Scientists claim Saraswati did exist, debunk 5,000-year-old myth.
Prithviraj Singh, Hindustan Times, Dehradun: Scientists at the Dehradun-Based Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology (WIHG) have debunked established belief that river Saraswati is just a 5,000-year-old myth.
They claimed to have found after extensive research that the river did exist during ancient times, but got buried because of tectonic changes in the Himalayas.
The mythical Saraswati forms the Hindu holy triumvirate along with the Ganga and Yamuna, and the hypothetical confluence of these three rivers in Allahabad is the source of humanity’s biggest gathering every 12 years during the Kumbh Mela.
Scientists said the Saraswati flowed from its origin at Adi Badri in the Shivalik range of Haryana’s Yamunanagar to its meeting point with Chautang river in the plains. This is the course the river followed when it flowed in the Vedic era.
They confirmed that tectonic activities along the Shivalik Himalayas separated the river course from Adi Badri and it was never recharged because of a series of climatic disasters.
The river died eventually. But rainwater collected at scattered hollow locations above the buried river gives proof of Saraswati’s existence and the course it took.
Physical and chemical analysis of nearly 22 samples from a 60-km buried water stream confirmed that of it was indeed the ancient Saraswati, now entombed by five feet of top soil, the scientists said.
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Scientists claim Saraswati did exist, debunk 5,000-year-old…
5 Things to do Everyday for Happiness. Ananda Vrindavanesvari…
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5 Things to do Everyday for Happiness.
Ananda Vrindavanesvari Divi Dasi: The ancient teachings of the Vedas say there are 5 things humans can do everyday to be happy. We would say that these are directly connected to an effective spiritual practice. If we understand that life is meant for self-realization then the following 5 support and help us achieve that goal, while being happy along the way.
Here they are:
Get up before the sun
Get clean
Worship the Lord
Give in charity
Receive guests
Get up before the sun – this sounds easy but we all know it can be oh so difficult to pull ourselves from the comfort of the comforter. Planning ahead is the key – this means early to bed, which means turning off screens, which means being determined to value the early morning hours. What’s so good about the time before sunrise? Rise early and you will see!
Get clean – this is not just about teeth and body. This is also about our space. A clean body and a clean space really help control the mind. This is a good thing as the mind, according to the bhakti teachings, is the source of all misery. If cleaning is not your thing, try setting your phone timer for 15mins and do a blitz. You will be amazed how much can be achieved and how good you will feel.
Worship the Lord – whether it’s for 5 minutes or 15 or for a few hours, the absolute best thing to do before anything else is to connect with Krishna. Of course we can do this at anytime during the day, but the tendency is to get busy and forget. Get up, get clean and get absorbed in some worship – in our practice it can be mantra meditation, or offering flowers or incense at an altar, or reading something wonderful about Krishna and His associates.
Give in charity – this is such a nice reminder. It is described that there is a difference in giving to those in need and giving to God, who is not in need. Giving donations to those in need shares our wealth; giving to Krishna acknowledges the source of our wealth and the importance of deepening our relationship with Krishna through our giving. Giving is such a core component of self-realization – giving up, giving away, giving back, but it’s also a complex and nuanced activity. We should reflect on the spiritual call to give and do so in small and big ways every day.
Receive guests – in the traditions of the Vedas, guests are to be treated as good as God. Especially unexpected guests – they are signs of good fortune. No matter if we are at home or at work, we can try to interact with others as if they are guests in our space. Treat them as guests for that moment and be happy in their company. Offer water or some refreshment and kind words. Receive at least one guest into your life every day and be blessed.
The Light of Bhakti.
Varsana Swami: Deeply cherished amongst…
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The Light of Bhakti.
Varsana Swami: Deeply cherished amongst devotional practices which Kartik inspires, it is essential to sing the beautiful Damodarastakam prayers while offering small individual candles or lamps to the Lord.
Lighting the candle depicts igniting the spirit, the inner flame, to consume the outer wax, or flesh, integrating body and soul as they unite in the luminous and purifying nature of fire.
As Kartik is a time for reaffirming our vows and increasing our service, this offering of fire kindles a spirit of dedication and inspires the heart to burn with a desire for seva. In the luster cast by hearts ablaze, we perceive life in a more wholesome perspective, being reminded again of our true spiritual nature.
In the light of eternity, our daily struggles become increasingly consumed in the burning heart of a greater love. This love never dies but forever shines forth as the light of the world, the effulgence of bhakti, which the rays of the sun represent.
We place our little candles in the sand at Damodara’s lotus feet, and as they flicker and fade, we witness how the luster of His toenails shines on like an endless series of moons glittering in the light of the countless devotees. The endless reflections symbolize the eternal nature of this simple ceremony of offering a small flame to our dear most Lord.
Radhanath Swami and Marci Shimoff on Finding Everlasting…
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Radhanath Swami and Marci Shimoff on Finding Everlasting Happiness (Album with photos)
Silicon Valley which is a hotbed for innovation for technology, scientific developments, and entrepreneurship, hacked into spirituality for a mindset shift on July 16, 2016, with Bhakti-yoga leader Radhanath Swami and Marci Shimoff, bestselling author of several self-help books including Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason. Marci Shimoff is also the woman’s face of Chicken Soup for the Soul and is a featured teacher in the international film and book sensation, The Secret.
Held at the Jain Center, the program was cohosted by Bay Area entrepreneurs N. Prameela, Damodar Reddy, Sushant and Namrata Patnaik as well as by Artha Forum, a community dedicated to providing healthy work/life balance and business ethics based on spiritual principles. Around 300 entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and thought leaders attended the event.
During his introduction N.Damodar Reddy, Founder, Chairman and CEO, SutiSoft Inc., shared about Radhanath Swami, “One thing that stands out with all my conversations with Swamii is that it’s all about finding love within your own heart. And that is the essence of Bhakti-yoga.”
The event began with a mesmerizing flute recital by the Director of Digital Commerce at Adobe Prasad Bhandarkar and his son Kunal. This created a mood of tranquility for the evening.
Marci Shimoff spoke briefly about finding happiness in a world plagued by sorrow and gloom. Sharing her personal story about finding happiness she said, “Since childhood, I had existential angst. In June 1998, I had three books on NYT bestseller list. I felt like an author rock star. But I burst into tears. I couldn’t convince myself to believe to be happy. After a lot of interviews with people who practice spirituality and happiness, I realized being joyful is not dependent on external circumstances.”
Radhanath Swami began his talk by explaining the aphorism “annada mayo ‘bhyasat”. “We are all seeking happiness. From the cockroach on the kitchen counter to a Silicon Valley entrepreneur. Everyone is trying to avoid what interferes with their happiness. This question leads to the very basis of spirituality – Who Am I?” said Swami.
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TOVP: The First Cornice is Installed (Album with photos)…
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TOVP: The First Cornice is Installed (Album with photos)
Sadbhuja Das: We have reached a new level of work in our external ornamentation of the TOVP. On Saturday September 24, 2016 we installed our first decorative cornice. The cornice was installed above a pillar’s capitol.
We are decorating the outside of the temple in a systematic order. We work on one section at a time on one level that goes around the whole temple. Once the pattern is completed, we then move up vertically to the next section. We will do this until the whole outside of the temple is decorated from the top to the bottom.
Thus, the entire outer circumference of the TOVP will be decorated with cornices in a linear fashion. Once this is complete, we will then go up above the cornice to the next level of white marble and sandstone work. On that new level, then the same white marble and sandstone pattern that was applied before will be repeated in the new location.
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Preaching program in Kiev, Ukraine (Album with photos)
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Preaching program in Kiev, Ukraine (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “Sri Krishna, the Personality of Godhead, who is the Paramatma (Supersoul) in everyone’s heart and the benefactor of the truthful devotee, cleanses desire for material enjoyment from the heart of the devotee who relishes His messages, which are themselves virtuous when properly heard and chanted.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 1.2.17)
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Glastonbury Rathayatra, UK – 25th September 2016 (Album with…
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Glastonbury Rathayatra, UK – 25th September 2016 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The tapasya of chanting and glorifying t…Read More…
Sri Jagannatha Mandir, ISKCON Malaysia – Harinam Sankirtan @…
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Sri Jagannatha Mandir, ISKCON Malaysia – Harinam Sankirtan @ China town (Petaling street) on 24/09/16 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “For one who wants liberation from the fruitive reactions of material activities, the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, or glorification of the name, fame and pastimes of the Lord, is recommended as the most perfect process of atonement because such chanting eradicates the dirt from one’s heart completely.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.2.12).
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TOVP: The Kalash Frame on the Small Dome is Complete (Album with…
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TOVP: The Kalash Frame on the Small Dome is Complete (Album with photos)
Sadbhuja Das: The work on the Dome Kalashes is progressing very successfully. Currently, one of the engineers from Moscow, Russia, Yurii Tereshkov, is here to assist us with perfecting the measurements and dimensions of our TOVP Kalashes.
Each of the side Domes Kalash frames are layered in 3 sections. On Sunday September 25, 2016 we installed the topmost section (Layer 3) of the Kalash frame onto the Planetarium Wing Dome. The stainless steel section was lifted with a crane to the top of the Dome.
Next, we will lift and install the topmost section (Layer 3) of the Kalash Frame onto Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Dome. Then Yurii and other TOVP engineers will personally climb into the Kalash frames to measure the dimensions. From those measurements they will perfect and finalize the dimensions that will be required to construct the titanium nitrate coverings in Moscow.
After the measurements are finalized here in Mayapur, the engineers in Moscow then may begin the official construction of the Kalash outer shell coverings. We are now moving full speed into this wonderful construction project.
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Ratha Yatra in Philadelphia, USA (Album with photos)
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Ratha Yatra in Philadelphia, USA (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The process of chanting the holy name of the Lord is al…Read More…
KK Bindu #384: With first time translation of a little known…
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KK Bindu #384: With first time translation of a little known song describing Lord Gauranga going to battle.
CONTENTS INCLUDE: * CHILDREN AND KRISHNA BHAKTI – His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada gives instructions to some of his disciples.
* FLOWING WATER AND MOVING SADHUS – Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami. Maharaja speaks of the only business for saintly persons.
* REMEMBERING KRISHNA – A fresh translation done especially for this issue of Bindu from Srila Jiva Goswami’s Bhakti-sandarbha speaking about different levels of remembrance of the Lord.
* GAURA GOES TO BATTLE – A first time translation done especially for this issue of Bindu of a little known medieval Bengali song.
* EVEN WHEN REJECTED BY THE REJECTED – Another fresh translation from Srila Prabodhananda Saraswati’s Vrindavan-mahimamrtam.
This issue can be downloaded here:
Saturday Night Harinam London (24th Sept 2016) (5 min…
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Saturday Night Harinam London (24th Sept 2016) (5 min video)
Following are three predictions made by His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur:
1. “A personality will soon appear and he will travel all over the world to spread the teachings of Lord Caitanya.”
Jaya Srila Prabhupada !!!
2. “Very soon the chanting of Harinama sankirtana will be spread all over the world. The day will come when people from America, England, France, Germany, Russia will take up karatals and mrdangas and chant Hare Krishna in their towns.”
Jaya Srila Prabhupada !!!
3. “The day will come when the fair-skinned foreigners will come to Sri Mayapur Dham and will join the Bengali Vaisnavas to chant “Jaya Shachinandan, Jaya Shachinandan”.
Jaya Srila Prabhupada !!!
All of these wonderful predictions have come to pass due to the determination and spiritual purity of His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
At the start of the following video clip you will see a blonde lady join in the Kirtan in China Town. Nothing unusual about that. It happens every week, maybe not always a blonde – but members of the public spontaneously join in every week. What is really unusual about this particular video is that shortly after you will see two young Chinese girls approach the Kirtan Party with the clear intent of joining in the fun. The result is that very quickly you will see an English lady dancing away merrily with one of the Chinese girls. I think if you had asked either of them earlier in the day if they thought that before the day was out they would be dancing merrily in such a way in China Town neither of them would have believed it.
The Holy Names are so powerfully attractive that these kind of things are happening everyday all over the world were the Samkirtan Parties regularly go out.
To all the followers of Srila Bhaktivinoda, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta and Srila Prabhupada, please take up the challenge of taking the Holy Names out on to the streets. Practically everyone in this movement has been out on Harinam. Remember how blissful it is and try to make it happen again for our own ETERNAL benefit and for the eternal benefit of all human kind
Param Vijayate Sri Krsna Samkirtanam
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!
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Harinama in Suva, Fiji’s capital (Album with…
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Harinama in Suva, Fiji’s capital (Album with photos)
Kalasamvara Das: Today we arrived in Suva the capital city
of Fiji and Jaya Ram Prabhu the Temple president greeted us very nicely and we all went out on Harinam for the joy of the local people.
Harinam Sankirtan is always the winner!
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Hare Krishna festival in Borehamwood, UK.
Hundreds are expected…
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Hare Krishna festival in Borehamwood, UK.
Hundreds are expected to attend the upcoming Hare Krishna festival next Friday.
Next week the Hare Krishna festival will be held at the Fairway Hall, in Brook Close, Borehamwood at 7pm with live music, dance and vegetarian food and is open to the public.
ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) and local members of the Hare Krishna movement have teamed up to invite the public to the festivities.
Giridhari Das, a Hare Krishna monk who heads the UK festival team, said: “Probably best known from the Glastonbury Music Festival or for singing in the streets of central London, as the Hare Krishna Festival team we tend to appear all over the place. Whether local carnivals, theatres or town halls we like to be with the people.”
The Hare Krishna Movement follows ancient teachings of devotional yoga with roots in the Vedic culture of India, dating back more than 5,000 years.
It became popular in the 1960’s when its message was brought to western countries by A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada – an Indian guru, aged 70, who left Vrindavan, India, and set sail for the United States in 1965 with just a few dollars in his pocket.
Within a year of his arrival he set up ISKCON, and today the movement has more than 700 temples and centres worldwide, including 60 farm communities, 50 schools and 90 restaurants.
The Borehamwood festival, and other festivals across the UK this year, is part of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Hare Krishna movement.
Bhaktivedanta Manor, in Aldenham, has been a spiritual retreat for thousands ever since it opened in 1973.
Nathan Hartley, who looks after PR & Communications at ISKCON Festivals, said: “Our philosophy is very rich and attractive to many people. In a world that’s becoming increasingly competitive, and has people believing they will only be happy through material gain, we are showing a deeply positive alternative.
“The Krishna Consciousness message is for everyone. A universal, non-sectarian message of love, simple living, service and above all – connecting the self with the original spiritual source, Krishna.”
“Here is a real saint.”
Bhutatma das: I had made…
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“Here is a real saint.”
Bhutatma das: I had made friends with a noted religious scholar, Mark Juergensmeyer, one of the professors in the Religious Studies Department at Berkeley University.
I asked him, “What do you think about having a program with Srila Prabhupada and some of the faculty?”
Juergensmeyer was enthusiastic and one of the people he invited was Dr. Staal, who had already had scholarly exchanges with Prabhupada about chanting the mahamantra. That exchange was printed as a brochure that we distributed to validate the scholarly nature of our movement. Dr. Staal was already well known to devotees.
Twenty or twenty-five faculty members plus their wives attended, quite a big turnout for that kind of group. They were interested to meet Prabhupada because of the history behind our movement. We set up a room and put a vyasasana on top of a table, which I think seemed a little pretentious to them—a colorful, big chair with peacocks on it so high up that the base of it was head height for them. Some of them seemed to question the appropriateness of this arrangement. When Prabhupada arrived, I accompanied him to the building saying, “Prabhupada, it’s an old building, but …” He said, “We don’t care, old or new, the building doesn’t matter.” The entrance to the room was from the back—the people were facing the other way. I held the door and Prabhupada walked in, and as everyone turned around I saw their expression. The moment they saw him, such a transcendent figure dressed in saffron that the little subtle edge melted away. Their sense of someone pretentious or pompous was eliminated, and they sensed, “Here is a real saint.” Prabhupada was pleased by the turnout and he smiled and got on the vyasasana very naturally—”Yes, I do belong here, I’m representing Vyasa.“ He spoke not about Radha Krishna but about Vedic and brahminical culture. Pradyumna, Svarupa Damodar and I sat on the side. After the talk one of the professors asked, “You are interested in making people brahmans and bringing the brahminical culture to the West. What about your followers here, are they brahmans?” I wondered what Prabhupada would say because we were not really brahmans. But Prabhupada handled it adeptly. Prabhupada said, “They are trying to become brahmans,” with a tone that said we weren’t struggling vainly but we were going to be successful, we were on the path. It disarmed the challenge and gave us the appropriate status that we were sincere and we were following the correct process, even though we may still be conditioned by the modes of passion and ignorance. Prabhupada also had a little exchange with Dr. Staal. He said, “I see the illustrious Dr. Staal is here.” Of course that flattery made Dr. Staal happy. Every time I saw Prabhupada interact with anyone, the common theme was that Prabhupada was completely in command, not by dint of assertiveness, but because on some level everyone knew he was a bona fide representative of God. Prabhupada never had a trace of lack of confidence. Neither did he have any hubris or pride. Prabhupada had that overwhelming sense of self-confidence that comes when one’s self-realized. Everyone at this scholarly gathering sensed that. After we left the meeting Prabhupada said to me, “This was an important meeting,” because he had met scholars and had established the credibility of our movement. And later one of the scholars told me, “I was a little skeptical in the beginning. I thought, ‘Maybe this will be some kind of elderly Bengali brahman who is caste conscious,’ but after I heard him speak I understood that this person was someone very special.” That comment confirmed what I had perceived that evening. —Bhutatma . . Excerpt from “Memories-Anecdotes of a Modern-Day Saint” by Siddhanta das
Kitchri For 1000 People Yesterday In Salem, Tamil Nadu :-)
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Kitchri For 1000 People Yesterday In Salem, Tamil Nadu 🙂
This is our new bronze pot 🙂 It’s weight is 1090 kg and capacity is 1350 liters…price..almost 8 lakhs..
Nigeria, Nanda Gram Temple – Journalists Interview HH…
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Nigeria, Nanda Gram Temple – Journalists Interview HH Kavicandra Swami.
Mahavrata Devi Dasi: Maharaja spoke on the need for Ni…Read More…
Philadelphia Ratha Yatra 2016 (Album with photos)
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Philadelphia Ratha Yatra 2016 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: By prasadam distribution you will do service to the Lord, and the public will be pleased upon you as well. Gradually increase the number of guests, and don’t deny anyone. Continue in this way. Whatever is there, distribute equally – it may not be very sumptuous, but no one should be denied an equal portion. Letter to Giriraja, April 12, 1972.
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Mothers and Kids.It is an odd development of the modern world…
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Mothers and Kids.
It is an odd development of the modern world that being excessively anxious about our children is considered a virtue. We consider ourselves good parents if we make life easy for them, reward them for the smallest achievement, and are anxious for their safety and well being at all times.
There is, however, a hidden message in all of this anxious attention and it’s not good. As a teacher and school principal for 20 years, I saw all kinds of kids and all kinds of parents. For those who had confidence in their child, their child did great. Those who worried, who expressed that worry regularly, who tried to ‘fix’ every challenge the child had – their children had a weak sense of self. The hidden message was clear – “My parents are worried because they think I am not competent, I’m not capable.”
Being a mother is not easy. But it’s not that hard either. It is said that if a child has a self-assured and guiding adult in their life, they will grow up to be self-assured and self-guiding adults. Mothering means being there, but also not being there. It is patience, it is trusting that the child will figure it out, and it is watching from a distance as they do so.
There are many aspects to good mothering, but this one is key. We have to give our children the skills and emotional strength to make it through life by letting them experience and learn through real life. And that means letting them experience their own struggles. If we smother them, if we overly fret and protect, then we extinguish the fire of trust and competence. It’s a fine line, but we need to have the maturity and wisdom to make the call.
This famous poem can also inspire us be the balanced and stable parents our children need us to be:
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.
– On Children by Kahlil Gibran
Book Distribution ki.. Jaya!
Ghanashyam Govinda das: Michael had…
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Book Distribution ki.. Jaya!
Ghanashyam Govinda das: Michael had received many books from our book distributors in the past. Fi…Read More…
Huge Sadhu-sanga mega-festival in Krasnodar region, Tuapse…
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Huge Sadhu-sanga mega-festival in Krasnodar region, Tuapse district, Dzhubga, Russia (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Hearing the vibration of Hare Krishna automatically reminds one of Krishna’s pastimes. Both of them arise simultaneously in the mind when one is sincerely chanting. You cannot make any distinction between listening to the sound and thinking of the pastimes. But the process is to hear, and then Krishna’s pastimes, form, qualities, etc. will automatically come to mind. That is very nice. Letter to Satsvarupa, April 10, 1969.
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The Passing of Gopana Daksa devi dasi
Niranjana Swami: This…
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The Passing of Gopana Daksa devi dasi
Niranjana Swami: This morning (Wed, 2016-09-14) I received news that one of my early disciples, formerly from Ukraine, Gopana Daksa devi dasi, left this world in Vrndavana at 15:15, yesterday, September 13, 2016. She was a very serious and sincere disciple, who always displayed great determination in her spiritual life since the day I first met her in the early 1990’s. She relocated to Vrndavana many years ago, and for years, every year she would send me the results of her book distribution efforts. She had great faith in the holy name and in distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books.
In April of this year, when I was first informed about Gopana Daksa devi dasi’s declining health, she sent the following message to me through another devotee in Vrndavana:
“When she gets easier, she thinks that she should go on sankirtana, but for her it became difficult to do because it takes a lot of energy and efforts. Therefore Gopana daksha mataji is asking your permission to suspend sankirtana service for the while. Also she asks your blessings for a quick recovery. Please accept her humble obeisances.”
Despite the fact that her hemoglobin count was seriously low, that she had already had several blood transfusions, that she had to spend so much time in the hospital, and that the possibility of having leukemia was lurking in the background while waiting for test results, Gopana Daksha was still asking permission if she could temporarily suspend book distribution. She was that much determined.
For her sincere efforts in devotional service, Krsna blessed her with the opportunity to leave her body in Vrndavana, in full consciousness, calling out Krsna’s name with her final breath. We pray for her smooth journey back home, to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Syamasundara.
Hare Krsna
The team of the Temple of Vedic Planetarium is touring Cape…
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The team of the Temple of Vedic Planetarium is touring Cape Town, South Africa for the purpose of achieving support for the completion of the construction work. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Srila Prabhupada: The Hare Krishna mantra says, “My dear Lord Krishna, my dear Lord Rama, O energy of the Lord, Hare, kindly engage me in your service.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.24.69 Purport)
Prayers…Sutapa das: One of my fellow monks is an…
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Sutapa das: One of my fellow monks is an extremely prayerful person. He has regular stories of the reciprocation and interaction that comes from conversing with God. Though inspired, I personally find it difficult to pray. It usually feels unnatural and artificial; probably a combination of my impersonal character, hard-heartedness, lack of faith, and general life philosophy of “work hard and be practical.” Someone, however, recently offered me an interesting antidote – “pray for other people” they said. Whether a friend, family member, work colleague, or even a stranger you meet for the first time, just stop for a few moments and sincerely pray for something that will help them in their life. I began to try. Unconventional as it sounded, I could immediately appreciate the power of this approach on many levels:
Personal level – Rather than being critical, judgmental or aloof, we evolve into selfless agents of positive change. Since prayer invokes divine intervention, we are not simply observers of the world, but can make a difference, even to people we have very little physical contact with. In such moments of noble prayer, we rise beyond self-absorption and forget our own difficulties.
Relationship level – Taking the time to deeply contemplate someone’s life transforms our relationship with them. We learn to see beyond the external chaos, appreciating that everyone is a pure soul trying to break free from material entanglement. Prayer helps one to connect with people on a deeper level.
Social level – When a group of people form, each one sincerely wanting the others to excel, it creates a unique spiritual energy. That unity, fellowship and genuine warmth helps them to achieve their goals and transform the world. Prayer brings people together.
It reminded me of how Swami Prabhupada would sign off his correspondence with “your ever well-wisher.” His prayer was completely selfless; a natural consequence of his incredible compassion and concern for all. Saintly persons are said to feel another’s pain as their own (para dukha dukhi). Just as we spontaneously attend to any ailment in our body, they are spontaneously impelled to relieve the suffering of the general populace. Even if we fall short of that pure stage, we can still institute the process of selfless prayer as a vehicle to developing deeper sensitivity, which is so integral to spiritual advancement. After all, we find ourselves by thinking of others. Try it out this week – take a few quality moments to sincerely pray for the wellbeing of someone else. And if you’re finding it difficult to identify someone, you could always slip in a good word for this struggling soul. 🙂
Titikshava Karunika Das – Hare Krishna Kirtans With A Rock Twist…
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Titikshava Karunika Das – Hare Krishna Kirtans With A Rock Twist on NNN ( video – inteview)
I…Read More…
In every city and village! (Album with photos)
Kavicandra Swami:…
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In every city and village! (Album with photos)
Kavicandra Swami: I just finished a trip to and around West Africa.. First Lagos for a few festivals, then to Benin City. There, every day was harinam with many blissful children coming along. Then to Port Harcourt and after that Enugu.
Then back to Lagos for Krsna Janmastami and Srila Prabhupada’s appearance day.. I was lucky that Indian consulate gave me a quick one year multiple entry visa.
Then to Abidjan, Ivory Coast.. There the harinam is amazing since large crowds of local children dance and chant with us.. From there to Lome, Togo. Harinam there was also very blissful. Then to Accra, Ghana. That is our biggest community in the area so there is much happening there.. From there I went to Nkawkaw (COCO) and Kumasi, then back to Accra.
I wish more devotees would visit these countries. I posted a few pictures along the way. here are some better ones.
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ISKCON Fiji Singatoka: When love takes over (Album with photos)…
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ISKCON Fiji Singatoka: When love takes over (Album with photos)
Kalasamvara Das: We have found another real testament to ISKCO…Read More…
51st anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in…
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51st anniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s arrival in Boston,USA (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The mantra delivers the conditioned soul from his bondage; so simply by chanting the mantra Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, one can gain deliverance from any condition. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.24.42 Purport)
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New Heights for New Mayapura, France! (Photo Album)
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New Heights for New Mayapura, France! (Photo Album)
This summer’s festivities and celebrations 2016.
7 Days of Padayatra, Harinam and new heights of book distribution for New Mayapura, Janmastami Celebrations and more!
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A difficult to forget panir in Hare Krishna Valley, Australia…
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A difficult to forget panir in Hare Krishna Valley, Australia (Album with photos)
Aniruddha Dasa: I went to the farm on Monday for a meeting with some representatives from the Surf Coast Shire. Here’s some shots from milking time. We had fresh panir from Lady’s milk at lunch time which I still haven’t forgotten.
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Ministry Of Educational Development – Standards for Awarding the Bhaktivedanta Degree.
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ISKCON Ministry Of Educational Development – Standards for Awarding the Bhaktivedanta Degree.
Any ISKCON center can apply for recognition by the Board of Examinations as a Bhakti Vedanta degree-awarding center provided the center certifies that it will conduct its program according to the minimum standards specified below. The application must be accompanied by a description of the planned program that includes the following information as a minimum:
• The devotee community to be served. (From where, as a general rule, the enrolled students will come.) • The language of instruction. • The time frame of the course. (How many weeks or months of instruction, how it will be broken into modules, how it will be interspersed with breaks, how much total time from the beginning to the end of the course, and the various attendance options that will be offered to the students, if any.) • The instructor(s) and their qualification. • The administrator and his/her qualification. • Physical location(s) where the students will attend. • The admission, instructional, assessment, and other methods and policies to be followed by the center that meet the requirements spelled out below in this standard. (This document does not include standards for online courses or distance learning. Such standards will be spelt out in a separate document at a later date). I. Admission Individual centers shall have their own admission policies and procedures for admitting a candidate for the Bhakti Vedanta degree. Such policies shall require, at a minimum, that all candidates meet the following requirements: 1. The prospective candidate must • be second initiated, and • have a Bhakti-sastri degree, and • have a Bhakti Vaibhava degree or should have been assessed as successful in the completion of an approved Bhakti Vaibhava program, awaiting formal issue of the degree. 2. The candidate must be recommended by an ISKCON authority who knows the candidate well, certifying that the candidate is engaged favourably in the mission of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu for at least the previous six years, with a past record of regular participation in direct preaching activities. 3. The candidate must have successfully completed the VTE Teacher Training courses (TTC 1 and 2) or a recognized professional teaching / training course before enrolment. II. Learning Outcomes to be Assessed: a. Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the philosophy contained in SrimadBhagavatam Cantos I to XII. b. Knowledge and memorization of at least one hundred verses found in SrimadBhagavatam Cantos I to XII. c. Expertise as a Bhagavatam speaker and preacher. d. Evaluative skills, wisdom and maturity reflecting principles consistent with Srimad Bhagavatam. e. Personal behavior that reflects the principles and values found in the Srimad Bhagavatam.
III. Course Assessment In order to ensure a basic minimum standard and at the same time allow a degree of flexibility, approved centres may establish their own assessment policies within the following boundaries:
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Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka by Krishna-kripa Das.
Excerpt: The…
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Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka by Krishna-kripa Das.
Excerpt: The samosas were very tasty. They also had rice and sabji, raita, pasta salad, halava, and coconuts balls in three flavors.
As part of our scheduled program there was a question and answer session with a senior devotee who could not make it that day. I had figured they would just ask another senior devotee to do it, but they announced they would just continue chanting. I had already left the stage, thinking the chanting was over, so I decided to use the bathroom before returning for more kirtana. Before I could return to the stage one couple asked if I would answer some questions for them. They asked the meaning of Hare, Rama, and Krishna, and about the relationship between Hinduism and Hare Krishna. I explained the three names mean the spiritual energy of God, God, who is the source of all pleasure, and God, who is all-attractive, respectively. I explained we are a group within Hinduism that stresses the worship of Krishna. Although many gods are worshiped within Hinduism, the Bhagavad-gita stresses the worship of the Supreme Lord, Krishna, alone. I explained Srila Prabhupada’s analogy that you do not have to give money to the different ministers in the government for defense, education, health, etc. You simply pay your tax to the central government, and it is all distributed. In the same way, we do not need to worship the sun god, the moon god, the rain god, etc. We just have to worship the Supreme Lord. They recognized I had been coming for many years. I explained there is a lot of joy in the chanting, and we like to share it with others. As they were from Prague, I gave them an invitation to our temple and restaurant there, which they were happy to receive. I was glad to answer their questions, especially as I thought the question and answers session was a good idea, and it should not have been skipped.
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Protecting our rounds
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Protect our rounds.
Kadamba Kanana Swami: Our purpose is fixed and we should not let obstructing circumstances to block us permanently. Somehow or other, we must find a way to fulfill our purpose which is to chant sixteen rounds and to follow four regulative principles. This is our first austerity, to chant these rounds and to follow the principles.
But we also need support. It is not just a matter of the right frame of mind. It is also a matter of favourable conditions so that it becomes feasible and possible. One must protect our rounds. One must put other undesirable things out of one’s life and then focus on our japa, otherwise it is not going to happen. One cannot just think, “I’ll see how far I get today,” then there is a good chance that it will not work. So chanting sixteen rounds is about making an arrangement to chant sixteen rounds. That planning is actually so important!
It is not all about the mood and getting absorbed. That comes after. If the arrangement is wrong then how can you get absorbed? First the arrangement has to be in place then stage two comes, “How to get absorbed?” I find that the one thing which helps me is to read a little bit. It is not that we just get up and are immediately in the mood, “Okay, let’s get these rounds done! I’m up so let me quickly get stuck in then it is over,”
That is one way of chanting but another way is where we say, “Okay, I’ll read for five or ten minutes.” And I read until I come across something that strikes me and then I start chanting and that gives me some energy to get into the mood. Then the mood starts happening. Like that there are impetuses. Ālambham is there, the impetuses in spiritual life that help us to awaken our attraction for Krsna.
Krishna’s Cuisine Trucks.
My wife, Kunkumangi, & I are…
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Krishna’s Cuisine Trucks.
My wife, Kunkumangi, & I are both chefs of Kalachandji’s Restaurant & Palace. ( The ISKCON Temple of Dallas, Texas )
We’ve been catering events for years and have recently built a custom trailer for distributing prasadam at concerts, festivals, and colleges.
Over the last year, we’ve catered 20 concerts with our trailer and the results have been wonderful!
Visiting Dallas, HG Caru Prabhu and his good wife, Mother Vaibhavi, the founders of “Festival of Colors USA” saw our Krishna’s Cuisine Trailer and gave us a call to build one for them which you see photographed by Bhisma Prabhu .
Inspired by our well-wishers and friends, we would like to offer to build these trailers for the assembled devotees.
As pictured, we can manufacture such a trailer for $55 to $65,000 ( depending on options ) in 3-4 months.
We could also produce less expensive models depending on your project.
Please feel to contact us @ 972-921-8746 /
Hoping this announcement finds all of the devotees and your families in the best of health and blissful Krishna Consciousness!
Ys, Narottamananda das & Kunkumangi dd
To see more photos of the internal facilities:
ISKCON 50 years Celebration: Invitation for Mathura Rath…
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ISKCON 50 years Celebration: Invitation for Mathura Rath Yatra.
We would like to cordially invite you for the occasion of Sri Sri Jagannath Rath Yatra on 17th October,2016 (Monday) in Mathura Dham. It is located about 11 kilometers, a short bus or auto-rickshaw ride from Vrindavan Dham.
ISKCON Vrindavan (Namhatta) is organizing this grand Rath Yatra festival in Mathura to celebrate the 50th anniversary of ISKCON. The event co-ordinates with the 2016 Braja Mandal Parikrama with the parikrama devotees gathering in Mathura that very day to attend the festivals. We are expecting more than 500 foreign devotees from different countries and 4000 ISKCON devotees from various parts of India.
We offer this open invitation and humbly request devotees to participate in this Rath Yatra. We want your kind and auspicious presence to grace the occasion.
Last year’s Rathayatra featured His Holiness Gopal Krsna Maharaj and His Holiness Lokantha Maharaj. They commented they have been to so many Rathayatra festivals but found it remarkable to bear witness to such a warm hearted reception of the Lord. They said never before in their lives have they seen so many flowers. In an image reminiscent of Krsna Book, the roads were rivers of petals as the local residents rained flowers from the buildings. Such was the devotion of the residents of Mathura that even the local students of Muslim colleges greeted the Lord with handfuls of flowers.
Numerous locals spontaneously set up welcome stalls to offer refreshments to all in participation and also bhoga offerings bedecked with rangoli decorations. The transcendental prasadam of Lord Jaganatha was distributed to all living entities in attendance.
News reporters were delighted to offer coverage of the event. It was a wonderful preaching opportunity for the many devotees of the Lord from many parts of the world leading and participating in kirtan. So large was the event that there was four separate kirtan parties with sound systems. Afterwards there was a cultural presentation of dance, drama and lectures by His Holiness Gopal Krsna Maharaj, His Holiness Lokantha Maharaj, His Holiness Nava Yogendra Maharaj, His Holiness Subhag Maharaj, His Grace Dina Bandhu Prabu (ACBSP), His Holiness Bhakti Anugrah Janardhan Maharaj, His Holiness Bhakti Asraya Vaisnava Maharaj, His Holiness Probodananda Saraswati Maharaj and a special appearance by Phuldol Maharaj (head of Catur Sampradaya)
Lecture on SB 6.1.15 – London, August 3, 1971: : Yes, this is meant for the devotees of the Kṛṣṇa, or those who are in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. But with the Kṛṣṇa consciousness people, others also can take the advantage. But if anyone sincerely sees the Ratha-yātrā festival and understands how Kṛṣṇa visited Kurukṣetra along with His brother and sister, that is very nice. That is Kṛṣṇa consciousness.
This year’s Rath yatra promises to offer the same unique experience. Please take advantage of this opportunity to pull the Rath Cart of the Lord in a land rich with the spiritual heritage of the Lord’s devotional service.
The influence of the devotees on American culture is clearly…
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The influence of the devotees on American culture is clearly shown in this mid-1980’s TV Guide ad for an ABC channel 7 news report by Dr. William Rader called ‘Krishna’s Kids’.
The ad’s illustration was based on an iconic painting by American painter Norman Rockwell for the cover of the June 4, 1921 issue of the Saturday Evening Post.(
Prabhupada Memorial Festival in Iskcon Ujjain.
This year is very…
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Prabhupada Memorial Festival in Iskcon Ujjain.
This year is very special for ISKCON devotees, being the 50th anniversary of ISKCON’s incorporation in 1966. At ISKCON Ujjain, a grand festival was celebrated on this occasion from 12th September – 18th September, 2016.
To read the entire article click here:
How to avoid feeling negative about people who criticize…
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How to avoid feeling negative about people who criticize harshly?
(Do you remember Sisupala?)
A spiritual scientist (Chait…Read More…
Iskcon of Silicon Valley – Kids Ratha-yatra and Harinaam – Sep…
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Iskcon of Silicon Valley – Kids Ratha-yatra and Harinaam – Sep 2016 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The Vedic scriptures say: “Even if one distributes ten million cows in charity during an eclipse of the sun, lives at the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuma for millions of years, or gives a mountain of gold in sacrifice to the brahmanas, he does not earn one hundredth part of the merit derived from chanting Hare Krishna.” (Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 3.79 Purport)
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Feeding 5,000 in Belfast (2 min video)
Parasuram das: Nice…
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Feeding 5,000 in Belfast (2 min video)
Parasuram das: Nice program in Belfast, we had a few Harinams and brought bhoga to the i…Read More…