ISKCON TURNS 50! Preparing for the 50th anniversary of…

Preparing for the 50th anniversary of ISKCON!
The preparatins for the celebratin of ISKCON’s 50th year of incorporatin in 2016 are well underway all over the world. Various events are being planned in major citis of the world, such as New Delhi, Kolkata, New York, London, etc. This will include a seven day mega padayatra in 2015 from Mayapur to Kolkata dock where Srila Prabhupada boarded the ship, Jaladuta, and began his journey to the west.
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Dining with Prime Ministers Bhakta dasa, ISKCON…

Dining with Prime Ministers
Bhakta dasa, ISKCON Australia’s Communicatins Director, was invited to a luncheon event attnded by Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott and the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Below is an account of the event as told by Bhakta dasa. “I was invited to the luncheon by Prime Minister Tony Abbot to commemorate the visit of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. I was able to garland Mr. Modi with Srimat Radharani’s garland organised by Acintyarupa Prabhu.
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ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Cultural Centre Youths’ Sanga…

ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Cultural Centre Youths’ Sanga (10-1-2015) (Album 9 photos)
On the 10th of January 2015, once more the ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Cultural Centre youths had successfully organised their monthly youth sanga for the pleasure of Guru and Gauranga. The purpose for this youth sanga is to generate discussion about Krishna Consciousness, the teachings of Srila Prabhupada and the roles of the youths in propagating the Hare Krishna movement. It also functions to strengthen the bond among the youths and of course to increase the taste in chanting the holy name of the Lord. This youth sanga is being held monthly and every month it is hosted by different youths in their respective home.
So as usual, for the recent youth sanga, the program started with some sankirtan, followed by a group japa and a discussion on the sikhastakam. Finally we feasted on a variety of sumptuous Krishna prashadam in which the host of the house cooked the main dishes while the other youths brought potluck. We later hit the pool and enjoyed a blissful and exciting kirtan at the park. With Mahaprabhu’s kripa the kirtan attracted a lot of people including some youths from the Middle East whom danced and chanted along with so much of enthusiasm.
Harinam Sankirtan Ki Jai…
Youth Sanga Ki Jai…
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The latest news at Care for Cows This issue of 28 pages…

The latest news at Care for Cows
This issue of 28 pages (1.5 MB pdf document) covers events over the past four months. The articles in this issue are: 1. A brief explanation of the Govardhana Puja and Gopastami Festivals with many photos showing the joyous celebrations at our facility in Kiki Nagla. 2. A reprint of a newspaper article describing a historic decision made by the Maharastra High Court regarding their prohibition of the slaughter of 12,000 bulls. Interestingly enough the plea to the court was submitted by a national Muslim society. 3. A report by Gopa Kumar Dasa, an Ayurvedic practitioner, on how cow dung (gobar) and turmeric smoke relieves cough and other bronchial maladies. 4. Care for Cows is experimenting with a new identification tag system. 5. A transcription of a lecture on cow protection delivered by Sri Rajendra Dasa Ji Maharaja, Mahant of the Sri Malook Peeth, Vrindavan. 6. A report on four new calves born at CFC. 7. A report on two new admissions who have joined our recuperation program.
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The Thief Who Stole The Lord’s Toe-ring SRIRANGAM – I had…

The Thief Who Stole The Lord’s Toe-ring
SRIRANGAM – I had the good fortune to witness the stealing of Sri Ranganatha’s ornaments by Thirumangai Alvar when I made visit to Srirangam recently enroute to Kumbakonam to order three kalasams for our BCC temple project. The amazing story of Thriumangai Alvar can be found from Wikipedia. The gist has been extracted here for easy reading.
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New Year 2015 celebration in ISKCON Riga, Latvia with kirtan (20…

New Year 2015 celebration in ISKCON Riga, Latvia with kirtan (20 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: These four principles: Always think of Krishna, become Krishna’s devotee, worship Krishna and offer your respect, obeisances to Krishna. That’s all. This is Krishna consciousness. Hyderabad, November 17, 1972.
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Srila Prabhupada accepts the “Friend of the Humble”…

Srila Prabhupada accepts the “Friend of the Humble” as His Disciple!
Deena Bandhu Das: I remember it was one of the last ceremonies where Srila Prabhupada did everything. It was in the old La Cienaga Temple in LA on 25th January, 1970 . He came down off his Vyasanana, sat on a cushion in front of the yajna kunda and chanted on the beads in front of everyone. There was about 10 of us, so it took a long time. At the end of each round, he then asked the regs, and how many rounds to the person who handed him the beads. When he got to me, I remember, those old natural wood beads from Tandy Leather Co. (didn’t have Tulasi in those days, we strung our own) looking like a string of pearls in his lotus hands! Then he asked me and I rattled off, “16 rounds. No meat eating, no illicit sex, no gambling….” My mind just went blank and I couldn’t think…I froze. Somewhere behind me, some brahmacarini was whispering over and over, no drugs! “Oh, and no intoxication.” He said, “Yes, no LSD!” and broke out into one of those smiles where a thousand suns rise in the sky, completely delighted with his own sense of humor. Then he handed me the beads, and said, “So your name is Dina Bandhu, friend of the humble.” I didn’t quite hear and he must have seen it in my face, so he repeated it and added, “Is it alright?” with a big smile.
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Prabhupada’s Books Sold Through Russian Bookstore Chain Moscow…

Prabhupada’s Books Sold Through Russian Bookstore Chain
Moscow Vaisnavas have prepared a gift for all the Russian readers. Now A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada’s books are available in one of the leading bookstore chains in the country. All BBT books can be bought in 204 stores of the chain in 80 Russian cities.
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Auckland NZ Chant,Chant,Chant! (Album 35 photos) Srila…

Auckland NZ Chant,Chant,Chant! (Album 35 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If one chants the Hare Krishna maha-mantra without offences, all of one’s sinful actions are surely atoned for immediately, but one should not commit such deeds again, for that is an offence. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.16.14 Purport)
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Malaysian Ratha Yatra 2015 (Album 197 photos) The first ever…

Malaysian Ratha Yatra 2015 (Album 197 photos)
The first ever “Festival of India” organized by Sri Jagannatha Mandir, ISKCON Malaysia National Head Quarters in Little India, Brickfields. The festival included Jagannatha’s “mercy ride” on the chariot along with Lord Baladeva & Subhadra Devi, dance, traditional music, and lot of kirtan. Prasadam was distributed to more than 3000 people and needless to say the festival attracted a big crowd.
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Behind The Scenes: ACHARYA (Album 31 photos) Welcome to the…

Behind The Scenes: ACHARYA (Album 31 photos)
Welcome to the exclusive behind the scenes shoot of ACHARYA. A team of young professionals from around the world embarked in October 2014 to film and re-create the world of Srila Prabhupada’s childhood and life from Kolkata, to Mayapur and all the way to Krishna’s birthplace in the mystical land of Vrindavan. Stay tuned for more updates…
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Dec 2014 Book Distribution Marathon in Iskcon Maraimalai Nagar…

Dec 2014 Book Distribution Marathon in Iskcon Maraimalai Nagar (Album 8 photos)
The first ever book distribution marathon by the ISKCON Maraimalai Nagar yatra. Here is our humble offering for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada. Total books distributed:
3836 Maha Big Books, 499 Big books, 6 Medium Books, 652 Small Books, and 3315 Back to Godhead magazines !!!
We thank all the 50 devotees who so enthusiastically participated in this most pleasing service to His Divine Grace. We pray Srila Prabhupada and all the Vaishnavas are pleased with our effort. Please bless us that we may do much much more in the service of Lord Caitanya.
Srila Prabhupada transcendental book distribution ki jaya!!
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Donation of Iskcon books to a popular library in Lagos (Album 8…

Donation of Iskcon books to a popular library in Lagos (Album 8 photos)
Iskcon devotees yesterday January 7,2015. donated different titles of Srila Prabhupada’s literatures to a famous library in Lagos, known as,”National Troupe library,” at National Theatre Lagos. A female librarian who received the spiritual books was enthusiastic to say, “I have read one of your literature before and it talk of ‘Duties’ she said.” I got the book from a class mate some years back though, the book was taken by a friend of her. But, “It really inspired my thought patterns, she said”! One devotee ask if she could still identify the book,she said Yes! It was Srila Prabhupada Bhagavad Gita as it is. Srila Prabhupada Ki jaya!
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A visit to the ancient Vedic Temple of “Handsome…

A visit to the ancient Vedic Temple of “Handsome Kesava” which took 103 years to construct (Album 186 amazing photos)
Indradyumna Swami: The town of Belfur, in the southern state of Karnataka in India, is set on the banks of the Yagachi river. It was chosen as the capitol of the Hoysala dynasty which ruled much of South India between the 11th and 14th centuries. The saintly kings of the Hoysala dynasty were great patrons of art and architecture during their 300 years of rule. The main temple in Belfur took 103 years to construct. The presiding Visnu deity is called Chenna Kesava, which means “the handsome Kesava.” It took us many hours to explore the entire ornate complex, with it’s many structures, described by local people as, “heaven on earth.” During our visit the citizens held a festival in honor of “handsome Kesava” that included a large parade. It was wonderful to see that after 1,000 years the deity is still loved and worshipped so nicely by the people.
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Mayapur Local Preaching Picnic For the pleasure of their…

Mayapur Local Preaching Picnic
For the pleasure of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhav, Pancatattva, Prahlad-Nrisimhadev and Srila Prabhupada, Mayapur Local Preaching held its annual picnic festival on 28th December, 2014. We had 350 participants, namely, Bhakti Vriksha members, and well wishers. The program was held at Sri Rajapur Jagannath Temple (ISKCON). This years picnic program was focused on the Bhakti Vriksha members reciprocating between themselves with spiritually enthusiastic entertainment. Srila Prabhupada personally desired this type of reciprocation, as is mentioned in his credence of the seven purposes of ISKCON, one of the seven being “to bring the members of the society more closer….” Regarding that purpose, the program had been designed with various events as follows: Starting at 10:45 AM with Mangalacaran, Harinam and Gaudiya bhajan giti, followed by a short lecture and certificate distribution by the director of MLP department His Grace Sankarsan Nitai Prabhu. Then under the guidance of His Grace Ananda Bardhan Prabhu, we had a ‘quiz contest’. This was an interesting, encouraging and spiritually brain warming program for all the Bhakti Vriksha members. The quiz lasted around 1 hour and in between there was short dance program by a young girl from Caitanya Bhakti Vriksha Gosthi.
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Srila Prabhupada Murti Worship (14 min video) This…

Srila Prabhupada Murti Worship (14 min video)
This fourteen-minute video shows the daily puja of a small brass deity of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The performer of the puja is Hari Sauri Das, well known in ISKCON for acting as Srila Prabhupada’s personal servant for a period of sixteen months, from November 1975 to March 1977. The running commentary is provided by Hari Sauri Prabhu himself, clarifying details of the proceedings as they unfold in the video. The full-length daily puja and arati, lasting around 25 minutes, was edited down to fifteen minutes for best viewing results. Produced by BhakTV, at the request of Srila Prabhupada Position Committee (SPPC), in service to The GBC Strategic Planning Team (SPT).
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Krishna Mountain (Trailer, 7min video) Finally the awaited…

Krishna Mountain (Trailer, 7min video)
Finally the awaited trailer has come. The final draft will be premiered in February 2015 at Sri Mayapur in India.
It’s a feature-length documentary on the spectacular upsurge of visitors to the Govardhan Hill, in Braj. Why do millions of people go around this sacred hill? Why only now?
Attention!! Finding this out could lead you to join a crowd of high-spirited pilgrims on the 21km trail around the hill 🙂
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The Dhal, Batti And Churma – Winter Festival In Braj! (Album 11…

The Dhal, Batti And Churma – Winter Festival In Braj! (Album 11 photos)
All over Braja, locals are celebrating winter with the famous winter feast…..dhal, batti and churma feast. According to tradition this feast heats up the body and keeps the locals warm for the rest of winter. The excess use of ghee is the secret. Everything tasted divine except for the hot chillies in the chutney!! But the brajabasi’s loved it!!
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Speaking With India’s Leading Industrialists On December…

Speaking With India’s Leading Industrialists
On December 13th, 2014, Radhanath Swami spoke at a program for over fifty of India’s leading industrialists on the terrace of the South Mumbai residence of Mr N.D. Desai the chairman of APAR group of industries.
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Harinama in Guarujá, Brazil (Album 12 photos) Srila Prabhupada:…

Harinama in Guarujá, Brazil (Album 12 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Although a Vaishnava is the most exalted person, he is prideless and gives all respect to everyone, knowing everyone to be the resting place of Krishna. If one chants the holy name of Lord Krishna in this manner, he will certainly awaken his dormant love for Krishna’s lotus feet. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, 20.25.26)
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