Recover spiritual health by regular cultivation of Krishna consciousness
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Nescience… is compared to the disease called jaundice, which is caused by bilious secretions. Attacked by jaundice, the tongue of a diseased person cannot palatably relish sugar candy. Rather, a person with jaundice considers something sweet to taste very bitter. Avidya (ignorance) similarly perverts the ability to relish the transcendentally palatable name, quality, form and […]

07.09 – Rise from “willpower is power” to “willpower is his power”
→ The Spiritual Scientist

We all need willpower for doing anything worthwhile. In fact, willpower is the power that unleashes our other powers such as undeveloped talents. Without willpower, potential geniuses end up becoming prodigals instead of prodigies. Strong willpower is a great power to have, but it’s not all that great if it’s divorced from spiritual reality. Let’s […]

09.14 – Let determination enthrone, not dethrone, devotion
→ The Spiritual Scientist

We may wonder: “Determination requires using our own willpower, whereas devotion requires depending on Krishna’s supreme power. How can we do these two contradictory things simultaneously?” By seeing our willpower is a means to access Krishna’s supreme power and thereby letting determination enthrone devotion in our heart. The Bhagavad-gita (09.14) points to this vision when […]

No room for jealousy in transcendental science
→ The Spiritual Scientist

This Krishna consciousness movement is a transcendental science, and there is no room for jealousy. This movement is meant for the paramahamsas who are completely free from all jealousy (paramam nirmatsaranam). One should not be jealous, whether he is born in a family of gosvamis or has the title of gosvami awarded to him. Nectar […]

01.36 – Don’t treat Krishna as a showpiece; let him show how to put the pieces of life together
→ The Spiritual Scientist

We tend to lead our life in pieces – a piece for our career, a piece for our family, maybe a piece for society. And if it makes us look good, we let God have a piece too, as a showpiece adorning a wall. How all these pieces fit together is something that we don’t […]

What is the reason for rituals that don’t promote liberation such as wife worshiping to get the same husband for seven lives
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From: Mukund
If ultimate aim of the human life is to get liberation from cycle of birth and death then why do scriptures recommend women to perform “Vat Savitri” puja to get same husband for Seven lifes (Saat Janam)? Is this practice at all mentioned i…

02.15 – If we let all that happens matter, then we don’t let all that matters happen
→ The Spiritual Scientist

We sometimes make small things unnecessarily big. When we are on our way to office, unseasonal rains delay us and upset our schedule for the day. We get so irritated that when we finally reach the workplace we are drained – not as much by the inconvenience as by the irritation. Our depleted mental energy […]

If a person is attached to a family member will he be reborn in the same family?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From: Ganesh Pandian As per B.G verse  in whatever state of mind one leaves the present body, the same state he achieves without fail. 1. If one of the family members has attachment to particular person in the family then will he come back in the next life to the same family if not immediate […]

How can we stop our family members from using items having animal products?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From: varun prabhu ji how a person can stop children and wife from not using animal products. my wife uses cream and other makeup products which contain animal ingredients like glicerien made from animal skin. so if i stop her for using products i will  become fool in society people will say many things even […]

When trying to figure out Krishna’s lesson for us makes us indecisive what should we do?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From Durgesh Yewatkar As i understand in all situation i hav to think of krishna has something to teach me in all situation and i need to understand thro his vision.But many of time it happens people around me think that i have become lazy, i dont think myself what to do in situation and just […]

To be both honest and wise, be Krishna conscious
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Modern capitalists accumulate more wealth than necessary, and the communists, envious of their prosperity, want to nationalize all wealth and property. Unfortunately the communists do not know how to solve the problem of wealth and its distribution. Consequently when the wealth of the capitalists falls into the hands of the communists, no solution results. Opposed […]

When all did Krishna reveal the universe in his mouth to Mother Yashoda?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

From: Nityānanda Chandra Dās Are there 3 separate pastimes of Krishna revealing the universe within his mouth? 1. “Mata, Krishna ate dirt lila” – Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.8.32-42 2. Mother Yaśodā nursing baby Krishna lila – Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.7.34-37 And finally 3. Damodara Lila per – Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.7.30 verse and purport Answer podcast

09.12 – Seeing the infinite through finite filters makes finite illusions infinite
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Skeptics deride Krishna’s pastimes like lifting Govardhan hill: “How could anyone have lifted such a huge object? How could he have found its center of gravity?” Krishna doesn’t have to find the center of gravity because he is the source of gravity. Material nature with all its laws such as gravity work under his supervision, […]

06.45 – Bhakti is not a part of life; life is a part of bhakti
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Many people treat bhakti as an optional part of life: “You like bhakti, you practice it. I don’t like it, so I won’t practice it.” At a functional level, this understanding of bhakti seems correct. After all, people are free to choose whether to practice bhakti or not. At a factual level, however, perceiving bhakti […]

When we could learn so much about Krishna’s glories by asking him about, say, how quantum mechanics and relativity are reconciled, why are his simple pastimes like playing with children considered the highest?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

While reading the tenth canto, there are descriptions of how the gopis would smear cow dung and urine on Krsna’s body to protect him. How Krsna steals butter and urinates and passes stool in the house of the Gopis. How he distributes yogurt and milk to his friends and monkeys. Krsna’s Vrndavan pastimes are the […]

18.22 – Tune in to yourself to best tune in to the world
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Some people can’t live without continuous external stimulation. Every few minutes, they check their cellphones for the latest stock prices or the breaking news or the cricket scores. We may need to be in tune with the world, but we don’t need to be dependent on or addicted to external stimulation. That sort of tuning […]