Will you exercise or exorcise the demands of the senses? In the…
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Will you exercise or exorcise the demands of the senses?
In the Gita, Krsna says that only one who is free from sinful life can engage in His service with determination:
“Persons who have acted piously in previous lives and in this life and whose sinful actions are completely eradicated are freed from the dualities of delusion, and they engage themselves in My service with determination.” (Bg. 7.28)
Souls conditioned by material nature become used to obeying the demands of the senses.
One Vaisnava poet has compared the senses and their unhealthy demands to “bad masters.”

One who takes seriously to spiritual life must learn to tolerate the impulses of the senses, for by doing so the practitioner gradually becomes peaceful and gains the power to focus his or her mind on the supreme.

On the other hand, those who continually surrender to misdirected sense impulses eventually become addicted to obeying them. A person afflicted by addiction finds it nearly impossible to override the sense impulses with his or her intelligence.

Therefore Krsna recommends, “… in the very beginning curb this great symbol of sin [lust] by regulating the senses, and slay this destroyer of knowledge and self-realization.” (Bg. 3.41)

It is helpful to note that when one tolerates the impulses of the senses, the impulses gradually go out of the body, mind and senses; and they don’t come back (as long as one does not re-stimulate them).

A human being, equipped with knowledge from the Bhagavad-gita may make the wise choice to regulate and control the senses.

Others without such knowledge, who continue to entertain material desires, are obligated to rotate in the cycle of birth and death.

Fortify and spiritualize your intelligence each day by chanting Hare Krsna with attention, reading Bhagavad-gita, and accepting good association.

Following such an auspicious path, one gradually rises to the position of nistha, or steadiness in spiritual life.

In human life, we have the choice to exercise or exorcise the urges of the senses.

Krsna Himself implores Arjuna (and all of use) to choose the later:

“Thus knowing oneself to be transcendental to the material senses, mind and intelligence, O mighty-armed Arjuna, one should steady the mind by deliberate spiritual intelligence [Krsna consciousness] and thus—by spiritual strength-conquer this insatiable enemy known as lust. (Bg. 3.43)
Vaisesika Das

Chanting Only. Question: Is it possible to go back to the…
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Chanting Only.
Question: Is it possible to go back to the spiritual world just chanting the Mahamantra without accepting diksa from a spiritual master?
Romapada Swami: As described in Caitanya Caritamrita, to chant the holy name of the Lord one need not depend upon other paraphernalia or practices, for one can immediately get all the desired results of linking with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It may therefore be questioned why there is a necessity for initiation or further spiritual activities in devotional service for one who engages in the chanting of the holy name of the Lord. The answer is that although it is correct that one who fully engages in chanting the holy name need not depend upon the process of initiation, generally a devotee is addicted to many abominable material habits due to material contamination from his previous life due to which one is not able to chant the Holy Name without offenses.
Unless one is on the platform of Sukadeva Goswami, one requires diksa. Even in Sukadeva’s case, although fully realized in Brahman with no attraction for anything material [SB 1.7.9], he took the position of sisya to learn SB from Vyasadeva. See SB 2.1.8 “At the end of the Dvapara-yuga, I studied this great supplement of Vedic literature named Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is equal to all the Vedas, from my father, Srila Dvaipayana Vyasadeva.”
Kripa-siddhi is also possible.
Both of these are exceptions to the rule.
In the purport to the verse where Arjuna accepts Krishna as His spiritual master (Bg. 2.7), Srila Prabhupada describes how in this material world, there is perplexity in every step and this behooves one to approach a spiritual master. Arjuna was in total despair and confusion about his duty and what is best for him.
Similarly, by arrangement, the conditioned soul repeatedly finds himself/herself in the midst of perplexities, bewilderment and despondency. Srila Prabhupada also explains the culmination of all these repeated fleeting problems are the insurmountable problems of repeated birth and death.
One, therefore, needs the guidance of a Spiritual Master from whom one can inquire about the ultimate solution to all these problems, and to inquire into the subject of the Absolute Truth.
Specific to diksa, the initiation ceremony, far from being merely a colorful ritual, is a necessity for genuine spiritual life. Although everyone, even if not initiated, is encouraged to chant Hare Krsna and will receive spiritual benefit if he does so, unless one is initiated by a genuine spiritual master he will not receive the spiritual strength to remain steady in chanting Hare Krsna Mahamantra and following spiritual principles, and after some time he may slide down again to material consciousness. The non-initiate is sometimes compared to a student who is allowed to sit in on a professor’s class but who has not officially registered for the course. Although such a student may benefit by auditing the class, he must formally join the class if he wishes to receive college credit. Similarly, only when one is initiated does he become eligible for the full benefits of Krsna consciousness, for then his link to Krsna is established, through his own spiritual master and all the great spiritual masters of the past. Then, by implicit faith in his own spiritual master and in Lord Krsna, all the truths of the Vedic literature are revealed to him. This is the path for the serious candidate on the path of spiritual perfection.

TOVP: Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasasana 2017 Update (Album with…
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TOVP: Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasasana 2017 Update (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada, our beloved Founder Acarya gave the priceless gem of Krishna consciousness to the world. He is the touchstone for millions of lives, the benefactor of the International society for Krishna Consciousness, and the very fountainhead of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium.
For his pleasure, we have created an exquisite design for the Vyasasana which will be located directly facing the altars, with an unhindered view of the Guru Parampara, Panchattatva and Radha Madhava inside the TOVP.

The Asana will rest on elephants carved out of Marble. They are symbolic of strength and alluring purity. It is flanked on either side by wooden or marble lions that symbolise courage and the majesty that steers Earth-bound people towards the eternal sanctuary of the Lord.

The entire asana will be sheltered by a wooden Shikhara supported by 4 wooden columns. To add to the grandeur, they will have gold gilding. The backdrop will have exquisite intricate marble carvings inspired by the traditional Gaudiya Vaisnava tilak. The Asana can be accessed through pure white marble steps on all three sides, to make offerings to Srila Prabhupada.

This complex configuration has been meticulously conceptualized by the designers and engineers to arrive at a very stable, sustainable structure, supported by Stainless Steel framework, which will prop up the rest of the structure.

As depicted in the picture, this marks yet another milestone in the history of the making of the TOVP, where the substructure of the Asana is taking shape as a throne for our revered and beloved Founder Acharya.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/tgndBo

New Releases from the Bhaktivedanta Archives. The Bhaktivedanta…
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New Releases from the Bhaktivedanta Archives.
The Bhaktivedanta Archives is pleased to offer two new releases:
1) The VedaBase™ 2017 update.
2) Original unedited audio of Śrīla Prabhupāda for the year 1970.
The 2017 VedaBase™ update includes:
a) 1970 Reverified Against Original Audio
b) The Māyāpur-Vṛndāvana Festivals with Śrīla Prabhupāda (1972–77) by Lokanāth Swami
c) In Conversation with Śrīla Prabhupāda, Contexts and Contemplations. by Lokanāth Swami
d) “These books are the law-books for the next ten thousand years.” by Śrutikīrti dāsa
To read the entire article click here: https://goo.gl/3M0odJ

Simhachalam temple (9 min video) Simhacalam is a Krishna temple…
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Simhachalam temple (9 min video)
Simhacalam is a Krishna temple and farm project near Passau, Germany. We’re a community of Krishna devotees with something for everyone; whether you’re spiritual beginner coming for the first time, or you are wishing to deepen your spiritual experience, Simhacalam is a place for you!
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/Omjn4X

Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami Appearance Day observed at…
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Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami Appearance Day observed at ISKCON-Delhi: 17-01-2017 (Album with photos)
Shrila Gopal Bhatta Goswami appeared in 1500 AD (though, according to some authorities, he was born in 1503) as the son of Venkata Bhatta in the town of Shrirangam in South India. Their residence was in a village not far from Shrirangam called Belagundi.
According to Narahari in the Bhakti-ratnakara, Shrila Gopal Bhatta Goswami was given a vision in a dream by Mahaprabhu in which he was fortunate enough to witness all the Lord’s Navadwip pastimes. An eternal associate of Krishna, he appeared in a faraway place in order to participate in Lord Gauranga’s pastimes. Even so, he was able to know long before he even saw him that the Lord had appeared and taken sannyas. Gopal Bhatta did not particularly like the Lord’s appearance as a sannyasi. He was distressed and crying alone when the Lord appeared to him and gave him the dream vision of his Navadwip lila. In this vision, the Lord was overwhelmed by ecstatic love, embraced him and drenched him in his tears.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/tQCoZM

Srila Prabhupada Accepted me as His Disciple. Deena Bandhu Das:…
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Srila Prabhupada Accepted me as His Disciple.
Deena Bandhu Das: His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada gave me initiation in the old La Cienaga Temple in LA on the fourth day of the dark half of the month of Magh, which was 25th January, 1970. I remember it was one of the last ceremonies where Srila Prabhupada did everything. He chanted on the beads, did the yajna, and gave the lecture. After this time, Srila Prabhupada would chant on the beads in his room and someone else did the fire sacrifice.

This time Srila Prabhupda came down off his Vyasanana, sat on a cushion in front of the yajna kunda and chanted on the beads in front of everyone. There was about 10 of us, so it took a long time. At the end of each round, he then asked the regs, and how many rounds to the person who handed him the beads. When he got to me, I remember, those old natural wood beads from Tandy Leather Co. (didn’t have Tulasi in those days, we strung our own) looking like a string of pearls in his lotus hands! Then he asked me the regs and I rattled off, “16 rounds. No meat eating, no illicit sex, no gambling….” My mind just went blank and I couldn’t think…I froze. Somewhere behind me, some brahmacarini was whispering over and over, no drugs! “Oh, and no intoxication.” He said, “Yes, no LSD!” and broke out into one of those smiles where a thousand suns rise in the sky, completely delighted with his own sense of humor. Then he handed me the beads, and said, “So your name is Dina Bandhu, friend of the humble.” I didn’t quite hear and he must have seen it in my face, so he repeated it and added, “Is it alright?” with a big smile.

Dauji! (Album with photos) Indradyumna Swami: The village of…
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Dauji! (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: The village of Dauji is a one hour drive from the town of Vrindavan. In Dauji everyone and everything revolve around the local temple where a famous Deity of Lord Balarama resides. Dauji is another name for Balarama meaning ‘older brother.’ After taking an amazing darshan we wandered around the village visiting various sites and meeting with the local people. The village so much reminded me of the town of Vrindavan 30 years ago. Everything was very simple. People were in love with the deity of Dauji. The temple was a bustle of transcendental activity. A most wonderful experience. I will return!
Find them here: https://goo.gl/nHvQYD

Snow Deity :) in Russia, Omsk Oblast. “Oh, Lord, the ocean…
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Snow Deity 🙂 in Russia, Omsk Oblast.
“Oh, Lord, the ocean of compassion and nectar! You are the dwelling place that is attractive for all. I offer You my respectful obeisances again and again. You – the only one who frees the fallen souls of this world. But how do you do it, very few people can understand. O ocean of mercy! Again and again I bow before You. ”
“Oh, Lord Jagannatha! Please save me. Oh, fallen friend, I again and again bow before You. Please deliver me from this terrible ocean of material suffering. After gaining Your lotus feet, I can find the greatest happiness. ”

Supersoul, Freewill, Predetermination. Q. 1. Since free will is…
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Supersoul, Freewill, Predetermination.
Q. 1. Since free will is operating with every soul’s choices, how is Paramatma’s guidance operative in relationship to this free will?
Q. 2. Another dimension is this: Sri Isopanisad says every other choice other than Krishna’s will, is degrading. So how can we exercise a free will choice that is within the realm of non-maya, or the spiritual realm – that may not be a predetermined choice?
Romapada Swami: Krishna dynamically responds to the free will choices of living entities. As Srila Prabhupada states, ‘matter is static but spirit is dynamic’. Our relationship and service to the Lord is forever dynamic. Krishna is reciprocally respondent to the mood of surrender and intensity of devotion of the devotees, as well as to the specific disposition of His devotees. *ye yatha mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham.* [BG 4.11]
For example, it is not pre-determined as soon as one joins a vaishnava-sanga that this devotee should become a cook and that devotee should become a book keeper, and so on. Rather, based on one’s natural inclinations and qualifications, based on the interest one shows in a particular activity and the initiative one takes, individuals are encouraged accordingly. Someone may be naturally attracted to cooking for or worshiping the Deities, someone may have strong capacity for studying and understanding scriptures, and so on. All these choices are within the devotional domain, outside the realm of maya, and the Lord is equally happy through whichever way we choose to serve Him. He reciprocates by giving us more and more facilities and guidance how to advance spiritually through that devotional choice.
Krishna’s overall plan for living entities in the material world is to take us back to Godhead, to ‘revive our original consciousness’ – this is His very purpose of creation. Therefore, based on the living entities free will, the Lord orchestrates events in the devotee’s life towards this grand plan. Suppose one approaches Krishna, begins rendering devotional service and abides by His instructions, but still retains strong material desires in the heart. Such a mixed devotee is also acting subordinate to the Lord’s plan to some degree because he is taking shelter of the devotees and the scriptures. But because they are not yet purified, the Lord responds according to the condition of their heart — He may satisfy that desire in order to make the devotee more attached to Him. Or, if someone is very sincere to achieve Krishna but is struggling to give up some attachment, Krishna may block the fulfillment of their plans and orchestrate events in their life to purify those attachments, which is also His special mercy. The individual again has a choice — they could be satisfied with the fulfillment of desire and carry on with their life, or they could become disappointed by the reversals in their life and leave Krishna. Or they could take the Lord’s reciprocation as an impetus to become more serious in Krishna consciousness. And when one simply wants to serve the Lord without any other motive, the Lord again reciprocates accordingly by giving them all necessary facilities.
Thus Krishna’s plan for us is a function of our own disposition towards Him, how much we want to act within our relationship with Him, and that can change from moment to moment!
In the case of the battle between Indra and Vritrasura, Indra was in one sense acting according to the plan of the Lord, under the direct instruction of Lord Vishnu! Lord Vishnu had personally instructed him how to obtain the thunderbolt and defeat Vritrasura. But because Indra’s mind was on his personal victory rather than pure devotional service, the Lord directed him accordingly, whereas Vritrasura who was absorbed in a mood of pure devotion achieved a transcendental result.
In another situation, Lord Caitanya initially refused to meet King Prataparudra, but the more the king became eager to achieve His mercy and the more devotees pleaded on his behalf, the Lord changed His plan and gave His association to the King.
The point is that at every moment the living entity has a choice, and that choice is not so much ‘what’ we do but how much we are looking towards Krishna’s satisfaction or away from Krishna.
Krishna may also change His plans by His own sweet-will, simply because He is a dynamic person! For instance, Priyavrata had renounced the world with all due blessings from his father and his guru, but later on he was requested by them to rule the world. In the spiritual realm, everyone is ever-ready to act according to Krishna’s will. Although they express their choices, they are also ever-dependent and ever-ready to keep aside their preference to satisfy Krishna however He directs. In other words, following Krishna’s plan ultimately means surrendering our false sense of independence and choosing to satisfy Krishna.
To try to understand ‘what’ is the Lord’s will or desire is but natural. A loving servant is naturally looking for indications from the master how to best serve him. But it is not possible for us to try to “discern” Krishna’s plans as you have indicated in the first question. As Bhismadev confirms, even great philosophers fail to understand Krishna’s plan and are bewildered even after exhaustive inquiry. Krishna can be known only by His confidential devotees (See SB 1.9.16-19)
Thus we can know the Lord’s desire through the transparent medium of the spiritual master. In the beginning stages, due to prolonged misuse of free will, even if one wants to serve Krishna, one is not so adept at making right spiritual choices or understand Krishna’s desires. One may not even be sure if their own inclinations are really in a mood of service or born out of personal likes & dislikes in the bodily conception. Therefore one should consult the expert spiritual master and by operating within the boundaries of the instructions of the spiritual master. Initially, there are very elaborate and detailed guidelines. By staying within these guidelines, one can stay out of maya. For example, the spiritual master gives a regulated program of service and might even suggest very specific services based on one’s nature and inclinations; and even within that there are detailed guidelines – for instance in Deity worship, the time for making the offering and the procedure for making the offering is fixed, even the items nd ingredients are fairly standard. But within that service, one has freedom – one could either make rasagulla or sandesh, for instance, and express their individual devotion in multifarious ways within their prescribed realm of devotional activity.
As one becomes more experienced in devotional service by training, the devotee becomes capable of taking wider initiatives in serving Krishna and learns how to exercise spiritual choices all for Krishna’s pleasure that may not at all be what you are calling “predetermined choices”.
Consider the example of Srila Prabhupada. Of course, unlike conditioned souls, such empowered pure devotees are sent to this world by the Lord with a definite mission. But, although in a broad sense it was foretold that he would cross the seas, open temples and preach the Bhagavatam, still things were not all mapped out for him. Even after receiving the order of his spiritual master, Prabhupada was not quite sure how he was going to accomplish it. But he was completely fixed on the two instructions he received from his spiritual master as his mission in life: “Preach in English, and if you ever get money, print books.” Within those instructions, he took unlimited initiative and left no stone unturned, in spite of so many obstacles, setbacks and lack of support. Initially Prabhupada planned to increase his business to fund his preaching, he started Back-to-Godhead, then he tried the League of Devotees in Jhansi, he tried working under his godbrothers, he tried going to Japan…. But one by one all his plans apparently failed. Did that mean he was acting outside of Krishna’s plan? Not at all. On the contrary, because he was fixed on the direction received from his guru, he was confident that all his initiatives were part of the unfolding of Krishna’s will. Prabhupada was always tuned in to indications from Krishna; for example, as soon as he heard from a Mathura businessman that his son was in America, he saw it as an opportunity given by Krishna and took advantage of it. It was not all predetermined. Prabhupada had to make choices – to stay uptown or move to the Bowery, for instance. Whichever choice he made would have been in Krishna’s interest and therefore outside maya.
Just as he was actively planning for Krishna, Krishna was also planning for His pure devotee and was dynamically arranging events around Prabhupada to bring him closer and closer to the fulfillment of his desired mission.
Furthermore, Prabhupada set a perfect example in that he never planned something outside or independent of the instructions he received. Even years later, after attaining great success and fame, he continuously recalled his spiritual master’s instruction to print books, and had made a policy to set aside 50% of all income for printing books. Even when other kinds of preaching opportunities and demands for money presented themselves, he never compromised on keeping 50% exclusively for book-printing based on the words of his spiritual master. But within the framework of that plan given to him, he taxed his brain, took many risks and made many choices how to serve Lord Caitanya’s mission most gloriously.
In summary, when we align all our desires, our intelligence and plans to fulfill the mission indicated to us by a bona fide spiritual master, then we are acting in accordance with Krishna’s plan. Within the boundaries of those instructions, we can exercise our utmost freedom of initiative to serve Krishna, and all those choices will be outside the realm of maya.

56 KM PADAYATRA IN TOGO, WEST AFRICA: from tear gas to tears of…
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56 KM PADAYATRA IN TOGO, WEST AFRICA: from tear gas to tears of love (Album with photos)
By Bhakti Carudesna Swami
A party of 50 devotees assembled at the ISKCON Lomé temple
On December 17th 2016, ISKCON devotees of Lomé, a small town in a small country (Togo has about 6 million people), held a small but ecstatic padayatra for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada. Several devotees from three other West African countries had joined the 45 devotee Togo team: three from Ghana (Yuga Prabhu, chairman of the West African Executive Council Board, Bhaktin Emma and Bhakta Abraham), one from the Republic of Benin (Bhakta Guillaume) and myself from Ivory Coast.

We started the walk in Aflao, at the border with Ghana, and ended it at Hilaconji, at the border with the Republic of Benin. Since Togo is a French speaking country, we had made a large banner indicating that this “Marche pour la Paix” (Peace walk) was done to celebrate ISKCON’ 5Oth anniversary.

Our procession consisted of two vehicles and two motocycles. We walked through the villages of devotees (except the driver) with our large banner. One vehicle was carrying devotees and the prasadam and the other one devotees, books and the mrdangas; the two motorcycles were carrying the rest of the devotees. For our procession, since it was our first padayatra in the country, we started in a small way, just to avoid too many complications with getting police permissions in different cities. Public processions are not banned in Togo- we don’t need permissions for harinama- but it depends on the political situation. It would have taken too much time to get permission for a program like padayatra and sometimes the police even refuses the permission, especially when it involves people from different countries, which was our case. We started in front of the Lomé temple with the blessings of Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Govinda Madhava, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai and Sri Sri Jaganath Baladev and Subhadra.

A bitter beginning

All the devotees gathered in Aflao at 11 am in front of a fuel station. Someone took a group picture with the banner and the kirtana began to warm up. Quickly people started gathering around us; it was not new for them as they are used to our harinamas in that area. But after only 5 or 10 minutes of chanting, a police vehicle came to park near us. Suddenly, the policemen started shooting tear gas in the air from their guns. Panic everywhere! The kirtana immediately stopped. Nobody had time to find out what was going on. Children were crying and running to their mothers. We all quickly managed to enter our vehicles and moved far from that area. Later on we came to know that the shooting of tear gas was not for us; the police was chasing an illicit seller of gasoline. “Ok, no problem! But what to do next?” we asked ourselves. After a small discussion, when we saw that the children were not panicking or afraid any longer, we decided to drive a bit far from the area of the incident to start our padayatra.

A joyful festival of chanting, dancing and book distribution

When we got to some village or town, everybody got down from the vehicles, except the drivers of course, and we walked for harinama and book distribution without stopping. We thus crossed many villages, and we could say that we walked half the distance , about 28kms.

We thus arrived at Baguida, the port area, around 12.30 pm. While the brahmanas were chanting their gayatri, the women were busy giving some prasadam to children and the devotees. This was followed by an energetic kirtana, which left everyone satisfied, happy and confident.“Togo Padayatra ki!!!! Jaya !!! “, we all shouted with great enthusiasm. On the way people were greeting the devotees, some in their cars stopped to see what was going on. On many occasions a good number of people came to join us to dance in the kirtana. There was no special media coverage of the event. We distributed a lot of bread and juice prasadam. This padayatra was a festival of book distribution: 246 big books, 38 medium books and 20 small books. We thus crossed 12 villages and a few big towns, among which were Avepozo, Yesuvito, and Agbadrafor.

One gentleman we will never forget

After walking while doing harinama through one village, when we almost got to the end of it, we all entered our vehicles to move to the next village. From a distance one gentleman had seen us distributing books, and he was expecting us to stop at the place he was sitting with some friends under a big tree. As we did not stop, he started to ran after us, shouting, “Please, who are you? Where do come from? What are you doing? What books do you have in your hands?” We reluctantly stopped because we were late for the next town. But after we listened to that gentleman, we all realized that he was really a very sincere soul. He was looking for people like us and the types of books we had. He bought many books and chanted the Hare Krishna maha mantra with us without any difficulty. We did not regret for having stopped for him, he really was a nice gentleman.

A joyful end with an unexpected and blissful reception

We finally arrived at Hilaconji around 6h30 pm. A tumultuous and dynamic kirtana brought joy to the devotees and the people in the area. Some custom officers joined the chanting and dancing and some police officers bought books. We were happy to have made it. We forgot the tear gas, it was now time for tears of love. Before leaving the Benin border and going back to the Lomé temple Bhakta Godson, the best book distributor of the party, organized an emergency reception at his nearby house and treated the party to coconut water, fruits and soft drinks.

Enthused by this first experience, we are planning to organize a padayatra every year, and a bigger one also.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/15UiQJ

ISKCON NZ Auckland. Friday night Harinam. (Album with photos)…
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ISKCON NZ Auckland. Friday night Harinam. (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: This is Krsna consciousness. You have to act by the desires of Krsna. That is the proper use of your senses. You cannot use for your purpose. Anything… Just like you are working in some establishment. Anything in that establishment, you can use for the proprietor’s business. You cannot use it. Just like in hospital there are blankets. It is written there, “Hospital Property.” So long you are in the hospital, you can use it. But you cannot take it outside. Then you are criminal. Similarly, everything… Isavasyam idam sarvam [Iso mantra 1]. Everything belongs to God, and you can use it for the service of God. Tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma grdhah kasya svid dhanam. This is the instruction, Vedic instruction. You can use it as prasadam, but everything should be offered to the Supreme. Yajnarthe karmanah loko ‘yam karma-bandhanah [Bg. 3.9]. If you do not do that, if you engage yourself always in good activities, as the karmis they do, and earn money and use it for your own sense gratification, that is papa. yajna-sistasinah santo mucyante sarva-kilbisaih bhunjate te tv agham papa ye pacanty atma-karanat [Bg. 3.13] Those who are cooking in the kitchen very palatable dishes for satisfying the tongue, they are simply eating sinful things. Ye pacanty atma-karanat. So therefore, if we become sinful every moment, how we can become happy? It is not possible. If you want to become happy, you have to become pious. And the standard of piety is to become Krsna conscious, devotee of Krsna. That is the highest perfection of life. Srila Prabhupada, Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.26.28 – January 5, 1975, Bombay
Find them here: https://goo.gl/n19gRx

A Time When Gainesville Airport Was Puskar Prabhu’s Art…
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A Time When Gainesville Airport Was Puskar Prabhu’s Art Museum (2000)
Srila Prabhupada: The best policy to control the mind is to desire how to spread Krsna consciousness. This is the best. Kamah krsna-karmarpane. Narottama dasa Thakura has said that you cannot be free from desire. That is not possible. This is useless attempt. They say that “You become desireless.” No, that is not possible. How can I…? If I become desireless, I become dead. So long I am living entity, I must desire. I cannot check it. Therefore kama means desire. So at the present moment, we are desiring how to become happy in this material world, how to acquire so much money, how to acquire this, how to acquire this, how to get this, how to get that. This is kama. So this brain taxation, if you engage in Krsna’s service – how to spread Krsna consciousness, how to convince people about Krsna, how to take them to the Krsna’s desire, sarva-dharman parityajya [Bg. 18.66] – and in this way, if you go on making plan for spreading Krsna consciousness, then your mind is controlled. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.26.27 – January 4, 1975, Bombay

Alien Identities in the Vedic Hindu scriptures (22 min…
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Alien Identities in the Vedic Hindu scriptures (22 min video)
Radha Mohan Das: The purpose of the presentations is to ultimately explore the Srimad Bhagavatam’s paradigm of a universe teeming with life, as well as discuss works such as the Vaimanika Sastra and the Samaranga Sutradhara.
Within Alien Identities, I draw parallels between modern UFO related phenomena and the ancient world – – Presenting the astronomical and anthropological aspects of scriptures in the Vedic tradition, in an accessible way that can be appreciated by devotees and also enthusiasts on the related subjects.
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/IjffaO

Preaching program in Kiev (Album with photos) Srila Prabhupada:…
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Preaching program in Kiev (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If, by good fortune, one who has fallen into the ocean of material existence renders service to the pure devotees of the Supreme Lord, who are freed from all material desires, the Lord will deliver him, out of His causeless mercy. Simply by rendering service to the spiritual master and other advanced devotees, one surely receives the mercy of the Lord. It is a well-known fact that the Lord is more mercifully inclined toward those who consider themselves devotees of His devotees than those who claim to be His direct devotees. (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada’s commentary on SB 11.17.44)
Find them here: https://goo.gl/R9VchK

Indians and Bhagavad Gita Make The History. Wherever Lord…
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Indians and Bhagavad Gita Make The History. Wherever Lord Krishna and Arjuna are present, Victory is there!
As if leading Microsoft (Mr. Sundar Pichai), Google (Mr. Satya Nadella), Mastercard (Mr. Ajaypal Banga) and many others Giant companies is not enough, Indians are leading in each and every field in US. This year has been a significant benchmark for success of Indians in American Politics as well. American Politics impacts the entire world in the most unique and powerful way. In the recent elections in the United States, history was made. A fivefold growth of prominent politicians of Indo-American origin has been observed and more have won lesser significant posts such as mayor, school board, county council etc.

To celebrate this success, Silicon Valley-based venture capitalist and philanthropist M. R. Rangaswami came with a brilliant concept – Indiaspora Inauguration gala. Diaspora means – the dispersion of any people from their original homeland. Indiaspora – is a congregation of Indians in the United States. The Indiaspora Inauguration gala is a bipartisan event to celebrate the success and significance of the Indian-American community, to welcome in the new administration and strengthen relationships with existing administration! A successful press conference preceded the gala. TV Asia, Diya News, India Bazaar, India West and many other prominent media channels attended it.

Congressman Joe Crowley, a former Co-Chair of the Congressional India Caucus, in his address to the Indiaspora gala, said this kind of success is phenomenal. Congressman Ami Bera, a third-time elect, addressed saying “What is remarkable that in one generation our community has done so much.” Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard lighted the first candle at the gala, followed by all other dignitaries. Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii has been the very first person to take the oath on a Gita in the United States in January 2009. Gabbard is the first ever Hindu to be elected to the US Congress. Her appreciation for Bhagavad Gita is a noteworthy topic across the internet.
To read the entire article click here: https://goo.gl/YgCKLu

Bhaktivedanta Research Center Participates in International Open…
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Bhaktivedanta Research Center Participates in International Open Access Week.
BRC was pleased to have the opportunity to participate in Open Access Week this year from the 24-30 of October. Open Access Week is an event whose purpose is to bring awareness to the potential applications and benefits of Open Access to scholarship and research throughout the world.

BRC’s participation is in line with our commitment to preservation and dissemination, Offering our digitized material freely to the public domain. The Open Access Movement supports the idea that research should be freely accessible online, at no cost to anyone.This free exchange of ideas facilitates more rapid advances in research of many kinds.

In only seven days, BRC scanned 2681 pages from 15 rare books and uploaded them, a truly amazing feat made possible to the dedication and commitment of our Head Librarian, Angelo Pugliese (Acyuta Dasa,) and L2C2 Technologies Consultant, Indranil Das Gupta.

Beautiful Sri Radharaman. Srila Prabhupada: O my merciful Lord…
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Beautiful Sri Radharaman.
Srila Prabhupada: O my merciful Lord Caitanya, may the nectarean Ganges waters of Your transcendental activities flow on the surface of my desertlike tongue. Beautifying these waters are the lotus flowers of singing, dancing and loud chanting of Krsna’s holy name, which are the pleasure abodes of unalloyed devotees. These devotees are compared to swans, ducks and bees. The river’s flowing produces a melodious sound that gladdens their ears. Cc Adi 2.2 text

Prabhupada said, “What’s done is done. You tell him…
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Prabhupada said, “What’s done is done. You tell him that he should come back.”
Sukhada: An Indian life member who was a nurse was explaining to Srila Prabhupada how she had a nice life, a life in the mode of goodness.
Prabhupada told her that the material world was like a boil and that blowing on a boil won’t get rid of it. It needs to be lanced.
Similarly, we need to get out of this material world by lancing our material desires and by chanting Hare Krishna.
Prabhupada was very heavy but very expert at preaching.
As Prabhupada was leaving he stopped in front of Malati and asked her, “How is Shyamasundar?”
Malati said, “Oh, Prabhupada, he is having difficulty. He’s gone off and is doing different things.”
She was in anxiety, and Prabhupada was surprised and very concerned, almost hurt.
Prabhupada said, “He is engaged in so much monkey business. What’s done is done. Tell him he should come back.”
Three times Prabhupada said to her, “What’s done is done. You tell him that he should come back.”
I felt Prabhupada’s overwhelming sense of compassion in how he was really concerned about his devotees and how he wanted them to be happy and comfortable in spiritual life.
On the way back from visiting the holy places in Vrindavan, the women’s bus broke down.
We weren’t concerned. We were feeling very protected. But later we heard that Srila Prabhupada was worried about us.
He kept asking, “Where are the women? Where are the women?”
Prabhupada didn’t go to sleep until we returned.
Prabhupada also said that he was worried that the women would not be protected after he left the planet.
I thought it was significant how Prabhupada was so concerned and worried about the fate of the women when he was gone. It touched my heart.
Once an Indian gentleman waited for the right time and then gave Prabhupada a large donation.
Prabhupada thanked him, then got out his keys, opened his drawer, put the donation inside the drawer, locked the drawer, and went on with what he had been doing.
It impressed me that part of spirituality is taking care of everything in a practical way. Prabhupada was careful with money.
Excerpt from “Memories-Anecdotes of a Modern-Day Saint”
by Siddhanta das

Discipleship. Varsana Swami: The efforts, austerities, and…
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Varsana Swami: The efforts, austerities, and practices involved with the acceptance as a disciple do not end with initiation. Rather they begin, in a formal sense, at that point. Whatever outer challenges or inner demons we have, will be overcome by Krishna’s grace for those who persevere in their vows. It is only those who quit who will suffer defeat.
Even as the connection and dependency between the words “disciple” and “discipline” are obvious, some devotees tend to be more attentive to the fruits than the root. Disconnected from her root, the bhakti-lata will wither. However much we may balk or resist the concept, it is discipline that forms the soul of vaidhi-bhakti and reveals the heart of raganuga-bhakti in due course of time.

Discipline applies to four levels of spiritual development, each successively deeper and subtler: body, mind, words, and emotions. Herein lies the comparison of the outcome of a disciple’s life in contrast to the undisciplined one.

Disciplined life Undisciplined life
Character development Controlled and enslaved by emotions
Choosing the right course, though it may be challenging Going with the easy, convenient, and comfortable route
Setting priorities Following moods
Practicing selflessness Pursuing selfishness
Service attitude Enjoying propensity
Seeking solutions Making excuses
Driven from within Influenced from without
Walking the talk Lip service alone
Overcoming obstacles Procrastinating or quitting
Satisfied with necessities Addicted to niceties
Focused on the goal Whining along the way
Yearning to hear the master say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” Content with the approval of worldly souls
Approaching the dawn of suddha-nama Lingering in the shadows of nama-abhasa
Honoring the rules and regulations which award and protect our freedom Whimsical freedom which means spiritual bondage
Committed relationships Uncommitted partners
Fixed on the long-term goal, graduating from the school of material life Distracted by diplomas awarded by worldly institutions
Firm in commitment Swayed by feelings
Awakening of spiritual sentiments Lingering of mundane feelings
Fixed in the self Drifting with circumstance
The hope which looks upward Despair which turns downward
Faith which leads forward Prevailing uncertainty due to circumstantial influences
The humility worthy of a servant of Krishna, acknowledges that discipline alone is inadequate to elevate us substantially in spiritual life. Rather, discipline attracts grace and protects it in its tender growth as it reaches for the sky and blossoms into love of God.
To read the entire article click here: https://goo.gl/N1Y2Yr

Ayurveda The Science of Life – About Curd (8 min video) by Dr…
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Ayurveda The Science of Life – About Curd (8 min video)
by Dr NanaSaheb Memane.
Srila Prabhupada: Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised His disciples never to eat palatable food, never to talk about village topics and never to read ordinary novels, poems and newspapers. One may ask, “How is it that in the modern age these Europeans and Americans of the Krsna consciousness movement do not take interest in newspapers?” Newspapers are very popular in the West. Each day the papers are published in three or four editions, and they are all selling. However, these American boys and girls who have come to Krsna consciousness have stopped reading newspapers. They do not know what is happening from day to day, and it does not matter. All of this is a waste of time. It is better that they read literatures like Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita. Why waste one’s valuable time? >>> Ref. VedaBase => TLK Vs 12
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/wkLaao

MY service. Kadamba Kanana Swami: Our favourite song which we…
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MY service.
Kadamba Kanana Swami: Our favourite song which we chant so happily, “Sarīra abidyā-jāl, joḍendriya tāhe kāl, jīve phele viṣaya-sāgore, tā’ra madhye jihwā ati, lobhamoy sudurmati,” translates to, “The senses are a network leading to death and of all the senses the tongue is the most voracious to control…” It sounds quite intense actually but by the mercy of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda, by engaging the tongue in transcendental activities of glorifying Krsna and tasting Krsna prasad, suddenly everything changes – our whole destiny changes. Thus it is the tongue which changes our destiny!
A big ship, heavy with so many tons of steel, is moving along and changing direction by means of a tiny piece of metal called the rudder. In the same way, the tongue can change the destiny of our entire existence so somehow we must engage that tongue and if we engage the tongue in connection with Krsna then very quickly we become attached to Krsna. This is the nature of Krsna consciousness, paraḿ dṛṣṭvā nivartate (Bhagavad-gita 2.59), that we will develop a higher taste. One cannot serve Krsna without developing attachment.

In the beginning when we start, we may find things a bit austere but after a while we think, “This is my service and I am not going to stop my service. This is my connection to Krsna!” In Krsna consciousness there is philosophy but the actual connection to Krsna is by service – whatever little thing we do. After some time, one becomes possessive about it, “It is MY service.” We become protective of our service because attachment develops. This is the nature of devotional service that attachment to Krsna naturally develops therefore, Krsna consciousness is not difficult to follow!

Management vs Theology – a new challenge.Kripamoya Das: Any…
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Management vs Theology – a new challenge.
Kripamoya Das: Any human endeavor requires good management. Any organization of a certain size – and some say over 150 members – requires a different system of management from that of its beginnings. But when good management dominates theology, and spiritual vitality, and moderates religious practice, and we choose a religious leader on the basis of how good a manager he is, then the very purposes for which the organization was founded are threatened.

This year is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s challenge to the Church of his day. He thought it needed reform and he wrote his suggestions as a list. A contemporary list of suggested reforms for bishops of the Church of England, all 95 of them, has been published and makes interesting reading. It’s a long piece, but it can be ‘translated’ for the organization or movement of your choice.
To read the entire article click here: https://goo.gl/Y4Rx3X

Sharne Mataji- A loving tribute! From The GBC Ministry for Cow…
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Sharne Mataji- A loving tribute!
From The GBC Ministry for Cow Protection:
It is with great sadness that we have been informed that yesterday Sharne mataji left this world while in Sri Vrndavana Dham on a mission to serve.Her example was a real asset to our movement and her departure from this world is indeed a great loss for us. Like many vaishnavas her services were unknown to many but certainaly very known to Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.I used to see her every time I visited the Goshala in Sri Mayapur, she was always very blissful, free from criticism, and free from personal gain.Many good qualities for a Vaishnava.
The GBC ministry for cow protection and agriculture offer our obeisances to her departure in the holy Dham to the shelter of the lotus feet of Sri Krsna,

All glories to her sincere devotional service, and her service attitute.

Your servant,

Kalakantha das

From Vrindavan Street Cow Seva

Street Cow Seva – Monday 9 January

A dear member of our Street Seva Team, SHARNE Teudt from Australia, on the auspicious day of Ekadashi, left her body in Vrindavan Holy Dham. We can’t explain how wonderful soul she is, and how we are honored to get her association.

She came here from Mayapur to serve the cows and to treat the sick ones using homeopathy.

Her life was completely dedicated to loving Krsna ‘s cows. We are really missing her but we trust that Radharani has accepted her in eternal service of Krsna’s cows in Goloka.Thank you Sharne your life and selfless service Are an inspiration to all of us.

Love Krsna’s cows ( she always signed off with this phrase )Love u…All Blessing to you.

Pada-sevanam devi dasi & the miracle of Nrsimha worship….
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Pada-sevanam devi dasi & the miracle of Nrsimha worship.
This amazing story is about a saint named Mataji Pada Sevanam, from Baku, Azerbaijan (Caucasus, former part of the USSR), who re-established devotional service to Lord Nrsimhadeva and changed the hearts of many devotees due to her limitless love to Krishna, fearlessness, and determination. (From a lecture by A.C. Bhagavatamrita Keshava Swami. Barnaul, Russia December 18, 2016)
To read the entire article click here: https://goo.gl/y0yTfX

Tendecy to retaliate and Compare. Question: 1) I have a tendency…
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Tendecy to retaliate and Compare.
Question: 1) I have a tendency to retaliate if someone says something bad to me. I have heard in a lecture that ‘If you retaliate you may please yourself but If you do not retaliate you please Krsna’. However I am not able to practically apply it in my Life. Please suggest dome practical ways to overcome this tendency.
2) I have a tendency to compare myself with others. If I see someone in a materially better condition I feel depressed. This tendency is automatic and I am not able to overcome it. Please help me.
Romapada Swami: 1) There is no hard and fast rule as to WHEN one should act strongly when one is offended/wronged vs. simply tolerating it.
Retaliation is actually not the correct way to react to someone’s bad behavior towards us even though it is not our fault. In fact Lord Krsna instructs us in BG 2.14 that one should tolerate duality, knowing the manifestations of duality to be illusory.
There are examples from the scriptures to show us how great personalities responded/reacted to when faced with such situations.
a) Vidura went to pilgrimage without getting disturbed after being insulted by Duryodhana and did not retaliate/oppose, did not get disturbed and did not try to correct the situation. SB 1.13.9
b) Similarly, in Dvaraka Krishna was wrongly defamed and criticized by Satrajit. Krishna showed us what to do: He stood by the truth, and the truth proved Him to be faultless.
c) There are many examples of our acaryas remaining totally humble in the face of undue criticism springing from envy or ignorance. Listen to the last day of the Vrndavan Yatra to hear the description of Jayadev Goswami’s response to serve physical harm done to him by dacoits. Feeling the Lord’s protection, we can easily forgive aggressors.
The key to know what to do in different circumstances is to remain in a humble service mood. Then only will we be receivers of direct prompts from Krishna as to how to best serve him in different circumstances.
Some further scriptural references:
Caitanya Caritamrta Adi 17.27
“A devotee engaged in chanting the holy name of the Lord should practice forbearance like that of a tree. Even if rebuked or chastised, he should not say anything to others to retaliate.”
b) Caitanya Caritamrta Adi 17.28
“For even if one cuts a tree, it never protests, and even if it is drying up and dying, it does not ask anyone for water.” PURPORT this practice of forbearance (taror iva sahisnuna) is very difficult, but when one actually engages in chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, the quality of forbearance automatically develops. A person advanced in spiritual consciousness through the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra need not practice to develop it separately, for a devotee develops all good qualities simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra regularly.
2) Comparison with Others: You have very honestly put forth your feelings. In the material world everyone who comes to enjoy himself or lord it over material nature is envious of others. This envy is also found in the personality of the King of heaven, Indra so what to speak of conditioned soul like us.
Since no one in this material world can tolerate another’s advancement, everyone in the material world is called matsara, envious. If somebody is in some way greater than us, we are envious. “Oh, how has he progressed so much? How come he has more than I have? I also want the same as he has or even more.” This is the disease of the material world—envy. And indirectly culminates in our being envious of the Supreme Lord, Krishna who is the source and proprietor of everything.
In Krsna consciousness, however, if someone excels another person, the devotee who is excelled thinks how fortunate the other person is to be advancing in devotional service. Such non envy is typical of Vaikuntha.
Below are some of the practical ways that may help you to avoid the situation you are facing :
1. Chanting fixed number of rounds of the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra regularly and sincerely, in a humble mood and striving to take full shelter of Krsna. Simply by chanting Hare Krsna, Lord Caitanya has said the heart will become cleansed of all the dirty things accumulated in the heart.
2. Reading/hearing from the scriptures like Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam regularly and systematically. Please refer to SB 9.11.23, SB 11.29.15 where this instruction is given.
3. Associating and serving the devotees, attending the temple programs on regular basis.

The essence of all advice. In our backyard garden, we installed…
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The essence of all advice.
In our backyard garden, we installed an automatic watering system invented in Israel. Hoses run underground throughout the garden and, extending from them, smaller tubes tipped with color-coded nozzles terminate near the roots of each plant. The color-coded nozzles deliver a specific amount of water appropriate for each plant.
With this automatic “drip system” in place my plants thrive. They always get the water they need even as I keep up with other duties in my life.
In a similar way, expert spiritual gardens install drip systems in their bhakti gardens, making sure that they systematically get “sravanadi jal,” the nourishing waters of hearing and chanting about Krsna regularly, every day.

In the Upadesamrta, Srila Rupa Goswami recommends that we organize our daily lives around methodically hearing and chanting:

“The essence of all advice is that one should utilize one’s full time—twenty-four hours a day—in nicely chanting and remembering the Lord’s divine name, transcendental form, qualities and eternal pastimes, thereby gradually engaging one’s tongue and mind …” (NOI 8)

To take advantage of Rupa Goswami’s advice, progressive bhakti gardeners take the time to custom design their hearing and chanting watering systems.

Some keep diaries of their daily progress while others meticulously plan their hearing and chanting schedules far in advance. Some daily read a set number of verses, chapters, pages, or astakams. Others like to perform their practices at the same times each day.

When a devotee’s hearing and chanting becomes an unshakable, daily habit, she can be sure that her watering system is nicely in place.

Bhakti gardeners who use a hearing and chanting drip system soon get intimate knowledge of sastra, gain spiritual strength, develop unwavering faith and become invaluable sources of shelter for others.

Have you installed a spiritual drip system in your bhakti garden?
Vaisesika Das