Preaching program in Taichung, Taipei, Taiwan (Album with…
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Preaching program in Taichung, Taipei, Taiwan (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Yes, as a Sannyasi and GBC your first duty is to read my books. Otherwise how will you preach? In order to remain steadily fixed in Krishna consciousness there must be a sound philosophical understanding. Otherwise it will become only sentiment. Whenever you find time please read my books. -From Srila Prabhupada’s letter to Satsvarupa – Nellore 5 January, 1976
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ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry presents Bhakti…
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ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry presents Bhakti Marriages ​ – A ​Premarital Course for Men and Women.
As an initiative to support the healthy development of our communities and individuals, the Congregational Development Ministry (CDM) of ISKCON is promoting Bhakti Marriages; a practical pre-marital course ​based on Srila Prabhupada’s instructions.​
We ​believe that the only way to have ​stable and​ successful marriages is to learn and apply the Vaisnava principles as given to us by Srila Prabhupada. For this purpose, this much-needed course is now offered to all the devotees wanting to have a conducive, Krishna-conscious and satisfying marriage.
The c​ourse consists of over 30 lessons which systematically takes you through the different necessary aspects ​of the Grihastha Asrama.
Srila Prabhupada said: “Both the girls and the boys should be trained up. Then they’ll be responsible husband and wife and live peacefully.” (Room Conversation- Nouvelle Mayapur, France, 3 August 1976)
Register Now @
Learn more about the course:
Ys Manjulali M.S. Devi Dasi

Harinama in Taiwan (Album with photos) The Krishna…
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Harinama in Taiwan (Album with photos)
The Krishna consciousness movement is chiefly engaged in chanting the maha-mantra all over the world. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra to give everyone a chance to hear Krishna’s holy name, for simply by hearing Hare Krishna one becomes purified.
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You’ve Got to be Out of Your Mind to Chant! Mahatma Das: When…
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You’ve Got to be Out of Your Mind to Chant!
Mahatma Das: When someone does or says something crazy, we might say, “He must be out of his mind.” To chant well we shouldn’t be crazy but we should be out of our mind. Why? Prabhupada said we don’t need the mind to chant.
Feeling is a function of the heart, not the mind. Feeling is what keeps us in the present; mind keeps us everywhere but the present. The mind doesn’t experience. The mind analyses experience. Therefore, when chanting, rather than controlling the mind just let the mind go. And it will automatically go when you enter the world of experience. Then you will be totally present with the name.
Fully present means there is only you and the holy name. This means just you and Krsna. No thoughts of what you have to do later, what you didn’t do yesterday, etc. It is in this plane that you taste the name. It is in this plane that you do not tire of chanting.
Have you ever eaten a meal while absorbed in conversation and when you finish you are surprised to see there is nothing left on your plate? “How did I eat all that?” The same thing happens when we chant and are not present to the experience of chanting. We don’t taste the meal of the holy name.
Be with your experience of chanting. Don’t try to create an experience, just experience what is actually happening when you chant. Don’t try to be an achiever. Be a dis-achiever.
Don’t try to analyze your experience with the name. Don’t ask if you are having the right experience, wonder when the experience will come, or when the taste will come. Just allow yourself to experience the holy names. Feel the holy names and just experience what you are experiencing. Isn’t it strange that we are waiting for the experience, struggling to get the experience, when all we have to do is allow ourselves to have the experience of our chanting.
Experience is not a function of the mind. Indeed, you can’t experience the holy name with your mind. You can understand what the name does, how the name does it, why the name does it, what you will experience when the name does it, etc, but this is not an experience of the name. This is an experience of the mind.
Your mind only gets in the way of your experience of the name. Therefore, you must be out of your mind to chant.
Have you ever observed that how absorbed you are in your conversation and when you finish your food, you are surprised to see there is nothing left on your plate? “How did I eat all that?” The same thing happens when we chant and are not present to the experience of chanting. We don’t taste the meal of the holy name.
Be with you experience of chanting. Don’t try to create an experience, just experience what is actually happening when you chant. Don’t try to be an achiever. Be a dis-achiever.
Don’t try to analyze your experience with the name. Don’t ask if you are having the right experience, wonder when the experience will come, or when the taste will come. Just allow yourself to experience the holy names. Feel the holy names and just experience what you are experiencing. Isn’t it strange that we are waiting for the experience, struggling to get the experience, when all we have to do is allow ourselves to have the experience of our chanting.
Experience is not a function of the mind. Indeed, you can’t experience the holy name with your mind. You can understand what the name does, how the name does it, why the name does it, what you will experience when the name does it, etc, but this is not an experience of the name. This is an experience of the mind.
Your mind only gets in the way of your experience of the name. Therefore, you must be out of your mind to chant.

The April issue of “The Conch” the monthly…
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The April issue of “The Conch” the monthly Newsletter
of the Iskcon New Govardhana Community is online.
In this issue: LORD RAMACHANDRA APPEARS, Perfect king, perfect example. WHERE THERE’S A WILL THERE’S A WAY, Why you should make a Will. SACRED SOUND RETREAT. Fun activities for the kids. PERMACULTURE. New course at Krishna Village. SANNYASA MINISTRY, An inside look.
You can download the pdf document here:

Seeking the blessing of the Lord (Album with photos) Indradyumna…
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Seeking the blessing of the Lord (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Today I took a number of devotees to the village of Dauji in Gokul, Vrindavan. Tomorrow I leave Vrindavan to return to my preaching duties in western countries and I wanted to seek the blessings of Dauji, or Lord Balarama, who resides in His deity form in a beautiful temple in the center of the village. Lord Balarama gives spiritual strength to His devotees to advance in Krsna consciousness, as well as to convince others of the process of devotional service. I prayed to the deity of Lord Balarama to give me strength to fulfill the order of my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, to help spread our Krsna conscious movement far and wide.

“One cannot attain the supreme platform of self-realization without being sufficiently favored by Balarama. Bala does not mean physical strength. No one can attain spiritual perfection by physical strength. One must have the spiritual strength which is infused by Balarama. Balarama is the source of spiritual power, or the original spiritual master. “

[ Krsna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Prayers by the Demigods for Lord Krsna in the Womb.”]
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This Tamal tree, within the Iskcon Temple in Vrindavan, is a…
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This Tamal tree, within the Iskcon Temple in Vrindavan, is a place of pilgrimage for Gaudiya Vaisnava’s. Long before when the Krishna Balaram Mandir was constructed in Vrindavan, in the early 1970’s there were reported to be very few Tamal trees in Vrindavan. One at Rasasthali and one at the Samadhi of Rupa Goswami in Radha Damodar. So, Srila Prabhupada noted that the land had a Tamal tree and he was very very pleased. There is an interesting pastime about this tree. Long before Srila Prabhupada sat under this tree, he envisioned himself sitting under this tree and looking at the deities of Krishna-Balarama. He said, we will have Kirtan under this tree and he said, this tree should be worshipped and the soil under the tree, a tea spoon of it should be taken, mixed with sand and water from the Yamuna river and then with the coconut husk you should clean the arati paraphernalia in our temple with this holiest substance. So, it is a very sacred place for us and let us pray that not only now but in the future Srila Prabhupada’s wish will be fulfilled and Gaudiya Vaisnava’s will be able to worship the sacred tree in the sacred occasion for many many more years to come. …….(Memories from Srimati Yamuna Devi)

Twin Festival at Madurai (Album with photos) ISKCON 50 &…
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Twin Festival at Madurai (Album with photos)
ISKCON 50 & Sri Ramanujar 1000 Celebration on March 26, 2017
On March 26th, 2017 ISKCON 50th celebration and 1000th appearance year celebration of Sri Ramanujacharya were celebrated at Madurai, a temple city of South India. (At the most prominent Gandhi Museum, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India)
This festival was celebrated to glorify Srila Prabhupada and the achievement of ISKCON for the past 50 years as well as to glorify Sri Ramanujacharya.
More than 5000 people joined this glorious celebration. His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaj spoke about the glories of Srila Prabhupada & Sri Ramanujacharya followed by the Jeeyar of famous Alwar Thirunagari Temple, His Holiness Sri Renga Ramanuja Jeeyar Swami. Special issue of Tamil magazine “Krishna Amutham” glorifying Sri Ramanujacharya & Srila Prabhupada, and a book on “Sri Ramanujacharya” was released. Also a Tamil version of “Vaishnava Ke” released.
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Mantra Party festival Iskcon in Lithuania 25-26th March 2017…
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Mantra Party festival Iskcon in Lithuania 25-26th March 2017 (All the 17 video recordings)
Srila Prabhupada: One time, during the annual Gaura-Purnima festival in Mayapura, Prabhupada called his GBC men to his room to tell them that he was hearing and take pleasure in the kirtana. With his leaders gathered before him in the room, Prabhupada stated that all the devotees in the world should come to Mayapura and constantly have kirtana. He was very blissful as he told them of Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s statement that he had searched the fourteen worlds but found nothing of value except the chanting of the holy names. Prabhupada said that this was Mayapura’s purpose, to come and chant. We may have problems in different parts of the world, but they will go away if we simply come together and chant. Lord Caitanya always chanted and we could do it also.
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Today is the 1,000th anniversary of the appearance of Sripada…
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Today is the 1,000th anniversary of the appearance of Sripada Ramanujacarya, the principal acarya in the Sri, or Lakshmi, sampradaya.
Giriraj Swami: Srila Prabhupada wrote that “We find great shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Ramanujacarya because his lotus feet are the strongest fort to combat the Mayavadi philosophy.” (letter 22.11.1974) And in the early days of ISKCON in India, before we had Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is translated into Hindi, he would refer people to read the Hindi edition of the Gita with Sri Ramanujacarya’s commentary.
Prabhupada often told a story about Sri Ramanujacarya’s merciful, compassionate nature. As he related it in Ahmedabad in 1972, “The servants of Krishna take all risk for Krishna’s sake. Just like Ramanujacarya. Sri Ramanujacarya’s spiritual master said, ‘My dear son, the mantra which I am giving, you chant silently and you will be delivered. It is so powerful. Don’t chant this mantra loudly so others can hear.’
“Ramanujacarya thought, ‘If this mantra is so powerful that if others hear it they’ll also be delivered, then why not?’ He immediately went to the market and began to chant the mantra. So his spiritual master became very angry, that ‘I told you not to chant loudly, so others may not hear.’ And Ramanujacarya replied, ‘My Lordship, I have done offense unto you. That’s all right. For this I am prepared to go to hell. But if this mantra is so powerful, I must speak it to everyone.’ ”
In this mood, following in the footsteps of Sripada Ramanujacarya, Srila Prabhupada broadcast the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita everywhere, to everyone.
We pray and aspire to follow in their footsteps.
Hare Krishna.

Her Grace Krishna Vilasini Devi Dasi, a disciple of His Divine…
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Her Grace Krishna Vilasini Devi Dasi, a disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada left her body yesterday in Vrindavana.
Locana Das (her husband): I am sure that her lifelong dedication to the service of Krishna will reap many transcendental benefits as she passes on her way toward the Object of her devotion.
We started a temple together in Portland in 1971 and then moved to San Francisco where we had our first child. Krishna Vilasini walked during the Rathayatra festival in Golden Gate Park and gave birth to our baby girl at 2:00 am the next morning. Srila Prabhupada called it “natural childbirth” and named her Ratha.
Krishna Vilasini was a very special devotee. She joined the movement in Berkeley in 1969 and served under Hansadutta Prabhu who was the TP there at that time. She was immediately attracted to Harinam and there are pictures from that period showing her blissful absorption in the Holy Name. There is a video here that shows the early days in Berkeley which shows a young Hrdayananda Mj. preaching at the university along with brief passages showing Krishna Vilasini chanting (scroll video to 2:33) and serving prasadam in the temple (3:10) on Durant St. She was a sold out enthusiastic bhaktin whose only ambition was Harinam and preaching. We got married in the spring of 1970, but her heart was in the chanting and I was the attached grihastha.

India state greenlights life sentences for cow slaughter. India…
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India state greenlights life sentences for cow slaughter.
India Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s home state of Gujarat on Friday increased the punishment for cow slaughter from seven years to life imprisonment as Hindu hardliners push for tougher protections for the holy animal.
Under the stiffened penalties passed by Gujarat’s state assembly, anyone caught transporting cows for slaughter could also face up to 10 years in jail.
To read the entire article click here:

Radha Shyamsunder’s Boat Festival 2017 (Album with photos)…
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Radha Shyamsunder’s Boat Festival 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Each and every word of Srimad-Bhagavatam, full of volumes of explanation, each and every word. This is Srimad-Bhagavatam. Vidya-bhagavatavadhi. One’s learning will be understood when he’s able to understand Srimad-Bhagavatam. Vidya. Vidya means learning, not this science, that science. When one can understand Srimad-Bhagavatam in true perspective, then he’s to be understood that he has finished his all educational advancement. Avadhi. Avadhi means “this is the limit of education.” Vidya-bhagavatavadhi. From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.5.13 – New Vrindaban, June 13, 1969
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ISKCON Rohini – Vrindavan Yatra for 2016 Batch on 25 & 26…
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ISKCON Rohini – Vrindavan Yatra for 2016 Batch on 25 & 26 March 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: You mention you like to speak now very often, but the first business should be to preach to the devotees. It is better to maintain a devotee than to try to convince others to become devotees. It is the duty of the GBC to maintain the devotees, keep them in the highest standard of Krishna Consciousness, and give them all good instruction, and let them go out and preach for making more devotees. Your first job should be to make sure that every one of the devotees in your zone of management is reading regularly our literatures and discussing the subject matter seriously from different angles of seeing, and that they are somehow or other absorbing the knowledge of Krishna Consciousness philosophy. If they are fully educated in our philosophy and if they can get all of the knowledge and study it from every viewpoint, then very easily they will perform tapasya or renunciation and that will be their advancement in Krishna Consciousness. So first thing is to instruct all of your temple presidents and the other devotees to read daily, just as we have done in our morning class in Los Angeles. You may remember that we were reading one sloka each morning in Sanskrit and reciting it altogether and then discussing it thoroughly by seeing different new things. So you introduce this system and train the devotees first. Don’t be too much concerned for the time being with nondevotees, now we must fix-up what devotees we have got in the knowledge of Krishna Consciousness, then we will succeed. What good are many, many devotees if none of them are knowledgeable?
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Escaping a Dark Future
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Escaping a Dark Future …
Giriraj Swami: On Srila Prabhupada’s morning walk on November 16, 1975, I told him about a recent interview with a scientist who had said, “We don’t know where the ingredients came from, but we’re sure that there’s …”
“Then why do you talk nonsense?” Prabhupada challenged the scientist. “You do not know. Then what is the use of talking nonsense? You do not know from where these ingredients have come. Our answer is—Krishna reveals—aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate: ‘The ingredients come from Me.’”

The spiritual potency of Prabhupada’s books! Mohanasini…
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The spiritual potency of Prabhupada’s books!
Mohanasini Devi Dasi: This beautiful lady gets the award for most inspirational! Last week she emailed me, “I met you today on a street in New Orleans and you gave me a book that is verifying so many of my beliefs that no one around me understands. I just felt the need to tell you to keep up your work. God speaks through your actions and you are so needed for the work that you are doing. Thank you for reaching out to me today, I am already marking pages in the book while I am at the airport to fly home.” A little later she added, “I am in the process of publishing a second book with information that reflects what is said in the book you gave me. It amazes me to see how the God of Gods uses us all to educate on this planet. I will send a picture for your site and I am honored to be a part of your mission.” Then today I got this picture from her, “Keep up the good work and know the universe is watching with light, love and healing for all on this planet through you.” This totally inspired me to keep distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books, knowing there are so many out there just waiting for this mercy!

Environmental Award Given To Toronto Iskcon Temple! (Album with…
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Environmental Award Given To Toronto Iskcon Temple! (Album with photos)
On Saturday, March 11, 2017, Faith and the Common Good hosted their Annual Forum at the University of Toronto’s Multi-Faith Centre. The theme of the Annual Forum was, “Exploring the Future of Sacred Space: The Practical and Spiritual”. Various informative presentations were given and our temple also had a chance to present a recent Farmer’s Market project that we undertook.
Later during the event, our temple was announced as the winner of the 2016 Greening Sacred Spaces Award. We were selected as winners for: (1) re insulating and installing a new roof on our building, (2) changing the majority of the light bulbs in our building to LED lights, and (3) hosting a mini-farmer’s market for the neighbours.
Our Krsna Fun School (Sunday School) also hosted a member of Faith and the Common Good who taught our children about the importance of living in a way that respects Mother Earth!
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Temple Profile: ISKCON Netrakona, Bangladesh By Nila Kamal…
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Temple Profile: ISKCON Netrakona, Bangladesh
By Nila Kamal das
Name: Sri Sri Jagannath Vallabha Mandir
Address: Netrakona, Bangladesh. 20.8823147
Presiding Deities: Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra, Gour Nitai and Radha Govinda.
Temple Management: Jay Ram das, Anantadev das and Tulsi das.
When did it open? The official opening of the temple was on the 2nd of January 2016.
Location: Netrakona is located in the Northern part of Bangladesh near the Meghalaya border. The population here is around 70% Hindu whilst the rest are Muslim.
Known for: It’s hard working brahmacari ashram. There is also a wonderful training system in the brahmacari ashram in which the senior devotees mentor the other devotees with their spiritual insights and exemplary behaviour and etiquette.
Number of residents: 26 full time saffron brahmacaris.
Number of visitors: 10 to 15 on weekdays. 100 on Fridays and Sundays and up to 4000 on festival days.
Best time to visit: Ratha Yatra (July), it attracts near to 4000 individuals from all around Bangladesh.
HH Subhag Swami sent three of his brahmacari disciples in 2010 to go to Netrakona. From there they rented a small place and started preaching. They organised the first Ratha Yatra in 2011 and it turned out to be a huge success. As the number of congregation devotees increased, the need for a permanent residence for Jagannath was clearly evident. The devotees began looking for land nearby and when Subhag Swami visited Netrakona in 2012, he suggested that the land opposite the preaching centre was suitable.
Local devotees headed by Jay Ram das, Anantadev das and Tulsi das worked extremely hard day and night collecting funds for the land. At times they would eat very meagrely and that too only after returning from completing their daily quota. (It should be noted that these three brahmacaris were based in India for a number of years prior to coming to Bangladesh. They came to a foreign land and that too without a single penny in their pocket.) By Krishna’s mercy, they were able to purchase that land in 2013. After a lot of planning, finally in August 2015 construction started. Resident devotees worked round the clock, with each and every brahmacari helping in the construction work. The grand opening of the temple was set for the 2nd of January 2016, where Netrakona devotees celebrated the 50th anniversary of ISKCON and the 75th Vyasa Puja of Subhag Swami. The opening of the temple attracted near to 3000 devotees from all over Bangladesh.
Now Sri Sri Jagannath Vallabha Mandir is a fully fledged ISKCON temple with devotees from across India and Bangladesh visiting regularly. The brahmacaris are actively preaching in college and universities and they visit on a weekly basis several Nama Hattas locally.

New VIBe! (Visual Interactive Bhagavad-gita As It Is…
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New VIBe! (Visual Interactive Bhagavad-gita As It Is ebook)
Gaudacandra dasa Adhikari: I am excited to share with the devotee community and abroad the new VIBe!
Replete with over two hundred full-color images, this digital Visual Interactive Bhagavad-gi-ta- As It Is edition is certain to stimulate and enlighten any reader with its ancient yet thoroughly timely teachings. This digital edition comes with: Intro video, a visual table of contents, links to important chapter sections, glossary, appendix, scroll view, the ability to highlight text in different colors, in-margin notes, “my notes” section, chanting section, study cards, search, dictionary, bookmarks, quizzes, links to relevant videos, audio and study links, training videos, full screen, zoomable art galleries, sketch book, correspond with the publisher from within the book, etc. “Glorification of the Gita” added – one of the nine supplemental and inspirational chapters. A true portable “portal” into transcendence when stress hits or not!
To read the entire article click here:

ISV Harinaam in Paloalto – March 24th 2017 (Album with photos)…
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ISV Harinaam in Paloalto – March 24th 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: This Krsna consciousness movement is the greatest boon to humanity because it keeps one always engaged in Krsna’s service. The devotees think of Krsna, act for Krsna, eat for Krsna, sleep for Krsna and work for Krsna. Thus everything is engaged in the service of Krsna. A total life in Krsna consciousness saves one from material contamination. Srila Prabhupada; SB 4.30.19 purport
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“RAMAYANA”Srimad Bhagavatam describes how Lord…
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Srimad Bhagavatam describes how Lord Krsna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared in a transcendental human form as Lord Ramacandra in His eighteenth incarnation and exhibited superhuman powers. The name, form, qualities, and pastimes activities of this form are depicted in the great treatise of Ramayana. There are different versions of Ramayana in different parts of India and in different parts of the world yet the acaryas all accepted Valmiki Ramayana as the original version.

Harinama at Surfers Paradise – 26 March 2017 (Album with photos)…
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Harinama at Surfers Paradise – 26 March 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The distinction between a pure devotee and a karma-misra devotee is this: a pure devotee does not desire anything for material enjoyment, whereas a mixed devotee becomes a devotee to become a first-class enjoyer of this material world. (From Srila Prabhupada’s purport to Bhag. 10.10.22)
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Lord Krishna everywhere! Bhakta Dasa: Our team just completed…
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Lord Krishna everywhere!
Bhakta Dasa: Our team just completed our display at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden show.
First time entry and they expect about 200,000 people to visit over the next 5 days.
We presented Radha and Krishna in the forest of Vrindavan.
The title of our entry is “ SPIRITUAL VISION”.
THANKS to all that helped with this preaching adventure.

Environmentalist seeks FIR for ‘attempt to murder’ Yamuna river,…
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Environmentalist seeks FIR for ‘attempt to murder’ Yamuna river, now a living entity.
Motivated by Uttarakhand high court orders declaring rivers Ganga and Yamuna living entities, environmentalists in Agra has asked the Agra police to register a case against those “guilty of attempt to murder” the Yamuna.
The rivers Ganga and Yamuna are losing their very existence. This situation requires extraordinary measures to be taken to preserve and conserve [the rivers]. They are worshiped by Hindus. These rivers are very sacred and revered. The Hindus have a deep spiritual connection with them … They support and assist both the life and natural resources and health and well-being of the entire community. The rivers are breathing, living and sustaining the communities from mountains to sea.
The unfiltered water of dirty drains, besides the sewer, continues to flow into Yamuna despite crores received for sewage treatment from state and central governments.
To read the entire article click here:

How to connect to the Divine. Question: It is said that God is…
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How to connect to the Divine.
Question: It is said that God is present everywhere. But I don’t perceive his presence anywhere. Can you explain?
Radhanath Swami: To connect to the Divine presence of God within ourselves and within everything that exists cannot be done with our senses, no matter what microscopes or telescopes we use, no matter how many degrees we have or how many books we memorize. Our sciences may be very helpful in dealing with the temporary problems of this material world, but to actually connect to the Divine—according to all of the great saints throughout the ages—the bridge is faith; not blind faith but real substantial faith. Through this faith we can see, we can hear, and we can feel the Divine within ourselves, in every other living being, and in everything that exists. But where does that faith come from? It is within our hearts, and it is awakened when we associate with saintly people who have that faith.

Krishna explains that He manifests within this world especially through the hearts and the lives of those who love Him. Therefore it is said that even a moment’s association with a person who really loves the Divine is more precious than anything else in creation. That association awakens that hope, hope in the infinite love of God. It can awaken that faith which is preliminary to actually follow the path that God has given us for enlightenment.

Do you want to know your future? (4 min video) Gaura Gopal…
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Do you want to know your future? (4 min video)
Gaura Gopal prabhu, in this short clip, explains everything 🙂
Srila Prabhupada: “Regarding astrology, you should not listen to any of these so-called astrologers – strictly avoid. Don’t even see them. What is the use of seeing them? Astrology is meant for the materialist, but a spiritualist does not care for the future. Everything is dependent upon Krishna. So where is the necessity of astrology? The devotees’ principle is, let there happen anything as Krishna desires. Let me remain sincere devotee, that’s all. Pure devotee is never interested in this astrology.
So, continue nicely with your deity worship there and read my books very carefully, and without fail chant 16 rounds on your beads daily. I hope this meets you in good health.”
Watch it here:

Distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books in Arabic language…
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Distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books in Arabic language (Album with photos)
Satyanarayana das: More Arabic and Farsi books going out on the streets and in the subways of New York City!
And it’s remarkably easy to do, because these people really want the books (and there’s a good reason for that)!
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