If a person for whom we have prayed a lot with magical results suddenly claims that we have done nothing for them, how can we respond?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Question, when we care deeply for someone and have prayed for that person and have seen magic happen in their life, if they suddenly turn upon us and say, what have you ever done for me? How do we respond, especially when prayers are invisible and when we are a sensitive person? Answer, it’s distressing,…

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When spiritualists also experience the craving for more when pursuing spiritual happiness, how is their experience different from material dissatisfaction?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

We often condemn material pleasures, saying that these are unsatisfactory. But then we hear in scripture that even spiritual happiness never really satisfies the heart in the sense that the devotee is always wanting more and more, just as materialists want more and more. So how is the spiritual dissatisfaction different from material dissatisfaction? The…

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When Krishna offers multiple levels to connect with him how to avoid the tendency to connect at the easiest level?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Question, in the Bhagavad Gita conclusion, Krishna talks about those who share his message, those who study his message and those who hear his message, how all of them are benefited. Do all of them get the same benefit and how can we ensure that we don’t choose the easier option instead of the tougher…

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How can we counter informational obesity?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Question, what is the Bhagavad Gita perspective on the concept of informational obesity where people have a lot of information but that simply loads their brain just as too much food can load the body? Answer, to some extent this is a distinctively modern problem because it is now that we have access to so…

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Why are some people more inclined to spirituality than others?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Why are some people more inclined to spirituality than others? Answer, there can be broadly three reasons. The first is centered on their past life experiences. Experiences, while some people may or may not believe in the idea of a previous life and that whatever we experienced in a previous life has an effect on…

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How to respond to agnostics who say that God can’t be known?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

How to respond to agnostics who say that God can’t be known? Question, how do we respond to an agnostic who says that God is unknowable? Answer, three steps. First is, based on that very philosophy, that if one is agnostic truly, then maybe one can be agnostic about one’s agnosticism also. That means, if…

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When we criticize someone for doing bad things, is their karma transferred to us?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Is it that when we criticize someone, their bad karma gets transferred to us, and if we exaggerate while criticizing, then our good karma gets transferred to them? Answer, karma is a very complicated concept, as Krishna explains, gahana karma nogati. At one level, the essential implication is very logical and essential, that we are…

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When we are told to accept the unchangeable does that include accepting our own misdeeds done under the influence of others?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Question, how much should we accept the things that are not in our control, especially when it is we who have made some terrible mistake, maybe someone else pushed us or triggered us or even doing something wrong, but we cannot blame that person alone, we are also responsible. And additionally, we feel some regret….

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How to avoid getting angry with people having opposite opinions?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Question, whenever we are confronted by someone with a different opinion or different ideology, our first nature is that we are given to our impulses and become angry. How do we deal with that? Answer, anger management is a very individual activity and each one of us has to find out what is it that…

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Should devotees fast for Shivratri?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Should devotees fast for Shivratri Question should devotees fast on Shivratri? Answer, since Srila Prabhupada in Krishna book states that devotees sometimes, the Vrajavasis sometimes observe Shivratri and as far as we see, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu would visit Lord Shiva’s temples, but there is no reference to Srila Prabhupada actually observing Shivratri. Now in the Chaitanya…

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Is Bhumi external energy or internal energy?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Is Bhumi external material energy or internal spiritual energy? The question about Bhumi’s nature—whether she is part of material energy or a divine consort of the Lord—can be explored through various perspectives present in the Vedic tradition. Here’s an explanation that incorporates these viewpoints while maintaining their distinctions. Rivers like the Yamuna are composed of…

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Part 3: Those 18 Days @ Mahabharat – HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhuji @ Bhakti Center Gachibowli
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Today, we will look at the 11th, 12th, and 13th days. If we have time, we will also cover the 14th day. Each day, I will focus on one particular theme. The theme we discussed previously was the tension between dharma and bhakti. Today, we will explore the theme of right and wrong actions. When…

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Part 2: Those 18 Days @ Mahabharat – HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhuji @ Bhakti Center Gachibowli
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Welcome again to the second day of our book discussion, Chitra. I notice some people are missing today for various reasons, but we also have new participants joining us. This series was originally planned for the mornings, but we’ve extended it to include evenings as well. There was a suggestion that we should only focus…

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Part 1: Those 18 Days @ Mahabharat – HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhuji @ Bhakti Center Gachibowli
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So, just to confirm, will this also be showing? Is it possible? No, this is recording, right? No? Okay, I’ll be live streaming with this one. Can any positional function be seen, or will that be difficult? It seems difficult, right? In between, I think he’ll manage it. He’ll take care of it. It might…

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5 Six characteristics of bhakti – Last four characteristics
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Hare, Krishna. So thank you for coming today for this last session in our series. And, today we will talk about the 4 remaining characteristics of bhakti. In the first session, we talked about how these characteristics if we consider like a flower stalk, these are like petals are they are conjoined petals. So they…

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4 Six characteristics of bhakti – Bhakti-karma relationship QA
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Hare Krishna. Thank you for coming today. And we continue our discussion on the topic of the interaction between karma and bhakti. So we’ll take some questions today, and then after that, we’ll move towards the discussion on the remaining characteristics depending on how the questions go. So at the first two set of questions…

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3 Six characteristics of bhakti – How bhakti removes distress & brings auspiciousness
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Okay. Hare Krishna. Will continue our discussion, on the characteristics of pure devotional service. But within this, we’ll be focusing more on the principle of karma. And in that sense, this will be, you could say almost like a stand alone class. So those of you not attended the previous class can also understand this….

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