Cosmology on Trial live worldwide seminar!
Nrisimhananda das: Vaiyasaki prabhu will be answering questions about how to respond to the scientists who question the Temple of Vedic Planetarium’s cosmology. His new book, “Cosmology on Trial” continues to be #1 seller in its category on Come online and submit your questions live; this is a seminar for the whole world.
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Author Archives: Admin108
Cosmology on Trial live worldwide seminar! Nrisimhananda das:…
Harinama in Palo Alto, CA, United States (Album 18 photos)
Harinama in Palo Alto, CA, United States (Album 18 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: O my Lord! Persons who chant the holy names of your Lordship are far, far advanced in spiritual life, even if born in families of dog-eaters. Such chanters have undoubtedly pe… Read more ›
The Second Ring of Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Dome is Rising
The second…
The Second Ring of Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Dome is Rising
The second ring of the dome above Lord Nrsimhadeva’s wing is now underway and progressing steadily towards completion of the entire dome with four rings.
Currently we are working on three domes simultaneously, the Exhibits wing dome, Lord Nrsinghadeva’s wing dome and the Main Temple dome. The Lord is undoubtedly empowering His devotees to work unabated and tirelessly towards the completion of this world changing project.
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Hare Krishna Valley, Australia: With our upcoming Festival of…
Hare Krishna Valley, Australia: With our upcoming Festival of Colours, we have been awarded with a sponsorship cheque from the Surf Coast Shire, who are interested in seeing our event grow in the years to come. We greatly appreciate their support, and … Read more ›
Mayapur Festival Pandal shows Day 1, 28th February, 2015 (Album…
Mayapur Festival Pandal shows Day 1, 28th February, 2015 (Album 13 photos)
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Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir: HH Dhirasanta…
Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir: HH Dhirasanta Goswami
Srila Prabhupada: “Do you think that people are coming to this temple to hear philosophy? And even if they hear the philosophy do you think they all understand the philosophy? No, they will come and they will go and be discouraged. You must attract them with kirtana and prasadam.” And he pointed out, “This is Lord Caitanya’s program, it is not my program, I have not invented this. This is Lord Caitanya’s program. Why are you trying to disrupt what I have created? Tomorrow I want at least five opulent preparations served to the guests that come to our temple. And if you don’t have any money in the temple, then I will give you money from the BBT.”
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Devotees from Iskcon Cuba preaching Lord Chaitanya’s…
Hare Krishna! Lord Chaitanya’s Dancing, Vulnerability and…
Hare Krishna! Lord Chaitanya’s Dancing, Vulnerability and Escapism
The dancing of Lord Chaitanya was so astounding that even the Lord of the universe, Sri Jagannatha was astonished. Lord Jagannatha who has seen the best of everything within and outside of the universes, how can He be astonished? Dance in Vaikuntha and Goloka must be beyond compare. The dance of destruction by Rudra must be inexplicably awesome. What was so unique about Lord Chaitanya’s dancing? Worldly scholars of our Gaudiya tradition will say that Srila Krishna Dasa Kaviraja and other Vaisnava author witnesses to such dancing have a tendency to exaggerate. After all, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is playing a ‘human’ role on earth, so should we not expect human limitations to His dancing at Ratha-yatra and elsewhere?
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Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir: HH…
Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir: HH Bhaktimarga Swami
There is a very popular mantra out there these days that is not the Hare Krishna mantra. I think it came out during Churchill’s time in Britain during the war. You’ve heard it. It goes, “Keep calm and carry on.” That mantra can very much apply in our Krishna Consciousness. A devotee can be very eager for making spiritual progress. “Yes. I really want to be, really, purely, one hundred percent, cent per cent Krishna Conscious. Right now!” We can be very demanding of that. But again, keep calm and carry on. Carry on with what? Carry on with the simple processes of devotional service, beginning with hearing and chanting.
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New Coordinator Talks Exciting Plans for ISKCON’s 50th
The 50th…
New Coordinator Talks Exciting Plans for ISKCON’s 50th
The 50th anniversary celebrations will see a series of global and local events across six continents and 75 countries throughout 2015 and 2016. Romapada will oversee a team of regional and national coordinators around the world who will guide individual ISKCON centers in putting these on. Within the next two months he plans to provide a resource pack to ISKCON centers all over the world which will include a list of ideas for special one-off events to put on, as well as ideas for how to “50th-ize” regular annual festivals such as Janmastami or Rathayatra. The resource pack will also include press packs, guidelines for event management, and guides on how to invite important dignitaries. Finally there will be logos, letterheads, posters, banners, and flyers so that the international celebrations have cohesive branding.
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NBS#7, Sri Gaura Paurnima – Special Edition
On the most…
NBS#7, Sri Gaura Paurnima – Special Edition
On the most auspicious occasion of Sri Gaura Paurnima, we have put together this special edition of NBS#7. In this issue, we have covered: Features: Lord Chaitanya Is Krishna Himself With The Attitude Of Radharani His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Leading Lord Jagannath To Vrindavan Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thäkura Lord Chaitanya And Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur Gauranga, Kali-Yuga, And Sankirtana Srila Lochan Das Thakur
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Hare Krishna! Final Words of a Dying Father
I started chanting…
Hare Krishna! Final Words of a Dying Father
I started chanting the holy names of Krishna, the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, and began to follow the four regulative principles. It was amazing to see how I could easily give up my nasty habits. My family memb… Read more ›
Tirumala – Harinam at Balaji’s temple (Album 133…
Tirumala – Harinam at Balaji’s temple (Album 133 photos)
Iskcon devotees from the Russian Yatra chant and dance together with local devotees.
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Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama Day 6 (Album 152 photos)
Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama Day 6 (Album 152 photos)
The International group reaches Simantadvipa. The day was filled with katha from morning to evening (about 6 hours of pure nectar). HH Bhakti Nrisimha Maharaj, Bhakti Nityananda Maharaj and Bhakti Purusottama Maharaj gave us the fisrt wave of nectar at the edge of Rudradvipa. Soon after HH Sacinandana Maharaj led the devotees on an unforgettable harinam heading towards Chand Kazi’s Samadhi. The Parikrama’s peak was at Kolavecha Sridhara’s house where the devotees heard from senior devotees, HG Pankajanghri Prabhu in particular, about the glories of Sridhara and Lord Jagannath. There the transcendental twins along with HH Bhakti V. V. Nrisimha Maharaj put together a play on the pastimes of Kolaveca Sridhara and Mahaprabhu. The evening was majestically blessed with 3 hours of katha by HH Bhakti Caitanya and HH Sacinandana Maharaj. Those were the final lectures on Lord Caitanya’s going to Vrindavan.The day ended with the sharing of realizations done by the devotees where HH Jayapataka Maharaj was personally present.
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Beautiful ISKCON Berkeley Temple! (Album 10 photos)
See them…
Beautiful ISKCON Berkeley Temple! (Album 10 photos)
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Hare Krishna! Congregational Preachers to be awarded in Sridham…
Hare Krishna! Congregational Preachers to be awarded in Sridham Mayapur
During the 2015 Annual Award Ceremony, the congregational ministry will recognize devotees in a variety of areas. From pioneers and supporters of the preaching mission to those who… Read more ›
Madhavananda Das: I’m delighted to say that a new Issue of…
Madhavananda Das: I’m delighted to say that a new Issue of Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu is now online. This issue is full of nectar, including several never before translated items. It includes: * CHANTING ON THE TYPEWRITER — A letter to a disciple from His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. * WHY ARE WE NOT MAKING ADVANCEMENT? — Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada, answers a question. * THE FIRST ATTRACTION — PART 11 — Continuation of a fresh translation done especially for Bindu from Srila Jiva Goswami’s Gopala Campuh, speaking about how Radha and Krishna first met. * Nama-tattva: HARI AND HARINAMA — Another first time translation of a verse done especially for this issue from the Bhagavan-nama-mahatmya-samgraha * THE GLORIES OF SRIVAS PANDIT — In honor of the upcoming appearance day festival of this important member of the pancha-tattva, we present a first time translation done for this issue of a song by the Gaudiya Vaishnava poet Premadas.
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Reading Festival 2015, UK (Album 26 photos)
See them here:…
Reading Festival 2015, UK (Album 26 photos)
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Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama – Day 7 – Maha Milan (Album 51…
Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama – Day 7 – Maha Milan (Album 51 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommended five items of devotional service, namely to serve the devotees of the Lord, to chant Hare Krishna, to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam, … Read more ›
Nabadwip Parikrama Day 6 (Album 21 photos)
See them here:…
Nabadwip Parikrama Day 6 (Album 21 photos)
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Hare Krishna! Sri Caitanya in the Vedas
Translated by Kusakratha…
Hare Krishna! Sri Caitanya in the Vedas
Translated by Kusakratha Dasa
Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead who appears as Lord Sankarsana and Lord Vasudeva. He is the original father of Brahma, Siva, Indra, Brhaspati, all the … Read more ›
6 Parikrama parties presently in Sridhama Mayapur. About 9000…
6 Parikrama parties presently in Sridhama Mayapur. About 9000 devotees! Read more ›
Boston Harinama :-)
Boston Harinama 🙂 Read more ›
Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama Day 5 (Album 251 photos)
Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama Day 5 (Album 251 photos)
We visited three islands: Jahnudvipa, Modadrumadvipa and Rudradvipa. Before breakfast we were at Mamgachi, at Vrndavana das Thakur’s birthplace. He is the author of Caitanya Bhagavata, the first authorized biography of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In that place we sang Nitai Pada Kamala’s song. Sri Nityananda prabhu is the guru of Vrndavana das Thakur. HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaj came to visit us by boat (!) at Nidaya Gat. From the very boat he spoke about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s lila in the Ganga and how he met Lakshmi Priya, his first wife. After Maharaja’s katha we headed to Belpukur. At evening program HH Nava Yogendra Swami Maharaj was giving lecture before sandhya arati. After sandhya arati HH Bhakti Vaibhava Swami gave lecture on CC Madhya Lila 18 chapter “Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu reveals Radha Kunda and Syama Kunda. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki jay!
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Preaching in Amsterdam (Album 16 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Lord…
Preaching in Amsterdam (Album 16 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s transcendental mission is to distribute love of Godhead to everyone. Anyone who accepts God as the Supreme can take to the process of chanting Hare Krishna and become a lover of God.
(Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 4.41 Purport)
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Ode to Lord Caitanya
A golden youth in flowing robes, He danced…
Ode to Lord Caitanya
A golden youth in flowing robes, He danced all through the street,
And sang the names of Hari, imploring others to repeat.
His hair was long and curling, He wore flowers and love beads,
Awakening all troubled souls tA golden youth … Read more ›
Hare Krishna! TOVP Photo For Your Altar
Recently an announcement…
Hare Krishna! TOVP Photo For Your Altar
Recently an announcement by Pragosha das, the new GBC Chairman, celebrating 2015, the 50th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in the Western world, as The Year of the TOVP was posted. A list of suggestions as to how to actively facilitate this concept by all ISKCON Temples and devotees is forthcoming, but the first is easily implementable immediately: a TOVP altar photo. Please copy and print this beautiful drawing of the TOVP for your Temple and/or home altars.
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Priyavrata prabhu left his body.
An amazing devotee, full of…
Priyavrata prabhu left his body.
An amazing devotee, full of wisdom, owner of a wonderfully caring heart, Priyavrata prabhu left his body yesterday after struggling with health issues. Please kindly join us in loving prayer that Priyavrata prabhu may … Read more ›
Hare Krishna! The Samurai: Protectors of the Cow
If I were to…
Hare Krishna! The Samurai: Protectors of the Cow
If I were to tell you, that once, no other country, save India, revered the cow as much as Japan, I could understand your disbelief. Today, we think of Japan as a meat-eating culture. However, this image is a product of the last 150 years of American influence. The traditional Japanese culture held the cow as the most sacred animal. What follows next is the true story of among the greatest protectors of the cow – the Samurai.
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The 8th ring of the TOVP has started up! (Album 4 photos)
The 8th ring of the TOVP has started up! (Album 4 photos)
In these photos you can see that the eighth level of the main Dome is going up. Two segments have been already installed. The ninth level, the only one, is remaining to finish the biggest dome i… Read more ›
Hare Krishna! What happened in Kathmandu, Nepal? World Sankirtan…
Hare Krishna! What happened in Kathmandu, Nepal? World Sankirtan Newsletter – January 2015
What happened in Kathmandu, Nepal? Kathmandu is in the Small Temple category, but you wouldn’t know that by looking at its book score for January: 14,356 book points. For the first time, Kathmandu is the No. 3 temple in the world! The regional secretary is Patri Prabhu, an extremely enthusiastic devotee who wants Krsna consciousness spread all over Nepal. And he does just that. All over the country, people are getting a chance to hear about Krsna and chant the holy names.
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Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandradoya Mandir: HH Bhakti…
Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandradoya Mandir: HH Bhakti Dhira Damodar Swami
Service for the pleasure of Lord Krishna. That is devotion and that is the only process Krishna can reveal Himself. Because the process of bhakti purifies the heart from a… Read more ›
Are we losing the fight against terror? (2 min video)
A Krishna…
Are we losing the fight against terror? (2 min video)
A Krishna conscious perspective and solution by Madanmohan Dodeja!
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The Nature of the Mind.
Radhanatha Swami: It is the not the…
The Nature of the Mind.
Radhanatha Swami: It is the not the nature of the mind to pursue selfishness and egoism and thus experience frustration and depression in due course of time. It is the nature of the mind to pursue the needs of the soul and thus find peace, compassion, happiness and ecstatic enlightenment. It is the actual nature of the mind to always be filled with transcendental pleasure. This happens when it is connected to the will of the atma, the eternal soul. But it is the nature of the mind to be implicated in material bondage and suffering when we forget our real nature and pursue the desires of the false ego under the misconception that “I am this mind, I am this body, I am the controller, the proprietor and the enjoyer”.
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Why We Are Not God (and what to do about it) (Recent Sunday…
Why We Are Not God (and what to do about it) (Recent Sunday Feast Lecture in Washington DC by Ravindra Swarupa Das)
God seems to have it all. All power, all wealth, all everything! Who wouldn’t like to be God? In fact, the Bhakti scriptures describe that our desire to be God seems to have gotten us into this material mess of a world in the first place. Are we God? Can we become God or return to being God?
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Does Beauty or Brains get you ahead in life? (4 min video)
Does Beauty or Brains get you ahead in life? (4 min video)
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Hare Krishna! Sri Lankan Government awards honorary degree to…
Hare Krishna! Sri Lankan Government awards honorary degree to ISKCON devotees
On 20th of Feb 2015, the National Peace Association of Sri Lanka awarded honorary degrees to Vasudeva Datta das and Caitanya Tirtha das. The convocation ceremony was held in the Bandaranayake Memorial International Conference Hall in Colombo in the presence of Hon’ble cabinet minister H.M. Upali Kodikara and reverent members of the Buddhist Sangha. Although Sri Lanka is predominantly a buddhist country, it values genuine spiritual practitioners and appreciates their service. Vasudeva Datta das was acknowledged for his continual dedicated service of spreading Sanatana Dharma and human values in Sri Lanka.
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Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama Day 4 (Album 26 photos)
Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama Day 4 (Album 26 photos)
Hare Krsna! Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama ki jay!
We visited Campahatti and Vidyanagar, these are very special places. HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami, HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami and HH Bhakti Nityananda Swami gave speech at Campahatti about Gaura Gadadhara deities and Jayadeva Goswami’s lila, At Vidyanagar HH Bhakti Vigna Vinas Narasimha Maharaj spoke about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s lila in this very specia place for Gaura Bhaktas! We were at Jahnudvipa where we bhought last year our own very land. Our land is so beautiful, so peaceful, the devotees like very much the campsite in this land. Thank you!
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Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir: HH Kadamba…
Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir: HH Kadamba Kanana Swami
Srila Prabhupada was approached by a journalist who had done some homework before starting the interview. The journalist prefaced his question and said, “I have heard that the pure devotee knows the answers to all questions. Is this correct?” Srila Prabhupada said, “Yes.” Then, the journalist said, “Then how many windows are there in the Empire State Building?” Srila Prabhupada said, “How many drops of water in a mirage?” In that way, giving the perfect answer from the pure, spiritual platform. One who is situated in transcendental knowledge, indeed, has the answer to all questions. He knows everything because he sees everything in its relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
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Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir: HG Anuttama…
Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir: HG Anuttama Das
In this way, we do follow Daksa marga. Not to offend anyone, but generally, we tend to make a lot of mistakes. We tend to still maintain some material desires in our hearts. Sometimes w… Read more ›