The beautiful Iskcon Temple in Helsinki, Finland’s southern capital (Album with photos)
Bhakti Caitanya Swami: Here are some more photos from our ISKCON Temple in Helsinki, Finland. It’s a beautiful large manor house which the devotees managed to acquire from the city administration for an extremely reasonable price. It’s actually an amazing facility, in beautiful grounds and surroundings. Ideal for a Krishna conscious center. I’m sure Srila Prabhupada is very happy with them for getting this.
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The beautiful Iskcon Temple in Helsinki, Finland’s southern…
Historical video: Hare Krishna in Czestochowa Poland…
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Historical video: Hare Krishna in Czestochowa Poland 1976.
(Memories by Gurudas Prabhu)
Suchandra, Avensh, and myself met a young man named Kasmerichek in his apartment late at night.
He was anxious, and we had to whisper, no kirtan. He told us he could arrange some programs for us.
The next night we were in a private apartment with about 6 people, besides our selves.
We explained Krishna consciousness basics, and we chanted together.
We went to a campground and later met Kasmerichek again who arranged a very nice program at a museum in Swednica. Many people came.
We were in a large room with high ceilings and surrounded by many swords and shields, and paintings of famous and courageous people.
I spoke and a man named Roman translated.
The people kept turning the lights down and lit candles. Suchhandra led the kirtan.
They asked sincere questions like do you need God with Yoga?
I explained that Yoga means Link to God not gymnastics. Etc.
Everyone expressed their appreciations and bought all the books we had. I kept some books back so we would have enough for each event. I was told that 100 people shared one book, each book.
A nightclub was our next venue that was officially closed.
We opened it secretly.
Ten people enjoyed the kirtan, listened politely but asked no questions. Like every place in Poland they all bought our smuggled books of Srila Prabhupad.
We slept in a campground at night.
The next day we were taken to the famous cathedral of Chestahova, Jasna Gora wherein foreign invaders hit the Madonna deity. Blood flowed from her wounds and the enemies fled.
We arrived at the large cathedral to a flurry of excitement, on one side young people on the sprawling grass lawn, playing guitars and laying about on another side of the Hugh church were dressed pilgrims circumambulating the building with large images of Lord Jesus jutting twenty feet high out of the forest.
People preparing for death were on cots in the wall surrounding the area.
This reminded me of bhajan ashram in Vrindavan where also many pilgrims live simply preparing for the transmigration of our souls. We saw the opportunity to spread the holy names and Krishna Consciousness.
The next day we went in the middle of the young people, pulled up the van that had a kitchen and cooked prasadam and invited people and chanted and invited people for a love feast the next day, and asked them to invite their friends, and please bring offerings.
The next day many people showed up with flowers fruit, vegetables grains and friends. We also went to markets and bought a lot of bhoga necessities rice, lentils, boxes of potatoes and veggies, however everyone brought other foodstuffs, which we added to the love feast.
The whole side of a hill was filled with people. And I spoke with translator. At the end of my talk I raised my hand in the form of a Vee and yelled out Vishnu Vishnu.
The chanting was especially nice. We left as the sun went down.
On the way to Warsaw, many young people recognized and waved us the sign of the Vishna or Vee.
We picked up some hitchhikers and preached to them. Years later I am pleased how nicely the seeds planted have grown into full-bloomed Krishna Consciousness.
Prabhupad is pleased as he always encouraged the idea of Krishna Consciousness in “The Communist countries”
The people of Poland were the friendliest that I encountered in that part of the world.
Rercently I met a Sridhar Swami who is from Poland and came to Krishna from that event. He said there were others also.
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Discover India USA 2017 tourney (Album with photos)
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Discover India USA 2017 tourney (Album with photos)
September 2017 we spend at festivals in the United States, New York. The first festival in N…Read More…
Beautiful rendition of Lord Nrsimhadeva’s mantra from the…
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Beautiful rendition of Lord Nrsimhadeva’s mantra from the younger generation of devotees of ISKCON Kiev, Ukraine (7 min video)
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Bhakti Sangam Ukraine 2017 (Album with photos)
5 days of…
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Bhakti Sangam Ukraine 2017 (Album with photos)
5 days of festival packed with seminars and Kirtan in Ukraine on the coast of Black Sea near Odessa … what an experience in all aspects! The best prasadam, the best vegetables I have ever seen, the most serving humble devotees … everyone is hungry for Krishna Consciousness like I have never seen before. 8000 devotees turned this small coastal village into a “second Mayapur” for a week.
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ISKCON Hosts Interfaith Day of Prayer for Harvey Victims.
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ISKCON Hosts Interfaith Day of Prayer for Harvey Victims.
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey’s unprecedented flooding and devastation, Texas Governor Greg Abbott proclaimed Sunday, Sept 3rd as a Day of Prayer in Texas—which happened to coincide with the birth anniversary of Bhaktivinoda Thakur, a 19th century Vaishnava Hindu saint and theologian who envisioned people from all nations coming together harmoniously through the blissful chanting of the holy names of God.
Prior to Harvey, ISKCON of Houston had planned Kirtanfest, a weekend of kirtan or devotional call-and-response prayerful chanting, over Labor Day weekend. After nearly canceling the event due to safety concerns, ISKCON decided it was vital to carry on with Kirtanfest in a shortened format, dedicating it for the healing and recovery of the people of Texas. In addition, to make it all-inclusive, they added an interfaith prayer segment in the spirit of Bhaktivinoda, who wrote in his Shri Chaitanya Shikshamritam 8-9:
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Hare Krishna Festivals UK, Kingston Festival – 7th September…
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Hare Krishna Festivals UK, Kingston Festival – 7th September 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The only purport of the holy name of Kri…Read More…
Bhagavad-gita, the Song of God!
Srila Prabhupada: More one reads…
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Bhagavad-gita, the Song of God!
Srila Prabhupada: More one reads Bhagavad-gītā the more he gets the appetite to read and understand it, and each time he gets new enlightenment. That is the nature of the transcendental message. Similarly, we find that transcendental happiness in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. The more we hear and chant the glories of the Lord, the more we become happy.
SB 3.25.2, Translation and Purport: Śaunaka continued: There is no one who knows more than the Lord Himself. No one is more worshipable or more mature a yogī than He. He is therefore the master of the Vedas, and to hear about Him always is the actual pleasure of the senses.
Teachings of Lord Kapila, the Son of Devahūti, Verse 2
In Bhagavad-gītā it is stated that no one can be equal to or greater than the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in the Vedas also: eko bahūnāṁ yo vidadhāti kāmān. He is the supreme living entity and is supplying the necessities of all other living entities. Thus all other living entities, both viṣṇu-tattva and jīva-tattva, are subordinate to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa. The same concept is confirmed here. Na hy asya varṣmaṇaḥ puṁsām: amongst the living entities, no one can surpass the Supreme Person because no one is richer, more famous, stronger, more beautiful, wiser or more renounced than He. These qualifications make Him the Supreme Godhead, the cause of all causes. Yogīs are very proud of performing wonderful feats, but no one can compare to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Anyone who is associated with the Supreme Lord is accepted as a first-class yogī. Devotees may not be as powerful as the Supreme Lord, but by constant association with the Lord they become as good as the Lord Himself. Sometimes the devotees act more powerfully than the Lord. Of course, that is the Lord’s concession.
Also used here is the word varimṇaḥ, meaning “the most worshipful of all yogīs.” To hear from Kṛṣṇa is the real pleasure of the senses; therefore He is known as Govinda, for by His words, by His teachings, by His instruction—by everything connected with Him—He enlivens the senses. Whatever He instructs is from the transcendental platform, and His instructions, being absolute, are nondifferent from Him. Hearing from Kṛṣṇa or His expansion or plenary expansion like Kapila is very pleasing to the senses. Bhagavad-gītā can be read or heard many times, but because it gives great pleasure, the more one reads Bhagavad-gītā the more he gets the appetite to read and understand it, and each time he gets new enlightenment. That is the nature of the transcendental message. Similarly, we find that transcendental happiness in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. The more we hear and chant the glories of the Lord, the more we become happy.
Vancouver Ratha Yatra 2017 (Album with photos)
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Vancouver Ratha Yatra 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: When loud chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra is performed all over the world b…Read More…
Radha Kunda Seva: August 2017 Photos and Updates (Album with…
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Radha Kunda Seva: August 2017 Photos and Updates (Album with photos)
Deity forms of Sri Sri Radha Krishna came to us this month – gifts from a kind pujari in Radha Kunda. Gandharvika Giridhari are their names. To celebrate Janmastami, we worshipped them with an abhiseka bath, kirtan and arati. Then we fed 120 Radha Kunda widows a sumptuous feast and gave gifts of clothing, sweets, and laksmi to them and to our workers. We were grateful for Tulsi Mataji’s service to our ladies during her visit to Radha Kunda. Thanks also to you, our sponsors who made this festival possible. And thank you to the kind donors who came to Radha Kunda laden with many gifts of clothing for our ladies. We put in a new roof, walls, and flooring in the facility we use in Radha Kunda. The roof in particular will make the building more functional and weather proof. As always, cleaning and food distribution continued daily. We are feeling very blessed by the appearance of Gandarvika Giridhari, our new deities of Radha and Krishna. Two of our ladies, sisters and longtime residents of Radha Kunda, have eagerly accepted responsibility for their care. Please browse our latest photos and join our efforts by visiting Your servants, Campakalata Devi dasi, Padma Gopi Devi dasi, Sri Arjuna dasa, Urmila Devi Dasi, and Mayapurcandra dasa.
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Acceptance of Sannyasa by Srila Prabhupada (video)
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H.G. Gopal Prabhu’s class about the Acceptance of Sannyasa by Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON Vrindavan (video)
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Auckland NZ: Holy name week 2017 (Album with photos)
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Auckland NZ: Holy name week 2017 (Album with photos)
Friday night Harinam sankirtana Ki Jaya!
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ISKCON Europe Excellence Awards (IEEA) for 2017.We are now…
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ISKCON Europe Excellence Awards (IEEA) for 2017.
We are now calling for nominations for the ISKCON Europe Excellence Awards (IEEA) for 2017. The IEEA recognizes the sincere service of devotees who have dedicated their lives to the mission of Srila Pra…
Jayadev John Richardson on Kirtan (15 min video)Balaram…
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Jayadev John Richardson on Kirtan (15 min video)
Balaram Nityananda Das: Jayadev John Richardson is an international musician/ artist, having sold 30 million records worldwide. He has also facilitated 150 mantra choirs in 25 countries. Most imp…
What a coincidence!
On a Monday afternoon, in the recent…
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What a coincidence!
On a Monday afternoon, in the recent mid-year marathon, Bal Gopal, my husband, and I were trying a little book distribution along the busy Lambton Quay in Wellington. Nobody was showing much interest at all. We were on our way home from serving Krsna Food and had to stop at the bank to deposit the takings from that day.
Inside the bank, I held up the Science of Self Realisation, showing it to Bal Gopal, and recited the Panca Tattva mantra, pleading aloud: “Please, Gauranga, let us meet one sincere person who will be interested in buying this book.”
We stepped outside, and the very first person walking by, whom I held a book up in front of — Hiding in Unnatural Happiness — simply asked “Happiness?”
She looked at the cover, stopped, and said, “Oh, my gosh! This is far out! I’m reading this book right now!”
We asked, “Where did you get it? Wow!”
She said, “I found it in my friend’s house and just started reading it.
I asked how it was going, and she replied, “I absolutely love it! I’m up to the part describing three kinds of happiness.”
We commented on the coincidence of our meeting. The author, Devamrita Swami, had been in Wellington on the weekend.
I handed her The Science of Self Realisation, saying, “You might like this one.” I said that the author is the teacher of her book’s author.
She said that she always looks for new books, something to read on the train that she catches to work. She was interested, but had no cash, so we walked together to an ATM, and she gave a donation.
Feeling inspired, we also showed her Devamrita Swami’s Searching for Vedic India, which she also took.
Hiding in Unnatural Happiness is certainly appreciated, and it inspires people to read Srila Prabhupada’s books!
My gratitude to the merciful Panca Tattva!
Your servant,
Ananda Candra Devi Dasi
Harinama, book and prasadam distribution @Bali Beach.
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Harinama, book and prasadam distribution @Bali Beach.
7.9.2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: One should invite people, chant Hare Krishna…Read More…
Celebrating Adivas of World Holy Name Week in Portugal
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Celebrating Adivas of World Holy Name Week in Portugal
Sept. 7, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
World Holy Name Week starts on Sept. 9th and culminates on Sept. 17.
“Srila Prabhupada arrived in Boston, USA, and I began my celebration of World Holy Name Week early by a series of Harinam events in Boston. Even after the long flight today from Boston, USA, I felt fresh and inspired in the sea breeze of the port city of Lisbon, Portugal. The locals and tourists were blissfully smiling, waving, dancing, taking selfies with us and chanting along with us in the kirtan”, Ekalavya Das, World Holy Name Week team member said.
A series of Harinam Sankirtan events are planned next week in Milano, Italy.
In an interview with an other member of the World Holy Name Week’s organising committee, kirtaniya Vishwambar Das mentioned how the Hare Krishna mahamantra has become a household name, thanks to Srila Prabhupada.
“By the grace of Srila Prabhupada, the entire world has become familiar with the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra and so many people in their lives, with their families and friends gather together to chant the holy names,” he said.
With the event being just one day away, Vishwambar Das encourages people to participate in the event and understand the value of the precious gift of the mahamantra that Srila Prabhupada has given.
“This is a very special time dedicated to chanting the holy names – a whole week of gathering together to go deeper and deeper in manifesting the potency of the holy name in our hearts,” he says. “If we can take this seriously, we can create a change in our hearts and thus create a change in anyone we meet, and in the world. This is the great gift that Srila Prabhupada has given us – the ambassador of the holy names.”
The event which will be held between the 9th and the 17th of September 2017 celebrates the centurial anniversary of Srila Prabhupada arriving into the West to propagate the glories of the holy name and the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Temples and centres across the globe are invited to participate in this event making it one of a kind. They can hold various events like japa marathons, seminars, harinams, kirtan melas and much more on an individual and a congregational level.
Interested devotees may contact the World Holy Name Week organisers on or log into for more details.
“So, let us all do our part to support the World Holy Name Week and uplift our consciousness and uplift the consciousness of the whole world through Krishna consciousness,” concluded Vishwambar Das.
By Bhaktin Diksha
Member – World Holy Name Week Team
World Holy Name Week
Sept. 9 – 17, 2017
Srila Prabhupada’s Gift to the World!
Haridas Thakur Disappearance Day (video)
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Haridas Thakur Disappearance Day (video)
H.G. Rohini Suta Prabhu’s class from CC Antya 11.25 at ISKCON Vrindavan
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Beautiful theatrical performance in Bhakti Sangam Festival…
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Beautiful theatrical performance in Bhakti Sangam Festival (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The Hare Krishna mantra says, “My dear Lord Krishna, my dear Lord Rama, O energy of the Lord, Hare, kindly engage me in your service.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.24.69 Purport)
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Vaishnava blissfulness in the Bhakti-Sangam festival (Album with…
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Vaishnava blissfulness in the Bhakti-Sangam festival (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The mantra delivers the conditioned soul from his bond…Read More…
If you love Krishna in any capacity, you shall never be…
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If you love Krishna in any capacity, you shall never be frustrated because everything in Krishna is perfect, eternal, blissful and full of Knowle…Read More…
The Cause of Crime.
Krishna Dharma Dasa: There are 80,000…
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The Cause of Crime.
Krishna Dharma Dasa: There are 80,000 people incarcerated in Britain’s prisons, twice as many as there were ten years ago – and the number is still rising. Strangely, though, crime figures are supposedly falling. That’s a debatable point, because many will argue that people are increasingly disinclined to report petty crimes, seeing that hard-pressed police are unlikely to respond, and even if they do it will serve little purpose. The chance of getting back stolen goods or having an offender apprehended in minor cases is remote.
Nevertheless, those offenders who do find themselves before a judge are more likely than ever to receive a custodial sentence. This at least is the view of the Prisons Reform Trust, which says that although the number of guilty findings in courts has stayed more or less the same, there has been a “creeping inflation of sentences and a lack of confidence in effective community measures.”
The trust puts it down to a number of factors, such as public demand for stiff sentences in the wake of high-profile, reviled crimes like child murders. However, it derives particularly from the prevailing political view that “prison works,” a phrase coined by Michael Howard when he was Home Secretary about fifteen years ago. Soon after that New Labour came into power with its manifesto to be “tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime,” a policy pursued till today.
But does prison work? Is it tough on crime and its causes? Figures show that 60% of prisoners re-offend within two years of release. Prison, of course, is an excellent place to meet criminals and learn new tricks. The Vedas point out how our consciousness is quickly shaped by our association, which in prisons is hardly of the best kind. With this in mind, another Home Secretary, David Waddington, said in a government paper, “Prison is an expensive way of making bad people worse.”
In fairness it has to be said that attempts are made to rehabilitate criminals, but seemingly to an insufficient degree.
So is more training the solution? According to the Vedas the answer is yes, but it has to be of a certain kind, and preferably before we find ourselves detained at Her Majesty’s pleasure. Srila Prabhupada writes, “Simply enforcing laws and ordinances cannot make the citizens obedient and lawful. That is impossible. Throughout the entire world there are so many states, legislative assemblies, and parliaments, but still the citizens are rogues and thieves. Good citizenship, therefore, cannot be enforced; the citizens must be trained.”
He goes on to say that the training must be in varnashrama, the Vedic system of organizing society into occupational and spiritual orders. This should have the aim of reviving our eternal Krishna consciousness, which is the purpose of varnashrama.
In such a properly educated and organized society crime would be reduced for different reasons. Initially, it would reduce the number of untrained, unemployed and possibly needy people who feel forced to resort to crime. But the main benefit, and one that tends to be absent from current government programs, is spiritual. Vedic training in spirituality or God consciousness makes one peaceful. It reduces the root cause of all moral transgressions: material desire. Because we think that having more means being happier, we will generally stop at little to get more, including breaking a law or two if we can go undetected.
Implementing varnashrama and engaging everyone according to their propensities, which it entails, is a major challenge, but its essential aim of awakening our Krishna consciousness is something we can do immediately. In a conversation with the Mayor of Evanston, a district of Chicago which was experiencing a crime wave, Srila Prabhupada asked that ISKCON be given facility for public chanting and dancing in glorification of the Lord and the distribution of sanctified food. He explained that this was the way to cure people of the “material infection” that leads to crime. Prabhupada said, “So if we cure that infection, again he becomes good. So this is the curing process. It is not an external, artificial thing, imposed upon somebody. No, his goodness is there.”
In other words, we are all intrinsically good, being parts of the supreme good or God. We just need to revive our original spiritual nature and that goodness will emerge. Being cured of the material infection also means finding within our selves the happiness we futilely seek elsewhere. Beguiled by an endless array of advertisements prompting us to purchase products we don’t need and can hardly afford, we are gripped with desire and then frustration and dismay when we either fail to procure them, or they fail to satisfy us even if procured. Hence we see spiraling statistics of depression, as well as a concomitant surge in the use of alcohol and drugs, major contributors to crime.
The only way to reverse this trend is to connect ourselves with Krishna, the source of spiritual bliss. Then peace and contentment will prevail. Otherwise our programs of social reform, devoid as they are of spiritual content, are always going to struggle.
Paramatma: God as the Source of Inspiration and Insight.
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Paramatma: God as the Source of Inspiration and Insight.
By the late Dr. T.D. Singh.
According to Vedanta [summative Vedic techings], the Supreme Lord expands and accompanies each and every living entity in order to guide his/her activities. This is seen in the form of inspiration or a sudden flash of insight experienced by scientists at the time of discovery, and by poets and artists in different circumstances.
Let us consider the example of a spaceship. We make these spaceships and send them out in space with astronauts with some specific plan and purpose. If we look inside the spaceship, we will find that each and every part will have a purpose in the overall working of the spaceship to achieve the objective for which it was designed. Such is the case with all the wonderful planets moving in this vast universe. According to Vedanta, all the different planets and luminaries moving at different speeds and with a variety of facilities and atmospheric conditions are created under the supervision of the Supreme Lord for a definite purpose. Observation of the wonderful intelligence and specialty in the laws of the universe has led many scientists to conceive the divine hand of God behind creation. Newton, whose laws of motion and gravitation gave birth to the age of science, said, “This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” Similarly, Nicholas Copernicus felt that “the universe has been brought for us by a supremely good and orderly Creator.”
Kepler, who gave three famous laws of planetary motion, felt God’s presence in His wondrous variety of creation. At the end of the fifth book on Cosmic Harmony Kepler writes, “I have endeavored to gain for human reason, aided by geometrical calculation, an insight into His way of creation; may the Creator of the heavens themselves, the father of all reason, to whom our mortal senses owe their existence, may He who is himself immortal … keep me in His grace and guard me from reporting anything about His work which cannot be justified before His magnificence or which may misguide our powers of reason, and may He cause us to aspire to the perfection of His works of creation by the dedication of our lives … .” All these above statements of scientists support the role of the Paramatma feature of the Lord in the life of everyone.
Paramatma is the partial expansion of the Supreme Person. This feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is responsible for inspiration, discovery, creativity and movement of all living entities. As stated by the Lord in Bhagavad-gita, “I am seated in everyone’s heart, and from me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness.”
The Theory of Big Vision can answer many of the questions of which one can find no solution in the Big Bang model. Why are there so many different planets and when and how will our universe end? According to Vedantic cosmology, these different planets are created to fulfill different desires of different living beings and our universe is a closed universe, which will end in 155.518 x 10 to the 12 power years. Based on Vedantic cosmology, the Theory of Big Vision further tells us that the present age of the universe is 155.522 x 10 to the 12 power years.
More Than Ever Before (Album with photos) Indradyumna Swami:…
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More Than Ever Before (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Ukraine ISKCON is one of the most successful yatras in the world. That was evident at the annual Bhakti Sangam Festival over the last few days, where devotees attended numerous seminars, chanted and danced in great ecstasy and relished each other’s association more than ever before.
[ All photos by Mykola Kutsyi from Ukraine ]
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Maha Big Sankirtan in Odessa, Ukraine (10 min video)Srila…
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Maha Big Sankirtan in Odessa, Ukraine (10 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: The true acarya presents Krishna to everyone by preaching the holy name of…Read More…
Panca-Tattva installation in Poland (Album with photos)
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Panca-Tattva installation in Poland (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s transcendental mission is to distribute love of Godhead to everyone. Anyone who accepts God as the Supreme can take to the process of chanting Hare Krishna and become a lover of God. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 4.41 Purport)
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Sivarama Swami has a message for you (1 min video)
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Sivarama Swami has a message for you (1 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: Although materialists who are addicted to experimental knowledge and the so-called “scientific method” cannot place their faith in the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, it is a fact that simply by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra offenselessly one can be freed from all subtle and gross material conditions. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 7.74 Purport)
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TOVP: Guru Parampara ki Jaya! (Album with photos)
Sadbhuja Das:…
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TOVP: Guru Parampara ki Jaya! (Album with photos)
Sadbhuja Das: Yesterday the clay form of the next murti was completed, which will take its plac…Read More…
Avanti Foundation School to Open in New Vrajamandala, Spain.
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Avanti Foundation School to Open in New Vrajamandala, Spain.
As part of the efforts to revitalize New Vrajamandala, a beautiful 300-hectare farm near Guadalajara, Spain, devotees are set to open a primary school affiliated with the renowned Avanti Foundation in the UK on January 8th, 2018.
New community president Yadunandana Swami, who formerly served as principal in Belgium’s Bhaktivedanta College, had seen many families leave Spain over the years due to lack of spiritual education for their children.
“I also saw that ISKCON communities who prioritized establishing a school developed nicely,” he says. “So I thought that to create real change here at New Vrajamandala, starting a school would be the turning point.”
The plan is to start as a nursery school, caring for three-year-olds, and then to add a grade every year.
To read the entire article click here:
Wonderful Hare Krishna volunteers who make the festivities in…
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Wonderful Hare Krishna volunteers who make the festivities in Bhaktivedanta Manor in England every year a big success! (Album with photos)
Find t…Read More…
Sanskrit for scriptural study seminar by HG Radhika Raman…
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Sanskrit for scriptural study seminar by HG Radhika Raman Prabhu, recorded on 09-02-2017 at ISKCON of Silicon Valley (video)
Watch it here: https…Read More…
School Preaching in ISKCON Dwarka New Delhi (Album with photos)…
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School Preaching in ISKCON Dwarka New Delhi (Album with photos)
Janmashtami 2017 Theatre participation certificates distribution program on 3rd …Read More…
Destructive Enlightenment
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When a budding sculptor approached his master for guidance, he received some cryptic advice. After quizzing him on his purpose, the young craftsman replied: “More than anything else, I would like to sculpt a beautiful elephant.” Without …
“Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!”…
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“Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!”
We were going to Kumbha Mela on rikshas and trying to reach ISKCON’s tents. Our riksha driver thought that many of the tents were the ISKCON tents, so he was driving us all around. It was already after midnight but we could not find the ISKCON tents. Since we were tired and sleepy, we stopped by some tent in which the people there allowed us to stay overnight.
The party was about to begin. A few hours later, I was awakened by a strange smell. These people didn’t follow the principles. They were smoking some intoxicant. Although influenced by the drug and fatigue, I somehow managed to wake up the devotees, and very soon we left the tent. It was only due to Krsna’s mercy that we managed to find the ISKCON devotees amongst millions of “sadhus.” Actually, when we got there in the morning, they were all gone on harinam and sankirtan.
The thought of distributing books on that day caused an eruption of protests like: “You slept only few hours. You did not even have a bath or chant, while the power of the drug is still working.” Still, the distribution of books is free from the influence of the material world, and when Krsna wants to give His mercy, He gives it.
I asked the devotees to give me the books, and after a long discussion, they agreed. I somehow managed to talk my mind into taking one hundred small books. The distribution of them went on easily by the mercy of Krsna. I was walking from sadhu to sadhu and saying “Hare Krsna” while they were taking books and giving donations. That day was also special owing to the fact that I wanted to have a bath in Ganga before the sunset. It is an offense to bath in Ganga after the sunset. During sankirtana I met a very interesting sadhu who looked like Jesus Christ. He was mute, but still he knew all the Bhagavad-gita by heart! I realized this by observing the movement of his lips: I would start citing a verse and he would simply continue. He also helped me with the distribution. He would contact people by mime, and they were coming and taking the books!
The day was coming to end, but I still had ten books in my hand. I decided to walk toward Ganga and try to distribute. Every so often I observed the sun, then the books. I still had ten minutes, so I prayed more intensely: Krsna help me, Krsna help me – there are just a few minutes left, and I still have books in my hands.“ I hurried towards the Ganga. I had three books left, then two. In one moment more, I was five meters from the Ganga, and the sun was about to set, but I still had one book in my hand! The situation became very tense since I wanted so much to bathe in the sacred Ganges at the right time. At once, two Indian sadhus appeared, and I gave them the last book. They were excited. They gave me a donation, and one of them unexpectedly held out his hand. I was confused. People don’t shake hands in India. I had just one minute left, but I held out my hand too, and to my surprise he said in Croatian (my language): “Congratulations!”
Completely confused and ecstatic, I ran into the Ganga and immediately came out. The sun was setting, and the mercy of Krsna was falling on my head. The sadhu’s words resounded in my head: “Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!” There was no way he knew where I was from or what I was doing, but surely there is ONE WHO KNOWS!
Sankirtana, ki jaya!
Srila Prabhupada, ki jay!
Mother Ganga, ki jay!
Your servant,
Nitaidaya Dasa
Rathayatra in Saratov in Russia (Album with photos)
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Rathayatra in Saratov in Russia (Album with photos)
Bhakti Caitanya Swami: We had a wonderful Rathayatra in Saratov in Russia on Sunday. Maybe 2…Read More…
8,000 And Counting! (Album with photos) Indradyumna Swami:…
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8,000 And Counting! (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Acyuta Priya das, the regional secretary for our movement in Ukraine, told me that this year’s attendance at the Bhakti Sangam festival could top 8,000 devotees. What bliss! The festival is being held for the next 6 days near Odessa.
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Bhakti Gaurav Narayana Swami’s class about Bhaktivinoda…
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Bhakti Gaurav Narayana Swami’s class about Bhaktivinoda Thakur’s Glorious Appearance Day in ISKCON Vrindavan (video)
Watch it here:
Seattle Rathayatra Festival (Album with photos)
Ramai Swami:…
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Seattle Rathayatra Festival (Album with photos)
Ramai Swami: The devotees at Seattle temple organized a two-day festival at Bellevue Crossroads Park to celebrate Lord Jagannatha’s Rathayatra.
On the first day, activities were going on in various tents and performers in the main tent entertained with dance, kirtan and drama. Of course, the devotees at the free prasadam tent were busy serving a delicious feast all day.
Find them here:
Harinam Sankirtan in Union Square park with HH Radhanath Swami…
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Harinam Sankirtan in Union Square park with HH Radhanath Swami (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: A devotee, either in danger or in happiness,…Read More…
Kulim Ratha Yatra 2017 by ISKCON Malaysia (Album with…
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Kulim Ratha Yatra 2017 by ISKCON Malaysia (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given us a nice weapon for this age. …Read More…