Hare Krishna! Relativity and the Path to the Absolute Later,…
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Hare Krishna! Relativity and the Path to the Absolute
Later, after becoming a devotee, I discovered that according to the Vedic teachings my assertions were right. But now I could understand something about the nature of that absolute reality: It is Krishna. Everything we see in this world comes from one of Krishna’s many energies. But His illusory energy (maya) keeps us from perceiving things properly. Just as a magician can make us think we’re seeing something that’s not there, Krishna uses illusion to create our supposed reality. One might wonder why God would want to prevent us from seeing the truth
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Hare Krishna! How Free Are We? Sam Surya goes to his city’s…
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Hare Krishna! How Free Are We?
Sam Surya goes to his city’s orphanage one day and makes a large donation. Elsewhere in town, Andy Andhakara robs a bank. What led these two to make such drastically different choices? Was it their own volition, or the force of some other factor? In other words, were their actions predetermined, or did Sam and Andy have free will? These questions concern one of the pivotal debates in Western philosophy. Are human beings destined to follow a set course? Are we like children on an amusement park ride lets them steer right and left but inevitably takes them along a fixed track?
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17413

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Hare Krishna! When Science Points to Spirituality Imagine a…
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Hare Krishna! When Science Points to Spirituality
Imagine a farmer who gets a Mercedes Benz as a gift. The only vehicle he has ever seen is a tractor, and the only purpose he knows for any vehicle is plowing. So he hitches a yoke to his new Mercedes and starts driving it over his field. Of course, not only does his attempt at plowing fail; his new car malfunctions. He becomes totally frustrated—with himself, his car, and his field. Ridiculous, we might say, that somebody would use a Mercedes to plow. But could this be the story of our life?
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17410

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Day 21 FOOD FOR LIFE NEPAL 16th May 2015 Panauti (Album with…
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Day 21 FOOD FOR LIFE NEPAL 16th May 2015 Panauti (Album with photos)
Day 21 Earthquake Nepal
On 16th May, Saturday FFL Nepal Team went to Chamkharka village at Panauti to serve cooked food & distribute some relief materials. About 25 Volunters of FFL Nepal went to that village early in the morning with utensils, fresh vegetables, rice, dal etc for the khichadi preparation.
The preparation for cooking got little delayed since we could not transport our cooking burner & gas in the remote village, hence we cooked by collecting woods from the villagers.
As soon as the khichadi was prepared, we saw the rush of children to get the hot khichadi with plates & glasses in their tender hands. We made the children to wash their hands with soap before we served hot khichadi.
Then Khichadi and juice was distributed to all.
Also, some new & good clothes were distributed to the villagers donated by the members of “Thai Based Myanmar Born Gurkha Youth Association” headed by Mr. Sagar Kharel from Thailand.
Further, FFL Nepal team distributed rice packets to 93 families with some biscuits packets.
Our heartfelt gratitude & appreciation to our regular donors headed by Mr. Pankaj Chandar Shrestha Ji (Kuleshwor) & his team.
We would like to also thank Mrs. Ambika Gurung (USA) for her generous donation.
We would like to thank everyone who are helping us to continue the relief project with our humble effort.
See them here: https://goo.gl/hO51XM

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Oh secret devotee of Krishna, this is for you! We may deny our…
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Oh secret devotee of Krishna, this is for you!
We may deny our attraction to our spiritual side, or opt for a spiritual path that is more fashionable or acceptable, but there is a point at which it becomes unhealthy to do that any longer. Its the point when we realise that our affinity for the concept of Krishna is more than a product of mere passing curiosity. It makes too much good sense to us, and allows us to experience feelings much more profound than usual. That is the point where we must ‘come out,’the point when we must have the courage of our convictions and declare to others our affiliation. When we do that we find that the universe responds and lifts us up in all ways.
Read the entire article here: https://goo.gl/ccNN0V

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Hare Krishna! The Macmillan Miracle Around this time, the…
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Hare Krishna! The Macmillan Miracle
Around this time, the devotees had released the “Happening” album, an assortment of devotional songs sung by Prabhupada with musical accompaniment. They had placed an ad for the record in the Village Voice and were receiving orders from various parts of the East Coast. One such order came from uptown Manhattan, relatively close to the little storefront serving as a temple for Prabhupada and his early disciples. Brahmananda brought the letter to his master. “Look, Swamiji [as Prabhupada was then called]. It’s an order from Macmillan. They’re one of the biggest publishers in the world.” Prabhupada gazed knowingly into his disciple’s eyes and gave the following directives: “Do not mail out this order as we do with others. Instead, bring the record to Macmillan’s offices and hand deliver it to the person who sent us the letter.” Brahmananda nodded, aware that Krishna was using him as an instrument. “When you deliver the album,” Prabhupada continued, “tell them that you are a disciple of a guru from India and that he has translated the Bhagavad-gita. They will publish it. Do not worry.”
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17405

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Hare Krishna! Revelation of siddha-svarupa Every living entity…
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Hare Krishna! Revelation of siddha-svarupa
Every living entity has an eternal constitutional relationship with Krishna, and when one attains the liberated platform he automatically understands this relationship. It is not the system supported by Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur that one’s spiritual identity be artificially declared before the stage when Krishna reveals this, especially when one is still affected by the modes of nature. Srila Prabhupada clearly taught that just as we cannot force the sun to rise at our convenience or by our pronouncements, but it rises of its own accord at the right time, similarly our constitutional position becomes manifest at the right time.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=321

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Hare Krishna! Festival of Chariots – Clearwater Beach,…
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Hare Krishna! Festival of Chariots – Clearwater Beach, Florida
On a beautiful and sunny Mother’s Day, Sunday May 10th, 2015 at Clearwater Beach, we started the Festival of Chariots at around one in the afternoon. We were joined by Mayor Cretekos and Mr. Eric Lynn, who is running for congress in the upcoming election. Bhadra Prabhu invited Mayor Cretekos to share some words of inspiration to inaugurate the festival. The Mayor said that whether or not one is a devotee of Krsna or a devout Christian like him, this Rathayatra is a valuable opportunity for us to cleanse the dust away from our hearts.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17397

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Hare Krishna! Joy of Celebration with Sri Chaitanya…
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Hare Krishna! Joy of Celebration with Sri Chaitanya Charitamritam!
Recently Sri Radha Madanmohan temple at ISKCON Navi Mumbai, India took the major initiative of conducting ‘Bhakti Vardhan’ program on second Saturday of every month. The Bhakti Vardhan event brings all Navi Mumbai devotees on a common platform with the objective of developing the strong congregation to nicely serve Sri Radha Madanmohanji in the new temple complex – the Glory of Maharashtra project. Interestingly the second Saturday on 9th May 2015 coincided with 400th Anniversary of Sri Chaitanya Charitamritam and it was decided to celebrate it along with monthly Bhakti Vardhan program on the same evening.
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Hare Krishna! Parenting adventures in KC: 15 Ekadashi recipes…
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Hare Krishna! Parenting adventures in KC: 15 Ekadashi recipes for babies and toddlers
As Vaishnavas, we observe ekadashi (11th day of the lunar cycle) fasting twice a month – which means that we avoid grains and beans on that day. As per my understanding, fasting is not compulsory for children – especially below 5 years. But I preferred giving him non-grain meals. While the spiritual benefits of this are immense, I personally find Ekadashi days to be a great opportunity for my son to eat some non-grain super foods like quinoa, samo and amaranth.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17387

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Hare Krishna! Remembering Tribhuvanatha prabhu “It was amazing…
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Hare Krishna! Remembering Tribhuvanatha prabhu
“It was amazing how one person could have so many relationships with so many people – because he really did care, he really loved all the people he met.” Tribhuvannatha Prabhu was my best friend in Krsna consciousness. He was a very dear disciple of Srila Prabhupada and so it was a great honor and privilege to have his close association. Therefore I wish to humbly share a few memories of Tribhuvannatha here so that others might get a glimpse of his greatness and feel inspired by his wonderful example of service and dedication to Srila Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17383

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Harinama- Shabbat with Krishna, Tel Aviv (Album with…
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Harinama- Shabbat with Krishna, Tel Aviv (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: As Krishna is living eternally, similarly, living being also lives eternally. “One who has done service to the Lord lives forever.” So you have been taught to serve Krishna, and with Krishna we’ll live eternally. Our life is eternal. A temporary disappearance of this body doesn’t matter. Body is meant for disappearance. So live forever by serving Krishna. Vrndavan, May 17, 1977.
See them here: https://goo.gl/xFnTS5

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Harinama Sankirtana in Vladivostok, Russia (12 min…
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Harinama Sankirtana in Vladivostok, Russia (12 min video)
“You know, I thought I would NEVER see devotees chanting in Vladivostok, a major Russian city and naval port. I served for a time as an intel analyst at the height of the Cold War – and could not imagine in a zillion years Lord Chaitanya’s message reaching there. What a miracle ….”
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/hqLgWF

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Hare Krishna! Dangerous Education Srila Prabhupada: Ishopanishad…
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Hare Krishna! Dangerous Education
Srila Prabhupada: Ishopanishad teaches us that we should be very careful. We don’t say that you shouldn’t advance in material education. You can advance, but at the same time, become Krishna conscious. That is our propaganda. We don’t say that you shouldn’t manufacture cars or machines. But we say, “All right, you have manufactured this machine. Employ it in Krishna’s service.” That is our proposal. We don’t say to stop it. We don’t say that you cannot have any sex life. But we say, “Yes, have sex—for Krishna. You can have sex a hundred times to produce Krishna conscious children. But don’t create cats and dogs.” That is our proposal.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17380

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Yesterday’s Harinama and Book Distribution at Shinjuku,…
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Yesterday’s Harinama and Book Distribution at Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan (It is a major commercial and administrative centre, housing the busiest train station in the world and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government) (Album with photos)
Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave us a lot of mercy. We met so many nice people!! They willingly donate Laksmi for Srila prabhupada book. Most of Japanese are suffering, they try to drown their disguise with drinking alcohol, playing game or shopping, such material activities. I believe to chant the holy name will relieve them and purify their mind.
See them here: https://goo.gl/JM4CnL

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Hare Krishna! Radhanath Swami Discusses “Peace and Prosperity in…
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Hare Krishna! Radhanath Swami Discusses “Peace and Prosperity in the 21st Century” Before International Ambassadors
On the 27th of April, 2015, Civitatis International, a dedicated international forum for the promotion of peace and cooperation between nations, hosted an interview with Radhanath Swami at Goodenough College in London on the topic “Peace and Prosperity in the 21st Century”. The event was attended by more than one hundred esteemed guests, including lords, professors and thirty-seven plenipotentiary representatives and ambassadors of various nations.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17376

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Hare Krishna! Death – The Life Stalker Death is a 100%…
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Hare Krishna! Death – The Life Stalker
Death is a 100% certainty. How are we going to face it? If it comes when we least expect it, this is what makes death so mystifying, yet it is often kept away at a distance within the mind. People know they will die, but how they die is the unknown fascination. Will it hurt? Some people wish to die in their sleep. Whichever way it comes, death is the life stalker, a phenomenon no genius can stop. News stories are abuzz with incidents of death. It is not a coincidence that death happens everywhere and at all times – even now, at this very moment. Some deaths are more newsworthy than others are.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17373

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Hare Krishna! Srila Prabhupada: You chastised me, I like that. I…
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Hare Krishna! Srila Prabhupada: You chastised me, I like that. I am very happy with your words!
Radha Govinda Swami: Prabhupada was at that time alone, so I did not recognize that he is Prabhupada. “Where is A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami?” I asked Prabhupada. So he asked me, “Why you want to meet with him?” I replied, “Because he is my guru. I like him very much.” Then he asked: “Why you accept him as your guru?” I said, “Because he is the servant of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.” “Who is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu?” asked. So I said, “He is Krishna Himself.” “Why you accept Lord Chaitanya as Krishna?” asked again. “Because I read Chaitanya-caritamrta, Krishna Himself came as a devotee to preach.” Then Prabhupada said, “No, no, no, He’s not Krishna, He is devotee of Krishna.” I said, “No, He is Krishna Himself.”
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17370

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Hare Krishna! Returning Home to Freedom “What’s it like to go…
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Hare Krishna! Returning Home to Freedom
“What’s it like to go back home to Krishna?” wondered ten-year-old Kiran at the weekly gathering for children from our congregation. I responded by speaking about Goloka Vrindavana, our real home, where we aspire to go after our tenure in this world. “The spiritual world of Goloka is free from all school exams and home assignments,” I told the kids. “It’s all fun, day and night—no interruption in play!” “Wow!” Kiran replied. “But,” he probed, “since we’ve been away for so long, will Krishna recognize us when we get back?”
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17367

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Hare Krishna! Lord Parashurama’s Revolution Sectarian and…
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Hare Krishna! Lord Parashurama’s Revolution
Sectarian and political disputes are common not only today but occurred even during the time of Sri Parashurama, an empowered incarnation of the Supreme Lord who appeared several ages before Lord Ramachandra, millions of years ago. The kings at that time, proud of their strength and fighting for absolute power, revolted against the spiritually advanced sages, who generally guided government. Since these kings had offended the devotees of Lord Krishna and deviated from the path of righteousness and care of the citizens, they had to be punished. Sri Parashurama fulfilled that mission.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=17364

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“Suddha-nama retreat” in Irkutsk 2015 (Album with…
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“Suddha-nama retreat” in Irkutsk 2015 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Although the Hare Krishna maha-mantra is powerful in itself, a disciple upon initiation receives the mantra from his spiritual master, for when the mantra is chanted by the spiritual master, it becomes more powerful. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.24.32 Purport)
See them here: https://goo.gl/BqrWSe

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Japa & Kirtan retreat in Kemerovo 2015 (Album with…
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Japa & Kirtan retreat in Kemerovo 2015 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: By the grace of the Lord, if a devotee, at the time of death, can simply chant Hare Krishna, he immediately surpasses the great ocean of the material sky and enters into the spiritual sky. He never has to come back for repetition of birth and death. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.10.30 Purport)
See them here: https://goo.gl/DMltpI

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