Canada Couple Try to Live Prabhupada’s “Simple Life” Gaura Nitai…

Canada Couple Try to Live Prabhupada’s “Simple Life”
Gaura Nitai and Lala Gopi’s 100-acre “Govinda’s Farm” in King’s County, Eastern PEI overlooks the Northumberland Strait of Nova Scotia and includes a 140-year-old Victorian house, a barn and outbuildings. Today, the couple live in the house with their Gaura Nitai and Jagannath Deities and their 23-year-old son Rama, who moved back home to help out. “When we first came here, we paid cash for the land – we don’t take mortgages out,” says the likeably direct and plainspoken Lala Gopi. “After that, we only had $600 left to our name.”
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Bhaktin Sakshi Donates Scholarship for TOVP Construction (2 min…

Bhaktin Sakshi Donates Scholarship for TOVP Construction (2 min video)
Bhaktin Sakshi from Delhi, India decides that the scholarship money she received from her college would best be spent on “higher education” by helping to build the TOVP to fulfill Srila Prabhupada’s desire to bring millions of people to Mayapur, and ultimately back to Godhead. This is truly the best use of intelligence in the Lord’s service and a wonderful example of sacrifice.
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Hare Krishna! Real Knowledge Changed My Life It was at a tent…

Hare Krishna! Real Knowledge Changed My Life
It was at a tent program in the center of Mumbai during a warm March evening in 1971 that I first encountered actual knowledge. Srila Prabhupada was speaking, and although I missed much of what he said because of his accent, I sensed that I was hearing something worlds apart from all that I’d ever heard before. The experience was scary but exhilarating, and something in me that had been sleeping began to stir. Because Prabhupada was noble, learned, and gentlemanly, despite myself (I was an atheist at the time) I respected and had some faith in him and wanted to understand what he was saying. So I listened to him and his followers.
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Hare Krishna! “Surrender Unto Me”—Krishna’s Loving…

Hare Krishna! “Surrender Unto Me”—Krishna’s Loving Invitation
Bhaktivinoda Thakura describes the six practices of those serious about dedicating their lives to Krishna: accepting things favorable to devotional service, rejecting things unfavorable to devotional service, accepting that Krishna is our only maintainer, accepting that Krishna is our only protector, developing a deep sense of humility, and fully giving ourselves for the purpose of guru and Krishna.
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Hare Krishna! Govardhana’s Festival of Joy –Insights into the…

Hare Krishna! Govardhana’s Festival of Joy –Insights into the International Vaisnavi Retreat 2015
Held in a spacious açrama, far away “from the madding crowd,” the retreat bestowed upon us many blessings. I was happy to leave behind computer, internet, phone, and the comforts of my daily life, and just be absorbed in bhajana. As Praçäntä Devé had explained in the opening ceremony, “To go on a retreat means to get away from all our pressures and worries to simply become absorbed in cultivating our relationship with Kåñëa and the devotees, so we may return to our life strengthened and enlivened.”
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Hare Krishna! Service positions at ISKCON Simhachalam Join the…

Hare Krishna! Service positions at ISKCON Simhachalam
Join the Simhachalam team! ISKCON Jandelsbrunn Simhachalam is a medium temple and farm community of dedicated and experienced devotees in beautiful Bavarian forest, Germany, under the shelter of Sri Sri Prahlad Laksmi Narasimha Deva. Beside the temple, we are also running a guest house (with yoga outreach), an organic farm and a small goshala. We have one of the world’s top sankirtana team and wonderful festivals and events throughout the year.
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Hare Krishna! Mayapur Retirement Village as an International GBC…

Hare Krishna! Mayapur Retirement Village as an International GBC Project
Whereas the desire of the international GBC is that a retirement village be created in Sridham Mayapur that would operate under the direction of the international GBC Resolved: That the Retirement Village/Elders’ Enclave is under the exclusive direction of the international GBC Body. There is no direction or control from any other ISKCON entity. A committee will be formed to oversee the operation of the Retirement Village once the construction phase has been completed. Badrinarayan Swami will work with the Mayapur GBCom to select that committee and to establish the guidelines under which the management committee and the Retirement Village project will operate. Badrinarayan Swami is appointed as the GBC Body’s agent for this project. Badrinarayan Swami will report to the Mayapur GBC committee as needed and will seek their prior approval for major decisions.
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Sita Swayambara in Sri Jaganatha Mandir, Kuala Lumpur KUALA…

Sita Swayambara in Sri Jaganatha Mandir, Kuala Lumpur
KUALA LUMPUR – In the Hindu epic Ramayana, Sītā marries Rama, the only one strong enough to lift the Shivа Dhanushа (Lord Shiva’s bow) and string it. In Valmiki Ramayana Janak raja tells that he has promised to marry Sita to the person who can lift Dhanusha and string it. No one could do before Rama. Rama did it. This condition of lifting dhanusha was called by Janak as virya shulka, cost to be paid by suitor for marrying Sita. This scene was enacted by the Youth of Sri Jagannatha Mandir in Kuala Lumpur during the recent Ram Navami festival. You can watch the recorded video in our video archive in this website.
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Harinama in Hong Kong, China (Album with photos) Srila…

Harinama in Hong Kong, China (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The mango fruit is different from the name of the mango. One cannot taste the mango fruit simply by chanting, “Mango, mango, mango.” But the devotee who knows that there is no difference between the name and form of the Lord chants Hare Krishna, and realizes that he is always in Krishna’s company.
(Srimad-Bhagavatam, 10.2.36 Purport).
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Bangalore Safari (Album with photos) This week over 180 devotees…

Bangalore Safari (Album with photos)
This week over 180 devotees from 50+ Nations Joined us to spread Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Sankirtan Movement.
Devotees From Brazil, United States, Argentina, China, South Africa, Brazil, Japan, England, Australia, Bolivia, Malaysia, chile, Mexico, Canada, Russia and numerous other countries joined in..
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Navadwipa mandala parikrama (Album with photos) Srila…

Navadwipa mandala parikrama (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “O Lord,” the demigods say, “the impersonalists, who are nondevotees, cannot understand that Your name is identical with Your form.” Since the Lord is absolute, there is no difference between His name and His actual form. In the material world there is a difference between form and name.
(Srimad-Bhagavatam, 10.2.36 Purport).
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Hare Krishna! Srila Prabhupada Ashrama’s Youth on a Hike to…

Hare Krishna! Srila Prabhupada Ashrama’s Youth on a Hike to Purify the Soul
What do you do with teenagers during a school break? Hike, camp-out, travel! It really gets the spider webs out of their heads and they love it. Thanks to the generous donation of Nitesh Patel from LA and the mercy of Lord Narasimha, we finally packed our backpacks and headed towards Ahobilam in South India. The train ride let the boys cut up with all the sleep they think they have missed, and eating sandwiches was definitely not a problem.
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Hare Krishna! The four headed Brahma’s diminutive intelligence…

Hare Krishna! The four headed Brahma’s diminutive intelligence Vs Srila Sanatana Goswami’s first class humility
When Lord Caitanya finished His instructions to Srila Sanatana Goswami, Sanatana, being empowered and enlightened, was so transcendentally pleased that he at once fell at the feet of Lord Caitanya and said: “I am born of a very low family, and I have always associated with lowly people; therefore I am the lowest of sinners. Yet You are so kind that You have taught me lessons which are not even understood by Lord Brahma, the greatest being in this universe.
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The latest issue of Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu was just…

The latest issue of Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu was just released!
This issue includes: * A QUESTION OF COMMON SENSE — with some simple logic His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada shows the absurdity of athieistic philosophy. * NEVER AFRAID OF A SMARTA — an article by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada. * THE FIRST ATTRACTION — PART 13 — Continuation of a fresh translation done especially for Bindu from Srila Jiva Goswami’s Gopala Campuh, speaking about how Radha and Krishna first met. * THE GLORIES OF SHYAMANANDA PRABHU — a first time translation done especially for this issue of a song by the poet Narahari Das. * Nama-tattva: WHO ELSE CAN BE SUPERIOR? — another first time translation for this issue of a verse from Sri Bhagavan-nama-mahatyma-samgraha.
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Hare Krishna! WSN February 2015 – World Sankirtan…

Hare Krishna! WSN February 2015 – World Sankirtan Newsletter
February turned out to be a great month for the Pune temple: It was the No.1 temple in the world. Look out, Mayapur and New Delhi! Pune is entering the transcendental competition. Rightly so, since 160 brahmacaris live there. I just visited the recently constructed Pune temple, where the presiding Deities are Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai, Sri Sri Radha-Vrndavana-chandra, and Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra – all very beautiful Deities. The temple is one of the most beautiful in the world. Krsna certainly rewarded these devotees for their sincere service.
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Hare Krishna! Hema Malibu to be the Chairman for Next Year’s…

Hare Krishna! Hema Malibu to be the Chairman for Next Year’s ISKCON’s 50th Anniversary
This evening, March 29th, 2015, MP Ms. Hema Malibu Visited ISKCON Vrindavan. HH Gopal Krishna Maharaj, HG Panchgauda and HG Deena Bandhu Das greeted her in Temple. She has a deep affection for Krishna Balaram. She ate Krishna Balaram’s Prasad with deep interest which was given to her by and HH Gopal Krishna Maharaj requested her to be the Chairman for Next Years ISKCON’s 50th Anniversary, She Readily accepted it.
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Hare Krishna! Looking for Admin Assistant, Foreign Registration…

Hare Krishna! Looking for Admin Assistant, Foreign Registration Office Mayapur
1) Job title : Admin Assistant FRO (Foreign Registration Office)(Male)
Job location: FRO (Foreign Registration Office), No. 104, General Manager Room, Long building
Main responsibilities :
* One must be able to speak English & Russian language to communicate with devotees to know their requirement.
* Basic computer knowledge to fill required forms & draft letters.
* Will have to travel to Kolkata once in a week on office duty.
Required level of education: Preferably a Graduate.
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