Gita key verses course 48 – Can I be spiritual and still be ambitious? Can my work be my worship?
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Today, we will discuss an important concept from the Bhagavad Gita: Work as Worship—or as it is commonly expressed in Hindi, Karmahi Puja Hai. However, the Gita does not teach that “work is worship” in the literal sense but rather emphasizes work in the mood of worship. Let’s explore this idea in three parts, with…

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47 Why some people are knowledgeably ignorant or intelligently foolish
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So today we are discussing one of the key concepts in the Gita about the subtlety and the complexity by which the modes interact with each other. So I’ll talk about this based on 18.35 in the Bhagavad Gita, which talks about intelligence in the mode of ignorance. Krishna is speaking here that actually he…

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46 If we are not the doers why are we held responsible – Gita 18.14
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Hare Krishna. Thank you for your patience today. We are discussing today one of the philosophically critical as well as somewhat confusing concepts of the Gita, that is the concept of doership, which we may often have heard: we are not the doers. Then the next question comes up: why are we held responsible if…

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45 Speak to give peace of mind not a piece of your mind – Gita 17.15
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Hare Krishna. Thank you very much for joining today for this discussion on the Bhagavad Gita. Today, we will be discussing one of the most important, yet often misunderstood or under-applied verses from the Gita, particularly in terms of how we conduct ourselves and our relationships with others. Applying this verse in our practical devotional…

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44 Isn’t spirituality a matter of the heart Why so many rules Gita 16.24
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So, today we discuss the 16th chapter, 24th verse, where we’ll be talking about the role of rules in spirituality.Three questions we’ll discuss: Is spirituality a matter of the heart? Why are there rules? And what if we can’t follow the rules?This is based on 16.24. Tasmad shastram pramanam te, karya akarya vyavasthitau, gyatva shastra…

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43 Are some people innately bad – Gita 16.06
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So today we will discuss the topic of the divine and the demoniac nature. This is Chapter 16 from the Bhagavad Gita. And what we’ll discuss is: are people basically good, and are some people innately bad? This is based on Gita 16.6. Krishna is speaking here that there are two kinds of living beings….

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42 How to see God’s hand in our life – Gita 15.15
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Hare Krishna. Thank you very much for joining today. Today, we’ll be discussing one of the most commonly quoted verses from the Gita, 15.15. We’ll explore the topic of how to see God’s hand in our life, beginning with a philosophical perspective on God’s hand in material existence and then moving toward practical applications in…

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41 What is the upside-down tree metaphor Gita 15.01
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Thank you all for joining today. We’re diving into one of the most vivid yet often misunderstood metaphors from the Bhagavad Gita: the metaphor of the upside-down tree. This unique imagery, found in the 15th chapter, serves as a profound representation of our material existence and its entanglements. Through this session, we’ll explore what this…

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Gita key verses course 28 – Why is life so tough? – Gita 8.15
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Hare Krishna. Welcome to our session on the Gita ki verses. Today we’ll be discussing the topic of why is life so tough and if God loves us, why doesn’t he make our life easier? So this is based on a well-known verse from the Gita 8.15, which often strikes people as pessimistic. Maa mupetya…

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Gita key verses course 27 – Is the ultimate reality personal or impersonal? – Gita 07.24
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Hare Krishna. So today we continue our discussion on the Bhagavad Gita. We’ll be discussing the seventh chapter, 24th text, and the topic we’ll be discussing is: Is the ultimate reality personal or impersonal? A quick overview of what we have discussed in the previous sessions: in the last session, we discussed different Gods. The…

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Gita key verses course 26 – Isn’t one God enough? Does the Gita teach polytheism? – Gita 07.21
→ The Spiritual Scientist

The Concept of Many Gods in the Vedic Tradition Thank you for joining today’s discussion. We’re going to explore a concept that has often been misunderstood and debated—the idea of multiple Gods within the Vedic tradition. Specifically, we’ll address the question: why are there so many Gods in Indian tradition, and what does this mean…

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Gita key verses course 25 – Does God hear our prayers? Gita 7.19
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So today, we are discussing the 7th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, specifically the topic of prayer. Does God hear our prayers? And when our prayers go unanswered, what can we do? I’ll discuss this based on verse 7.19 of the Bhagavad Gita. Before we get to that verse, let’s quickly review where we are…

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Gita key verses course 24 – Can sex be spiritual? – Gita 7.11
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Topic Introduction: The Bhagavad Gita’s Teachings on Sex and Spirituality Thank you all for joining today. In this session of our continued Bhagavad Gita course, we’ll delve into a very relevant and insightful topic that the Gita addresses. The seventh chapter, titled “Knowledge of the Absolute,” offers deep wisdom on issues that are central to…

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Gita key verses course 23 – Can we be spiritual and rational? – Gita 07.07
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Hare Krishna,Today we will discuss two questions: Can a rational person be spiritual, and how can science and spirituality go together? At first, this topic might seem very basic. When we talk about subjects like the existence of the soul and God, they are often introduced in the early stages of spiritual courses, like those…

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Gita key verses course 22- What if I am not spiritual enough at the time of death? – Gita 6.40
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So, today, welcome to this Gita discussion, and we are discussing the prospects of growth in spiritual life and the challenges in that growth. This is specifically one question: what happens if I am not spiritual enough by the time I die? We will discuss this based on 6.40 in the Bhagavad Gita. So, Partha,…

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10 Do I have inner demons? How can I slay them? – Gita 03.36 Gita Verse
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Oh, my God. Thank you very much for joining today. Today, we’ll be continuing our discussion on the Bhagavad Gita. I believe the PowerPoint has already been shared with you, so we’ll be focusing on the third chapter today, specifically the 36th verse, which addresses an important and relevant theme for us. We will be…

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9 What is sacrifice? Is it a ritual? Are rituals needed? – Gita 3.9 Gita Key Verse
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So, I’m sharing the screen now, and we’ll start. This is our 7th session, actually the 9th session. We are on verse 3.9, which we’ll be discussing. We’ll be introducing the concept of sacrifice, specifically the sacrifice in the form of yajna. To trace back, basically, what we are doing in this course is that…

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8 What is happiness? Why is it so elusive? – Gita 2.55 Gita Key Verse
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So grateful to be here among all of you today, and I’ll be speaking on the topic of happiness. What is happiness, and why is it so elusive? We discuss this based on verse 255 in the Bhagavad Gita. Krishna is describing the characteristics of one who is enlightened. Prajayata, Kaman sarvan partamano, ganaan atmanyavadmanan….

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7 What is destiny? Is everything destined? – Gita 2.47 Gita Key Verse
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So here we are now discussing the concept of destiny. What happened here? Okay, I was talking about how the Bhagavad Gita’s message can be applied till now. We discussed that this verse has four propositions within it. These four propositions are as follows: Adhikar means rights. The idea of rights is not just a…

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6 Do animals have souls? Are humans just evolved animals? – Gita 2.30 Gita Key Verse
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So, today we are continuing our session on the Bhagavad Gita, and we are having the sixth session now.In this session, till now, we have been discussing how the Bhagavad Gita’s thought flow progresses and how we are taking the concepts accordingly.First, we talked about the concept of Dharma, then we talked about the concept…

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5 What is Spirituality? Is it a state of mind? – Gita 02.29 Gita Key Verse
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Hare Krishna, so today we continue our discussion on the Bhagavad Gita. Today I’ll be discussing the topic of how we can understand the nature of spirituality. I’ll be sharing a PowerPoint now, and if at any time the PowerPoint is not visible while I’m speaking, please let me know through a message, and I…

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4 Dealing with grief on losing a loved one – Gita 02.25Gita Key Verse
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So, welcome back to our Bhagavad Gita course, and today we will be discussing one practical application of the understanding that we are not the body, that we are the soul.There are multiple aspects to this understanding, and an important aspect here is how it helps us deal with various life events. For example, whenever…

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Gita key verses course 10 – Do I have inner demons? How can I slay them? – Gita 03.36
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Oh, my God. Thank you very much for joining today. Today, we’ll be continuing our discussion on the Bhagavad Gita. I believe the PowerPoint has already been shared with you, so we’ll be focusing on the third chapter today, specifically the 36th verse, which addresses an important and relevant theme for us. We will be…

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Gita key verses course 18 – What is mind & mindfulness? How can I become more mindful? – Gita 06.05
→ The Spiritual Scientist

What is the mind, what is mindfulness, and how can we be more mindful?These three questions we will address, and we will address them as the three parts of this talk.So, let’s begin with verse 6.5, it’s on the next slide:uddharedhātmanātmānam nātmānam avasādayet, ātmaiva yātmano vandhur ātmaiva ripurātmanahā.So, uddharedhātmanātmānam, Krishna is saying here, elevate yourself….

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Gita key verses course 17 – Why are religious people so sectarian? – Gita 5.18
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Our topic is why religious people sometimes are sectarian and it is better to be spiritual, not religious. So, we will discuss based on 5.18 in the Bhagavad Gita. That is our next slide. That is: Samadarshinaha. Samadarshinaha is to see equally. And Panditaha. What happens over here is the wise people, the Panditas, they…

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Gita key verses course 16 – If God is good why does he allow evil to exist? – Gita 5.15
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So, today we discuss 4.34 in the Bhagavad Gita. The topic will be about the spiritual master, the Guru. And here we will be focusing on 4.34 in the Gita.Tadviddhi pranipaten pariprasnena sevaya upadekshanti te jnaninastatvadarshinahaSo, Tadviddhi pranipaten. Krishna is telling us to know that truth, pranipaten. Go and approach the spiritual master. Tadviddhi pranipaten…

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Gita key verses course 15 – Do I need a guru? How can I find my guru? Gita 4.34
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So, today we discuss 4.34 in the Bhagavad Gita. The topic will be about the spiritual master, the Guru. And here we will be focusing on 4.34 in the Gita.Tadviddhi pranipaten pariprasnena sevaya upadekshanti te jnaninastatvadarshinahaSo, Tadviddhi pranipaten. Krishna is telling us to know that truth, pranipaten. Go and approach the spiritual master. Tadviddhi pranipaten…

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Gita key verses course 14 – What is karma? Why do bad things happen to good people? – Gita 4.16-18
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Hare Krishna!So,Karmano yapi bodhavyamBodhavyam cha vi karmanahaAkarmanas cha bodhavyamGahana karmano gati hi So Krishna is speaking here about the concept of Karma, and Gahana karmano gati hi—the moments of Karma are very difficult to understand. Therefore, Arjuna, try to understand what is Karma, what is Akarma, and what is Vkarma. So today, we will discuss…

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Gita key verses course 13 – Why are there so many religious paths? – Gita 4.11
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So, today we are discussing the 4th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, text 11. This is 4.11: “ye thamam prapadyante tam satayiva bhajamyaham mamavartaman uvartante anushyaparth sarvashyama.” Ye thamam prapadyante, Krishna says, as all people surrender unto me, I reward them accordingly. And importantly, mamavartaman uvartante anushyaparth sarvashyama, mamavartaman uvartante, all people are on my…

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Gita key verses course 12 – Who is God? Does he care? Why should I care? – Gita 4.8
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Thank you very much for joining today.We will be continuing our discussion on the Bhagavad Gita. We are discussing the fourth chapter, and I have shared the PowerPoint. We will be discussing verse 4.8 in the Bhagavad Gita.The topic is: Who is God? Does He care? Why should we care? Verse 4.8 in the Bhagavad…

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Gita key verses course 9 – What is sacrifice? Is it a ritual? Are rituals needed? – Gita 3.9
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So, I’m sharing the screen now, and we’ll start. This is our 7th session, actually the 9th session. We are on verse 3.9, which we’ll be discussing. We’ll be introducing the concept of sacrifice, specifically the sacrifice in the form of yajna. To trace back, basically, what we are doing in this course is that…

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Gita key verses course 8 – What is happiness? Why is it so elusive? – Gita 2.55
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So grateful to be here among all of you today, and I’ll be speaking on the topic of happiness. What is happiness, and why is it so elusive? We discuss this based on verse 255 in the Bhagavad Gita. Krishna is describing the characteristics of one who is enlightened. Prajayata, Kaman sarvan partamano, ganaan atmanyavadmanan….

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Gita key verses course 7 – What is destiny? Is everything destined? – Gita 2.47
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So here we are now discussing the concept of destiny. What happened here? Okay, I was talking about how the Bhagavad Gita’s message can be applied till now. We discussed that this verse has four propositions within it. These four propositions are as follows: Adhikar means rights. The idea of rights is not just a…

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Gita key verses course 6 – Do animals have souls? Are humans just evolved animals? – Gita 2.30
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So, today we are continuing our session on the Bhagavad Gita, and we are having the sixth session now.In this session, till now, we have been discussing how the Bhagavad Gita’s thought flow progresses and how we are taking the concepts accordingly.First, we talked about the concept of Dharma, then we talked about the concept…

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Gita key verses course 5 – What is Spirituality? Is it a state of mind? – Gita 02.29
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Hare Krishna, so today we continue our discussion on the Bhagavad Gita. Today I’ll be discussing the topic of how we can understand the nature of spirituality. I’ll be sharing a PowerPoint now, and if at any time the PowerPoint is not visible while I’m speaking, please let me know through a message, and I…

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Gita key verses course 4 – Dealing with grief on losing a loved one – Gita 02.25
→ The Spiritual Scientist

So, welcome back to our Bhagavad Gita course, and today we will be discussing one practical application of the understanding that we are not the body, that we are the soul.There are multiple aspects to this understanding, and an important aspect here is how it helps us deal with various life events. For example, whenever…

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Gita key verses course 3 – What is death & reincarnation? Do we all have soulmates? – Gita 2.22
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Today is our third session, and after the session, I’ll be sending you a broad outline of what we will be covering in the 51 sessions. Each session will be based on one question that addresses both the philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita as well as some contemporary need or concern that we all have…

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Gita key verses course 2 – Who am I? Is there any scientific evidence for the soul? – Gita 2.13
→ The Spiritual Scientist

Today, we will be discussing the second session on key verses from the Bhagavad Gita. In the first session, I started with verse 1.1, where I focused primarily on the context of the Gita and its relevance today. It addresses questions like: What is my purpose? What are we meant to do in life? The…

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