Hare Krishna! Fundraising for H.H. Bhakti Tirtha Swami’s…
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Hare Krishna! Fundraising for H.H. Bhakti Tirtha Swami’s Tirobhava – 2015
Please, I am writing you on behalf of the Gita Nagari team organizers for the Tirobhava of H.H. Bhakti Tirtha Swami which is to tale place from June 25th to 29th of this year in Gita Nagari. There are about 300-500 devotees who are expected to attend from all over the world, and we are looking for donations to manage the festival in order for it to move on smoothly.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16230

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Hare Krishna! NASN February 2015 – North American Sankirtan…
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Hare Krishna! NASN February 2015 – North American Sankirtan Newsletter
For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this report contains the following North American results of book distribution for the month of February. North American Totals, Monthly Temples, Monthly Weekend Warriors. Monthly Top 100 Individuals, Monthly Top 5, Cumulative Countries, Cumulative Temples, Cumulative Top 100 Individuals, Cumulative Top 5 
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16115

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KK Bindu #346: Glories of Lord Ramachandra, Continuation of…
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KK Bindu #346: Glories of Lord Ramachandra, Continuation of Gopal Campu and More
Issue 346 of Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu was just released. This issue focuses on Lord Ramachandra in honor of the upcoming festival of Rama-navami. Topics include: * ANYONE WHO CHANTS — Comments from His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada * THE MAINTAINER OF VEDIC ETIQUETTE — Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja speaks about the special ontological positions of Lord Ramachandra, Krishna, and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. * Nama-tattva: OTHER NAMES BECOME EMBARRASSED — An amazing verse from Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa. * THE FIRST ATTRACTION – PART 12 — Continuation of a fresh translation done especially for Bindu from Srila Jiva Goswami’s Gopala Campuh, speaking about how Radha and Krishna first met. * PRAYERS TO SRI RAMACHANDRA — A rare stotra composed by Srila Murari Gupta.
It can be downloaded here: https://archive.org/details/bindu346

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Hare Krishna! Letter from an Indian Clerk The great sage Narada…
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Hare Krishna! Letter from an Indian Clerk
The great sage Narada Muni while advising his disciple, the great Vyasa Maharaja says, “Learned circles have positively concluded that the infallible purpose of the advancement of knowledge, namely austerities, study of the Vedas, sacrifice, chanting of hymns and charity, culminates in the transcendental descriptions of the Lord, who is defined in choice poetry.” This means even a field like pure mathematics should be used to make others aware about the greatness of God.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16109

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Hare Krishna! Spiritual Unworthiness Yes, Krishna does miss us….
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Hare Krishna! Spiritual Unworthiness
Yes, Krishna does miss us. Let’s stop putzing around. Krishna is waiting for us! Depression and feelings of unworthiness are usually associated with failures and setbacks in life. An unsuccessful person, struggling to survive in a competitive world, feels doubtful about his or her competence and may feel depressed and unworthy. In fast-paced cities like Mumbai, work pressure and the race to the top are making people a clinically depressed lot, say psychiatrists. The increase of mental disorders and suicide is testimony to this phenomena.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16104

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Hare Krishna! Winning Life’s Battles Perhaps we should begin by…
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Hare Krishna! Winning Life’s Battles
Perhaps we should begin by defining religion. Dictionaries usually describe it as a system of belief in some supernatural power. That is where the conflicts tend to arise. My beliefs may well be different to yours, and human nature is such that we identify with these to the point where we create divisions based upon them. Hence we have many religious communities going under different names Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, etc. In most people’s minds this is what is meant by religion, all these various designations. The Gita however gives a broader definition.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16101

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Harinama during the St Patrick’s Day Parade, UK (Album 37…
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Harinama during the St Patrick’s Day Parade, UK (Album 37 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: One is understood to be an eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead if he considers himself a servant of the holy name and in this spirit distributes the holy name to the world.
(Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 8.16 Purport)
See them here: http://goo.gl/8d3JMT

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Vrindavana to become more clean and secure. Vrindavan, March 14,…
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Vrindavana to become more clean and secure.
Vrindavan, March 14, 2015: The District administration of Mathura has become sensitive towards the tourists after the Chief Minister’s visit. It is working on a plan to make Vrindavan clean, beautiful and a secure destination. The town will be transformed into international standard as the international tourists and the devotees from different parts of the country come here for spiritual tourism. The roads leading to the famous temples will be improved and will be given an international look. The CC TV will also be installed near the temples and on the junctions of the main roads.
According to the wishes expressed by the Chief Minister during his visit to Vrindavan, the District Administration has begun the exercise on the cleanliness of the town, security and availing other necessary facilities to the visitors. In the follow up action of the Chief Minister’s visit, the Divisional Commissioner Shri Pradeep Bhatnagar visited Vrindavan on Friday. He presided a meeting with the district authorities organized in the Iskcon Guest House. The Iskcon Temple Authorities were also present in the meeting.
Talking to the media after the meeting, the Divisional Commissioner said, “Keeping in view of the large number of domestic and international pilgrims, the CCTV cameras will be put in the temples and the junctions of the main roads for their safety. The tourism police will be deputed to help the tourists.” “Both the approach roads to Vrindavan will be broadened and beautified. The drain near the Prem Mandir will be repaired to deal with the water logging in the area, said Shri Pradeep Bhatnagar.
He said that a proposal was being prepared by the District Authorities. The Chief Minister desired that the roads of Vrindavan should be maintained like the temples. The District Magistrate Rajesh Kumar, SSP Manzil Saini, MVDA Vice chairman Nagendra Pratap, MVDA secretary S.B. Singh, U.P. Jal Nigam’s engineer Nizamuddin Siddiqui was present in the meeting.

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Hare Krishna! From “I am” to “God is” The recognition of our…
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Hare Krishna! From “I am” to “God is”
The recognition of our dependence on a higher source for our very existence is also central to Srila Prabhupada’s argument. This higher source is referred to as intelligence: “Intelligence gives one direction like some higher authority, and the living being cannot see or move or eat or do anything without the use of intelligence” (SB2.2.35, purport). But this intelligence is beyond our control, and refers, in this context, to a super self, a portion of God that maintains our existence.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16094

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Hare Krishna! Everything attractive comes from Krishna, but…
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Hare Krishna! Everything attractive comes from Krishna, but everything attractive doesn’t take us to Krishna
The Bhagavad-gita repeatedly urges us to not become attracted by sense objects. Yet the same Gita (10.41) asserts that the attractiveness of everything attractive comes from a spark of Krishna’s splendor. When the attractiveness of sense objects also comes from Krishna, why shouldn’t we be attracted to them? Because becoming attracted to them doesn’t take us to Krishna.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16085

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Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Mayapur Departure/U.S….
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Hare Krishna! TOVP Tour Daily Diary: Mayapur Departure/U.S. Arrival – Maya Tests Us
In the early morning hours on Wednesday, March 12th in Mayapur, Jananivas prabhu and myself (Vraja Vilas), to the nectarine sound of Krishna Kirtan, departed for the U.S. in a grand procession carrying with us the divine Padukas of Lord Nityananda and Sitari of Lord Nrsinghadeva. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in the U.S. in 2015 (also officially pronounced the Year of the TOVP by GBC Chairman Praghosa prabhu), we are scheduled to travel for 108 days to over 35 temples and devotee sangas throughout the U.S. and Canada. This will also be Jananivas prabhu’s first step outside of India in over 45 years, and at the advanced age of 72.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16081

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Celebrations on Srivasa Pandit’s appearance day (Album 94…
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Celebrations on Srivasa Pandit’s appearance day (Album 94 photos)
Devotees in Mayapur celebrated appearance of Srivasa Pandita on 14th March. As per Vedic authorities, he is considered to be an incarnation of Narada Muni. Every night, Mahaprabhu and His associates would chant the names of Krishna and dance in Srivasa Pandita’s house. Srivasa Pandita never made any effort to support himself or his dependents. Because of his full dedication to Lord Chaitanya and His mission, Lord Chaitanya provided for all his needs. Around 12 noon, there was abhishek of Deity of Srivasa pandit in Panca tattva hall. This was accompanied with kirtana and almost the entire Temple hall was full of enthusiastic devotees. Next, there was distribution of carnamrita. Devotees had prepared many types of bhoga which were offered to Srivasa Pandit. Finally, there was puspanjali, arati of Srivasa Pandit and distribution of mahaprasad to assembled devotees.
See them here: http://goo.gl/TzpcBv

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Hare Krishna! Croome Hare Krishna Festival 2015 Dear devotees…
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Hare Krishna! Croome Hare Krishna Festival 2015
Dear devotees who ever had a relationship with Chaitanya College at Croome Court, UK. This is an appeal especially to those who visited, lived or worked at CC when it was the HQ for ISKCON UK in the 1970’s/early 1980’s. We are now in the fifth year of an annual Croome Hare Krishna Festival, hosted by the National Trust of England and Wales who now care for the Croome estate. They are very much behind our efforts to regain links with those familiar with life at the court in our time there .
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16078

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Indradyumna Swami’s health update. BB Govinda Swami: Dear…
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Indradyumna Swami’s health update.
BB Govinda Swami: Dear Friends, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. His Holiness Indradyumna Swami requested me to share some information with you. A few weeks ago Maharaja visited his skin doctor to check a lesion on his face. A biopsy was taken and the results showed that it was melanoma, a form of skin cancer. Srila Prabhupada taught us that “debt, disease, and fire should be extinguished immediately.” So, Maharaja traveled to Durban, South Africa to be cared for by our very old friend and surgeon Sunil Mohan Prabhu and a great team of expert doctors. Maharaja arrived in Durban on March 11th. On March 12th he had a PET Scan to determine if cancer had spread to any organs in the body. By Lord Krishna’s grace the results of the PET Scan were perfect and the cancer had not spread to any internal organs. Yesterday, March 13th, Maharaja was admitted to the hospital and underwent a surgical procedure called, “wide excision” to remove all the flesh surrounding the area where the lesion had been. At the same time the lymph nodes in his face, near the lesion, were removed to see any cancer cells had spread….
Read the entire note here: http://goo.gl/reZwZF

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Navadwipa Mandala Parikrama (Album 100 photos) “Such…
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Navadwipa Mandala Parikrama (Album 100 photos)
“Such reasonable people seeking to be released from captivity of an old age and death find a shelter in Me and serve Me with love. They already, in fact, the Brahman because in perfection learned laws of spiritual activity.”
(Bhagavad-Geeta 7.29)
See them here: http://goo.gl/iZxkKQ

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Hare Krishna! Krishna’s Presence Ensures Protection Srila…
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Hare Krishna! Krishna’s Presence Ensures Protection
Srila Prabhupada: So the conclusion is if Krishna saves, nobody can kill; and if Krishna wants to kill, nobody can save. Therefore our conclusion should be that we should always be under the protection of Krishna. Avasya raknibe Krishna this is saranagati, or surrender. Surrender means, “I am surrendering to Krishna with full faith that He is quite competent to give me protection.” This is called surrender. Not that hesitation: “Oh, I will surrender to Krishna, and in case of danger, He may not be able to give me protection.” That is not surrender. With full faith: “Yes, Krishna is so powerful, Krishna is so great, that I am surrendering to Krishna from this day. O Krishna, I have been wandering throughout the universe life after life without knowing my relationship with you. Now, today, I surrender unto you. Kindly accept me and engage me in your service.”
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16072

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Hare Krishna! Feel The Purport On A Petal’s Edge We can get a…
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Hare Krishna! Feel The Purport On A Petal’s Edge
We can get a wrong idea of what perfection is in Bhakti. We might think that a guru has to be word perfect, action perfect – everything perfect. What type of perfection though? If we expect a mechanised, robotic perfection where every strand of hair remains untangled and every tilt of the head is an encyclopaedic event, and base our faith on these alone, we’ll miss the point. Perfection can be found in imperfection. If a pure devotee offers Krishna a banana skin instead of a banana because his love for the Lord made him unaware of what he was offering, Krishna will accept that. If another poverty stricken devotee possesses some ‘unofferable’ chipped rice, but has love for Krishna, Krishna will more than happily accept it. Devotional love makes imperfect things perfect.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=16069

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The harinam and program Wednesday March 11, 2015 in Prague…
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The harinam and program Wednesday March 11, 2015 in Prague (Album 31 photos)
For many years harinams – the color joyous procession of devotees singing the holy name of Krishna accompanied by harmonium, mridangas and karatalas – are inseparable from Prague. This singing represents the yuga-dharma for this age. We go regularly on Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 PM from Obecni dům on Republic Square. If you would like to join, you are cordially invited. “Sankirtana brings grace of Krishna’s holy names to the spiritually inert mass of people and indeed to all living beings who do not otherwise have the opportunity or inclination to Krishna consciousness. This public chanting purifies the contaminated atmosphere of the Kali Yuga. Everyone who will participate, will be dear to Lord Chaitanya.”
See them here: http://goo.gl/WNbE04

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Mother Malati’s Magical Memories (16 min video) Mother Malati…
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Mother Malati’s Magical Memories (16 min video)
Mother Malati blessed the TKG Academy students with her stories of Srila Prabhupada with her daugher Sarasvati. Take a look below to hear about gulabjamuns, airplane rides, and Srila Prabhupada’s immense love. The students were spellbound! Having Srila Prabhupada’s devout disciples bring the magic of Krishna consciousness directly to the students is certainly a great privilege that we treasure at the TKG Academy.
Watch it here: http://goo.gl/cO7hjP

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Haryana CM Khattar shows the way; bans cow slaughter in…
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Haryana CM Khattar shows the way; bans cow slaughter in state!
Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar has the potential to emerge as an important political leader who is not hesitant to stand up for Hindu interests.
Khattar’s state government is set to ban the sale of beef and cow slaughter in Haryana, which will become a crime chargeable under the same section that deals with murder.
After Maharashtra, Haryana government will introduce a bill in the Budget session to ban beef and cow slaughter in the state. Punishment under Section 302 which amounts to murder, will be slapped for cow slaughter and possession of beef will also be included as crime.
Haryana Agriculture Minister Om Parkash Dhankar had on March 8 said that the state is set to introduce a bill for “protection and upkeep” of cows in the session.
In the proposed ‘Govansh Sanrakashan and Gau Samvardhan (Cow Protection and Cow Conservation and Development) Bill’ efforts will be made to ban cow slaughter and for conservation and better care of indigenous cattle, he said. Dhankar also said adding that sale of packaged beef has been banned in the state.
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/IiykMP

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