Radhastami – Iskcon New Govardhana community in Australia (Album…
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Radhastami – Iskcon New Govardhana community in Australia (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, is called cancala. She does not remain at one place. Today one man is very rich; next generation is no longer rich. If you are actually religious, then don’t spoil your money for sense gratification. Use it for service of Krishna. If you have got some money, try to construct a very nice temple for Krishna’s situation. That is proper use. Bombay, December 26, 1972.

A masterpiece that can be read again and again! Indradyumna…
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A masterpiece that can be read again and again!
Indradyumna Swami: Dear Devotees: There are certain priceless treasures that I keep close to my heart as I travel and preach around the world. Things that give me great inspiration; like the holy names, my beloved deities, instructions that Srila Prabhupada gave me and certain special items like a bead from Srila Jiva Goswami’s japa-mala and a small piece of cloth from Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I also carry the following 1994 Vyasa Puja offering of Sivarama Swami everywhere I go. I must have read it hundreds of times… and each time I read it I cry. For me, it reveals the essence of Lord Caitanya’s samkirtan movement and the heart of my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada. Some of you may have read it and others not. In either case, it’s a masterpiece and can be read again and again.
To read the entire article click here: https://goo.gl/OZdXWD

ISKCON Holds Farm Conferences in Brazil and USA. In the hopes…
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ISKCON Holds Farm Conferences in Brazil and USA.
In the hopes of launching a support network for ISKCON farms around the world, the GBC Ministry for Cow Protection and Agriculture is holding conferences on simple living in four continents this year.
The first two, in South America and North America, were held last month with encouraging results.
The South American conference, running from August 5th to 7th, took place at the Goura-Vrindavan farm in Paraty, Brazil, three-and-a-half hours’ drive from Rio de Janeiro. Covering 1,600 acres, it is located in the middle of the Atlantic Rainforest, a large forest reserve that is richer in plant life than the Amazon.
Around 60 people attended the conference, including leaders and residents from ISKCON farm communities, as well as sympathetic professionals in relevant fields such as ecologists and agroforestry lawyers.
“The first day was an internal meeting for representatives from different ISKCON projects to identify our needs, and to discuss the benefits of networking and what we could achieve together,” says conference coordinator Kalakantha Das, a Brazilian agriculturist.
To read the entire article click here: http://goo.gl/tNlQAT

Indian Ambassador Visits ISKCON Temple in Sweden. On August…
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Indian Ambassador Visits ISKCON Temple in Sweden.
On August 25th, 2016, ISKCON Korsnäs Gård in Stockholm, Sweden, not only celebrated a wonderful Janmastami festival and the 50th anniversary of ISKCON but also presented the results of a European Union Erasmus+ project named ‘Simple Living – High Thinking’. Present were ISKCON members, guests and several VIPs including the Ambassador of India and two politicians from the local municipality.
‘Simple Living – High Thinking’ is a strategic partnership project with the goal of exchanging experiences and researching new possibilities in two fields: Ecological Sustainability and Youth Development. Five organizations from five countries participated in the project: Belgium (Radhadesh), Hungary (Eco Valley Foundation), Slovenia (Spiritual Society for the Soul), Czech Republic (Sanga) and Sweden (ISKCON Korsnäs Gård). The project started one and a half years ago and included three conferences were knowledge was exchanged, new possibilities were explored, and several workshops were organized.
To read the entire article click here: http://goo.gl/rwnyAn

Book distribution and Harinama during the Festival of India in…
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Book distribution and Harinama during the Festival of India in Poland (Album with 251 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “Aryan” refers to those who are civilized, whose manners are regulated according to the Vedic rituals. Any devotee who is chanting the holy name of the Lord is the best kind of Aryan. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 3.33.7 Purport)
Find them here: https://goo.gl/nZagca

TKG Academy, Dallas: Students recite Srimati Radharani’s…
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TKG Academy, Dallas: Students recite Srimati Radharani’s holy names (6 min video)
Gopi Gita: This was just the highlight of my morning Sadhana Class today. The kids researched such beautiful names of Srimati Radharani.. it was so powerful as we were speaking about them in the classroom.
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/EP04s8

Radha Kunda Seva: August 2016 Photos and Updates (Album with…
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Radha Kunda Seva: August 2016 Photos and Updates (Album with photos)
The rains were relentless this month. And while our gardens and the foliage carpeting the Holy Dhama soaked it up with relish, our crew and the ladies we care for suffered from monsoon related ailments like dengue fever, typhoid, and malaria. And yet, our workers soldiered on, covering for each other when needed, and showing up for their services as soon as they were able. And our ladies’ medical needs were covered thanks to your generous contributions! So far so good. Everyone has survived a challenging rainy season. Like last month, we had to serve the feast to our Radha Kunda ladies in packets-to-go since the rain wouldn’t let up long enough for them to sit comfortably (albeit a little cramped) in our small rented facility as they usually do. But again, they were happy to collect a feast-to-go. 🙂 Thank you, dear friends, for coming forward so enthusiastically to support feeding these worthy Radha Kunda ladies. We began this month with 62 widows sponsored out of the 80 we are presently feeding, and with your help we are now at 70 sponsored! http://radharani.com/daily-meals/ A major donor who was sponsoring 23 widows has retired and is now living much more simply, but because of you, 13 more are again sponsored! Thank you!!! We are excited to announce that construction on the kitchen is supposed to begin this month! We will keep you updated with the developments as they happen. Everything was on pause due to the very heavy monsoon season. Tomorrow is Radhastami, the appearance of Srimati Radharani. Her holy lake, Radha Kunda is non-different from Her, and as such any service we do here is service directly to our Swamini, Sri Radha. Thank you for joining our humble efforts to serve our Lord’s beloved Lady. Please browse our latest photos and join our efforts by visiting www.radharani.com. Your servants, Campakalata Devi dasi, Padma Gopi Devi dasi, Urmila Devi Dasi, and Mayapurcandra dasa.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/xH6ESM

Washington to Host Two Major ISKCON 50 Events. Washington,…
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Washington to Host Two Major ISKCON 50 Events.
Washington, DC—The capital city of the United States will host two major events over the next month celebrating in style and en masse the 50th Anniversary of ISKCON and the power of chanting God’s names to change the world.
Featured speakers include U.S. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Vaishnava Philanthropist Alfred Ford, Religion Professor Graham Schweig, Islamic Scholar Sanaullah Kirmani, U.S. Commission on Religious Liberty Member Kristina Arriaga, Indian Embassy Minister NK Mishra, Maryland State Delegate Kumar Barve, Catholic scholar Father Leo Lefebure, and ISKCON Governing Body Commissioner Chairman Sesa Das.
To read the entire article click here: http://goo.gl/azOzzW

Prayers to the Queen of Goddesses, Shrimati Radharani. In his…
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Prayers to the Queen of Goddesses, Shrimati Radharani.
In his Sri Prarthana-paddhati [Stavamala], Srila Rupa Goswami prays: “O Queen of Vrndavana, O Radharani, Your complexion is like molten gold, Your doe-like eyes are captivatingly restless, a million full and brilliant moons wane before Your lustrous countenance, and a blue sari, having stolen the hue of a fresh rain-laden cloud, has enwrapped Your exquisite form. O Radha, You are the crest-jewel of all the dallying damsels of Vrndavana, fragrant and pristine like a budding jasmine flower. Your sublime form is adorned with priceless jewelry, and you are the best of all the charming and intelligent gopis. You are decorated with all wonderful excellences and surrounded by eight dedicated and beloved cowherd girls known as the asta-sakhis. “The ambrosia of Your beautiful lips, red as the bimba fruit, is life-giving syrup to Krsna. O Radha, I am rolling on the banks of the Yamuna, my poor heart filled with anticipation, praying to You with all humility. I am guilty of being an offender, a rascal, a useless wretch–yet I beg You to kindly engage me in even the smallest service to Your lotus feet. O most merciful Lady, it will not become You to ignore this most distressed soul, for Your heart is always overflowing with compassion and love.”
Many more beautiful prayers here: http://goo.gl/NQZunm

Heaven On Earth! (7 min video) Indradyumna Swami: New Vraja…
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Heaven On Earth! (7 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: New Vraja Dhama, ISKCON’s 300 acre farm in Hungary, is the largest eco village in Europe. It is situated in a small village in the southernmost part of the country, 2 hours drive from Budapest. It was established in 1993 with the purpose of educating people about the values of self sufficiency, cow protection and a natural, God centered lifestyle. It’s aim is to put Srila Prabhupada’s motto, “Simple living and high thinking” into practice. The entire project has manifest from the heart of Sivarama Swami as an offering of love to Srila Prabhupada and the presiding deities of Sri Sri Radha Syamasundara.
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/uhI6r1

Why We Hear. Sacinandana Swami
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Why We Hear.
Sacinandana Swami: “There is no death” wrote Herman Hesse, “only fear of death. But that can be cured.”
In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, King Pariksit who was cursed to die within seven days asked his exalted spiritual master Sukadeva Goswami about overcoming the fear of death. Sukadeva gave a very practical answer in which he explained how one can transcend material consciousness and become fixed in god consciousness.

5th Jagannath Ratha Yatra at Chaukhutia, Uttarakhand. Govind…
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5th Jagannath Ratha Yatra at Chaukhutia, Uttarakhand.
Govind das: Deva-bhoomi or land of the demigods, otherwise known as Uttarakhand in North India, is indeed a place worth visting and what more can be said when Lord Jagannath Himself is present there with His enthusiastic devotees. It is the common belief that within the vast tract of land known as Deva-Bhoomi, Chaukhutia, located in Almora district, was the place where the demigods resided for this is a valley lying between lush green hills of the lower Himalayas and divided by the meandering Ram-Ganga river and at times you get to touch the clouds that comes down occasionally in the cool early mornings.
Lord Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra Devi has taken shelter at the Prayageshwar temple in Bhatkot Village where They reside in the company of Lord Shiva, Parvati, Ganesha and, of course, Hanumanji. Devotees arrived on 29th August and stayed at the humble accommodation at Prayageshwar temple. Clear and refreshing mountain stream water quenched the thirst of the devotees, of course mineral water too was provided, and the same stream served the purpose for other necessities as well…cooking and bathing. Living in tune with nature is what would describe the surrounding areas. Strolling beside the Ram-Ganga early in the morning with the japa beads in your hands, hearing the water flow through the pebbles at the river bed, the eagle staring down at you sitting atop the pine tree, the group of monkeys patrolling the hill slopes, the small schoolkids waiting for their school buses calling out to you saying ‘hare Krishna’, …makes you feel that there is something special about this place.
2nd September, as a prelude to the Ratha Yatra festival we had a school program at Disha Convent School, Chaukhutia. Ramanuja Das gave a short lecture for the seven hundred students (primary till 12th) on importance of values and character, how one can be a scientist and a spiritualist as well and that how as students today they have inherited the legacy to become responsible leaders tomorrow. Examples citing Prabhupada, Eisntein, how God can be perceived in all that we observe…helped in interacting with the students. A small quiz was conducted by Sitakanta das and winners were given Srila Prabhupada books as prizes. Interestingly all the students, including the ones in primary sections, began to dance happily when the devotees began singing hare Krishna mahamantra. Indeed Srila Prabhupada is definitely correct when he mentioned that, “this chanting of Hare Krishna is so nice that even a child can take part.” The program was made complete by the distribution of halava mahaprasad. The teachers requested our devotees to visit their school and interact with the students more frequently. Later few students expressed that during the program what they liked best was the chanting and dancing.
3rd September, devotees started preparing sweet items for the ‘chhapan bhoga’ or the traditional fifty six items preparation to be offered on the day next for the ratha yatra, the cooking continued till the next day with the savoury items. A nagar sankirtan was also carried out in the market place of Chaukhotia. Many guest from the village and nearby areas came to take part in the festivities, devotees performed kirtan and also gave a lecture on pastimes of Lord Jagannath. There was a bhandara or feast arranged for the guests where all visitors took prasadam.
4th September, devotees chanted their rounds after mangal arti, some decorated the chariot with flowers, some dressed the dieties, and some were still engaged in cooking varieties of items. Morning was sunny with a dark patch of cloud hanging in the sky. At 12.30 pm the raj bhog was offered to Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra after which the deities took Their place on the chariot. The chief guest Mr. Madan Bisht, MLA of Chaukhutia was offered prasadam cloth offered to the deities and all the honoured guest proceeded to break the coconut for auspiciousness of the event. After arti was offered and prasadam for distribution was arranged on the chariot, all the visitors began to pull the chariot with devotees leading a fired up kirtan. The ratha yatra started from Prayageshwar temple going through Chandi khet and Chaukhutia market and finishing at Agneri temple where a huge feast for all the visitor was arranged. Hundreds of people followed the chariot and many more watched from their homes and from atop buildings. Prasadam was distributed all throughout the way. Just as the ratha yatra came to the Agneri temple rain started and it rained so heavily as if it had waited so long for this particular moment. 108 books were distributed…28 maha big books including Bhagavad-gita and Krishna book. Around two thousand or more visitors took prasadam at the Bhandara. Within that rain the deities were brought back to the temple. Interestingly there was no umbrella to cover the deities and devotees ran about to borrow an umbrella. One person gave his umbrella and by so doing…even without his knowledge he did the most wonderful service of protecting the Lord of the Universe from the unexpected downpour. Truly Jagannath had come out on His chariot to bless even those who would not come to see Him or make them lend Him their umbrellas.
Evening approached with a sense of triumph having seen the chariot festival of the Lord of the Universe, the village ladies coming back to their homes with huge pile of grasses for the cows, smoke rising from each of the houses on the hill slopes, the Ram-Ganga flowing down singing its own songs now imbued with a taste from the devotees’ kirtan….and everybody else sharing what they felt at the festival. As devotees laughed and shared happy instances of the festival Lord Jagannath also smiled as He went to take rest for the night with His elder brother and Sister. Next day after a sumptuous bath in the Ram Ganga river devotees parted from Chaukhotia with happy hearts and fond memories with a desire to return back to this small village marked with the Ram-ganga and flanked by the mountains…truly known as Deva-Bhoomi. Driving upon the cliffs and the passing through the clouds devotees passed through the Corbett National Park as they went on towards their next destinations…expressing their heartfelt gratitude to Srila Prabhupada who had so nicely brought Lord Jagannath from the sea shores of Puri to the mountains of the Himalayas. We sincerely thank all the devotees, friends and well-wishers for their support and kind prayers due to which we have been able to conduct this ratha yatra festival as a humble offering unto the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu, Srila Prabhupada and all our previous acaryas….we pray to remain so engaged always in their loving service. Jai Jagannath! Jai Srila Prabhupada!
For pictures please go to: https://goo.gl/hHnlar

Vision of Eternity. Sutapa das: On 13th July 1966, exactly 50…
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Vision of Eternity.
Sutapa das: On 13th July 1966, exactly 50 years ago today, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. It was a humble beginning with a grand vision.
Dear Srila Prabhupada,
I often look at your photos and wonder what you were seeing. What does the world look like through the lens of a pure devotee? What is the vision of someone whose eyes are anointed with the salve of love? What must it be like to perceive the presence of Krishna at every moment? Every aspect of your deep spiritual vision captures my imagination.
You arrived in a foreign land as an elderly and penniless mendicant, to compassionately offer people a message completely contrary to the sex, drugs and rock-n-roll they were accustomed to. You never saw impossibility or impracticality, but saw an undeniable order from your spiritual master. Thus you came.
You wandered into a New York park, sat cross-legged and closed-eyed, chanting from the core of your heart, as bemused onlookers stood on in complete amazement. You never saw danger, awkwardness or rejection, but saw the irresistible power of the holy name that would penetrate their heart. Thus you chanted.
You triumphantly founded an International Society with a worldwide manifesto, though living in a decrepit storefront in the Lower East Side, in the company of a handful of fledgling followers. You never saw obstacles or limits, but saw the inevitable and unstoppable prediction of providence. Thus you thought big.
You made your disciples into pioneering preachers, gurus, sannyasis and powerful leaders, sending them in all directions, despite their troubled backgrounds and internal struggles. You never saw weakness or shortcomings, but saw sincerity, devotion and a spark of potential to fan. Thus you empowered and encouraged.
You met with colossal success, making the Hare Krishna a household word, while thousands waited on your every instruction, ready to surrender their life to please you. You never saw it as your ability, purity or power, but saw everything as a product of Krishna’s divine grace and mystic potency. Thus your glory expanded.
I don’t have such vision, and can’t imagine that I ever will. Nevertheless, by meditating on you, I hope I’ll get a glimpse of what you see. I often stop and consider, “what would Prabhupada do?” I’ll keep that mantra central to my life, as I navigate the chaos of the world and try to do my little bit for your glorious mission. Thanks for displaying the vision of eternity. Thanks for making my life a purposeful, exciting, transcendental adventure. I can never repay you.

Srimati Radharani: a mirror which reflects the qualities of Krsna
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Srimati Radharani: a mirror which reflects the qualities of Krsna.
Kadamba Kanana Swami: I like the comparison, of the love of Srimati Radharani to a mirror which reflects the qualities of Krsna – as she discovers more and more qualities of Krsna, her love is just responding to those qualities. In this way, the love of Srimati Radharani is eternally growing. This explains the nature of love in the spiritual world and how one is increasing in one’s devotional service and one’s devotional experience eternally. Krsna becomes captured by this love which increases his experience of love; so that exchange eternally continues.

The Auspicious Qualities of Srimati Radharani. By Samapriya devi dasi
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The Auspicious Qualities of Srimati Radharani.
Samapriya devi dasi: The eternal constitutional nature of the living entity is pure love and devotion to Krsna. The origin of this pure unconditional love is the pleasure giving potency hladini shakti, Srimati Radharani. Though hidden deep within the heart of the Lord, She manifests Herself as Krsna’s eternal consort. Only She can completely satisfy and attract the all attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead by Her unsurpassable pure love, which is called mahabhava.
Srimati Radharani is the compassionate nature of the Lord and She is represented by the spiritual master. One cannot approach Her directly but must go through the spiritual master, who is Her most confidential servant. Therefore I offer my humble obeisances to my spiritual master His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. By his mercy only can I approach the Divine Couple Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. The mercy of the spiritual master is delivered through his divine instructions. I pray these instructions be carved into my heart as an emblem of service to his lotus feet.
Srimati Radharani is an ocean of divine qualities and She brings pleasure to the Lord in an infinite variety of ways. So captivating is Her love for Him, that Lord Krsna appeared, also as a hidden incarnation, to taste that special love which belongs to Her alone.
“Desiring to understand the glory of Rādhārāṇī’s love, the wonderful qualities in Him that She alone relishes through Her love, and the happiness She feels when She realizes the sweetness of His love, the Supreme Lord Hari, richly endowed with Her emotions, appeared from the womb of Śrīmatī Śacī-devī, as the moon appeared from the ocean.” (CC Adi lila 1.6)
Everything about Srimati Radharani is attractive to Krsna. She is the topmost devotee of the Lord. By studying Her transcendental qualities, and cultivating a desire to serve Her, one can begin to understand how to become a devotee. Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead desired to know Her profound mood, and thus appeared as Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Lord Caitanya is our Istadeva. Anything we hear about the ultimate goal of human life, pure love of God, originates in Him. Lord Caitanya is immersed in the mood of Srimati Radharani and by serving Him one can taste a particle of Her divine qualities and love for Krsna.
Obeisances to the transcendental qualities of Srimati Radharani.
Oh, Srimati Radharani, epitome of sweet,
I pray to Your kindness for shelter at Your feet.
You are freshly youthful, with a fragrance sublime,
and Your restless eyes search for that cowherd divine.
You light up the worlds with Your smile so bright,
Your impeccable speech is a blissful delight.
Auspicious lines marking Your face, hands and feet,
with Your meek humble nature all pride You defeat.
Your singing and joking is transcendental play,
in performing Your duties there is never delay.
You are shy and calm yet cunning and grave,
and the path to Vrndavana You respectfully pave.
In Goloka You are the reservoir of loving exchange,
accepting whatever Your friends may arrange.
You’re controlled by their love, which is deep as the sea,
and famous as the most submissive devotee.
Affectionate to Your elders chief damsel of Vraja,
wearing Your qualities, like a gem-studded corsage.
By Your love You control the Lord’s tender heart
as He changes His color and yearns for Your part.
All glories to the auspicious qualities of Srimati Radhrani. I pray to meditate upon them and thus become their servant.

Prabhupada, “It’s very easy to be critical, but to find the good is rare.”
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Prabhupada, “It’s very easy to be critical, but to find the good is rare.”
Aniruddha: I had an ecstatic experience at the wonderful San Francisco Ratha-yatra, and I wrote Prabhupada a letter about what I felt.
Prabhupada answered, “The car festival was very simple. After all, it is a car with four wheels, but it attracted the people so enthusiastically because there was His Lordship, Jagannatha.

Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Question: Why do…
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Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Question: Why do you please think that God has only one supreme or topmost form in your religion and this is the form of Krishna, when there have been great holy people and saints who worshiped God not in the form of Krishna. So will all others not go to God, or will they go to a God in the form they can comprehend? It’s very confusing.
Romapada Swami answers: It is not a personal, sectarian opinion that we claim the form of Krishna to be topmost, nor does Krishna belongs to any particular religious denomination. Krishna Himself declares that His form, that particular two-handed form which He exhibits before Arjuna is the topmost, there being nothing superior to it, (BG.7.7, B.G.11.52, B.G.11.53, and B.G.11.54) which indicates that all other forms are also included in this form. Similar conclusions are given in different scriptures such as Srimad Bhagavatam and Brahma Samhita, and vaishnavas accept this as such. This does not mean that His other forms are less important in a mundane sense of comparison. The Supreme Lord has unlimited forms, all of which are equally Absolute, and those who worship any of the bona fide forms of the Lord, as revealed in authorized scriptures, will attain Him in that particular form. Indeed there are many great saintly devotees, even within the Vedic tradition, who have worshiped Him in other forms, (including the Fish, Boar, Narasimha and Rama etc) according to their inner mood of devotion, and they attained the spiritual planet where the Lord presides in that particular form. All these devotees are equally respected, with no mundane envy or distinctions of superior or inferior, although often these devotees themselves speak of the superlative glories of the Lord in His original feature of Krishna.

A two-day spiritual care workshop. Goloka Dhama, Abentheuer,…
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A two-day spiritual care workshop.
Goloka Dhama, Abentheuer, Germany – A two-day spiritual care workshop was recently held as part of the Janmastami festival at Goloka Dhama in Germany. It was attended by devotees from across Germany and Belgium.
Hari-dhama dasa, a senior UK disciple of Mukunda Maharaja, conducted the workshop, which looked at the skills and knowledge needed for devotees to take care of the elderly and dying in the German yatra. The two-day event looked at the theory behind spiritual care and devotees where given the opportunity to put these skills into role-play practice. He has 30 years’ experience with working with dying hospice patients and currently works for the UK National Health Service as a Vaisnava chaplain and emergency care clinician.
Gavesi Dasi, his wife and a professional cognitive behavioural therapist, ran a session on counselling skills.
At the end of the workshop a network of 14 devotees was established to provide devotee care in their respective areas across the yatra. Further workshops will be held in other parts of Germany and Belgium giving devotees an opportunity to deepen their knowledge and skills. Those interested in the subject can contact him at haridhama@gmail.com
Please see his paper “Spiritual Need, Pain and Care: recognition and response in ISKCON” http://www.dandavats.com/?p=19180

Giriraj Swami: Today is Lalita Sasti, the appearance day of…
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Giriraj Swami: Today is Lalita Sasti, the appearance day of Srimati Lalita-devi, the dear friend of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna, and we pray to her, following our previous acharya Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura:
sri radhika-giribhrtau lalita-prasada-
labhyav iti vraja-vane mahatim prasiddhim
srutva-srayani lalite tava pada-padmam
karunya-ranjita-drisam mayi ha nidhehi
“In Vrindavan everyone knows that Lalita’s mercy enables one to attain Sri Radha-Giridhari. Now that I have heard this, O Lalita, I will take shelter of your lotus feet and pray that you will cast your merciful glance upon me.” (Sri Sankalpa-kalpadruma 96)

Radha’s 25 transcendental qualities, by which She controls…
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Radha’s 25 transcendental qualities, by which She controls Krsna. The first version is from CC Madhya 23. 87-91 and next to it is a slightly different version from the “Teachings of Lord Caitanya” Ch. 14. The original reference is said to be Ujjvala-nilamani, Sri-Radha-prakarasa (11-15).
(1) She is very sweet.// She is sweetness personified;
(2) She is always freshly youthful.// She is a fresh young girl;
(3) Her eyes are restless.// Her eyes are always moving;
(4) She smiles brightly.// She is always brightly smiling;
(5) She has beautiful, auspicious lines.// She possesses all auspicious marks on Her body;
(6) She makes Krsna happy with Her bodily aroma.// She can agitate Krsna by the flavor of Her person;
(7) She is very expert in singing.// She is expert in the art of singing;
(8) Her speech is charming.// She can speak very nicely and sweetly;
(9) She is very expert in joking and speaking pleasantly.// She is expert in presenting feminine attractions;
(10) She is very humble and meek.// She is modest and gentle;
(11) She is always full of mercy.// She is always very merciful;
(12) She is cunning.// She is transcendentally cunning;
(13) She is expert in executing Her duties.// She knows how to dress nicely;
(14) She is shy.// She is always shy;
(15) She is always respectful.// She is always respectful;
(16) She is always calm.// She is always patient;
(17) She is always grave.// She is very grave;
(18) She is expert in enjoying life.// She is enjoyed by Krsna;
(19) She is situated at the topmost level of ecstatic love.// She is always situated on the highest devotional platform;
(20) She is the reservoir of loving affairs in Gokula.// She is the abode of love of the residents of Gokula;
(21) She is the most famous of submissive devotees.// She can give shelter to all kinds of devotees;
(22) She is very affectionate to elderly people.// She is always affectionate to superiors and inferiors;
(23) She is very submissive to the love of Her friends.// She is always obliged by the dealings of Her associates;
(24) She is the chief gopi.// She is the greatest amongst Krsna’s girl-friends;
(25) She always keeps Krsna under Her control. In short, She possesses unlimited transcendental qualities, just as Lord Krsna does.// She always keeps Krsna under Her control.

Simple Daily Meditations How to know Krishna? How to get a sense…
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Simple Daily Meditations
How to know Krishna? How to get a sense of who He is, a feeling towards Him? How can we think about Him naturally throughout the day and not just while we battle with our mind during our chanting practice? In other words, can we meditate off the mat and into the day?
Meditation is mind work. For some it’s emptying the mind of everything. For us it’s filling the mind with thoughts of Krishna. Letting the mind drift to His side, lean into His space and rest there.
Arjuna asked Krishna such a question – “How shall I constantly think of You, and how shall I know You? In what various forms are You to be remembered?” In the Gita’s beautiful poetic verses, Krishna invites us to breathe deep the extent of his presence everywhere and to let our minds connect with that. Simple, beautiful, daily meditations.
Here are my 12 favorites.
Of lights I am the radiant sun
Among stars I am the moon
Of bodies of water I am the ocean
I am inexhaustible time
Among beasts I am the lion
Of purifiers I am the wind
Of seasons I am flower-bearing spring
Of letters I am the letter A
Of the wise I am wisdom
Of the splendid I am the splendor
I am all devouring death and
I am the generating principle of all that is yet to be.

Barsana Wonderland in Rainy Season (Album with photos) Deena…
→ Dandavats

Barsana Wonderland in Rainy Season (Album with photos)
Deena Bandhu Das: Yesterday we went to visit Barsana. In rainy season, even by your material eyes, you can see it’s not part of the material world! We started with a small group, but as soon as we got out of the car, Vanamali came with a bus of devotees from Mira Road, Mumbai! Come along with us on Parikrama of Barsana by the pics of Vittalrukmini Das!
Find them here: https://goo.gl/LVDKkx

Ratha Yatra in Madrid, Spain (Album with photos) Srila…
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Ratha Yatra in Madrid, Spain (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Krishna and the sound vibration “Krishna” are no different, so if one loudly vibrates Hare Krishna, he will be able to think of Krishna immediately. This process of chanting is the best process of self-realization in this age; therefore Lord Caitanya preached it so nicely for benefit of all humanity. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 3.24.35 Purport)
Find them here: https://goo.gl/5A2jKa

Speaking of honesty – for a deep cleansing of the heart. Sajjana…
→ Dandavats

Speaking of honesty – for a deep cleansing of the heart.
Sajjana Ashraya das: In the vocabolary of italian language we read: Honesty, from the latin “honestate” is the quality of an honest person, that acts with rectitude, with loyalty, justice, abstains from doing evil, a conscientious person, responsible, aligned to moral principles, that has dignity and decorum, that expresses decency and modesty. Living with dignity, with decorum, with politeness, elegantly.
It is said in the Srimad Bhagavatam that those who lives in Krishna consciousness are animated by a deep honesty.
Thus being honest is very important; there are various levels of honesty, ordinary, where we do not do things like stealing etc; intellectual, where for example we admit we also can make mistakes and spiritual, where we admit the existence of God.
As members of a spiritual movement we are called to be deeply honest at every level. Honesty, in every circumstance, even in small things, helps us to be spiritually honest.
Truth, like honesty, has various levels and only a deep and complete honesty will make us eligible to receive the complete spiritual Truth, and the more honest we are about our shortcomings and struggles, the more help we get from above–so honesty will lead us to the complete Truth.
But if we do not cultivate honesty in all its aspects, we can come to the point of cheating ourselves even without being aware of it, and this will not please the Lord.
Being dishonest and cheat others can sometimes be worse than not following the four regulative principles. Not following these principles is not good at all, but cheating, falsity and betrayal provoke disgust and bitterness. Not only that, when a person behaves badly everybody will know, and sooner or later that person will be alone.
All members of ISKCON knows the universal law of karma and thus know, if you rob you will be robbed, if you cheat you will be cheated; and this can be a deterrent, but to those who practice spiritual life, and to tell the truth, to even those who do not, as soon as we do something wrong, Diiiiinn! We feel something inside us, a wrong note, a slight quiver, a start. “Something is wrong” The Supersoul, the innermost friend of our heart, is telling us that what we think is not right.
Obviously we should not become expert in dismantling this natural alarm system, but we should always try to hear the innermost voice of our heart that is leading us to the right path.
Coming from material life, we bring with us a suitcase full of many good intentions and sincerity, but we could also bring with us some wrong conceptions, some mental rubbish, as cheating, cleverness, enviousness, fault finding, so prominent in today society.
It takes time; but all this garbage must be thrown away. In spiritual life there is no place at all for that. We have to find the courage to be deeply honest, even if we heard the saying “The world is of the clever” But it is not truth. It is said: “Those who follow dharma will be sustained by dharma, but those who trample on dharma will be trampled upon by dharma.”
Sesa Prabhu, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, told of a day when he knew he had to pay a fine; so he went to the government office to pay it. The officer told him that the American government sent that fine to thousands of people, and to tell the truth, he said, you can postpone the payment, or even not pay the fine at all. But Sesa Prabhu preferred to pay it anyway, and his motivation was, “To maintain a very deep sense of honesty” Such an important quality for him, more important than money.
As we know, the concept of yukta vairagya tells us to use everything in the service of Krishna, so we can use money and objects, and thus, we can certainly also use honesty, rectitude, loyalty in the service of the Lord.
For those that practice a serious spiritual life being honest is natural, and it is natural to have good feelings for others and try to inspire them with our good behavior.
We need speaking often of honesty and then practice it daily. If a topic of such an importance is neglected, it loses importance and then it can almost disappear. If our background was not the best, our spiritual practices are superficial, we never talk of honesty and especially if we criticize or even worse, offend others, Krishna will take away our spiritual intelligence and we would become again dishonest.
We can not give for granted that we are perfect just because we are part of a spiritual movement. We have to cultivate good qualities and earn other’s appreciation.
Paraphrasing Srila Prabhupada, “ What will be the use of your verses and erudition if you do not behave well? Nobody will believe you.”
Good qualities are our only wealth, they are the things that attract other persons and Krishna. We have a great responsibility, of maintaining the deepest honesty.