Croatia Spiritual Retreat 2015
We are very honoured to have His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami as the chief guest for the upcoming European Spiritual Retreat to Croatia in May 2015. This will be a fabulous 7-day spiritual retreat to the beautiful Croatian… Read more ›
Author Archives: Admin108
Croatia Spiritual Retreat 2015 We are very honoured to have His…
Harinama in Vladivostok, Russia (Album with photos)
Harinama in Vladivostok, Russia (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: No one can be more pure than devotees. Anyone who once utters the name of Vishnu immediately becomes purified, inside and outside. Since a devotee constantly chants the Hare Krishna … Read more ›
ISKCON Radha Golokananda temple, Phoenix, Mauritius (Album 21…
ISKCON Radha Golokananda temple, Phoenix, Mauritius (Album 21 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: A devotee, either in danger or in happiness, constantly chants the Hare Krishna mantra. When he is in danger he is immediately relieved, and when he is in a positio… Read more ›
Radhanath Swami Speaks at the London School of Economics
Radhanath Swami Speaks at the London School of Economics
The talk had a visible impact on a large portion of the audience, many of which stayed behind after for book signing or a quick conversation. Moreover, with the amount of effort and people involved, it would seem that it was a sign of more initiatives to come here at the LSE, especially from students and students’ union societies. A quote from the night that was continually repeated by attendants afterwards acts as an ideal summary of the event; “’you can count how rich you are by the number of things you have that money can’t buy.”
Read the entire article here:
Friday Harinama in Tel-Aviv, Israel (Album 111 photos)
Friday Harinama in Tel-Aviv, Israel (Album 111 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given us a nice weapon for this age. The narayanastra, or weapon to drive away maya, is the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra in pursuance of the as… Read more ›
Christmas Kirtan & Prasadam Festival 2014 in Iskcon San…
Christmas Kirtan & Prasadam Festival 2014 in Iskcon San Diego (Album 53 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Spiritual enlightenment is possible by the mercy of the spiritual energy of the Lord. The chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra is first addressed to the spiritual energy of the Lord, Hare. This spiritual energy acts when a living entity fully surrenders and accepts his position as an eternal servitor. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.9.6 Purport)
See them here:
Yesterday’s cold and foggy morning in Vrindavana, by…
Yesterday’s cold and foggy morning in Vrindavana, by Indradyumna Swami (Album 94 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: When the chanting is performed offenselessly the Lord will automatically reveal Himself to the view of the chanter. The chanter, therefore, has to concentrate on hearing the vibration, and without extra endeavor on his part, the Lord will automatically appear. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.8.53 Purport)
See them here:
Christmas harinam in Byron ISKCON New Govardhana – Sri Sri Radha…
Christmas harinam in Byron ISKCON New Govardhana – Sri Sri Radha Govardhanadhari (Album 21 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra is the easiest process of meditation in this age. As soon as one chants the Hare Krishna mantra, he… Read more ›
Harinama near Novokuznetskaya (a Moscow Metro station) (Album 42…
Harinama near Novokuznetskaya (a Moscow Metro station) (Album 42 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: By chanting the Hare Krishna mantra one immediately concentrates on the sound vibration and thinks of the lotus feet of the Lord, and very quickly one is elevate… Read more ›
A beautiful rendition of Jaya Radha Madhava / Hare Krishna…
A beautiful rendition of Jaya Radha Madhava / Hare Krishna by
Henry Doktorski III / Hrishikesh Dasa (10 min mp3 file)
Classical music arrangements and good sound quality.
Listen to it here: Read more ›
Ohio State Outreach (3 min video)
This video is about Hare…
Ohio State Outreach (3 min video)
This video is about Hare Krishna devotees and how they attempt to connect with Ohio State students in Columbus
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The devotee (2 min video)
Jagannatha Dasa was recruited by a…
The devotee (2 min video)
Jagannatha Dasa was recruited by a Hare Krishna devotee when he was in art college in Columbus. For several years he has been living in the Columbus Krishna house and spreading Krishna consciousness.
Watch it here: http://goo…. Read more ›
Snippets of wisdom by Kalakantha Prabhu
For many people,…
Snippets of wisdom by Kalakantha Prabhu
For many people, religion means being in constant fear of a dictator-like God, and therefore they reject it.
When there is no love, how can you think about another person all the time?
In the four key verses of Bhagavad-gita 10.8–11, just half of the first verse deals with Krishna alone, and in the rest the Lord talks about His devotees and their relationship with Him.
If we do not have the knowledge of how to connect with God, we are like an orphaned child.
If we show Krishna just a little bit of desire to connect with Him, He will reciprocate in a dramatic way.
Why do we not reach out to Krishna? Because are afraid Krishna will take something away that we do not want to give up.
When we tell Krishna in all sincerity that He is the most important person in our life and we act like that, Krishna will provide whatever we need.
By understanding how we are incapable of dealing with the challenges in our lives, and how Krishna is willing and capable to help, we can let go of our material attachments.
Srila Prabhupada once said, “All we are asking you to give up is your miseries.”
Hearing from devotees who have experience of Krishna’s reciprocation to their surrender can give us the conviction we need to surrender ourselves.
Srila Prabhupada said that Krishna consciousness is all about training others.
Bhakti Tirtha Swami said to be careful about you how you deal with devotees for they may be the people you die with.
We do not have to try to be humble. We just have to try to please Krishna.
The origin of the word “relationship” is a Latin word meaning “carry back,” implying give and take. We see this give and take in Bhagavad-gita verses 10.8–11.
The devotees worship Him with all their hearts, and He gives them knowledge.
Remember: The relationships between devotees are always more important than points of philosophy or the task at hand.
Words are hard to retract. They are like arrows.
Four stages of learning:
unconscious incompetence
conscious incompetence
conscious competence
unconscious competence
Srila Prabhupada said, “Are you here to serve or disturb?”
Intimacy grows in time.
When Srila Prabhupada left this world, I was just a devotee for a few years, and I did not cry. But when Tamal Krishna Goswami, who was a friend for many years, left suddenly, I cried for many days.
If you criticize someone, the laws of nature will not allow you to stay with that person. Pick who you want to criticize, and you will not hang out with him.
Peter Burwash as a young tennis professional, gave $1000 to a temple president who took it and left. When he met Srila Prabhupada and asked him about it, Srila Prabhupada said, “Do not blame the agent of your karma.” Peter Burwash made that understanding a pillar of his life.
“Nobody should criticize anyone. Because everyone is engaged in the service of the Lord, according to one’s capacity, and the thing is, Krishna wants to see how much one is sincere in rendering Him service.” (Srila Prabhupada, from a letter to Tamala Krishna written on August 19, 1968)
comment by Tulasirani Devi: Sivarama Swami said being bitten by a poisonous snake can end our body but offending a Vaishnava can harm our spiritual life for many births.
If we are offended, it is good to resolve it.
When you hear a devotee criticized… . Say something positive about the person being criticized or leave. Don’t gang up on the person being criticized and especially do not repeat what you heard (except in extreme cases, and then only to appropriate persons). Three ways to appreciate Vaishnava: Talk about Krishna’s names, pastimes, service, etc., with them. Serve them. Find the good in them.
The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
Show respect for others’ opinions.
Never tell someone they’re wrong. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. Begin in a friendly way, and admit it quickly.
Do not condemn, criticize, or complain. If we are thinking that we want to have better relationships with devotees, Krishna will see that and reciprocate.
It never good to be angry at a devotee. Only if it is controlled and one is an acknowledged trainer, can one use anger with a devotee.
I once addressed my godsister, “Mother Yamuna.” Yamuna replied, “Yes, Father Kalakantha.”
When we start revealing our minds to persons of another gender, we cross the line of appropriate behavior, except in the case of a guru-disciple relationship.
We can respect all Vaishnavas, but we must choose who to reveal our mind to and who to respect from a distance.
If a grhastha asrama is not financially independent then it is not a grhastha asrama.
It takes a lot of endeavor to find the right partner for a Krishna conscious marriage.
If you enter into a marriage thinking I am going to serve this person in this way, this way, and this way, then it works. In the grhastha asrama, one advantage is that you naturally develop a service attitude for others.
Read the entire article here:
2014, Kaunas, Lithuania, Yuga Dharma (2 min video)
2014, Kaunas, Lithuania, Yuga Dharma (2 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: Simply by chanting the holy name of Lord Krishna, one can be freed from all undesirable habits. This is the means of awakening all good fortune and initiating the flow o… Read more ›
Hare Krishna Volunteer Work (4 min video)
Hare Krishna Makati…
Hare Krishna Volunteer Work (4 min video)
Hare Krishna Makati City Philippines
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How movies embraced Hinduism (without you even noticing)…
How movies embraced Hinduism (without you even noticing) (
“Look at the first Matrix movie,” says producer Peter Rader. “It’s a yogic movie. It says that this world is an illusion. It’s about maya – that if we can cut through the illusions and connect with something larger we can do all sorts of things.
Read the entire article here:
New York City Harinam celebrating 33 months!! (Album 9…
New York City Harinam celebrating 33 months!! (Album 9 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If one wants success in practical yoga practice, it is advised that he take to the chanting of Hare Krishna and he will actually feel himself making progress. In Bhagavad-… Read more ›
Symptom of a false ego – Radhanath Swami (4 min video)
Symptom of a false ego – Radhanath Swami (4 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: A devotee is not afraid of going to hell if he has the opportunity to hear the glories of the Lord constantly. This is the advantage of chanting Hare Krishna. One may be put in any condition, but God gives him the prerogative to chant Hare Krishna. In any condition of life, if one goes on chanting he will never be unhappy. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 3.15.50 Purport)
Watch it here:
A Vision for London – Fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s dream…
A Vision for London – Fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s dream (20 min video)
Looking at Srila Prabhupada’s vision for London and plans for a new, larger London Temple. Shown to an audience of 1000 at the 45th Anniversary celebrations of the installation of Sri Sri Radha Londonisvara
Watch it here:
School children on a visit to the Radha Krishna Temple in Soho,…
School children on a visit to the Radha Krishna Temple in Soho, London (1 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: If a person does not cry or exhibit bodily changes after chanting Hare Krishna without offense, it is to be understood that he is hardhearted and tha… Read more ›
The householder life is an equal opportunity to go back to…
The householder life is an equal opportunity to go back to Godhead (3 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: The demigods are pleased when sacrifices are performed, just as prison officers are satisfied when the prisoners are turned into obedient subjects. Lord … Read more ›
‘Christmas packages’for all in Budapest, Hungary (Album 48…
‘Christmas packages’for all in Budapest, Hungary (Album 48 photos)
One eye crying, the other laughing after another one of these large-scale prasad distribution. Crying to see how many people are living in poverty and unhappiness and laughing because we can help them at least a little bit. The pictures reflect this duality. Thank you to everyone who has contributed the least amount of effort in the program!
See them here:
Massive Prasad distribution in Hungary by Iskcon devotees (Album…
Massive Prasad distribution in Hungary by Iskcon devotees (Album 23 photos)
December 24th and 25th, hot meals and about 10 tons of solid food were distributed. Thanks to all the contributors and enthusiastic volunteers who care about people so much.
Se… Read more ›
Sastra Dana of Bhagavad-gita As It Is at Iskcon Maraimalai Nagar…
Sastra Dana of Bhagavad-gita As It Is at Iskcon Maraimalai Nagar Admin (Album 11 photos)
225 gitas donated to orphans and elderly. Cheif guest: Shri KT Raghavan, Tamil Nadu State Secretary, BJP. Function as also graced by HG Sumithra Krishna Das, Presi… Read more ›
Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Dome is Rising (Album 8 photos)
The design of…
Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Dome is Rising (Album 8 photos)
The design of the TOVP is such that it will have three domes; one main dome in the center, flanked by two smaller domes on either side. The main dome is 58 meters (198 feet) in height and the two side domes are 30 meters (98 feet) and will be taller than Srila Prabhupada’s samadhi. Under the main dome will reside the Deities on Their altar along with the Vedic chandelier/planetarium. Under the left smaller dome will be the Exhibits Wing. And under the right dome, Lord Nrsimhadeva on His beautiful marble and gold altar will reside.
Each small dome will be composed of four stainless steel rings, and each ring will consist of eight segments. We are planning to build both of the small domes at the same time. When the first two segments of Lord Nrsimhadeva’s dome will be in place we will start work on the left dome over the Exhibits Wing.
Work has now begun on the dome above Lord Nrsinghadeva’s altar and the first segment has just been lifted into place. Two cranes are involved in this procedure, one outside and one inside the TOVP structure.
It’s so exciting to see how the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium is coming up! We are blessed to be able to witness the daily progress of this historic project taking place.
See them here:
Mantra Choir event in London on December 15th. (video)
Mantra Choir event in London on December 15th. (video)
Jayadeva prabhu engages everybody to chant Hare Krishna and brings joy to all!
Watch it here: Read more ›
Book Distribution @ BJP Meeting at Maraimalai Nagar (Album 12…
Book Distribution @ BJP Meeting at Maraimalai Nagar (Album 12 photos)
Amit Shah’s meeting meant that thousands of people gathered. And that was when we jumped on the chance to give out Srila Prabhupada’s mercy in the form of his books. In one evening: 266 Bhagavad-gitas, 56 Ramayanas & 102 small books. Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!
See them here:
Best way to spend the night before Christmas (Album 136…
Best way to spend the night before Christmas (Album 136 photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Last night, accompanied by a police escort, we took a small Ratha Yatra cart on harinam through old Hong Kong, distributing the gift of the holy names to everyone. Being… Read more ›
Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama 2015 (6 min beautiful…
Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama 2015 (6 min beautiful video)
ISKCON Mayapur invites all of you to join our Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama 2015 from 22nd to 28th February 2015. This year we are celebrating the 500th anniversary of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s visit to Sri Vrndavana Dham. Special evening classes by different sannyasis and senior devotees will be the highlight of this Parikrama. Our Adhivas will take place on 21st at Yoga Pita. See you there! Hare Krsna!
Watch it here:
Krishna Balarama Mandir to Celebrate 40th Anniversary
At least…
Krishna Balarama Mandir to Celebrate 40th Anniversary
At least one hundred Prabhupada disciples, including several who helped build Krishna Balarama Mandir, are expected to attend the epic five-day celebration of the Vrindavan temple’s 40th anniversary from March 24th to 28th 2015. They’ll be recalling the even grander original opening festival from April 16th to 27th, 1975. Attended by 1,000 devotees, it was the culmination of a ten-year struggle by ISKCON founder Srila Prabhupada to get a temple established in the sacred village Lord Krishna grew up in – something he saw as an important need especially for foreign devotees. The first three days of the 1975 festival were filled with elaborate yajnas performed by professional brahmanas. On the day before the installation of Sri Sri Krishna Balarama, Their utsav vigraha (small festival Deities) were taken on a grand procession with elephants, cows, bands, drums, hundreds of devotees and Srila Prabhupada through Vrindavan town.
Read the entire article here:
Invitation from H.H.Gopal Krishna Goswami for Iskcon…
Invitation from H.H.Gopal Krishna Goswami for Iskcon Vrindavan’s 40th Anniversary (2 min video)
Watch it here:
ISKCON’s Tribal Care Initiative Reaches Out to Tribal People of…
ISKCON’s Tribal Care Initiative Reaches Out to Tribal People of India
The recently formed ISKCON Tribal Care Initiative, headed by GBC Bhakti Purusottama Swami and chief coordinator Sridham Govinda Das, is reaching out to the numerous tribal communities located in forests and remote areas of East and Northeast India. The Initiative is currently focusing on the Munda and Sauntala tribes of the state of Orissa, the Karbi and Dimasar tribes of Assam, the Riang and Tripuri tribes of Tripura, the Mizo tribes of Mizoram, and the Naga tribes of Nagaland.
Read the entire article here:
Gita has principles for leaders, says US Congresswoman
Gita has principles for leaders, says US Congresswoman
Speaking to the audience here, Gabbard narrated the turning points in her life which led her to believe strongly in the Gita. In fact, after elections, she even took her oath by the Gita, she said…. Read more ›
Happy Christmas Harinam in Sydney (Album 26 photos)
Happy Christmas Harinam in Sydney (Album 26 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: A pure devotee cannot forget the Supreme Lord for a moment, and similarly the Supreme Lord cannot forget His pure devotee for a moment. This is the great blessing of the Krishna cons… Read more ›
Hare Krishna, Dear devotees!
We have good news! One brahmachari…
Hare Krishna, Dear devotees!
We have good news! One brahmachari from our team, bhakta Pavel was initiated today in Shri Vrindavan dham, his new name is Pranata-Karuna das.
Lets bless him for non-stop Harinama Sankirtana yajna till end of his life.
Hari… Read more ›
Krsna’s, all glorious, photogenic Kirtana party……
Krsna’s, all glorious, photogenic Kirtana party… Tonight, Krishmas Eve, Melbourne Australia….
Bathing in the nectar of devotion to “the God” Lord Sri Krsna.
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare !!
love is the only Recommended retail price… All Glories To Srila Prabhupada
Harinama in Moscow!
Srila Prabhupada: Bhajanti means…
Harinama in Moscow!
Srila Prabhupada: Bhajanti means “He’s always engaged in My service” That is mahatma. Laziness is not bhakti. There must be some activity. If somebody says, “I’ll chant sitting down. Who will notice? I’ll doze and people will think I am chanting,” this kind of cheating will not do. (Bhagavad-gita 9.14 Purport)
Cultural Program by ISKCON Russian Dance Group Mayuri (40 min…
Cultural Program by ISKCON Russian Dance Group Mayuri (40 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: In the Padma Purana, Krishna says, mad-bhakta yatra gayanti tatra tisthami narada: “O Narada, I am present wherever My devotees are chanting.” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, 17.132 Purport)
Watch it here:
A little story about respecting others by Radhanath Swami (8…
A little story about respecting others by Radhanath Swami (8 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: If one chants the holy name of God-Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare-eventually he will see Krishna’s form, realize Krishna’s qualities, and remember Krishna’s pastimes. That is the effect of the pure chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. (A Second Chance, 16)
Watch it here:
ISKCON Hungary Celebrates Christmas With Massive Food…
ISKCON Hungary Celebrates Christmas With Massive Food Distribution
During the month of December, ‘Food For Life Hungary’ ISKCON Hungary’s charity program has been distributing 30 tons of dry food (rice, flour, oil, pasta, canned vegetables) as well as 30,000 plates of hot meal to the needy all across the country. The ‘Christmas packages’ that the volunteers have been giving out in 12 locations and cities represent the only source of food for many families during the cold winter and the holiday season.
Read the entire article here: