HEALTHY MOO! 15-month-old Moo, affectionate pet of Sue Fulton…

15-month-old Moo, affectionate pet of Sue Fulton and family from Fernvale, suddenly became very ill recently and could no longer eat or walk. When the vet suggested contacting the devotees for a sling to lift him, they did this. (Without getting a sick calf up, they usually die.) Gita Govinda devi dasi gave Sue the sling, and maintained contact throughout Moo’s ordeal. Though the vet gave him antibiotics, as the days went by, he was not improving and she thought he would depart.
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Hare Krishna! ISKCON 50th Anniversary Mukunda Goswami: The…

Hare Krishna! ISKCON 50th Anniversary
Mukunda Goswami: The government of the city of New York has a good memory. It installed a metal sign glorifying the incident of what was probably the first outdoor mahamantra chant in the West. The plaque is located in Tompkins Square Park in Manhattan, New York City on a cyclone fence that surrounds the elm tree, under which Srila Prabhupada stood, conducting the kirtana. The metal sign mentions that date of the event, and goes on to read that the poet Allen Ginsberg was present. Signed by the Mayor of New York City, the metal plaque includes the logo of New York’s Park and Recreation Commission. The visitor also reads that Hare Krishna people still visit the location, thus acknowledging the site’s significance.
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Hare Krishna! International book distribution award ceremony An…

Hare Krishna! International book distribution award ceremony
An international book distribution award ceremony was held on 3rd March during the Morning lecture. HG Vijaya Prabhu and HG Pragosh Prabhu facilitated the award distribution ceremony. HH Jaya Pataka Maharaj was the guest of honor and he enlightened the audience with his words before distribution of awards. He told about the amazing potency of Srila Prabhupada’s books as just by reading them, people have taken to chanting Hare Krsna Mahamantra and practice of devotional service.
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March – April AFFCAP newsletter. Dear Friends of AFFCAP, …

March – April AFFCAP newsletter.
Dear Friends of AFFCAP, Please find attached our March – April newsletter. We hope that you find something interesting in it. Please read the exciting news that the Government of Rajasthan has appointed a Minister dedicated to Cow Protection (Gopalan). This is big step in the right direction and let us pray that Govinda blesses Minister Otaram Devasi in his wonderful task. Subsequently, we have begun a discussion with the Government of Rajasthan’s Gopalan on working together protecting Rajasthan’s cows. There is still much to discuss but we are happy that a dialogue has begun. We are always happy to include new names on our mailing list and if you know someone who is interested in these topics, please send their email address to
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Hare Krishna! The Logician and Lord Caitanya Sarvabhauma…

Hare Krishna! The Logician and Lord Caitanya
Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, as the greatest logician of his day, was the professor of many sannyasis. He was an elderly gentleman, about the age of Lord Caitanya’s father, and so he felt some paternal affection for Lord Caitanya. He was also greatly struck by the personal beauty of the Lord, and he thought that it would be very difficult for such a beautiful young man to follow the strict rules and regulations of the renounced order of life. He therefore desired that Lord Caitanya hear from him the teachings of the Vedanta-sutras, the elevated philosophical codes which summarize the essential spiritual truths of all the Vedic literatures. Lord Caitanya tacitly agreed to this proposal.
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Hare Krishna! Early Miracles Of Caitanya Mahaprabhu When…

Hare Krishna! Early Miracles Of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
When Sarvabauma denounced himself as an offender and took shelter of Lord Caitanya, the Lord wanted to show him His mercy, so He manifested His four armed Visnu form. Then, just after this, He manifested His original two-armed Krsna form, with a blackish complexion and a flute near His lips. When Sarvabauma Bhattacarya saw this, he prostrated himself before the Lord. Then he arose and with folded palms offered Lord Caitanya prayers of glorification. By the Lord’s mercy, all truths were revealed to him, and he could understand the importance of chanting God’s holy names and distributing love of God everywhere.
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Hare Krishna! The Glories of Lord Caitanya Revealing the Land of…

Hare Krishna! The Glories of Lord Caitanya
Revealing the Land of Krsna. Among the sacred cities of the world, Vrndavana is probably the least well known. Yet this small town in northern India ranks with Rome, Jerusalem, and Mecca as a center of worship. It was in Vrndavana that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krsna, displayed His transcendental pastimes during His appearance on this planet some five thousand years ago. Over the course of centuries, the places of Krsna’s pastimes were lost to human memory, until they were rediscovered in the sixteenth century by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is Krsna Himself in the role of His own devotee.
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Hare Krishna! Lord Caitanya’s Mercy God has decided to give an…

Hare Krishna! Lord Caitanya’s Mercy
God has decided to give an offer to uplift ourselves from this miserable condition of life. How? By giving personal loans of His special mercy. God is our father, our best friend, and our ever well-wisher. He is supreme, so He can give unlimitedly—so much that you can’t take it all with your limited potential. This is the offer from that Supreme Person who owns and controls everything. When we take a loan from any bank of this material world, we undergo tension and suffer mental disorders.
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Hare Krishna! Teachings of Lord Chaitanya Srila Prabhupada: The…

Hare Krishna! Teachings of Lord Chaitanya
Srila Prabhupada: The philosophical sections of the Vedic hymns are meant to enable one to distinguish the Supreme Personality of Godhead from Maya. After indicating the position of Maya, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is approached in pure devotional service. That is the purpose of philosophical speculation. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad Gita in the 7th Chapter, Bahunam janmanam ante… “The philosophical speculators and empiric philosophers, after speculating for many, many births, ultimately come unto the Supreme Lord Krishna, and accept that Vasudeva is everything.”
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Hare Krishna! Lord Chaitanya and the Renaissance of Devotion Why…

Hare Krishna! Lord Chaitanya and the Renaissance of Devotion
Why should God have to appear over and over again? After all, if God is perfect, shouldn’t He be able to establish religion perfectly? Shouldn’t once suffice for all? It is, however, the nature of the material world that all things decay in time, and while God is infallible, the human beings who receive and transmit God’s instructions are fallible. Consequently, the religious traditions God establishes become compromised and undermined by a worldly spirit, and so in time they disintegrate. When religion thus declines, and irreligion consequently rises, God descends to rectify the imbalance and restore the principles of righteousness.
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His Grace Lalita Krishna Prabhu (ACBSP) passes away Dear…

His Grace Lalita Krishna Prabhu (ACBSP) passes away
Dear devotees, last night March 3rd 2015 at 12:46 am, His Grace Lalita Krishna Prabhu, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada left his body in Durham hospice, North Carolina, USA. Her Grace Sangita Mataji (ACBSP) was personally chanting in his ears and he opened his mouth and very peacefully left. He had been struggling with cancer for over three years now. He served Srila Prabhupada’s mission in various cities all over the world. He met devotees in Singapore during 1970 and met Srila Prabhupada in Malaysia in 1971. In the “Following Srila Prabhupada,” video series one can see him leading kirtan during the Juhu ISKCON temple ground breaking ceremony. In the last decade, he served in Dallas temple, New Vrindavan temple and New Goloka Hillsborough temple communities.
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Harinam in Wellington in New Zeland (Album 56 photos) Srila…

Harinam in Wellington in New Zeland (Album 56 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “O Lord,” the demigods say, “the impersonalists, who are nondevotees, cannot understand that Your name is identical with Your form.” Since the Lord is absolute, there is no difference between His name and His actual form. In the material world there is a difference between form and name. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 10.2.36 Purport)
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Hare Krishna! Meeting with the Hon’ble President of India Mr….

Hare Krishna! Meeting with the Hon’ble President of India
Mr. President then recollected his visit to Mayapur and staying in the guest house in 1999 during elections. He also recollected inaugurating the Kolkata Rathayatra. His Holiness Radhanath Swami then presented him the booklet about Govardhan Eco Village at Mumbai. His Grace Gauranga Prabhu explained to the Hon’ble President how GEV project is helping the villagers. President was very happy to go through the booklet and with great interest he noted the work done by ISKCON in reviving the economic prosperity of farmers, preserving the eco system, organic farming etc.
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Hare Krishna! Grand events tracing Prabhupada’s journey on…

Hare Krishna! Grand events tracing Prabhupada’s journey on Jaladuta will flag-off ISKCON’s 50th anniversary
The global celebrations for ISKCON’s 50th anniversary will be flagged off by mega-events in India and America that will track Srila Prabhupada’s epic journey on the Jaladuta from Kolkata to Boston in 1965. On August 13th, the day that Prabhupada boarded the Jalduta, devotees have planned a VIP event at Khidirpur Dock, where several Government ministers, politicians, businessmen, civil servants and celebrities are expected to attend. “A programme on August 14th at the Ravindra Sarovar auditorium is being planned for several key supporters, senior disciples of Prabhupada and thousands of congregation members,” explained Sankarshan Nita Das, one of the main organisers of the Kolkata festival. “This will be followed by a national youth festival with delegates travelling from all over India on August 15th at the prestigious Science City Auditorium. The culmination of the grand celebrations will see 25000 people attending a satsang and kirtan programme at the Netaji Indoor Stadium.” The Kolkata events will be followed by a programme organized by Bhaktivinode Swami in Cochin, South India. Prabhupada’s ship, the Jaladuta stopped at Cochin to load Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavatam set before leaving for America.
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Hare Krishna! Joyful Prison Program We led kirtan–the inmates…

Hare Krishna! Joyful Prison Program
We led kirtan–the inmates all knew how to chant Hare Krishna and they chanted enthusiastically–then my husband spoke about how we are all prisoners in this material world and that the best use of human life is to extricate ourselves from this prison and go back home to Krishna. Sarva-drik Prabhu commented, “You men are all lucky because you’ve had everything taken away–wives, homes, jobs, bank balances–so now you are in a perfect position to surrender fully to Krishna.” They’ve all heard this type of preaching before, but somehow they all expressed appreciation for my husband’s and Sarva-drik’s words.
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Hare Krishna! International Coordinator for 50th anniversary…

Hare Krishna! International Coordinator for 50th anniversary announced at GBC presentation in Mayapur
“We want to celebrate events, appreciate our ISKCON family, educate the world about ISKCON, accelerate our outreach, and motivate special achievements,” explained Pancharatna Das at the GBC meeting. Members of the GBC appreciated the efforts of the Global Team in planning the celebrations and pledged their support. “One main purpose of the celebrations is to ensure that temples engage local devotees and congregation members in organising and participating in their events. Hence, we encourage anybody who wants to volunteer their services to contact the Global Office at once.”
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