TOVP 2017 is a presentation by TOVP Chairman, His Grace Sriman Ambarisa das, about the current progress of the TOVP construction and…Read More…
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TOVP 2017 is a presentation by TOVP Chairman, His Grace Sriman…
Nationalism is also enviousness!
Giriraj Swami: Today, listening…
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Nationalism is also enviousness!
Giriraj Swami: Today, listening to Srila Prabhupada’s talks in Juhu, I heard something that struck me as especially timely and relevant. “Krishna says advesta sarva-bhutanam: You should not be envious to any living entity. But the present civilization means to become envious. I do not wish to criticize anyone, but this enviousness is the basis … Nationalism is also enviousness. ‘Why foreigners will come here?’ This is enviousness. Why should they not come? Who is foreigner and who is national? Everyone is son of God. Why should you distinguish? But because there is no Krishna consciousness, this discrimination between man and man, man and animal—so many discriminations. Even from the national point of view, ‘national’ means anyone who is born in that country. But because one happens to be an animal, although he is a national, still, he is sent to the slaughterhouse—because there is no Krishna consciousness.”
The philosophy of Krishna consciousness is timeless—always timely and relevant. And, now perhaps more than ever, much needed.
Hare Krishna.
Indians Gear Up For The Festival Of Color, And Some Americans,…
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Indians Gear Up For The Festival Of Color, And Some Americans, Too.
Caru das said that it had always had good participation of Indian-Americans. “But when westerners started flowing in like a river, the people from India became less visible. “But we still have several hundreds of Indian Americans, if not thousands, along with 50,000 Americans who gather at the temple from Spanish Fork and other neighboring cities like Springville and Provo for the two- day festival. This, in fact, is the largest Holy festival in the United States,” Adhikari said.
To a question, he said he believes that the festival appeals to Americans because in essence there is similarity between the messages of Lord Jesus Christ and Lord Krishna. “In the western culture, Lord Jesus Christ gave two commandments— love God with all your soul, all your heart and your entire mind, and said love your neighbor like you love yourself. Lord Krishna observed the Holi festival as a way of increasing love between himself and his devotees. So, originally it’s about divine love between Radha and Krishna,” he said.
To read the entire article click here:
Ecstasy in Christchurch, New Zealand, during the first Sunday…
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Ecstasy in Christchurch, New Zealand, during the first Sunday Feast program after the earthquake (Album with photos)
During the earthquake, back in 2011, in the temple, pujari Sevananda Das had just finished offering midday arati, and several devotees were singing kirtan when intense tremors began shaking the three-foot marble deities of Sri Sri Nitai Gaurachandra violently.
Sevananda held tightly onto Them to protect Them, but Their Lordships were flung off the altar, taking Sevananda with Them. The heavy wooden altar followed, flying through the air and crashing on the ground, barely missing Sevananda.
“Lying there, dazed, I looked around,” Sevananda told ISKCON News back then. “The Deities had completely shattered, and there was an arm lying here, a foot there, a hand there. In the background, I could hear a devotee wailing, just crying out, ‘No!’ It was the most devastating experience ever.”
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Demystifying Reincarnation 1 – Incredible delusion or credible…
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Demystifying Reincarnation 1 – Incredible delusion or credible vision (video) by Chaitanya Charan Dasa.
Guest (4): Prabhupada, is it true that can a human body takes a form of a human body in the next birth?
Prabhupada: No. Krsna doesn’t say. Tatha dehantara-praptih [Bg. 2.13]. You will get another body, but that does not mean human body. That will depend on your price. Just like if I say, “When your coat is old and torn, you’ll purchase another coat.” So that another coat, what kind of coat, that will depend on your price, as you are able to pay. Similarly, your activities in this life will decide what body you are going to get next life.
Guest (4): Prabhupada, that, perhaps, contradicts with the theory of reincarnation?
Prabhupada: What is that incarnation theory? You are going to get another body. That is reincarnation. Now, what kind of body you are going to get, that will depend on your work. There are 8,400,000 different types and forms of body. So you are at liberty to work. Therefore the direction is there in the Bhagavad-gita, “You work like this. Then you get the body like this.” So this is risky life. Without knowing the law of God, without knowing how nature is working, how the living entity is getting different types of body, without this knowledge, if we simply keep ourself on the business of eating, sleeping, sex and defense like cats and dogs, this is very, very risky life.
So our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to save the human society from this risky life and to understand what is God, how he can go back to home, how he can get eternal life. This is our business.
Bhagavad-gita 4.13 — Johannesburg, October 19, 1975
Watch it here:
Lord Krishna The best teacher.
What makes a great teacher?…
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Lord Krishna The best teacher.
What makes a great teacher? Teaching is one of the most complicated jobs today. It demands broad knowledge of subject matter, curriculum, and standards; enthusiasm, a caring attitude, and a love of learning; knowledge of discipline and classroom management techniques; and a desire to make a difference in the lives of young people. With all these qualities required, it’s no wonder that it’s hard to find great teachers. Lord Krishna is the best teacher the world has ever seen. Today’s teachers, professors must learn some of these qualities from this great teacher.
T teaches by example- Lord didn’t only speak the wisdom but He himself followed that. Lord is not hypocrite, He does whatever he speaks(BG 3.23). He need not to perform any actions but just for sake of teaching the world he does that. Teachers have the great responsibility to walk their talk because they are leaders or role models for innocent kids.
E expert- Lord is so expert that he converted war field into classroom. And addressed Arjuna in the midst of war. Arjuna was asking varieties of questions and without getting bewildered or confused even for a second Lord replied them so perfectly. Today’s most of the teachers lack this skill. Lord gave importance to field knowledge because life situations are not always cozy and comfortable like well furnished and air conditioned classrooms(BG 2.11 onwards).
A acknowledges the real problem- at Kurukshetra apparent problem or issue was the war between Kauravas and Pandavas but lord rather than instructing Arjuna on How to fight he instructed on why to fight. Because he realised that real problem was not a war but tussle going on in the heart of Arjuna(BG 2.3). So rather than complaining that students don’t study, tell them importance of study or try to investigate what’s the real reason?
C concerned- lord is very concerned out of compassion for all beings. Teachers of this world sometimes behave partially towards their students but Lord is impartial. He made this supreme knowledge available to all humanity through Arjuna. Whoever follows that he is promoted to next grade of spiritual level(BG 2.72).
H holistic- lord introduced holistic philosophy which was not only useful for temporary war fighting but also for living a life as a successful person. Good teachers are not only masters of their own subject but they teach student how to live a life. They guide student like Lord guided Arjuna. Arjuna became winner of the war as well as returned to eternal abode of lord after his life in this world(BG 18.78).
E eager- many times teacher gives up the hope for one who fails again and again. But we find that lord is so eager for uplifting the conditioned souls of the world that he himself comes again and again to this world or arranges for prophets or saintly beings or inspires a person from within(BG 4.7).
R ready to repeat- just after whole Gita was spoken Lord asked Arjuna, do you remember everything, are you able to digest it properly, did you get whatever I say or should I repeat the whole knowledge again(BG 18.72). Good teachers rather than getting angry at students who ask them to repeat the subject matter, they repeat it.
By Rupeshgauranga Dasa
Travel Adventures of a Krishna Monk.
Bhagavad-gita describes…
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Travel Adventures of a Krishna Monk.
Bhagavad-gita describes that God is a being who manifests at different levels. Although people are not attracted to the external practice of renunciation, they are attracted to the result of renunciation, peace of mind. There are universal characteristics of God, and in Bhagavad-gita we see the personal identity of God, Krishna, who has these characteristics. In the story of the prodigal son, the word ‘prodigal’ means wasteful. When Europeans went to India, they saw the worship of many gods and assumed it was similar to pre-Christian worship of many gods as in Rome or Greece. The different gods have different responsibilities. But reading the Bhagavad-gita, it is clear there is one Supreme God.
To read the entire article click here:
Anger towards children.
H G Mahatma Prabhu here writes to a…
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Anger towards children.
H G Mahatma Prabhu here writes to a devotee how to deal with children when they don’t listen and what to do when that might makes us angry..
“Nothing can make you angry if you don’t allow it.
Don’t teach your children to respond to situations with anger; teach them to respond with kindness, understanding and help. How do you teach them? You act with kindness and understanding. Your kids will be just like you. You are their acarya. What they see you doing as they are grow up tells them that this is how to live, how to respond to difficulties, etc.
Make the decision to improve and pray to Krsna for help. Understand that He will help you only if you want to be helped. Once you deeply decide to improve it will not be difficult to make changes in your attitude. You have to take the first big step. Then Krsna will do His magic in your life.
One big test for us is to be nice to those we don’t have to be nice to. Of course, we must be nice to our superiors, so we do it. But to be nice to equals or juniors is more difficult because we can more easily get away with being unkind. However, we are meant to show compassion to juniors, not anger.
Anger sometimes has its place. It can be used to teach a lesson. For example, if a lesson cannot be communicated in any other way, we may show anger so that the children know we are serious. But understand two things: when we show this kind of anger, we are not angry, and we only rarely show anger. When we only rarely show it, they know you are serious and are thus angry for a good reason. When you show anger often, they won’t take it seriously.
I hope this helps you.
Hare Krsna, Mahatma Das”
American pop artist Miley Cyrus to have a Hindu wedding.
She has…
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American pop artist Miley Cyrus to have a Hindu wedding.
She has often posted photos of herself reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and recently published some of her house turned into an ashram. She is now planning to get married with Vedic ritual, dressed in a sari, somewhere in Nepal.
There is a lot of talk in the media about her interest in the Vedic culture, a careful google search will reveal a lot of relative information.
Today while cleaning up the winter debris in our backyard…
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Today while cleaning up the winter debris in our backyard garden, I removed a stringy pile of dead leaves from our Japanese iris. Just below this dry tangle I suddenly beheld a set of tiny, but vibrant new shoots that had eagerly poked their heads abov…
A letter of appreciation to the devotees of the Christchurch…
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A letter of appreciation to the devotees of the Christchurch temple in New Zealand on the occasion of the inauguration of their new temple. Their original temple was destroyed in an earthquake in 2011.
Indradyumna Swami: Dear Devotees of the Christchurch yatra,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to the presiding sannyasis, His Holiness Ramai Swami and His Holiness Bhanu Swami.
I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the momentous re-opening of your temple. Yesterday, I watched the live streaming of the installation of Sri Sri Nitai Gauracandra, and I was deeply touched by the devotion shining in your eyes as you welcomed back your beloved deities who so sadly disappeared from your vision on that fateful day of February 22, 2011. The phoenix of a glorious temple has now arisen from the dust and ashes of that terrible tragedy; the temple has been built not only with bricks and mortar, but with your budding love for the Lord as well.
That genuine devotion, brought on by years of separation and expressed so beautifully during Sri Prahlada’s opening kirtan yesterday, reminded me of a prayer by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur in his Gitavali:
“My eyes are streaming with tears like a downpour in the rainy season and the world has become void. In Govinda’s absence my life airs no longer stay within me. Tell me how I can go on living? I have become so anxious. Still, taking shelter of harinama once again, Bhaktivinode calls out to Radha’s Lord: ‘Please show yourself to me. Please save me, or surely I will die.’”
The Lord works in mysterious ways. It’s almost as if He disappeared from your vision to increase your attachment to Him. As I continued watching the installation ceremony, I remembered another verse from Srimad Bhagavatam spoken by the Lord to a young Narada Muni. The Lord had briefly appeared to him but had then disappeared:
sakad yad darsitam rupam
etat kamaya te ‘nagha
mat-kamah sanakaih sadhu
sarvan muncati hrc-chayan
“O virtuous one, you have only once seen My person, and this is just to increase your desire for Me, because the more you hanker for Me, the more you will be freed from all material desires.” [ Srimad Bhagavatam 1.6.22 ]
Certainly your material desires were greatly diminished by working together to maintain your community in the aftermath of the earthquakes. The Lord left your vision, but never left your hearts. Now, after many long years, you once again have a place to congregate and to serve Nitai Gauracandra together. By doing so, not only will your love for the Lord increase, but your love for each other will also deepen. Please take full advantage of your great fortune and visit the new temple in every spare moment you have. In essence, the temple is your real home. Here you have an ongoing opportunity to glorify the most beautiful Gaura Nitai deities in our entire ISKCON movement.
On this special occasion it’s important to remember and glorify the great effort and sacrifice made by His Grace Ramanuja Prabhu. He has worked hard and selflessly for so many years to manifest the temple in all its glory. No doubt, this new temple is a manifestation of the love he has in his heart for Srila Prabhupada and his mission. We should all understand that without Ramanuja, this temple would not exist. Thank you Ramanuja Prabhu! And thank you to your good wife Bhaktin Carolyn who has stood by your side and supported you in your efforts for the last six years. She herself has been absolutely indispensable to the rebuilding of the temple: as a chartered accountant, she had the contacts through which you were able to secure the insurance settlement after the earthquake. The payment was uncertain for a long time, and it took her hundreds and hundreds of hours of communication and correspondence to obtain the money built this temple.
Let us also remember the pioneering efforts of Alalanath Prabhu, the first temple president in Christchurch. He planted the seeds of devotion that have now matured into the community you see before your eyes. Thank you Alalanath Prabhu! And let us not forget Laksmi Nrsimha dasi who gave her inheritance as the deposit for the Bealey Ave property on which the new temple sits.
Then there is my good friend Kalasamvara Prabhu who held the position of temple president for many years. He watered the seeds that Alalanath Prabhu planted and developed those seeds into a thriving devotee community. It was during that time that I had the good fortune to first visit the Christchurch temple. Oh the kirtans we had! The feasts we relished! And the festivals! It is all etched in my heart of hearts forever!
Many devotees are to be glorified today for their contributions over many decades: devotees like Jahnava-mata dasi, Karunika dasi, Laksmi dasi, Yasoda-dulal Prabhu, and Bhakti-rasa Prabhu who passed away in 2008 and is missed today. It is a long list and I hesitate to mention more names for fear of leaving anyone out. I will simply offer my respects to all devotees – past, present and future – who are part of the Christchurch temple.
sakala vaisnava-pade mora namaskara
ithe kichu aparadha nahuka amara
hoiyachen hoiben prabhur jato bhakta vrnda
vandana kori’ sabara charanaravinda
“I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of all Vaisnavas, praying I will not commit offences in my attempts to please them. To all Vaisnavas who have ever been, and to all Vaisnavas who will ever be, I offer my obeisances to their lotus feet.” [ The poet Devakinandana dasa ]
Due to my great misfortune I am not able to be present with all of you today. Nevertheless, by the grace of science and technology I am able to witness your great happiness and joy on this special occasion. And we all know that Srila Prabhupada is present through the transcendental medium and is showering you with his causeless mercy.
Let us always remember that the ideal worship of Gaura Nitai is to bring fallen souls back to the shelter of Their lotus feet. The ultimate purpose of the new temple therefore will be achieved when hundreds and thousands of new guests get the opportunity to behold the moon-like faces of Nitai Gauracandra over the coming years. Srila Prabhupada once said that our temples are bases for going out to preach the divine command.
Sastra states:
“Chanting the holy name constantly can purify even the most fallen sinner, and after he becomes purified, he in turn is to be counted amongst the saintly persons who can purify others by his association.” [ Brhad Naradiya Purana ]
I offer my humble obeisances to all of you! All glories to your services! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sri Sri Nitai Gauracandra! All glories to Giri-Govardhan!
“May the Supreme Lord who is known as the son of Srimati Saci-devi be transcendentally situated in the innermost chambers of your heart. Resplendent with the radiance of molten gold, He has appeared in the Age of Kali by His causeless mercy to bestow what no incarnation has ever offered before: the most sublime and radiant mellow of devotional service, the mellow of conjugal love.” [ CC Adi-lila, 1.4 ]
Your Servant,
Indradyumna Swami
The beautiful Iskcon Temple in Penang (Album with photos)
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The beautiful Iskcon Temple in Penang (Album with photos)
Bhakti Caitanya Swami: We visited the Penang temple in Malaysia a few days ago. What a magnificent temple! The building is really beautiful, and the Deities are out of this world. A real jewel in Srila Prabhupada’s movement. Please view the photos at full screen.
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Sadbhuja Das: This first container from Moscow had come to Kolkata Port ju…Read More…
The rise of Hinduism in Australia, will it continue?Hinduism…
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The rise of Hinduism in Australia, will it continue?
Hinduism emerged in the 2011 Census as the fastest-growing religion in Australia, largely brought about by migration. But what will the new Census reveal? Reverend Albert Lange was disillusioned by …
The Grand Installation of Sri Sri Nitai Gaurachandra at…
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The Grand Installation of Sri Sri Nitai Gaurachandra at Christchurch Hare Krishna Centre, New Zealand, 3rd Mar 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Radha-Krsna. So Radha’s name is first. Why? Nobody can be better devotee than Radharani. So as soon as Radha’s name is there, Krsna is more pleased. So that is the way. So if we glorify the devotees, the character of the devotees, before the Lord, He’s more pleased than to glorify Himself, He directly. From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.11-13 – Hawaii, March 24, 1969
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Miracle in Mayapur! A devotee manifests a six arms form and…
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Miracle in Mayapur! A devotee manifests a six arms form and plays 2 mridangas and a pair of kartals simultaneously while chanting Ha…Read More…
Christchurch Hare Krishna Centre, New Zealand opening 2nd March,…
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Christchurch Hare Krishna Centre, New Zealand opening 2nd March, almost ready (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If one is in full Krsna consciousness and his life is devoted to the Lord’s transcendental service, he is perfect. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bg 11.33
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Mayapur Kirtan Mela 2017 (Album with photos)
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Mayapur Kirtan Mela 2017 (Album with photos)
Caitanya Mahāprabhu recommends, kīrtanīyaḥ sadā hariḥ: one should go on chanting the glories of the Lord twenty-four hours a day. SB 7.9.46, Translation and Purport
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A Little Sunshine!
All it takes is a shaft of sunshine to flood…
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A Little Sunshine!
All it takes is a shaft of sunshine to flood our room and voila! we feel better already. Here’s a great quote that speaks to that:
“If the sun can penetrate within your room, cannot Krishna penetrate within your heart and room and every corner? He is so useless? He’s everywhere, but you have to realize, how He is everywhere.” – Srila Prabhupada
When we look at our growing relationship with Krishna so much of it is linked to the ‘sunshine’ experiences of personal spiritual disciplines. These happen in scheduled and unscheduled ways. The scheduled ones are those daily/ weekly practices that we put on our calendar which are recommended in sastra (Vedic scriptures) – a commitment to a number of mantras chanted, books read, or services offered. It also includes prayers, financial contributions, good conversations with friends and mentors, and quiet reflection.
While such personal discipline is one of the five key ways we grow towards trust in Krishna, they can sometimes be challenging. Life can be full, busy, interrupted, and feel like a never ending list of ‘to-do’s’. If our sadhana (spiritual practices) becomes another to-do, we have a problem. If our chanting stresses us out, our time with Krishna is forced, or giving money creates fear or even bitterness – we really have a problem. We lock down the very thing that can lift us up.
We need to look out for that. We need to create times and environments that really work for us on an individual basis. This may change as our life changes, but the commitment to sadhana should not. A nice definition of spiritual discipline or austerity is finding our best time of the day or week and giving that time to Krishna. We’ll be at our best and what we give will be our best.
A personal discipline means something you commit to again and again to gain a result. The result we are looking for is our faith growing to be ‘unflinching trust in something sublime’. We are building our spiritual muscles so we become strong enough to trust, and thus to love Krishna. That’s the sunshine we want to be shining through the windows of our heart and enlightening our soul, our very self. That’s the place we want to be.
Devotee means…
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Devotee means…
Vaiṣṇava devotee means give me simply a place to lay down, little prasādam, whatever little service you have got please give me, that’s all. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Letter to: Gurudāsa, Yamunā — Bombay 19 December, 1972
Devotee means he is able to tolerate all kinds of discomfort and whims of the material nature, and because he is so much absorbed in serving Kṛṣṇa, he takes no time to become angry or take offense with others or find out some fault. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Letter to: Haṁsadūta — Ahmedabad 10 December, 1972
Devotee means very liberal and kind to everyone, always gentleman under all kinds of conditions of life. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Letter to: Haṁsadūta — Ahmedabad 10 December, 1972
Devotee means one should be firmly convinced of his being the eternal servant of Kṛṣṇa. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Letter to: Mr. Kair — Los Angeles 8 July, 1969
So to become devotee means to do the best service to the family. -Śrīla Prabhupāda, Discussion on Deprogrammers — January 9, 1977, Bombay
A devotee means he knows everything. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s room Conversation with Professor Francois Chenique — August 5, 1976, New Mayapur (French farm)
Devotee means the first sign will be happy, brahma-bhūtaḥ prasannātmā [Bg. 18.54]. If he’s not prasannātmā, he’s a rascal. He has not entered even devotional life. He’s outside. That is the test.-Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Morning Walk — April 24, 1976, Melbourne
Devotee means tattva-darśī. He has seen the real truth. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Morning Walk — March 25, 1976, Delhi
Devotee means who follows Kṛṣṇa. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Morning Walk — March 25, 1976, Delhi
Devotee means sa guṇān samatītyaitān brahma-bhūyāya kalpate [Bg. 14.26]. He is above these material laws. That is devotee. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Morning Walk — March 25, 1976, Delhi
Devotee means brahmacārī. Pure devotee means brahmacārī. Anyabhilasita-sunyam [Brs. 1.1.11]. He has no other desire. That is brahmacārī. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Morning Walk — November 3, 1975, Bombay
Devotee means serious devotee. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Conversation with Professor Hopkins — July 13, 1975, Philadelphia
Devotee means he has no sense gratification. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Room Conversation with Tripurāri — March 2, 1975, Atlanta
Devotee means one who has taken shelter of Kṛṣṇa. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Morning Walk — June 13, 1974, Paris
Devotee means he does not know anything better than Kṛṣṇa, that’s all. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Room Conversation — November 4, 1973, Delhi
The devotee means who is always pleasing Kṛṣṇa. He has no other business. That is devotee. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Talk with Bob Cohen — February 27-29, 1972, Māyāpura
Devotee means to hear about Kṛṣṇa, to chant the glories of Kṛṣṇa, to think of Kṛṣṇa, to offer fruits and flowers to Kṛṣṇa. -Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Departure Address — Los Angeles, July 15, 1974
Devotee means to become fully qualified with all the noble qualities. -Śrīla Prabhupāda, Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya-līlā 20.119-121 — New York, November 24, 1966
Devotee means he must be sinless.-Śrīla Prabhupāda, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.6.1 — Madras, January 2, 1976
Devotee, means he is prepared to do anything for God. That is pure devotee. -Śrīla Prabhupāda, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.5.22-30 — London, September 8, 1971
Devotee means not with four hands or four legs, no. The hands, legs are the same. But his mode of thinking different. That’s all. That is devotee. Devotee does not depend on the country, color or religion or circumstance. Devotee means the mind. Anyone who is always thinking of Kṛṣṇa, he is devotee. -Śrīla Prabhupāda, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.1.50 — Detroit, June 16, 1976
Devotee means he’s not blind.-Śrīla Prabhupāda, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam1.7.40 — Vṛndāvana, October 1, 1976
Devotee means he does not ask anything from God.-Śrīla Prabhupāda, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam1.3.7 — Los Angeles, September 13, 1972
A devotee means who is abiding by the laws given by God. -Śrīla Prabhupāda, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam1.1.2 — London, August 17, 1971
Devotee means complete spiritual. -Śrīla Prabhupāda, Bhagavad-gītā 4.2, Bombay, March 22, 1974
Devotee means he is firmly convinced about his relationship with God.-Śrīla Prabhupāda, Bhagavad-gītā 4.1-6 — Los Angeles, January 3, 1969
Devotee means servant—not paid servant—but servant by affection. -Śrīla Prabhupāda, Bhagavad-gītā 4.1 — Delhi, November 10, 1971
Devotee means he can act anything and everything for the Lord. -Śrīla Prabhupāda, Bhagavad-gītā 4.1 — Montreal, August 24, 1968
Devotee means one who has engaged his senses cent percent for the service of the Lord, he is devotee, pure devotee. -Śrīla Prabhupāda, Bhagavad-gītā 3.6-10 — Los Angeles, December 23, 1968
Devotee means although he is very, very powerful, he never thinks that “I am powerful.” He thinks that “I am acting simply by the order of the powerful.” -Śrīla Prabhupāda, Bhagavad-gītā 2.15 — London, August 21, 1973
Devotee means to finish all miserable conditions of materialistic life. -Śrīla Prabhupāda, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 4.12.46
First Ratha Yatra Of Natal – Brazil (Album with photos)
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First Ratha Yatra Of Natal – Brazil (Album with photos)
Radha Gopali devi dasi: Here in Brazil we have a very famous festival that is called “Carnaval”
So we decided to make the first Ratha Yatra in the middle of this Carnaval.
It was last Saturday February 25.
It was very very nice….we built 3 cars…Jaganatha, Baladeva and Subhadra,
another one with Goura & Nitai and the other with Radha and Krishna.
More than 5.000 thousand people chanted the Maha mantra HARE KRISHNA!
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Mantra dancing Prague (3 min music video)
Srila Prabhupada: Yes,…
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Mantra dancing Prague (3 min music video)
Srila Prabhupada: Yes, kirtana and prasada will appeal to even the uneducated. We have means to preach to both the educated and uneducated, the sinful and the pious–dhiradhira-jana-priyau. Letter to Dvarakesa: 76-09-29
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A new, shining temple after the earthquake brought everything…
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A new, shining temple after the earthquake brought everything down in Christchurch Hare Krishna Centre, New Zealand (Album with phot…Read More…
4th generation devotee, 6 years old Madhurika Dasi chants during…
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4th generation devotee, 6 years old Madhurika Dasi chants during the Kirtan Mela in Mayapur (17 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: My Guru Maharaja explained that you haven’t got to learn anything extra for Krsna’s service. Whatever you know, you just apply it. Then you become successful. Because our time is very short. We do not know when I am going to die. (Srila Prabhupada, Conversation – July 16, 1968 – Montreal)
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Man Sarovar (Album with photos)
Deena Bandhu Das: Last week we…
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Man Sarovar (Album with photos)
Deena Bandhu Das: Last week we went to Maan Sarovar, the Lake of Radharani’s Tears. The pujari let us get rare pictures of the Radharani Shila there. Then we went to Bhandirvan, where Lord Brahma did the marriage of Radha and Krishna. Finally we came to Baelvan, where Laksmiji is engaged in penances to be able to enter the Rasa Lila. We returned by boats floating down the Yamuna. Come along with us through the pics of Vittalrukmini Das!
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Madhuvan Talavan 17-02 (Album with photos)
Deena Bandhu Das: We…
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Madhuvan Talavan 17-02 (Album with photos)
Deena Bandhu Das: We came to Vrindavan expecting to see forest. In Madhuvan we can …Read More…
King Of The Zulu Nation (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami:…
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King Of The Zulu Nation (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Today, myself and several devotees met with His Majesty King Go…Read More…
Sri Mayapur Dham Harinam Sankirtan (Album with photos)
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Sri Mayapur Dham Harinam Sankirtan (Album with photos)
Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda, standing on the balcony of his house in God…Read More…
HH Tamal Krishna Goswami Disappearance ceremony in Sydney…
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HH Tamal Krishna Goswami Disappearance ceremony in Sydney 27/02/17 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Only an animal is not pessimistic about life in this material world. A man is capable of knowing the threefold sufferings of material life. There are sufferings of the mind and body, sufferings offered by other living entities, and sufferings forced upon us by natural catastrophes and the laws of nature. The world is full of suffering, but under the spell of maya, illusion, we think we are progressing. Ultimately, whatever we do, death is there to annihilate the results. Under these circumstances, there is no happiness within this material world. We may make all arrangements for happiness, but at any moment, death may capture us. So what happiness can we have here? Therefore an intelligent man is always pessimistic about material life. He knows that he will not be allowed to be happy here. As we further advance, we understand the orders of Krsna: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja. “Abandon all religions and just surrender unto Me.” [Bg. 18.66] We must surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and after surrendering and understanding Him fully, we can go to the world that is full of bliss, knowledge, and eternal life. Unless we take a pessimistic view of this material world, we will remain attached to it, and the repetition of birth and death will ensue. >>> Ref. VedaBase => William James [1842-1910]
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Mahadyuti Swami Sannyasa Ceremony (Album with photos)
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Mahadyuti Swami Sannyasa Ceremony (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: You have to accept anything from the authorized source. So according to Vedic civilization, all knowledge is received from the Vedas, perfect authorized source. Sruti-pramana, evidence from the sruti, from the Vedas, that is perfect. Therefore, according to Vedic civilization, if you want to establish something you have to quote the section or the injunction from the Vedas. Then it is perfect. In learned circle you cannot say anything hodgepodge. That will not be accepted. If you support your statement from the evidence of the Vedas, then you are accepted as authority. Therefore our principle is… Not only our; this is the Vedic principle. You’ll find Caitanya Mahaprabhu giving instruction to Sanatana Gosvami, to Rupa Gosvami, or He was talking with Ramananda Raya – in Caitanya-caritamrta you’ll find – and quoting support from the Vedas. Although Caitanya Mahaprabhu is God Himself, Krsna, Krsna-Caitanya, but He is not, what is called, autocratic or, what is called, dictator. No. You’ll never find Him. Whatever He’ll say, immediately He is supported by Vedic evidence. He can say anything. He can manufacture anything. No, that He does not do. He does not violate the principle. In the Bhagavad-gita also… Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He’s also quoting from Vedas. He does not say, “I say.” He says, but He says on the Vedic authority. He doesn’t say anything superfluous. ——From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Bhagavad-gita 16.9 – February 5, 1975, Honolulu
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Remembering the ‘Quiet Beatle’
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Remembering the ‘Quiet Beatle’
February 25 is the birth anniversary of George Harrison, the popular British songwriter and musician known best as a member of the famous Beatles Group.
Harrison , known as the “Quiet Beatle”, …
Kirtan Mela Mayapur 2017 (Album with photos) Srila Prabhupada:…
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Kirtan Mela Mayapur 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Krsna consciousness means, “I am Krsna’s,” that’s all. Krsna says, mamaivamsah: “All these living entities, they are My part and parcel.” So you have to understand this relationship with Krsna, that you are Krsna’s. And Krsna, what is Krsna? Bhagavan. -From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Bhagavad-gita 16.1-3 – January 29, 1975, Honolulu
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Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama 2017 already started! (Album…
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Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama 2017 already started! (Album with photos)
Nitya Kishora Dasi: After the most wonderful kirtan …Read More…
Travel Adventures of a Krishna Monk.
Krishna-kripa das: I have…
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Travel Adventures of a Krishna Monk.
Krishna-kripa das: I have Harinama videos from different parts of the world.
I have a nice quote by Srila Prabhupada about the importance of the association of spiritually minded people. I share an excerpt from Satsvarupa dasa Goswami’s Begging for the Nectar of the Holy Name. I share notes on lectures by Mother Madhumati, Caitanya Carana Prabhu, Ekayani Devi Dasi, Abhimanyu Prabhu, and Bhakta Hanan.
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ISKCON Auckland NZ: Holi 2017 (Album with photos)
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ISKCON Auckland NZ: Holi 2017 (Album with photos)
Around10 thousand guests joined today`s annual holi festival at our farm in …Read More…
George Harrison Appearance Day 2017 London Harinama Sankirtan…
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George Harrison Appearance Day 2017 London Harinama Sankirtan (Album with photos)
This weekend’s London Saturday night harinama sankirtan coincided with the 74th anniversary of George Harrison’s appearance day (birthday).
The weather was wet so there were fewer people out and about, but still many members of the public did stop to watch or join in.
Actually, one of the things that had endeared the devotees to the
Beatles was that they went out on the streets of London no matter what the weather.
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Scenes from Mayapur 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: A…
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Scenes from Mayapur 2017 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: A king or governmental official should be so well qualified that he acts as a father, maintainer and protector of the citizens because of affection and love. He should give the citizens good advice and instructions according to the standard scriptures and should be equal to everyone. Yamaraja does this, for he is the supreme master of justice, and so do those who follow in his footsteps. However, if such persons become polluted and exhibit partiality by punishing an innocent, blameless person, where will the citizens go to take shelter for their maintenance and security? PURPORT The king, or in modern times the government, should act as the guardian of the citizens by teaching them the proper goal of life. The human form of life is especially meant for realization of one’s self and one’s relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead because this cannot be realized in animal life. The duty of the government, therefore, is to take charge of training all the citizens in such a way that by a gradual process they will be elevated to the spiritual platform and will realize the self and his relationship with God. This principle was followed by kings like Maharaja Yudhisthira, Maharaja Pariksit, Lord Ramacandra, Maharaja Ambarisa and Prahlada Maharaja. The leaders of the government must be very honest and religious because otherwise all the affairs of the state will suffer. Unfortunately, in the name of democracy, rogues and thieves are electing other rogues and thieves to the most important posts in the government. Recently this has been proven in America, where the president had to be condemned and dragged down from his post by the citizens. This is only one case, but there are many others. Because of the importance of the Krsna consciousness movement, people should be Krsna conscious and should not vote for anyone who is not Krsna conscious. Then there will be actual peace and prosperity in the state. When a Vaisnava sees mismanagement in the government, he feels great compassion in his heart and tries his best to purify the situation by spreading the Hare Krsna movement. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 6.2.3
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Sannyasa initiation of Mahadyuti Swami (Video and album with…
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Sannyasa initiation of Mahadyuti Swami (Video and album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: CC Antya 6.220 mahaprabhura bhakta-ganera vairagya pradhana yaha dekhi’ prita hana gaura-bhagavan Renunciation is the basic principle sustaining the lives of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s devotees. Seeing this renunciation, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is extremely satisfied. PURPORT: Anyone, whether an ordinary materialistic person or a pure devotee, can understand the behavior of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s devotees if he studies it minutely. One will thus find that the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are not at all attached to any kind of material enjoyment. They have completely given up sense enjoyment to engage fully in the service of Lord Sri Krsna and dedicate their lives and souls to serving Krsna without material desires. Because their devotional service is free from material desires, it is unimpeded by material circumstances. Although ordinary men have great difficulty understanding this attitude of the devotees, it is greatly appreciated by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
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Kisumu, Kenya Preaching (Album with photos)
We visited Kisumu,…
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Kisumu, Kenya Preaching (Album with photos)
We visited Kisumu, Kenya on the shores of Lake Victoria, 2nd largest lake in the w…Read More…
National media reports about the Festival of Colour at Hare…
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National media reports about the Festival of Colour at Hare Krishna Temple in New Zealand.
NZ Herald: They came dressed in whit…Read More…