This is the glorious Sally Agarwall (here participating in the Festival of Inspiration which is taking place right now in New Vrindavana). She & her husband sponsored Srila Prabhupada to come to America in 1965. Prabhupada stayed with them for three weeks. Thank you Bhaktin Sally!
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Author Archives: Admin108
This is the glorious Sally Agarwall (here participating in the…
The Great Gift Of Krsna’s Holy Names (5 min…
The Great Gift Of Krsna’s Holy Names (5 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: Myself, Bada Haridas and Chaturatma had been looking forward with great expectation to our visit to St. Petersburg. The devotees there are especially sweet. The first evening program satisfied all our desires. The holy names had everyone chanting and dancing in great ecstasy. In the midst of it all I remembered the words of Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya in glorification of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu:
“His name calms the mind and subdues the senses. He gives the great gift of Krsna’s name. He is the ultimate mercy, for He protects those who are fallen and lowly. His beautiful body shines brilliantly and He reveals Krsna’s confidential pastimes in the bowers of Vrindavan. May Lord Gauracandra, the best of dancers, reveal Himself within the midst of our hearts.” [ Susloka Satakam, verse 57 ]
Watch it here:
Brisbane Ratha-Yatra (Album with photos)
Taking Lord Jagannath…
Brisbane Ratha-Yatra (Album with photos)
Taking Lord Jagannath through the streets of city.
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Spiritually Deepening Experience: The International Vaishnavi…
Spiritually Deepening Experience: The International Vaishnavi Retreat
The principle of gratefulness grew clearer in my heart during the seminar given by Urmila Devi, another ISKCON veteran. She gave the example of the gopis, who didn’t give up on Krishna. With His flute He invited them to the rasa dance. But when they arrived, He told them to return home – even though they had performed severe austerities for millions and millions of years, intensely longing for Krishna to reciprocate with their desire for intimate loving exchanges. When the time finally arrived to meet their dear beloved who had invited them to the rasa dance with His flute song, Krishna told them to return home. I looked disapprovingly at my own faith.
Read the entire article here:
The Authority of the Puranas
Sri Tattva-sandarbha is the first…
The Authority of the Puranas
Sri Tattva-sandarbha is the first of Srila Jiva Goswami’s Bhagavata-sandarbha, or Shat-sandarbha, six treatises that firmly establish the philosophy of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. In the texts leading up to this section, the author has discredited direct perception and inference as valid means to acquiring perfect knowledge. He has concluded that only the eternal Vedas can fill that role. Now he argues for the need to turn to the Puranas for understanding the unified message of the Vedas.
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Mukunda Goswami’s New E book Spirit Matters Released (2 min…
Mukunda Goswami’s New E book Spirit Matters Released (2 min video)
Mukunda Goswami’s new book Spirit Matters has been released by Torchlight Publishing is now available as e-book for free download for 3 days only on dates May 11-13.
Watch it here:
Harinama in Germany (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Lord…
Harinama in Germany (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Lord Chaitanya, however, has recommended only one yajna, or sacrifice, called the sankirtana-yajna, the chanting of Hare Krishna, in which everyone can take part. Thus both devotees and fruitive… Read more ›
Israeli soldier joins the Harinama (7 min video)
Israeli soldier joins the Harinama (7 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: When a Vedic mantra is chanted within the mouth so that only the chanter can hear, the chanting is called japa. But when such mantras are chanted loudly it is called kirtana. Hare Kris… Read more ›
Hare Krishna! Even if we can’t get over things, we can still get…
Hare Krishna! Even if we can’t get over things, we can still get on with things
Certainly, we have a right to our emotions – we are sentient beings and we can’t just do away with our emotions. Still, our life is too precious to be dissipated by living in the past, wallowing in self-pity, sighing about the way things could have been and begrudging the way they have turned out. The Bhagavad-gita (18.28) cautions that such morose living characterizes the ignorant. Thankfully, Gita wisdom counters such ignorance with an empowering insight: we are bigger than our present material emotions.
Read the entire article here:
Hare Krishna! Program with leading industrialists about simple…
Hare Krishna! Program with leading industrialists about simple living and high thinking
On April 15, 2015, over 100 industrialists, investors and corporate leaders converged at the Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai for a conference organized by Artha Forum Dubai Chapter, a community dedicated to providing healthy work-life balance and holistic world view to entrepreneurs, and business and thought leaders. Held in the Al Falak Ball Room, the event was entitled “Simple Living High Thinking”. It was attended by the Indian Ambassador to The United Arab Emirates His Excellency T. P. Seetharam who spoke of how the building, seminar room and the lifestyle are the antithesis to the concept of simple living, and he was looking forward to hear from the swamis. This was followed by a keynote address by His Holiness Radhanath Swami and Mr. Ajay Piramal, leader of The Piramal Group. Radhanath Swami explained how the idea of Simple Living High Thinking is actually a state of consciousness. “When I was looking around I was thinking ‘what am I supposed to say here’. But actually, simple living is a state of consciousness, and one can apply this principle by living without duplicity and with the values of compassion rather than values of selfishness, arrogance and greed” he said.
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Day 12 FOOD FOR LIFE NEPAL 7th May 2015 Nuwakot. (Album with…
Day 12 FOOD FOR LIFE NEPAL 7th May 2015 Nuwakot. (Album with photos)
Our Volunteers from FOOD FOR LIFE Nepal went to Thanapati VDC ward no 1 & 2 Chanju Narayan Nuwakot on 7th May 2015, Thursday to distribute Khichadi cooked by FFL NEPAL’s Volunteers. We Packed almost 2400 Kg of Rice, Daal, Clothes in Luggage carrier bus and Left for that earthquake affected Village. After reaching there We distributed clothes to about 150 critical conditioned people. There we cooked Khichadi and fed almost 600+ victims. They were very happy to have hot, nutritious Khichadi. This Continued on the next day also and remaining Sacks of Rice were distributed to 204 families at Thanapati VDC Ward 1 and 2 Chanju Narayan- Nuwakot.
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Pilgrimage in Vrindavana by Iskcon Russian devotees (Album with…
Pilgrimage in Vrindavana by Iskcon Russian devotees (Album with photos)
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Sri Chaitanya Charitamritam Glorification Song (16 min…
Sri Chaitanya Charitamritam Glorification Song (16 min video)
This is very melodious Sri Chaitanya Charitamritam (CC) glorification song with 12 stanzas uploaded today, 9th May 2015 on the very special occasion of 400th compilation year (1615 – 2015) of Sri Chaitanya Charitamritam by Srila Krishna das kaviraja Goswami. Melodious karnatic tune, excellent video presentation and English subtitles for meaning should make this glorification song a nice feast to your ears, eyes, mind and soul on the occasion of the wonderful 400th compilation year. Srila Prabhupada’s CC translation work was made available to the readers in 1975 as 17 volumes series in English. Thus Srila Prabhupada’s translation work also completes 40 years of its appearance!
Watch it here:
Hare Krishna! 2015 VIHE Sanskrit Course
This is in relation to…
Hare Krishna! 2015 VIHE Sanskrit Course
This is in relation to our upcoming 2015 VIHE Sanskrit Course at our Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education. Read more ›
Hare Krishna! 2015 VIHE Sanskrit Course
This is in relation to…
Hare Krishna! 2015 VIHE Sanskrit Course
This is in relation to our upcoming 2015 VIHE Sanskrit Course at our Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education. Read more ›
Preaching program in Israel (Album with photos)
See them here:…
Preaching program in Israel (Album with photos)
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Hare Krishna! A free new website to help devotees enter…
Hare Krishna! A free new website to help devotees enter grihastha ashram
For everyone, the site offers guidance and advice that is consistent with Srila Prabhupada’s instructions on grihastha ashram and Vedic marriage. The Advisory Council consists of senior ISKCON devotees (including gurus and sannyasis) who are experts in this area.
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Hare Krishna! CC Compact – Free E-Book!
Krishnadasa Kaviraja…
Hare Krishna! CC Compact – Free E-Book!
Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami’s Chaitanya-Charitamrita is considered the most accurate, authentic, and philosophical biography of Shri Chaitanya. At present, however, it remains a relatively unexplored literature. Since the studies of Bhagavad-Gita and Shrimad-Bhagavatam are vast in and of themselves, many neglect the opportunity to bathe in the delightful narrations of Shri Chaitanya’s life. CC Compact does not fully describe each episode of the Chaitanya-Charitamrita, since Shrila Prabhupada’s translation does that perfectly.
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A few pictures taken at the Western Outreach Seminar held at…
A few pictures taken at the Western Outreach Seminar held at ISKCON Chicago
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Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Day 31-37, Programs in…
Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Day 31-37, Programs in Ottawa, Montreal and Edmonton, Canada
On Monday, April 20th the TOVP Team and the Lord’s Padukas visited the home of Kalarupini dasi who, along with Bhaktin Katelin, prepared and served us prasadam. In the evening we were invited to the home of Virendra Sharma where many devotees came to hear Jananivas speak. The Padukas were worshiped along with kirtan and prasadam was served
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Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Day 31-37, Programs in…
Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Day 31-37, Programs in Ottawa, Montreal and Edmonton, Canada
On Monday, April 20th the TOVP Team and the Lord’s Padukas visited the home of Kalarupini dasi who, along with Bhaktin Katelin, prepared and served us prasadam. In the evening we were invited to the home of Virendra Sharma where many devotees came to hear Jananivas speak. The Padukas were worshiped along with kirtan and prasadam was served
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Day 10 FOOD FOR LIFE NEPAL 5th May 2015 Nuwakot (Album with…
Day 10 FOOD FOR LIFE NEPAL 5th May 2015 Nuwakot (Album with photos)
FOOD FOR LIFE Nepal distributed sacks of rice to earthquake victims people at Nuwakot (Chauthe VDC- Lama Village) on 5th May 2015, Tuesday.
Volunteers of Food For Life Nepal went Chaut… Read more ›
Nitai Fest programm in Israel (5 min video)
Devotees in Tel Aviv…
Nitai Fest programm in Israel (5 min video)
Devotees in Tel Aviv probably never got so enthusiastic before!
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Explaining the Krishna conscious philosophy to interested souls…
Explaining the Krishna conscious philosophy to interested souls during Harinama 🙂 Read more ›
Art Of Krsna (3 min video)
Beautiful hand painted work of art…
Art Of Krsna (3 min video)
Beautiful hand painted work of art done by: “Rajan Maaluja”
Watch it here:
Iskcon leaders speak about the importance of the colossal Temple…
Iskcon leaders speak about the importance of the colossal Temple of Vedic Planetarium currently under construction in Mayapur, India, as a means to counteract the materialistic propaganda of atheism. It is a playlist of videos.
Watch them here: https:/… Read more ›
Hare Krishna! Thousands participate in the first International…
Hare Krishna! Thousands participate in the first International Kirtan Mela in Mauritius
Devotees experienced new bliss and taste for the holy name, so much so that they could not stop chanting and dancing. Mauritians had never experienced such dancing … Read more ›
Hare Krishna! Pledge Your Support for the TOVP
To establish…
Hare Krishna! Pledge Your Support for the TOVP
To establish Sridhama Mayapur, the audharya dhama, as the World Headquarters of the Hare Krishna Movement and bring it to the forefront and attention of the entire world, as well as to show our love and gratitude to Srila Prabhupada for this most rare benediction and gift he has given us in the form of the ISKCON society, we all need to work together to make our acharyas’ vision become manifest. Srila Prabhupada said that the temple was already built, but we must take this opportunity if we want to be the instruments and receive the transcendental credit, or someone else will.
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Nimbin Mardigrass Harinama – 03 May 2015 from ISKCON New…
Nimbin Mardigrass Harinama – 03 May 2015 from ISKCON New Govardhana – Sri Sri Radha Govardhanadhari devotees (Album with photos)
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April 2015 Photos and Updates from the Radhakunda Seva Team…
April 2015 Photos and Updates from the Radhakunda Seva Team (Album with photos)
Cleaning is continuing steadily in Radha Kunda and Govardhana. And prasadam distribution is increasing steadily particularly in Govardhana. While our prasadam distribution in Radha Kunda has focused entirely on the many widows there, prasadam distribution at Sakhi Kunda in Govardhana has found a diverse group of recipients, from old babas (sadhu men) to mothers and children.
Negotiations are ongoing to fix the leaky pipe at Sakhi Kunda. And we are still navigating the process of getting the land that was donated for the kitchen transferred to our Trust’s name.
The garden in Sakhi Kunda is now waiting for the acquisition of latex style paint for the walls and flower beds, though we are happy to report that when the plants are placed, they will be safe from marauding monkeys thanks to the recent installation of razor wire.
Please browse our latest photos and join our efforts by visiting Your servants, Mayapurcandra dasa, Campakalata Devi dasi, and Padma Gopi Devi dasi.
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Harinama in Prague (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: In the…
Harinama in Prague (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: In the Padma Purana, Krishna says, mad-bhakta yatra gayanti tatra tisthami narada: “O Narada, I am present wherever My devotees are chanting.” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, 17.132 Purport)
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Darshan Of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath, 7th May 2015 (5 min…
Darshan Of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath, 7th May 2015 (5 min video)
Stunning beauty!
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Hare Krishna! The Oldest Existing Copy of Sri Caitanya…
Hare Krishna! The Oldest Existing Copy of Sri Caitanya Caritamrta
Indradyumna Swami: In an old temple tucked away in a street near Loi Bazar in Vrindavan is the oldest existing copy of Srila Krsna das Kaviraja Goswami’s epic Caitanya Caritamrta. Over 350 years old, it sits in a cabinet in a room near the alter. In 1982, Sri Harishan-kara dasa, the head priest, donated 475 precious manuscripts that had been with the temple for 400 years to the Vrindavan Research Institute. But he kept the Madhya-lila portion of the Caitanya Caritamrta. His son, Govinda Sankar Sharma kindly invited us to take darshan of the presiding deities, Sri Radha Nanda-kumara, as well as the old copy of Caitanya caritamrta. Visiting the ancient temple, seeing the old deities and touching the historic book made for yet another amazing day in Vrindavan. But mercy is meant to be shared – so here are our photos of the visit.
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Hare Krishna! The Oldest Existing Copy of Sri Caitanya…
Hare Krishna! The Oldest Existing Copy of Sri Caitanya Caritamrta
Indradyumna Swami: In an old temple tucked away in a street near Loi Bazar in Vrindavan is the oldest existing copy of Srila Krsna das Kaviraja Goswami’s epic Caitanya Caritamrta. Over 350 years old, it sits in a cabinet in a room near the alter. In 1982, Sri Harishan-kara dasa, the head priest, donated 475 precious manuscripts that had been with the temple for 400 years to the Vrindavan Research Institute. But he kept the Madhya-lila portion of the Caitanya Caritamrta. His son, Govinda Sankar Sharma kindly invited us to take darshan of the presiding deities, Sri Radha Nanda-kumara, as well as the old copy of Caitanya caritamrta. Visiting the ancient temple, seeing the old deities and touching the historic book made for yet another amazing day in Vrindavan. But mercy is meant to be shared – so here are our photos of the visit.
Read the entire article here:
Hare Krishna! The 400th Anniversary of Sri…
Hare Krishna! The 400th Anniversary of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta
In the Caitanya-caritamrta Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami has quoted more than 90 different sources (among them he quoted Srimad-Bhagavatam the most – 404 times). The book consists of 62 chapters (“paricchedas”) divided into three parts (“lilas”) and 11.555 verses, out of which 97 Sanskrit slokas were composed by the author himself, 933 Sanskrit verses were quoted by him from many different sources and the remaining 10.525 bengali verses (“payaras”) were, of course, composed by Srila Kaviraja Gosvami.
Read the entire article here:
Live Stream: Brisbane Festival of the Chariots
Watch the…
Live Stream: Brisbane Festival of the Chariots
Watch the Brisbane, Australia Ratha Yatra (Festival of the Chariots) live online on Saturday 9 May from 10:15 AEST (Saturday, 9 May 12:15:00 AM UTC) via in the “Kirtan Australia” channel.
The festival website:
Harinama in a European city (Album with photos)
For the next 3…
Harinama in a European city (Album with photos)
For the next 3 months our Transcontinental crew will tour 15 countries in Europe..Trying to spread the Holyname and Srila Prabhupadas transcendental literatures in the major cities of Europe. Please bless… Read more ›
Colorful and blissful Harinama in Yekaterinburg, Russia (5 min…
Colorful and blissful Harinama in Yekaterinburg, Russia (5 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: Harinam samkirtan in the city of Catherine I, wife of Peter the Great. Three hundred devotees descended on Yekaterinburg with loud voices, musical instruments and synchronized dancing. The effect of such mercy is difficult to explain in words. Hopefully this short video can begin to explain the joy and happiness felt by both devotees and onlookers alike. All glories to the chanting of Sri Krsna’s holy names!
Watch it here (Choose HD):
Hare Krishna! Sri Chaitanya Charitamritam completes 400…
Hare Krishna! Sri Chaitanya Charitamritam completes 400 years!
Srila Krishna dasa kaviraja Goswami, the author of Sri Chaitanya Charitamritam (CC), allowed his readers to know the date of completion of scripture’s compilation in the book itself through the final verse of Antya Lila, which reads as, “In Vrindavana in the year 1537 Shakabda Era (A.D. 1615), in the month of Jyaistha (May-June), on Sunday, the fifth day of the waning moon, this Chaitanya Charitamritam has been completed” (CC. Antya Lila 20.157). Thus the great scripture completes its 400 years on 9thMay 2015 as per the details given in the verse.
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Hare Krishna! Sri Chaitanya Charitamritam completes 400…
Hare Krishna! Sri Chaitanya Charitamritam completes 400 years!
Srila Krishna dasa kaviraja Goswami, the author of Sri Chaitanya Charitamritam (CC), allowed his readers to know the date of completion of scripture’s compilation in the book itself through the final verse of Antya Lila, which reads as, “In Vrindavana in the year 1537 Shakabda Era (A.D. 1615), in the month of Jyaistha (May-June), on Sunday, the fifth day of the waning moon, this Chaitanya Charitamritam has been completed” (CC. Antya Lila 20.157). Thus the great scripture completes its 400 years on 9thMay 2015 as per the details given in the verse.
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