Dance Flash Mob Performance Praises Jagannatha (8 min video)
On the occasion of the World Dance Day, a flash mob performance was organized by ISKCON devotees in downtown Budapest, Hungary on April 29th, 2015. They suprised the passer-byes with a beauti… Read more ›
Author Archives: Admin108
Dance Flash Mob Performance Praises Jagannatha (8 min video) On…
Letting the cows out at Bhaktivedanta Manor 2015 (5 min…
Letting the cows out at Bhaktivedanta Manor 2015 (5 min video)
An annual ceremony at ISKCON’s Bhaktivedanta Manor, Watford, UK that takes place every Spring and is all about releasing Lord Krishna’s cows onto the fields.
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Nepal: Narasimha deity from 7th century intact!!
Nepal: Narasimha deity from 7th century intact!! Read more ›
Hare Krishna! Mayapur Masterplan
Masterplan department (MDM) is…
Hare Krishna! Mayapur Masterplan
Masterplan department (MDM) is conducting an online survey with valuable input of the Mayapur residents. The purpose of the survey is to understand the needs and vision of the community members regarding Mayapur Dham. W… Read more ›
Hare Krishna! Mayapur Masterplan
Masterplan department (MDM) is…
Hare Krishna! Mayapur Masterplan
Masterplan department (MDM) is conducting an online survey with valuable input of the Mayapur residents. The purpose of the survey is to understand the needs and vision of the community members regarding Mayapur Dham. W… Read more ›
Krsna Consciousness in Sochi (Album with photos)
Krsna Consciousness in Sochi (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Sochi is located on the Black Sea in southern Russia. It is Russia’s largest resort city. It hosted the 2014 Olympic Winter Games. ISKCON has an attractive temple in a forested area 15 minutes from the city center. Devotees regularly do harinama and book distribution throughout the beautiful city.
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Hare Krishna! Food For Life Nepal Day 4, 29th April
We are also…
Hare Krishna! Food For Life Nepal Day 4, 29th April
We are also extending our services through Health Facilities. Team of 13 Medical crew members from Bhaktivedanta Hospital, Mumbai, with 7 Super specialist Doctors came to Kathmandu at their own cost to serve their best for the Earthquake victims in Nepal. They, together with ISKCON Nepal Doctors made a team of 28 members comprising of 7 Super Specialist Doctors from Mumbai and 5 Specialist Doctors from Nepal along with 12 Paramedical and 4 Medical Volunteers.
On their first day (29th April) they had their camps at Padma College, near Durbar Square Gate, Bhaktapur. They divided their teams in three groups, first – Psychological care group, second – Door to door Health care group and third – Stationary Health care group. Stationary team at Padma College checked 167 patients and Door to door health care group visited 63 families whereas psychological group counselled 4 psychologically traumatized patients. This team aims to provide care to nearby villages such as Changu-Narayan area where no medical facilities have arrived.
Read the entire article here:
Hare Krishna! Youth Bus Tours 20th Anniversary – An Interview…
Hare Krishna! Youth Bus Tours 20th Anniversary – An Interview with Manorama das
Manorama das and his wife Jaya Sri Radhe devi dasi have been developing the ISKCON Youth Ministry bus tours since 1995. Road-tripping across the globe is an exciting way to engage the ISKCON youth in bhakti yoga, combining the youth’s craving for adventure with practices of devotion. The travelers not only deepen their own bhakti, but also share it with others through kirtan and cultural presentations. Such road trips encourage young people to step out of their comfort zones, giving them an opportunity to do things they would never have thought possible, while simultaneously building strong bonds of friendship and accumulating memorable experiences.
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Bhaktapur Devotees in Nepal conducting Food For Life despite the…
Bhaktapur Devotees in Nepal conducting Food For Life despite the rain (Album with photos)
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Food for Life after Earthquake in Nepal- 2015 (5 min video)
Food for Life after Earthquake in Nepal- 2015 (5 min video)
An update from Nepal about the Hare Krishna Food for Life program. As on 29th April, nearly 12,000 people are being served with fresh meals.
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Spring Clean – 6 Hour Kirtan at the Swiss Church, London (Album…
Spring Clean – 6 Hour Kirtan at the Swiss Church, London (Album with photos)
Our Spring Clean 6 Hour Kirtan was truly wonderful! Thank you to all who came along and joined us!
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Bombay High Court Upholds Beef Ban in Maharashtra
MUMBAI: Bombay…
Bombay High Court Upholds Beef Ban in Maharashtra
MUMBAI: Bombay High Court on Wednesday upheld the Maharashtra government’s decision to ban sale and consumption of beef in the state. A division bench comprising Justice V.M. Kanade and Justice M.S. Sonak gave the verdict in a bunch of PILs challenging the state government’s move to ban sale and consumption of beef, said one of the petitioners, Mutton Butchers Union Sarvashramik Sangh secretary Vijay Dalvi. “We have opposed the ban as it affects not just the consumers, but also farmers, traders, the leather industry and many other stakeholders. We shall take out a rally in south Mumbai next week to highlight their plight,” Dalvi said.
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Mvt – Guesthouse And Restaurant In Vrindavan Begins Go-puja…
Mvt – Guesthouse And Restaurant In Vrindavan Begins Go-puja (Album with photos)
On Akshaya Tritiya our MVT Manager Prem Kishore Das inaugrated the auspicious go-puja for Saraswati our MVT cow. There on, everyday MVT staff, residents and guests participate in this wonderful offering to GO-Mata. Prem Kishore Prabhu mentioned, the importance of go-puja with chanting of Krishna’s Holy Names cannot be stressed enough. In this times of stress, troubles and turmoil only these will give relief to the distressed. He also mentioned it would be wonderful if temples with farm communities could do this everyday. Haribol!
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Devotees in the movies :-)) (5 min video)
…unxpected turn…
Devotees in the movies :-)) (5 min video)
…unxpected turn of events!!
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Hare Krishna! Lord Nrisimhadeva’s Appearance (Hiranyakashipu’s…
Hare Krishna! Lord Nrisimhadeva’s Appearance (Hiranyakashipu’s Disappearance) Day!
In this narration about Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, various expansions or incarnations of the Lord have been described, and the killing of the two demons Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu has also been described. This narration describes the characteristics of the great and exalted devotee Prahlada Maharaja, his staunch devotional service, his perfect knowledge, and his perfect detachment from material contamination.
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How can deaf people chant Hare Krishna (8 min video)
Chant &…
How can deaf people chant Hare Krishna (8 min video)
Chant & Be Happy 🙂
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Lessons From the Sand
Radhanath Swami: “I was sitting on the…
Lessons From the Sand
Radhanath Swami: “I was sitting on the sand, thinking this sand was so cool and it’s giving me such shelter. Then I was analyzing the nature of sand. That the same sand that’s now so cool and so comfortable to sit, earlier in the day, it was burning hot, I couldn’t tolerate it. And then in another place the same kind of sand, was sucking me down to suffocate me and kill me. How sand is so influenced by it’s surroundings….and isn’t that like human nature, according to the company we keep, according to the experiences we have and the circumstances we have in our lives, how it can make us envious or proud of somebody. How it can make us angry or forgiving. Mean or kind. Just due to circumstances, like the sand.”
Hare Krishna! ISKCON Nepal Assisting Earthquake Victims –…
Hare Krishna! ISKCON Nepal Assisting Earthquake Victims – Updates
(Also, instructions about how to make free phone calls to and from Nepal. Big tech companies are waiving fees on calls to and from the country in hopes of helping people get in touch with loved ones.)
The World Heritage Sites within Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur have been completely damaged. The ISKCON Temple in Kathmandu and Dharan, however, remain unscathed but the BBT building in Kathmandu has suffered cracks on the walls. Though many temples and deities within Bhaktapur Durbar Square have been reduced to rubble, the Jagannath Temple, which is under ISKCON management, has stood firm in the face of the earthquake, with minor damages to the roof.
Read the entire article here:
Devahuti’s choice vs Your Choice of a Potential Husband (7…
Devahuti’s choice vs Your Choice of a Potential Husband (7 min video)
The Srimad Bhagavatam gives us the example of Princess Devahuti.She was the daughter of King Manu who was the governor not of a village , or a state , or a country, or a planet – but he was the governor of the entire universe. She grew up with incomparable opulence, with many jewels, maidservants, royal palaces and loving parents. She was one of the most beautiful women of the world. She was seeking a suitable husband in terms of age, character and good qualities. The moment she heard about the sage Kardama Muni she set her mind and heart on him. Not because she saw him as the knight in the shining Armor who would rescue her from her emotional and mental problems and not because she saw him as someone who would meet her needs. Her view of marriage was aligned to the principle of marriage elucidated by her spiritual masters,her spiritual guides and the scriptures of the Bhakti Tradition – i.e. husband and wife serve Lord Krsna nicely and help each other advance in spiritual life. In this way both the husband and wife become true benefactors for one another.
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Hong Kong Students Learn About Sanatana Dharma
On April 8th,…
Hong Kong Students Learn About Sanatana Dharma
On April 8th, 2015, forty management students from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Business School, who are on a study tour in India, visited Radhanath Swami at Radha Gopinath Te… Read more ›
Update from the efforts of Iskcon Nepal devotees to help the…
Update from the efforts of Iskcon Nepal devotees to help the afflicted people (5 min video)
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ISKCON NEPAL Food For Life in Kathmandu 26th April 2015 (Album…
ISKCON NEPAL Food For Life in Kathmandu 26th April 2015 (Album with photos)
ISKCON NEPAL Food For Life in Kathmandu 26th April 2015 and some of the destruction Photos From Bhaktapur and Kathmandu.
Food For Life ISKCON Nepal
Together we can make a diffe… Read more ›
Preaching program with Radhanatha Swami in Bologna, Italy (Album…
Preaching program with Radhanatha Swami in Bologna, Italy (Album with photos)
Centro Yoga Bologna
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Hare Krishna! ISKCON Online launched
“So go on with your…
Hare Krishna! ISKCON Online launched
“So go on with your organization for distribution of my books through press and other modern media and Krishna will certainly be pleased upon you. We can use everything—television, radio, movies, or whatever there may be—to tell about Krishna….” In service to Srila Prabhupada, we are very happy to let you know about the launch of the ISKCON Online project and our web site, on the auspicious day of Aksaya Tritiya, April 21st.
Read the entire article here:
The latest issue of Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu was just…
The latest issue of Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu was just released. It includes: * EVERYTHING EMANATES FROM SOUND – Some collected teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. * THE CONTRIBUTION OF SRI VALLABHACHARYA – From a lecture by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada. * Nama-tattva: VEDIC STUDIES ARE COMPLETE – A first time translation done especially for this issue of Bindu from the Bhagavan-nama-mahatmya-samgraha. * THE FIRST ATTRACTION — PART 15 – Continuation of a fresh translation done especially for Bindu from Srila Jiva Goswami’s Gopala Campuh, speaking about how Radha and Krishna first met. * THE FINAL MOMENTS OF HIRANYAKASHIPU – In honor of his upcoming disappearance day, we present another first-time translation done for this issue, which describes the last words of the famous demoniac father of Prahlad Maharaja.
Read the entire article here:
Kingsday Maha Harinam in Amsterdam, Holland (Album with…
Kingsday Maha Harinam in Amsterdam, Holland (Album with photos)
Since more than 10 years Kadamba Kanana Maharaja has been organizing a Mahaharinama on the Kingsday, the biggest Streety Party of the World. Thousands of people come from all over Holland … Read more ›
Hare Krishna! The unalloyed devotion of Bhakta Prahlada
NBS 11:…
Hare Krishna! The unalloyed devotion of Bhakta Prahlada
NBS 11: This edition is glorifying the maha-bhagavata devotee, Bhakta Prahalad on the auspicious appearance day of Lord Narsimha Dev. The goddess of fortune could not get mercy similar to that whi… Read more ›
Hare Krishna! The unalloyed devotion of Bhakta Prahlada
NBS 11:…
Hare Krishna! The unalloyed devotion of Bhakta Prahlada
NBS 11: This edition is glorifying the maha-bhagavata devotee, Bhakta Prahalad on the auspicious appearance day of Lord Narsimha Dev. The goddess of fortune could not get mercy similar to that whi… Read more ›
The highlights from the visit of HH Radhanath Swami to Villa…
The highlights from the visit of HH Radhanath Swami to Villa Vrindavan, Italy (2 min video)
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Hare Krishna! Xenophobic Crisis – A Spiritual Perspective
Hare Krishna! Xenophobic Crisis – A Spiritual Perspective
There has been an unfortunate resurgence of xenophobic attacks in South Africa. Leaders condemn these; Media outlets sensationally convey coverage to the world and people become more sceptical. Nations whose citizens are affected by xenophobic attacks voice loud concerns through channels such as the African Union. Yet in spite of the condemnation, the important questions to ask are ‘Why is this happening?’ Why here in South Africa? Is there a solution? Is there a quick fix?’
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Hare Krishna! Xenophobic Crisis – A Spiritual Perspective
Hare Krishna! Xenophobic Crisis – A Spiritual Perspective
There has been an unfortunate resurgence of xenophobic attacks in South Africa. Leaders condemn these; Media outlets sensationally convey coverage to the world and people become more sceptical. Nations whose citizens are affected by xenophobic attacks voice loud concerns through channels such as the African Union. Yet in spite of the condemnation, the important questions to ask are ‘Why is this happening?’ Why here in South Africa? Is there a solution? Is there a quick fix?’
Read the entire article here:
Hare Krishna! Knock of an uninvited guest
As humans too we are…
Hare Krishna! Knock of an uninvited guest
As humans too we are subjected to trials and tribulations of life. The three forms of sufferings which constantly punish us are: Adhibhautika klesha: Miseries caused by people who are inimical to us. They can be our foes or even our family members and relatives. Adhidaivika klesha: Miseries caused due to natural calamities like earthquake, tsunami, floods, heavy rain, famine etc. Adhyatmika klesha: Miseries caused by our own mind, senses and body. Mind and senses can ruin our life if they are not properly controlled. However the silver lining is that as humans we have been gifted with the ability and opportunity to not just get rid of all types of sufferings but also have the chance to put an end to the cycle of birth and death forever. And the process to do this has been explained in Vedic books. In Gita 8.15 & 8.16 Krishna says that this world is full of sufferings so he asks us to return back to him to the spiritual abode from where we will never return again to this mortal world.
Read the entire article here:
ISKCON NEPAL Food For Life 26th, 27th April BKT (Album with…
ISKCON NEPAL Food For Life 26th, 27th April BKT (Album with photos)
We are trying to Distribute Prasad to the most destructed area where people lost their homes and its still danger to go to there home for cooking and eating. So we are distributing those parts more. We are trying our best to expand Our Food For Life Prasad Distribution all over places. People are happy to get Khichadi Prasad.
So Please everyone Pray/ Help/ Support Us…
Thankyou everyone for ur Prayers wishes n Help. Hare Krsna.
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Devotees in Nepal emgaged in prasadam distribution accompanied…
Devotees in Nepal emgaged in prasadam distribution accompanied with Harinama (Album with photos)
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Iskcon devotees from Nepal recorded this 6min video-message for…
Iskcon devotees from Nepal recorded this 6min video-message for you. Watch it here: Read more ›
Bhakti Shastri Graduation in England.
The graduation ceremony…
Bhakti Shastri Graduation in England.
The graduation ceremony for the 2013-14 cohort of Bhakti Shastri students took place on last February with an impressive twenty one students successfully completing the course. The Bhakti Shastri course provides an opportunity to systematically study four key texts – the Bhagavad Gita, The Nectar of Instruction, Sri Isopanisad and The Nectar of Devotion. The interactive sessions not only equip students with knowledge of the scriptures but also explain how to assimilate and apply those lessons to their own lives. One of the graduates, Harsha Parmar, explained ‘ Studying Srila Prabhupada’s books in the association of devotees enabled a greater depth of understanding, it was an enriching and transformative experience!’ The course is entering its tenth successful year this September, with around 300 students having participated since its launch in 2006.
Giclee Prints of TOVP Drawing by Award Winning Artist
Giclee Prints of TOVP Drawing by Award Winning Artist
Kishori Radha, a talented young artist from Mayapur, is working on a project to help raise funds towards the construction of the TOVP.
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TOVP Construction Update (Album with photos)
Work on the final…
TOVP Construction Update (Album with photos)
Work on the final ring, which is number 9, has commenced!
Today the first of the 24 sections was put into place without any problem.
We will be adding more pieces in few days.
Within a month’s time, the 9th ring will be completed!
With this, the main part of the temple dome structural frame will be concluded, we will then commence preparation for the Kailash supporting structure.
You can see in the first photo what will be the angle of the segments once placed on the dome.
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Srila Prabhubada’s followers in Nepal provide fresh…
Srila Prabhubada’s followers in Nepal provide fresh prasadam, place to stay and medical faclities to all aflicted from the earthquake.
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Mantra Therapy Retreat in Iskcon UK
Earlier this year was the…
Mantra Therapy Retreat in Iskcon UK
Earlier this year was the first ever Mantra Therapy Retreat at Buckland Hall in Wales. Rich with history and natural beauty, the UK’s premier Retreat venue was the perfect setting. Nearly 40 professionals from different backgrounds came together for the common purpose of personal, physical and spiritual transformation, led by long-standing temple congregational devotee, Prashant Kotecha. Mantra Therapy is the culmination of this outreach work, which includes regular meetings and Retreats for professionals between 25-50 years old. The Retreat included mantra meditation and personal development workshops in the mornings, followed by yoga, hiking and martial arts in the afternoon, and culminated with Mantra Therapy freestyle east-west fusion kirtans. For more information contact Prashant at