Chaitanya Charan · Does The Soul Use Its Spiritual Intelligence Or Material Intelligence To Realize Its Spirituality
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Chaitanya Charan · Does The Soul Use Its Spiritual Intelligence Or Material Intelligence To Realize Its Spirituality
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Chaitanya Charan · What Are The Consequences Of Not Following Bhagavad – Gita
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Chaitanya Charan · What Are The Consequences Of Not Following Bhagavad – Gita
Question: What are the consequences of not following the Bhagavad Gita?
Overall.The Bhagavad-gita is more is not one-off.
Ensuring compliance through imposing fear.So,
Idea inducing fear rather.So rather than focusing on.What will happen if somebody doesn’t follow the vagita? What these is is that there are laws of nature.Science talks about laws of nature.And if somebody doesn’t follow the law of gravity. Sometimes you defy the law of gravity.Then it is not that Newton or anybody any physics teacher is going to cause the injury to the person who jumps off from 10 story building.
That I don’t believe in our care for gravity.So,
It is not so much as fear of physics or thread by physicists.Or threads by a physics textbook as it is just awareness of the way reality works.Similarly the good guitar is giving us awareness.Of not just physical reality what primarily of conscious reality of have on how consciousness is affected by.
Our choices.And ultimately each one of us.The one thing we have to live with the most is our own consciousness.
We may or may not.You may create a particular place and we can walk away from that place.And somebody else has to clean up our mess.But if we create a mess in our consciousness that mess walks with us.We can never walk away from it.
And the guitar simply reminds us that.The more we let our consciousness become attached to small things.To trivial concerns to petips.To.Minor mishaps.Or even on the opposite side to.To trifling pleasures.To chief comforts.To.
Oh, you universally available sensual pleasures.Then by that we shrink our consciousness.And a shrunk consciousness.Can only experience shank and realities.For example a self-centered person.Can only experience life in terms of oneself only and nothing beyond that.
A self-centered person can’t see beauty of the top of her mountain.Without thinking that only if I would conquer and plant my victory flag over there, then it would be glorious otherwise it just makes me feel insignificant and that’s affiliate. I don’t want So shankan consciousness means our source is of fulfillment of joy of pleasure they become limited they become shrunk.
And expanded consciousness means that our sources of meaning are sources of fulfillment.Our sources of.
Joy they become expanded.So,The whole.Gita while talking about various paths.
In the talking about.The path of consciousness.How we can enrich our consciousness.So if we do not follow the kita basically, that means we are not enriching our consciousness.And.By letting the consciousness we filled with complaints and temptations, for example.We deprive ourselves of the.Higher experiences that we could otherwise have had.
But when 1858 one of the several hours of the Krishna talks about choices and consequences.Much it does have.
He says if you become conscious of me, you will pass over all obstacles by my grace.However, act out of go define me.
Then you will be lost. Since this is not so much Krishna personally having a vendetta against those who don’t listen to me, it’s rather.The very nature of nature of consciousness.That if it is.
Neglected if […]
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Chaitanya Charan · When A Helpless Girl Is Raped, Does The Gita Say That It Happened Due To Her Past Karma
Question: When A Helpless Girl Is Raped, Does The Gita Say That It Happened Due To Her Past Karma?
Answer: Whenever an event occurs, there are reasons based on different levels, and the Gita puts emphasis on our dharma. Here, dharma refers to our responsibility, meaning what responsible actions we should take. Neither in the Gita nor in the Mahabharata is it emphasized that when Draupadi is subjected to humiliation and attempts are made to disrobe her, no one says that this was all due to your past karma. When we interact in this world, we need to see what particular actions a person has done with regard to his present birth and situation, and if they haven’t done any wrong action and something wrong happens to them, then it is injustice, and that injustice should be retaliated against.
So, that retaliation happens at many levels. There should be a system in society where there is no injustice, but if there is injustice, then the one who has committed it should be punished. When such events occur, it is injustice at the level of this present birth, hence it is highly inappropriate to even mention the karma of their past life here. If we attribute every wrong thing happening in the world to past lives, then where do we stop? For example, if a newborn baby is crying, will the mother say that due to the baby’s past karma it is unhappy and suffering? Rather than attributing it to the baby’s past karma, the mother should take cognizant of what her duty is. So, it is the duty of the mother to feed the child, take care of the child, check if there is any illness and get it treated appropriately. As much as possible, she should try to relieve the baby of its pain, reduce its crying, and provide relief. It is possible sometimes that the child may have some pain, some illness that they can’t understand or find a solution to, and the baby keeps crying. At that time, when we cannot change a situation and it is essential to accept what has happened, then in order to console himself, that person can think that maybe this happened because of my past karma, but blaming the person who has suffered the injustice, holding him responsible for what has happened, is called “blaming the guilty”, that is, one who has been victimized is held guilty. You must have done something, that’s why they did that to you. When such a thought occurs, it is entirely wrong.
So, the teaching of the Gita is for all of us to do our duty well, not to attribute others’ suffering to their own karma and allow injustice, abuse, or any wrongdoings without retribution. If we look at the Bhagavad Gita which is a part of the Mahabharata, when […]
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Chaitanya Charan · If Someone Is Abused Despite Praying To Krishna For Protection, Isn’t It EasierForThem To Reject God