From: Mukund
If ultimate aim of the human life is to get liberation from cycle of birth and death then why do scriptures recommend women to perform “Vat Savitri” puja to get same husband for Seven lifes (Saat Janam)? Is this practice at all mentioned in scriptures?
Transcription: ( By Bhavesh P)
Answer: The scriptures talk about multiple levels of spirituality. And within karma kanda, which is an important part of the scriptures as vast majority of the scriptures talks about karma kanda although it is not the conclusion of the scriptures. Within that the idea is material enjoyment is ultimately the goal of life and the purpose of dharma is to help us get better material enjoyment. So within the karma kanda sections, it is mentioned that our worldly relationships can be perpetuated at the material level not by avoiding death but by replicating those relationships in future lives. That’s how the problem of death which sabotages all material enjoyments is attempted to be circumvented in karma kanda and as a part of karma kanda there are these sort of rituals where the material relationships are prayed and their worship is done. Prayers and worships are done to perpetuate the material relationships for many many life times.
Now if we go beyond karma kanda to gyan kanda, there we have the idea that all the relationships are false. And one should just cut off the bonds of these relationships and move forward to go on towards spiritual life and attain moksha. Beyond that if we come further to bhakti, things become little more complex. Bhakti in and of itself does not reject material relationships but it spiritualize those relationships. That’s why in the seventh canto of Srimad Bhagvatam, chapter fourteen talks about ideal family life. In that chapter, it is mentioned that if the wife assists the husband in performing devotional service and both of them render devotional service together then that devotional connection can be continued not just in the next life in swarga but it can be perpetuated in the spiritual world eternally.
The idea here is primarily that we don’t reject the material relationships, we spiritualize them. But at the same time the focus is not on spiritualizing the relationship, the focus is on spirituality, focus is on Krishna. And once we are centered in Krishna then we can spiritualize the relationship concomitantly. Yes these kind of things are there in scriptures but devotees who aspire not just for moksha but beyond moksha to reside in spiritual world where there are eternal relationship centered with Krishna. In the practice of devotional service in this world we try to replicate a similar Krishna centered reality in our home and we try to make all our relationships Krishna centric. Hence we may not at a material level aspire for perpetuating the relationships but we can aspire to focus on serving Krishna and dovetailing all our relationships in that way. That’s how we can spiritualize our relationships and all our relationships […]