Hare Krishna! Muslim Devotees of Krishna The Vedic literature,…
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Hare Krishna! Muslim Devotees of Krishna
The Vedic literature, the most elaborate exposition of spiritual knowledge, affirms that Krsna is the Supreme Being, the Ultimate Reality, the All-attractive Personality of Godhead. He can attract everyone—even persons who are direly warned to never approach Him. Although most of His devotees freely partake in His service, some have had to overcome all kinds of restrictions in order to attain the refuge of His lotus feet. Among the less-known and less-likely of Krsna’s devotees are several from Muslim backgrounds. They too, being irresistibly attracted by Krsna, have craved to sing and dance and play with Him, to go beyond formality and directly experience His being closer than the jugular vein.
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Tamal Krishna Goswami: “For China, Srila…
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Tamal Krishna Goswami: “For China, Srila Prabhupada’s first instruction to me was to see that his books were translated into Chinese and distributed widely. He stressed that only after doing this would the field gradually become favorable for preaching. I proceeded, therefore, with blind faith in these words, and allready I am seeing within a short span of two years an increased interest in Krsna consciousness. Lately, some intelligent Chinese man and woman have even come forward and are now serving Lord Caitanya with great conviction.”
Read more: https://goo.gl/xFqRyI

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Jayapataka Swami’s Health Update 05/06/15 We were at the…
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Jayapataka Swami’s Health Update 05/06/15
We were at the hospital checking on Jayapataka Maharaja until now. Tonight he is breathing without the ventilator. His condition is stable and he continues to be in the ICU. Although he feels quite strong physically, his breathing progress is still going on slowly.
However, the doctors are currently once again trying to see if he recuperates his breathing capacity fully. This was Maharaja’s choice so we are attentive to his progress. This is in a way, a positive symptom but it is a matter of time to assess his overall situation and the pace in which he improves.
Read more: http://goo.gl/iWyYbJ

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London Rathayatra INVITATION On the auspicious occasion of…
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London Rathayatra INVITATION
On the auspicious occasion of ISKCON London’s Rathayatra festival, the team at both the Bhaktivedanta Manor and Radha Krishna Temple’s would like to invite you to join in the festivities this Sunday, June 14th, 2015. This year we will again have a VIP tent for our special guests and we would be very honoured if you would join us. This tent will have a meal, a personal guide to the festivities and a gift pack available to you. The VIP guest list will be by prior registration only. Rathayatra is a time for self-reflection and prosperity as Lord Jagganath, Lady Subahdra and Lord Baladeva are pulled by their devotees through the busy streets of London, blessing everyone who passes with their large gazing stare. Attendance of the festival is estimated at 5,000 people on the procession, and about 30,000-40,000 people pass through the square through the afternoon with more than 20,000 free plates of vegetarian food distributed to passer-byers.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17767

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Radhanath Swami: Remembering Tamal Krishna Goswami (video) His…
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Radhanath Swami: Remembering Tamal Krishna Goswami (video)
His Holiness Tamal Krishna Goswami was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1968 and served for many years as a GBC member. He preached Krishna Consciousness and established temples in many places around the world. He also served Srila Prabhupada as a personal servant and was with Srila Prabhupada during Srila Prabhupada’s last lila in this world. Tamal Krishna Goswami was also the author of several books including Servant of the Servant and TKG’s Diary.
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/LgA8yJ

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Hare Krishna! A Historic One Day Long Kirtan in the Campus of…
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Hare Krishna! A Historic One Day Long Kirtan in the Campus of Sri Badarinath Temple
By the blessings of H.H. Gopal Krishna Goswami, to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of ISKCON for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupad and seek blessings of Lord Badarinath to extend the preaching of message of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in the Uttarakhand, a Sankirtan Programme was organised by the Uttarakhand Namahatt of ISKCON DELHI. The Badari-Kedar Temples Committee Chairman & CEO was approached for permission through correspondence and they gladly honoured us with permission and other facilities.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17754

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Hare Krishna! Various Significance of Founder Acharya Since…
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Hare Krishna! Various Significance of Founder Acharya
Since Srila Prabhupada’s passing away in 1977, the GBC has sought to codify ISKCON’s ongoing relationship with its founder. The GBC wants to preserve Srila Prabhupada’s legacy and ensure that future generations do not lose sight of Prabhupada’s historical, religious, philosophical and institutional stature — as well as his importance in the personal spiritual development of every ISKCON member. Srila Prabhupada himself took on the title of Founder-Acharya (acharya meaning one who “teaches by example”) and mandated that it be placed on all ISKCON Temples and publications, as well as all publications of his Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Prabhupada was concerned to ensure that ISKCON remained firmly fixed on teaching and upholding the standards of the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition, as originally presented by the 16th Century saint Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and handed down through a chain of spiritual preceptors to Srila Prabhupada, and from him to the ISKCON society.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17741

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Hare Krishna! Reveal the Beauty of Vraja The exultation of being…
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Hare Krishna! Reveal the Beauty of Vraja
The exultation of being at Govardhana filled me with joy as I absorbed the beauty of this land. But then we got a little closer, explored a little deeper, and we felt sobered. Sobered by the poverty. Sobered by the scattered and piled trash. Sobered by pollution streaming into the sacred waters. It was with sadness that we discovered the troubles beneath the beauty. All the stories we’d heard of Govardhana, the mental imagery that drew us to move to this ancient land, became like jeweled sparkling pictures in broken and moldy frames. In helplessness, we sat at Radha Kunda. And we prayed. How could we, insignificant and overwhelmed, make a difference? How could we reveal the beauty of this famed and sacred land, so that in time, for future pilgrims and long term residents, there’d be no troubles to discover?
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17735

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Hare Krishna! O, Hare, O, Krishna, kindly accept me again. I am…
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Hare Krishna! O, Hare, O, Krishna, kindly accept me again. I am fallen in this material world!
It is said that the souls in the spiritual world are nitya-siddha, eternally liberated souls, and no one falls from the spiritual world. The souls in the material world are nitya-baddha, eternally conditioned – thus they can never become liberated – and that their conditioned state is anadi, or without any beginning; But it is also said that we conditioned souls have fallen from our original position we can regain our original Krsna consciousness and in so doing go back to Godhead. How to harmonize this.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17732

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Hare Krishna! Meetings, Resolutions… and Chanting: Boston City…
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Hare Krishna! Meetings, Resolutions… and Chanting: Boston City Council Hears the Mahamantra!
The meeting, conducted in council chambers with full attendance of council members and the presence of small galleries of municipal aides, local journalists and community members, was called to order by Council President Bill Linehan, who promptly turned the meeting over to Michelle Wu. She read a brief description of the ISKCON Boston temple, then introduced the invocation speaker, Partha Biswas (Parama Rupa Dasa). Parama Rupa and Bhaktin Karuna Randolph each presented a councilor with a beautiful and fragrant garland, after which Temple President Pyari Mohan Dasa gifted each with a copy of “Bhagavad-Gita As It Is”
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17723

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Radha Krishna Temple, 7 Bury Place, London, England, 1978 Srila…
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Radha Krishna Temple, 7 Bury Place, London, England, 1978
Srila Prabhupada: “My activities in London were begun as early as September, 1968. I sent six of my disciples there, all of them young couples, husband and wife, and none of them more than 26 years old. These boys and girls first started Sankirtana Movement in London and there were very nice reports about them. Even the ‘Times of London” printed one article with the caption ‘Hare Krishna Chant Startles London.“ “In London there are many Indians, especially Gujaratis and Punjabis. All of them were astonished to see how American boys and girls were preaching Hare Krishna Mantra. They were invited to many centers both by the Indians and Europeans, but it was very difficult to find out a suitable house there in the midst of the city. My Guru Maharaja liked to start centers in the busiest part of a city.
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/58mVOA

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Hare Krishna! “Make him puris if he wants puris” Sometimes Srila…
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Hare Krishna! “Make him puris if he wants puris”
Sometimes Srila Prabhupada affectionately spoke about his father. When he did, it was always with great fondness. “My father would make sure that whatever I wanted I would get,” he said. “Even if it was in the middle of the night and I wanted puris, my father would say to my mother, ‘Make him puris if he wants puris.’ Sometimes my mother would resist, but my father would make her do it. It was like that. I don’t know. Maybe my father knew. He was always doing things like that. Then my mother would have to comply with him.”
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17715

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Hare Krishna! Cultivating an Empathetic Heart When I was a young…
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Hare Krishna! Cultivating an Empathetic Heart
When I was a young devotee, I was strict about attending all the temple programs. But I found myself critical of devotees who didn’t always attend. One devotee suffered from an illness and did her best to come when she could. But I felt she could do better. Not long after those thoughts contaminated my consciousness, however, I became ill and often missed mangala-arati, the early-morning worship. Krishna accomplishes many things by one action, and one result of my illness was a diminishing of my critical mentality. Krishna has often placed me in situations similar to those of people for whom I lacked empathy, helping me develop more understanding of others’ difficulties.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17712

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Florida Is “The Rathayatra State” With Over A Dozen…
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Florida Is “The Rathayatra State” With Over A Dozen Festivals
For many, the season of Rathayatra, or the Festival of Chariots, won’t start until the summer. But Florida, which has become “The Rathayatra State” with a record-holding one dozen festivals in-state and more organized by Florida devotees out-of-state, is already kicking off its celebrations. Most of the festivals are organized by devotees from Alachua county’s New Raman Reti, the largest ISKCON community in North America. They include former president Bhadra Das, second-generation devotee Govinda Syer, and Dharmaraj Das, who organized Rathayatras in his native Guyana for fourteen years before beginning the same service in Florida in 2002.
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/d6hQRU

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The Amazing London Rathayatra! Date: Sunday 14th June…
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The Amazing London Rathayatra!
Date: Sunday 14th June 2015
Route Map
47th London Rathayatra is Sunday 14 June.
Assemble at Hyde Park, South Carriage Drive 11.30am
Procession departs 12 noon
Arrives at Trafalgar Square 2.30pm
Festival in Square until 5.00pm
Festival Features:
Books & Paraphenalia
Free Vegetarian Prasadam Feast for all
Getting There
Dearest Reader,
Before start of procession the horse guards parade past the chariots
Everyone is welcome to Rathayatra.
The procession assembles just inside Hyde Park – 500 yards west of Hyde Park Corner.
You will clearly spot the three colourful carts as you approach. There are three or four kirtan (singing and instrument) sections, each with dancers.
You can pull the ropes on the cart (which bestows liberation) but please follow the instructions of stewards and staff.
The cart leaves Hyde Park promptly at mid-day and arrives at Trafalgar Square around 2.30pm.
This can feel like a long journey on a hot day and a OAP van is provided at the rear of the procession for the infirm.
Bring a bottle of water to refresh yourself along the way.
If you can, please come and enjoy the start of the procession before the Deities arrive.
London Festival in Trafalgar Square after the procession
The Deities come out of the temple to freely distribute Their loving glances to anyone and everyone.
Wherever the Lord appears He is accompanied by His beloved devotees and friends.
If you are also there then you will surely benefit eternally.
Thank you very much for reading. Look forward to seeing you at the festival!
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/67Wyhe

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Hare Krishna! The Sublime Essence of the Lotus Feet Placing the…
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Hare Krishna! The Sublime Essence of the Lotus Feet
Placing the attention on the lotus feet with a reverential attitude can dispel mundane preoccupations of the ego, such as desires born out of vanity, pride and greed. Suffering, affliction, pain, fear and discontent fade away as body and mind become purified through attaching the mind to the lotus feet. The illusion of separation from the divine fades away. It is believed that upon first glance at the lotus feet, it is possible to perceive — via the senses — fresh lotus blossoms. Even to gaze upon the lotus feet can illumine the soul. In the act of falling at the lotus feet, touching the lotus feet, gazing upon the lotus feet or surrendering to the lotus feet, the ego can be subdued in favor of a higher state of awareness. The phrase “contacting the lotus feet of a guru” means to connect with a spiritual master to follow his teachings. It is considered an act of divine grace to be attracted to the lotus feet. By taking refuge at the master’s lotus feet, the devotee can receive innumerable spiritual benefits, just as he might attain through making pilgrimages, fasting, doing charitable acts, performing austerities and engaging in yogic disciplines. Sometimes the lotus feet are referred to as “a pool of sacred nectar that grants salvation to the world-weary pilgrims on the path.”
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17700

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Hare Krishna! The mercy factor Kadamba Kanana Swami: We can…
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Hare Krishna! The mercy factor
Kadamba Kanana Swami: We can think of our heart as a palace with many rooms. Slowly, we open more rooms and we have to turn all these rooms into temples. But as long as we have any ideas of wanting material things, that means that we still lock out some rooms from Krsna – that is where our obstacles are. Everyone has some barriers otherwise we will all be ecstatic prema bhaktas, rolling on the ground in ecstasy. So, we may have some personal agenda but we minimize it more and more.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17697

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TOVP Plumbing System Underway While in and of itself plumbing is…
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TOVP Plumbing System Underway
While in and of itself plumbing is not a glorious activity, when used in the Lord’s service it becomes a glorious detail to the TOVP project and an essential and important element in its all-around long-term preservation.
Piping work on the temple started last June, 2014 under the guidance of Gammon Construction. Recently, plumbing work started on the domes. This is to insure that, due to the impending approach of the rainy season, all excess water can be removed to prevent any damage to the temple structure. Using HPDE (High Density Polyethylene), a material with a high density-to-strength ration, this will be accomplished in a short time. On the temple floor workers are also closing/sealing piping within layers of brick.
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/Lj7IbN

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