Bhoomi Puja in Vacoas-Phoenix also known as French: Villes Jumelles, is a town in Mauritius, located in the Plaines Wilhems District (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: If you want to remain unhappy by your whims, then God cannot help you. But you have got the independence. Hrdayananda: So Prabhupada, if some people say, “Well, I have no free will,” that means that they are actually lazy. Prabhupada: Yes. You have got free will, but must utilize it properly. That is free will. Free will means to utilize it properly. Svarupa Damodara: Sometimes Krsna interferes in the free will? Prabhupada: Yes. That is Krsna’s special favor. Because by your free will you are going to hell. If Krsna interferes, that is Krsna’s special favor. Just like a child is going to touch fire by free will, and father, “Eh, don’t do it.” That is his special favor. Svarupa Damodara: But it’s called causeless mercy. Prabhupada: Causeless mercy. His mercy is already there, but we are denying the mercy. That is the defect of material existence. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk – Los Angeles, December 4, 1973
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Bhoomi Puja in Vacoas-Phoenix also known as French: Villes…
Installation of Srila Prabhupada’s Deity at Fond Du Sac…
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Installation of Srila Prabhupada’s Deity at Fond Du Sac ISKCON Center, Mauritius (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: In the beginning, a conditioned soul is bereft of Krsna consciousness and is always morose in his material activities. Later, by associating with a pure devotee, one becomes inquisitive to know the Absolute Truth. In this way one begins to engage in the transcendental service of the Lord. Next, by the Lord’s grace all misconceptions are vanquished and the heart is cleansed of all material dirt. It is only then that the pleasure of transcendental bliss is awakened. By the Lord’s mercy one is completely convinced of the value of devotional service. When one can see the pastimes of the Lord everywhere, he is firmly situated in transcendental bliss. Such a devotee is relieved of all kinds of material desires, and he preaches the glories of the Lord all over the world. These Krsna conscious activities separate him from material activities and the desire for liberation, for at every step the devotee feels himself connected with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although such a devotee may sometimes be involved in household life, he is untouched by material existence due to his constant engagement in devotional service. Thus everyone is advised to take shelter of devotional service to become happy and liberated. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Madhya 10.119
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Iskcon devotees organize three day ‘Gita Jayanti…
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Iskcon devotees organize three day ‘Gita Jayanti Utsav’
KOLKATA: The devotees of Iskcon (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) Mayapur organized a three-day ‘Gita Jayanti Utsav’ from December 8 to 10, at the Gita Bhavan complex in the temple campus, informed spokesperson Laxmi Govinda Das.
The aim of the Utsav was to spread the message of Bhagavad Gita to all sections of society. Swami Srila Prabhupada, the founder of Iskcon said, “ the knowledge of Bhagavad Gita constitutes of a great science, and each and every living entity has to hear it for his own interest”. As per his instructions, Gita Jayanti festival is celebrated in all 650 centers across the world.
The function included congregational chanting by devotees who took out a procession at Mayapur on December 9. The same day there was a seminar on the importance and relevance of practicing the teachings of Gita and how it can be a harbinger of harmony in the world.
It is believed that on December 10, 5000 years back, Lord Sri Krishna uttered the instructions of Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna at Kurukshetra. A complete recitation of all the 18 chapters of Bhagavad Gita was done followed by a performance of the yajna for global peace.
Experts from various disciplines and senior devotees presented their viewpoint before the audience and an interactive session was scheduled.
Marlon Brando and Srila Prabhupada’s books (10 min video)…
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Marlon Brando and Srila Prabhupada’s books (10 min video)
Drumila das describes his sankirtan experience when meeting the famous actor, Marlon Brando.
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I heard this word spoken recently by a smart young…
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I heard this word spoken recently by a smart young man and though he had made it up. I loved the word, love made up words in general, so I didn’t mind. Choiceful is a juicy one, bursting with energy and life, inviting us to consider our options like a freshly cut orange with lots of sections.
It turns out it’s not made up … it’s a real word that describes ‘having an inability to make decisive choices’ or ‘having, providing, or furnishing with many choices’. And it also turns out that it describes the nature of the soul very well – we are in essence choiceful beings.
This dates back to our existential reality. Although we are connected to Krishna, the personal source of our life and our consciousness, we are also independent. That’s because life is about relationship and relationship is about choice. If we don’t have free will, the ability and the freedom to choose, then there is no meaning to love or the loving exchanges that relationships bring. Without free will, love is not love.
Think about if for a moment. If Krishna is the supreme owner and controller of us all, and He forces us to love him, how would we feel about that? Force might bring fear and thus compliance, but it never brings love. Krishna, thankfully, is only interested in love and especially the kind that comes from the heart, from the individual, from the deep pockets of our own souls. The best relationships in our life are the ones that are connected to loving and being loved. The same applies to divine love.
Choicefulness means we can also turn our back and not love Krishna. We can love others – things and people, gods and demigods, animal and plants. We can love everything. Krishna doesn’t mind – He’s got plenty of loving going on in His life. But the great spiritual teachers in the line of bhakti tell us that there will always be a pinch in our heart, a vacancy within, a restlessness of ‘still haven’t found what I’m looking for’ until we connect with the one source of everything.
If we do decide to rekindle that relationship, we will find unlimited choiceful ways to love Krishna and to express that love. We will enter a spiritual realm and marvel at the ways others choicefully love Krishna. We will see that the choicefulness within bhakti yoga shines a bright warm light into all areas of our life and our independence and sense of freedom open up to us in big and beautiful ways.
Ananda Vrindavaneswari Dasi
Winter Marathon 2016:…
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Winter Marathon 2016: The biggest marathon in recorded history! The Ultimate Celebrat…Read More…
The tongue, a hard working sense
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The tongue, a hard working sense.
My tongue works hard all day, every day. He is one of my hardest working senses. He sits near the top of all the other senses, acting as a leader, setting an example for the rest of them.
If I let my tongue loose, allowing him to do as he pleases, the rest of my senses soon also become unruly.
The Padma Purana advises, “Discipline the tongue by giving him transcendental service and very soon you will see Krsna.”
The best services for the tongue are:
• repeating the maha-mantra
• speaking about Krsna’s pastimes and instructions
• honoring Krsna prasadam.
Service means, “The action of helping or doing work for someone.”
The word service derives from Latin, servitium, “slave.”
A slave is one who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.
My tongue and all my other senses belong to Krsna.
One way or the other, my tongue is a slave. If he doesn’t obey Krsna and instead obeys the urges of lust, anger, and jealousy, he is corrupted.
“One who has not listened to the messages about the prowess and marvelous acts of the Personality of Godhead and has not sung or chanted loudly the worthy songs about the Lord is to be considered to possess earholes like the holes of snakes and a tongue like the tongue of a frog.” (SB 2.3.29)
On the other hand, when my tongue serves Krsna, repeating His names, he becomes noble and is praised throughout the scriptures.
“Oh, how glorious are they whose tongues are chanting Your holy name! Even if born in the families of dog-eaters, such persons are worshipable. Persons who chant the holy name of Your Lordship must have executed all kinds of austerities and fire sacrifices and achieved all the good manners of the Aryans. To be chanting the holy name of Your Lordship, they must have bathed at holy places of pilgrimage, studied the Vedas and fulfilled everything required.” (3.33.7)
“Devotees whose tongues are decorated always with prayers to Lord Krsna are always given respect even by the great saintly persons and sages, and such devotees are actually worshipable by the demigods’” (Quote from Skanda purarna given in NOD 9)
My tongue is Krsna’s property. Every day, I must carefully engage him in chanting japa, teaching him to follow Krsna, his true master. When I do so, not only does my tongue become satisfied, so also do all my other senses who follow his lead.
The maha-mantra means, “Oh Krsna, oh, my master, please engage me in your service.”
Vaisesika Dasa
The mayor of Auckland joined our Ratha Yatra parade up Queen St….
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The mayor of Auckland joined our Ratha Yatra parade up Queen St. on the weekend. (Album with photos)
Phil Goff: I celebrated R…Read More…
An Ancient Temple Renovated (Album with photos)
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An Ancient Temple Renovated (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: When Sri Rangam was invaded by Muslim conquerors in the early 13th century almost the entire Vaisnava population was exterminated. Only 750 devotees managed to escape and create a small village some distance from Sri Rangam. There they established a beautiful deity looking much like their beloved Rangunath, who was hidden during the Muslim invasion. Through the centuries the village and it’s temple fell into disrepair until a few years ago, when Murali Bhattar, a priest in the Sri Rangam temple, renovated the temple and began the worship of the deity again. Today we visited that small village. The deity was gorgeous. On the way back to Sri Rangam we stopped by another important temple. Vedic culture is still prominent in South India.
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December Marathon Book Distribution – ISKCON NEPAL (Album with…
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December Marathon Book Distribution – ISKCON NEPAL (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: …always trying to render some service to the Lord. How? Priti-purvakam: “with love and faith.” Not that “Oh, I have to do it? All right, let me do.” No. “Oh, I have to do it? Let me do it nicely.” Unless there is love, you cannot do it nicely, any matter. In the material world also, unless you have got some attachment for something, you cannot act it very nicely. Just like a musician. Because one has got a good attachment for music, he tries to perform it very perfectly. So love is the basis. Similarly, when you serve Krsna, if you have no love for Krsna, you cannot serve Him very nicely. And Krsna also does not accept your service if it is not done in great love and affection. That is the basic principle. Krsna does not require your service. He is self-sufficient. He has got many servants anywhere and everywhere. So Krsna does not require our service. It is our interest. If we render service to Krsna, then we become happy. That is the profit. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 2.39 – London, September 12, 1973
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A huge “army” of transcendental soldiers go out in…
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A huge “army” of transcendental soldiers go out in the streets of Nepal to distribute the Bhagavad-gita books during Gita Jayanti day (1 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: One who is engaged in devotional service has not the least fear in material existence. This is because the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Supersoul and friend of everyone. One who knows this secret is actually educated, and one thus educated can become the spiritual master of the world. One who is an actually bona fide spiritual master, representative of Krsna, is not different from Krsna. SB 4.29.51 text
Watch it here:
Bhakti bias?
Question: Why does it seem that Srila Prabhupada’s…
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Bhakti bias?
Question: Why does it seem that Srila Prabhupada’s translations, word for word renditions and purports all seem to point only to Bhakti?
Answer: Srila Prabhupada’s purpose in presenting the Bhagavad gita As It Is, was to bring out Krsna’s ultimate conclusion of the Gita. This is the meaning of “As It Is.”
Some have speculated that in the Gita Krsna presents many paths and that any one of them is as good as another. However, Krsna clearly presents Bhakti as yoga’s summit even when He explains other processes like Karma Yoga and Dhyana Yoga to Arjuna.
In fact, all such processes are meant to bring one to surrender to the Lord in loving devotional service. The more one advances in devotional service, the more one is considered by Krsna to be advanced in yoga.
At the end of the sixth chapter in which Krsna has explained the arduous process of astanga yoga and meditation, He says:
Yoginam api sarvesam mad-gatenantar-atmana
sraddhavan bhajate yo mam sa me yutatamo matah
“And of all yogis, the one with great faith who always abides in Me, thinks of Me within himself, and renders transcendental loving service to Me- he is the most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all. That is my opinion.” Bg. 6.47
The root word, “bhaj,” from the word, “bhajate” in this verse is especially used to indicate our eternal loving service to the Supreme. In other words, the highest yogi is the one who has
awakened Bhakti.
Again, in chapter eight, Attaining the Supreme, Krsna tells Arjuna about how yogis prepare to leave their bodies by fixing their life airs between their eyebrows, closing their senses to outside
perception while uttering Omkara. But, He then tells Arjuna that one who simply thinks of Him, (ananya-cetah satatm … Bg. 8.14) and who worships Him in unalloyed Bhakti, devotional
service, (bhaktya-labhyas tv ananyaya … Bg. 8.22), does not have to attend to all the other processes he has mentioned. Krsna says in the last verse of chapter eight that one who does
Bhakti, is not bereft of the results attained by practicing any other path. In other words, one who practices devotional service automatically attains the results of the various other yogic processes. In fact, to the degree that any process contains Bhakti, to that degree it is successful.
Indicating this, Krsna says in the final chapter of Gita, verse 18.55, “Bhaktya mam abhijananti
yavan yas casmi tattvatah …
“One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, only by devotional
service …”
Krsna’s statements about bhakti as the highest quality of spiritual practice pervade the Gita. Just as an expert geologist uncovers diamonds in an ordinary looking field, Srila Prabhupada has
brought forth Krsna’s conclusions about Bhakti throughout the Gita.
Those eager to gain a deeper understanding of Krsna’s statements about Bhakti can crossreference their studies of the Gita with the Srimad Bhagavatam, the natural commentary on the Vendanta Sutras.
For example, in the eleventh canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam, Krsna gives detailed teachings about Bhakti to His great devotee Uddhava. Great devotional scholars relish this section of the
Bhagavatam and call it the “Uddhava Gita.” In this dialog, Krsna gives even more details about His preference for Bhakti. For instance, in verse 11.14.20, 21, Krsna tells Uddhava:
na sadhayati mam yogo na sankhyam dharma uddhava
na svadhyayas tapas tyago yatha bhaktir mamorjita
“My dear Uddhava, the unalloyed devotional service rendered to Me by My devotees brings Me under their control. I cannot be thus controlled by those engaged in mystic yoga, Säìkhya philosophy, pious work, Vedic study, austerity or renunciation.”
bhaktyaham ekaya grahyaù sraddhayatma priyaù satam
bhaktiù punati man-niñöha sva-pakan api sambhavat
“Only by practicing unalloyed devotional service with full faith in Me can one obtain Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I am naturally dear to My devotees, who take Me as the only goal of their loving service. By engaging in such pure devotional service, even the dog-eaters can purify themselves from the contamination of their low birth.”
Besides these statements, there are thousands of other references to Bhakti’s supremacy throughout the sastra. A serious student of the vaisnava cannon will come to understand how Srila Prabhupada’s apparent “Bhakti bias” in his translations and purports of the Bhagavad Gita As It Is actually illuminate Krsna’s very purpose for speaking the Gita.
As Krsna says Himself, in verse 18.65 in the final chapter of Bhagavad gita: “Man mana bhava mad-bhakto … Always think of Me and become my devotee …”
Vaisesika Das
ISKCON Govardhan Eco Village Won the Aqua Excellence Award 2016…
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ISKCON Govardhan Eco Village Won the Aqua Excellence Award 2016 in the X World Aqua Congress Author.
ISKCON Govardhan Eco Village (GEV, is a 100 acre sustainable farming community and retreat center, based near Mumbai, India. ISKCON GEV’s intention is conserve natural resources and propagate community living forms based on the cardinal principles of Vedas. ISKCON GEV is home to self-sufficient community of over 160 members, including 25 families, 60 resident monks and 50 students
Every year the Aqua Foundation Group organizes the World Aqua Congress (WAC) on a theme related to environment and invites excerpts of papers from speakers from all over India. During the X World Aqua Congress, this year, ISKCON GEV was awarded with the prestigious Aqua Excellence Award in the category of ‘Protection of the Quality and Supply of Freshwater Resources’. Nimailila Das, Chief Sustainability Officer, GEV received this award from Mrs. Sunita Narain, Director General of Center for Science and Environment (CSE) and Editor, Down to Earth Magazine. The Award Ceremony was conducted during the Inaugural Session of X World Aqua Congress, centered on the theme of ‘’Water: Smart Solutions for Growing India’’on the 24th November 2016 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The conference was attended by various corporate heads, Government authorities, university professors, NGOs etc.
The “Aqua Excellence Awards” are the highest awards given by Aqua Foundation to its members, stakeholders and contributors in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the field of water, environment, energy, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, planetary sciences, pollution control and sustainability solutions. Aqua Foundation honors, in each WAC, individual / nominees of corporate members who have made a mark in their respective fields of expertise or have made a significant contribution towards Humanity
Basic Ekadasi Dough.
Ekadasi is a fast from all grains, beans…
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Basic Ekadasi Dough.
Ekadasi is a fast from all grains, beans and legumes. It is a great one-day detox fast. On Ekadasi people often complain that they don’t feel full or, “I just wish I could have a slice of bread…” This grain- and gluten-free recipe will allow you to make pizzas, kachoris, wraps, and rotis on Ekadasi. Your Ekadasi will never be the same!
1 cup grain- and gluten-free flour
1tsp salt
½ cup boiling water
1 Tbsp ghee (oil for Vegan)
Mix all ingredients together and knead for 1 – 2
minutes to make medium soft dough.
Nikunja Seva Dasi
Govardhan Eco Village Receive 5 Star Ratings From UK’s Premiere…
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Govardhan Eco Village Receive 5 Star Ratings From UK’s Premiere Zero Waste Recognition Scheme.
ISKCON Govardhan Eco Village (GEV, a 100 acre sustainable farming community and retreat center, based near Mumbai, India received the 5 star ratings for its Symbiotic Recycling Model for Sustainable Habitats, from the Investors in Zero Waste, The UK’s premier zero waste recognition scheme, at a special ceremony on 8th December 2016 at Glaziers Hall, London. Radha Mohan Prabhu from the Bhaktivedanta Manor, on behalf of ISKCON GEV, received this award from the hands of Ben Wright, a Political Correspondent for the BBC, and the CEOs of Helistrat and WasteCare.
As a result of receiving the 5 star ratings, Govardhan Eco Village automatically entered into the Zero Waste Platinum Award category at the annual Awards for Excellence in Recycling and Waste Management offering a further opportunity to be acknowledged as a leader in working towards a zero waste economy.
Set up in 2010, the Zero Waste Recognition Scheme has over 500 members and prides itself on being the premier recognition scheme for businesses and organizations that are committed to increasing the amount of waste they reduce, reuse and recycle/recover whilst improving the environmental awareness of their staff
GEV is a farm community spread over a scenic landscape of 90 acres at Galtare, Wada situated 110 km North of Mumbai, India. Since its inception in the year 2003, Govardhan Eco Village has made steady progress in Organic farming, Cow protection, Education, Rural development, Alternative energy, Eco friendly constructions and Sustainable living. GEV illustrates ‘Simple Living & High Thinking’ – a principle which is so succinct, yet profound, and formed the basis of life in the bygone age of wisdom.
The Super Soul Does It Again!
Recently I was distributing books…
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The Super Soul Does It Again!
Recently I was distributing books door to door in Gisborne, New Zealand.
I knocked on one door and had the great fortune to meet Caleb (see attached photo), a very pleasant middle aged gentleman and committed Christian. As a successful musician, one of the ways he serves is to glorify God though music at Christian gatherings all around the world. Still, I could understand from his respectful and friendly demeanor that he was open to receiving one of Srila Prabhupada’s books.
Utilizing the clever presentation HG Vijay Prabhu kindly shared with us (that Prabhupada’s books provide strong arguments with which to defeat atheism and are therefore relevant to all theists) I confidently showed him Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1. Fortunately, Caleb deeply appreciated the truth and beauty of SB and was very eager to take a copy. When I asked him for a donation, a wry smile came to his face.
Popping back into his house, he returned a moment later with a nice donation. Then he explained: “Normally I never keep cash. However, when I was driving back home earlier today, I felt compelled to stop at an ATM to withdraw this money. At the time I did not know what the money would be used for, but I could understand that God was directing me and that the reason would become apparent in due course. So when you asked for a donation everything made sense.” As Krishna explains in Bhagavad Gita, 18.14, the Supersoul is the ultimate factor of action. By participating in Lord Caitanya’s Sankirtan movement we can perceive this and increase our faith in Krishna.
Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!
Your aspiring servant,
Caitanya Vihara das
Rescued Bull Calves Safe at ISCOWP (7 min video)
These two bull…
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Rescued Bull Calves Safe at ISCOWP (7 min video)
These two bull calves were rescued from a dairy a week ago. They will be prote…Read More…
Passing of HG Narayan Prabhu ACBSP
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Passing of HG Narayan Prabhu.
Dear Godbrothers and Godsisters,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Pr…Read More…
Satisfaction is one of the austerities of the mind.In…
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Satisfaction is one of the austerities of the mind.
In Bhagavad-gita 17.16, Krsna says that satisfaction is one of the austerities of the mind.
There are plenty of circumstances while traveling to analyze the fluctuations of the mind. A friend of mine once said, “When you’re home, you get what you want. When traveling, you get what you get.”
Moving from place to place requires adjusting to new environments and situations and gives ample opportunity to practice satisfaction of the mind.
Noteworthy is that satisfaction is not dependent on our external environment. Rather, it comes as a result of practice.
The word satisfy comes from the Latin words, “satis,” which means, “enough” + “facere,” which means, “make.” Satisfaction: “make enough.”
Centuries ago, Lao Tzu, the famous Chinese philosopher said: “He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.”
Watching a little baby during one of our flights, I witnessed how her moods changed frequently, her peaceful smiling quickly changing to red-faced crying and then back to smiling a while later.
Seeing her, I imagined her to be a personification of my own mind, always oscillating, accepting one thing and a minute later rejecting the same thing.
In Bhagavad-gita 2.55 Krsna calls this tendency of the of the mind, manah-gatah, “mental concoction.” Or more literally, manah-gatah means, “the mind goes.”
Observe your mind for a while, watching where it goes and how it changes.
To “identify with something” means to take it on. But since you are not the mind, you are not obligated to identify yourself with the thoughts and moods that constantly float though it.
When thoughts of dissatisfaction float by observe them and let them go by like passing clouds.
Instead, attach yourself to Krsna’s words in Bhagavad-gita like these: “My devotee who is not dependent on the ordinary course of activities, who is pure, expert, without cares, free from all pains, and not striving for some result, is very dear to Me.” (Bg 12.16) “He who is satisfied with gain which comes of its own accord, who is free from duality and does not envy, who is steady in both success and failure, is never entangled, although performing actions. (Bg 4.22)
Hare Krishna!
Vaisesika das
A Venus flytrap and how to resist it.
A Venus flytrap can digest…
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A Venus flytrap and how to resist it.
A Venus flytrap can digest an insect in about 10 days . The unsuspecting bug smells nectar on the leaves that form the trap. When the insect investigates, it crawls into the jaws of the plant. Within half a second the jaws clamp shut and digestive juices dissolve the bug.
This meat-eating plant reminds me of the way our material mind can devour us if we are lured into thoughts of enjoying this material world for selfish purposes, tempting us with a new experience, convincing us that living right doesn’t matter, or appealing to our physical senses.
It is certainly worthwhile knowing how to control the Venus fly trap of a mind.
Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita that the mind can be controlled by constant “practice and detachment.” (Bhagavad-gita, 6.35).
“He says that wherever and whenever the mind wanders, due to its flickering and unsteady nature, we must bring it back under the control of the Self” (Bhagavad-gita, 6.26)
Ultimately, we must develop a higher taste.
Lord Krishna says, “The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness.” ( Bhagavad-gita 2:59).
That higher taste is engaging in devotional service, the easiest of which is chanting the Lord’s holy Names:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Dear Lord Krishna, at times I let down my guard and my mind takes over. Please help me to listen to Your warnings and follow Your instructions.
Bhakta Dasa …Communications minister ISKCON Australia
Cleaning and Renovations of the iskcon Honolulu temple. (Album…
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Cleaning and Renovations of the iskcon Honolulu temple. (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada would stay there for many days do…Read More…
Who is a bonafide Guru?
Srila Prabhupada: The qualification of a…
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Who is a bonafide Guru?
Srila Prabhupada: The qualification of a spiritual master is that he must have realized the conclusions of the scriptures by deliberation and arguments and thus be able to convince others of these conclusions. Such great personalities who have taken shelter of the Supreme Godhead, leaving aside all material considerations, are to be understood as bona fide spiritual masters. — NOD Ch. 7
To read the entire article click here:
New Memories Video. “Memories” series continues with Part 63
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New Memories Video, 63.
A great way to end the 50th Year of ISKCON’s birthday with a gift for yourself and/or your friends as the “Memories” series continues with Part 63 featuring the following 10 devotees:
Atitaguna dasi, Krsnarupa dasi, Mishra Bhagavan das, Niranjan das, Pancharatna das, Riddha das, Sauri das, Sevananda das, Surabhi dasi and Tribhangananda das. You will learn what fragrance is Srimati Radharani’s favorite, who was Srila Prabhupada’s favorite secretary, how Srila Prabhupada appreciated his spiritual daughters, what is your relationship with Krishna and many many more anecdotes in this 2 hour DVD.
This DVD is not yet on our website so please order this DVD for only $15 in the U.S. and $20 outside the U.S. by emailing Siddhanta at for payment instructions.
Watch the trailer here:
Quotes by Thomas a Kempis
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Quotes by Thomas a Kempis
(Thomas à Kempis, (1420) was a Dutch canon regular of the late medieval period and the author of The Imitation of Christ, one of the most popular and best known Christian books on devotion.)
Be thankful for the least gift, so shalt thou be meant to receive greater.
Endeavor to be always patient of the faults and imperfections of others for thou has many faults and imperfections of thine own that require forbearance. If thou are not able to make thyself that which thou wisest, how canst thou expect to mold another in conformity to thy will?
Love flies, runs, and rejoices; it is free and nothing can hold it back.
Never be entirely idle; but either be reading, or writing, or praying or meditating or endeavoring something for the public good.
– More quotations on: [Laziness]
Of two evils we must always choose the least.
– More quotations on: [Evil]
Remember that lost time does not return.
The good devout man first makes inner preparation for the actions he has later to perform. His outward actions do not draw him into lust and vice; rather it is he who bends them into the shape of reason and right judgement. Who has a stiffer battle to fight than the man who is striving to conquer himself.
Who has a harder fight than he who is striving to overcome himself.
First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.
– More quotations on: [Peace]
And when he is out of sight, quickly also is he out of mind.
Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
Focus of the Mentorship System (MS) is on the all-encompassing…
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Focus of the Mentorship System (MS) is on the all-encompassing care, both spiritual and material, of existing devotees and not on expansion. Mentees have the facility also of having one-to-one personal meetings with their mentor based on Sacinandana Swami’s “Tree of Life” concept. Devotees feel part of an extended family and by regular training and positive, healthy, devotee association, they will naturally become more stronger in their spiritual lives and happier too! After some years of being in ISKCON we often tend to mechanically perform our sadhana and service, by getting together in the mentee groups we are reminded of the most important regulation which is to “Always remember Krsna, and never forget Him”. Mentors assist us in becoming more conscious of Krsna and keep us focused on our ultimate goal of life of going back home, back to Krsna. As a result of feedback, to cater for devotees of differing levels, our meeting formats have flexibility to be more tailor-made for the individual groups. We are very delighted to be able to offer a new prasadam service to those in the MS and we are looking for more devotees to assist in our new initiative of cooking and/or delivering prasad to mentees in times of illness etc. Please email us at mentorship@krishnatemple. com if you can help. To find out more about the MS visit the “departments” section on
Bhaktivedanta Manor – Shree Krishna Haveli Model.
“At the Manor,…
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Bhaktivedanta Manor – Shree Krishna Haveli Model.
“At the Manor, one hopes to be able to serve Lord Krishna at their highest levels of cognizance,” explained Harish Patel, “This dream became a reality for me when Gauri and Srutidharma prabhus approached us to make the model for the Shree Krishna Haveli. With assistance from my graduating students Amit Bhagat and Pradeep Hirani, this devotional service was taken on. Kamal Chunilal from India helped us overcome the most complicated parts! After about 300 hours of service our prayers were answered and the model was complete!” The model of the Haveli can be found within the visitor’s section of New Gokul farm.
Radha Kunjabihari Temple Anniversary (Album with photos)
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Radha Kunjabihari Temple Anniversary (Album with photos)
Ramai Swami: Seven years ago, the Bali Klungkung area devotees bought…Read More…
Indian Govt approves new liberalized visa policy.
The new policy…
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Indian Govt approves new liberalized visa policy.
The new policy includes long-term multiple-entry comprehensive visa by mergin…Read More…
Krishna Club joins the Marathon! The Future is Bright! (2 min…
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Krishna Club joins the Marathon! The Future is Bright! (2 min video)
UK – Big thanks to Krishna Club for taking up the marathon…Read More…
The setting inspires talks on “What cricket can teach us about…
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The setting inspires talks on “What cricket can teach us about life”
For me personally, the most productive aspects of my visit to the Middle East were the talks I gave on, of all things, cricket. I, like most Indians, had heard the name of a Middle East city because of the cricket tournaments it hosts. In recent years, as I have been speaking and writing on the Bhagavad-gita, I have been thinking of ideas to present its wisdom in contemporarily intelligible and appealing ways. For Indians, few things are as powerfully popular as is cricket. So, I have been thinking of ways in which the Gita’s message can be presented using cricket-related metaphors.
Such thinking was further stimulated when I came to know how an American author Steven Pressfield has used golf to present a novelized, simplified rendition of the Gita in his novel The Legend of Bagger Vance and how Satyaraja Prabhu, one of ISKCON’s leading authors, has commented on that novel with a book Gita on the Green: The Mystical Tradition Behind Bagger Vance.
Accordingly, for several years, I have been exploring ideas to write on the theme of cricket and Bhagavad-gita. Unfortunately, I have been paralyzed by a writer’s block. I was recently jolted out my self-induced paralysis on coming to know that one of my closest friends, Vraja Bihari Prabhu, was inspired by similar thoughts and has acted on that inspiration by writing a rough draft of a novel “Cricket in a Monastery.” He has serialized many parts of that novel on his blog
With the inspiration of his example at the back of my mind, I decided to force myself out of my creative lethargy – I chose to speak on the topic of “What cricket can teach us about life.” By Krishna’s mercy, that leap of faith led to a safe landing. My talk came out fairly well – and not only that, it stimulated a creative momentum that inspired me to speak on the same topic for two more classes, which were my last two classes in the Middle East.
What cricket can teach us about life Series:
Tribulations for the Radha Kunda Seva – November 2016 Photos and…
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Tribulations for the Radha Kunda Seva – November 2016 Photos and Updates (Album with photos)
What a ride this last month has been! And it’s not over yet. November started out innocently enough. We were only halfway through the holy month of Kartika, and the crowds of pilgrims were as persistent as before. Our cleaners managed to keep up with the trash and our cooks kept feeding our widows and the parikrama pilgrims… until… a number of Radha Kunda residents and visitors came down with apparent food poisoning following the Govardhana Puja festivities, though, luckily, none of our folks were afflicted. When three people died of the ailment, the Nagar Panchayat (local government) decided to place a ban on the selling or distribution of prepared food in the Radha Kunda area. Consequences for disobeying the edict were dire. Anyone caught selling or distributing cooked food was soundly beaten. And although the sickness turned out to be caused by cholera contaminated water and we only use RO filtered water for cooking, our prasadam distribution had to be halted for nearly 3 weeks.
To add insult to injury, on November 8th, in an anti-corruption bid, Prime Minister Modi announced that all large currency – 500 and 1000 rupee bills – were now rendered useless. Our manager, Abhay Charan Prabhu had just withdrawn 50,000 rupees in 500 and 1000 rupee bills. Fortunately, he was able to immediately turn around and deposit them back into the bank account. But, ATM machines would only give 2000 rupees per day instead of the 10,000 they used to impart, and banks were loath to give 4000 rupees, often giving nothing since they had run out of small change. Five hour bank lines became the new “parikrama” as everyone, including our Abhay Charan scrambled each day for every last available 100 rupee, 50 rupee, and 10 rupee bill. Several times during the month, we received 10,000 rupees from the bank in 10 rupee notes.
In terms of emotional value, 100s have become the new 1000, 50s the new 500, and 10s the new 100. And yet, their actual monetary value has remained unchanged. A 100 rupee bill is still only worth around $1.50. And so, just to make ends meet, bank lines remain the daily ritual. Besides food shops, all stores have been closed, people have been making bonfires of useless bills and police have been beating off folks who, after spending hours in lines, angrily demand small change from the bank’s empty coffers. We’ve had to elicit the help of members of our Padma Charitable Trust board who’ve dug deep into their personal bank accounts in order to collect the necessary funds to keep our service going.
Between a shortage of funds and the ban on food distribution, the widows struggled for their daily sustenance. We were able to provide them with raw ingredients to cook their own meals in their tiny ashram homes. However, cooking like this means struggling to breathe because of cooking in very confined areas with little or no ventilation using whatever scraps of wood and dried cow dung patties (gobar ulpa) they could scavenge. Even obtaining dry cow dung cooking patties was a struggle since with the money shortage, people that would normally use gas tanks to cook, reverted to the old traditional ways causing a shortage of dung patties too!
Meanwhile, the kitchen construction had to be delayed since we don’t have the cash to pay our crew. And yet, when all is said and done, at the moment we are just feeling grateful to be back to daily feeding our Radha Kunda widows again.
Thank you for being part of the team! Please browse our latest photos and join our efforts by visiting Your servants, Campakalata Devi dasi, Padma Gopi Devi dasi, Urmila Devi Dasi, and Mayapurcandra dasa.
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University Retreat in the UK.
170 university students attended…
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University Retreat in the UK.
170 university students attended an uplifting meditation retreat called “The Treasure Within” at Bhaktivedanta Manor. Organized by the Krishna Consciousness Societies (KCSOC), who have over 30 running weekly events, each with food, kirtan and a lot of philosophical discussions, this year’s retreat brought students from across the UK. “Young people need excitement, education, and entertainment.” said organizer Mabick Thappa. “The day consisted of seminars on ‘happiness’, cow milking and mantra meditation. The drama was also a hit showing the difference in result between serving Krishna and serving ourselves.” One student mentioned, “This was a wonderful event that provides an opportunity to anyone and everyone to experience an insight into Krishna Consciousness. The talks and Q&A sessions were very interesting and thought-provoking!”Huge congratulations to the University Retreat team of Jahnavi Raniga, Lila Sara Harbal, Nalisha Patel and Krishna Caitanya Patel, led by Mabick Thapa. The National University Team also played a huge part in making this retreat a success.
Give Now! At the time of death everything will be taken away from you anyway
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Give Now!
At the time of death everything will be taken away from you anyway BUT if you give back to Krishna while you are still alive you will get credit for this!
Rukmini Devi Dasi: “Coffee or Tea?” asked the air hostess. It’s been a full shift but she manages to smile and crack a joke whilst pouring my neighbour a decaf coffee. A mother in the seat in front of me patiently cajoles her screaming three-year-old through the eighthour flight. Finally, I reach the transit lounge and the red seats reserved for pregnant woman and the elderly strike a chord. Everyone serves. We may serve because it’s our job, out of love or because we care for our country. Whether we realise it or not, we serve. Here’s an open secret to express advancement on your spiritual path: Connect this inherent need to serve, to your spiritual practice and behold a dynamic change of heart. Active spirituality means that we serve Krishna. By uniting with the Supreme through mantra and fortifying our mind with knowledge, we must learn the practical art of giving, or risk being couch crusaders. Here are some easy to follow options for your convenience.
2016 is the year that devotees of Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON will…
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2016 is the year that devotees of Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON will want to remember!
Vibhu Chaitanya Das: ISKCON celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. This is remarkable when you consider that we have achieved so much in such a short space of time. For me, the most amazing fact is that every five minutes, one of Srila Prabhupada’s books is distributed somewhere in the world. By the time you reach the end of this article, someone would have bought one of Srila Prabhupada’s books.
What is it about Srila Prabhupada’s books? Srila Prabhupada once described this material world as a horrible place and that he did not want to come to this world. But Lord Krishna requested him to please do so and Srila Prabhupada denied the request. Then Lord Krishna asked Srila Prabhupada to come into this world to translate scripture into the common language and only then, did Srila Prabhupada agree.
When Srila Prabhupada’s met his spiritual master, he was requested that whenever he got money, he should print books in English. Srila Prabhupada was a young college graduate but he made it his life mission to fulfill the instruction of his spiritual master. Before the establishment of a worldwide institution, Srila Prabhupada painstakingly translated the 18000 verse Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavata Purana). When ISKCON became an international society and Srila Prabhupada was travelling the world, he slept for only 3-4 hours a day so that he could translate. Srila Prabhupada humbly said that Lord Krishna was dictating and he was simply transcribing.
If you read Srila Prabhupada’s commentaries, you will notice that his books are written without material motivation or for self-glorification. Every word glorifies Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He urges the reader to nourish his intellect and soul by the process of devotional service. Srila Prabhupada’s books have transformed people into better human beings.
Followers of Srila Prabhupada find much joy in distributing these priceless treasures. Scripture describes that spreading the glories of the Supreme Lord (this includes the distribution of Srila Prabhupada’s books), is the highest welfare activities.
Distributing these books is also described to be higher than any fast or sacrifice we can make to the Supreme Lord and by doing so, we quickly make advancement in spiritual life.
One of the main lessons we learn from Srila Prabhupada’s books, and his example, is that we need to become selfless. In this mood, devotees voluntarily try their utmost to share these treasures.
Going out on book distribution can be humbling and it’s not easy to stop people who are caught up in their own lives. After much endeavour, a book distributor meets a person who is kind enough to stop and listen, they may read the synopsis on the back cover, and then take a book. I have noticed how that simple exchange brings a person immediate joy and I know that there is so much more joy in store for him when he reads the rest.
So if you have read Srila Prabhupada’s books, then try distributing one of your favorite books and see for yourself how it will change someone’s life. This is “the season to be jolly,” so why not be part of the joy of distributing happiness? Join the Temple on the Weekly Marathon Sankirtan Festival, every Saturday, to help you get into the mood.
And if you have not yet had the privilege of reading one of Srila Prabhupada’s books then the next time a devotee stops you, buy a book.
Ground-breaking ceremony for Avanti House Secondary School in…
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Ground-breaking ceremony for Avanti House Secondary School in UK.
After years of effort, support and hard work, the ground-breaking ceremony for Avanti House Secondary School’s permanent site of 20 acres took place. The event saw the first spade being dug into the ground by special guest, Radhanath Swami, who spoke about the need for education based on moral and spiritual principles in his keynote address. The mayor for Harrow, Rekha Shah, Bob Blackman MP, Navin Shah GLA Member, Sachin Shah Head of Harrow Council and other Local councilors were present, along with students from year 10 and year 11 and members of staff. The Avanti Trust now has a total of 8 schools with a capacity to educate over 7000 children.
Seva Day at Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK.
The Veda London and Food…
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Seva Day at Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK.
The Veda London and Food for the Mind, Body and Soul teams came together at Bhaktivedanta Manor for this year’s Seva Day initiative. The project has grown significantly and this year’s team consisted of a wide range of 100 volunteers, with the youngest aged just two! The day included cooking for nine homeless shelters across Watford, spending time at three Dementia Care homes, raking leaves at the Manor, making care packages for the homeless at Matchless Gifts in Kings Cross, assisting in an abandoned animals sanctuary, helping to maintain the grounds at the Learning Through Horses charity and raising funds for the Sandipani Muni School in Vrindavan.
Remembrance Sunday.
Bhaktivedanta Manor’s president…
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Remembrance Sunday.
Bhaktivedanta Manor’s president Srutidharma prabhu laid a wreath and recited prayers of Remembrance at the annual Remembrance Day service at Letchmore Heath War Memorial in UK. The service was particularly poignant because it marked exactly 100 years since the Battle of the Somme.
ISKCON Auckland NZ: Rathayatra festival 2016 (Album with photos)…
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ISKCON Auckland NZ: Rathayatra festival 2016 (Album with photos)
Sunday afternoon Rathayatra, the 3rd wonderful Rathayatra for…Read More…
Veda: Secrets from the East.
Published by The Bhaktivedanta Book…
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Veda: Secrets from the East.
Published by The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.
Review By Byron Kyle: I first met the devotees in 2012 in my first year of study and I couldn’t have been more uncomfortable in their association. “Veda: Secrets from the East” was the first book I received from the devotees and it has been a springboard and an invaluable resource on my journey to discovering Krishna and myself. I had a very staunch Catholic upbringing and so my faith in Catholicism was steadfast and my mind unhinging. I was discerning a vocation to the priesthood at the time but I was beginning to inquire into other faiths before committing my life to my chosen beliefs.
This book has held such great appeal for me because not only does it make a great and easy to digest introduction into the beliefs of Krishna Conscious devotees but it succinctly answers all life’s FAQs like, “Who am I?” and “Why do bad things happen to good people?” My mind has been put at ease since reading this book by immersing myself in the timeless wisdom of the Vedas. This is a book not only for those who are just beginning to awaken their spiritual consciousness, but a book for those who have doubts about the Krishna Consciousness movement. It is a book for seekers and for thinkers, and as a scholar of philosophy, I particularly enjoyed the East-West dialogues of Chapter 7, where Srila Prabhupada (the founder of the movement) engages in conversations about famous Western philosophers like Plato, John Stuart Mill, and Karl Marx.
This powerful book has forever changed the way I see the world, myself and the Supreme. I recommend that every beginner in the movement read this book and every skeptic outside the movement do the same. Thank you to the devotees who gave me this precious gift and to the readers of this article, may Krishna shower you with manifold blessings. Jay Sri Krishna!
Cultural program in Ponrepo, Prague (Album with photos)
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Cultural program in Ponrepo, Prague (Album with photos)
December 1, 2016, cinema Ponrepo, Prague 1. The cultural program on the occasion of this year’s celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Hare Krishna movement (1966-2016). During the evening, the audience could listen to traditional mantras and bhajans performed by musical groups Venu Gopal, to appreciate the beauty of traditional temple dance Bharata Nátjam performed Rasabihari Devi Dasi, watch the documentary “50 years of enjoyment out of loyalty,” taste the specialties of Indian vegetarian cuisine and take a some of the books the ancient Vedic blueness. The program was attended by more than eighty visitors, including several prominent people from politics and culture. Each guest received a small gift in the form of magazine “50 Years of the Hare Krishna movement” and a large jar of honey from our beekeepers Loka Saranga. Thank you to everyone who participated in the program and helped in the making of this event. Thank you to everyone who actively helping and remain favorably disposed towards the activities of the Hare Krishna movement. We look forward to meeting with you at other events and festivals. Hare Krishna! For the organizers Priya Kirti das —- photo: Kirticandra Dasa Nitya Lila dasi.
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