There’s still hope in society!
Vijaya das: While distributing books at Cal State Northridge University, I met a couple of students at my table who were asking about the books on display. They were both enthusiastic to take a Gita. After explaining the tenets of the Gita, I asked for a donation.
One of them enthusiastically gave a donation, but the other said, “I don’t have anything to give.”
The person who did give a donation said, “No problem. I’ll get it for you.”
He then gave another donation. I asked the one that had no donation whether she knew this person.
She said, “No, I’ve never seen him before.”
I said, “Well, that goes to show you that there’s still hope in society. Here’s a person you don’t know, and he’s going out of his way to help you.”
She was as surprised as I was and profusely thanked the young man.
The very next day at UCLA the same thing happened. I was talking to a young man about the Gita and showing him the pictures when another young man showed up and listened in. When I asked for a donation, the one that came while I was talking to the first person enthusiastically gave a donation, and the first person said he had nothing to give.
The second person, who turned out to be named Ryan, said, “It’s OK. I’ll get it for you. I like to do spontaneous acts of kindness.”
The young man receiving the kindness couldn’t believe it and thanked Ryan for his kindness.
What I find with these two incidents is that book distribution brings out good qualities in the book distributors and in the people we distribute books to. One thing I suggest that devotees do: When someone doesn’t have money for a book, give them a piece of paper with on it. All of Srila Prabhupada’s books are on this website. Had these two persons not received a book I would have given them this paper so that they could still read the books. Most students don’t have money, but they always get this paper from me and many of them go to the site and later thank me for directing them to it.
Your servant,
Vijaya Dasa
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There’s still hope in society! Vijaya das: While…
Three Life Lessons from Our Founder.
50 years ago, at this time…
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Three Life Lessons from Our Founder.
50 years ago, at this time of the year, a 69 year old sadhu (saintly person) was on a cargo ship traveling from Kolkata to New York. He was alone on this journey and his journals at that time are a moving read. Within a year he would officially establish the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in a store front in the Lower East side of New York. Today ISKCON is flourishing throughout the world all because of the journey of this one man – our Founder-Acharya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
We can list hundreds of things that we have learned from Srila Prabhupada but here I will share just three:
1. It’s Never too Late to Start
At 69, Prabhupada set out on this long and arduous journey. It was the request of his spiritual teacher to bring the teachings of Krishna to the West. This request had been given when he was a much younger man; the time wasn’t ripe then.
Sometimes we may feel we have missed our chance, or it’s too late to begin, or we are afraid to fail. Prabhupada didn’t let his age, or similar misgivings or circumstances stop him. Neither should we – especially when it comes to important and meaningful spiritual actions and activities.
2. Early Morning Treasure
Every day, no matter where he was in the world, Prabhupada would rise very early in the morning (from 1.30am onwards) to write his translations and commentaries of sacred Sanskrit literature belonging to the Bhakti tradition. He planned his day so those hours were protected and available for him. It was there he produced his masterpieces – his books that can bring the greatest spiritual insights to anyone who reads them. The early morning hours are available to all of us. It’s the open secret of spiritual advancement.
3. Individuality
The essence of the Bhakti practice is developing our personal relationship with Krishna. Prabhupada again and again stressed the individual and personal nature of God and our unique and personal relationship with Him. This is perhaps his greatest gift to us and our greatest lesson – we belong to Krishna, are eternally related with Him, and thus we are never alone. Despite whatever desperate circumstances we may find ourselves in, we are never, ever, alone.
Ananda Vrindavanesvari Devi Dasi
The Kartik Project.
Sacinandana Swami: Throughout the year…
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The Kartik Project.
Sacinandana Swami: Throughout the year Krishna’s devotees pursue various projects: their devotional practices (sadhana), their various services (seva), work projects, various family projects, building projects, private projects, etc. Once a year comes a time when another project arises: the Karttik project, which offers a rare chance to come close to the Lord. Srila Prabhupada told his disciples that even ‘unserious persons’ who execute devotional service during this month of Karttik are easily awarded the Lord’s personal service (1)
What is the Karttik project?
It is a 30-day vow taken during the month of Karttik. (This year according to our sun calendar Karttik begins on 16 October and ends on 14 November.) During this time the Lord’s internal potency, who is the presiding deity of this month and who is therefore known as Karttika Devi, is pleased by serving the Lord of Her heart – Damodara Krishna. It is stated in the scriptures that during Karttik all the holy places of pilgrimage with their rivers and lakes also come to Vraja. It is certainly a very special time of the year…
In this world we know of special times of the year that bring certain gifts: the summer gives us warmth, the beginning of autumn many fruits, late winter gives us snow and early spring brings flowers, etc. According to the 16th chapter of Hari-bhakti-vilasa, Karttik gives us inexhaustible benefits. There are many descriptions how even little amounts of devotional service are regarded by the Lord as very special – because they are done during this month of His beloved Radharani.
For this special month the devotees take to various devotional practices, which bring them more in contact with Srimati Radharani and Krishna. Traditionally these vows are executed on the sacred land of Vrindavana, but are certainly not limited to Vraja. If you cannot be in Vrindavana physically during this time make sure your heart is there – by remembering the pastime places or looking at the many beautiful pictures of Vraja taken by the devotees on their many pilgrimages.
What can you do to observe the Karttik vrata?
The first point is that a personal vow should be something we do regularly and unfailingly each day of the month. Srila Prabhupada encouraged the devotees in all temples around the world to execute the Damodara vrata by offering a light to the Lord each morning or evening (or both).
Let me give you some suggestions based on what I do personally:
1) Rise early and offer a little aratik. You can choose how many items you wish to offer but certainly there should be at least a ghee lamp offered to Lord Damodara (by placing a picture or deity of the Lord on your altar)
2) Chant extra rounds – or you can at least make sure that you increase the quality of rounds
3) Increase your reading of Vaisnava scriptures – especially Srimad Bhagavatam
4) Recite various prayers, like the Saranagati Prayers
5) Worship Tulasi devi
6) An absolute must – recite the Sri Damodarastakam
These are minimal requirements, but of course you can add any devotional practice that brings you closer to the Lord. The main point is that it is done daily as a loving offering.
Additionally, it is recommended to observe some austerities with regards to eating. There is an absolute restriction on the consumption of urad dal. I always like to desist from all kinds of sweets, but this is optional.
Please know the main point is to increase positive devotional practices.
You can expect that your resolve will be tested – rest assured that you will pass all tests if you remember your priority: to please Srimati Radharani by engaging in devotional service to the Lord.
Let me end with a wonderful verse written by Raghunatha Dasa Goswami about the mercy of Srimati Radharani:
“From birth Srimati Radharani has been naturally affectionate to all… She is the protectress of the poor and unfortunate.” (2)
Special Karttik inspiration
Many devotees have requested me to give a regular audio message as a day-by-day Karttik inspiration. As a servant of the Vaisnavas, I have happily accepted this service. It is my desire to try to nourish devotees during this month with short inspirational messages. Thus, please be so kind to share these with anyone you know who would be interested to hear. These Karttik inspirations can be downloaded and heard from starting on Sunday 16 October.
Let us associate through sound at this most exciting time: Srimati Radharani’s month which carries the name of Her beloved Damodara.
Wishing you all the best and lots of spiritual strength
Your humble servant,
Sacinandana Swami
15th Anniversary of Tribhuvanatha Prabhu’s…
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15th Anniversary of Tribhuvanatha Prabhu’s Departure.
Padmapani das: I think the most important thing that I learned from Tribhuvanatha Prabhu is that one can serve the spiritual master in any condition of life and under any circumstances. We joined forces just after Srila Prabhupada’s departure, and from then on it was nonstop adventure and challenges. We had to quickly become self-reliant. It didn’t matter if we found ourselves in a safe situation or not, or whether we had lots of association or none at all. The main thing was serving Prabhupada. Service was our lifeline. So the Middle East program was great training, like being thrown into deep water without knowing how to swim. It was sink or swim, do or die. The material world is a war zone and only the strongest survive. Tribhuvanatha was a soldier for Srila Prabhupada and he led by example. The war against maya isn’t over, but at least I have some hope and inspiration thanks to Tribhuvanatha Prabhu.
Here is a video of Tribhuvanatha Prabhu’s memories of Srila Prabhupada:
Kartika is coming!
In the Padma Puräëa it is said, “The Lord…
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Kartika is coming!
In the Padma Puräëa it is said, “The Lord may offer liberation or material happiness to a devotee, but after some devotional service has been executed, particularly in Mathurä during the month of Kärttika, the devotees want only to attain pure devotional service unto the Lord.” The purport is that the Lord does not award devotional service to ordinary persons who are not serious about it. But even such unserious persons who execute devotional service according to the regulative principles during the month of Kärttika, and within the jurisdiction of Mathurä in India, are very easily awarded the Lord’s personal service. (NoD chapter 12)
As we read the above lines from Nectar of Devotion, we can not help but appreciate that if ‘unserious’ persons can be awarded so much benefit then surely Krishna may bestow on us, aspiring devotees, something even more valuable to hold on to and cherish all our life. Kartika is the month which is most dear to Krishna. We receive so many articles/ whatsapp messages/emails glorifying Kartika and how Krishna is easily pleased by anyone who renders even little devotional service to Him during this special month. So we can not even imagine what great benedictions await each one of us, aspiring devotees, if we make some sincere and serious endeavour to please Krishna, and Srimati Radharani, this Kartika.
To read the entire article click here:
From the performance of “Give It A Chance” during…
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From the performance of “Give It A Chance” during the Cologne Rathayatra Festival 2016 (3 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: The mantra delivers the conditioned soul from his bondage; so simply by chanting the mantra Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, one can gain deliverance from any condition. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.24.42 Purport)
Watch it here:
Srila Prabhupada gets his golden tooth in Tokyo, Japan.
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Srila Prabhupada gets his golden tooth in Tokyo, Japan.
This photo was taken in the office of the CEO of Dai Nippon printers in Tokyo.
Japan was wonderful. All the young guests who came to see Srila Prabhupada at the temple humbly offered Him flowers and bowed down at His lotus feet, many of them offering full dandavats.
Respect is part of the Japanese culture, and very beautiful.
At Dai Nippon, which was so big that the offices and factory took up an entire city block, they offered His Divine Grace the chance to see their dentist to replace the single lower front tooth He had just lost.
He went to their dental clinic, which was part of their very large medical office, and met the young dentist who would make the solid gold tooth and bridge for Him.
Since gold is good for the heart, and was an ingredient of the heart medicine Srila Prabhupada used every other day, “yogendra-ras” (it also contained pearls and coral and came in a small red pill form), He asked if they could use gold and they immediately agreed.
The young dentist was so joyful, honoring and respectful, and bowed over and over to His Divine Grace as He did the needful and took a plaster cast of His lower jaw and teeth.
The gold replacement was ready the next day, and when the dentist put it into Srila Prabhupada’s mouth, He moved His mouth around and exclaimed… “This is very nice… I can hardly feel it!”!
He reached up and pulled the dentist’s head to His heart, hugged him and messed up his hair (as He did with George Harrison once in London) and thanked him over and over… the young saintly dentist was in bliss, as you can imagine, and was smiling from ear to ear 🙂
Srila Raghunatha Das Goswami Disappearance observance in…
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Srila Raghunatha Das Goswami Disappearance observance in ISKCON-Delhi (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: We are in so many w…Read More…
A bonafide substitute for a meat substitute: mangodi or…
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A bonafide substitute for a meat substitute: mangodi or wadas.
Citraka dasa: Recently the renown and expert devotee cook Kurma dasa answered an inquiry about the use of the common meat substitute product known as soya chunks or soya mince. He concluded that “these products are made in an elaborate industrial process using industrial solvents. They are in the worst category of soya products” and also that “Soy was not considered suitable by Srila Prabhupada”
You can read the whole post here:
It may be helpful to know that there is a very similar dumpling, traditionally made in India for centuries, which was liked and eaten by Srila Prabhupada.
They are the well-known mangodis or wadas or baris, badis, vadis, wadiyan etc. which are basically sun dried split mung or urad dal dumplings.
Here Yamuna devi, a personally trained by Srila Prabhupada cook, describes how he would ask for these South Indian wadas [urad dal dumplings] or have Punjabi badis:
These are healthy, tasty, nutritious, economical and simple to make them at home, although available in the market too.
Once made they can be stored for months and can be used practically with everything: sabjis, rice, soups, salads or eaten by themselves in a tomato or other sauce, yogurt etc.
Some strict vaishnavas will avoid urad dal because it contains a great amount of protein, but it is not necessary to use it.
Here is a basic and simple way to make mangodis: Soak split mung dal in the water all night after having it washed properly.
Next day you drain all the water, add salt (and hing) and grind it into a paste with your mixer. With the help of a spoon you take small, equal portions of the paste and you place them on a tray which then you expose to the sun until they dry completely. That is all!
Ready for storage or use!
It usually takes 2 days under the sun. If there is not sun you can place them in your oven, setting it in the lowest temperature possible and leaving its door half open; it will take 4 hours like this.
If you google “mangodi” or any of its other names you will find hundreds of videos or articles about how to prepare it and/or use it.
Much much better than the soya chunks under any point of view!
Harinama Tel Aviv, Israel, 07.10.2016 (Album with photos)
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Harinama Tel Aviv, Israel, 07.10.2016 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Krishna is within your heart. If you kindly continue to hear about Him, as you are doing then Krishna will be very much pleased, “Oh, this person is now interested in me.” Because nobody’s interested in Krishna, so Krishna is also silent to them. But as soon as you become interested, oh, Krishna becomes very active, “Oh, he’s trying to do something. I shall help him.” Los Angeles May 19, 1972.
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Fortunate people who utter the Lord’s Name even…
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Fortunate people who utter the Lord’s Name even unconsciously (3 min video)
Merciful devotees request the people they meet in the streets to chant a whole maha-mantra while they are video-recording them. In this video you will see an animated compilation of such recordings.
Watch it here:
Neophyte, but Pure!
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta…
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Neophyte, but Pure!
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: When one is situated on the neophyte platform, one cannot understand the devotional ingredients of a pure, unalloyed devotee. However, when the novice engages in devotional service — especially in deity worship — and follows the order of a bona fide spiritual master, he is a pure devotee. Anyone can take advantage of hearing about Krishna consciousness from such a devotee and thus gradually become purified. In other words, any devotee who believes that the holy name of the Lord is identical with the Lord is a pure devotee, even though he may be in the neophyte stage. By his association, others may also become Vaishnavas.
KK Bindu #385: With first time translation of a little known song glorifying Srila Raghunath Bhatta Goswami. CONTENTS INCLUDE:
* NEOPHYTE BUT PURE – His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada speaks about the power of someone following the process of bhakti.
* ALL GLORIES TO RAGHUNATH BHATTA GOSWAMI – A first time translation done especially for this issue of Bindu of a Bengali song by the medieval poet Radha Vallabha Das.
* VRINDAVAN SADHUS AND BHAGAVAD-GITA – Another first time translation done for this issue of of an excerpt from a little known book by a disciple of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami.
* IDEAL RESIDENCE IN VRINDAVAN – Another fresh translation from Srila Prabodhananda Saraswati’s Vrindavan-mahimamrtam. This issue can be downloaded here:
The Harinama “fiesta” in Mexico continues (Album…
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The Harinama “fiesta” in Mexico continues (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: To manage a sankirtana party nicely is more precious than all other activities. That is the verdict of Bhagavad-gita and the mission of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
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A visit to New Vrindaban Dham, USA (Album with photos)
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A visit to New Vrindaban Dham, USA (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Krishna’s Lila in Vrndavana is prakata or manifest Lila, and the same is going on eternally in the spiritual realm, which is known as aprakata or nonmanifest. Krishna’s planet and Krishna’s pastimes are going on eternally, and the same is manifested before the conditioned souls at certain intervals, once in one day of Brahma, exactly as the sun is visible for 12 hours once a 24 hour cycle of and night. When the sun is visible it is called prakata, and when the sun is not visible that is called aprakata or unmanifested. Non-manifested therefore does not mean there is no existence, but the terms are used in relation to the visibility or non-visibility to the limited conditioned souls. Letter to Shyamasundara, May 14, 1970.
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Enjoy the complete Mahabharata narrated by Nirantara Das ACBSP…
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Enjoy the complete Mahabharata narrated by Nirantara Das ACBSP available freely in audio mp3 files.
You can download them fro…Read More…
9th EU Farm Conference in Villa Vrindavana, Florence, Italy…
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9th EU Farm Conference in Villa Vrindavana, Florence, Italy (Album with photos)
The farm conference brought together empowered citizens and communities to celebrate 50 years of spreading sustainable Krishna conscious community life. It was presented the knowledge acquired by many unseen heroes along these pioneering years and there was an effort to build a bridge with the vibrant youth which is so connected to sustainable solutions for the planet. There was offered a connection of friendship to enable sharing our experiences and solutions.
Together, we shared realistic glimpses of possibility and hope for a thriving future.
Villa Vrindavana, a big villa built in 1500, and it was bought by ISKCON in 1979. It is located on the sweet Tuscany hills in the Chianti area, in S.Casciano Val di Pesa, a few Kilometers away from Florence. The main building, from the renaissance period, is surrounded by a wide Italian garden with many colorful peacocks, fields and woods for about 90 hectares. The central rooms of the building are occupied by MOSA (Museum of Sacred Art), a unique artistic gallery displaying art works which show ancient sacred Indian themes. Inside the temple, restored in Vedic style by the devotees in 1983, there are the beautiful deities of Sri Sri Radha Vrajasundara, Sri Sri Gaura Nita and Sri Sri Jagannath Subhadra Baladeva.
There is also a nice Govinda’s restaurant, restored in Tuscan style. The guest house and various multifunctional rooms are ideal for meetings, spiritual retreats, cultural gatherings and yoga courses.
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Navina Nirada Syamam (Narada Pancaratra, Ratra 4 Chapter 6;…
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Navina Nirada Syamam (Narada Pancaratra, Ratra 4 Chapter 6; Gopala Stotram) Author: Vyasadeva.
1) I offer respectful obeisances to Lord Krsna, the transcendental cowherd boy, who is the dear son of the gopi Yasoda. Krsna’s complexion is as dark as a fresh rain-cloud, and His eyes are as beautiful as blue lotus flowers.
Sri Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami
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Sri Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami.
From Kasidhama, Raghunatha Bhatta traveled on foot to Puri-dhama. When he arrived in Puri, he went straight to the place of Sriman Mahaprabhu and offered his respects at the Lord’s lotus feet. At that time, the Lord embr…
The Head and Heart by Hanumatpresaka Swami.
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The Head and Heart.
Sri Hanumatpresaka Swami: Many writers on yoga, mysticism describe this non-striving state of consciousness as the highest level of experience, but from this Vedic model we can see that it is high, but realistically it is not even …
New Vrajadhama, Hungary, Rama Vijaya Festival (Album with…
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New Vrajadhama, Hungary, Rama Vijaya Festival (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: There may be so many impediments for a person who is chanting Hare Krishna. Nonetheless, tolerating all these impediments, one should continue to chant so that at the end of one’s life one can have the full benefit of Krishna consciousness. Bhagavad-Gita 8.5 Purport.
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Rama Vijaya Festival & Picnic 2016
Festival at Mission Bay,…
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Rama Vijaya Festival & Picnic 2016
Festival at Mission Bay, San Diego, CA October 8, 2016 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The easiest way to control the mind, as suggested by Lord Caitanya, is chanting “Hare Krishna,” the great mantra for deliverance, in all humility. Bhagavad-Gita, 6.34 Purport.
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An interview with Candramauli Swami
How did you become a…
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An interview with Candramauli Swami
How did you become a devotee?
I met devotees in place called Denver, Colorado in 1972 and I officially joined the temple in New Vrindavan in March of 1973, which was about 9 months later. Searching, looking for something spiritual. I had been involved in many social and political issues, prior to my joining the HK movement. I suppose? social and political interests or evangelistic spirit lead me to eastern religion and through yoga, reincarnation, vegetarianism I somehow came in contact with people who knew Hare Krishna people and I ended up on one SF in Denver. Somehow or other I came to the temple, liked it but wasn’t thinking of joining. I became interested in philosophy and asked questions. Then in the beginning of 1973 I went back to east coast of America and decide to visit the temple in New York City and then I started regularly go to the SF. And from there I really became attracted to the philosophy, life style, to the devotees. Two things really attracted me: devotees, philosophy and, especially devotees. I saw people were really genuinely happy. I was inspired to take that association and then found out what is their philosophy, their lifestyle. I had been practicing few things on my own, but nothing really serious. I asked questions, read the books, and finally I decided to give it a try. I met some devotees who were visiting New Vrindavan and they invited me to come to visit. I was inspired by the rural atmosphere so in March 1973 I decided to stay.
How long did you stay there? You were serving there as a cook and pujari?
My first service was to take the milk from the cows (I wasn’t milking them. They would give me the milk) and I would separate cream from the milk. And then from the butter I would make cream, like mother Yasodha. Gopi lila. My first service was to churn butter. I used a little milk can, stick, and round thick disc with holes … I would make butter for the Lord. And also distribute the milk to different places where they needed it. That went on for a few months. On Radhastami, September 1973 I got initiated.
Was Prabhupada present there?
Prabhupada came in April 1974 and he gave initiations but I didn’t see much of Srila Prabhupada that time. I attended one of his classes but that was it.
How was for you meeting Srila Prabhupada for the first time?
In New Vrindavan we have an area for sitting outside and he was there surrounded by devotees. He was looking and he looked at me for about … I guess it was like a long second … I was just picked up by enthusiasm. Of course we heard about Prabhupada, we were reading his books, so we were inspired. There was always news where was Prabhupada, what he was doing. That news would come as often a possible and everyone would listen. So we learn about Prabhupada mostly by hearing about him. When I first saw him it was a nice experience but it was really quick. And I sat at one class but I was always in the background, I was never up front.
Was it difficult for you to maintain the relationship with him although you didn’t have so much personal association?
Yes, it was but I was inspired to read his books and through his books and hearing about his activities. … The community leader Kirtananda was very close to Prabhupada, one of his first disciples. So he was all the time talking about Prabhupada, glorifying him. So we learnt a lot about Prabhupada through him. My relationship was mostly with Kirtananda Swami, he was SP’s representative. When you have personal contact you have a tendency to develop strong relationship with that person, so that was more strong even from my relationship with SP although SP was my spiritual master.
One time you said that those devotees who had personal association were attached to this physical association.
Some of them. There is philosophical precept that is explained in Srimad Bhagavatam that real attachment to the spiritual master is through the instructions. Personal association brings about attachment but unless one thought that association goes with the instructions, then if association is not there then what is the association. Instructions remain prominent as our association. Those who were attached to his body then when SP’s body was gone they also were gone. Prabhupada’s presence was very powerful impact to people’s lives. You can see that even today. When spiritual master leaves, others leave or they become more serious because they are attached to the personal form. Spiritual master many times leaves in order to get rid off the nonsense people and to inspire those who are serious to go on a higher level. Because those who are serious once when spiritual master leaves they go deeper to relationship. For the other ones they haven’t really imbibed the instructions into the heart therefore they have a hard time and many they just go. It is a phenomenon of that relationship, it’s historical, not only with Srila Prabhupada but with any spiritual master. There are always those who are attached to the form and those who are attached to instructions.
How did your spiritual life changed since you officially became initiating spiritual master?
It has become a bigger headache. (Laugh) It is like having children. I was always doing it in unofficial way but now it is like there is more of a requirement to do it. I like to do it. I always have done it as a service anyway. When formalization came it was nothing different but now it’s like you have to really become more determined to help that person. Even if they don’t want help. When it is unofficially if they don’t want help you can also back off and there is nothing lost. But if people are falling away you have to go after and try to bring them back. It becomes more active on the part of the guru.
You have deity of Laksmi Narasimha and Jagantaha, also Gaura Nitai …
I have them in Chicago. I also have Prahlada Nrsimhadev.
Who is taking care for them?
One devotee in Chicago, Murari Caitanya Prabhu. He has many deities himself.
How did Lord Nrsimhadeva come to you?
I remember I had another Lord Narasimhadev. I gave it to someone to take care because I was traveling a lot. I don’t remember how this deity came. It’s a mystery. Well it’s not a mystery I just don’t remember. (Laugh) Somehow my memory is blocked on that area. I remember for other deities but for this deity I don’t.
How did you get Prahlada Nrsimhadev?
That is a nice story. When I first saw that deity in German farm I was really attracted to that deity. And then in Croatia, at the camp I saw a deity. I really wanted to have my own. I heard that there was one devotee who was actually making that deity. I made some inquiry to try to get it. That was the first time that I was on this camp, it was in 2002. I couldn’t at all somehow or rather reach him. Some devotees tried for me because I wanted to have this deity but nothing happened. Then one day when I was in Spain I was invited to someone’s house. Over lunch we were talking and I told a story how I wanted to have a deity like that. One man who was there came to me the next day with a box. With a big smile on his face he said: I have a gift for you. And I though what is this I have a lot of stuff to carry. When I opened it up it was Prahlada Nrsimhadev. It was his deity which he put to rest.
Are you maybe attached to some particular form of the Lord?
I like all the forms. I like Balarama. One day devotees from Chicago congregation asked me to give a talk to the kids (ranging from 6 to 14). They said you speak on Krishna forms. I spoke a little bit and asked all the kids what are their favorite forms and at the end they also asked me. And I said Balarama. He is the original spiritual master; he serves the Lord in different ways, he is the actual God who gives service and accepts service. He gives service in the form of expanding himself in the form of the spiritual world. Spiritual world is Balarama, all the planets of the spiritual world are Balarama, Balarama expands and finally becomes Maha Visnu, who expands in ultimately material manifestation of the creation. Maha Visnu, Garbodaksayi Visnu, Balarama is very interesting person. Lord Nityananda and Lord Balarama is the same person. Same person, two different forms. If we want mercy we have to approach him. Gaura Nitai. Krisna Balarama.
You were also actively involved in the preaching program Prison Ministry. Can you say something about that?
There was one devotee, SP’s disciple named Candrashekara. He was requested by SP to preach to people in (…….) and he didn’t do until 1989. He begun 12 years after SP left, by correspondence. He was writing to so many people. He was also putting out some newsletter by ISKCON Prison Ministry so I became inspired. And also before I met Candrasekara there was one devotee who was put into jail (1986/7) and I started to visit him and send him books. He was preaching there and distributing books and I was sending him all kinds of books. Finally I would visit him with other devotees. He was in prison just outside of New Vrindavan, West Virginia prison. After some time I got inspired by that and one thing led to another – I started writning to some prisoners. And when I came in contact with Candrasekara it really started off. In the early days 1986-91 I was actually visiting people in prisons, in 1996/7 I started to write letters more. Now I do both. We also have a newsletter coming out from Chicago written by one ex-inmate. I am involved with that. Prabhupada wanted this kind of preaching, in 1952 he did program in one prison, place called Tihar jail. That was the place where Gandhi was put into prison. Prabhupada was doing this preaching and he also requested from us. It didn’t really get off the ground until lately. Now we have newsletter, devotees in different places of America who are writing to prisoners and sending books. Syama dasi, she does so much, sends tapes, books, videos … she lives out side. Candrasekara write at least 20 handwritten letters a day. I was doing that for years and I still do. Majority of my postal correspondence is at least 95 % with inmate. We also have a program from New Vrindavana where …….. kesh Prabhu and he also sends tests to inmate to learn. I also do Bhagavad Gita test. As far as making devotees is very difficult because when they get out they go to their material life again. But we have good success. One person just came out last year that time and he joined Chicago temple – he is doing newsletter. But when they are in prison they chant and read SP books. In 2002 we did Vyasa puja book for SP – offering from prisoners. You wouldn’t believe their writings. They never met Prabhupada except maybe one or two who were devotees when they were put into jail. 99 % of them never met Prabhupada and they became devotees in jail. Bir Krishna Maharaja has got the most disciples that are inmate – at least 3.
How can we maintain good sadhana and quality sadhu-sanga?
They go together. Sadhu sanga is done in relationship to sadhana. Real sadhu sanga comes by way of sadhana, not separate. When we perform hearing and chanting together with devotees, attend the morning program we attend the real sadhu sanga. Whatever else is necessary becomes easier when we have this hearing and chanting together. Hearing and chanting, sadhana is the basis of all out spiritual advancement. Prabhupada has written: Attend mangala arotik, chant 16 rounds, and hear Srimad Bhagavatm class. If we don’t do this we will become lack, we will fall down. In many letters he states like this. For those who live outside they also have to have some type of sadhana: they must chant, worship their deities and also associate with devotees. It’s a fact when you go for the morning program your Krishna Consciousness becomes strong, if you don’t go it becomes weak. We need that. It’s our life, our spiritual nourishment.
If you live in temple …. There is no quality sadhu sanga…
We should find other times to associate. We associate through service – that is there. We associate at festivals and preaching programs. We can get so much wrapped up in service that it seems that we are not associating. But actually if you are absorbed in service you are actually associating with everybody because that is the real association. But we must also have sadhana type of service (?), just being there and discussing. Prabhupada talks about devotees should get together and discuss the philosophy. You can also do that separately, you can have classes during the day.,.. bodya…….. (Sanskrit) to discuss the different angles of philosophical teachings in my books. That way we become more fixed and more inspired to continue in our devotional life. Association is not simply coming together and maintaining the building.
Tomorrow Radhanath Maharaja is coming. As far as I know you are friends since small …
Well he joined New Vrindavan 1972 , I joined 1973. At that time we had bramacari asram. So we started KC at the same time. Our services were connected. In bramacari asrama he was pujari and I was the cook for a few years. That meant when other devotees were gone, in the building Prabhupada’s palace there was just myself, Maharaja and one other person. We were taking lunch together. But we hardly saw each other – he was fully engaged in deity worship and me also.
I heard that even before as children you actually lived in the same street?
No, I was born on the east coast, he was born in Chicago. That is nice but it is not true. What rumors get around? (laugh) Somehow or other things always get changed. Even Prabhupada said: ‘’Some say Prabhupada said but Prabhupada didn’t say.’’ There are a lot of Prabhupada things that Prabhupada didin’t say. It is just the way the mind is, it likes to recreate into a new way.
What would be your most important message for Slovenia devotees? And also how do you feel here?
Try to develop real, genuine vaishnava relationships, see each other more important than yourself and serve the other devotees in that mood and Krishna will take care of you. If we develop real friendships with devotees that mean that our KC is nice. Friendship means we have to give up our false ego which is hard. We should be concerned about other devotees and not only about our spiritual development. It’s not that temple president is the only one who is concerned about everyone and everyone else are concerned about themselves. That is not the idea. Devotees are concerned about each other because we are all for the same thing, we all try to develop our relationship with Krishna. When we help each other we help ourselves. There must be genuine vaishnava relationships based on spiritual principles not anything different. Devotee relationships go very deep because Krishna consciousness is deep. There should be genuine concern and care for each devotee. If some devotees have trouble it’s not that he/she is in maya. Why not help them to get out of maya?
Children and Pets
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Children and Pets
Urmila Devi Dasi: A BOY AND HIS DOG, at least in America, is a symbol of friendship and of healthy psychological development. Srila Prabhupada, however, said that keeping pet dogs is a symptom of how the world has lost Vedic culture. People sometimes say that giving children pets to love helps children develop universal love. But we can easily see that it doesn’t work. Children love their dogs, cats, hamsters, and lizards, yes, but they eat cows, fish, sheep, and chickens. Some children on farms even learn to arrange for the slaughter of animals they pampered as pets. Both pampering and slaughtering stem from a desire to please oneself, or, more accurately, from a desire to please the senses and mind with which one falsely identifies. So teaching a child to love a pet because the pet is cute or loyal or cuddly simply binds the child to valuing bodily pleasure instead of spiritual pleasure. Couldn’t a child being trained in Krsna consciousness keep a pet without becoming materially entangled?
Soweto Ratha Yatra, Johannesburg in Gauteng, South Africa (Album…
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Soweto Ratha Yatra, Johannesburg in Gauteng, South Africa (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: One should invite people, chant…Read More…
Giving Up Ravan Mentality (Audio-lecture)
On the occasion of…
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Giving Up Ravan Mentality (Audio-lecture)
On the occasion of Vijay Dasmi, HH Bhakti Charu Swami gave a wonderful class on Givin…Read More…
Sri Madhvacharya Appearance Day.
Today is the appearance day of…
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Sri Madhvacharya Appearance Day.
Today is the appearance day of Sri Madhvacharya. Madhvacharya (acarya means “one who teaches by his life”) lived in thirteenth-century India and appeared in the Brahma-Madhva – Gaudiya-Vaisnava-Sampradaya—the disciplic chain now represented by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. In this long disciplic chain of pure teachers, Madhvacharya is a most important link. The Gaudiya Vaishnava sampradaya originates with the Madhvas. Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His followers thoroughly studied Madhva’s works before compiling their philosophy. For the Sat Sandarbhas Shri Jiva Goswami drew heavily from Madhva’s writings. Jiva Goswami found ‘the Gaudiya philosophy of acintya-bheda-abheda tattva in Madhva’s Bhagavat-parya. Shri Chaitanya Himself visited Udupi, the seat of Madhva’s sect. The Lord introduced Hari Nama sankirtana into their sect.
To read the entire article click here:
Science amidst bhakti – rasabhasa or rasa access? (Album with…
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Science amidst bhakti – rasabhasa or rasa access? (Album with photos)
Chaitanya Charan Das: In India, I usually speak on topics related to science & spirituality at colleges and youth centers, practically never in temples.
During this trip to America, I am increasingly appreciating that speaking to Indians in America is substantially different from speaking to Indians in India. Indians in America are among the most materially intelligent Indians who have passed through rigorous competition with flying colours in order to make it to America.
Charuhasa prabhu ACBSP incapacitated after a heart…
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Charuhasa prabhu ACBSP incapacitated after a heart attack.
Charuhasa das joined Srila Prabhupada’s movement in the early pioneering days as a successful talented musician. Later he became a great painter at Srila Prabhupada’s request.
Previous to that he had not held a paint brush, but Prabhupada had empowered him. Caruhasa das painted many paintings in the Krishna conscious books and at temples over the years.
He continued his service, in multifarious ways. Over the years he has produced radio shows and television shows, and courted many celebrities and introduced them to Krishna consciousness.
He is a friend, and vibrant preacher, father to two children;
Recently he suffered a heart attack and became incapacitated.
His two friends Manvantara, and Vrindavan das, stand by him
in this trying time of need.
Harinama in Kharkov, Russia (25 min video)
Kharkov – city of…
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Harinama in Kharkov, Russia (25 min video)
Kharkov – city of amazing devotees. Here every Vaishnava considers it an honor to ta…Read More…
Harinama in Indonesia (3 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: The holy…
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Harinama in Indonesia (3 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: The holy name of the Lord and the Lord are nondifferent; therefore when a…Read More…
Harinama in Hollywood, Los Angeles (7 min video)
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Harinama in Hollywood, Los Angeles (7 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: There may be so many impediments for a person who is chanting Hare Krishna. Nonetheless, tolerating all these impediments, one should continue to chant so that at the end of one’s life one can have the full benefit of Krishna consciousness. Bhagavad-Gita 8.5 Purport.
Watch it here:
Dussehra… Rama Vijayotsava celebration by students of…
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Dussehra… Rama Vijayotsava celebration by students of Mayapur (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Simply propagate this chanting, dancing, feasting and following the regulative principles. These are the four pillars of our success. Letter to Krishna das, December 25, 1969.
Find them here:
TKG Academy – Expansion Banquet (Album with photos)
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TKG Academy – Expansion Banquet (Album with photos)
Radha Kalachandji Temple in Dallas. The Tamal Krishna Goswami Academy expa…Read More…
London Saturday Night Harinama Sankirtan 08/10/2016 (Album with…
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London Saturday Night Harinama Sankirtan 08/10/2016 (Album with photos)
Bhakta David: Yesterday, Sunday the 9th October 2016, m…Read More…
New ISKCON Temple emerges after catastrophic earthquake…
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New ISKCON Temple emerges after catastrophic earthquake destroyed the old one and the Deities in Christchurch, New Zealand (Album w…Read More…
One of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of ISKCON,…
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One of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of ISKCON, Bangladesh.
Bhaktivedanta National Competition, 2016
By Krishna Gopal Dasa
As a part of celebrations going throughout the whole world to glorify the Golden Jubilee of the foundation of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), ISKCON Bangladesh has recently organized “Bhaktivedanta National Students Competition- 2016” . More than 10,000 students from different parts of the whole country took part in this competition. This competition took nearly five months for its completion and was held in four levels – zonal level, district level, divisional level and finally national level. All the participants were divided into two classes – students from standard two to standard five were in the junior class and students from standard six to standard ten were in the senior class. Subjects of competition were Verse recitation from Gita, coloring & drawing transcendental picture, vedic story telling, bhajan, speech in selected topic & acting in Vedic dress. All participating students received different devotional gifts. In the final round, the winners (1 st , 2 nd & 3 rd position holders) of all subjects were rewarded with special crests & Bhaktivedanta Scholarships. One student from each class was announced as “All-rounder” for their extraordinary performances and were rewarded Champion crests and Bhaktivedanta Scholarships. The final round was organized by Jagrata Chatra Samaj (School Preaching Department) on 23 rd September in which more than 500 students participated from different districts of the country. The prize giving ceremony was held on 24 th September at Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh. ISKCON GBC and director of this whole competition HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami along with many members of the national management committee of ISKCON Bangladesh were present at the ceremony. The presence of honorable minister Mr. Narayan Chandra Chanda and several famous
cultural personalities added a different dimension in the ceremony. Valuable speeches from the guests and spectacular cultural functions made the whole program more enjoyable. The successful completion of this whole competition would not be possible without the hearty participation, cooperation and help of students, guardians, volunteers and other devotees.
Happy Harinam in Mexico City (5 min video)
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Happy Harinam in Mexico City (5 min video)
Mexico is the country where the people participate more easily and spontaneously in …Read More…
Tel Aviv Harinam in the evening (Album with photos)
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Tel Aviv Harinam in the evening (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The demigods are pleased when sacrifices are performed, …Read More…
Future saints (Every saint has a past and every sinner has a…
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Future saints (Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future)
Srila Prabhupada: Whenever there is unwanted population these three things will naturally, by nature’s course, appear- famine, pestilence, and war- and the population will be finished. There was some unwanted population at that time also for which Krishna arranged the war. If we want very good population, very good generation, then we have to follow the principles of Bhagavad-gita. New York, May 30, 1966.
When does “food” become…
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When does “food” become “prasadam?”
Sivarama Swami: The phenomenon of something changing from material to spiritual is an extraordinary one, but it is something we as devotees are involved in daily—often several times a day. It happens when prasadam (unoffered food) becoming prasadam, or food sanctified by the Lord.