Getting Strength From Association. Kadamba Kanana Swami:…
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Getting Strength From Association.
Kadamba Kanana Swami: this is the biggest problem …on the one hand we think I really want Krishna, I really do, I really want spiritual life but on the other hand we can’t: on the other hand there is another part in us that wants something else. Sometimes when we are in the spiritual mode we don’t want that part of our self, we say “I wish I didn’t have that” but then we snap out of the spiritual mode and we again don’t want spiritual life, so much. Somehow we are accepting and then we are giving up and we are accepting, giving up and sometimes take to spiritual life and sometimes take to material life.
So we are caught in these changing states of consciousness. When we embrace spiritual life, as they say in English “the grass is greener on the other side” so when we are enjoying the material energy we want to give it up and we want to take to spiritual life and when we are practicing spiritual life then we start to think about the material energy. So we are going up and down in these two states. So this is a very intense state in spiritual life. That is the state where one has to hold on very close…very close to devotees. One should always be with devotees. Not for a moment go away from the devotees. “never go out alone,” as they used to say to us in the early days when we joined that “you can not go out alone” it was not allowed, it was against the codes of the temple …nowadays noone really cares about that but in the old days, “oh no you can not be alone for a moment ..always associate with the devotee”
Well it is a fact that when one is in the stage of (Sanskrit)(up and down) it is dangerous not to associate with the devotee because one is so weak…maya is still so strong. Although we desire spiritual life we just don’t feel we have the strength for spiritual life. So the more we are with devotees who are betyond this state of (Sanskrit) who are no longer giving in into the senses, who are actually living a life free from sense gratification, a life free from sexual involvement , a life free from just satisfying the tongue this way and that way and who is only taking Krsna Prasadam and everything is pure…..then we get strength from this association. ….So one must be in that association.

Harinam party in Côte d ’ Ivoire (Album with photos)…
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Harinam party in Côte d ’ Ivoire (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: While the body is fit, why should we not chant the holy name of the Lord loudly and distinctly? If one does so, it is quite possible that even at the time of death he will be properly able to chant the holy name of the Lord with love and faith. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.2.49 Purport)
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Bhakti Sangam Festival in Ukraine (Album with photos) Srila…
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Bhakti Sangam Festival in Ukraine (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “As fire burns dry grass to ashes, so the holy name of the Lord, whether chanted knowingly or unknowingly, burns to ashes, without fail, all the reactions of one’s sinful activities. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.2.18)
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Ratha-yatra in Madrid, Spain (Album with photos) Srila…
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Ratha-yatra in Madrid, Spain (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: One should take shelter of Krishna-Balarama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose protective power is so great that it cannot be equaled in the material world. However powerful the reactions of one’s sins, they will immediately be vanquished if one chants the name of Hari, Krishna, Balarama, or Narayana. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 6.2.16 Purport)
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A STRONG SENSE OF COMMUNITY. One of the few physical features…
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One of the few physical features that distinguish Buddhi Wilcox is a small pigtail. But the otherwise ordinary appearance hides a compassionate being, dedicated to helping the less well off in his community.
Buddhi, a member of the Hare Krishna faith, set up the Food For Life programme in Whangarei in New Zealand, feeding the poor, the homeless and children who would otherwise go hungry. But behind the good work is a big team of supporters committed to the vision.
“It’s not just the community we feed but we meet a need for other sectors such as businesses who want to donate their products, money or services to Food For Life. There’s also a large number of people who want to volunteer their labour to help others in the community with worthy projects such as Food For Life.”
Buddhi says organisations such as the Northland Regional Council and the Whangarei District Council have also played a role in the success story of Food For Life.
“Both councils have been quite helpful [regional council provides the building rent and rates free and district council has helped with food hygiene oversight] but it’s really the relationships we have that have made the difference.”
He says that is especially true of Whangarei District Mayor Sheryl Mai.
“She has been generally supportive for what we do and it means a lot to have that. Sheryl has had more to do with our work and organisation – especially on the cultural side – than you would normally expect from a mayor.
“She has a strong sense of community.
“We’re a minority group and we rely on the support of the community – having the backing of the mayor is significant for what we do.”
Buddhi added that Sheryl’s involvement reflects a wider ‘caring’ within the community.
“Whangarei has one of the highest rate of volunteers per capita in the country – it’s a great place to live.”

Is Radharani mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam? TRANSLATION:…
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Is Radharani mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam?
TRANSLATION: Certainly this particular gopi has perfectly worshiped the all-powerful Personality of Godhead, Govinda, since He was so pleased with Her that He abandoned the rest of us and brought Her to a secluded place.
PURPORT: Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti explains that the word aradhitah refers to Srimati Radharani. He comments, “The sage Sukadeva Gosvami has tried with all endeavor to keep Her name hidden, but now it automatically shines forth from the moon of his mouth. That he has spoken Her name is indeed Her mercy, and thus the word aradhitah is like the rumbling of a kettledrum sounded to announce Her great good fortune.”
Although the gopis spoke as if jealous of Srimati Radharani, they were actually ecstatic to see that She had captured Sri Krishna.
Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti quotes the following detailed description of Srimati Radharani’s footprints, as given by Srila Rupa Gosvami in his Sri Ujjvala-Nilamani: “At the base of the large toe of Her left foot is the mark of a barleycorn, below that mark is a disc, below the disc is an umbrella, and below the umbrella is a bracelet. A vertical line extends from the middle of Her foot to the juncture of Her large and second toes. At the base of the middle toe is a lotus, below that is a flag with a banner, and below the flag is a creeper, together with a flower. At the base of Her small toe is an elephant goad, and upon Her heel is a half-moon. Thus there are eleven marks on Her left foot.
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Women and Family: social value. Srila Prabhupada: “We were…
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Women and Family: social value.
Srila Prabhupada: “We were student of economics and there was a book, Marshall’s Economics. That Mr. Marshall is explaining that economic impetus begins from family affection, family affection. Unless one has got family, he will not try to earn. He will not try to earn money. He will be irresponsible. Therefore it is essential. When one is given some responsible post… Some… I know some English firm in India, I had some connection with him. So he was simply trying to know, “The man who is going to work for us, whether he is family man?” Because unless he is a family man, he has no attraction. He can give up the job at any moment. Because there is no family attraction. This is the psychology. Therefore according to Vedic civilization, it is the duty of the parents to get the sons and daughters married so that they will have family attraction, they will be established, they will be organized, things will go nicely. If there is no family attraction, no responsibility, then the things will not go nicely. This is the basic principle.
To read the entire article click here:

Placing Kaulini Devi’s, dear disciple of Srila Prabhupada,…
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Placing Kaulini Devi’s, dear disciple of Srila Prabhupada, ashes in Yamuna (Album with photos)
Deena Bandhu Das: Two days ago, we placed our very dear Godsister Kaulini’s ashes in the sacred waters of Yamuna! Also the wife and son of Vijya Vishnu Prabhu from Atlanta placed his ashes. Kaulini was a very gentle, kind-hearted devotee totally dedicated to Srila Prabhupada! My last encounter with her was at the Kalash Yatra for the inauguration of Vrinda Kunda Mandir. After carrying a waterpot on her head with a coconut, she came to me and very sincerely said, “Prabhu, this has changed my whole life!” Come join us through the pictures of Vittalrukmini Das!
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Huge Janmashtami celebration in the concert hall…
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Huge Janmashtami celebration in the concert hall “Russia” of the Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow, Russia (Album with 120 photos)
Srila Prabhupada: It is the practice of brahmanas conversant with the science to pronounce a Vedic mantra in the right accent. But even if the Hare Krishna mantra is not chanted properly, it still has so much potency that the chanter gains the effect. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 4.13.27 Purport)
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The cult of Krishna is growing in officially atheist…
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The cult of Krishna is growing in officially atheist China. Numbers are difficult to compile and often anecdotal in nature, but the philosophy of love and devotion as symbolised by Krishna, one of Hinduism’s popular deities, is evidently attracting many Chinese in urban areas.
Last week, a large number of devotees celebrated Krishna Janmashtami, the day that marks his birth, across China in big and small groups, at yoga centres and among family members.
Celebrations were mostly marked by chanting of “Hare Krishna”, singing devotional songs, readings from the Bhagavad Gita and distribution of sweets including laddoos.
The day was also celebrated in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Harbin and the province of Wuhan. (HT/Sutirtho Patranobis)
One of the larger celebrations was held at the International Buddhist Items and Crafts Fair in Dongguan city in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. “At the Dongguan fair, we presented the murtis of Jagannath, Balaram and Subhadra as three international angels of auspiciousness and distributed 3,000 packages of sweets,” a devotee who identified himself as Gaudiya Das told HT.
“There were congregational chanting and we took the three murtis on a vehicle around the entire fair, distributing foods like laddoos, chapatis, sweet rice and even (traditional Chinese food) moon cakes,” he said.
The day was also celebrated in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Harbin and the province of Wuhan, said Das, a trained practitioner of Bhakti yoga.
“It is not about any religion. You do not have to believe in Hinduism to celebrate Krishna’s birthday. It is like Christmas: the whole world celebrates, everyone is happy.”
Some of the organisers were from the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) group.
The Chinese like traditional culture and that’s why Krishna and His teachings are gaining in popularity, he added.
To read the entire article click here:

Radhastami – Glories of Srimati Radharani (video class) by…
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Radhastami – Glories of Srimati Radharani (video class) by Vaisesika Prabhu.
From the Rik-parisistha:
“Srimati Radharani is always to be found with Sri Krishna, and Madhava is always to be seen with Radhika. One is never without the other’s company.”
From the Gopalottara-tapani:
“She is the embodiment of maha-bhava, or the highest transcendental ecstasy, and none of the other gopis, or cowherd damsels of Vrindavan, possesses Her excellent qualities. Radharani is therefore known as the most famous Gandharva.”
In the Padma Purana Narada Muni describes Srimati Radharani:
“As much as Srimati Radhika is dear to Lord Krishna, Her pond Radha-kunda is as beloved to Him. Among all the gopis Srimati Radharani is most dear to Krishna.
In his Sri Prarthana-paddhati [Stavamala], Srila Rupa goswami prays:
“O Queen of Vrindavan, O Radharani, Your complexion is like molton gold, Your doe-like eyes are captivatingly restless, a million full and brilliant moons wane before Your lustrous countenance, and a blue sari, having stolen the hue of a fresh rain-laden cloud, has enwrapped Your exquisite form. O Radha, You are the crest-jewel of all the dallying damsels of Vrindavan, fragrant and pristine like a budding jasmine flower. Your sublime form is adorned with priceless jewelry , and you are the best of all the charming and intelligent gopis. You are decorated with all wonderful excellences and surrounded by eight dedicated and beloved cowherd girls known as the asta-sakhis.
“The ambrosia of Your beautiful lips, red as the bimba fruit, is life-giving syrup to Krishna. O Radha, I am rolling on the banks of the Yamuna, my poor heart filled with anticipation, praying to You with all humility. I am guilty of being an offender, a rascal, a useless wretch-yet I beg You to kindly engage me in even the smallest service to Your lotus feet. O most merciful Lady, it will not become You to ignore this most distressed soul, for Your heart is always overflowing with compassion and love.”
Raghunatha dasa Goswami writes in the Vilap-kusum-anjali
“O Supreme Ladyship, Queen of my heart, Radha! Laksmi-devi the goddess of fortune does not possess even a drop of the beauty that exudes from Your exquisite toenails, therefore if You do not grant me the proper vision to perceive Your transcendental pastimes, then what use do I have for this life, which is burning in the fire of excruciating sorrow?
“O merciful Lady! Indeed, lately I am floating in a nectarean ocean of hope, and passing time in hardship and pain, but if You do not shower mercy upon me then this life, living in Vrindavan, and even Lord Krishna are all meaningless to me.”
“The Queen of Vraja is my mistress. O Lady mistress, O Radha, I am Your maidservant, but the flames of intense separation are incinerating my heart and I grow feeble from profuse crying. Finding no other means, I am therefore sitting somewhere in Govardhan and composing these verses in deep lamentation.
“O dallying damsel of Vraja, Sri Radhika, I am sucked into an ocean of grief and my condition is so miserable! Kindly send me Your mercy in the form of an infallible boat and save me from this whirlpool. Please give me sanctuary at Your lotus feet.”
“O Radha-kunda, pond of sublime joy, my mistress Srimati Radhika is always absorbed in divine amorous pastimes with her beloved paramour Sri Krishna on your banks, and you have endeared yourself to this Divine Couple more than anything else They cherish. Please, therefore, be merciful upon me and allow me but a moments vision of the object of my greatest adoration, Srimati Radharani.
From Brahma-Samhita
“I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who resides in His own realm, Goloka, with Radha, who resembles His own spiritual figure and who embodies the ecstatic potency [hladini]. Their companions are Her confidantes, who embody extensions of Her bodily form and who are imbued and permeated with ever-blissful spiritual rasa.” B.S. 5.37
Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita Adi Lila 1.6
Desiring to understand the glory of Radharani’s love, the wonderful qualities in Him that She alone relishes through Her love, and the happiness She feels when She relishes the sweetness of His love, the Supreme Lord Hari, richly endowed with Her emotions, appears from the womb of Srimati Sachi Devi, as the moon appears from the ocean.
The essence of the hladini potency is love of God, the essence of love of God is emotion [bhava], and the ultimate development of emotion is mahabhava. Sri Radha Thakurani is the embodiment of mahabhava. She is the repository of all good qualities and the crest jewel among all the lovely consorts of Lord Krishna.
Of these two gopis [Radharani and Candravali], Srimati Radharani is superior in all respects. She is the embodiment of mahabhava, and She surpasses all in good qualities. (Ujjvala-nilamani 2)
Her mind, senses and body are steeped in love for Krishna. She is Krishna’s own energy, and She helps Him in His pastimes.[Adi 4.68-71]
O Partha, in all the three planetary systems, this earth is especially fortunate, for on earth is the town of Vrindavan. And there the gopis are especially glorious because among them is My Srimati Radharani. (Adi Purana-Krishna to Arjuna)
Lord Caitanya appeared with the sentiment of Sri Radha. He preached the dharma of this age-the chanting of the holy name and pure love of God. In the mood of Srimati Radharani, He also fulfilled His own desires. This is the principal reason for His appearance.
C.C. Adi 4.238-272
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George Harrison Festival in Liverpool 27th August 2016 (4 min…
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George Harrison Festival in Liverpool 27th August 2016 (4 min video)
Parasuram das: It was a simple event, Harinam on stage, 1,000 Chant and be Happy books, Prasad parcels for everyone. Every year the City of Liverpool puts on Beatle Week and this event was for George Prabhu. The hall holds 500 seats and there were two seatings. Sakshi Gopal Prabhu coordinated the devotee’s role in the event. The people of Liverpool love the Beatles (as everyone does) even the airport is called John Lennon Airport!
Watch it here:

Janmastami Florida Festival 2016 – Alachua Temple (7 min…
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Janmastami Florida Festival 2016 – Alachua Temple (7 min video)
My name is Bhakta Mike, and I am a 21-year-old brahmachari living at the Krishna House. I am a film student at Santa Fe as well as a community member of the Hare Krishna community in Alachua Florida. I am recently in the stage of finding a way of using my skills in Krishna Consciousness. My Siksa Guru Kalakanta Das once told me that “a way of advancing in Krishna Consciousness is through finding a service that you like” so I’ve started to apply that concept and I’ve noticed its actually true. It helps get out of the mental platform easier than doing other types of services because I am actually enjoying it, so my mind is not all over the place telling me all sorts of things to stop doing, because I actually don’t mind doing it. So I’ve decided in engaging my film making skills and equipment in Krishna Consciousness, I decided to donate the Alachua Temple a promo video of Janmastami Festival for the whole community to enjoy, I made this video so everybody could see how magical the Alachua Temple is, and so every member of this community could enjoy.
The Video is in 4k Cinematic Res. Watch it here: or here:

Iskcon Coimbatore Showers Golden Lotuses On Balagopal For…
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Iskcon Coimbatore Showers Golden Lotuses On Balagopal For Janmashtami (2016)
Ratirupa Jahnava Devi Dasi: This year,devotees at ISKCON Coimbatore, offered Lord Krishna , a very special abhishekam of 108 Kanaka Kamalas ( Golden Lotuses), while greeting the Lord on his transcendental birthday.
The grand event , planned in commemoration with the Golden Jubilee celebration, was sponsored by devotees, patrons & well wishers , and was flagged off by the unveiling of a ISKCON 50 plaque dedicated to Srila Prabhupada by HH Bhakti Vinoda Swami Maharaj, Zonal Secretary , ISKCON and Sri .S.P. Velumani. Hon. Minister of Tamilnadu Municipal Administration, Rural developement. The inauguration was also graced by the presence of several dignitaries like,
Sri.P.Nagarajan (Member of Parliament)
Sri.P.R.G.Arunkumar( MLA, North Coimbatore) ,
Sri P.Rajkumar ( Mayor, Coimbatore),
Sri. K.Vijay Karthikeyan( Commissioner, Coimbatore Corporation) Srimati. P. Gandhimathi( Dep. Commissioner, Coimbatore Corporation) and many more other local VIP s . All of them were warmly welcomed and offered special blessings and gifts by HH Bhakti Vinoda Swami Maharaj.
The darshan of their Lordships in their grand designer outfits , on a wonderfully decorated altar left the onlookers spell bound. Various presentations like drama, kirtan, dance, spiritual discourse, interactive sessions with the public, stalls and booths displaying achievements of ISKCON in 50 years , Golden Anniversary Celebrations and events all over the globe etc., kept the vibrant festive mood alive throughout the day till midnight.
The media reported that more than 50,000 visitors queued up to take darshan of the Lord and were lovingly served platefuls of delicious Krishna Prasadam. Devotees reached out to the mass through various exhibits and stalls for Bhakti Vriksha for families , FOLK for children, Spark Youth Club, ISKCON Communications, spiritual games and gifts etc.
Visitors showed keen interest in the upcoming “Moon of Kovai Project” containing a magnificent temple for Sri Sri Radha and Krishna among other elements . Many expressed their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to ISKCON for their 50 years of service to humanity and are eagerly looking forward to the completion of the temple.
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“Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other…
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“Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans.” Tips for Steady Chanting.
Ananda: How can I find the strength to be steady in my spiritual practice of chanting the holy names of even when uncertainties in life come my way?
I believe this is a gradual process. In the beginning, we will come back to that relationship with the holy name after a prolonged time. Then, gradually, we will notice that we are always a little absent in our relationship when life gets tough. And we will grieve about it. We will ask ourselves: “Why am I always turning to Krishna very late – why not earlier?” and based on that realization we will slowly learn to wake up and turn to Krishna earlier.
There will always be uncertainties in life. Everything will always work our differently than we planned it. Once a clever person said: “Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans.” How true. The nature of this life is that we are like fish out of water. The earlier we return to the wonderful fresh water of Krishna consciousness, the less we suffer.
To realize this may take time, but it is necessary for us. Just give your best and trust that Krishna will help. Gradually you will be able to change this unfortunate habit. So, practice, practice, practice…and eventually you will learn the secret of steadiness in your spiritual life.

Vyasa-puja offering 2016 read in the Warsaw temple for the…
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Vyasa-puja offering 2016 read in the Warsaw temple for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada.
Krishnakshetra Swami: O Master at whose feet all masters sit, O Śrīla Prabhupāda, here is one of your students—by no means a master—bowing at your feet and begging to remain seated there, among my many masters, your followers.
It has been fifty years since you officially established your mission in the form of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. This year we celebrate a half-century of your enduring mission, and I pray to always have a place in your Society for the remainder of my life and beyond.
This year we celebrate your Society’s perdurance, and one aspect of celebration is reflection on successes, but also reflection on challenges, weaknesses, and failures, individual and collective. We do so, always with the aim of reaffirming and better comprehending your vision of Kṛṣṇa consciousness.
You often expressed your vision in terms of a “movement,” the “Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement.” With your blessings, I wish to reflect on your notion of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, as an appreciation of your vision for the world and as a challenge for us, your followers, to perpetually renew and deepen our comprehension of this vision.
In the Preface to your 1971 unabridged edition of Bhagavad-gītā As It Is, you refer several times to the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. In one passage there you write, “Our Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is genuine, historically authorized, natural and transcendental due to its being based on Bhagavad-gītā As It Is.” These four qualifications—authenticity, historical grounding, naturalness, and transcendence—outline the features of this movement that you wished to emphasize; and each of these features you locate as originating in the teachings of Lord Kṛṣṇa as given in the Bhagavad-gītā as delivered through a proper teacher-student relationship (“as it is”).
To say that the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is “genuine” is to contrast it with other, apparently similar, movements which are in one or more ways lacking in authenticity, hence not facilitating proper training in how to serve the Lord. As you wrote (SB 7.9.17 purport), “Humanity must be trained to engage in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. That is the purpose of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement.” We should note that acknowledging that the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is genuine does not preclude the possibility that there are other movements of a similar nature which are similarly authentic, or that other missions or organizations than ISKCON might be part of the same Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement.
To affirm the historical grounding of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is to set aside misperceptions that it is a “new religious movement,” calling attention to its pedigree by virtue of disciplic succession. And in case one might express scepticism about the purity and consistency of the message thus delivered (after all, Kṛṣṇa himself admits in the Gītā that the message gets lost in course of time), you point to its “natural” quality: since it is the nature of all beings to serve, and since all beings are part of the Supreme Being, it follows that it is natural for all to serve the Supreme Being. As long as this basic truth is recognized, we can be assured that the essential teaching to be on course.
Finally, you point to the “transcendent” nature of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. Here you may be referring to its connection to Kṛṣṇa as the transcendent Lord, and by virtue of this connection you are contrasting this movement with so many social, political, or cultural movements, all of which are tethered to worldly motivations, ideas and ideals. However exalted they may be in their aims, such movements are, at best, limited in their potential to spiritually uplift humanity.
You write optimistically of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement: “It is gradually becoming the most popular movement in the entire world, especially amongst the younger generation.” Just how one might measure such popularity might be a matter of contention; yet your optimism suggests to me that the “movement” aspect of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement may be perceived on many levels, in unexpected places and by cultural trends that one might not necessarily register as being directly associated with Kṛṣṇa consciousness as we presently understand it.
For me, this raises the question how to conceive the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement in the broadest terms, aligned with and grounded in your and the previous ācāryas’ teachings, yet truly transcendent in being ever respondent to and fostering solutions to the perceived needs of all kinds of people in the world today. How can we serve and promote the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement as a movement, unfettered by self-imposed limitations that accompany the various forms of unhealthy reification that typically creep into missionizing organizations and institutions? The admittedly vague yet dynamic term “spirituality” may be of help in this reflection.
In her essay “Approaches to the Study of Christian Spirituality,” Prof. Sandra M. Schneiders defines spirituality as “the experience of conscious involvement in the project of life-integration through self-transcendence toward the horizon of ultimate value one perceives” (Schneiders p. 16 in Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality, Arthur Holder, ed., Blackwell, 2005). This is clearly a very broad, inclusive definition, with the advantage that a wide spectrum of people could accept it and see themselves included in it. Understanding spirituality in this way, she notes, allows us to recognize that spirituality is “ontologically prior to its specification by history and theology.” The point for us is that, as you, Śrīla Prabhupāda, have said about the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, transcendence is an essential feature: as a movement of spirituality, Kṛṣṇa consciousness is meant to be manifest in the world, in history; but as a movement of spirituality, Kṛṣṇa consciousness always resists containment by the world.
What does this mean for members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness? To me it suggests that we keep alert for opportunities to engage with the world in a spirit of service, to help everyone, in whatever position they are in, to become more deeply “consciously involved” in their own “projects of life integration,” with respect to whatever they perceive as ultimate value. It means that we remain faithful to our own conviction that Kṛṣṇa, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the sum and substance of ultimate value, but that we can appreciate and honor others’ convictions regarding ultimate value as well. It means that we resist the temptations of sectarianism and constantly stretch ourselves to see the Lord’s presence in all sincere efforts by people to deepen their spiritual lives. In this spirit we may affirm your aspiration to “respiritualize” (Path of Perfection, ch. 1) the whole world through the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, and we may thus position ourselves, individually and collectively, as members of ISKCON, in such ways as we can positively advance the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement throughout all spheres of human society.
My prayer, on this day and in this year of ISKCON’s 50th anniversary celebration, is that I may be an instrument—an agent—in whatever small way I can, in the advancement of your mission to foster a truly spiritual movement, one that brings all people together in service to the Lord of all, recognizing and celebrating how indeed everyone follows His path in all respects.
Your aspiring servant,
Kṛṣṇakṣetra Swami

Janmastami & Srila Prabhupada Vyas Puja Celebration in Nava…
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Janmastami & Srila Prabhupada Vyas Puja Celebration in Nava Vraja Dham, Hungary (2016)
Srila Prabhupada: One is understood to be an eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead if he considers himself a servant of the holy name and in this spirit distributes the holy name to the world. (Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 8.16 Purport)
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