Bhagavad Gita – Karma Yoga (Chapters 1-6)
Bhagavad Gita – Karma Yoga (Chapters 1-6). The time is 5000 years ago; the place: Kuruksetra; the circumstance: the biggest battle the world has ever known. So the stage is set, and Lord Krishna has arranged a most dramatic build-up so everyone’s attention is on what happens next. And when all eyes and ears are ready, Lord Krishna arranges that an intimate friend falls under the influence of His internal energy to act as a conditioned soul, bewildered by the most basic questions: ‘Who am I?’ ‘What am I meant to do?’ Lord Krishna , in response, explains to Arjuna the process of yoga and the basic transcendental knowledge needed to act in spiritual consciousness.
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Author Archives: Admin108
Bhagavad Gita – Karma Yoga (Chapters 1-6) Bhagavad Gita – Karma…
The film about Krishna consciousness was the winner of the…
The film about Krishna consciousness was the winner of the Moscow Film Festival
At the prestigious Moscow Film Festival took third place film about Krishna consciousness . “Long-lost” – twenty-five minute short about a young man in search of Truth meets Krishna consciousness.
The film became popular in the Russian Film Festival and other international festivals. The Russian Film Festival in Moscow “I see God”, the audience gave the film “long lost” the third place of the 65-year-submitted pictures. In all the movies of their authors have tried to convey his understanding of God.
“Long-lost” was also approved by the London Film Academy. October 31 he demonstrated at the British Film Institute, along with other short films. The film is dedicated to the proposed for display at the prestigious American Film Festival in Utah. And if it approves of the jury, then from January 22 to February 1, 2015 the film will be shown at the festival.
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Wanted Dancers, Actors, Singers!
For the Spectacular 40th…
Wanted Dancers, Actors, Singers!
For the Spectacular 40th Anniversary of the Krishna Balarama Mandir Grand Opening
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Jagannath Puri: A visit to Gambhira & Siddha Bakula (Photos…
Jagannath Puri: A visit to Gambhira & Siddha Bakula (Photos and descriptions)
A visit to the house of Kasi Misra, where Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu stayed during His Jagannath Puri lila.
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Auckland NZ. The nectar of the holy name! (Album 38…
Auckland NZ. The nectar of the holy name! (Album 38 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If by the tongue you chant Hare Krishna mantra, and by the tongue you taste prasadam, you will be perfect, simply by executing these two things. London, July 12, 1973.
See th… Read more ›
BBT Malaysia News (Album 62 photos)
ISKCON Malaysia getting…
BBT Malaysia News (Album 62 photos)
ISKCON Malaysia getting ready for Thaipusam book marathon. Shipment arrived on 7 January 2014. Gokul Damodara prabhu with the help of others unloaded the books and arranged in BBT. Now boos are being sent to the centers all over Malaysia. Special thanks to Bhakta Levin Ilengo for his help in unloading and arranging the books. A total of 831 boxes were received and it took 14 hours to unload and arrange in BBT. All glories to Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental books.
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New Varshana Sunday Festival (Album 34 photos)
Srila Prabhupada:…
New Varshana Sunday Festival (Album 34 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Although the Goddess of Fortune is very restless and does not like to stay in one place for very long time, she is always finding new wonderful things in serving Krishna’s Lotus Feet so that she never thinks of leaving Him. This is actually the position of Krishna consciousness, that when we get some taste of rendering sublime loving service to the Lord, no more do we have any taste for any other engagements. Letter to Laxmimoni, July 10, 1969.
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Rathotsava – chariot festival in Udupi (Album 88 photos)
Rathotsava – chariot festival in Udupi (Album 88 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: No one can be more pure than devotees. Anyone who once utters the name of Vishnu immediately becomes purified, inside and outside. Since a devotee constantly chants the Hare Kri… Read more ›
Martin Luther King Parade, Los Angeles, USA, 19 Jan 2015 (Album…
Martin Luther King Parade, Los Angeles, USA, 19 Jan 2015 (Album 173 photos)
Devotees enthusiastically participated in this year’s parade honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. It was a long day but well worth it for the opportunity to spread the chanting of the Holy Names!
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Muslims Chanting Hare Krishna (2 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: A…
Muslims Chanting Hare Krishna (2 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: A devotee, either in danger or in happiness, constantly chants the Hare Krishna mantra. When he is in danger he is immediately relieved, and when he is in a position to see Lord Vishnu or Hi… Read more ›
Bhaktivedanta Manor’s January 2015 Newsletter
The main…
Bhaktivedanta Manor’s January 2015 Newsletter
The main stories in this edition include:
Book Distribution breaks records: The Manor’s Winter Marathon results
The Oxford Debate: Radhanath Swami talks at the historic Oxford Union
Recitation of the Bhagavad-Gita: Gita Jayanti celebrated
Multi-faith week
George Harrison Evening plays on: its the 13th year of this event
Saving Souls: A devotee trains staff at Buckingham Palace in emergency life-saving skills
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Nirantara Dasa in concert at the Bhakti Centre Gold Coast…
Nirantara Dasa in concert at the Bhakti Centre Gold Coast Australia, this Wednesday, 21st January, 2015
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Vaishnava Winter Festival Baltic ♥ 2015 (Album 103 photos)
Vaishnava Winter Festival Baltic ♥ 2015 (Album 103 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If one uses the vibration of the holy name for the benefit of the material body, for material wealth and followers, or under the influence of greed or atheism — in other words, if one utters the holy name with offenses — such chanting will not produce the desired result very soon. Therefore one should diligently avoid offenses in chanting the holy name of the Lord. (Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, 3.60)
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Weekend with the Holy Name, Israel, Ariel Krishna temple (Album…
Weekend with the Holy Name, Israel, Ariel Krishna temple (Album with many photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If a devotee once utters the holy name of the Lord, or if it penetrates his mind or enters his ear, which is the channel of aural reception, that holy n… Read more ›
“If you build this temple in Mayapur….” His Holiness…
“If you build this temple in Mayapur….” His Holiness Giriraja Swami (2 min video)
Giriraja Swami speaks about the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium and the astounding thing Srila Prabhupada said to him about what would happen if we build this temple.
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Todays Harinam main street Auckland, New Zealand (Album 27…
Todays Harinam main street Auckland, New Zealand (Album 27 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: While dying, Ajamila chanted the holy name of the Lord, intending to call his son Narayana. Nevertheless, he attained the spiritual world. What then to speak of those … Read more ›
Sunday Preaching Program Of Iskcon Nigeria, Lagos (Album 7…
Sunday Preaching Program Of Iskcon Nigeria, Lagos (Album 7 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: All persons in this material world are suffering from material pains, and if one wants to get rid of them, he must associate with saintly persons, pure devotees of the… Read more ›
Hasyagrami prabhu ACBSP left his body
Hasyagrami dasa (ACBSP) -…
Hasyagrami prabhu ACBSP left his body
Hasyagrami dasa (ACBSP) – A gifted musician, Hasyagrami dasa performed, preached, and distributed prasadam with Visnujana Swami and his colorful troupe at numerous venues, including free concerts in public parks and on college campuses. With Hasyagrami dasa at lead guitar, ‘The First Transcendental Exposition’ reached its crescendo on Sept 8th, 1972 at the Syria Mosque Auditorium in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, with Srila Prabhupada in attendance lecturing to thousands.
In the photo: Hasyagrami dasa (playing the esraja) with Visnujana Swami at Rathayatra in 1974.
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The shelter of an ashram
Of all the ashrams, there are three…
The shelter of an ashram
Of all the ashrams, there are three ashrams which are allowed for a lifetime – the brahmachari ashram, the vanaprashta ashram and the sannyasa ashram, but the grhasta ashram is not! One cannot stay there forever. It is an ashram that is time bound, pancasordhvam vanam vrajet (at age fifty to go to the forest). So scriptures are emphasizing vanaprashta.
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New Zealand 2015: Northland Rathayatra (Album 52 photos)
New Zealand 2015: Northland Rathayatra (Album 52 photos)
The Mayor swept the road till the end of the parade and stayed for prasadam.
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Vedic cosmology, huge mural painting in India, timelapse 3 min….
Vedic cosmology, huge mural painting in India, timelapse 3 min. video
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Temple of Vedic Planetarium (Album 10 photos)
As can be seen…
Temple of Vedic Planetarium (Album 10 photos)
As can be seen from the photographs, the Guru-Paramapara up to the six Gosvamis are placed on the left Altar, the Panca-tattva are on the middle Altar, and Sri Sri Radha Madhava and the Asta-sakhis are on t… Read more ›
Winter Baltic Vaishnava Festival 2015 (Album 78 photos)
Winter Baltic Vaishnava Festival 2015 (Album 78 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Simply by taking prasada and taking part in chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, ordinary persons are being considerably elevated. Saubhari Muni regrets that he had bad associati… Read more ›
Giriraj Swami at ISKCON Juhu 37th Temple Anniversary – 15 Jan…
Giriraj Swami at ISKCON Juhu 37th Temple Anniversary – 15 Jan 2015 Makar Sankranti (27 min video)
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Of Shaving Head and Cleaning Toilets – Homage to HH Janananda…
Of Shaving Head and Cleaning Toilets – Homage to HH Janananda Goswami
In 1995, Jelutong Penang temple, you gave me a chorus to clean the toilets. I did the best I could. You came in to inspect the toilet bowls and pointed out that the inside of the bow… Read more ›
HH Indradyumna Swami Visits Bangalore
The Evening started off…
HH Indradyumna Swami Visits Bangalore
The Evening started off with Tulasi aratik and Gaura aratik by our temple devotees, soon afterwards Maharaj had reached the temple and started Kirtan which was followed by a discourse on the effects of Kali Yuga. O… Read more ›
Narottamanand Prabhu at ISKCON Juhu 37th Temple Anniversary 15…
Narottamanand Prabhu at ISKCON Juhu 37th Temple Anniversary 15 Jan 2015 Makar Sankranti (7 min video)
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Harinama in ISKCON Johor Bharu (Album 17 photos)
Harinama in ISKCON Johor Bharu (Album 17 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The Hare Krishna chant is called the maha-mantra, the great, exalted mantra above all other Vedic mantras, because simply chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra brings so many beneficial… Read more ›
Preaching program in 26 Second Ave Matchless Gifts the Seed of…
Preaching program in 26 Second Ave Matchless Gifts the Seed of Hare Krishna Movement in the West (Album 12 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “There may be discrepancies in pronouncing the mantras and observing the regulative principles, and, moreover, there may be discrepancies in regard to time, place, person and paraphernalia. But when your Lordship’s holy name is chanted, everything becomes faultless.” (Srimad Bhagavatam, 8.23.16).
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Preaching in San Diego (Album 7 photos)
Srila Prabhupada:…
Preaching in San Diego (Album 7 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Although Sukracarya was a strict brahmana addicted to ritualistic activities, he also admitted, nischidram anusankirtanam tava: “My Lord, constant chanting of the holy name of Your Lordship makes everything perfect.” (Srimad Bhagavatam, 8.23.16 Purport).
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Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All…
Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila
We are happy to announce the first event this year in Vrndavana Dhama in honor of the 50th anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s historic journey on the Jaladutta to start this wonderful ISKCON mission, AND in honor of the 40th anniversary of the historic Opening of the Krishna Balarama Mandir.
On Vasant Pancami, 24, January 2015 we will inaugaurate a fantastic
presentation of the Changing Bodies Diorama upstairs in Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi Museum. We will also post new nameplates and descriptions of Parampara for our 4 parampara Deities upstairs.
Ceremonies will begin at 10 a.m. with guest speakers, kirtan and Prasad
distribution. Pictures will be sent out later on the Samadhi site of the
Vrndavan temple web.
Hope this meets you all well and in jolly spirits.
Your servant on behalf of the Samadhi,
Parvati devi dasi
Seberang Jaya – Temple update 17/1/2015 (Album 6…
Seberang Jaya – Temple update 17/1/2015 (Album 6 photos)
Simheswara Dasa: Latest progress report on our Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple of Devotion & Understanding building project in Seberang Jaya, Penang, Malaysia. Met with Vice Chairman of project Kalesa dasa and site manager Mr. Ehambaram for two days. We have finalised paintwork decision, Kalasam for sikhara, wall work on perimeter of temple and worked on gantt chart to complete all works by July 2015. We have proposed opening of temple on Balarama Purnima 2015, August 29.
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Chanting Pledges
Reciting the Hare Krishna mantra is the…
Chanting Pledges
Reciting the Hare Krishna mantra is the foundational spiritual practise for devotees. Practitioners from around the UK who make their lifetime commitments vow to meditate for more than one hour each morning, but that’s not easy in the beginning. So to mark gradual progress a ceremony is held whenever members feel ready to make a specific commitment to 15, 30 or 45 minutes of chanting each morning. In Bristol, a Vaishnava Sankalpa ceremony was held for ten meditators who were making their commitments to between 1 and 16 rounds daily. They each performed a short puja before receiving a certificate, to the loud applause of the local members.
Training the Temple Managers
Bhaktivedanta Manor devotees…
Training the Temple Managers
Bhaktivedanta Manor devotees attended interactive workshops co-ordinated by Sanjay Bhandari (Sandipani Muni Das).
The sessions focused on developing communications skills, goal setting and time management. Sanjay runs training workshops for the world’s leading financial organisations such as Barclays in London and Goldman Sachs in New York.
“We know in theory the qualities that were explored, but unpacking them for today’s sensibilities made a lot of usefuldifference,” said Caitanya Jivan Das. “It was great to spend time with colleagues and getting to learn deeper aspects of each other’s personalities,” added Brijlata Dasi.
Bhaktivedanta Research Centre Mission for Manuscripts Team has…
Bhaktivedanta Research Centre Mission for Manuscripts Team has been busy with their service at Navadwip Sadharan Granthagar (library), They are cataloging and digitizing manuscripts that have been neglected for many years, making them available for dev… Read more ›
Mitzvah Day
As part of Mitzvah Day 2014 local Jews, Christians…
Mitzvah Day
As part of Mitzvah Day 2014 local Jews, Christians and Bhaktivedanta Manor devotees worked together to plant hundreds of daffodils adjacent to Aldenham Parish Church. Mitzvah Day is an annual day of faithbased social action that takes place… Read more ›
The Holy Name As Our Only Benediction – Harinama At Rawang Kuala…
The Holy Name As Our Only Benediction – Harinama At Rawang Kuala Llampur (Album 75 photos)
By Bhaktin Suja Anathay. The words ‘street chanting process must go on’ from Swami Srila Prabhupada…and ‘Your holy name alone can render all benediction to living beings’ from Lord Caitanya’s Siksastakam drives our focus persistently back to Harinama Sankirtana. With this driving force in its spine, SJMKL made its first Harinam of the year on 10th January 2015, at Rawang KL. This time, the event was led charmingly by HG Gaura Kesava Prabhu, accompanied by a group of devotees from the temple including Temple President HG Kripa Sindhu Prabhu, devotees from Mayapur and Russia, to reach out and supply divine mercy to all. The beautifully decorated palanquin of Their Lordships Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda graced many homes throughout the distance of approximately 3 km and this was indeed a very special occasion to all who had the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the attractive Lordships, because this was a New Year visit from the Supreme Himself! The palanquin procession started at 5.30pm and ended by 9.30pm at Taman Bayu Permai, Rawang and throughout the route, families living in the area graciously offered archanas to the deities. While some devotees were engaged in kirtan, others were focused on distributing books, patiently explaining its’ content and preaching about Krsna Consciousness to the public. A total of 3 Tamil Bhagavad Gita and 20 small books were sold and 31 chanting beads were distributed out. There were also distribution of sumptuous full meal prasadam to about 50 families living in this area to let them experience divine taste of pure vegetarian prasadam. The event ended after closing kirtan at the temple, and devotees left Rawang fully satisfied with its accomplishment. Here’s a fascinating excerpt on the object of Harinama Sankirtana: “…this sankirtana or street chanting must go on, it is our most important program. Lord Caitanya’s movement means the sankirtana movement. You may simply take two hours for chanting sixteen rounds daily, two hours for reading congregationally, and balance of time go out for sankirtana. We must do both, reading books and distributing books, but distributing books is the main propaganda.” Srila Prabhupada Letter, 09-18-72
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Bhakti Vriksha Team
The achievement of the East London based…
Bhakti Vriksha Team
The achievement of the East London based Bhakti Vrksha team, which includes 150 members from acrossthe city, was extraordinary. During the Winter Book Marathon they distributed 10,200 books in all kinds of ways around their local areas.“It’s wonderful to make Srila Prabhupada famous by talking about his books to so many people,” explained Bhakti Vrksha leader Aravind Krishna Das. “It’s inspiring to see so many devotees of all ages focused on the same goal. To be amidst the atmosphere of so much book distribution is contagious and intoxicating!”
‘India Rising Cultural Festival & Iskcon Fest 2015′ (11 min…
‘India Rising Cultural Festival & Iskcon Fest 2015’ (11 min video)
Iskcon Mumbai Chowpatty with Radhanatha Swami
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A visit to Melkote in Karnataka (Album 187 photos)
A visit to Melkote in Karnataka (Album 187 photos)
Indradyumna Swami: The town of Melkote in Karnataka is a celebrated place for Sri Vaisnavas. The illustrious head of the Sri Sampradaya, Srila Ramanujacarya ( 1137 AD – 1077 AD ) resided in Melkote for 12 years. The utsava ( festival ) Deity was once stolen by invaders and taken to Delhi. Ramanujacarya personally went to Delhi and rescued the Deity. Krsna and Balarama visited Melkote and gave a diamond crown to the presiding deity, Lord Narayana. Devout Sri Vaisnavas consider Melkote to be the Badarikasrama of South India. There is a famous temple of Lord Nrsimhadeva on the hill overlooking Melkote that was constructed in 1599 AD. Melkote is a small, quiet town that receives pilgrims from all over India throughout the year. There is a sanskrit school and a famous library containing ancient palm leaf scriptures in the town. During our visit we were fortunate to participate in a Deity procession around the temple. Melkote was the last stop on our South India pilgrimage. Now we turn our attention to our festival tour in Maharashtra. Time to share our good fortune with all.
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