Theology Students of Nairobi “drink” the Vedic…
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Theology Students of Nairobi “drink” the Vedic Scriptures (Album with photos)
We were invited to one of the famous university in Nairobi to speak about the Vedic culture. All the students were impressed with the knowledge.we distributed over 100 books in 20 minutes.
One professor commented “if you had gone on for another half an hour I would have converted to being a Hare Krishna”
A Muslim scholar commented, “in all my study I haven’t experienced such deep knowledge”.
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New Bhaktivedanta Swami sign installed on a public road. Srila…
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New Bhaktivedanta Swami sign installed on a public road.
Srila Prabhupada: …a hellish civilization artificially increases the conditions of life, and existence becomes intolerable for everyone. The foolish leaders of a godless civilization try to devise various plans to bring about peace and prosperity in the godless world under a patent trademark of materialism, and because such attempts are illusory only, the people elect incompetent, blind leaders, one after another, who are incapable of offering solutions. If we want at all to end this anomaly of a godless civilization, we must follow the principles of revealed scriptures like the Srimad-Bhagavatam and follow the instruction of a person like Sri Sukadeva Gosvami who has no attraction for material gain. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 2.2.6

New Iskcon Temple Project for Mauritius launched (Album with…
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New Iskcon Temple Project for Mauritius launched (Album with photos)
Bhakti Caitanya Swami: Photos from our programme last night in Mauritius. We launched the new temple project there, along with Bhakti Caru Maharaja and Bhakti Brnga Govinda Maharaja. Chief guest was the Minister of Public Infrastructure for the government of Mauritius, Mr Nandkumar Bodha, a very nice man who has helped Srila Prabhupada’s movement greatly there.
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ISKCON-London’s Gaura Purnima 2017 celebrations (Album…
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ISKCON-London’s Gaura Purnima 2017 celebrations (Album with photos)
Please find below photos from Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Appearance Day at ISKCON-London.
The Radha-Krishna Temple was joined by devotees from Bhaktivedanta Manor for maha harinama sankirtan along London’s famous Oxford Street.
Slideshow (please turn on sound):
With best wishes,
Hare Krishna,

Maha Harinama in Tel Aviv, Israel (Album with photos) Srila…
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Maha Harinama in Tel Aviv, Israel (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If one does not know what is honesty, how can he be honest? But if you know what is honesty, then you can be honest. You must know the order of God. And if you follow that, then that is honesty. If I know that everything belongs to Krsna, I will not use anything without His permission. That is honesty. Even if you drink a glass of water without knowing to whom it belongs, you are a thief. So you may think, “I am honest,” but actually you are a thief. You must remember Krsna, “Oh Krsna, it is Your creation, so kindly allow me to drink.” Therefore a devotee always thinks of Krsna. In all activities he thinks, “Oh, it is Krsna’s.” This is honesty. So without Krsna consciousness everyone is a rascal, a thief, a rogue and a robber. From: Perfect Questions Perfect Answers
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Yamuna Boat Festival 2017 by Iskcon Vrindavan (Album with…
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Yamuna Boat Festival 2017 by Iskcon Vrindavan (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: In my books the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness is explained fully so if there is anything which you do not understand, then you simply have to read again and again. By reading daily the knowledge will be revealed to you and by this process your spiritual life will develop. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Bahurupa – Bombay 22 November, 1974
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Skill Development. Personal development expert, Brian Tracy,…
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Skill Development.
Personal development expert, Brian Tracy, writes: “Here is one of the greatest questions you will ever ask and answer: ‘What one skill, if I developed and did it in an excellent fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on my career?’”
One should ask the same question about one’s bhakti practice.
Asking this question is vital because, unlike regular career skills that become obsolete, bhakti skills are eternally relevant and potent. By seriously dedicating oneself to any one of the processes of bhakti, one will attain perfection.
Rupa Goswami writes:
“Pariksit Maharaja attained salvation simply by hearing, and Sukadeva Gosvami attained salvation simply by chanting. Prahlada Maharaja attained salvation by remembering the Lord. The goddess of fortune, Laksmidevi, attained perfection by worshiping the Lord’s lotus feet. Prthu Maharaja attained salvation by worshiping the Deity of the Lord. Akrura attained salvation by offering prayers, Hanuman by rendering service, Arjuna by establishing friendship with the Lord, and Bali Maharaja by offering everything to the service of the Lord.”

Caitanya Mahaprabhu narrowed this field when Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya asked Him which of the practices is the most essential in the execution of devotional service. Mahaprabhu replied that nama sankirtana, the chanting of the holy names of Krishna, is the most important. (Cc Madhya 6.241)

Similarly, in East Bengal there was a brahmana named Tapana Misra, who could not ascertain the objective of life or how to attain it. After being directed in a dream to approach Caitanya Mahaprabhu to ask Him about the proper path in life, Mahaprabhu instructed him that the basic principle of success is to chant the holy name of the Lord, the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. (Cc Adi 16.15)

Humans are especially equipped to cultivate and develop skills of all description. But, those who want to quickly overcome all miseries of life and attain complete success by developing love for God should dedicate themselves to the chanting of Krishna’s divine names.

Sukadeva Goswami confirms this in this very famous statement to Maharaja Pariksit: “O King, constant chanting of the holy name of the Lord after the ways of the great authorities is the doubtless and fearless way of success for all, including those who are free from all material desires, those who are desirous of all material enjoyment, and also those who are self-satisfied by dint of transcendental knowledge.” (SB 2.1.11)

Develop your skill for chanting Hare Krishna with full enthusiasm and attention each day, as this will have the greatest positive impact on every aspect of your life.
Vaisesika Das

Guilt. Question: Is guilt for past deeds a good thing? I feel…
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Question: Is guilt for past deeds a good thing? I feel guilty of past mistakes done when there was no knowledge of Krishna Consciousness; however, that guilt makes me sad and dejected. How to counteract feeling low out of guilt and rather use that realization to become more determined and enthusiastic for Krishna Consciousness.
Romapada Swami: Since Bhaktivinoda Thakur uses the term ‘regret’ instead of guilt, I am going to respond to your question using the term ‘regret’ instead.
The connotation of ‘regret’ for some wrong we may have committed more readily lends itself to serving as an impetus for forward progress; ‘guilt’ often conveys a mood of lamentation and despondency, which weaken determination to move forward to a better place.
Regret for past deeds is a good thing as long as it does not impede one’s current spiritual progress. Rather regret can serve as an impetus to further develop/nurture our feelings of gratitude towards the most merciful Lord and His devotees. The Lord as a loving father, who is ever merciful forgives the devotee who sincerely repents for his past mistakes and at the same time seeks the Lord’s shelter.
In the purport of SB 1.19.2 Srila Prabhupada writes in connection to Parikshit Maharaj’s feeling of repentance of putting a dead snake around Samik Muni: “The pious king regretted the accidental improper action done by him on the gravely powerful Brahmin who was faultless.
Such repentance is natural for a good man like the king and such repentance only delivers a devotee from all kinds of sins accidentally committed by the devotee. The devotees are naturally faultless.
Accidental fault committed by a devotee is sincerely regretted and by the Grace of the Lord, all sins unwillingly committed by a devotee, are burnt into ashes in the fire of repentance.“
Instead of feeling low and dejected we can take the same feelings to submit ourselves to the Lord through sincere prayers of forgiveness and committing ourselves with determination to His service. Having such reflections will help us transform our consciousness and to make a
resolution: “I am going to dedicate this moment, this day, this year, and this life for a single purpose, namely is to serve the Lord and His devotees.”
Also the ability to come out of feeling sad and dejected and to come to the platform of being enthusiastic and determined in the process of Krsna Consciousness depends on our cultivation of inner faith in the Lord through the association of devotees.
We can begin to nurture our faith through reading of the scriptures (especially reading the pastimes from Srimad Bhagavatam where great devotees like Parikshit Maharaj are expressing their feelings of regret for their actions), hearing and chanting in association with devotees.

Ratha Yatra in Vrindavan, 17.03.2017 (Album with photos) Srila…
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Ratha Yatra in Vrindavan, 17.03.2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The preacher must love the people. Otherwise why he is taking? He can do it for himself at home. Why he is taking so much trouble? Why in eighty years old I have come here if I do not love? So who can love better than a preacher? Srila Prabhupada, Morning Walk–May 17, 1975, Perth
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‘Do Religions Cause Peace or War?’ An interreligious dialog,…
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‘Do Religions Cause Peace or War?’
An interreligious dialog, held in ISKCON Germany/Austria’s headquarters near Frankfurt from April 21st to 23rd, will discuss the very topical question, ‘Religion: Peacemaker or Cause of War?”
This will be the third annual such event organized by ISKCON and Religions for Peace, the largest international coalition of world religion representatives dedicated to promoting peace.
About 100 people will attend this April’s event. Devotee speakers will include Dina Sharana Dasi, who is the GBC for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Lichenstein, and a representative for ISKCON and Vaishnava-Hindus in interreligious dialog.
To read the entire article click here:

Iskcon of Silicon Valley – GauraPurnima 2017 (Album with photos)…
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Iskcon of Silicon Valley – GauraPurnima 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: I am very glad to learn also that you are feeling joy while chanting the mantra Hare Krishna. Yes, it is exactly like this. If anyone chants this mantra in good faith and in simple understanding, then surely this transcendental vibration will act immediately in spiritual bliss. Please therefore continue to chant this mantra as many times as possible throughout the day and night. I do not think there is any inconvenience or loss on your part if you do so all the time. Even when you are walking, you can softly chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, or even when you are on the bus going to somewhere you can also chant. When you are working with your hands you can also chant and when you are resting or going to take rest you can also chant. Even in your toilet room while taking bath you can also chant. In this way there is no limitation or restriction for chanting this Holy Name of God, Krishna, and His Energy, Hara. In doing this business there is no loss, but there is very great gain which is transcendental realization. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Minoru, Kenji – Los Angeles 22 April, 1970
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I Pray I May Remain Among Them (Album with photos) Indradyumna…
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I Pray I May Remain Among Them (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: “Even if I have the opportunity to bathe in the ocean of pure love of Krishna, and even if I have the pure devotees of the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead as my associates, I will not consent to live even for a moment, in any sacred place other than Vrajabhumi. Even if the residents of Vrindavan appear to be ordinary, and even if they fill my ears with useless gossip, I pray that I may remain among them, eternally residing here in Vraja.” Srila Raghunatha Dasa Goswami
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ISKCON Auckland NZ – Harinama (Album with photos) Srila…
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ISKCON Auckland NZ – Harinama (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: This contemporary civilization is so proud of its independence, but actually it is so much dependent on oil. If the oil supply is stopped, then what will these rascal scientists do? They cannot do anything. Let them try to manufacture oil in their test tubes, enough oil to run their civilization on. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SSR 6g: The Tiny World of Modern Science
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Harinam Ljubljana, ISKCON SLOVENIJA, 11.3.2017 (Album with…
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Harinam Ljubljana, ISKCON SLOVENIJA, 11.3.2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The best policy to control the mind is to desire how to spread Krsna consciousness. This is the best. Kamah krsna-karmarpane. Narottama dasa Thakura has said that you cannot be free from desire. That is not possible. This is useless attempt. They say that “You become desireless.” No, that is not possible. How can I…? If I become desireless, I become dead. So long I am living entity, I must desire. I cannot check it. Therefore kama means desire. So at the present moment, we are desiring how to become happy in this material world, how to acquire so much money, how to acquire this, how to acquire this, how to get this, how to get that. This is kama. So this brain taxation, if you engage in Krsna’s service – how to spread Krsna consciousness, how to convince people about Krsna, how to take them to the Krsna’s desire, sarva-dharman parityajya [Bg. 18.66] – and in this way, if you go on making plan for spreading Krsna consciousness, then your mind is controlled. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.26.27 – January 4, 1975, Bombay
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TOVP: Temple Column Exterior Mock-up In Progress (Album with…
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TOVP: Temple Column Exterior Mock-up In Progress (Album with photos)
Work has recently begun on the temple columns’ exterior mock-up, a design which will be used on the columns all around the temple.
In the image below you can see half the exterior mock-up as it goes around the main column structure. The final product will be made of two pieces which will wrap around the actual column and be joined together to completely encase it.

We are very happy with the design and effects of the mock-up. Once we are fully satisfied we will make the rubber molds and begin casting the column pieces in GRC (Glass Reinforced Concrete), after which work will commence to install them.

We are very excited about this new aspect of the interior finishing work that has begun and hope all the devotees are pleased with our progress.
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Amazing aerial photo of Mayapur during the night
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Amazing aerial photo of Mayapur during the night.
Srila Prabhupada: Krsna is coming as Caitanya Mahaprabhu to show us the way how to understand Krsna. Caitanya Mahaprabhu means Krsna Himself, present to teach us how to understand Krsna. So Krsna is so kind: He is coming Himself. He’s teaching Bhagavad-gita. Again He is coming as Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as devotee, to become a devotee of Krsna. Krsna-prema-pradaya te [Cc. Madhya 19.53]. He’s not only teaching Krsna but love of Krsna. Krsna, when He personally came, He did not teach how to love Him. He simply asked, “You rascal, surrender to Me.” That’s all. “You are all rascals. You have forgotten Me. I am the Supreme. You are searching after so many wrong things. You have created so many so-called occupational and religious duties, but these are all useless.” That much. But again Krsna came to teach people how to love Krsna. Therefore Rupa Gosvami offers his respect to Caitanya Mahaprabhu, namo maha-vadanyaya krsna-prema-pradaya te: [Cc. Madhya 19.53] “You are not only giving Krsna but giving love of Krsna.” That is very rare thing. Prema pumartho mahan. People are after dharma, after kama, moksa, but Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, “No, above this, there is fifth perfection. That is prema, Krsna-prema.” Prema pumartho mahan. –From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.15 – Mayapur, February 22, 1976

Distributing SP’s books in IRAN! (Album with…
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Distributing SP’s books in IRAN! (Album with photos)
Satyanarayana das: Whether it’s happening within the bustling souks (marketplaces), on the streets or in storefronts, nothing stops blissful Shakatari Prabhu from distributing hundreds of Farsi “Perfection of Yoga” books throughout the cities of Tehran and Shiraz, Iran. And they simply love the books…!
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Hare Krishna Auckland – Gaura Purnima 2017 (Album with photos)…
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Hare Krishna Auckland – Gaura Purnima 2017 (Album with photos)
Hrdayananda: [translating] He’s saying that he thinks the way we dress, our whole way of life, will make our movement only available to a few people, because it requires someone who is prepared to completely change his way of life.
Srila Prabhupada: Well, when there is question of knowledge, only you will find a few people to get the knowledge. When you put this question, “Find out some learned scholar,” generally they will be very…, their number will be very little. But one thing is that if there is one man in real knowledge, he can give the…, distribute the knowledge to many. The example is just like kas candras tamo hanti na ca tara sahasrasah: if you get one moon at night, that is sufficient to dissipate the darkness. And there are millions of stars–it is useless. So it is necessarily not required that everyone should be in perfect knowledge. But if one man is in perfect knowledge, hundreds and thousands can hear from him and they can perfect. So it does not depend on the quantity; it depends on the quality.
From a conversation with professors – February 19, 1975, Caracas
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View of TOVP from the Navadvip Bridge (Album with…
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View of TOVP from the Navadvip Bridge (Album with photos)
Sadbhuja Das: For many years we were meditating how the Temple would look like from few kilometers away.
Here we can see photos from the other side of Navadvip, where the main bridge is, where it crosses the Ganga.
You can see the visibility of Navadvip and the big Temple. Also you can see the contrast of the landscape and the surrounding buildings around the Temple.
Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi is very large building, but compared to the height of the Main Temple it looks so small!
The Temple height is not completed yet. The Main Kalash is 65 feet height (around 20 meters).
And this Main Kalash is not even placed on top as yet, which will make the Temple look even higher.
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Short but amazing aerial glimpse of the Gaura Purnima Abhishek…
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Short but amazing aerial glimpse of the Gaura Purnima Abhishek 2017 in Mayapur (1 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: If a living entity is developed in Krsna consciousness and is merciful to others, and if his spiritual knowledge of self-realization is perfect, he will immediately attain liberation from the bondage of material existence. PURPORT In this verse the words daya jivesu, meaning “mercy to other living entities,” indicate that a living entity must be merciful to other living entities if he wishes to make progress in self-realization. This means he must preach this knowledge after perfecting himself and understanding his own position as an eternal servant of Krsna. Preaching this is showing real mercy to living entities. Other types of humanitarian work may be temporarily beneficial for the body, but because a living entity is spirit soul, ultimately one can show him real mercy only by revealing knowledge of his spiritual existence. As Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, jivera ‘svarupa’ haya-krsnera ‘nitya-dasa’: [Cc. Madhya 20.108] “Every living entity is constitutionally a servant of Krsna.” One should know this fact perfectly and should preach it to the mass of people. If one realizes that he is an eternal servant of Krsna but does not preach it, his realization is imperfect. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 4.29.1b
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Akrura Ghat @ Vrindavan 10/03/2017 (Album with photos) Deena…
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Akrura Ghat @ Vrindavan 10/03/2017 (Album with photos)
Deena Bandhu Das: Akrur Ghat is a little distance from Vrindavan in the fields and forest. Because of it’s peace and quiet, Mahaprabhu stayed here on His Vrindavan visit. This is where Akrura saw Krishna and Balaram within the waters of Yamuna. Later Krishna gave the Brijbasis darshan of Vaikuntha and Goloka at this place. Used to be broken down place, but now it is very nice remodeled and maintained. Just down the road in a very peaceful forest, some Babas are maintaining a beautiful gaushala! Vittalrukmini Das checked it out with his friends!
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The latest news from the Hare Krishna Festival of India…
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The latest news from the Hare Krishna Festival of India Tour.
Sankirtan Yajna Prabhu distributed Srila Prabhupada’s books directly to students at the Festival of India at George Mason University. This is one of the Universities where Festival of India has been sponsored to set-up our exhibits, tents, and distribute Krishna Prasadam and Srila Prabhupada’s books. Please contact us for details how to bring the Festival to a University near you. This is a sure way to get Srila Prabhupada’s and Lord Krishna’s mercy.
As Lord Krishna says in the 68th and 69 verses of the 18th chapter of the Gita: For one who explains the supreme secret to the devotees, devotional service is guaranteed, and at the end he will come back to Me.
There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear.
So let us continue, at every festival introducing students, and everyone else we meet to this sublime science of Krishna Consciousness, as it will guarantee your devotional service and in the end you’ll go Back to Godhead. Hare Krishna.
To read the entire article click here:

Mayapuris’ New Album To Have Intriguing Concept. It’s been…
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Mayapuris’ New Album To Have Intriguing Concept.
It’s been seven long years since kirtan band The Mayapuris released their debut album “Mridanga,” hitting the top five in the iTunes World Music chart.
The Mayapuris were one of the original second generation ISKCON groups to bring Gaudiya Vaishnava kirtan to the forefront of the burgeoning mainstream kirtan scene.
Since their debut, others have continued to forge the path, with Madi Das and his Bhakti Without Borders charity album winning a Grammy nomination.

Gaura Purnima in Bali – Vigraha Pratistha 2017 (Album with…
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Gaura Purnima in Bali – Vigraha Pratistha 2017 (Album with photos)
Celebrating the auspicious appearance day of Lord Caitanya, the devotees of the Sri Sri Jagannatha Gauranga Temple in Denpasar, the provincial capital of Bali, held an elaborate installation ceremony of large Gaura-Nitai and Jagannatha-Baladeva-Subhadra Deities. The festivities started on Friday, the 10th of March, with an “Adhivas” or opening ceremony. On Saturday, the ceremonial procedures were conducted by the Gurukula students from the Bhaktivedanta Academy in Mayapur, West Bengal, India. The “Sodhita Pancagavya Snanam”, “Netra Unmilanam”, and the “Vandapanam” ceremonies were conducted. These ceremonies include bathing the deity forms in healing and spiritually-charged substances such as milk, ghee, etc, and also physically waking Their Lordships from a bed of grains, and unveiling Their eyes for the very first time. H.H. Ramai Swami and H.H. Kavicandra Swami, GBCs for Indonesia, were present and attended the entire procession. On the full moon day of Gaura Purnima on Sunday, fire sacrifices were conducted, and a “Maha Abhishek” or a grand public bathing ceremony of the Deities enthused the hundreds of devotees. Kirtan led by the renowned H.G. Madhava prabhu and H.G. Radhika accompanied the ceremonies. His Grace Vishvambhara Dasa (Prof Drs I Ketut Widnya, MA.), the director of the Hindu Department of Indonesia’s Ministry of Religion took part in the festivities. The devotees staged performances such as a Balinese rendition of the pastime of Lord Caitanya with Chand Kazi. That same evening, a grand Gaura Arati brought the festivities to a close. We pray that the devotees of the Sri Sri Jagannatha Gauranga Temple will always be enthusiastic in their service to Their Lordships. Pictures taken by Aryo Agung.
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Dear ISKCON Devotees.Recently, I had the good fortune of…
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Recently, I had the good fortune of staying in Mayapur Dham for a few weeks. It was the first time I had visited since I had served there as a Gurukula teacher at the Boys International Gurukula (1997-1999). Both of my sons, now adults with families of their own attended there between the 1980’s and 1990’s. It was wonderful to see the way Mayapur Dham has developed since that time into the incredible pilgrimage place it now is. I know Srila Prabhupada is pleased that so many thousands of pilgrims line up daily to take darshan of the beautiful Radha Madhava, Nrsinghadev and Pancha Tattva Deities, learn to chant the Holy Name, buy Srila Prabhupada’s books and share in Prabhupada’s dream of establishing Mayapur as an international headquarters of the Hare Krishna movement.

Jubilant Celebrations at Rasamrita Kunja, Mayapur. Geetavali…
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Jubilant Celebrations at Rasamrita Kunja, Mayapur.
Geetavali Devi Dasi: On the most auspicious occasion of the holy appearance of the chhana avatar Sri Sri Sacigaurasundar there was held a simple but sweet celebration at rasamrita kunja, mayapur on12 march 2017.
At the first there held a drama which was performed by small kids on lord Caitanya’s pastimes which was followed by an ecstatic kirtan by ananta pandit prabhu from bali.
After the ecstatic kirtan there was a short talk given by H.H.Subhaga Swami Maharaja in which firstly Maharaja melodiously chanted the following verse
sabe mile krpa kari
karaha karuna
adhama patita jane
na kariha ghrna
Emphasising the sweetness of the syllable ‘Krishna’ maharaja mentioned that Srila Rupa goswami states that it tastes so much that you should have millions of mouths for tasting it ,when it enters into your ears you feel like nectar and that you should have millions of ears, when it enters into the mind it becomes unconscious and when it goes to the heart it becomes the place of the lord.
Still pointing that even if we chant the holy names of Krishna because of offensive tendency we can’t achieve love of godhead. So the only way is to take shelter of the holyname of māhāvadanyay Sacigaurasundar .
ki sayāne kiba jāgarane
whatever you are doing every moment discuss about Krishna’s and gauranga’s name, form, beauty, pastimes.
Maharaja also explained that how Srila Prabhupada told that every six to seven years there’s a flood in mayapur which indicates that this waves of love of godhead will spread all over the world every town every village.
mayapur sama dham
tribhūvane nay. Anybody living in dhām is most fortunate.
Maharaja further explained that being most compassionate lord Nityananda pr begs the fallen condition souls to meditate, chant, and preach the holy names of lord gauranga and thus assures by doing so they will become His very life and soul.They are the essence of all incarnations, most munificent.
saba avatāra sāra siromani
kevala ānanda kanda
And thus maharaja ended by performing a short kirtan of
bhaja gaurānga kaha gaurānga
leha gaurāngera nāma re ,thus conforming ,“ If you follow this process you will find everything joyful ”.

After the enthusiastic talk there was a drama and abhishek performed to their lordships nitai gaurasundar firstly by Srila Prabhupada desciples like H.H.Subhaga Swami, H.G. Prabha Vishnu pr followed by others and concluded by nice prasad.
All glories to the most merciful lords nitai gaurasundar!

Sacred Sound Kirtan Retreat 2017 in Northern Australia
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Sacred Sound Kirtan Retreat 2017
Over the past several years, New Govardhana farming community in Northern Australia, has hosted several Holy Name Retreats, featuring great souls such as His Holiness Sacinandana Swami, HG Bhurijana dasa & HG Jagattarini Devi Dasi and renowned kirtaneer Madhava. These retreats brought the community and Australian ISKCON centres together in the chanting of the Holy Names.
In 2016, His Holiness Indradyumna Swami developed the Sacred Sound Kirtan Retreat in collaboration with the New Govardhana community. The event was their combined offering to kirtana lovers around the globe. It included devotees such as Indradyumna Swami, Bada Hari dasa, Sri Prahlada dasa, Madhava and many other international musicians in a weekend of kirtana, sanga and festivities.

Due to the outstanding success of this first Sacred Sound Kirtan Retreat, Indradyumna Swami suggested we make it an annual event at New Govardhana. The second Sacred Sound Kirtan Retreat was born.

This brings us to the present, where a team of dedicated devotees are working hard to create another spiritually charged festival, this time to be held adjacent to Manasi Ganga lake, where a brand-new venue is currently being built. The event will bring together bhakti-yogis and kirtaneers from across the nation and around the world.

Again, His Holiness Indradyumna Swami, along with Bada Hari dasa, Sri Prahlada dasa, and Madhava will make the journey “Down Under” to lead us in tasting the nectar of the Holy Name. We are pleased to announce that well-known kirtaneer Jahnavi will also be joining them this year.

This year there will be market stalls featuring international cuisine, as well as special facilities for the children whom we suspect will never want to go home after they have experienced the many fun-filled activities planned for them.

The energy and excitement involved in preparing for this inspiring event is hard to describe. However, we need your involvement to make the festival as wonderful as we anticipate it will be. Please bless us with your presence at the Sacred Sound Kirtan Retreat 2017, Easter Long Weekend 14-17 April and register as soon as possible. There will also be numerous service opportunities, so please contact us beforehand to reserve your seva contribution.

Head to the website ( for full information about registration and other details. If you cannot find answers to your questions on the website, please email (

So, don’t miss out, as we will be closing registration as soon as we reach full capacity. This is an experience you will relish for years to come!

Gaurpurnima at ISKCON Gaya (Album with photos) Gaurpurnima…
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Gaurpurnima at ISKCON Gaya (Album with photos)
Gaurpurnima festival (Appearance of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu) was celebrated amongst hundreds of devotees at ISKCON Gaya. Kirtan and lecture on Lord Chaitanya was given by Jagdish Shyam Das (Manager, ISKCON Gaya). He said Lord Chaitanya is the most merciful incarnation who profusely distributed love of godhead. Congregation devotees performed a dance show on musical kirtan. Dr Prem Kumar (Leader of opposition Bihar) was the chief guest. He highlighted about ISKCON achievement. Aarti and abhishek was performed. People enjoyed flower holi and prasadam also. So many Srila Prabhupad books are distributed…….
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Krishna’s gifts. Mahatma Das: Today’s quote is…
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Krishna’s gifts.
Mahatma Das: Today’s quote is entitled Krishna’s gifts. Krishna’s gifts may come through suffering. They can reform us in a way that we further advance in devotional service.
It is just sometimes that Krishna’s gift wrapping can fool us.
So the idea is that if everything in the world was perfect because we have such strong desire to enjoy we may never come to the spiritual life.
But is the suffering that pushes us. And we all know this, this is why we have become devotees or those of you who are becoming devotees have looked at the world and asked the question: why the world is imperfect. Why am I not always happy? Why is there suffering in the world?
And we also know that through suffering we often learn our greater lessons, through suffering we become stronger and suffering reminds us of Krishna’s teachings.

For example, we know, in Bhagavad-gita, Krishna has described this world as a temporary place, where pleasures begin and end. Where life begins and ends. And that we should be aware of birth, old age, disease, and death. So sometimes we forget, so what Krishna do? When we forget He reminds us. How does He remind us? He creates a situation where there is some pain either physical or emotional, or a pain in a relationship, or pain due to attachment to something that we can not give up. Or pain due to not having something or hankering for. And when we are experiencing the pain then we are actually receiving Krishna’s instructions but in a real life experience.

So sometimes we read Bhagavad-gita and Krishna will say: From the highest planet down to the lowest is a place of suffering where repeated birth and death take place. So we read that, we understand it and say yes, this is my impetus to go back to Godhead, or one of them by understanding the temporary nature of the world and the nature of suffering that exists in this world. But then when the actual suffering comes to us we don’t like it. Specially sometimes someone brings it to us and we don’t like that person.

But let’s look at it this way, that person is bringing the same teaching of Krishna that you appreciate. They are just bringing it as a lesson of life not as an instruction, not as a written text on paper but the text in paper becoming alive. You could call it a life-lesson as opposed to a word lesson.

So they ar bringing the same word lesson that Krishna is given but they are giving it now in a form of life. And so when that person brings that lesson sometimes we have very nasty things to say about them. So we bow down to Krishna, we bow down to Bhagavad-gita and then when somebody brings us the same lesson we don’t bow down to them we call them some nasty names. That’s actually hypocrisy. And if we understand that everything is a karmic reaction and all karmic reactions are ultimately meant to edify us, to enliven us, to instruct us and bring us closer to Krishna then there can be no enemy, there can be no one to hate because all that’s happening and everyone is just bringing us closer to Krishna because whenever we go through difficulty, whenever we suffer it brings us closer to Krishna, we think of Krishna: why am I suffering why is this happening and it is nullifying that tendency to enjoy. So every time we suffer we are chipping away a little bit more of that tendency to enjoy this world.

So that person who brought us the suffering is actually pushing us closer to Krishna and Krishna is using that person to push us closer to Him. So in that way, everything is working to bring us closer to Krishna. If we can just see it that way then everything can be a positive experience. So it’s very important point and very necessary point to understand otherwise when difficulties come will start to blame Krishna, we won’t understand why a loving God can allow this to happen. But really we should hear Krishna saying whatever I’m doing everything I’m doing is just to help you come closer to Me. Hare Krishna!

Gaura Purnima Abhishek at klang Iskcon ( 12 Feb 17) (Album with…
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Gaura Purnima Abhishek at klang Iskcon ( 12 Feb 17) (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: For one who wants liberation from the fruitive reactions of material activities, the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, or glorification of the name, fame and pastimes of the Lord, is recommended as the most perfect process of atonement because such chanting eradicates the dirt from one’s heart completely. (From Srila Prabhupada’s translation of SB 6.2.12)
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Iskcon Vrindavana – Gaura Purnima 2017 (Album with photos) Srila…
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Iskcon Vrindavana – Gaura Purnima 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Everyone should be dedicated, I or you. That is the success of life. Dedicate your life for Krsna. That is the perfection. Even there are some faults, dedicated life is noble life. Maybe, due to our past habits, we may commit some faulty action, but that dedicated life is sublime. – March 4, 1974, Mayapur
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