Hare Krishna! Art on the Wall with Kardami Once I had to do a…
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Hare Krishna! Art on the Wall with Kardami
Once I had to do a painting for an ISKCON center in Bulgaria. It was a picture of Radha and Krishna appearing from both sides of the altar. I decided to start with Krishna. When the time came to start painting the portrait of Srimati Radharani, I was in this mood that I could do anything very easily, without making an effort. I thought I would paint her in a day. Haha- big mistake. The first time I painted her, it didn’t work. I painted her again, and it didn’t work either. I tried once more, completely disheartened, and again it didn’t work. I felt useless…
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Hare Krishna! Devotion is not just a calling – it is also a…
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Hare Krishna! Devotion is not just a calling – it is also a choice
Many people treat devotion as a calling to which some are called and some (they) aren’t. Thus, they rationalize delaying their practice of devotion till some uncertain future when they will feel the call. It’s true that many great saints had life-defining moments of calling – moments that folk narratives about them glamorize. But such narratives often neglect the reality that those saints’ devotion was not just a calling but also a choice, a choice they resolutely exercised lifelong.
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‘Micro labs’ team visits ISKCON Mayapur 28 March Around 20…
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‘Micro labs’ team visits ISKCON Mayapur
28 March Around 20 employees of Micro Labs (a renowned healthcare organization) visited ISKCON Mayapur recently. They arrived on 24th March afternoon led by firm’s Vice President Mr. H.V. Ravi and received a traditional welcome with kirtan, tilak and light prasadam. They had a tour package which was designed by firm manager Mr. Sunil Kumar in coordination with Mayapur Tourism department. This included spiritual activities exclusively arranged for them and time to attend Temple aratis apart from their official meetings. On 24th evening, the team enjoyed a transcendental boat ride in Mother Ganges. It was an action packed hour with kirtan, katha,visit to Triveni sangam spot (meeting point of River Ganges, Jalangi and Saraswati), puspanjali and arati to Mother Ganges followed by distribution of Gaja mahaprasadam. Next day morning i.e. on 25th, they visited ISKCON Goshala. Mr. H.V Ravi performed go puja accompanied with chanting of Hare Krsna mahamantra. Later everyone fed jaggery to the cows. Then, there was breakfast on goshala terrace. They relished many varieties of prasadam like upma, puri, two sabjis, rasogulla, sweet curd in fresh open air environment. Around 9:30 am, they convened for an official meeting in Conch building’s conference hall used by GBCs- what a fortune to have meetings in a room used by advanced devotees of ISKCON!! Lighting of incense and ghee lamps added to the auspiciousness. Mr. Sunil and Mr. Ravi expressed their thanks to HG Gopijana Vallabha Prabhu and Surya Mataji from Mayapur Tourism department for an excellent organisation and giving them fortune to conduct their meeting in holy Mayapur dham. The meetings went till late evening. Mr. Dilip Surana, CMD of the firm also joined the meetings on 25th and left on 26th. They also attended eye opening lectures on management and leadership based on Bhagavad Gita. On 26th afternoon, HH Jay Pataka Swami presented Bhagavad Gita to all members with His blessings. They departed cheered up on 27th morning. Mr. Sunil appreciated Mayapur tourism for giving them an overall rewarding experience with so many spiritually enlivening activities in a short span of time.
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/PjQO3U

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Hare Krishna! 2015 Year of the ToVP – “UK 1 million £+”…
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Hare Krishna! 2015 Year of the ToVP – “UK 1 million £+” challenge
HG Praghosa das recently announced in Mayapur that 2015, the 50th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in the Western world, as The Year of the ToVP. Here in the British Isles we want to support that statement of HG Praghosa prabhu by embarking upon a “1 million £ plus” challenge and by creating awareness of The temple of Vedic Planetarium this year. The Temple of Vedic Planetarium team upon invitation, will visit any temple, centre or festival, serving in harmony with those projects by creating awareness and generating support for this effort. Various events will be announced shortly. You can also meet the Temple of Vedic Planetarium team at all the major Ratha Yatras in the British Isles to pledge your kind gift.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16474

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Hare Krishna! The Life of King Kulasekhara – a great Rama…
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Hare Krishna! The Life of King Kulasekhara – a great Rama Bhakta
The name of King Kulasekhara Alvar is well known to the followers of Srila Prabhupada. His Divine Grace used to relish with great ecstasy the Mukunda Mala Stotra written by this great saintly king. This stotra is commonly known in ISKCON as the Prayers of King Kulasekhara. Though his name is well known, for most devotees, very little is known about Maharaja Kulasekhara. We shall now try to remedy this lacuna by presenting a concise synopsis of his life. But before we start we must briefly answer the question– Who are the Alvars?
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Hare Krishna! Prasadam – There one Minute, Gone the Next! By…
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Hare Krishna! Prasadam – There one Minute, Gone the Next!
By Hrdaya Caitanya das
I have had a few queries from some devotees about the last title of our prasadam distribution venture – ‘Banana Plates to Gold Leaf’ – so for anyone else who might be curious and found it too cryptic it as simply a reference to the banana plates we serve the prasadam on, and the gold leaf that will be part of the stunning Temple of the Vedic Planetarium. So we were out again on Wednesday and this time it was pretty hectic. Firstly before leaving the ISKCON campus our motor rickshaw broke down! So we waited while it was being fixed… and waited… and waited… and waited… we were just about to call it a day and low and behold; chuck, chuck, chuck, vroooom! And we were off!
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Hare Krishna! Breaking Open The Storehouse Of Love Of God This…
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Hare Krishna! Breaking Open The Storehouse Of Love Of God
This Krsna Consciousness Movement must be brought out to the public. It is so plain to see when you go out and chant on the streets regularly. If you haven’t been going out for a long time, and you decide to take the plunge again, you will immediately understand that it is what you have been missing in your life……please come and join the Harinam, at least once a week.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16470

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Hare Krishna! The Personality of Lord Rama By Giriraj Swami We…
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Hare Krishna! The Personality of Lord Rama
By Giriraj Swami
We have many lessons to learn from the pastimes of Lord Ramacandra, but in relation to today’s verse, in particular, Srila Prabhupada is pointing out the most fundamental of all lessons, that the Personality of Godhead is a person with all of the sentiments of a person and that we too are persons, eternally. Even in the liberated stage we have such sentiments, and we should respect them. We do not necessarily reject “negative” emotions that arise within us as being material, because they may in fact be spiritual. Even a “negative” emotion engaged in Krsna’s service is spiritual, and a so-called noble sentiment outside of Krsna consciousness is material.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=9478

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Hare Krishna! Is the Ramayana relevant today? One of the primary…
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Hare Krishna! Is the Ramayana relevant today?
One of the primary values that it conveys – selfless sacrifice – is especially relevant in our present times that are characterized by obsessive selfishness. Contemporary culture largely glamorizes the “me” paradigm, which impels people to seek their personal gratification without caring about its cost for others. When the same inconsiderate individualism causes us to neglect or manipulate the people around us – our family members, our neighbors and colleagues, then it boomerangs to wound our heart, afflicting it with emotional ruptures and gnawing loneliness. Thus, the “me” paradigm, despite its instinctive appeal to our ego, is disastrously myopic.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=12495

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Hare Krishna! The incident of Lord Rama and the Dog The…
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Hare Krishna! The incident of Lord Rama and the Dog
The following history from the Valmiki Ramaya is full of import for anyone who wants to be a guru, GBC, temple president or leader in ISKCON or any spiritual institution. “Sri Rama said to Laksmana who was seated there and who was characterized by auspicious marks, ‘O Long-armed Laksmana! Go out and call by turn those, who have come with some business’. Having listened to Sri Rama’s order, Laksmana endowed with auspicious marks, going to the palace-gate himself called those who had come with some request.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=8753

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Hare Krishna! Lord Rama: Fact or Fiction When it comes to the…
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Hare Krishna! Lord Rama: Fact or Fiction
When it comes to the Ramayana and the history of Lord Rama, there have been numerous authors who have accepted the Ramayana as a history of ancient events. For example, the first Governor General of India, Sri Rajaji, wrote on the Ramayana and called it a history, as also did the English Indologist Sir William Jones. Various other western authors have made a study of the culture and history of the Ramayana, such as Philip Lutgendorf in his book Rama’s Story in Shiva’s City, California University; Joe Burkhalter Flueckiger and Laurie Sears in The Boundaries of Traditional Ramayana and Mahabharata Performances in South and Southeast Asia, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; W. L. Smith on Ramayan Traditions in Eastern India, University of Stockholm, and others.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=5060

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Hare Krishna! How Could Sri Rama Do That To His Pregnant…
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Hare Krishna! How Could Sri Rama Do That To His Pregnant Wife?
How many devotees will answer the question of how Mother Sita was banished by Sri Rama to Valmiki’s hermitage? “Rama was righteous… He set an example for all…?” Or is there a deeper reason? Such an answer can take the ‘controversy’ out of it. We do not have a right to question any of the Lord’s decisions, but in light of today’s awareness of human rights and the importance of family unity in strengthening spiritual communities, our answer might echo what appears to be a heartless decision to banish a pregnant wife, based on a seemingly major reaction to minor piece of public opinion.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=11940

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Puri Tour by Mayapur Local Preaching For the pleasure of their…
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Puri Tour by Mayapur Local Preaching
For the pleasure of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhav, Pancatattva, Sri Nrisimha Dev, Sri Jagannath Baladev Subhadra Maharani and Srila Prabhupada, Mayapur Local Preaching (MLP) went to Sri Jagannath Puri for a six day tour from 10th to 15th March. 70 Bhakti Vriksha members went for the trip and by the mercy of Their Lordships, all devotees have returned back fine. Devotees went by the Howrah Puri Express on 10th night and reached Puri on 11th morning. The program inauguration took place at the garden of Tota Gopinath temple around 11 am with glorification of Lord ‘Sri Tota Gopinath’ by H.G.Mathuresh Prabhu. They visited following pastime places of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu followed by Harinam Sankirtan: ‘Sat-asan’ places, Siddha Bakul, Gambhira, Srila Sarba Bhouma Bhattacarya Griha, Sheta Ganga, Sheta Madhav, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur’s Birth Place,Sri Jagannath Ballava uddyan, Gundica Temple, Sri Nrisimha Mandir, Sri Indraduymna Sarovar, Lord Nilmadhav at Kontila village, Lingaraj Temple at Bhubaneswar, Bindu Sarovar, Ananta Basudev, Sakshi Gopal Mandir, Allalnath and Sri Jagannath Temple both inside and outside. Devotees brought a self-cooking arrangement from Mayapur and they were happy to honor delicious prasadam three times a day. Other than these programs, there was also a provision for samudra snnan (bathing in the ocean) as recommended by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. H.G. Ananda Bardhan Prabhu led the party as Tirtha Guru and talked about the pastimes of the Lord at different pilgrimages. The participants were very happy with the tour and some of them even cried out in ecstasy. Overall, the tour has completed successfully under the guidance and co-ordination of H.G. Mathuresh Prabhu.
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/4tAF3k

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Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Day 5 to Day 12 $230,000…
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Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Day 5 to Day 12
$230,000 Raised in New Goloka Dhama, $200,000 Pledged from Denver Temple, $250,000 pledged by Mr. and Mrs. Vora’s friends and many more victories from the traveling TOVP team’s tour in North American Temples and Communities. Also Jananivas Prabhu’s 71st Birthday Celebrated and Deity Seva Seminars given.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16437

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Hare Krishna! GBC College – First Residential Session…
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Hare Krishna! GBC College – First Residential Session Completed
“It’s been a life-changing experience to attend these GBC College sessions,” said Gauranga Simha Prabhu, Co-director for ISKCON Mayapur. “This training has motivated me in such a way that I want to rededicate myself to serving the movement of Srila Prabhupada with more seriousness and vigor.” After the initial three days of association with the HH Radhanath Maharaja, HH Giriraj Maharaja and HH Bhakti Charu Maharaja, the participants (figuratively) rolled up their sleeves and explored the nuts and bolts of effective communication in the “Conscious Leadership” course by Brajmohan Prabhu.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16432

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Hare Krishna! Gaura Purnima on Oxford Street Oxford Street is…
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Hare Krishna! Gaura Purnima on Oxford Street
Oxford Street is one of the most busiest streets in the world for tourists and shoppers. And Gaura Purnima is the most important day of the year so it only makes sense to have a Rathayatra festival down this street at peak time. Srila Prabhupada visited Soho street with a view to buying a temple, he was sick, lying down in the car, he asked Jaya Tirtha Prabhu one question, ” how far are we from Oxford street?” Just about 20 yards, “buy it”.
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Hare Krishna! Report from the celebrations of the 40th…
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Hare Krishna! Report from the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir
This morning after an amazing Srimad Bhagavatam class by Her Grace Daivi Shakti Mataji (above), one of the earliest pioneers of our Krishna Balaram temple, the devotees visited the Radha Vamsi Gopal Temple, where Srila Prabhupada stayed before moving to Radha Damodar. Secluded, serene and sweet is the only words to describe Radha Vamsi Gopal temple. Deena Bandhu Prabhu gave a wonderful description and the devotees visited Srila Prabhupada’s room 3 floors up.
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As The Phoenix From The Flames, A Grand, Beautiful New Temple Is…
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As The Phoenix From The Flames, A Grand, Beautiful New Temple Is Rising From The Debris!
When Cyclone Hudhud raged through the province of Andhra Pradhesh on India’s East Coast on October 12th 2014, it caused serious damage to ISKCON Visakhapatnam, leaving devotees feeling demoralized.
But like the proverbial phoenix from the flames, a grand, beautiful new temple is rising from the debris. Construction began on the auspicious day of Gaura Purnima on March 15th this year, and the monumental 67,000 square foot temple is expected to be completed by Nityananda Trayodasi in Feburary 2018.
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/fQ1mnX

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Hare Krishna! Religion of Non-envy By His Divine Grace A.C….
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Hare Krishna! Religion of Non-envy
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
So the Krishna consciousness movement is not for the persons who are envious. It is a movement to train people how to become non-envious. Yes, it is very first-class scientific movement not to become envious. Any religion system, if there is jealousy, it is not religion. We should understand what jealousy is. Jealousy means that you are rightful owner of something; I won’t allow you to take it. This is jealousy; try to understand it.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16417

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Hare Krishna! Some Confusion in ISKCON Regarding Fasting Bhanu…
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Hare Krishna! Some Confusion in ISKCON Regarding Fasting
Bhanu Swami: In ISKCON, there is some ambiguity in the term “fasting”. This ambiguity is reflected in the VCal computer program, and it is often perpetrated in many printed calendars produced by ISKCON centers. Sometimes “fasting” means fasting from grains all day, as on Ekadasi. Sometimes it means not eating anything, even non-grain prasad, until a certain time, as in the phrases “fasting till noon on Ekadasi” (which is mentioned for the Ekadasis that occur before Vamana and Varaha Dwadasis) or “fasting till moonrise” (which is mentioned for Gaura Purnima).
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16413

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Glorious 40th Anniversary of ISKCON Vrindavan (Album 95…
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Glorious 40th Anniversary of ISKCON Vrindavan (Album 95 photos)
HG Deena Bandhu prabhu welcoming guests for the opening of the 40th Festival Entertainment with the beginning of manasa Vrndavana Parikrama, along with a slide show of Vrndavana photos on large screen with Krsna Balarama’s classical musicians
Parividha prabhu presenting his KRSNA cultural cabaret.
Madhura Theatre from Moscow presenting Agni and Butterfly
Manipuri dancers presenting the six Seasons of Rasa Dances and their Martial Arts
See them here: http://goo.gl/Ht8ASq

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“Forms of Devotion: The Spiritual in Indian Art” at New Delhi’s…
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“Forms of Devotion: The Spiritual in Indian Art” at New Delhi’s prestigious Lalit Kala Akademi on March 21st.
The exhibit features about 400 works by nearly 200 artists, selected from the Museum of Sacred Art’s (MOSA’s) permanent collection of over 1,600.
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/eHhae6

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