Hare Krishna! Raga-bhakti “In the beginning one has to render…
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Hare Krishna! Raga-bhakti
“In the beginning one has to render service strictly according to the regulative principles set forth by the revealed scriptures and spiritual master. By continuously rendering service through the process of vaidhī bhakti, one’s natural inclination is gradually awakened. That is called spontaneous attraction, or rāgānugā bhakti”. (CC Madhya-lila 22.153 purport)
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Hare Krishna! Exploring Love True love is not casual but is an…
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Hare Krishna! Exploring Love
True love is not casual but is an act of will that requires the lover’s concentration on and commitment to the beloved (in Sanskrit called asakta-manah — “mind attached”). In other words, love is about my beloved’s—and not my own—thoughts, feelings, and desires. True love is selfless. One who would love is concerned with and alert to the beloved in every sphere of life. In fact, one who would love sees everything in relation to the beloved and sees the beloved everywhere. This does not mean losing oneself in the infatuation of love, but finding oneself. Those who truly love understand their own identity (vijnana — “realized knowledge”), and they act in accord with that understanding.
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Auspicious celebrations in Alachua, Gainesville & Orlando…
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Auspicious celebrations in Alachua, Gainesville & Orlando (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Simply by chanting the holy name of Lord Krishna, one can be freed from all undesirable habits. This is the means of awakening all good fortune and initiating the flow of waves of love for Krishna. (Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, 20.11)
See them here: https://goo.gl/KybxKe

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Hare Krishna! 50th Anniversary briefing pack launched to help…
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Hare Krishna! 50th Anniversary briefing pack launched to help local temples plan celebrations
“There are five features that have been identified for the fiftieth anniversary,” said Pancharatna Das, a member of the Executive Committee of the 50th Anniversary. “They are: celebrate events, educate the world, accelerate our mission, appreciate ISKCON and motivate achievements. The briefing pack provides different ideas and celebrations that can be organised against each of these five features. Hopefully, local temples can pick and choose what they want according to resources available with them, so that every centre can feel a part of the global celebrations.”
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Hare Krishna! Daytona Beach, FL Festival of Chariots –…
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Hare Krishna! Daytona Beach, FL Festival of Chariots – Rathayatra
Last Saturday, May 23rd, we had another wonderful Rathayatra festival at Daytona Beach. We started at the Holiday Inn with kirtan led by Vishvambara Prabhu. Bhadra Prabhu then spoke to all of the assembled devotees about how important it was for each one of us to engage as many people in pulling the Rath cart and joining the kirtan as possible in this Rathayatra since so many devotees had other engagements that day. He inspired us by reminding us that we are all preachers in this Krsna consciousness movement, so it is our duty to bring people to this Krsna consciousness movement
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Ganga puja celebrations (Album with photos) On 28th evening,…
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Ganga puja celebrations (Album with photos)
On 28th evening, devotees at ISKCON Mayapur celebrated Ganga puja festival. Also known as Ganga Dussehra, the day marks the descent of mother Ganges to earth. Hundreds of devotees gathered at Prabhupada Ghat to worship Mother Ganges and take bath in Her holy waters.
The program started off with melodious kirtan. Then to the delight of all the assembled devotees, there was katha on the descent of mother Ganges by HG Pankajanghri prabhu and HH Bhakti Purusottama Maharaj. Following the lectures, a grand arati was performed for mother Ganges. Devotees were also distributed small leaf plates containing flowers and a dipa, so they could also perform their own worship. Not to forget the final part of Vaisnava events (if you guessed prasadam, that’s right), delicious Mayapur mango prasadam was served to all the devotees.
Ganges in Mayapur is very dear to Srila Prabhupada. He wished to have a nice ghat in Ganga so that devotees can offer proper worship to Mother Ganga. You can now please him, mother Ganges and Vaisnavas by sponsoring for Ganga ghat development at Mayapur. We have a wide range of services that you can choose from and you can contribute from as low as Rs 1000.
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Harinama in Sokolniki Park, Moscow (Album with photos) Srila…
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Harinama in Sokolniki Park, Moscow (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: One who chants the Hare Krishna mantra develops bhava, ecstasy, which is the point at which revelation begins. It is the preliminary stage in developing one’s original love for God. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 7.83 Purport)
See them here: https://goo.gl/Wj8C4S

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For those who care for Cows! You all may be aware that the Govt…
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For those who care for Cows!
You all may be aware that the Govt of Maharashtra has recently banned cow slaughter and beef intake in any form. The move has raised many controversies and doubts among the society. The High Court of Maharashtra has demanded an explanation as to how cow is special. They seek that other animals also to be brought under the cover, if the cow has to be. Kindly find the two URLs as reference points for the controversy besides many more:

http://ibnlive.in.com/news/why-ban-only-slaughter-of-cows- bulls-what-about-o ther-animals-hc-to-maharashtra-government/538295-3-237.html

http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/why-ban-only-on-slaughter-of-cows-a nd-bulls

Srila Prabhupada never encouraged anybody be emotional or sentimental in their following of dharma. Therefore, ISKCON followers are best placed to answer these kind of doubts and questions raised by High Court. We have been demanding this kind of bill since long, now that it has been implemented it is the duty of our every member to support it in different ways it needs to be. I urge the intellectuals and cow lovers of our society to take the opportunity to protect mother cow & bull – dharma personified.

The write up needs to address the following issues: 1. The unique position of cow in human society (or how it is different from other animals)

2. Does the state government have the right to define what its people eat or the latter is an individual’s right to privacy and private choices?

3. Material and spiritual benefits of cow protection.

Those who have contacts with the media are welcome to post it directly or you can simply sign up on the following link to join in the discussion forum to discuss further on such a topic. Stay connected with us as we explore further means to make our voice audible: http://goo.gl/Jj3SFK

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Hare Krishna! Remembering Gauri Despite the agonizing pain of…
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Hare Krishna! Remembering Gauri
Despite the agonizing pain of the body and the emotional trauma of leaving the world we hold so dear, the devotee who remains fixed in concentration upon the lotus feet of the Lord achieves the highest perfection of returning to the spiritual world. How Gauri drew closer and closer to Krsna in the final stage of her life is wonderful evidence of the efficacy of the process of devotional service. Here some of the devotees share their memories of Srila Prabhupada’s dear book distributor, Gauri-devi dasi.
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Rathayatra in Rome, Italy (Album with photos) Srila Prabhupada:…
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Rathayatra in Rome, Italy (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “The essence of all Vedic knowledge—comprehending the three kinds of Vedic activity, the Vedic hymns, and the processes for satisfying the demigods—is included in the eight syllables Hare Krishna Hare Krishna. This is the reality of all Vedanta. The chanting of the holy name is the only means to cross the ocean of nescience.” (Narada-pancharatra)
See them here: https://goo.gl/evrJgV

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Hare Krishna! Sannyasa initiation of HG Lilasukha Dasa at ISKCON…
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Hare Krishna! Sannyasa initiation of HG Lilasukha Dasa at ISKCON Leicester
His Grace Lilasukha Dasa received sannyasa initiation this morning (31st May 2015) from his own spiritual master His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaja. His sannyasa name is His Holiness Bhakti Prabhava Swami. Four other sannyasis were also witness to the momentous occasionÑHH Prahladananda Swami, HH Dhirasanta Swami, HH Dayananda Swami and HH Bhakti Prem Swami. The ceremony took place at ISKCON Leicester, and the event was presided over by Sri Sri Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra, Sri Sri Panca Tattva and Srila Prabhupada. Senior devotees and leaders from around the country also attended the initiation.
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Hare Krishna! Kirtana-Yoga and the Maha-mantra The word kirtana…
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Hare Krishna! Kirtana-Yoga and the Maha-mantra
The word kirtana means “praise” or “glory” and is the name given to glorification of God in song, especially in call-and-response style. There are different categories of kirtana. For example, nama-kirtana refers to singing God’s sacred names, lila-kirtana celebrates the transcendental activities of God and His associates, sankirtana is group singing, and nagara-sankirtana is public chanting in the streets. There are numerous variations of these. Closely related is bhajana, or prayerful song. Devotees generally stand or dance while performing kirtana, and they sit to conduct bhajana. In addition, bhajana is generally more subdued than kirtana.
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Hare Krishna! Finding Shelter in True Identity “One who has…
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Hare Krishna! Finding Shelter in True Identity
“One who has taken his birth as a human being in the land of India should make his life successful and work for the benefit of all other people.” (Sri Chaitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila 9.41) Even though I wasn’t born in India, I’d like to take Lord Chaitanya’s instruction to heart. I’m an Indian-American in touch with Srila Prabhupada’s philosophy, so I feel well equipped with both cultures.
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Saturday Harinama Union Square, New York City, USA (Album with…
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Saturday Harinama Union Square, New York City, USA (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Sri Sankaracarya says: na hi na hi raksati dukrn karane. “Simply by juggling grammatical suffixes and prefixes one cannot save himself from the clutches of death.” The grammatical word jugglers cannot bewilder a devotee who engages in chanting the Hare Krishna naha-mantra. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 7.73 Purport)
See them here: https://goo.gl/QIz19x

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Sadhu Sanga 2015 (Album with photos) There is no greater…
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Sadhu Sanga 2015 (Album with photos)
There is no greater misfortune in this world then being bereft of the association of the devotees, particularly members of Srila Prabhupada’s family and the holy names. there is no greater fortune then being in the association of our glorious devotee family members chanting the holy names and hearing the glories of the Supreme Lord and His devotees – HG Malati Devi Dasi
See them here: https://goo.gl/0ReWcL

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Daytona Beach, Florida Rathyatra (2015): 45 Photographs Srila…
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Daytona Beach, Florida Rathyatra (2015): 45 Photographs
Srila Prabhupada: Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s transcendental mission is to distribute love of Godhead to everyone. Anyone who accepts God as the Supreme can take to the process of chanting Hare Krishna and become a lover of God. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 4.41 Purport)
See them here: https://goo.gl/49CNCD

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Hare Krishna! Serving Krishna by Serving Tulasi Srila Jiva…
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Hare Krishna! Serving Krishna by Serving Tulasi
Srila Jiva Gosvami, arguably one of the greatest spiritual scholars in the history of religion, said that one does not really accept God unless one accepts his inconceivable nature. In other words, if we try to limit God in some way, then in effect we have eliminated his true nature. In the same way, how the Lord’s internal potency for performing pastimes in this world expands as the pure devotee Tulasi, an eternal consort of Krishna, is also inconceivable. Devotees simply accept her and worship her with joy in their hearts. And if she blesses them by growing luxuriously, as she has in Vancouver, that, Srila Prabhupada wrote, is evidence of their sincere devotion.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17651

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