Hare Krishna footage – Shrine of the times (5 min video)
Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/FkwxTZ Read more ›
Author Archives: Admin108
Hare Krishna footage – Shrine of the times (5 min…
Hare Krishna! Ideal Family Life
My dear King, those who stay at…
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Hare Krishna! Ideal Family Life
My dear King, those who stay at home as householders must act to earn their livelihood, and instead of trying to enjoy the results of their work themselves, they should offer these results to Krishna, Vasudeva. How to sa… Read more ›
Hare Krishna! The Seige on the Kingdom of Puranjana
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Hare Krishna! The Seige on the Kingdom of Puranjana
King Puranjana had a very beautiful wife, who was the center of his enjoyment, and of his very existence, Captivated by his wife’s attractive features, the King became preoccupied with pleasing her and tasting the pleasures of sex, He became extremely attached to his children, his home, and his material possessions, Desires for enjoyment filled his mind, and pursuing their satisfaction became his main occupation. Meanwhile, the King’s youth quickly expired, and soon his kingdom was attacked by a powerful king named Candavega. Here we may note that the Sanskrit word puranjana signifies the living entity within the body,”
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17501
Hare Krishna! Thoughts on Book Distribution
My Supreme…
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Hare Krishna! Thoughts on Book Distribution
My Supreme Personality of Mindhead said: “Oh no, don’t approach that one- he looks intimidating, just like a demigod descended from heaven.” “Oh, DEFINITELY not her, she looks like the head cheerleader. It would be humiliating if she rejected the book.” “Ok, finally, here’s an easy one…” “WAIT! He’s with a girl! … Approaching couples is scary! What if he rejects the book and laughs at me? Ahh!” “What am I doing out here anyways? Princeton is hopeless. Damn this place. These high-powered demons will never take to Krishna Consciousness. Should have gone to some less intense university. What time is it anyways? Time for brunch yet?”
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17498
The age of forgiveness *(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 02 January…
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The age of forgiveness *(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 02 January 2015, Simhachalam, Germany, Caitanya Caritamrta Antya 7.16)* We must not blindly follow but always use our intelligence to deeply understand our philosophy and all the stories from the different ages. In previous ages, quite outstanding things were possible. In those times, sages had amazing powers and piety was a big thing. But now, we live in a different age. The first principle of this age is forgiveness, *ksama; *that is the essence. If there is no forgiveness – forget it! If you cannot forgive then you cannot be a devotee, as it is not going to work that way. So many people do things to us and sooner or later, it is a devotee. Have you thought about the things that devotees have done to you? Devotees, you know, *tilak* and neckbeads, how they have treated us sometimes!? But forgiveness is required because how can we live amongst the *vaisnavas* without forgiveness? How can we preach without forgiveness? The fact is that everyone is so sinful, so fallen, so learning to forgive is a very deep thing. In *Srimad Bhagavatam*, Bhismadev says that to conquer anger one must learn to forgive, as without forgiving, some anger remains. There are different types of anger – first there is a hot anger, the *fist on the table* type, *‘And now, it is enough!!’* Then there is the other anger, the cold one, where the heart freezes and one says, *‘For that one, there is no mercy!’* Ice-cold anger in a frozen heart. So we need to see others through our own example and ask ourselves who is actually perfect amongst us, who has never made a mistake? Who has not done anything wrong to anybody? If there is an angel amongst us, please show us your wings! So we can see it is not that feasible. Therefore, if we approach others through our own life and through how we have dealt with others, then it is easier to forgive. We are filled with weaknesses, so to forgive means to accept weakness in others, that they make mistakes and that they are not perfect. It is actually to be expected in this age of *kali* because in this age, weakness of character is our biggest problem. We are weak – we have no determination, we have no piety, we are proud, we cannot tolerate very much, we are lazy and we do not want to work very hard, we are not very learned but at the same time, we think that we know everything. These are all the typical things that everybody has – everybody! It is not that somebody is different, but everybody thinks, *‘I know very well! Why they are telling me this, when I already know it? What can I do, when Krsna gave it to me, to know things!’* The root cause of our material disease is manifested in thinking, *‘I know!’* Because we think that way, it becomes such a habit to just do our own thing and not accept a proper guidance.
Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Day 49-55, Programs in…
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Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Day 49-55, Programs in Silicon Valley and New Dwarka, LA
New Dwaraka is the North American ISKCON Headquarters and home to Sri Sri Rukmini Dwarakadisha. It is also one of the original temples opened during Srila Prabhupada’s presence and the place of many of his pastimes, including the famous morning walks along Venice Beach. Under the able leadership of Svavas prabhu, who is also the BBT Manager, it continues to be a thriving community of hundreds of devotees.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17493
Bhakti is About Seeking Shelter
Radhanath Swami: One of the…
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Bhakti is About Seeking Shelter
Radhanath Swami: One of the diseases that we come to spiritual practice with is that we expect things to go our way – “I am serving God and this is the way God should deal with me”. I have done this many pujas , this many sacrifices. He should make my children scholars, He should make them obedient to me. He should give me good health and, in fact, he should give all my family members good health. And my business, of course because it is for him it should flourish, it should prosper without any impediments. And as far as my relationships are concerned, people should give me the honor and respect I am due for being such a sincere and saintly person. More or less we all expect like this. But the problem is if God gave you what you wanted, you probably wouldn’t grow much at all. Because Bhakti is not about getting, Bhakti is about seeking shelter. You only get God when you seek shelter. You only get God when you give up hope of anything else. If you want other things, that is the fruitive mentality – a karmic mentality as opposed to a mentality of Bhakti. You can get other things but it will not bring you to the goal. So reversals will come, and they will come in way which we do not like. It is our tendency to think that “I know reversals will come and I know if I take shelter of God I will make advancement, but as far as the reversals are concerned, I will give my list of which reversals are acceptable”. The problem is that God has His own list. You made your list, but what you have on your list won’t work. But what appears to be a curse can be a blessing if we simply appreciate the inner essence of the possibility of how to connect to God in that situation.
Hare Krishna! The Five levels of Consciousness
Lecture by Sri…
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Hare Krishna! The Five levels of Consciousness
Lecture by Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami. “After many, many births and deaths one achieves the rare human form of life, which, although temporary, affords one the opportunity to attain the highest perfection.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.9.29)
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17491
Hare Krishna! Making Krishna’s Joy Our Joy
Many people ask why…
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Hare Krishna! Making Krishna’s Joy Our Joy
Many people ask why would an enemy of God get such a reward? And this leads to the main point of this essay- hatred and deep love are rewarded by God because they are emotions that cause the brain to constantly think of Him. In the same way that we would rather have God show us either love or anger rather than have Him ignore us, He would like to see one or the other as well. Krishna does not want a stail, emotionless, lukewarm lover. This is why many of the demons that were attacked by Krishna were feeling so blessed and wondered what they did to deserve even His angry attention.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17486
Hare Krishna! Spiritual Revolution in Turkey
In Turkey, we do…
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Hare Krishna! Spiritual Revolution in Turkey
In Turkey, we do not have chance to preach in public. We have a yoga center here and we do hatha yoga classes as well as bhakti yoga programs. Yoga is getting popular in Turkey and what we see with our progr… Read more ›
Hare Krishna! NASN April 2015 – North American Sankirtan…
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Hare Krishna! NASN April 2015 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of April. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Individuals, Monthly Top 5, Cumulative Countries, Cumulative Temples, Cumulative Top 100 Individuals, Cumulative Top 5
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17480
Beautiful Mayapur (Album with photos)
See them here:…
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Beautiful Mayapur (Album with photos)
See them here: https://goo.gl/jJTlIO Read more ›
Hare Krishna! The Out of Africa Theory Verses the Vedic…
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Hare Krishna! The Out of Africa Theory Verses the Vedic View
Many geneticists view that modern man developed and came out of Africa where they migrated across lands to settle in ancient India. From there they spread out in all directions, even into Europe. This is called the “Out of Africa” theory. This certainly helps contradict the Aryan Invasion Theory, which proposes that the Vedic Aryans were not indigenous to the region of India, but came from the Caucasus Mountains, bringing their culture into India. However, over the past several years, an increasing number of finds have been made that suggest modern humans also lived in other regions besides Africa, and at older dates.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17476
Hare Krishna! Health Report of H.H. Jayapataka Swami
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Hare Krishna! Health Report of H.H. Jayapataka Swami
Currently he is receiving medical attention for his ongoing liver condition and the pneumonia, which caused trouble with his breathing in the first place. As per this morning, Jayapataka Maharaja’s health condition is of concern. Last night Maharaja had some trouble with his breathing and today his liver function has deteriorated. However the specialists are looking scrutinizingly into what can help Maharaja to improve. We request everyone to please intensify your prayers for Maharaja at this point.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17473
Devotees surely know the best way to celebrate an anniversary…
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Devotees surely know the best way to celebrate an anniversary 🙂 (Album with photos)
See them here: https://goo.gl/bZGr9M Read more ›
Hare Krishna! Festival of Chariots celebrated in Endlciffe…
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Hare Krishna! Festival of Chariots celebrated in Endlciffe Park
The Rathayatra Festival was celebrated in Sheffield for the second year running. The Festival original believed to be 5,000 years old, has the deities, Lord Jagannatha and his sister Subhd… Read more ›
Kirtan In Kaliningrad (6 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: New city…
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Kirtan In Kaliningrad (6 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: New city – same program: introducing people to the glories of the holy names. What could be more satisfying than that?
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/0hTwkC Read more ›
Hare Krishna! Massive earthquake in Nepal on 25th April 2015:…
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Hare Krishna! Massive earthquake in Nepal on 25th April 2015: The Aftermath
Due to the massive earthquake in Nepal on 25th April 2015 Many devotees in Nepal lost their houses in the earthquake and they are living under the tents. Monsoon is approaching… Read more ›
Hare Krishna! Appeal to ISKCON Centres to flag-off local 50th…
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Hare Krishna! Appeal to ISKCON Centres to flag-off local 50th anniversary celebrations with Jaladuta Anniversary
The ISKCON 50 Global Office has appealed to ISKCON centres around the world to consider flagging off their local 50th anniversary celebrati… Read more ›
Hare Krishna spiritual retreat preaching program, 05/2015 Israel…
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Hare Krishna spiritual retreat preaching program, 05/2015 Israel (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: We are meant for enjoyment, but we are seeking enjoyment in a false place – in an illusion, like the desert animals that run after water in a mirage and eventually die of thirst. They cannot relieve their thirst with such illusory water. Similarly, we are trying to manufacture many things to satisfy our thirst for enjoyment, but we are being baffled at every turn because material existence is an illusion. Real intelligence means to inquire, “Where is the reality? Where is the eternal substance behind the illusion?” If we can find that out, we can experience real enjoyment. Los Angeles, April 28, 1973.
See them here: https://goo.gl/WhB4Ms
Sri Jagannath Trust Presents the Nauka Vihar Boating…
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Sri Jagannath Trust Presents the Nauka Vihar Boating Festival.
(3 min video)
Hare Krishna devotees take Jagannath, Baladeva, Subhadra and Gaura-Nitai deities for a ride down Christchurch’s Avon river through the botanical gardens.
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/h9naMU
Hare Krishna! Endless Festivities in Bali & Gita Nagari…
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Hare Krishna! Endless Festivities in Bali & Gita Nagari Baru, Indonesia
A group of disciples and well-wishers of HH RP Bhakti Raghava Swami along with His Holiness are currently on a short yatra to Indonesia, visiting temples and farm communities in the vicinities of this island country. Our journey started at Bali, where the devotees serving at Sri Sri Radha Madhava temple in Gianyar are so kindly looking after us.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17453
Festival of India in Poland (3 min video)
The Hare Krishna…
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Festival of India in Poland (3 min video)
The Hare Krishna festivities in Poland are about to begin! See a preview here: http://goo.gl/UvPLFR Read more ›
An interesting encounter I had with a man in Southern…
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An interesting encounter I had with a man in Southern California!
I was distributing books when I saw a man sitting at table in front of a restaurant. He was reading a section of a book that had been torn out of a book. The section looked about forty pages long. I looked closer; it was part of the Bhagavad-gita. So I said to the man, “Excuse me, but where did you get that torn-out section of the Bhagavad-gita?” “I found it on the street a few days ago, and it contains some of the most profound philosophy I’ve ever read, I’ve read it twice. I wish I had the whole book.” “Well, today is your lucky day. Your wish has come through. I have the whole book with me, and I’m distributing it for a donation.” “You’re not serious?” He gave a nice donation and was one of the happiest receivers of the Gita I have ever met. Evidently someone was uninterested, had torn it up, and thrown it on the street. Just see the power of Srila Prabhupada’s books. Torn up and thrown on the street – one would think that’s the end of that book. But no, Krsna still had a plan for it to touch the man’s heart.
Your servant, Vijaya Dasa
Invitation – The Holy Name Festival 2015 (2 min video)
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Invitation – The Holy Name Festival 2015 (2 min video)
Kadamba Kanana Swami Invitation for the Holy Name Festival in Spain summer of 2015
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/B7OwJn Read more ›
Neev (Iskcon Rohini Gurukul) (4 min video)
Iskcon Rohini…
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Neev (Iskcon Rohini Gurukul) (4 min video)
Iskcon Rohini Educating young kids. These fortunate souls are learning the basics of Indian Culture and becoming proficient in scriptures and culture. These kids are new hope for the bright future of India.
Wa… Read more ›
Hare Krishna! “Give More Than You Take”
Indradyumna Swami:…
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Hare Krishna! “Give More Than You Take”
Indradyumna Swami: Samskaras are Vedic purificatory ceremonies for advancing in spiritual life. One of them is vivaha-samskara, the wedding rite. Our spiritual master said that in this material world a boy naturally desires a girl and a girl naturally desires a boy, and they come together in holy matrimony to make it sacred, and they advance in material prosperity and spiritual prosperity together. I think that is a nice definition of love: “to be concerned about the needs of your beloved.”
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=1363
Hare Krishna! Relating to Devotees with Due Respect
As we…
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Hare Krishna! Relating to Devotees with Due Respect
As we discussed in Respect, the Basis of Civilisation, Vedic Culture is based on respect and this respect is expressed through specific codes of conduct or etiquette. In this section, we will go a little more in detail about the principles and practices of Vaisnava etiquette. …it is the characteristic of a devotee to observe and protect the Vaisnava etiquette. Maintenance of the Vaisnava etiquette is the ornament of a devotee. …By observing the etiquette, you have satisfied My mind. Who else but you will show this example? (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya Lila 4.130, 132) Nothing can be successful without sadacara (etiquette). Every activity should be performed with the right attitude. A saint’s heart is free from all impurities. Thus the way a saint acts is the right behaviour known as sadacara. (Hari Bhakti Vilasa)
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=1091
We kindly request all devotees to please continue your prayers…
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We kindly request all devotees to please continue your prayers for HH Jayapataka Swami’s health since his condition is not totally out of complications just yet. Thank you
Hare Krishna! Srila Prabhupada and the puffed rice
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Hare Krishna! Srila Prabhupada and the puffed rice
Srutakirti dasa: “This evening you can make me some puffed rice and peanuts,” he said. “It will fill me, but it is not heavy. What I ate last night made it difficult for me to get up and do my translating work. With puffed rice there is no indigestion.” I left his room and began to prepare the puffed rice and peanuts. He told me to serve it with sliced cucumber and ginger root on the side. First, a chaunce was made and then the puffed rice and peanuts were put into the wok and cooked until all the grains were toasted. I brought it to his room along with hot milk that was sweetened with sugar.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17446
A very nicely made movie about the Hare Krishna movement and its…
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A very nicely made movie about the Hare Krishna movement and its basic beliefs (25 min video)
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/YUlgrv Read more ›
Jaya Jagannatha & Hare Krishna chanting by HH Danavir…
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Jaya Jagannatha & Hare Krishna chanting by HH Danavir Goswami (Musical 8 min. video)
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/OkUg0b
FFL Nepal latest news
16th May, 2015, Nepal — FFL volunteers…
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FFL Nepal latest news
16th May, 2015, Nepal — FFL volunteers went to Chamkharka village at Panauti to cook and serve hot meals, along with relief materials. Twenty-five Volunteers from FFL Nepal ventured out early in the morning with utensils, fresh vegetables, rice, and dhal to cook their now famous khichadi (rice, bean and vegetable stew) onsite. However, preparation for cooking was delayed when they realized it was not possible to transport their cooking stove & gas to the remote village. Volunteers had to gather wood from around the area to cook on an open fire. Once the khichadi was ready, a rush of children came to get their share, thrusting their plates & cups at the servers and screaming in anticipation. “We asked the children to first wash their hands with soap before serving them the hot khichadi,” explained one of the volunteers. “Even though they were very hungry, they all happily complied.”
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17430
Hare Krishna! Impersonalism and the Doomed to Fail Attempt to…
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Hare Krishna! Impersonalism and the Doomed to Fail Attempt to Judge Sadhus
“For various reasons, common people do not easily develop faith in exalted persons who are still living, whereas they tend to develop great faith in the activities of mahajanas who have passed away.” (Jaiva Dharma chapter 22) The proud practice of using our dull material senses to try to judge who is sadhu and who is not is the same as the neti neti endeavor of the impersonalists. The impersonalists try to understand what is spirit by using their material senses. “Net, neti” means, “not this, not this”.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17427
Hare Krishna! Come back to Me and dance with Me. Why rot in this…
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Hare Krishna! Come back to Me and dance with Me. Why rot in this rotting dance?
Why don’t you come back to Me and dance and sport with Me?” “Why you are rotting in this rotting dance, in false lila, temporary lila, or hellish lila.? “Krishna’s business is rasadi-vilasa. He’s busy in dancing with the gopis. He has no other business. Just like we try to imitate Krishna. Big, big rich men, they go to the ball dance, to the night club for dancing. So wherefrom this propensity comes, dancing? That comes from the Supreme Lord. Rasadi-vilasa. Because Krishna has the business of dancing and we are part and parcel of Krishna, so we have got the same spirit of dancing. But because we are in the material world, the material covering has perverted the dancing propensity.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17424
Mahavishnu Swami is inviting every one of you for a “Hare…
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Mahavishnu Swami is inviting every one of you for a “Hare Krishna journey!” (1 min video)
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/gcNz3q
Hare Krishna! Hare Krishna Festival of Chariots winds through…
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Hare Krishna! Hare Krishna Festival of Chariots winds through Brisbane
Brisbane could almost have been mistaken for Bombay for a short while on Saturday as the Festival of Chariots parade made its way through the CBD. A celebration of the Hare Krishna … Read more ›
Three Modes of Nature (4 min video)
Dance “Three Modes of…
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Three Modes of Nature (4 min video)
Dance “Three Modes of Nature and the Soul” (must see). Performed in Balaramovka village (Russia). See how the modes are pulling and controlling the conditioned soul, until attraction for Krishna comes again.
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/A2DHs1
Meet Ivar Foreland, a true Norwegian!
Travelling down from…
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Meet Ivar Foreland, a true Norwegian!
Travelling down from Nordkapp and we happened to stop at Honningsvag where many cruise ships dock. This very nice man pictured here reading the Sri Isopanisad (purchased from Iskcon Norway (Hare Krishna Movement) is Ivar Foreland who is 63 and works part of the year as a security guard for Securitas. He checks that no one gets onboard a ship that shouldn’t and he has a very friendly manner to go with it. He has 3 daughters and 3 step daughters as well as 7 grand children. He never argues as he feels it to be a waste of time (what a nice intelligent man). He likes the Beatles and especially George Harrison and one of his favourite songs is “My Sweet Lord”. He is very interested in history and philosophical discourse and he is a true Norwegian. I spent an enjoyable hour just chatting with him and I’m sure that this book will find a few ports to dock into as it journeys on its path into peoples lives. Om Tat Sat. Hare Krishna!
Bacteria Found in Cow Dung Can Make You Smarter
Researchers from…
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Bacteria Found in Cow Dung Can Make You Smarter
Researchers from the Sage Colleges in Troy, NY, USA, reported today their findings that specific bacteria common to our environment may increase learning behavior. Dorothy Matthews and Susan Jenks, who co… Read more ›