Author Archives: Chaitanya Charan
One mission many mood RNSM glories || Toronto || Chaitanya Charan || 4.5.24
Is destiny inescapable Dasratha’s Curse Ramayana ACT acro || Houston || Chaitanya Charan || 11.5.23
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Mental Health and Economic Uncertainty ACE acro || UBER online || Chaitanya Charan || 13.5.24
→ The Spiritual Scientist
How to say No Politely Hanuman – Mainaka || Toronto Scarborough || Chaitanya Charan || 4.5.24
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Dealing with Attachments 2 ways Hanuman simhika lankini || Chaitanya Charan || 5.5.24
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Bhakti integrate Logic & Magic ABLE acro Hanuman in Lanka || Houston || Chaitanya Charan || 11.5.23
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5 glories of Radharani RADHA acronym Radhashtami 2024
→ The Spiritual Scientist
We differentiate our senses from our mind and say that the senses are driving us but is it notthat ultimately the mind is driving us?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Transcription (edited) by– Keshavgopal DasQuestion– We differentiate our senses from our mind and say that the senses are driving us but is it notthat ultimately the mind is driving us?Answer (short)- We can be driven both by the mind and the senses. When the temptation comes from an external source, it first enters the senses…
Are the Bhagvad Gita and Shrimad-Bhagvatam meant for less intelligent people?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
As Prabhupada says in his introduction of Sri Ishopanishad that after Vyasdeva composed the Vedas, hecomposed Puranas and the Mahabharata for the less intelligent people. Bhagvatam is one of thePuranas and Bhagvat Gita appears in the Mahabharata, so are these also meant for the less intelligent?Answer (short)- Both Bhagvad Gita and Srimad Bhagvatam are meant…
Are the Mahabharata real or stories?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast Transcriber: Suresh GuptaQuestion: Are the Mahabharata real or stories?Answer: History is not like an empirical repeatable science like gravity which is proved by the fallingof a fruit in the past and present. Then how do we know what happened historically? Broadlyspeaking, there are multiple ways. One way is to adopt the same…
Are the gods of different religions different? (PK answered 25)
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Answer Podcast: Transcription (edited) by – Bhaktin Raji Nachiappan Question- Are the Gods of different religions, different? Answer (short)- No, Gods of different religions are not different, they are all referring to same one God. For example, Sun can be called by different names (Surya, Bhaskar etc.) in different languages, similarly the same God can…
Are jnana and karma complementary instead of hierarchical?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Transcriber: Sharan ShettyEdited by: Keshavgopal Das Question: Are jnana and karma complementary instead of hierarchical?Answer: Karma and jnana can broadly refer to action and intellectual analysis whereas karma yogaand jnana yoga are specific processes. Beyond these two, there is the path of bhakti yoga.Karma yoga and jnana yoga, as yoga sadhanas, are not…
Are our mistakes Krishna’s mercy?
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Transcription : Transcribed by: Geetanjali Nath Question: Are our mistakes Krishna’s mercy? Answer: The term “Krishna’s mercy” can mean two possible things: (i) an external situation orchestrated by Krishna coming to our life (ii) a frame of mind by which we can turn towards Krishna. Krishna’s mercy can be multifaceted. The word “mercy” has…
Bhagavad Gita Overview Chapter 10
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Gopi-Gita Series | Pune | 2024
→ The Spiritual Scientist
1 Gopi Gita text 1 Approaching rasa-lila – why & how? 2 Gopi Gita Texts 2 – 4 Glory Of Unreciprocated Love 3 Gopi gita | Texts 5-6 | Dealing with lust & pride 4 Gopi gita 7-9 Making sense of Krishna’s plan BCEC 5 Gopi Gita | Texts 10-11 | Taking anxiety for Krishna’s…
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6 Gopi Gita | Texts 12-13 | Desire management
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The wild mind will make us homeless at home Gita 06.34
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The choices you make make you Gita 17 03
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The images of prosperous people that make us burn with envy are just our mind’s illusions Gita 17 16
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To be nice is not to be naive it is to be free from the control of vice Gita 16 02
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The notion that love can exist outside of sacrifice is a dangerous lie Gita 09 14
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We are like birds on a branch — our wings need to grow before the branch breaks
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Watch the mind, or the mind will catch you Gita 06 34
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Let your practices make you a spiritual fruit, not a religious nut Gita 18 66
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Choose the good when… Gita 02.49
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Mindless feeds don’t feed our mind, they feed our mindlessness Gita 16 16
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No one has a right to mistreat you, not even you Gita 06 05
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Materialism reduces you to a number and glamorizes things that make you number Gita 16 09
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Problems are like burdens whose weight increases with the attention we give them Gita 18 58
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To forget that the world is a hurtful place is to place ourselves on a path full of hurts Gita 08 15
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The mind makes us spin like dirty laundry and leaves us dirtier Gita 06 34
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Our future is shaped not just by how many options we have Gita 09.06
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How to foster intrinsic self worth, not extrinsic self worth? Gita 18 14
→ The Spiritual Scientist
Be childlike, not childish Gita 12 13
→ The Spiritual Scientist
To live life fully, leave life regularly take breaks before life breaks you Gita 06 17
→ The Spiritual Scientist
5 Gopi Gita | Texts 10-11 | Taking anxiety for Krishna’s service
→ The Spiritual Scientist
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Hindi Radharani’s Selfless Love Pune
→ The Spiritual Scientist
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