How impersonalism leads to materialism
→ The Spiritual Scientist

The propaganda that the Lord is impersonal, that He has no activity and that He is a dumb stone without any name and form has encouraged people to become godless, faithless demons, and the more they deviate from the transcendental activities of the Lord, the more they become accustomed to mundane activities that only clear […]

Is there any actual difference between Brahman Paramatma and Bhagavan, or is it just a matter of perception?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From Divyangi Lalita M I was with the understanding that Brahman and Paramatma are limited and can only exhibit sat and sat-cit features respectively. From the lecture, I understood that they are the same absolute truth and there is difference only in the way it is perceived by the practitioner, can you please explain further. […]

If madhurya rasa is taught in other traditions, then what is unique about the Gaudiya tradition?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From Divyangi Lalita M I was under the impression that only Gaudiya Siddhanta teaches madhurya rasa, but I was recently corrected by a devotee stating that Andal from the Sri sampradaya was situated in madhurya rasa. Can you please explain on what basis we can convince new devotees about the supremacy and unique position of […]

Is love of God available to followers of non-Vedic systems?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From Priya Aiyar M Is love of God available to followers of non-vedic system who don’t recognise Krishna to be the Supreme Lord but worship God as Buddha, Prophet Mohammed, or Jesus Christ. In other words, there is a vast difference between Vedic literature and non-vedic literature. So how do the followers of religions other […]

Conversion to What: Intolerance or Transcendence?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

This article is a compilation of several conversations between Hindu intellectuals (HI) and ISKCON scholars (IS) on various occasions. To cover the various issues in a systematic way, all these conversations are presented here as one, continuous conversation between two individuals. HI: An issue of great concern, even alarm, is the rampant conversion done by […]

Don’t run away from the lap of the mother
→ The Spiritual Scientist

The baby in the lap of his mother is naturally attached to the mother, and the mother is attached to the child. But when the child grows up and becomes overwhelmed by circumstances, he gradually becomes detached from the mother, although the mother always expects some sort of service from the grown-up child and is […]