Hare Krishna! Inauguration of Gaura Purnima festival There was…
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Hare Krishna! Inauguration of Gaura Purnima festival
There was chanting of mantras by students of Bhaktivedanta academy. Next, there was a coconut breaking ceremony to invoke auspiciousness. Following that, some sanyasis spoke on the occasion. HH Gopal Krishna Goswami told devotees to take advantage of the sadhu sangha, get charged up and preach with enthusiasm on returning back. Compared to earlier situation of Mayapur, present Mayapur Gaur Purnima is surely a festival. Maharaj predicted that next year festival marking 50th anniversary of ISKCON’s incorporation would be ‘Super Grand’ event.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=15583

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Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir: HH Radhanath…
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Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir: HH Radhanath Swami
The Lord was in someone’s house. He heard literally millions of people crying out the holy names. Along with Lord Nityananda, He appeared before all of them. He raised His long, golden arms. In seeing these countless people all with such eager and humble hearts crying out Krishna’s names, He became so happy. Simultaneously there were thousands of kirtan parties. Lord Gauranga was going to different kirtan parties and dancing with the common people. By His all attractive, inconceivable potency, everyone could see Him dancing. Everyone could see tears of love and compassion like the Ganga flowing from His lotus-like eyes. In this way, the entire universe was trembling with the joy of nama sankirtana.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=15580

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Delivering Little Souls: A young devotee finds joy and spiritual…
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Delivering Little Souls: A young devotee finds joy and spiritual realization as she pursues a career as a midwife.
Tulasi Harrison was only seven years old-still practically a baby herself-when she decided she wanted to become a midwife and help bring new life intothe world. Tulasi grew up in the ISKCON community at Bhaktivedanta Manor in England, daughter of priest and congregational preacher Kripamoya Dasa and gurukula teacher Guru Carana Padma Dasi. Her little brother Mali was fortunate enough to be delivered by a devotee midwife, her mother’s friend Ramadevi.
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/qYJHby

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Invitation for lunch with Jayapataka Swami at the Lotus Building…
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Invitation for lunch with Jayapataka Swami at the Lotus Building Roof Top in Mayapur (Album 27 photos)
His Holiness Jayapataka Swami invited His Holiness Radhanath Swami, His Holiness Niranjana Swami and His Holiness Sivarama Swami for lunch @ His residence — Lotus Building Roof Top
See them here: http://goo.gl/DBWsg5

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Hare Krishna! Krishna Consciousness: The Golden Opportunity The…
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Hare Krishna! Krishna Consciousness: The Golden Opportunity
The Golden Avatar delivered the gold standard of spiritual practices for this age. In general, people like gold. It represents wealth and success. A golden age refers to an era of goodness and plenty, acknowledged in Greek, Roman, and Indian cultures. If you have everything, you were born with a golden spoon in your mouth. The Golden Rule is the epitome of cosmic justice or fairness: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. As the saying goes, “As good as gold.”
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=15574

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Huge donation received for the Temple of Vedic…
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Huge donation received for the Temple of Vedic Planetarium!
Below is a letter from a sincere donor.
Dear Vaishnavas,
During book distribution in railway station; two small boys and a girl … all were about 8 – 6 years. I asked them to please donate some money for TOVP temple. In one line of explanation they got convinced. Three of them had handed over 1 rupee each from there begging pot ( all were beggar ). They gave me these three rupee … for us it is like a drop [in the] ocean, but for these big hearted … it was life and soul.
Another two rupee coin … I collected from [a] person … who was collecting money for Shanidev.
I am adding 500 rupees from my side as a drop to the ocean of donation given by these big hearted souls.
My only request [to] you … is to please utilize it in exclusive manner … considering as it … as golden bricks..
Please bless me so that, … I may go back home back to Godhead and engage in serving the devotees of devotees of devotees … of devotees assisting Srimati Radharani.
Your servant,
Read the entire article here: http://goo.gl/u5P2MK

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Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir: HH…
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Hare Krishna! From Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir: HH Badrinarayan Goswami
I was at one of our temples. The archetype hippies showed up with bells and long hair in a pony tail. It was a husband and wife, couple. The wife’s name was Wish. His name was Comet. So naturally I asked, “Where did you get those names?” They said that they gave them to themselves. So naturally I asked why. The wife said, “Because I’m always saying that I wish I had this, I wish I was there, I wish, I wish, I wish.” So naturally I asked the husband, “Where’d you get the name Comet?” He said, “I’m flying around the world this way and that way, trying to fulfill her wishes.”
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=15572

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Preaching in Sweden. Monday, February 9, we held three lectures…
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Preaching in Sweden.
Monday, February 9, we held three lectures on the Brinell in Fagersta.
Anneli, who are teachers of religion, will retire in the spring.
We have known each other since 1980 and I have visited her classes almost every year.
Stone, who is a faithful parishioner of Fagersta, drove me to the train. He’ll visit Almvik yard on 14 March and talk about their successful vegetable crops in Fagersta.
It was distributed 44 “Nectar Equal instructions” and the Srimad Bhagavatam set in Fagersta.
Mukunda das

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Hare Krishna! Visiting Trinidad with H.G. Deena Bandhu…
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Hare Krishna! Visiting Trinidad with H.G. Deena Bandhu Prabhu
The people originating from India who have been residing in Trinidad for generations have been cut off from India due to circumstances. However, it was enlivening to see that they kept their original Vedic culture intact in so many ways. Through time they forgot their native Indian languages and English has become their only language of communication. The devotees at Trinidad were extremely loving and caring and they made Deena Bandhu Prabhu’s stay very homely due to their hospitality and caring nature.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=15567

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Parikrama in Varsana (Album 149 photos) Srila Prabhupada:…
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Parikrama in Varsana (Album 149 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Although a Vaishnava is the most exalted person, he is prideless and gives all respect to everyone, knowing everyone to be the resting place of Krishna. If one chants the holy name of Lord Krishna in this manner, he will certainly awaken his dormant love for Krishna’s lotus feet. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, 20.25.26)
See them here: http://goo.gl/mlRZaX

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Hare Krishna! Shastra Dana in Sweden Our Panca-Tattvas Shastra…
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Hare Krishna! Shastra Dana in Sweden
Our Panca-Tattvas Shastra Dana program has now existed for almost six years. The purpose of the Shastra Dana is to enable everyone to participate in the distribution of Srila Prabhupada’s books and other Vedic literature. Our goal is to present the spiritual knowledge contained in these books to as many people as possible. The books we donate and puts out to various institutions around the country.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=15558

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Hare Krishna! Preaching program in Ranchi (Jharkhand, India) On…
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Hare Krishna! Preaching program in Ranchi (Jharkhand, India)
On 9th February, devotees from ISKCON Patna organized first ever program in, Ranchi at Khel Gaon. The program was aimed at providing the basic understanding about following – The purpose of ISKCON, Bhagavad Gita, contribution of Srila Prabhupada to unabridged humanity. Of course the program also had other usual Krishna conscious attractions like Mantra Rock show and prasadam. Rambhadra Das spoke about the problems and shortcomings in today’s modern society and how teachings of Bhagavad gita are the only solution to them.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=15549

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Hare Krishna! Beyond Conditioning Sukadeva Goswami says: “These…
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Hare Krishna! Beyond Conditioning
Sukadeva Goswami says: “These sins are like the dried leaves of creepers beneath a bamboo tree, which may be burned by fire although their roots remain to grow again at the first opportunity” (SB 6.1.13). The problem of sinful desires, or what may be more neutrally called addictive behaviours, has been of great interest in modern psychology. Different schools of thought have approached the problem differently, but perhaps the most prominent in recent modern history has been the behaviourist school of psychology.
Read the entire article here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=15546

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Hare Krishna! TOVP Video Presentation February Update 2015 The…
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Hare Krishna! TOVP Video Presentation February Update 2015
The Temple of the Vedic Planetarium is Rising! Srila Prabhupada’s gift to Lord Chaitanya is nearing completion of the first stage. Be a part of all the intricate work that’s gone into the construction last year by a dedicated team of devotees at Sridham Mayapur in West Bengal, India. A film by Sridama dasa and the team at the TOVP.
Watch it here: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=15537

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