to see their own family member patients. When Jayapataka Swami is awake and they come to offer pranams, he always blesses the visitors.
Ekanatha Pr went to see Jayapataka Swami in the ICU one day. He told Jayapataka Swami, “You know, every day, you are sleeping with Giriraj and Saligram Sila on your head to protect you.” Jayapataka Swami looked at Ekanatha Pr and replied, “It’s good because every day, three to four people are dying. Whoever dies within the close proximity of the Saligram Sila gets liberated.”
The ICU is clearly not a fun place to be in. The intensity of the environment is certainly palpable. However, Jayapataka Swami’s response to these conditions is nothing less of transcendental. All the doctors commented by saying, “He is so serene despite being in this ICU environment. He has such a bright face and he has extremely strong determination and willpower.” In the words of Dr. Anamika, “I’ve never seen a patient like Swamiji in the ICU”! As one can see, with Jayapataka Swami in the ICU, the whole environment has been transformed. Even though, for the majority of his stay in the ICU, he was unable to speak, he still has been able to transform the lives of so many doctors, nurses, and hospital staff. It truly is amazing – the power of vaisnavas to preach just by their own example to freely spread the glory of Lord Krsna. One thing is for sure – the ICU slowly transforming into the IKCU: The Intensive Krsna Conscious Unit!
Thank you so much to the worldwide community of devotees and please do continue your intense prayers for Jayapataka Swami. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Sri Gaura Bhakta Vrnda ki Jay!
“Govindam” from Temple Bhajan Band’s new CD,…
“Govindam” from Temple Bhajan Band’s new CD, “Vande Guroh” (6 min video)
Based in Los Angeles, The Temple Bhajan Band is a group of devotional chanters that tours Yoga Studios, Yoga Retreats, and various social events throughout the world. They have been together since 1999. The heart of the band is Sura whose voice is well known among practitioners of Yoga and Interfaith followers throughout Southern California. While Sura sings to the accompaniment of the harmonium he leads the rest of the members on instruments such as the esaraja, tamboura, kartals, flute, violin, and mrdunga drum in a dynamic symphony that is timeless.
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Logan Rathayatra (Album with photos)
Ramai Swami: Some of our…
Logan Rathayatra (Album with photos)
Ramai Swami: Some of our Brisbane devotees live in the Logan Shire area. Recently they organised a Rathayatra parade as part of the Logan Multicultural Festival.
The Ratha cart made it’s way through the market area where everyone was buying vegetables and fruits.
Needless to say they were pleasantly surprised to see Lord Jagannatha and His devotees chanting, dancing and waving at everyone around the stalls.
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KK Bindu #352: Bhaktivinode Thakur on 3 Categories of Persons…
KK Bindu #352: Bhaktivinode Thakur on 3 Categories of Persons Beyond Varnasram, and more.
The latest issue of Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu e-magazine was just released. This issue includes: * KIRTAN IS FOR SERVICE, NOT MONEY – An instruction from His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. * OUTSIDE OF VARNASHRAM – Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode speaks about the relevence of varnashram dharma for various classes of devotees. * A BOLD-SPEAKING CHILD – A story from the Life of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada. * BHAKTI COMES FROM THE BHAKTA – Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja speaks about how devotion to the Lord becomes manifest. * PRIDE IS THE DESTROYER OF ALL GOOD QUALITIES – A fresh translation done especially for this issue of Bindu from the Adi-parva of the Mahabharata. * MERCIFUL PUNISHMENT – Another fresh translation for this issue from the Sanat-kumara-samhita.
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Harinama: Auckland New Zealand: The perfect program! (Album with…
Harinama: Auckland New Zealand: The perfect program! (Album with photos)
Glory to the sri-krsna-sankirtana, Prasadam, the holy name, and book distribution. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!
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Glories of The Purushottam Month (6 min video)
Glories of The Purushottam Month (6 min video)
“Lord Krishna, who is like a sun rising in the darkness, like a boat to the drowning, like a sweet raincloud to those dying of thirst, like fabulous wealth to the poverty-stricken, and like an infallible physician to those afflicted with the most painful disease, has come to grant auspiciousness to us.” ~ Sri Vyasa
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Harinama in Moscow, Russia (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada:…
Harinama in Moscow, Russia (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: One who chants the Hare Krishna mantra develops bhava, ecstasy, which is the point at which revelation begins. It is the preliminary stage in developing one’s original love for God. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 7.83 Purport)
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Hare Krishna! In Honor of HG Brahmananda Prabhu
The GBC…
Hare Krishna! In Honor of HG Brahmananda Prabhu
The GBC Executive Committee: The GBC Body, along with the larger community of ISKCON members, is deeply grateful for the legacy of service and beautiful memories of Srila Prabhupada Brahmananda Prabhu has bestowed upon us all. His departure was sudden, but most auspicious. He left this mortal world in the holiest of dhams, Sri Vrindavan, in the association of Vaisnavas. We pray that these auspicious circumstances, along with Brahmananda Prabhu’s deep desire to eternally serve Srila Prabhupada, now find him situated at the lotus feet of His Divine Grace.
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Hare Krishna! Awaking to Thoughts of Brahmananda Prabhu
Hare Krishna! Awaking to Thoughts of Brahmananda Prabhu
Giriraj Swami: Then I heard a prayer, offered to Lord Caitanya, that seemed to reflect Brahmananda Prabhu’s mood in relation to Srila Prabhupada—and the mood for which I aspire. “Birth after birth, You are our father, mother, son, and master. May we never forget Your lotus feet. O Lord, it does not matter where we take birth, but may we always have loving devotion for Your lotus feet.” Brahmananda Prabhu, please think kindly upon us and keep us close to your lotus feet, that we may engage in everlasting service to our eternal lord and master in the association of all his beloved servants.
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Hare Krishna! OM Sri Surabhi Campaign Europe visit
The property…
Hare Krishna! OM Sri Surabhi Campaign Europe visit
The property in Spain consists of ancient aristocratic buildings on about 300 hectares of land. It has beenacquired by ISKCON in 1979 and is been home for Sri Sri Radha Govinda Chandra since then.
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The Bhagavad-Gita as it is in Arabic language!
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The Bhagavad-Gita as it is in Arabic language!
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Govardhana Meditations
There’s not a more charming or…
Govardhana Meditations
There’s not a more charming or mysterious place in the universe than Govardhana Hill in Vraja Mandala, some ninety miles south of Delhi. While present on earth Krishna lifted Govardhana Hill and held it for seven days to protect the residents of Vrindavan. He also revealed that Govardhana is identical to Himself. Now, fifty centuries later, millions of pilgrims come here to perform parikrama—a reverential walk around the hill—during the holy month of Karttika.
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Srimad Bhagavatam, The Postgraduate study of the science of…
Srimad Bhagavatam, The Postgraduate study of the science of Godhead
NBS # 14 Features: 1) Catuh-Shloki-Bhagavata His Divine Grace A .C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada 2) Means To Achieve Unflinching Faith Srila Sukadev Goswami 3) Listening Harikatha … Read more ›
Lively Dance Mayuri Performance at ISKCON Houston, Murli Manohar…
Lively Dance Mayuri Performance at ISKCON Houston, Murli Manohar (5 min video)
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ISKCON Ujjain The City Of Krishna Balarama’s Gurukul (7…
ISKCON Ujjain The City Of Krishna Balarama’s Gurukul (7 min video)
Beautiful Temple, Deities, Devotees, Cows, facilities.
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2015 Gita Essay Competition- Open to everyoneWe are running the…
2015 Gita Essay Competition- Open to everyoneWe are running the ‘Bhagavad Gita As It Is’ Essay Competition for the second year running.
This year it is open for everyone globally to enter the competition.
There are over A$10,000 in prizes over 3 categories.
A devotee living near the New Govardhana farm in Northern New South Wales, Australia, Padma devi dasi, won the $10,000 prize last year (see picture).
Bhakti Charu Swami gave a speech on the Gita, at the award night presentation in Sydney.
Please tell everyone in your congregation about the Essay Competition and that it is open to everyone. It can be used as an outreach preaching tool, especially Youth Outreach.
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Hare Krishna! Giving and Accepting Shelter
Hare Krishna! Giving and Accepting Shelter
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur states in Amrta Vani: “One who gives personal instruction to each and everyone does more for others than the platform speakers do. Generally, whatever platform speakers say cannot solve the problem of everyone in the audience, nor can it always benefit every individual. A person’s defects are better rectified in a private tutorial class or private coaching than in hearing lectures in a school or college. Therefore those who instruct particular persons separately can award them something more permanent.”
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