Hare Krishna! Conviction Doubt is the motor of the modern…
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Hare Krishna! Conviction
Doubt is the motor of the modern mentality, the indefatigable engine that drives the spirit of our age. Doubt was honored with an early recognition in the essays of the Renaissance courtier Michel de Montaigne: “We are, I know not how, double within ourselves, with the result that we do not believe what we believe, and we cannot rid ourselves of what we condemn.” During Montaigne’s time, religious wars of unbearable cruelty rent Europe. The absolute certainty of the raging antagonists began to taint conviction itself with bad odor.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16966

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Hare Krishna! Conviction Doubt is the motor of the modern…
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Hare Krishna! Conviction
Doubt is the motor of the modern mentality, the indefatigable engine that drives the spirit of our age. Doubt was honored with an early recognition in the essays of the Renaissance courtier Michel de Montaigne: “We are, I know not how, double within ourselves, with the result that we do not believe what we believe, and we cannot rid ourselves of what we condemn.” During Montaigne’s time, religious wars of unbearable cruelty rent Europe. The absolute certainty of the raging antagonists began to taint conviction itself with bad odor.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16966

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ISKCON extends its support to ban on slaughter of…
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ISKCON extends its support to ban on slaughter of cows
“The cottage industry through cow protection and cow rearing is a wonderful model for rural development,” ISKCON spiritual leader Radha Nath Swami Maharaj said in a statement issued. He said in the statement that with little investment, even a simple farmer owning a cow could manufacture products by using animal waste. Apart from medicinal benefits, utilising cow’s waste products could generate revenue and this in turn, could help maintain the animal.
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/ioYCva

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Hare Krishna! Sri Khira Chora Gopinatha Temple at Remuna The…
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Hare Krishna! Sri Khira Chora Gopinatha Temple at Remuna
The famous temple of Sri Khira Chora Gopinatha, the Krishna Deity who stole condensed milk (Khira), also known as amrta-keli, for His most-beloved devotee – Sri Madhavendra Puri, lies in a small pastoral village named Remuna in the Balasore (Baleshwar) District of Orissa. Remuna is called Gupt Vrindavana because Sri Gopinatha had many pastimes here in the mood of Vrindavana with His intimate devotees.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16963

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Hare Krishna! Sri Khira Chora Gopinatha Temple at Remuna The…
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Hare Krishna! Sri Khira Chora Gopinatha Temple at Remuna
The famous temple of Sri Khira Chora Gopinatha, the Krishna Deity who stole condensed milk (Khira), also known as amrta-keli, for His most-beloved devotee – Sri Madhavendra Puri, lies in a small pastoral village named Remuna in the Balasore (Baleshwar) District of Orissa. Remuna is called Gupt Vrindavana because Sri Gopinatha had many pastimes here in the mood of Vrindavana with His intimate devotees.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16963

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Srila Prabhupada in Saint Moritz, a popular ski resort! By the…
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Srila Prabhupada in Saint Moritz, a popular ski resort!
By the standards of many it was breathtaking, but not to Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada was very regulated. It never mattered where we were. His life continued like clockwork and his schedule remained constant. One morning Srila Prabhupada put on his warm saffron-hooded coat and prepared for his morning walk. “We will go for a walk,” he said. “Shall we see how cold it is?” Since we were on the ground floor, His Divine Grace opened the sliding glass door to walk onto the verandah which led to the great outdoors. Suddenly a whistling blast of ice cold air filled the entire condominium. It was blizzard-like. “Ooohhh, this is much too cold!” Srila Prabhupada exclaimed with his eyes opened wide. Whenever I witnessed these childlike expressions, my heart melted with joy. Srila Prabhupada exuded the innocence of a child.
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/m7iGGm

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The Bhaktivedanta Academy – Living Vedic Culture &…
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The Bhaktivedanta Academy – Living Vedic Culture & Philosophy
Photography By H.H. Indradyumna Swami. A Traveling Monk. The following pictures depict the sacred place I was fortunate enough to grow up in the one and only Gurukul in Sridham Mayapur lead by one of the purest, most genius intellects of the world H.H. Bhakti-vidya-purna Swami. A disciple of the founder Acharya for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This is an offering unto Him, by whose grace we can go back home back to Godhead (Sri Goloka Vrindavan).
Watch it here: http://goo.gl/K03nvW

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Holi D.C. – Not Just Another Color Festival! With a profusion of…
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Holi D.C. – Not Just Another Color Festival!
With a profusion of secular “color runs” and “color festivals” everywhere these days, it’s hard to find one that stands out. But Holi D.C., beginning with its conspicuous moniker – it purposely retains the festival’s original spiritual name rather than calling itself “Festival of Colors” – is decidedly unique. “We don’t want to water down the spirituality behind the festival,” says media coordinator Christy Freer, a kirtan singer, yoga teacher and lawyer who has been part of the ISKCON community in Potomac, a suburb of Washington D.C., for about two years.
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/hfZPck

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Hare Krishna! H.H Jayapataka Swami to visit New Vrindaban’s…
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Hare Krishna! H.H Jayapataka Swami to visit New Vrindaban’s Festival of Inspiration
(New Vrindaban, West Virginia)- The countdown has begun! New Vrindaban’s Festival of Inspiration is only two weeks away, and it’s a big one — the 15th anniversary! Get ready for exciting and inspiring presentations by ISKCON’s best speakers; top-quality entertainment from dramas to stand-up comedy; rip-roaring kirtans; and mouth-watering prasadam, and much more!
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16960

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Hare Krishna! H.H Jayapataka Swami to visit New Vrindaban’s…
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Hare Krishna! H.H Jayapataka Swami to visit New Vrindaban’s Festival of Inspiration
(New Vrindaban, West Virginia)- The countdown has begun! New Vrindaban’s Festival of Inspiration is only two weeks away, and it’s a big one — the 15th anniversary! Get ready for exciting and inspiring presentations by ISKCON’s best speakers; top-quality entertainment from dramas to stand-up comedy; rip-roaring kirtans; and mouth-watering prasadam, and much more!
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16960

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Preaching program in one of the “toughest” cities of…
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Preaching program in one of the “toughest” cities of Russia, close to Ukraine’s border (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Rostov-on-Don is known as one of the toughest cities in Russia. Add to that the constant flow of military vehicles, Russian troops and weapons across the nearby border with Ukraine and you have a very volatile situation. As a result, Krsna consciousness has great appeal amongst many of the people of Rostov, who gather together regularly to take shelter in the chanting of the holy names of Krsna.
See them here: http://goo.gl/GBKnXg

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The Jaladuta Diary In the port of Calcutta on August 13, 1965,…
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The Jaladuta Diary
In the port of Calcutta on August 13, 1965, carrying only a small suitcase, an umbrella, and a bag of dry cereal, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, as he was known at that time, climbed up the steep gangway onto a cargo ship named the Jaladuta. This voyage marked the beginning of one of the most far-reaching religious movements of our time. But that thirty-five day voyage almost resulted in tragedy. Find out about the crisis of body and spirit that could have changed history for the worse. Hardbound, 103 pages, 8 color and 20 B&W plates, reproductions of many documents and letters, 9.75″ x 10.25″.
Read more: http://goo.gl/o56S2W

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Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Day 31-37, Programs in…
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Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Day 31-37, Programs in Ottawa, Montreal and Edmonton, Canada
On the evening of Friday, April 17th we did our TOVP presentation along with kirtan and abhisheka of the Padukas during the Gaura arati. Bala Krishna prabhu, the temple president, introduced the TOVP Team and Radha Jivana spoke in Hindi to the large gathering of Indian guests and devotees. $60,000 in pledges was raised and Bala Krishna promised more from his personal fundraising efforts by going to people’s homes. Prasadam was then served.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16950

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Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Day 31-37, Programs in…
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Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Day 31-37, Programs in Ottawa, Montreal and Edmonton, Canada
On the evening of Friday, April 17th we did our TOVP presentation along with kirtan and abhisheka of the Padukas during the Gaura arati. Bala Krishna prabhu, the temple president, introduced the TOVP Team and Radha Jivana spoke in Hindi to the large gathering of Indian guests and devotees. $60,000 in pledges was raised and Bala Krishna promised more from his personal fundraising efforts by going to people’s homes. Prasadam was then served.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16950

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Goloka chart presentations in Singapore & Malaysia (Album…
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Goloka chart presentations in Singapore & Malaysia (Album with 157 photos)
Devotees from ISKCON SALEM has designed a Goloka chart.
Last 2 years we have given this presentation in various ISKCON temples in India, (Mayapur, Secundrabad, Surat, VV Nagar, Mira road Mumbai…).
From this Apr 7th to 20th devotees from Salem traveled through out Singapore and Malaysia given same presentation in Tamil language also.
See them here: http://goo.gl/Q3AzTC

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50th year anniversary/golden jubilee of the Jaladuta Diary. In…
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50th year anniversary/golden jubilee of the Jaladuta Diary.
In 1965, Srila Prabhupada, after publishing three volumes of Srimad−Bhagavatam, he approached the owner of the Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Sumati Morarji, for a complimentary passage to the United States. After considering his request for some time, she finally agreed and issued him the ticket.In the port of Calcutta on August 13, 1965, carrying only a small suitcase, an umbrella, and a bag of dry cereal, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, as he was known at the time, climbed up the steep gangway onto a cargo ship named the Jaladuta. The ensuing journey presented considerable hardship. Srila Prabhupada wrote of some sea−sickness, and on the thirteenth day of the voyage, during the passage through the Arabian Sea, he suffereda massive heart attack. He was concerned that he might pass away, but in his uneasy sleep that night he had a dream, a vision. Lord Krsna appeared!
Read the entire entry here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16783

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Hare Krishna! Fault-finding and Forgiveness We have two choices…
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Hare Krishna! Fault-finding and Forgiveness
We have two choices as to which court we want to work in. The first court is that of the empowered demigod and mahājana devotee Sri Yamaraja. The second court is the court of Lord Nityananda. Working in Yamaraja’s court means assisting his chief lieutenant Citragupta, whose job it is to note down all of the mistakes and sinful acts of conditioned souls.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16931

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Hare Krishna! Fault-finding and Forgiveness We have two choices…
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Hare Krishna! Fault-finding and Forgiveness
We have two choices as to which court we want to work in. The first court is that of the empowered demigod and mahājana devotee Sri Yamaraja. The second court is the court of Lord Nityananda. Working in Yamaraja’s court means assisting his chief lieutenant Citragupta, whose job it is to note down all of the mistakes and sinful acts of conditioned souls.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16931

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Celebration of Colors – Hudson Valley I would like to invite you…
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Celebration of Colors – Hudson Valley
I would like to invite you to The Celebration of Colors – (Holi) festival which we (Nimai’s Bliss Kitchen) is hosting. The Celebration (The first of its kind in the Hudson Valley) is on Saturday June 20th from Noon to 9PM. It will take place in Historic Newburgh overlooking the the Hudson.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16938

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Hare Krishna! 10th Annual St. Augustine Ratha Yatra, 2015 Bhadra…
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Hare Krishna! 10th Annual St. Augustine Ratha Yatra, 2015
Bhadra Prabhu presented her with the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, telling her: “When you are in stress, please read this book. Mahatma Gandhi used to read this book whenever he was in a difficult situation.” Her reply was: “I am always in stressful situations.” Then Mukhya devi said to her: “You can read any page and you will find solutions.” The mayor replied that she will read it everyday. She hopes to go to India someday soon and immerse herself in the culture. She learned a bit of the history of the Ratha Yatra and took the part of King Prataparudra as she swept the street clean in honor of the procession.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16928

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Hare Krishna! 10th Annual St. Augustine Ratha Yatra, 2015 Bhadra…
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Hare Krishna! 10th Annual St. Augustine Ratha Yatra, 2015
Bhadra Prabhu presented her with the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, telling her: “When you are in stress, please read this book. Mahatma Gandhi used to read this book whenever he was in a difficult situation.” Her reply was: “I am always in stressful situations.” Then Mukhya devi said to her: “You can read any page and you will find solutions.” The mayor replied that she will read it everyday. She hopes to go to India someday soon and immerse herself in the culture. She learned a bit of the history of the Ratha Yatra and took the part of King Prataparudra as she swept the street clean in honor of the procession.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16928

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Hare Krishna! Krishna Consciousness – The Highly Productive…
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Hare Krishna! Krishna Consciousness – The Highly Productive Lifestyle
If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon our heart. The spirit should never grow old. …John Kenneth Galbraith We can distinguish art as different from work and can present five step process that can be adopted for turning work into art. These steps involve adopting a reliable methodology; learning from an expert guide or trainer; practicing with full faith and determination to develop the skills; intelligently identifying the goals and milestones; planning and executing to achieve the goals.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16924

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Hare Krishna! Krishna Consciousness – The Highly Productive…
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Hare Krishna! Krishna Consciousness – The Highly Productive Lifestyle
If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon our heart. The spirit should never grow old. …John Kenneth Galbraith We can distinguish art as different from work and can present five step process that can be adopted for turning work into art. These steps involve adopting a reliable methodology; learning from an expert guide or trainer; practicing with full faith and determination to develop the skills; intelligently identifying the goals and milestones; planning and executing to achieve the goals.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16924

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Hare Krishna! Sri Surabhi Campaign – Bangalore report Many of…
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Hare Krishna! Sri Surabhi Campaign – Bangalore report
Many of the devotees inquired about the upcoming seminars/conferences about Mother Surabhi. Maharaja mentioned that a few devotees are getting trained for the same under IDVM-India and that soon more details will be made available. Also, Maharaja made a point saying that the practical connection and involvement of the devotees to the campaign will become more clear once the second campaign pamphlet ‘Sustainable Eco Alliance’ is released.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16916

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Hare Krishna! Sri Surabhi Campaign – Bangalore report Many of…
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Hare Krishna! Sri Surabhi Campaign – Bangalore report
Many of the devotees inquired about the upcoming seminars/conferences about Mother Surabhi. Maharaja mentioned that a few devotees are getting trained for the same under IDVM-India and that soon more details will be made available. Also, Maharaja made a point saying that the practical connection and involvement of the devotees to the campaign will become more clear once the second campaign pamphlet ‘Sustainable Eco Alliance’ is released.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16916

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Hare Krishna! NASN March 2015 – North American Sankirtan…
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Hare Krishna! NASN March 2015 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of March. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Individuals, Monthly Top 5, Cumulative Countries, Cumulative Temples, Cumulative Top 100 Individuals, Cumulative Top 5
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16913

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Hare Krishna! NASN March 2015 – North American Sankirtan…
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Hare Krishna! NASN March 2015 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of March. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Individuals, Monthly Top 5, Cumulative Countries, Cumulative Temples, Cumulative Top 100 Individuals, Cumulative Top 5
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16913

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Hare Krishna! The Sannyasa Ministry would like your feedback To…
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Hare Krishna! The Sannyasa Ministry would like your feedback
To expand ISKCON’s preaching mission Srila Prabhupada created sannyasis. Thus the Ministry for Sannyasa Service has established a website to provide information about potential sannyasis to the ISKCON community and to get feedback in order to help in the candidate’s training
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=10808

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Hare Krishna! The Sannyasa Ministry would like your feedback To…
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Hare Krishna! The Sannyasa Ministry would like your feedback
To expand ISKCON’s preaching mission Srila Prabhupada created sannyasis. Thus the Ministry for Sannyasa Service has established a website to provide information about potential sannyasis to the ISKCON community and to get feedback in order to help in the candidate’s training
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=10808

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Hare Krishna! New Hare Krishna Centre Finaly in Edinburgh! 40…
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Hare Krishna! New Hare Krishna Centre Finaly in Edinburgh!
40 years ago the ISKCON Edinburgh centre closed and everyone involved, including Srila Prabhupada, was extremely disappointed. Since then we have not had a preaching centre in Edinburgh and even in forming a Vaishnava community we faced many difficulties, but recently Krishna consciousness has started to flourish here. Eight months ago we apealed to the wider vaisnava community, here on Dandavats.com, asking for help in rasing funds to open a center in Edinburgh for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada. There were many challenges but thanks to your support and well wishes, we were able to finally open the ‘Gouranga Mantra Centre’ on the 12th April 2015.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16908

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Hare Krishna! New Hare Krishna Centre Finaly in Edinburgh! 40…
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Hare Krishna! New Hare Krishna Centre Finaly in Edinburgh!
40 years ago the ISKCON Edinburgh centre closed and everyone involved, including Srila Prabhupada, was extremely disappointed. Since then we have not had a preaching centre in Edinburgh and even in forming a Vaishnava community we faced many difficulties, but recently Krishna consciousness has started to flourish here. Eight months ago we apealed to the wider vaisnava community, here on Dandavats.com, asking for help in rasing funds to open a center in Edinburgh for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada. There were many challenges but thanks to your support and well wishes, we were able to finally open the ‘Gouranga Mantra Centre’ on the 12th April 2015.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16908

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