Watch Online the Live Broadcast of the Historic TOVP Chakra…
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Watch Online the Live Broadcast of the Historic TOVP Chakra Installation Ceremony
The TOVP management has arranged for a live broadcast of the Grand Installation Ceremony of the Chakras onto Sri Sri Radha Madhava’s and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s domes on February 7th, 2018 through MayapurTV. Now every devotee will have an opportunity to view this occasion live right from the comfort of their own home and with their entire family.
This momentous and pivotal occasion, perhaps the most important in ISKCON’s history to date, represents the completion of a seven year phase of construction and the beginning of the remaining phase of construction of the TOVP as we approach the Grand Opening in 2022. It heralds yet another milestone of achievement in our cooperative effort to fulfill Srila Prabhupada’s strong desire to build this unique temple and establish Sridhama Mayapur as the spiritual capital of the world, nay, the universe, from whence the sankirtan movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu began and Krishna prema flows.

The address to access MayapurTV is:

A link to download the Schedule of Events is below and we request you print it to post at your local temple and share on your Facebook Page and other social media. Become a TOVP Ambassador and spread the word.

Radha Kunda Seva: December 2017 Photos and Updates (Album of…
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Radha Kunda Seva: December 2017 Photos and Updates (Album of photos)
It is with great joy that we welcome the New Year with this announcement, “Apsara and Navala Kundas are clean!” It took over two weeks for our crew to tackle the buildup of trash there. Now we’ve transitioned to daily maintenance cleaning and moved on to another place badly in need of care. We have started cleaning Dananivartan Kunda situated just about a kilometer south of the Danghati Temple in Govardhan Town. From there, we are slowly working our way south down the side of Govardhan Hill. Our crew is very happy to do this work. In wonder, they expressed how perfect it is that they are earning a livelihood and performing a most important service to Govardhan at the same time!
We had a hope that the Forestry Department would give us some land to care for, but asking the Forestry Minister via mediaries didn’t seem to be going anywhere until… the minister himself showed up as we were cleaning the area near Dananivartan Kunda! Way to get his attention! He was happy with our work and is going to try his best to get us a lease on that tract of forest! If anything, the meeting was certainly a green light for us to continue cleaning right near Govardhan!
For years, we’ve been working with Food for Life Vrindavan to support the construction and running of a girls’ school here in Govardhan. Though that construction has been delayed due to issues with the land, we have decided to offer some classes at local schools in the meantime. Specifically, we are teaching classes in classical Indian dance, Bharatanatyam. The girls are so eager to learn! Dancing and singing about Radha and Krishna comes naturally to them since love of Radha and Krishna is the foundation of their lives and culture here in Vraja.
As the new year dawns, our cleaning and prasadam distribution continue. We are deeply grateful for your blessings and support due to which this service is thriving and expanding.
Please browse our latest photos and join our efforts by visiting We are dependent on your help. Your servants, Campakalata Devi dasi, Padma Gopi Devi dasi, Sri Arjuna dasa, Urmila Devi Dasi, and Mayapurcandra dasa.
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ISKCON devotees’ 7-year-old daughter Vasilisa Yashenko has…
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ISKCON devotees’ 7-year-old daughter Vasilisa Yashenko has been recently filmed in a major Russian TV talent show for children entitled as “Luchshe Vseh” or “Best Of All”.
The audience, as well as the host Maxim Galkin – a famous TV-star, husband of Russian primadonna Alla Pugachova, – were responding to Vasilisa’s performance of an Indian dance with great enthusiasm.
Watch Vasilisa’s heart-warming TV performance here:

Kartamashayi – “The Boss” (The Eternal…
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Kartamashayi – “The Boss” (The Eternal Prince).
by Jaya Govinda dasa: Govinda Dasi, the original Prabhupada disciple was in Vancouver the past summer and she mentioned that she has a Kartamashayi Deity. Immediately my ears perked up when I heard her say that because I also have one.
When I told her that I have one of the original ones that Srila Prabhupada chose, she was interested in seeing it. I explained to her how I managed to acquire Him.
In 1992, perhaps 1993, when I was operating the Hare Krishna Place Cafe in New Westminster, B.C., Radha Damodar Prabhu used to love coming there for lunch. He told me about his Kartamashayi Deity and asked me if I would like to have Him reside in the cafe. He said Prabhupada liked these Deities to be in preaching centers and restaurants. Naturally I graciously accepted such a wonderful offer. He then told me the history of how he acquired Him.
When he was a brahmacari, he was sent from Vancouver to Denver. There was a Kartamashayi Deity there at the time which he started to take care of. In the meantime he married and had two sons of which the first he named after the Deity Kartamashayi. When he and his family left Denver for California primarily for gurukula for his boys, the temple president of Denver asked if he would like to keep the Deity as he took such good care of Him and off they all went to California.
Radha Damodar told me that there were six of these Deities that Srila Prabhupada had personally choose and he named some of the temples where they were.
Later Radha Damodar and family moved to Vancouver and stayed for about a decade and of course he brought along his Kartamashayi Deity with them. Later when he and his family were moving to Alachua he asked me if I would like to keep the Deity which was still in the Hare Krishna Place as it was not practical for him to take him to Alachua. Of course I immediately accepted his generous offer.
Later on Nara Narayana Prabhu, the early disciple of Prabhupada visiting from Los
Angeles overheard me mention that I had an original Kartamashayi Deity. He was very curious to see it. He told me that he was the one who made them at Srila Prabhupada’s request and that only a few were cast. I was a little skeptical at first because his story didn’t quite fit with what Radha Damodar told me. Nonetheless I showed him my Kartamashayi.
When I showed Him to Nara Narayana, he immediately recognized Him as being one of the ones he made. He showed a certain design feature that only he, being the sculptor would notice. I was reassured that I had one of the original ones. I was quite excited to confirm and to clarify Radha Damodar’s testament and I even had Nara Narayana put his signature on the inside of the Deity as He is hollow.
Now back to Govinda Dasi.
When I showed my Kartamashayi to her, she told me that the color had been changed which it had. He had been repainted a few times and I even had another devotee re-paint Him again as He was looking a little tarnished. Then the following day she came to my door and told me that she couldn’t sleep very well the previous night. She was a little disturbed that Kartamashayi was not the right color. She then told me that Srila Prabhupada personally instructed her on how to paint Him with the proper color and some of the detailed features.
She then told me that she and Nara Narayana worked on making about a half dozen of these Deities in Los Angeles. He did the casting and she painted them. She was one of the first artists in ISKCON.
After hearing this interesting information, she then offered to re-paint my Kartmashayi which delighted me beyond no limits. We arranged to acquire the paint and other necessary materials to do the work. She did a wonderful job bringing Him back to His original and proper appearance. I couldn’t resist having her put her signature on the back of His base.
She then told me about the story of Kartamashayi and how They manifested. The original Deity of Kartamashayi used for the cast was that one from that Montreal Deity in the picture. Govinda Dasi spent a lot of time in Montreal with Srila Prabhupada. Gopal Krishna Goswami also told us that if he or anyone wanted to see Srila Prabhupada at that time, they had to go through Govinda Dasi. She was Prabhupada’s secretary. It was at this time that she witnessed that Srila Prabhupada used to talk to that Deity in a very personal way. Sometimes he would talk to Him and he would laugh and display other emotions. Something very intimate seemed to be taking place between Kartamashayi and Prabhupada. She had no idea but some very intimate exchanges were taking place.
Anyway at some point Srila Prabhupada asked her to go to Hawaii to help her husband who was already there trying to open a center. Naturally she was very attached to being with Srila Prabhupada and didn’t want to leave him. Finally she negotiated a condition to Srila Prabhupada. She would reluctantly leave Srila Prabhupada and go to Hawaii if she could take Kartamashayi with her. Prabhupada agreed!
When she was on her way to Hawaii she stopped in Los Angles and it was then that Prabhupada asked Nara Narayana to cast some Kartamashayi Deities for the few different temples in ISKCON by using the one Govinda Dasi had with her. So he did and Govinda Dasi painted Them according to Prabhupada’s personal directions.
She told me that when she saw all the fresh new Kartamashayi Deities lined up and the original one beside them she felt that the original one looked a little faded and she was thinking perhaps she should take one of the shiny brand new ones with her instead, but then she thought, “no.. this one was Srila Prabhupada’s.”
To this day she still has Him with her in Hawaii and I have one of His original expansions.
The attached picture is from last Radhastami. Kartamashayi is standing in the Lord’s Lotus Pond while Radha Madana Gopal circumambulate Him on their Swan boat. Each year I place Kartamashayi on the top of His Janmastami Cake for thousands overseeing the Janmastami festival. After all His name which suits His pose means “the boss.”
Your servant in Lord Krishna’s service,
Jaya Govinda dasa
(New Gokula Dhama)

Harinama at Byron Bay – 03 January 2018, Iskcon New Govardhana…
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Harinama at Byron Bay – 03 January 2018, Iskcon New Govardhana (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Caitanya Mahaprabhu says: “I have brought medicine to awaken very living being from perpetual sleep. Please receive the holy name of the Lord, the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, and awaken. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 5.13.9 Purport)
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Sunday program, Jan 7 – 2018, Krasnodar ISKCON, Russia (Album of…
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Sunday program, Jan 7 – 2018, Krasnodar ISKCON, Russia (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The Hare Krishna mantra says, “My dear Lord Krishna, my dear Lord Rama, O energy of the Lord, Hare, kindly engage me in your service.”
(Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.24.69 Purport)
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The Wall Street Journal: Psychologists Shouldn’t Ignore the Soul!
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The Wall Street Journal: Psychologists Shouldn’t Ignore the Soul!
David H. Rosmarin: When I was an intern, patients frequently asked if they could talk to me about God.
In my first six months as a predoctoral psychology intern at McLean Hospital, I was approached by at least 10 patients asking essentially the same question: Can I speak to you about God? They wanted to discuss their problems not in psychological terms but in spiritual ones. I guess the yarmulke on my head suggested I was an appropriate person to offer guidance.
To read the entire article click here:

New Varshana’s Ratha Yatra (6 min video)
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New Varshana’s Ratha Yatra (6 min video)
Prananatha Das: New Varshan devotees held a Ratha Yatra Festival today, pulling the Rath cart around the farm. This was the first time that many of the devotees and guests saw our new, Govardhan Hill. You won’t believe your eyes!! (Thanks to the hard work of Saci Suta and his wife, Ananta Krishna. ).
Watch it here:

Prabhupada had planned the takeover of Russia long before he…
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Prabhupada had planned the takeover of Russia long before he ever went to Russia.
Govinda dasi: He used to sit and turn the globe, and he would meditate on the different countries.
And he would say, “Brahmananda, you shall go to Russia. Goursundar, you shall go to Japan. Somebody else, you shall go to South America.”
You have to understand, we had no money, we had no manpower, we had nothing.
We were a handful of teenagers, 10 people in their early 20’s who were rather eccentric, all of us, because we had rejected our cultural values and we were following him like a Pied Piper, and he was telling us about these different countries we were going to go to and open temples.
He had his plan. It was not haphazardly done.
I have a beautiful picture of Prabhupada sitting and turning his globe.
He did it a lot. He meditated on the globe.
He looked at the different countries. You would see him doing it a lot, and he was planning.

He had planned the takeover of Russia long before he ever went to Russia.

This is a part of what he knew he had to come to this world and do.

We just didn’t know what all he was doing, although sometimes…in Montreal when we had a lot of time and he would talk, he used to talk to me about his different plans.

We had no money. We lived in a little flat. We had rats too.

There was nothing and yet he was telling me how he was going to have a world sankirtan party, and he also told me how he wanted to have a big auditorium where people could come and watch bhajans and hear bhajans and see plays and Krishna conscious things rather than going to the cinemas.

He felt the cinemas were drawing people into another world.

He had plans of doing this.

And when I go to Bombay and I see that great big auditorium, I say, “He said he was going to do this.”

It’s just like if I’m a pauper and I tell you I’m going to build Disneyland, and that’s what it was like.

But I never disbelieved anything he said, I just listened.

I was just always listening to him, and he liked to talk about what he was going to do.

And he talked about many things.

—Govinda dasi

The appearance of Govardhana hill in New Varshana. (Album with…
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The appearance of Govardhana hill in New Varshana. (Album with photos)
By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada!!
The residing Deities are Sri Sri Radha-Giridhari installed by Srila Prabhupada 1972.
Work in progress.
One night Sacisuta Prabhu one of the older devotees of New Varshana, Auckland, NewZealand had a dream about Govardhana hill. And when he woke up from his dream he said to his wife Ananta Krsna dd I’m going to build Govardhana hill and as you can see by the photos Sri Giri Govardhan! is fulfilling his desire by manifesting himself by His causeless mercy.
Today we sprinkled dust from Braj over Govardhana.
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Mission Impossible (The Impossible Quest) “IMPOSSIBLE is a word…
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Mission Impossible (The Impossible Quest)
“IMPOSSIBLE is a word in fool’s dictionary.” Hope you have heard this statement oftentimes. Such inspiring statements invigorate one to do things that apparently seem to be beyond one’s capacity. But did you ever try to contemplate in what ‘context’ such statements could be used? And what could be the driving force that enables a person to make impossible things possible?
Scriptures proclaim that not a blade of grass moves without the permission and sanction of the Supreme Lord. Sure enough, this is no exaggeration, because every living entity is utterly dependent on the Lord in every walk of his life. So, without the sanction of the Lord, how does any insignificant mortal possibly achieve anything impossible?
Here is the formula to achieve the impossible. If one has a pure intent to render tangible service to the humanity selflessly, the Lord and His representatives help him in every possible way to make the impossible tasks possible. It’s the blessings and good wishes of great souls and the Lord that make one accomplish impossible missions, and not the individual’s determination inspired by one’s own whimsical desires. If one is obsessed to achieve one’s selfish ambitions that cause no good to others, his taking of so-called inspiration from such statements is merely passionate, if not imprudent. In fact, a selfish person’s desire to achieve impossible goals doesn’t cause any good to his own self. We see several examples in the scriptures like Hiranyakashipu and Ravana who tried to become immortal, which is impossible for any mortal being, causing great disturbance to people in general and ultimately ruining their own lives.

On the other hand we have an example from the Srimad Bhagavatam that describes the glorious sacrifice of a selfless soul who took up an impossible mission and made it possible by the power of his pure intent. Once upon a time there lived the great king Sagara, who was an ancestor of Lord Rama. He decided to perform a horse sacrifice. Indra, the king of heaven, being envious of Sagara had stolen the sacrificial horse and tied it near the hermitage of the great sage Kapiladeva. The 60,000 sons of Sagara went in search of the lost horse and found it near Kapila’s hermitage. They mistook Kapila as a thief and tried to attack him. The angry sage then burnt all of them to ashes. Ansuman, the grandson of Sagara then approached Kapila and begged for the deliverance of his forefathers. Kapila told that they could be delivered only when touched by the holy waters of river Ganges. Dilipa, the son of Ansuman tried to bring the Ganges to this world but died without success.

King Bhagiratha, the son of Dilipa, was determined to bring the Ganges to this world, and underwent severe austerities. Mother Ganges, being fully satisfied by his austerities, appeared before him. Bhagiratha then requested her to deliver his forefathers. But Gangadevi expressed her concern that her waters would be very forceful that the flow would pierce the surface of earth. She therefore asked Bhagiratha to find someone who is capable of checking her force. Bhagiratha then prayed to Lord Siva who agreed for this task, and thus helped the descent of Ganga devi. Simply by the touch of the holy Ganges, Bhagiratha’s forefathers were delivered and allowed to go to the heavenly planets.

Thus Bhagiratha with his determined will accomplished the impossible mission of bringing Mother Ganges to this planet. Thus, he not only delivered his forefathers but also every living entity that would come in contact with holy waters of the Ganges for the rest of eternity.

Similarly in our journey of life, we face many ups and downs and many missions that may seem impossible. But the lesson we learn from the descent of Ganga is to remain fixed in the goal of life, by the strength of higher virtue. Life is not worth living without seemingly impossible challenges. If one takes up challenges with pure motivation and determination, in a spirit of doing good to others, Lord favors him in all his movements and makes every circumstance in life favorable to him.

Krishna katha kept everyone captivated for more than two hours…
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Krishna katha kept everyone captivated for more than two hours (Album with photos)
On 11th Nov 2017, Gaur Gopal Das was invited to speak at Artha Forum on the topic of ‘Living in the VUCA world,’ at RELC International Hotel, Singapore.
Smart and well-informed group of entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, professionals, and students gathered to hear from him, seeking for new perspectives on dealing with the mayhem around us. Filled with deep wisdom and realizations, the talk and follow-up Q&A kept everyone captivated for more than two hours.
Find them here:

Giriraj Swami: In anticipation of the fortieth anniversary of of…
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Giriraj Swami: In anticipation of the fortieth anniversary of of the Juhu temple, Rasa-sundari dasi wrote about serving there:
Serving Guru Maharaja in Bombay from 1990 to 1992 was sometimes a real challenge, because we had hardly any facilities.
In the beginning there were only three of us, not even initiated then: Bhakta Juan, Bhaktin Manju, and myself, Bhaktin Flor.
Cooking was done on the second floor in a small kitchen connected to the Bhaktivedanta Institute. Guru Maharaja always took his prasadam in his office, and as he liked hot chapattis, we were cooking them on the second floor and then running down the hall with them, one by one, to the office.
There were no mobile phones at that time, so lots of time was spent trying to find each other to get the messages through.
Serving Guru Maharaja in Bombay meant to be able to go with him to visit all those wonderful devotees who were present during Srila Prabhupada’s time—Mrs. Nirmala Singhal, Dr. C. P. Patel, Mr. P. L. Sethi, Srimati Sumati Morariji. They all received Guru Maharaja like a long-lost son who finally had come home.
Serving Guru Maharaja in Bombay meant witnessing how he gave himself fully to each and every person who wanted to see him, and everyone wanted to see him. He never showed any concern for himself, whether he had eaten, taken rest, or had some time for himself.
Serving Guru Maharaja in Bombay meant being the lucky first three devotees that received initiation from him under the loving glance of Sri Sri Radha-Rasabihariji, and we became Vrindavan das, Janaki devi dasi, and Rasa-sundari dasi.
After our initiation, Guru Maharaja allowed us to collect guru-daksina in front of the restaurant. At the end of the day, when Vrindavan das told Guru Maharaja that because of his service, he had not been able to collect anything and so he had nothing to give to him, Guru Maharaja looked at him and said, “You need not worry about that—you have already given me your life.”
Serving Guru Maharaja in Bombay meant being able to see him many mornings on the altar doing the mangala-arati for Sri Sri Radha-Rasabihariji.
Serving Guru Maharaja in Bombay meant seeing him so expertly supervise the cleaning and maintenance of Srila Prabhupada’s quarters. He wanted us, the devotees, to do the cleaning and everything else there.
Serving Guru Maharaja in Bombay meant watching him go almost every morning after mangala-arati to Srila Prabhupada’s quarters and chant his rounds there.
Serving Guru Maharaja in Bombay meant meeting and serving so many of his wonderful godbrothers and godsisters who had served together with him during Prabhupada’s times, and seeing the love they all had for him.
Serving Guru Maharaja in Bombay meant realizing that you are not this body, when after ten or twelve hours of intense service you fell on your bed, the body completely exhausted and the soul inside completely blissful, wanting to do more.
Serving Guru Maharaja in Bombay was one of the happiest times in my life!
—Rasa-sundari dasi

Movie Stuntman Finds Joy in Krishna Consciousness. Devotees…
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Movie Stuntman Finds Joy in Krishna Consciousness.
Devotees from ISKCON’s Soho St temple began visiting Jason and bringing him maha-prasadam and more books. “I read Chant and Be Happy, and the idea of self-realization through chanting really appealed to me,” he says.
“Next, I read Prabhupada’s biography, ‘Your Ever Well Wisher.’ I started to become very interested in the person of Srila Prabhupada. I read more and more about his mission, and the history of how he founded ISKCON in the United States. That’s when I became vegetarian. Step by step, my consciousness was changing.”
La Shard began to look for devotee association. He visited the Soho St. temple, and then took the three-month Veda course, an introductory program to Krishna consciousness, at Bhaktivedanta Manor. There, he studied the Gita chapter by chapter, and learned about Vedic culture, Vaishnava saints, the history of ISKCON and more.
In the summer, he joined Parasurama Das’s team of preachers, putting on Rathayatra festivals all over Scandinavia as well as Northern England and Scotland. Parasurama, delighted to make the acquaintance of the “biggest devotee in ISKCON,” warmly nicknamed La Shard “Bhima.
To read the entire article click here:

Gopal’s Fun School – Goa. Mission: Train Children of our…
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Gopal’s Fun School – Goa.
Mission: Train Children of our society in the spiritual field with a view to awakening God consciousness in them so that over a period of time they become divine law-abiding citizens and consciously make the correct decisions in life to keep away from everything any caring parent would want them to avoid. Above all they are provided with a sense of responsibility towards themselves and society as a whole. Most importantly this all has to be done in a FUN way. 90% FUN + 10%.
GFS is a weekend FUN program for kids to create wonderful memories of their childhood and KRISHNA using a lively blend of art, stories, quiz, drama, games.
Read more:

Kirtan by HH BB Govinda Swami, Dallas Kirtan50, 29.12.2017…
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Kirtan by HH BB Govinda Swami, Dallas Kirtan50, 29.12.2017 (video)
Srila Prabhupada: We are not afraid of maya because Krishna is there. Krishna says, “My devotee will never be vanquished by maya.” Maya cannot do anything if we become strong. And what is that strength? Chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare loudly. (Lecture on Bhagavad-gita, 3.6.10, Los Angeles 1968).
Watch it here:

Attending Jagruti 2018 (Album with photos) ISKCON Goa: Two days…
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Attending Jagruti 2018 (Album with photos)
ISKCON Goa: Two days of Annual Spiritual festival JAGRUTI ended today. While 1000 of participants got benefitted by two great topics given by Bhaktirasamrita Swami ji during the discourse time, lot of participants also tested their SQ (Spirituality Quotient) post-session. Among 100+ participants across 2 days, 8 were able to get 100% SQ score. As a promise to them, here are their pictures. Congratulations to winners. Please consider seriously in taking your spiritual journey to next level by going through “Journey of Self Discovery Course”.
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Vrindavan’s Parade Of The Year (Album of photos)…
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Vrindavan’s Parade Of The Year (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Yesterday we participated in one of the biggest parades Vrindavan has ever seen. Over 2,000 performers, devotees and local spiritual leaders wound their way through Vrindavan’s narrow lanes and streets with kirtaYn parties from Bengal, shehnai bands from South India, Punjabi bagpiper groups, local dance troupes … and our kirtan party representing ISKCON. It was all arranged by Pundrik Goswami in glorification of Radha Raman, on the auspicious occasion of the appearance of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami. People lined the streets to watch the 6-hour parade and greeted the participants with flowers, garlands and prasadam. It was simply amazing. Special thanks to Ananta Vrindavan for so expertly capturing the moment with his cameras!
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60 million people in India watch Krishna conscious festivities…
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60 million people in India watch Krishna conscious festivities from Vrindavana (video)
Indradyumna Swami: We are participating in the morning program at the Radha Raman temple in Vrindavan. We have been asked to lead kirtan in 30 minutes. Great mercy. National TV will be filming as it’s a special day here. 60 million people will be watching the festivities. Jaya Radha Raman! Jaya Srila Prabhupada!
Watch it here:

Jacksonville, FL, United States: We had an ecstatic Harinama…
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Jacksonville, FL, United States: We had an ecstatic Harinama Sankirtana party this morning! (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: One should take shelter of Krishna-Balarama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose protective power is so great that it cannot be equaled in the material world. However powerful the reactions of one’s sins, they will immediately be vanquished if one chants the name of Hari, Krishna, Balarama, or Narayana. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.2.16 Purport)
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Iskcon New Govardhana: NYE Harinama at Surfers Paradise (Album…
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Iskcon New Govardhana: NYE Harinama at Surfers Paradise (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “Authorities who are learned scholars and sages have carefully ascertained that one should atone for the heaviest sins by undergoing a heavy process of atonement and one should atone for lighter sins by undergoing lighter atonement. Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, however, vanquishes all the effects of sinful activities, regardless of whether heavy or light.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.2.16)
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Hare Krishna the Movie Coming Soon to Theaters in Latin…
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Hare Krishna the Movie Coming Soon to Theaters in Latin America!
The independent Documentary Film: “HARE KRISHNA! The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami Who Started It All,” had its world premiere at Illuminate Film Festival on June 3rd in Sedona, AZ. It sold out in 30 minutes and won the Grand Jury Prize for Best Film. This was followed by a North American release in theaters beginning in New York City on June 16th, 2017, where the opening weekend saw the Film have the highest weekend per-theatre average of box office proceeds among all reported releases in the USA. In India, which started on December 15th, the Film has been playing on over 400 screens across the country.
Now the Film is making its way around the world and is the time for Latin America to have a glimpse of Prabhupada’s greatness! With your help, we would like to cause an IMPACT in Latin America with this Film.

Here is how you can help:

1. Suggest responsible, well educated and dynamic persons to work with us on marketing and distributing the Film.
2. Pass on any contacts you have in the film distribution industry or contacts you have with movie theater owners.
3. Study our Outreach Guide & Toolkit and follow its instructions
4. Promote the Film on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Radio, TV and every possible means of communication.
5. Recruit the help of celebrities to promote the Film.
6. We already have the Film with Spanish and Portuguese subtitles.

Director John Griesser (a.k.a. Yadubara das) said at the release of the Film, “It is exciting beyond words to revisit Prabhupada’s extraordinary life and share it with others in a Film I feel offers rare insights into his multifaceted personality and enduring message of happiness and hope.”

A variety of American publications agree:

“An uplifting spiritual experience regardless of one’s personal beliefs or religion.” – Red Carpet Crash
“HARE KRISHNA! achieves a cinematic flow that takes you out of the theatre and into the moment.” – LA Yoga
“…effectively summons an evocative moment in time.” – LA Times

We are counting on you to make this Film a complete success throughout Latin America.

Please get involved today by replying to this email.


Lilananda Dasa