Preaching program at Krasnodar, Russia (Album with…

Preaching program at Krasnodar, Russia (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Krasnodar is located on the Kuban River about 148 kilometers northeast of the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk in Russia. It was founded on January 12, 1794 as Yekaterinodar, meaning “Catherine’s Gift” in recognition of Catherine the Great’s grant of land to the Black Sea Cossacks. ISKCON has a bustling community of over 300 devotees in Krasnodar with a nice temple just outside of the city. Within the temple is a beautiful Deity of Lord Nrsimhadeva, alongside Gaura Nitai. We enjoyed two evenings of kirtan and classes with the devotees.
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Harinama at the Jacksonville Art Walk, photos, descriptions,…

Harinama at the Jacksonville Art Walk, photos, descriptions, insights and more…
The Jacksonville Art Walk, which occurs the first Wednesday of each month, is a great venue for chanting the Hare Krishna mantra in public and for distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books. Somehow we had missed every one this semester, but we were not going to miss this last one. Mother Caitanya of Krishna House brought a van load of about fifteen devotees from Krishna House, and we chanted and distributed books for over three hours.
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Devotees from UK participate in BBC’s popular TV show “Big…

Devotees from UK participate in BBC’s popular TV show “Big Questions”
Visnu Murti Das, Head of Deity Worship at ISKCON Leicester took part in BBC One’s The Big Questions debate show in London, where the topic of debate was “Is there too much evidence to believe in religion?” The Big Questions team were keen to speak to a devotee with a scientific background, and Visnu’s training as a bio medical scientist stood him in good stead. He was the only person on the panel that was representing the Vaishnava Hindu perspective. Live on air he was asked a question about what the Vedas said about the human condition and his view on the debate question. He spoke of the scientific nature of the Vedas and drew on examples in the Srimad Bhagvatam that accurately describe the different stages of foetal development, and highlighted how this content was contained in an ancient text.

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Kirtan London A six hour session hosted by Kirtan London took…

Kirtan London
A six hour session hosted by Kirtan London took place on Valentine’s Day at Bridewell Hall, a beautiful part of the St Bride Foundation which also houses one of the oldest churches in London. Guests chanted along with mantras and, aided by visuals projections, were led in guided meditations. At the end they enjoyed a vegetarian dinner catered by Govindas restaurant. Just two days later, at the Mantra Lounge, participants were guided in joyful chanting by Abishek Singh, and later heard about ‘The Power of Sound’ by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami. Mantra Lounge is a twice-monthly event run by Kirtan London that takes place in Covent Garden. For more information visit

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Catering for the Catwalk Govinda’s Restaurant in London was…

Catering for the Catwalk
Govinda’s Restaurant in London was chosen to cater for world renowned fashion designer Vivienne Westwood’s backstage area for her catwalk show at the Science Museum. As a student almost 20 years ago, Vivienne Westwood regularly ate at Govinda’s. When the fashion show was hosted in Italy, Govinda’s in Italy was asked to cater. This made Govinda’s a natural choice for the show in London. The backstage area was bustling with models, photographers, make-up artists, hairdressers and event organisers, who enjoyed the vegetarian cuisine and offered many compliments. Many of them were vegan or vegetarian and were pleased they could eat everything on the menu. Impressed by the devotees’ cooking, Vivienne Westwood has now requested ISKCON Paris to cater for her next show.

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Hare Krishna! Bhaktivedanta Players 30th Anniversary…

Hare Krishna! Bhaktivedanta Players 30th Anniversary (1985-2015)
This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the Bhaktivedanta Manor’s main drama group. The group has been led chiefly by Jaya Krishna Das and Dwarka Puri das but over the years a great many other devotees of all ages and backgrounds have participated and given much of their time. Disciples of Srila Prabhupada pioneered the first dramas at Bhaktivedanta Manor during the early 1970’s. By 1985 the baton had gradually passed onto the next generation and The Bhaktivedanta Players in its present structure was born.
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Hare Krishna! Bhaktivedanta Players 30th Anniversary…

Hare Krishna! Bhaktivedanta Players 30th Anniversary (1985-2015)
This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the Bhaktivedanta Manor’s main drama group. The group has been led chiefly by Jaya Krishna Das and Dwarka Puri das but over the years a great many other devotees of all ages and backgrounds have participated and given much of their time. Disciples of Srila Prabhupada pioneered the first dramas at Bhaktivedanta Manor during the early 1970’s. By 1985 the baton had gradually passed onto the next generation and The Bhaktivedanta Players in its present structure was born.
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Hare Krishna! Seminar on Vedanta and Science at TELKOM…

Hare Krishna! Seminar on Vedanta and Science at TELKOM University, Bandung, Indonesia
Subhag Maharaj encouraged the students saying, “At your request we have delivered the seminars, now please accept our request also, please see our books at the book table and take some. You will become truly happy.”After the seminar many of students and teachers bought Bhagavad gita and other Srila Prabhupada’s book. Maharaj personally signed the book purchased at that time.
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Hare Krishna! Seminar on Vedanta and Science at TELKOM…

Hare Krishna! Seminar on Vedanta and Science at TELKOM University, Bandung, Indonesia
Subhag Maharaj encouraged the students saying, “At your request we have delivered the seminars, now please accept our request also, please see our books at the book table and take some. You will become truly happy.”After the seminar many of students and teachers bought Bhagavad gita and other Srila Prabhupada’s book. Maharaj personally signed the book purchased at that time.
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Hare Krishna! Sabbatical Adventures in UK, 2014-15 For over ten…

Hare Krishna! Sabbatical Adventures in UK, 2014-15
For over ten years now the Manor has organised an annual sabbatical, a sixmonth residential course for men. Ketan Suchak shares: “I enrolled this year, as six of us spent three months in India, beginning in September with a three-week stay at a Mumbai monastery. There we studied the scripture, ‘Nectar of Instruction’. We next flew to Calcutta and booked a car to Mayapur. The spiritual city is the birthplace of Lord Chaitanya, the place where the Lord danced and sang the Hare Krishna mantra. We spent ten days there and in the evenings I enjoyed listening to melodious prayers in the Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya temple.
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Hare Krishna! Sabbatical Adventures in UK, 2014-15 For over ten…

Hare Krishna! Sabbatical Adventures in UK, 2014-15
For over ten years now the Manor has organised an annual sabbatical, a sixmonth residential course for men. Ketan Suchak shares: “I enrolled this year, as six of us spent three months in India, beginning in September with a three-week stay at a Mumbai monastery. There we studied the scripture, ‘Nectar of Instruction’. We next flew to Calcutta and booked a car to Mayapur. The spiritual city is the birthplace of Lord Chaitanya, the place where the Lord danced and sang the Hare Krishna mantra. We spent ten days there and in the evenings I enjoyed listening to melodious prayers in the Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya temple.
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Hare Krishna! Supporting ISKCON Intiatives Around the…

Hare Krishna! Supporting ISKCON Intiatives Around the World
Every year Bhaktivedanta Manor contributes £10,000 towards various ISKCON projects both nationally and internationally. Over the last thirty years many worthy causes have been supported, including the saving of the New Mayapur Temple in France, establishing a centre in Brussels and the Bhaktivedanta School in Mayapur, supporting Vrindavan’s Food for Life program and the Sandipani Muni School for poor and unprivileged children, and many more.
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Hare Krishna! Supporting ISKCON Intiatives Around the…

Hare Krishna! Supporting ISKCON Intiatives Around the World
Every year Bhaktivedanta Manor contributes £10,000 towards various ISKCON projects both nationally and internationally. Over the last thirty years many worthy causes have been supported, including the saving of the New Mayapur Temple in France, establishing a centre in Brussels and the Bhaktivedanta School in Mayapur, supporting Vrindavan’s Food for Life program and the Sandipani Muni School for poor and unprivileged children, and many more.
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6th Annual Clearwater Beach Festival of Chariots & Rath…

6th Annual Clearwater Beach Festival of Chariots & Rath Yatra Parade
An multi-cultural parade and festival will be celebrated with entertainment for the whole family. There will be live music, singing, classical dance, books, bazaar, and lots of free delicious vegetarian food. The Ratha Yatra Parade is the oldest known parade in the world. As it is Mother’s Day we will have a special treat for all mothers!
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Letter to: Mahatma Gandhi
Cawnpore 12 July, 1947 47-07-12 Mahatma Gandhijee Bhangi Colony New Delhi Dear Friend Mahatmajee, Please accept my respectful Namaskar. I am your unknown friend but I had to write to you at times and again although you never cared to reply them. I sent you my papers “Back to Godhead” but your secretaries told me that you have very little time to read the letters and much less for reading the magazines. I asked for an interview with you but your busy secretaries never cared to reply this. Anyway as I am your very old friend although unknown to you I am again writing to you in order to bring you to the rightful position deserved by you. As a sincere friend I must not deviate from my duty towards a friend like your good self. I tell you as a sincere friend that you must immediately retire from active politics if you do not desire to die an inglorious death. You have 125 years to live as you have desired to live but you if you die an inglorious death it is no worth. The honour and prestige that you have obtained during the course of you present life time, were not possible to be obtained by any one else within the living memory. But you must know that all these honours and prestiges were false in as much as they were created by the Illusory Energy of Godhead called the maya. By this falsity I do not mean to say that your so many friends were false to you nor you were false to them. By this falsity I mean illusion or in other words the false friendship and honours obtained thereby were but creation of maya and therefore they are always temporary or false as you may call it. But none of you neither your friends nor yourself knew this truth. Now by the Grace of God that illusion is going to be cleared and thus your faithful friends like Acarya Kripalini and others are accusing you for your inability at the present moment to give them any practical programme of work as you happened to give them during your glorious days of non-co-operation movement. So you are also in a plight to find out a proper solution for the present political tangle created by your opponents. You should therefore take a note of warning from your insignificant friend like me, that unless you retire timely from politics and engage yourself cent per cent in the preaching work of Bhagavad-gita, which is the real function of the Mahatmas, you shall have to meet with such inglorious deaths as Mussolini, Hitlers, Tojos, Churchills or Lloyd Georges met with. You can very easily understand as to how some of your political enemies in the garb of friends (both Indian and English) have deliberately cheated you and have broken your heart by doing the same mischief for which you have struggled so hard for so many years. You wanted chiefly Hindu-Moslem unity in India and they have tactfully managed to undo your work, by creation of the Pakistan and India separately. You wanted freedom for India but they have given permanent dependence of India. You wanted to do something for the upliftment of the position of the bhangis but they are still rotting as bhangis even though you are living in the bhangi colony. They are all therefore illusions and when these things will be presented to you as they are, you must consider them as God-sent. God has favored you by dissipating the illusion you were hovering in, and by the same illusion you were, nursing those ideas as Truth(?). You must know that you are in the relative world which is called by the sages as Dvaita i.e. dual- and nothing is absolute here. Your Ahimsa is always followed by Himsa as the light is followed by darkness or the father is followed by the son. Nothing is absolute truth in this dual world. You did not know this neither you ever cared to know this from the right sources and therefore all your attempts to create unity were followed by disunity and Ahimsa. Ahimsa was followed by Himsa. But it is better late than never. You must know now something about the Absolute Truth. The Truth with which you have been experimenting so long is relative. The relative truths are creations of the daivi maya qualified by the three modes of Nature. They are all insurmountable as is explained in the Bhagavad-gita (7.14. The Absolute Truth is the Absolute Godhead. In the Katha Upanisad it is ordered that one must approach the bona fide Guru who is not only well versed in all the scriptures of the world but is also the realized soul in Brahman the Absolute—in order to learn the science of Absolute Truth. So also it is instructed in the Bhagavad-gita as follows:— tad viddhi praṇipātena paripraśnena sevayā upadekṣyanti te jñānaṁ jñāninas tattva-darśinaḥ (Bg. 4.34) But I know that you never underwent such transcendental training except some severe penances which you invented for your purpose as you have invented so many things in the course of experimenting with the relative truths. You might have easily avoided them if you had approached the Guru as abovementioned. But your sincere efforts to attain some Godly qualities by austerities etc surely have raised you to some higher position which you can better utilize for the purpose of the Absolute Truth. If you, however, remain satisfied with such temporary position only and do not try to know the Absolute Truth, then surely you are to fall down from the artificially exalted position under the laws of Nature. But if you really want to approach the Absolute Truth and want to do some real good to the people in general all over the world, which shall include your ideas of unity, peace and non-violence, then you must give up the rotten politics immediately and rise up for the preaching work of the philosophy and religion of “Bhagavad-gita” without offering unnecessary and dogmatic interpretations on them. I had occasionally discussed this subject in my paper “Back to Godhead” and a leaf from the same is enclosed herewith for your reference. I would only request you to retire from politics at least for a month only and let us have discussion on the Bhagavad-gita. I am sure, thereby, that you shall get a new light from the result of such discussions not only for your benefit but for the benefit of the world at large—as I know that you are sincere, honest and moralist. Awaiting your early reply with interest. Yours sincerely, Abhay Charan De Enclosure—one leaf from Back to Godhead

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Hare Krishna! Expand your horizons in vision, but concentrate…

Hare Krishna! Expand your horizons in vision, but concentrate them in implementation
“Expand your horizons” is a popular saying among the ambitious. The Bhagavad-gita takes this saying to a higher level by expanding our horizons from the material level to the spiritual level – from temporary worldly pleasure to eternal transcendental fulfillment. The Gita (06.20-23) outlines this fulfillment available in the state of spiritual perfection – a state where no tribulation can disturb us, a state where no temptation can allure us, a state where we ultimately become forever free from all misery.
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Hare Krishna! Expand your horizons in vision, but concentrate…

Hare Krishna! Expand your horizons in vision, but concentrate them in implementation
“Expand your horizons” is a popular saying among the ambitious. The Bhagavad-gita takes this saying to a higher level by expanding our horizons from the material level to the spiritual level – from temporary worldly pleasure to eternal transcendental fulfillment. The Gita (06.20-23) outlines this fulfillment available in the state of spiritual perfection – a state where no tribulation can disturb us, a state where no temptation can allure us, a state where we ultimately become forever free from all misery.
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Hare Krishna! The devotee dive-bomb Srutakirti dasa: On…

Hare Krishna! The devotee dive-bomb
Srutakirti dasa: On different occasions Srila Prabhupada spoke about sleep. When I first became his servant, he called me into his room after he had taken a short nap following lunch. This was at the Dallas temple when Srila Prabhupada visited the gurukula facility. He asked me if I had taken rest after eating my lunch. I said no. This was not something that was done at that time. “I am an old man,” he said. “I cannot sleep very long at one time, so I take a nap after lunch.” I had been with Srila Prabhupada only a few days, but his humility had already captured my heart. On another occasion, when he was getting ready to take rest in the evening, he said to me, “Whenever I go to take rest, I think, ‘Now I am going to waste my time.‘”
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Hare Krishna! The devotee dive-bomb Srutakirti dasa: On…

Hare Krishna! The devotee dive-bomb
Srutakirti dasa: On different occasions Srila Prabhupada spoke about sleep. When I first became his servant, he called me into his room after he had taken a short nap following lunch. This was at the Dallas temple when Srila Prabhupada visited the gurukula facility. He asked me if I had taken rest after eating my lunch. I said no. This was not something that was done at that time. “I am an old man,” he said. “I cannot sleep very long at one time, so I take a nap after lunch.” I had been with Srila Prabhupada only a few days, but his humility had already captured my heart. On another occasion, when he was getting ready to take rest in the evening, he said to me, “Whenever I go to take rest, I think, ‘Now I am going to waste my time.‘”
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Hare Krishna! ISKCON Nepal sets Medical camps, Rescue teams and…

Hare Krishna! ISKCON Nepal sets Medical camps, Rescue teams and Food for life to assist earthquake victims
As a result of the earthquake, the devotee community has also been affected with many devotees injured, having their houses lost. Some of their relatives also left their bodies buried. In this time of crisis, we devotees from ISKCON Nepal are also extending our help to the people affected through our programs of Medical camps, Rescue teams and Food for life. We are trying our best in reaching out to people in the form of Krishna’s Prasadam and other facilities. However, our help we are trying to extend is not enough to reach the huge number of people who are affected. So, we wholeheartedly appeal to the devotees worldwide to help us with funds and prayers at this time of crisis.
For details about how to help click here:

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Hare Krishna! ISKCON Nepal sets Medical camps, Rescue teams and…

Hare Krishna! ISKCON Nepal sets Medical camps, Rescue teams and Food for life to assist earthquake victims
As a result of the earthquake, the devotee community has also been affected with many devotees injured, having their houses lost. Some of their relatives also left their bodies buried. In this time of crisis, we devotees from ISKCON Nepal are also extending our help to the people affected through our programs of Medical camps, Rescue teams and Food for life. We are trying our best in reaching out to people in the form of Krishna’s Prasadam and other facilities. However, our help we are trying to extend is not enough to reach the huge number of people who are affected. So, we wholeheartedly appeal to the devotees worldwide to help us with funds and prayers at this time of crisis.
For details about how to help click here:

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Hare Krishna! WSN March 2015 – World Sankirtan Newsletter For…

Hare Krishna! WSN March 2015 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following results of book distribution for the month of November 2014 from the whole planet. World Totals, Monthly Congregation and Weekend Warriors, Monthly Continents, Monthly Top Ten Temples by Size, Monthly Top Ten Temples by Continent, Monthly Top Teams and Individuals, Monthly All Countries, Monthly All Temples, Monthly All Prabhupada Disciples, Cumulative Top Ten Countries, Cumulative Top Ten Temples, Cumulative Top 50 Individuals Worldwide
The month of March was very good for Santiago, Chile. This was the No. 1 temple in South America, with 5,102 book points — a 475% increase. The devotees in Chile not only distribute lots of books but also have great harinamas. I was there last year — very nice. London also had a great month of book distribution. This was the No. 1 temple in Europe in March, with 4,108 book points — an increase of 235%. The new sankirtan leader is appropriately named Naam Sankirtan Prabhu.
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Hare Krishna! WSN March 2015 – World Sankirtan Newsletter For…

Hare Krishna! WSN March 2015 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following results of book distribution for the month of November 2014 from the whole planet. World Totals, Monthly Congregation and Weekend Warriors, Monthly Continents, Monthly Top Ten Temples by Size, Monthly Top Ten Temples by Continent, Monthly Top Teams and Individuals, Monthly All Countries, Monthly All Temples, Monthly All Prabhupada Disciples, Cumulative Top Ten Countries, Cumulative Top Ten Temples, Cumulative Top 50 Individuals Worldwide
The month of March was very good for Santiago, Chile. This was the No. 1 temple in South America, with 5,102 book points — a 475% increase. The devotees in Chile not only distribute lots of books but also have great harinamas. I was there last year — very nice. London also had a great month of book distribution. This was the No. 1 temple in Europe in March, with 4,108 book points — an increase of 235%. The new sankirtan leader is appropriately named Naam Sankirtan Prabhu.
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Hare Krishna! Prison Ministry Update The program starts with a…

Hare Krishna! Prison Ministry Update
The program starts with a ten minute “warm up,” where the prisoners have a chance to share and discuss any pressing issues. Then there is a short kirtan, where all are standing and some dancing and jumping very happily. Outside prisoners who are walking by sometimes look in and watch in wonder. Then Bhagavad Gita is read, guided by their questions. At the end prasadam is served in the form of energy bars, since there are heavy regulations about bringing anything in; every food item must be factory sealed. Everyone feels greatly enlivened by the end of the two hours.
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Hare Krishna! Prison Ministry Update The program starts with a…

Hare Krishna! Prison Ministry Update
The program starts with a ten minute “warm up,” where the prisoners have a chance to share and discuss any pressing issues. Then there is a short kirtan, where all are standing and some dancing and jumping very happily. Outside prisoners who are walking by sometimes look in and watch in wonder. Then Bhagavad Gita is read, guided by their questions. At the end prasadam is served in the form of energy bars, since there are heavy regulations about bringing anything in; every food item must be factory sealed. Everyone feels greatly enlivened by the end of the two hours.
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Iskcon Nepal update. Dear devotees, Please accept my humble…

Iskcon Nepal update.
Dear devotees, Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! By now many of you must have heard and read about the earthquake in Nepal. The tremor was felt even in Mayapur Dham. HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj was trying to reach out to the devotees in Kathmandu to get update on the situation of our temples and devotees there in Kathmandu and Pohkara. Since morning we were not able to reach anyone as all the mobile network were down. Fortunately, the temple president of Iskcon Kathmandu, HG Rupesvar Gaura Das, called us just now and reported that the situation in Kathmandu is very bad. Our temple building and guest house building in Kathmandu and Pohkara are safe. But the BBT building has suffered some severe cracks. Many houses surrounding our temple area are also badly affected. This including our temple president’s house. So far our temples and devotees in affected areas are safe. No injuries or loss of live reported as of now. But some devotees around the villages of the epicentre (Lamjung) reported that their houses are flattened. The government had issued a warning to expect another major earthquake around 2am Nepali time. So, HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj is requesting devotees all around the world to offer your prayers for the safety of the devotees, since there could be another severe hit expected at 2am Nepal Standard time.
Your servant, Maha Varaha D

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Disciples Course Required for Initiation by September 5th From…

Disciples Course Required for Initiation by September 5th
From the holy day of Janmastami – September 5th – this year, devotees wishing to take initiation from an ISKCON guru will be required to first pass the ISKCON Disciples Course. The course grew from the ISKCON Guru Seminar, created by the GBC Guru Services Committee in 2008 to educate those taking up the service of guru in how to be effective in caring for their disciples. A course for disciples was a natural follow-up. It was developed in 2011 under the Guru Services Committee, the Mayapur Institute, and ISKCON Communications, with the input of senior devotees, diksa and siksa gurus, and educators from around the world.
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Hare Krishna! Nepal Iskcon Temple with severe cracks after…

Hare Krishna! Nepal Iskcon Temple with severe cracks after massive earthquake. No injuries for devotees
Indradyumna Swami: A massive earthquake of 7.9 magnitude has just struck central Nepal, affecting Kathmandu. Many buildings are damaged and there are numerous injuries. I just spoke with Patri das, ISKCON’s regional secretary in Nepal, who told me our temple in Kathmandu is basically OK. But there are severe cracks in a number of buildings on our property. The Deities have been moved outside from the main temple. No devotees were injured at the temple complex, but he stressed that many houses in the area collapsed and he cannot say at this point if all our devotees are safe. So please everyone pray for the safely and lives of our members living in and around the affected area.
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Hare Krishna! Nepal Iskcon Temple with severe cracks after…

Hare Krishna! Nepal Iskcon Temple with severe cracks after massive earthquake. No injuries for devotees
Indradyumna Swami: A massive earthquake of 7.9 magnitude has just struck central Nepal, affecting Kathmandu. Many buildings are damaged and there are numerous injuries. I just spoke with Patri das, ISKCON’s regional secretary in Nepal, who told me our temple in Kathmandu is basically OK. But there are severe cracks in a number of buildings on our property. The Deities have been moved outside from the main temple. No devotees were injured at the temple complex, but he stressed that many houses in the area collapsed and he cannot say at this point if all our devotees are safe. So please everyone pray for the safely and lives of our members living in and around the affected area.
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