The tale of how one boy decided to bathe in the morning. Yulia…
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The tale of how one boy decided to bathe in the morning.
Yulia Shevchenko: I wrote that really to highlight the theme of cleanliness, in an accessible form explaining it to children. I had an idea to try to compose small Vaishnava tales on the theme of cleanliness to inspire young Vaishnava bathe, brush their teeth and wash their hair.
The basic idea in this case is that our body is the Lord’s temple and we should try to keep it clean, because in our hearts is the Lord who resides, always loving us, taking care of us and helping us.
One day before going to bed we started to compose such a fairy tale which I now share with you.
To read the entire article click here:

Live longer and healthier with the advices of Bir Krishna das Goswami
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Live longer and healthier with the advices of Bir Krishna das Goswami and Dr. Radharadhya (21 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: We should always remember that our body is not for sense gratification; it is for Krishna’s service only. And to render very good sound service to Krishna we should not neglect the upkeep of the body. Letter to Rayarama, February 9,1969.
Watch it here:

ISKCON holds Iftar gathering. To celebrate the over…
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ISKCON holds Iftar gathering.
To celebrate the over 400-year-old amity between the Hindu and Muslim communities in West Bengal’s Nabadwip, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Mayapur on Wednesday organised an Iftar party with elected Muslim panchayat members as its guests inside the temple premises.
The event upholds the legacy of brotherhood between the two communities, the seeds of which were sown in the 16th century by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and his relationship with the then magistrate, Chand Kazi, through his sankirtan (congregational chanting) movement.
At the Geeta Bhavan premises of the temple in Mayapur in Bengal’s Nadia district, elected panchayat members of the Muslim community of Mayapur Bamanpukur Panchayat participated in the ‘Iftar Samabesh’ along with presidents and secretaries of several mosques and one madrasa, said HG Jagadhatri Prabhu, public relations coordinator of the temple.
“Just like last year, in 2016 Jagannath Rath Yatra and Eid have fallen on the same day. So the ‘Iftar Samabesh’ is aimed at sending a strong message to the universe about peace, harmony, love and trust among communities,” said Prabhu.

July 3. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations. Satsvarupa…
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July 3. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: A Letter to Swamiji.
The best way to be with Prabhupada on 26 Second Avenue is to go back in memory, in feelings, in body and mind – go and be with him. I can go to his room as I used to, alone, and write him a letter:
Dear Swamiji,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to your lotus feet. It seems a long time since I’ve seen you. It’s nice to be here in your room, and to work in your storefront with the devotees. I am doing my service, but sometimes it’s hard to think of you. This probably is because Maya doesn’t want me to surrender. I would like to express some things to you that are on my mind, to help me get free of maya. Probably, if I would read the Bhagavad-gita properly, then I wouldn’t be in maya.
To read the entire article click here:

Please Give me Something more! Shastra Krit Dasa: Yesterday in…
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Please Give me Something more!
Shastra Krit Dasa: Yesterday in Parammatta Sydney one gentle westernised Indian lady came to me while i was on book distribution and said “I want to buy a set of Srimad Bhagavatam.” I almost fell on the ground in shock. I couldn’t believe someone wants a set while I’m struggling to sell even one book.
Then I asked how she knew about the Srimad Bhagavatam. She said I gave her the book “Science of Self-Realization” last month. She read it cover to cover and she loved it. Believe it or not she was a born again Christian before reading the SSR. Now she is a vegetarian, chanting Hare Krishna, came to our Parramatta Saturday feast and took her set of SB (against the will of her still born again Christian husband). She even changed her son’s name from Joshua to Arjuna.
Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!

Preaching program in Israel (Album with photos) Srila…
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Preaching program in Israel (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The Hare Krishna mantra is specifically mentioned in many Upanisads, such as the Kali-santarana Upanishad, where it is said: “After searching through al the Vedic literature, one cannot find a method of religion more sublime for this age than the chanting of Hare Krishna.” (Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 3.40 Purport)
Find them here:

6 TIPS FOR GIVING A CLASS A friend recently wrote me who is…
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A friend recently wrote me who is giving Bhagavatam class for the first time asking me for some tips. It’s a very, very big subject, there are volumes of books and courses devoted to this topic.
After some consideration I wrote him the following 6 points that I feel are essential. There are many, many other things to consider, but I think these will be helpful for anyone who has to give class.
1) PREPARE: Please, please, please prepare ahead of time, take notes if necessary. Some devotees like to use scraps of paper to remind them of essential points. Often times when I’m going to give a class I’ll read the verse a few days ahead of time and immediately note down any ideas that come to me. Over the following days I read it a few times and often think about it, noting down any ideas I may have. It’s true that Srila Prabhupada wanted devotees to be able to speak spontaneously. That will come easier after much study and practice. In the mean time it is good (both for yourself and for the listeners) for you to prepare.
2) HAVE A MESSAGE: Read the verse and purport ahead of time and see what it says to *you*. Say something that is relevant and helpful for the listeners. The most important element of speech (and writing) is that you have a message. Best is if it is something so important to you that it is burning in your heart. When you have a clear message that is important to you, people will be interested to hear.
3) MAKE A STRUCTURED PRESENTATION: When you are preparing, make a structure, with an introduction that will catch their attention, then develop the subject in a systematic way until you get to your conclusion.
4) RELAX AND RESPECT YOUR LISTENERS: Relax and talk to your friends as if you were having a discussion. Even if you are terrified, *fake* that you are calm (after a few minutes you may convince yourself that everything is okay). There is nothing worse than someone who is stiff and speaking “at” the listeners. Be honest. Be yourself. You are with friends. Don’t treat your listeners like children, treat them as thoughtful mature devotees, and don’t speak to them the same way you do the non-devotees (again these are your FRIENDS). You can even beg them for their blessings (highly recommended) and explain that this is the first time you have done this. Ask them for their tolerance and help, but don’t whine and appear weak and useless. If you appear too nervous (even if you are) they may feel subtly annoyed and think, “If he is so nervous and has nothing to say, then why is he taking our time.” RESPECT THEM.
5) QUOTE SASTRA AND ACARYAS: Very important: Repeat what you have heard from your Guru Maharaja, sastra, and the previous acaryas in your own words. They will bless you if you do, and the listeners will be pleased. You are representing Srila Prabhupada and the movement of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. We should speak in a way that will be a good reflection on them.
6) DON’T THINK IT BELONGS TO YOU: It’s not your message. It belongs to guru, Krishna and our previous acaryas, we are just humble instruments. Giving class, like offering aratika is a service. I often give an example in this regard: Imagine a pujari doing the aratika for Sri Sri Radha Madhava in ISKCON Mayapur on Gaura Purnima day. If the pujari opens the kirtans, looks at the thousands of devotees gathered there and thinks, “They all came to see me!” Then that pujari is a rascal. He is doing a humble service on behalf of his guru and the assembled Vaishnavas. Similarly, giving class is a service to Hari, Guru, and the Vaishnavas. It is not for our mundane fame and false prestige.
Madhavananda das GGS

He’s a trip monk! Ben Hohenstatt: If you saw a man with a…
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He’s a trip monk!
Ben Hohenstatt: If you saw a man with a shaved head in orange robes in the Illinois Valley Thursday that wasn’t an oddly dressed flagger.
A walking journey from New York to San Francisco took Bhaktimarga Swami “The Walking Monk”, a Hare Krishna monk originally from Canada, through Ottawa, Peru and La Salle Friday.
“I’ve been to Chicago, but I’ve never been here,” he said. “We’ve met a lot of nice people…There’s a lot of sweet people…People in the Midwest carry some good values”
In the past, he has crossed Canada four times and walked across Guyana, Ireland, Israel, the Fiji islands and Trinidad and featured in documentaries.
Swami said this walk was to promote physical and spiritual health as well as to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Bhaktiredanta Swami Prabhupreda incorporating the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
“The walk is to encourage people to have a workout and a work-in,” the 63-year-old monk said.
Around 11 a.m. Thursday, he stopped to eat mangoes and cherries in Pulaski Park in La Salle. Swami said his day’s walk began in Ottawa around 5 a.m.
Despite covering dozens of miles a day in weather that is “almost never perfect”, encountering bears and schlepping through the Appalachians and downtown Gary, Ind., Swami said sometimes it can be tough to pause his journey.
“It gets to the point sometimes where it’s hard to stop,” he said.
Swami said he would follow U.S. 6 toward Peru before continuing west toward Davenport, Iowa, and he will be excited to continue westward and cross the Mississippi River.
“I might swim it,” he said. “We’ll see if I can swim it.”
He said he thinks he will be able to make it to the middle of Nebraska before other commitments will cause him to put his walk on hold before being resumed next year.
“Next year, I’m hoping to finish walking to San Francisco
Swami said during his cross-country trek he expects to wear out about four pairs of shoes and several robes, which become faded from sunlight.
While marathon walking, he said he encounters people, wildlife and all manner of weather and tries to engage with his surroundings.
However, the rhythm and repetition of walking also makes it easy to get lost in thought.
“It’s an everyday experience,” he said. “You are very much present, but you’re also someplace else; it’s a great time to dream. Your feet are on the ground, and you’re head definitely isn’t in the clouds.”

July 2. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations. Satsvarupa…
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July 2. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Satsvarupa Brahmacari Caitanya-caritamrta, Morning Lecture Notes 1966.
The Absolute Truth is one, but seen differently according to a person’s capacity. There are three aspects of the Absolute Truth. One is Brahman, which is like the rays of the sun. (After the lecture, we devotees discussed what he said, and there was confusion and disagreement about the word that sounds like Brahma. So we asked Swamiji in his room. He made it clear. There are three words that sound alike. I think I’ve got them right. Brahma is the name of the demigod, Lord Brahma. Brahman is the impersonal feature of the Absolute, the rays. And a brahmin is the higher class person who knows the Vedas.)
Someone may say the sun is just fire, but it is a planet containing varieties of life. Vedic literature says every planet has variegated life. On the sun, the fiery element is prominent. The living entities are made of fire.
The original effulgence is from Krishna. That Brahman effulgence contains all the spiritual planets. We cannot study even a millionth of His energy. It is futile to deny Krishna because we cannot estimate His energies.
The Brahman effulgence is without transcendental bliss. It is the eternal aspect. Peaceful santa-rasa. Krishna says I’ve described in a nutshell some of My potencies, but you can know by one part of My energy I sustain all the universes; and I’m in the hearts of all living entities.
To read the entire article click here:

Govardhana Trail in New Govardhana, Australia. Kishori devi…
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Govardhana Trail in New Govardhana, Australia.
Kishori devi dasi: Lying across two states – Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh in India – there is a mystical mountain called ‘Govardhana’. Govardhana is located in the middle of a forest called Vrindavana, the birthplace of the Lord, Sri Krishna. This mountain is considered sacred and non-different from Krishna Himself.
Nowadays there are still some pockets of the Vrindavana forest remaining and although Govardhana has reduced in size externally and is now more of a hill, it still remains lushly green. Here, in Eungella, the Hare Krishna Community is called ‘New Govardhana’, named after this sacred Govardhana in India.
A member of the community at New Govardhana, Maha-mantra dasa has taken up the task of creating a replica of Govardhana at the farm.
Braj Gauranga dasa provided initial funding for the excavation works five years ago, setting Maha-mantra off to a good start.
So far Indian-style bathing steps have been built, lakes dug out and filled, trees planted, a small hill created, with a beautifully painted pavilion built, as well as many shady shelters along the walking path.
Maha-mantra is working towards landscaped gardens and displaying impressive statues and dioramas depicting various pastimes that occurred at Govardhana in India more than 5000 years ago.
He aims to create a wonderful meditative space that everyone can appreciate, both members of the Hare Krishna community as well as guests and visitors

NBS # 40: The Ecstatic Dancing Of Lord Chaitanya. With the…
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NBS # 40: The Ecstatic Dancing Of Lord Chaitanya.
With the upcoming Jagannatha Rath Yatra Festival, this special issue covers Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s ecstatic dancing in the mood of Srimati Radharani during the Rath Yatra Festival.
We pray that this issue brings some pleasure to the devotees of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
NBS # 40 Features:-
1) Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is nondifferent from Srimati Radharani
His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
2) The Cart Festival
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur
3) Ecstatic Dancing Of Lord Chaitanya
Srila Krishna Das Kaviraja Goswami
4) Transcendental Competition Between Lord Jagannatha And Lord Chaitanya
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur
This issue can be viewed through these links:

“Worship of Radha-Krishna Deities is the ultimate pinnacle…
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“Worship of Radha-Krishna Deities is the ultimate pinnacle of Deity worship, and it must be done with the utmost caution and attention to every detail of giving opulent service. I am not recommending more temples to install Radha-Krishna Deities until I have become more convinced that they can properly manage. At least five to ten persons must be engaged full time to worship Radha-Krishna properly, and for any small temple especially that is a detrimental factor to maintaining the highest standard in other temple activities besides, because there are not enough men. You may worship Lord Jagannatha, or if you like to install Gaura-Gauranga, Gaura-Nitai, or simply Gaura Deity, He is also very liberal and will forgive and tolerate any service offered to Him even by Jagai and Madhai.” Srila Prabhupada letter to Gunagrahi July 3, 1972

Will Isopanisad change his mind? Recently, while I was…
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Will Isopanisad change his mind?
Recently, while I was distributing in Ljubljana (Slovenia), I approached a man and offered him an Isopanisad.
I asked him, “What’s your name?”
“My name is Mrtu.”
“Interesting. It sounds like a Sanskrit word. This books tells about higher consciousness and unlocks inner happiness.”
He asked, “How do you feel about the theory of evolution?”
“There is no observable evidence,” I said, “so I don’t accept it as being true. It’s no more than a theory and will never be more than a theory.”
“I agree. And what about creation? How did all of this come about?”
“God is known as satya sankalpa, which means that whatever He wants, happens by His arrangement. There is an immense intelligence behind the creation — it’s not started by chance or the Big Bang.”
He mentioned that he’s a lawyer and speaks nine languages. I was impressed.
So I told him, “You’re very intelligent, and on top of that you have good energy. I want you to read this book. It will reveal to you things you’ve never thought of. We just ask for a donation.”
He said, “I’ll give you a donation, but keep the book.”
“No, no, more important than the donation is that you take the book,”
I said. He took the book and gave a donation, but what’s interesting is that as he gave me a donation he said, “I’ve never believed in God and never will.”
Hopefully the Isopanisad will change his frame of mind.
Your servant,
Vijaya Dasa

News from TKG Academy: Radhanath Swami Lovingly Listens. (5 min…
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News from TKG Academy: Radhanath Swami Lovingly Listens. (5 min video)
Swamis are most notable for their speech. They share their wisdom through their speech. They sit on a raised platform, amongst hundreds of followers, and impart transcendental knowledge through the spiritual sound vibration and into the blaring microphone. This transcendental sound slices through the ignorance and fogginess of our consciousness, illuminating our hearts with all those qualities that evade us: mercy, compassion, tolerance, austerity, kindness… the list is very long. The very process of bhakti begins with this transcendental hearing. Pin-drop silence is expected when a great personality is speaking. Proper etiquette mandates this.
His Holiness Radhanath Swami, author of international bestsellers, “The Journey Home” and “The Journey Within”, however, visited TKG Academy and did just the opposite. He listened. Yes, I’ll say that again. He didn’t speak first. He listened!
As the teachers shushed the kids, feeling embarrassed that they dare to speak out in front of such a stalwart, world-renowned sage, he smiled and said, “No. Let them speak!” As he asked open ended questions, the room erupted in answers from all the kids, ages 4 to 14! “Shhhh,” the teachers nudged.. “No no.” In response, the Swami shushed the teachers. For more than an hour, he relished listening to the young student’s words. He smiled and laughed. He truly loved hearing their many thoughts. And they could feel it.
If only these children knew who they were sitting in front of. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims join him on pilgrimages all over India, straining to hear even just a few of his transcendental words. Every time he arrives in a temple, it quickly gets filled up with true seekers, wishing to hear from him.
I’ve had the real fortune of knowing him since I was 14 myself. Every time we visited him, he made us feel as if we were the most important, most valuable people he has ever met. He made us feel like this was the most important encounter in his life. Never mind that he meets with and teaches tens of thousands of visitors regularly. Each person gets the same feeling. Growing up, every one of my gurukuli friends felt the same way. We had decided that it must be like this when meeting the Lord in our hearts, Sri Krishna.
Today, our lucky students also got this opportunity! A true well-wisher. A true listener. After connecting with their hearts, he shared the magical pastimes of Sri Nrsimhadeva. He spent time with them, almost as if he was one of them. The adult ego, “I’m an adult, you need to listen to me,” was non-existent. Is there any adult who truly can connect with kids like this? I’ve never met one.
It was one of the best days of the year. On May 16, 2016, His Holiness Radhanath Swami visited us at Srila Prabhupada’s very first gurukula, TKG Academy, in Dallas. Our only prayer is that he can come back again and again and again.
Next time, we may need to tell the kids ahead of time to just “listen”.
Watch it here:

July 1. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations. Satsvarupa…
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July 1. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Satsvarupa das Brahmacari Bhagwad-geeta ’66 Diary (con’d)
There is no harm in being a householder. No difference between a householder and a sannyasi. But a sannyasi can’t talk with a woman in a lonely place. Swamiji gave a practical example. Fifty years ago, when his guru maharaja was fifty years old, a young man (a disciple, Dr. O.P. Kapoor) and his wife were talking with Swamiji’s guru maharaja. The wife, who was about 22 years old, said to his guru maharaja, “I want to speak with you confidentially.” His guru maharaja was about fifty years old. This woman was like his granddaughter. But he said, “Oh, I cannot speak privately. Whatever you like, you can speak here.”
Swamiji was in his room. I asked him questions. Then he gave me little tasks to do. And the main task for me – typing his essays and the Bhagwatam and Geeta. It’s the best way to be with him all the time. I’m immersed in his teachings day and night. All the devotees are. One way or another – as he wrote on an announcement that’s posted in the storefront – “Do some work, and if you have none, chant Hare Krishna.” He said we could spend all our time simply chanting Hare Krishna as Haridasa Thakura did. But that’s not possible for us. Therefore, we have activities like producing BTG – writing, typing the stencils, printing it on the machine, selling them. He said that in one sense, we do other things because we can’t just chant.
To read the entire article click here:

An Honor And A Privilege (Album with photos) Indradyumna Swami:…
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An Honor And A Privilege (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Our festival tour on the Baltic Sea coast in Poland is up and running. Thousands of people are coming each day to attend our festivals. It’s amazing to see the overwhelming response. Then again, it was all predicted by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Five hundred years ago He stated that one day His holy names would be heard in every town and village of the world. It is an honor and a privilege to be helping to fulfill such a prophesy.
Find them here:

The latest issue of Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu e-magazine was…
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The latest issue of Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu e-magazine was just released. This edition includes:
* PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS – His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada speaks about the reality of political leadership.
* DISSERVICE TO THE BHAGAVATAM – Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur chastises impersonalists who try to write commentaries on Srimad Bhagavatam.
* DON’T STAY IN DARKNESS – Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja speaks about coming to the light of Krishna.
* KRISHNA IS MY ONLY REFUGE – A first time translation done especially for this issue, of Srila Vallabhacharya?s Krsnasraya-stotram, “8 reasons why Krishna is the the only refuge”.
* MADANA-MOHANA’S DOG – A fresh translation from Srila Prabodhananda Saraswati’s Vrindavan-mahimamrtam (2.67). It can be downloaded here:

Mr. Spock gets one of Srila Prabhupada’s books to read…
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Mr. Spock gets one of Srila Prabhupada’s books to read while in a mission in the starship Enterprise 🙂
Srila Prabhupada: The real preaching is selling books. You should know the tactic how to sell without irritating. What your lecture will do for three minutes, but if he reads one page his life may be turned. Letter to Bali-mardan, September 30, 1072.

A Powerful Ritual to Read Bhagavad Gita Everyday @ 5:45am…
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A Powerful Ritual to Read Bhagavad Gita Everyday @ 5:45am PDT!
Our modern world is nearly devoid of rituals and even those that remain – such as ones that revolve around the holidays – have largely lost their transformative power and are empty and meaningless. Yet, “We see in every culture—and throughout history—that people who perform rituals report feeling better,” says Norton, an associate professor in the Marketing unit at Harvard Business School. Through various experiments they have also concluded that rituals work because they increase involvement in the experience.
CHAD – A Simple Powerful Ritual!
The same powerful rituals when directed towards a simple practice to read/hear from Bhagavad Gita everyday, transforms our ordinary meaningless, materialistic life to significant, sacred, meaningful life of sacrifice. Srila Prabhupad says, “ ….if you read one chapter of Bhagavad-gita, you will understand gradually what is God, what you are, what is your relationship with God. And when you understand all these things and you develop your love of God, you become perfectly happy.” (SP conversation May, 12, 1969)
Act NOW – Join the Daily CHAD calls
Date and Time:
Everyday @ 05:45 AM US/Pacific (GMT-0700)
Online Meeting Link:
Dial-In Number (United States): (563) 999-2090, Access Code: 123936
International Dial-In Numbers:
July 2016 CHAD Goals
Recite Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 13 from 06/30/2016 until 07/28/2016. Click here to access Bhagavad Gita Chapter 12 in CHAD format.
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CHAD 2016 Calendar
Get Inspired by reading more testimonials here.
With Gratitude,

Service to Go-Mata is greater than Service to Govinda! Sri…
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Service to Go-Mata is greater than Service to Govinda!
Sri Krishna Purusottama Das: Padma Purana: “Of all types of worship, worship of Lord Viṣṇu is best, and better than the worship of Lord Viṣṇu is the worship of His devotee, the Vaiṣṇava.”
When Pārvatī asked Lord Mahādeva, Lord Śiva, what is the best method of upāsanā, or worship, Lord Śiva answered, ārādhanānāṁ sarveṣāṁ viṣṇor ārādhanaṁ param. And further, he says that serving the associates and servants of the Lord is greater than serving the Lord directly. Mother Cow is an eternal and dear associate of the Lord, who is addressed by the prayer namo bramhanya devaya go-brahmana hitaya ca…
The Sri Govinda Gau-gram Pracar Yatra began with guidance from His Holiness Bhakti Raghava Swami Maharaja. During the first phase of this program, devotees reached 67 villages across Telangana state. As part of the second phase of this yatra, ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry (IDVM) has begun a tour of villages in Andhra Pradesh. On the first day, 22nd June 2016, Sri Harinadh Reddy, Director for Gau-Samrakshhana program of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams graced the occasion, joining us for a brief talk by His Grace Revati Ramana Prabhu on importance of village preaching and cow protection. His Holiness Sukadeva Goswami Maharaja blessed the program with his support, in the form of a vehicle for traveling between villages.
His Grace Revati Ramana Prabhu personally did Gau Puja and gave a brief talk before waving the green flag for the Pracar Vehicle, which headed out from Tirupati to Punganur, covering a distance of 100 kms. Punganur is a small town in Andhra Pradesh noted for the world-famous “Punganur” – a beautiful dark coloured breed of cows. Unfortunately, currently even these special cows are being sold by farmers for slaughter which is happening for beef sale in Kerala. One of the key aims of this Yatra is to educate village farmers to protect cows and increase cow-based agriculture, and to show the importance of all cow products.
On the second day, we held a mini Ratha Yatra with Sri Jagannath Baladev and Subhadra deities using a bullock cart offered by the villagers. One Mr. Krishna Reddy sponsored a function hall for a one-day village program, with Gau Puja and kirtana. During this program, we distributed more than 3000 cups of khichri and curd rice prasadam, and several pamphlets with information on cow protection. His Grace Revati Ramana prabhu gave another enlightening talk to the crowd. Reliving his childhood memories, he said he is from Bangalore , “At that time, every house in his city used to have a cow. Now, every house has a car!” He remembered a childhood instance that displayed the strong cow – human relationship. “Once, when many cows died due to a disease, the people who took care of these cows lamented beating their chests, out of separation from their cows whom them considered family. And today, the situation is so bad that farmers are sending their cows for slaughter!”
The Core team, His Grace Kirtiraja prabhu, HG Srirama Prabhu and Sri Krishna Purusottama das and team on the Sri Govinda Gau-gram Yatra delivered two video presentations on cow protection. His Grace Rupesh Chaitanya prabhu, Vice President of ISKCON Tirupati also gave a brief inspiring talk. Several local governmental officials and devotee representatives from south Indian ISKCON Temples were also present in this event. Two specialist Pancagavya doctors accompanied with HG Abhirama prabhu did check-up and Nadi Chikitsa for around 100 villagers, who received it quite appreciatively. There was a lot of activity around the book stall and cow products stalls that were set up for this event. We distributed 400 small books and cow products in this event.
On these two days, I felt Mother Cow on all sides, as everyone around was talking about cows! On behalf of the Yatra team I thank the local devotees,ISKCON IDVM, ISKCON Tirupati, His Holiness Bhakti Raghava Swami Maharaja and His Holiness Sukadeva Goswami Mahraja and His Grace Revati Ramana prabhu for this program’s success. With the blessings and prayers of devotees, the Sri Govinda Gau-gram yatra is set to achieve its goal of covering 108 villages by Gopashtami, November 2016.

Rathayatra in Puri, just a matter of days now….Potala…
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Rathayatra in Puri, just a matter of days now….Potala work of 3 Rathas started… (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “My heart is always burning in the fire of material existence, and I have made no provisions for getting out of it. The only remedy is hari-nama-sankirtana, the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, which is imported from the spiritual world, Goloka-Vrndavana. How unfortunate I am that I have no attraction for this. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 5.1.22 Purport)
Find them here:

June 30. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations. Satsvarupa…
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June 30. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Wisps of Remembrance , 1966.
I was thinking this morning about those persons who don’t understand the English language. I was trying to imagine what it was like. I looked at a picture of Prabhupada in 1966 and thought, “If I didn’t know what he was saying, he would be the great spiritual leader who spoke in a language I didn’t understand. Sometimes I hear the sound of his voice, but it makes no sense to me.”
Then I thought, “Oh, I would be at a great disadvantage if I couldn’t understand his language,” but then I tried to realize how hard it is not to appreciate Prabhupada as a great spiritual master. These devotees who don’t speak English have some of Prabhupada’s books translated in their languages, and although no translation can do justice to the original language in which something was written, there is no lacking.
When we walked with Prabhupada, we always tried to ensure that everything was done nicely. There should be nothing on the path that he might trip on, no low-hanging branches to possibly lash him in the face. If he needed it, there should be a car or taxi to take him where he wanted to go. There should be no inimical persons around who could harm him, and everything should run smoothly. We tried to be attentive to his every need.
When we walked with Prabhupada, the world was full of excitement and possible danger. We had to be alert with all our senses, completely absorbed in serving him as he so mildly and humbly walked through the world. Sometimes we were awkward and fumbling beside his grace. We always took pleasure in just being there with him, although there was no time for relishing that while we were walking. We were serving him, and we didn’t want our “ecstasy” to get in the way. We were happy to face anyone and anything on his behalf, and therefore, we were concerned that our appearance was neat and our mood surrendered.
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Urgent Appeal! Indradyumna Swami: Dear Devotees! Woodstock 2016…
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Urgent Appeal!
Indradyumna Swami: Dear Devotees! Woodstock 2016 is just around the corner. We are short on manpower this year and require at least 100 more devotees to help us in Krsna’s Village Of Peace. We need devotees willing to serve selflessly in the kitchen, distributing prasadam, driving vans, cleaning, security, cleanup and many other practical services.
The mood of our village is to give our guests the opportunity experience the joy of Krsna consciousness. We work hard behind the scenes. But there will be plenty of time for devotee helpers to also participate in the daily Ratha Yatras and the Kirtan Tent – where Madhava prabhu, Bada Haridas, Mahatma, Sri Prahlada, myself and others will be leading non-stop kirtans.
The organizers are expecting 750,000 people. Our village is very safe, secure and clean. Our accommodation is very simple; we sleep in classrooms in local schools which we rent for the week.
The dates for Woodstock are July 13 – 17. The festival is held in Kostrzyn, Poland only 2 hours drive from Berlin, Germany. We can arrange to pick you up in Berlin ( and return you there after the festival ) but we are unable to pay transportation from your home city.
We are especially appealing to European devotees who do not require a visa to Poland; devotees from the Baltics, the Balkans, Hungary, the UK, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, the Netherlands etc. We have 600 confirmed devotees coming, but again, we require at least 100 more. It will be extremely difficult for us unless we get that help.
Krsna’s Village of Peace Woodstock is a preaching program of epic proportions. We will distribute prasadam to just under 200,000 people ( 45 tons of Bhoga ) do Ratha Yatra through the crowds each day and introduce the tens of thousands of people who visit our village to Krsna consciousness through kirtan, theaters, yoga, questions and answers tents, etc.
We will be celebrating our 26th year at Woodstock. Rumors are this may be the last Woodstock so please consider joining us for a spiritual experience of a lifetime.
Photos in this album are all from our village during Woodstock 2015 to give you an idea of the event.
If you are interested to join us, or have any questions, please write to me personally at:
Your servant,
Indradyumna Swami
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TV report of the yoga world day in Radhadesh, Belgium (2 min…
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TV report of the yoga world day in Radhadesh, Belgium (2 min video)
On the occasion of World Day of Yoga, fans were able to enjoy many free sessions. Durbuy example where followers are addicted to relaxing postures and evasion in the gardens of the Château de Petite Somme.
Watch it here:

Harinama in Tel Aviv, Israel, 25.06.2016. (Album with photos)…
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Harinama in Tel Aviv, Israel, 25.06.2016. (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Although materialists who are addicted to experimental knowledge and the so-called “scientific method” cannot place their faith in the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, it is a fact that simply by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra offenselessly one can be freed from all subtle and gross material conditions. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 7.74 Purport)
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Huge Ratha Yatra in Florence, Italy 2016 (Album with photos)…
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Huge Ratha Yatra in Florence, Italy 2016 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s transcendental mission is to distribute love of Godhead to everyone. Anyone who accepts God as the Supreme can take to the process of chanting Hare Krishna and become a lover of God. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 4.41 Purport)
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June 29. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations. Satsvarupa…
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June 29. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: More Satsvarupa dasa Brahmacari 1966 Bhagwad-geeta Lecture Notes –
Krishna is teaching how to become Krishna conscious at every step. When you drink water, the “juice” of it is Krishna. It comes from God; you can’t drink gold. That which you can’t produce by any human being, that is God. And illumination is Krishna. (As Swamiji spoke, a guy came to the front door with a loud, portable radio. People in the storefront turned to see. Swamiji said, “That’s all right.”) The mantra omkara is God. Whenever you hear some sound vibration, that is a reflection of spiritual sound. Therefore you can remember God as the sun, as water, as mantra, and as any sound – where can’t you remember God?
The best way to associate with God is by hearing. Our material contamination gets reduced by hearing. As the sun can purify you, so association with Krishna takes away contamination. (Swamiji said more how the sun cures disease.)
Try it, associate with Krishna. There will be no problem. Do it by sounds (Hare Krishna) and practice this consciousness, “The water is Krishna,” etc. Our present stage is forgetfulness. We have to revive.
Krishna is also desire without attraction. How can this be: It is Krishna consciousness – I desire for Krishna’s benefit, not mine. Lust that is not against religion – all other sex life is not religious. Sex in marriage is religion.
Sometimes, when I come back to my apartment in the middle of the day, I feel peeved if I see a couple of guys crashed out on the mattress. I think I’m working hard and they’re not. But all in all, I wouldn’t trade my former “housekeeper’s solitude” for the association of Vaisnavas.
Swamiji likes it too, I think, that I share what I have. He knows the devotees use my place (it’s not “my” place anymore. It never was.) It relieves Swamiji too, because now people don’t have to use his bathroom. They come over here in the morning.
To read the entire article click here:

A new rendition of Ramayana (48 min video) This is from the…
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A new rendition of Ramayana (48 min video)
This is from the excellent team of Indradyumna Swami’s travelling festival. It is meant to introduce the timeless epic of Lord Rama’s saga to an ever new audience.
Ramayana it is relevant today because the stories, though from an ancient setting, embody timeless values.
One of the primary values that it conveys – selfless sacrifice – is especially relevant in our present times that are characterized by obsessive selfishness.
1. The example of Rama’s sacrifice in accepting the sentence of exile despite having committed no fault just to preserve the word of honor of his father, king Dasharatha, points the way to bridging the ever-expanding parent-children generation gaps.
2. The example of Sita’s sacrifice in preferring the dangers of the forest to the security of the palace offers a stirring example of valuing the marital bond that has become much devalued due to an increasingly casual approach to sexuality and matrimony.
3. The example of Lakshmana’s sacrifice in choosing to stand unflinchingly by the side of his elder brother during the latter’s hour of crisis and thereby gaining a profound mutually enriching bond can serve as an antidote for the superficial relationships that characterize today’s siblings.
4. The example of Bharata’s sacrifice in resolutely refusing the kingdom meant for Rama can offer a signal lesson for the many succession battles among children that break open after the death of a wealthy parent – and sometimes even before the death.
Watch it here:

Bhakti Festival: A Celebration of Sacred Devotion. Denpasar,…
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Bhakti Festival: A Celebration of Sacred Devotion.
Denpasar, Bali, 22 June 2016 – This year the Hare Krishna Movement celebrates their 50 years with Bali’s very first Bhakti Festival. Held at the prestigious Bajrasandhi Monument park in Denpasar, the two-day event is absolutely free and aims to share the joy of devotion. The Hare Krishnas are world famous for their chanting and dancing, a major part of the ancient Hindu path of devotion, or Bhakti-yoga. The event will take place on the 9 th and 10 th of July 2016. The first day, starting at 4 P.M. Central Indonesian Time (WITA), features the formal opening ceremony, with representatives from the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs, Bali’s Ministry of Culture and the Hindu Dharma Council of Indonesia. The second day starts early at 7 A.M. WITA with yoga, mantra meditation, free health checks, discourses, kirtan (chanting) and dramas. The highlight of the day will most definitely be the Chariot Parade at 3 P.M WITA when three giant carts carrying sacred deities of Krishna, His brother and sister will be pulled for four kilometers on the streets of Denpasar, around the Bajrasandhi park. Throughout the two-day event, there will also be exhibitions, books on yoga and spirituality and free vegetarian (and vegan) meals distributed.
To read the entire article click here: