Seminar on Purpose and application of Bhagavad Gita, Polytechnic Institute, Bali.
Bali State Polytechnic (BSP) is a leading vocational education institution in Bali. It is located in a strategic area of the city. It provides with two fields of study: engineering and commerce. Engineering is divided into Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Departments while commerce is divided into Tourism, Accounting and Business Administration Departments. The vision of BSP is to be the leading institution to produce internationally compatible professionals and has good character output.
Promoting good character is most necessary now days. The first and most important advice for those who want to build character in students–and a sense of community in their school–is to focus on the introduction of the basic and the former duty of the student as human.
The State Polytechnic Institute (Politeknik Negeri Bali) in collaboration with the Indonesia Bhaktivedanta Institute, hosted seminars on Bhagavad-gita. “I think we shall get help from the Government and many foundations, if they understand that we are actually training people for building up character and health along with imparting education.” (SPL to Hayagréva, 7th October, 1968).
Bhakta Kusuma Wardana, lecturer in PBS organized all things for the students for the seminar. He approached the head of department of Electrical, Mr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Catur Bawa, S.T., M.Kom. to propose a seminar. With open hand he accepted the proposal and decided that the seminar would be done on 24 of June, a day before the Saraswati Puja day In Bali.
On the day of the seminar, the students and the lectures prepared the Saraswati puja and after the preparation they came to the classroom that already prepared to seminar. The speaker of the seminar was his grace Ramanuja das brahmacari. He opened the seminar by stressing on the purpose of studying Bhagavad-gita. Ramanuja prabhu presented the essence of the bhagavad gita with beautiful analogies that attracted the students. They listened attentively and sometimes laugh each other because what was presented match with what they had done in their daily life. Then Ramanuja prabhu came to the topic Varna and Ashrama, and then how one, in the human form of life, can attain the Ultimate goal of life.
Srila Prabhupada Stated in his letter that “Kindly push on this college program, for only the most intelligent persons can understand Krsna philosophy, so it is very important that we spread this message to the intelligent class of men”. (SPL to Brhaspati dasa, November 17th, 1971)
Ending the seminar the participants of the seminar had prasadam to be honor. Some students also bought Bhagavad gita. A Bhagavad-gita was presented to Mr. I Gusti Ngurah Agung Catur Bawa, S.T., M.Kom and in return he gave a souvenir and a profile book of Bali State Polytechnic and he also said that this kind of programs should be organized more in future.
For photos from the event:
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Seminar on Purpose and application of Bhagavad Gita, Polytechnic…
Swami Jesus
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Swami Jesus.
“I am obliged to your good daughter for awarding me a good degree as SWAMI JESUS which is actually a great honour for me. Some time the Lord speaks through innocent child and I take this honour as sent by Lord Jesus through an innoc…
The Mercy of Lord Gauranga just in time!
Radharani Devi Dasi:…
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The Mercy of Lord Gauranga just in time!
Radharani Devi Dasi: This incident happened some time ago: I was distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books in Nevada, USA. We stopped at a gas station to get some gas and water. When I got out of the van I saw one man that looked like he would be receptive to the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So I approached him and explained the book to him, sure enough he was interested, gave a donation and took a book.
Then I went into the store, while I was in the store I heard shooting and then cars screaching out of the parking lot. After I heard that the shooting was over I went outside with some other people from the store. The man that got the book was laying dead on the seat of his car, his hand clutching onto the book.
Myself and another devotee were shocked about what had just happened, but then we thought, “this person received the mercy just in time”. Another minute or two and he wouldn’t have been so fortunate. Prabhupada said, “If they just touch the book so much benefit will be there”. What to speak if they touch it, appreciate it, and give a donation for it.
Transcendental book distribution ki Jaya!!
Invitation to the 10th Hare Krishna Convention Malaysia 2016….
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Invitation to the 10th Hare Krishna Convention Malaysia 2016.
Dear Devotees, Friends and Supporters,
We are officially announcing this year national convention. To give you small summary on what’s in store we will have to go back to 1971.
Srila Prabhupada visited Malaysia in 1971. Here, Srila Prabhupada continued his vigorous preaching programmes, covering 4 major towns from central to north Malaysia within 5 days. While pursuing the purpose he came for, in that trip, he visioned a temple. Our very first Radha Krishna temple in Malaysia ,The Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple of Devotion & Understanding was opened on Balarama Purnima, August 29 last year in Penang .
This year is ISKCON’s 50th anniversary. All over the globe ISKCON centres are celebrating this 50th anniversary with great pomp. Every activity whether it is street chanting, Ratha Yatra, book distribution, prasadam distribution, knocking on doors preaching, etc are being multiplied this year. Even temples are being built to commemorate the 50th anniversary.
ISKCON Malaysia similarly is focusing on and pushing ahead congregational preaching through the door to door Gita Upadesham, Bhakti Vrksa and public programmes. The Mahabharata quiz competition amongst Tamil school children is another innovative programme to educate children and grab the attention of the teachers. Thousands of school children are taking part all around the country.
And now, for this year, ISKCON Malaysia will have a Maha gathering of devotees from not only all over Malaysia but from all over Asia and other parts of the world. In the heart of it the ISKCON youths of Malaysia are thinking of starting a revolution, a spiritual revolution as seen fit, as a tribute to the 50th anniversary of ISKCON.
In celebration of the glorious 50th Anniversary of ISKCON, ISKCON Malaysia is bringing back the 10th National Convention. This will be a FOUR day event, from Thursday the 15th September 2016 till Sunday the 18th September 2016, which will be held at the Temple of Devotion and Understanding (TODU), Penang. Bring along your family and friends to join us. First class Kirtan, Bhajans, Prasadam, Arati, Yoga, Seminars, Workshops etc await you.
World renowned swamis such as the Governing Body Commissioners for ISKCON Malaysia and world itinerant preacher Srila Jayapataka Swami and Srila Bhanu Swami, ISKCON Malaysia President Srila Bhakti Vrajendranandana Swami, China mission preacher Bhakti Vigna Vinasa Narasimha Swami, and Nitai Priya prabhu would also be there to get everyone swirling and dancing. HH Bhaktivinoda Swami an expert invited to rekindle the local youth development scene. World renowned Mahabharata and Ramayana speakers HG Jagat Saksi prabhu and HG Markendaya Rsi prabhu, would be here to transport us to a higher dimension with their expert narrations. From the Congregational Development Ministry, HG Iksvaku prabhu would be present. An event like this does not come every year or every 10 years. It is once in 50 years.
The theme for the convention this year is rEVOLution: Be the change you seek. We are striving to give each devotee an experience of genuine protection and inspiration to remain happy, enthusiastic and grateful to serve Srila Prabhupada’s mission throughout their lives. We see this as a great opportunity to bring devotees together in a mood to Enrich, Grow and Contribute.
We would like to cordially invite each and every one of you. Please consider this as our personal invitation and we hope each of you will be able to join this year and help us start a spiritual revolution.
You can register now at
Watch our video teaser at
For more information, please visit us at or follow us on Facebook at
Thank you for your support.
Your Servants
The National Convention Team
Ratha Yatra Lisboa, Spain, 2016 (Album with photos)
No words…
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Ratha Yatra Lisboa, Spain, 2016 (Album with photos)
No words can even try to describe such special moments shared with amazing…Read More…
June 28. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
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June 28. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: The Highest Sense. “Every second of human life is meant for making an ultimate solution of the problems of life, i.e., repetition of birth and death and revolving in the cycle of 84 lakhs of different species of life.” – Swami A.C. Bhaktivedanta
To read the entire article click here:
Ratha-yatra in Paris (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Krsna…
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Ratha-yatra in Paris (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Krsna and the sound vibration “Krsna” are nondifferent, so if one loudly vibrates Hare Krsna, he will be able to think of Krishna immediately. This process of chanting is the best process of self-realization in this age; therefore Lord Caitanya preached it so nicely for the benefit of all humanity. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 3.24.35 Purport)
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Well Received In Moldova (8 min video)
Indradyumna Swami:…
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Well Received In Moldova (8 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: Moldova, a small landlocked country between Romania and Ukraine, has a unique culture all it’s own. By the mercy of Lord Caitanya our festival tour was well received in the capital, Chisinau, and several other towns and villages. In fact, everywhere in the world where we take our festival program people are fascinated by the spiritual culture of Krsna consciousness and chant and dance with us in great ecstasy.
Watch it here:
Dear Vaishnavas, here are some stories from Czech devotees who…
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Dear Vaishnavas, here are some stories from Czech devotees who distribute Srila Prabhupada’s book and Krsna’s prasadam. I also want to apologize that my english is not perfect.:-)
I was distributing in one industrial city and in the late afternoon suddenly one lady seeing me that I am distributing books came to me and very humbly gave me a piece of paper and asked me if I by the chance have these books. When I looked to the paper there was a complete list of Srila Prabhupada’s books and there was also written-Author:His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. I was really amazed. Then the lady told me whole story that her son wants her to buy these book for him for Christmas. She was out whole day searching for these books in every bookstore in the town and everywhere they told her that they don’t have these books. Suddenly at the and of the day she saw me and she decided to approach me. She happily took five books for her son.
Mahasringa prabhu met one christian and after some strong discussion the Christian decided to give small donation and took TLC. And then the christian challenged him that he will give him more donation if Mahasringa promised to him that he will pray for forty days to Jesus Christ. Mahasringa told him that he will pray to God for forty days and told him that he must also read this book every day at least for forty days. So the Christian gave a nice donation and promised that he will read Teachings of Lord Chaitanya.
Kesava Puri prabhu met one young boy and invited him to his home telling him that his mother was interested in these books. When he met his mother she said to him that she is already waiting for him. The lady was interested in omen cards and told him that she can foretell the future. She took ten books.
Hari lila mataji was distributing prasadam in one busy town and after some time she got hard time and nobody wanted anything. After some time one gentleman came and told her: “Dear lady how it is possible?! Why nobody wants to buy this from you? I was sitting in this restaurant and watching you for some time. You are working so hard and nobody wants anything.” Then he gave her nice donation and took many packages of prasadam and went back to the restaurant. She went to the car and took some books for this man. When she came to him he very happily gave her big donation and took all the prasadam she had.
Vidyavacaspati prabhu brahmacari (51 years old) met one young crazy boy and showed him some books. Then the boy in a crazy manner started to speak: No No No I cannot read these books, I cannot read these esoteric books, my psychiatric doctor doesn’t allow me this”. Vidya with father-like compassion looked to him and told him “My dear boy don’t speak like a fool. These books can really cure you.” The boy started to look around him and then he bought two books.
Radhika Ramana prabhu was distributing in a prefabricated block of flats and nobody wanted to take any book. Then he decided to change the “mantra” and started to simply tell them that he is a Hare Krsna monk and that these books are for them. In the last entrance, he distributed twelve books.
Loka saranga prabhu also distributed door to door and by the elevator, he met a young lady, she was a drug addict. He told her that he has books about ancient Indian philosophy and she immediately asked him if he has the Bhagavad Gita. When she saw the BG she immediately started to beg Bg from him telling him that she didn’t have much money. Then she brought him some money and two silver earrings.
In one old block of flats, residential area of people working in the mines, I met a little-drunked man and woman. They told me that their 21 year old daughter is a little bit interested in these things but for 6 years she is suffering from schizophrenia and that she doesn’t want to come and look at these books. I insisted that she must look at these books and then I gave the books to parents and they went to her room. After some minutes they came back and they bought a Bg for her. I gave them my email address and this girl after some days thanked me that I was there with Bg.
Mandalibhadra prabhu our head cook in one of our Govinda restaurant for two years fed one strict vegan with halava, butter cookies and many nice butter-milky foodstuffs always telling him that there is no problem with this food and his vegan diet. After two years this boy decided that he will end with his veganism and will start to be vegetarian. When he came to know that he already broke his veganism he started to laugh like anything. This boy purified by transcendental prasadam is now living in Nama-hatta chanting 16 round, following regulative principles.
Bhaktin Elen met one young homeless beggar and he told her that he has some of our books and that he really wants Bg. But he had no money and everything he collected on the street he spent for food. She told him that he can come every afternoon to our Govinda restaurant and take some resting prasadam which was not distributed during the day and spend his collected money for books. He agreed and in the afternoon he bought a Bg and his plan is to buy the whole set of Srila Prabhupada’s books.
Kesava Puri met a young boy and he told to Kesava that he is from a near village and he came to town to buy some spiritual books. Kesava gave him two books and the boy happily went back to his village.
I was distributing in one village and I entered to one very old house and nobody was there. After some hours I came back in the same way to the van and I saw that before this old house there is a car standing. The house was little far away from the street but I decided to go there. The whole house looked very mystical and the whole atmosphere started to be very tense but not negatively. Doors were opened and when I entered the house there was a middle aged man greeting me and looking very mystical to me. Immediately he agreed to buy these books for his relative and gave a nice donation buying eleven books. I was remembering that somewhere I heard that sometimes demigods descending to the earth to buy books from the devotees.
Hope these stories can give you some inspiration yours servant Gadadhara dasa
Brahmananda Prabhu ki jaya!
Deena Bandhu Das: One of the great…
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Brahmananda Prabhu ki jaya!
Deena Bandhu Das: One of the great pillars of Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON, Sriman Brahmananda Prabhu, left this world one year ago on June 7 that corresponds in the Vaisnava calendar to the 6th (sasti) day of the dark half of the month of Vamana. This year that tithi comes today on the 26th of June. I was extremely fortunate and honored last year to light his funeral pyre at the Yamuna, since his younger brother Gargamuni was too devastated to do it.
We can’t begin to do justice to his glories. He was one of Srila Prabhupada’s first disciples. He was the first temple president in ISKCON. By his devotion to Srila Prabhupada’s order, he was the first to go to such places as Turkey, Pakistan, and Africa, some of these places being quite dangerous!
Brahmananda Prabhu, carefully following Srila Prabhupada’s order, was the one who was able to get His Divine Grace’s Bhagavad-Gita As It Is published by the very famous Macmillan Company. And that was after so many other companies had rejected Brahmananda’s plea for them to print it.
We could go on forever, but suffice it to say, Brahmananda Prabhu was the genuine Prabhupada Man, a great luminary in the sky of ISKCON, an enormous storehouse of nectarean Prabhupada Katha, and an ocean of love for Srila Prabhupada!
It’s raining a lot during this Jagannath Ratha-yatra (1…
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It’s raining a lot during this Jagannath Ratha-yatra (1 min video)
But still, devotees are amazing at Bangkok Thailand!
Watch it here:
Giriraj Swami: Today Hema Malini, the famed performer from…
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Giriraj Swami: Today Hema Malini, the famed performer from India, visited the ISKCON Los Angeles temple, and I was reminded of when she and I were together on the stage of the ISKCON auditorium in Juhu, Mumbai. It was December, during the book-distribution marathon, and after the performance I asked the audience to come forward to purchase sets of Srila Prabhupada’s Srimad-Bhagavatam and Sri Caitanya-caritamra, for concessional rates. The response was slow, so I leaned over and asked her if I could announce that she would autograph one book from each set, and she kindly agreed. After the announcement, people jumped out of their seats and rushed toward the stage, standing in long queues to get their sets of Srila Prabhupada’s books. And I thought, “This is the proper use of her name and fame—to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books.”
June 27. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
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June 27. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Remembering the Early Exchanges with Swamiji.
If the spiritual world is the real goal, then why do I keep going back to that infinitesimal span of time – the 1966 days? Prabhupada’s lila was so sweet then, and it was also a special time for me, the time when he lifted me out of the cycle of birth and death. I cannot help remembering it now. That remembrance reinforces my conviction not to fall back into material life. I am not clear yet, I am surrounded by temptations. I have not completed the process. My material desires can still attract me, especially if I forget how implicated in the material world I was before I met Prabhupada. But I gratefully remember those days in 1966, the first days of my spiritual life and the first days of Prabhupada’s mission in the West, by falling on my knees and thanking him.
I remember in the very early days when Swamiji started looking for a new building in New York City. We didn’t get one, and we had to stay at 26 Second Avenue. But there were adventures connected with the search. One time, we saw a place on the second floor somewhere that required a lot of work. The room was filled with lumber and was very dirty. After we checked it out, we went back to 26 Second Avenue and sat with Swamiji in his room. Swamiji turned to me and asked, “Mr. Secretary, what did you think of the place?” I gave my opinion, feeling important because of the way Prabhupada had addressed me. I was touched that he asked my opinion.
Why do I ever forget these little exchanges? Why don’t I always remember them and know that Prabhupada loves me, that my real relationship with him consists of typing for him, writing for him, always being his affectionate servant?
To read the entire article click here:
Three stories from distributing Srila Prabhupada’s…
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Three stories from distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books.
Tulasi Devi Dasi: I tried to speak to one man who quickly said, “No. No time! I said, “No time? What’s your job”? “Drug salesman”. “Really, what’s the biggest selling product”? “Maalox (for ulcers). “No time? You better take time to read this book or you’ll gave to take Maalox like everyone else”. He then said, “You’re right”. And quickly took a book and gave a donation.
I was speaking to a simple farmer who didn’t want a book but somehow in our conversation it came out that all his friends are dying of cancer, left and right. We were speaking about death and getting more serious about why we’re here. He then revealed to me that one real close friend of his had two months to live – cancer in the liver. And he told me that he wouldn’t want to be told that he had only two months to live. So I said, “I would! “Then I showed him the inside cover of S.B of Pariksit Maharaj how he only had seven days to live and that it was a blessing, a big warning for us to get serious in our spiritual life and forget everything else. Whew! What a benediction it would be!”
He completely changed, lit up and said, “Yes, your right! And took a book to find out more.
Boy, Baptist. “No, against my beliefs. I’m satisfied with blind faith.” I said, “No, we need philosophy. Just like Jimmy Swaggert, he also has blind faith. But he’s still on the 10th class spiritual platform with no philosophy. We should progress with philosophy and devotion, if we act on that blind faith, then God becomes pleased and gives us deeper realization, then it is no longer useless blind faith. Then we do more of what the Lord wants and He gives us more realization. So these books are filled with all kinds of knowledge of those progressing through the different stages of spiritual life”.
He then said, “That makes sense”, and took the highest philosophy of Krsna consciousness in the form of one of Prabhupada’s books.
Your Servant,
Tulasi Devi Dasi
Mathura: Police lays out plan to prevent cow smuggling.
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Mathura: Police lays out plan to prevent cow smuggling.
Mathura district administration today chalked out a plan to foil cow smuggling, a day after a truck was set ablaze and the National Highway 2 blocked by residents of Chaumuhan area here after the vehicle was found carrying carcasses of 30 cows.
“The district has been divided into four sectors. Thorough checking would be done at every entry point,” district police chief Babloo Kumar said.
Asked about yesterday’s incident, he said police will soon find out who had brought the cows, how and from where were they being transported and from where the cattle were purchased.
The district has been divided into four sectors and thorough checking would be done at every entry point, says district police chief Babloo Kumar.
ISKCON Auckland New Zealand: Harinam sankirtana (Album with…
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ISKCON Auckland New Zealand: Harinam sankirtana (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “If one only chants, with some slight faith, the holy names of Lord Caitanya and Nityananda, then very quickly he is cleansed of all offences. Thus as soon as he chants the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, he feels the ecstasy of love for God.” (Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 8.31)
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Traveling Kirtan Experience.
Photos from the Traveling Kirtan…
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Traveling Kirtan Experience.
Photos from the Traveling Kirtan Experience bus tour in North America, May 21-June 27, 2016….Read More…
Why the millennial craze for chanting is the new clubbing.
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Why the millennial craze for chanting is the new clubbing.
As Glastonbury comes to a close, festivals now are all about returning to their spiritual roots.
As you read this, Glastonbury-goers will be raising themselves from their tents, fuzzy from too many ciders after watching Adele last night. But forget the hangover bacon butty — the twenty-something hedonist crowd will be heading instead to the West Holts field to do some kirtan, call-and-response chanting based on ancient Indian texts, to clear their heads.
Friday night in London, and it’s a similar story. At the fortnightly candlelit kirtan at Mantra Lounge in Covent Garden, among the 100-strong crowd swaying rhythmically to the brass cymbals and chants of Radha Govinda, are blissed-out millennials, kicking off the weekend with…
Rathayatra in Poland (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “As a…
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Rathayatra in Poland (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “As a result of chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, one makes such great advancement in spiritual life that simultaneously his material existence terminates and he receives love of Godhead. The holy name of Krishna is so powerful that by chanting even one name, one very easily achieves these transcendental riches.” (Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 8.28)
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Lord Gauranga’s Mercy Flows in Yaddugudem Village.
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Lord Gauranga’s Mercy Flows in Yaddugudem Village.
Yaddugudem in Telugu has an interesting meaning. Yaddu implies bull and gudem is village, therefore the village of bull. Within two hours the devotees entered the village. One 61-years old Sri Ram temple appeared right at the entrance of the village. It also marked the center of all village activities! It was interesting to know that the villagers still followed the practice of assembling in the temple to sing the glories of Sri Ram in padyams every Ekadasi. The village could be considered as one of the cleanest that they had ever visited during their Yatra. It was also the greenest village. Their spiritual inclination was showing in everything – in their daily activities. Later the devotees also realized that the village was completely vegetarian, with a few stray cases of meat eating appearing in the newer generation. This was a pleasant surprise for the devotees, especially in the Telangana region. Jananivas prabhu compared it to Prahlad maharaj’s appearance in the clan of demons.
As the villagers realized the arrival of Yatra devotees, they gave a hearty welcome to all of them right at the entrance of their village, Sri Ram temple! They personally washed every devotee’s feet with water and welcomed them. After sweet exchanges, the program moved forward. Bhakta Paramdham had well coordinated every activity with necessary ground work. Haridas prabhu offered the bhoga to the deities of Sri Ram for distribution. Thereafter the Yatra team walked to a community hall, which was slated to be the venue of the program. As the devotees reached there, they could see eager faces of children, women and other villagers. One beautiful gomata was also there, waiting for the performance of her ceremonious worship.
To read the entire article click here:
June 26. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
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June 26. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Signing In the Incorporation.
Prabhupada is lecturing.
Mr. Goldsmith, wearing slacks and a shirt and tie, sits on the floor near the door, listening earnestly to the lecture, despite the distracting noises from the neighbourhood. Prabhupada has been explaining how scholars mislead innocent people with nondevotional interpretations of the Bhagavad-gita, and now, in recognition of the attorney’s respectable presence, and as if to catch Mr. Goldsmith’s attention better, he introduces him into the subject of the talk.
I will give you a practical example of how things are misinterpreted. Just like our president, Mr. Goldsmith, he knows that expert lawyers, by interpretation, can do so many things. When I was in Calcutta, there was a rent tax passed by the government, and some expert lawyer changed the whole thing by his interpretation. The government had to re-enact a whole law because their purpose was foiled by the interpretation of this lawyer. So we are not out for foiling the purpose of Krishna, for which the Bhagavad-gita was spoken. But unauthorized persons are trying to foil the purpose of Krishna. Therefore, that is unauthorized.
All right, Mr. Goldsmith, you can ask anything.
Mr. Goldsmith stands, and to the surprise of the people gathered, he makes a short announcement asking for signers on an incorporation document for the Swami’s new religious movement.
Prabhupada: They are present here. You can take the addresses now.
Mr. Goldsmith: I can take them now, yes.
Prabhupada: Yes, you can. Bill, you can give your address. And Raphael, you can give yours. And Don … Roy … Mr. Greene.
As the meeting breaks up, those called on to sign as trustees come forward, standing around in the little storefront, waiting to leaf cursorily through the pages the lawyer has produced from his thin attaché, and to sign as he directs. Yet not a soul among them is committed to Krishna consciousness.
Mr. Goldsmith meets his quota of signers – a handful of sympathizers with enough reverence toward the Swami to want to help him. The first trustees, who will hold office for a year, “until the first annual meeting of the corporation,” are Michael Grant (who puts down his name and address without ever reading the document), Mike’s girlfriend, Jan, and James Greene. No one seriously intends to undertake any formal duties as trustee of the religious society, but they are happy to help the Swami by signing his fledging society into legal existence.
To read the entire article click here:
Yoga for the New Millennium (4 min video)
Radha Padma devi dasi…
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Yoga for the New Millennium (4 min video)
Radha Padma devi dasi and her brother Nama prabhu from Brisbane, Australia will tell…Read More…
A monk’s advice: look inward and connect with the…
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A monk’s advice: look inward and connect with the spiritual!
Swami says life is so busy for people these days, they’ve forgotten the ways of their ancestors. He says people need to connect with the spiritual side.
Swami says the walk with nature along the Illinois and Michigan Canal has been wonderful, even though it has been very hot at times this week. Thunderstorms gave him a different challenge Wednesday. It’s harder work to walk on a soggy trail, so he got a few blisters. But he used a pair of dry socks to wipe off some space on a bench at Allen Park for himself and this news writer to tell of the experience.
Swami is walking 20 miles per day. So it may take him until next year to get to San Francisco. Since his message is about patience, that won’t bother him. And he’s walked across Canada, the country he was born in, four times. So he knows what to expect mentally and physically.
In other walks, Swami has crossed Ireland, Guyana, Israel, and Trinidad. His nickname, The Walking Monk, is on his business cards. Besides his marathon walks, Swami teaches a form of yoga and directs plays that tell stories from ancient India.
Listen to more of Bhaktimarga Swami’s message here:
From a subway to the Temple on Wheels!
I was on my way to an…
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From a subway to the Temple on Wheels!
I was on my way to an evening talk by Radhanatha Swami, and when I got off the subway, I saw a young man and offered him Srila Prabhupada’s books. He found them interesting and gave a donation for them.
Then I asked whether he would like to go to the evening program and learn something about the ancient Vedic wisdom of India from a very interesting and wise devotee of Krsna.
He said that he was a little busy, but that he may be able to make it. So I gave him the address.
During the lecture, to my surprise, he showed up and took a seat. Later I noticed he was really absorbing what Maharaja was saying. After the talk he spoke with Radhanath Swami for a long talk. He ended up traveling with Radhanath Swami on his whole tour of Italy. Now he’s living in the temple in south Italy called Sankirtan Dhama.
your servant,
Vraja Sundara Dasa
Vijaya Prabhu’s comment: Vraja Sundara Prabhu is the leading book distributor in Italy. He and seven other men travel all over south Italy. They are very serious devotees. A few days ago I was with them, giving a class, and it happened to be Bhima Ekadasi, so I asked whether anyone was fasting. All of them raised their hands, and they followed the vow of no prasad and no water all day, till the next morning. Even on regular ekadasis they take this vow. Also, no one goes on the internet. They’re just absorbed in reading Prabhupada’s books and distributing them. Prabhupada wrote, to one devotee, “Our only motto should be, “read and distribute books.” These devotees are seriously following this instruction of Srila Prabhupada. You can see these devotees in the photo.
The devotees there recently purchased a temple/house and 80 acres of land, two hours north of Rome. There they grow olives, wheat, vegetables and some fruits, it’s a beautiful piece of property. Bhakti Shakti Prabhu is the organizer behind this project. They also have a moving temple in a huge diesel trailer which they take to nearby cities, plus another diesel trailer they use for a stage when they have festivals.
“You win a few, you lose a few!”
The world is oversexed…
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“You win a few, you lose a few!”
The world is oversexed basically; they make too much of it. There is a place for sexual activity but they make too much of it. Whatever place it has in your life do not give it too much energy.
Even after so much sexual activities still something is missing, still we are not beaming with happiness, still not effulgent, still not ecstatic… So let us not make too much of it.
People are looking for romance and then relationships break… new ones start… all these things are going on. Okay, if you need that then it is okay but within the boundaries, do not go over the line because then you are damaging your spiritual progress back to the spiritual world. So keep it within the boundaries of what Krsna has blessed, what the acharyas have authorized and then make the best of it.
The pushings of the senses are the same, the same modes of material nature create the same script. A little variety is there, the personalities, the actors are different but the play is the same old script. This is what it is. So do not make too much of it. It is alright but again it is not enough to fulfil us; only Krsna will fulfil us. Let us bring that into our relationships, into our community, at home and wherever we meet. Let us just bring in the culture of the spiritual world because that will really help us to shift the weight to the other side, to the spiritual side to become jivan muktas, liberated souls even in this body already. This is the idea!
To read the entire article click here:
Iskcon: International Society for …Kofta consciousness…
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Iskcon: International Society for …Kofta consciousness 🙂
This is the super positive feedback from a person after having a meal in the Govinda’s restaurant of the devotees in Australia.
Aniruddha: The positive reputation of ISKCON in Aus…
Gargamuni prabhu speaking to Srila Prabhupada about his books…
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Gargamuni prabhu speaking to Srila Prabhupada about his books distributed to scholars: Some of them are shocked. We went to the National Library in Calcutta. That’s the largest library. They saw your books and they said, “Oh, he is doing this work?” They were so impressed. They had never seen Sanskrit or Bengali printed in foreign countries the way you have done in your books. They said, “This is fantastic” There’s no one else who is doing this in India, no one. Very impressed. And these men themselves are Sanskrit scholars. He immediately started to read. He said, “Oh, very nice.” He said, “It is just right.” So he was very enthusiastic. There are two boys. They spend the whole day just going to libraries.
Prabhupāda: That has been written by Professor Dayal, Dimock, that “Sanskrit scholars should get good opportunity, and nobody, I think, will deny Swamiji’s scholarship.” He has said that.
Gargamuni: Any name we have in India, any good name we have, is due to you.
Prabhupāda: (laughing) It is due to Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Gosvāmī. Caitanya Mahāprabhu. Guru-kṛṣṇa-kṛpāya pāya bhakti-latā-bīja (CC Madhya 19.151). So you can give me massage. Thank you very much. Now you have got very, very great responsible work. I will die. You will live. Kīrtir yasya sa jīvati. . But I will not die.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: No, you could never die. (laughter)
Gargamuni: We can’t accept that.
Prabhupāda: Hare Kṛṣṇa.
Gargamuni: We refuse to accept that. (end)
[Room Conversation – September 21, 1973, Bombay]
June 25. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
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June 25. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Plans for Incorporation.
“We shall call our society ISKCON.” Prabhupada had laughed playfully when he first coined the acronym.
He had initiated the legal work of incorporation that spring, while still living on the Bowery. But even before its legal beginning, he had been talking about his “International Society for Krishna Consciousness,” and so it had appeared in letters to India and in The Village Voice. A friend had suggested a title that would sound more familiar to Westerners, “International Society for God Consciousness,” but Prabhupada had insisted: “Krishna Consciousness.” “God” was a vague term, whereas “Krishna” was exact and scientific; “God consciousness” was spiritually weaker, less personal. And if Westerners didn’t know that Krishna was God, then the International Society for Krishna Consciousness would tell them, by spreading His glories “in every town and village.”
“Krishna consciousness” was Prabhupada’s own rendering of a phrase from Srila Rupa Gosvami’s Padyavali, written in the sixteenth century. Krsna-bhakti-rasa-bhavita: “to be absorbed in the mellow taste of executing devotional service to Krishna.”
But to register ISKCON legally as a non-profit, tax-exempt religion required money and a lawyer. Carl Yeargens had already gained some experience in forming religious, political, and social welfare groups, and when he had met Prabhupada on the Bowery he had agreed to help. He had contacted his lawyer, Stephen Goldsmith.
Stephen Goldsmith, a young Jewish lawyer with a wife and two children and an office on Park Avenue, was interested in spiritual movements. When Carl told him about Prabhupada’s plans, he was immediately fascinated by the idea of setting up a religious corporation for an Indian swami. He visited Prabhupada at 26 Second Avenue, and they discussed incorporation, tax exemption, Prabhupada’s immigration status, and Krishna consciousness. Mr. Goldsmith visited Prabhupada several times. Once he brought his children, who liked the “soup” the Swami cooked. He began attending the evening lectures, where he was often the only nonhippie member of the congregation. One evening, having completed all the legal groundwork and being ready to complete the procedures for incorporation, Mr. Goldsmith came to Prabhupada’s lecture and kirtana to get signatures from the trustees for the new society.
To read the entire article click here:
New Releases from the Bhaktivedanta Archives.
June 24th,…
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New Releases from the Bhaktivedanta Archives.
June 24th, 2016
Vakreśvara Paṇḍita Appearance Day
The Bhaktivedanta Archives is pleased to offer two new releases: The VedaBase™ 2016 update and the original unedited audio of Śrīla Prabhupāda for the year 1971.
The 2016 VedaBase™ update includes:
1) Updated audio transcripts for the year 1971
2) Śrī Vyāsa-pūjā 2011–2015 (5 books)
3) Life’s Final Exam by Giriraj Swami
To read the entire article click here:
Harinama in France (Album with photos)
Harinam Sankirtan in…
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Harinama in France (Album with photos)
Harinam Sankirtan in Tours during the France Music Day….and visit to New Mayapur….this year is the 40th anniversary of Sri Sri Krishna Balarama deities installed personally by ISKCON’s Founder Acarya Srila Prabhupada.
Find them here:
What is the root of devotional service to Lord Krishna?
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What is the root of devotional service to Lord Krishna?
“The root cause of devotional service to Lord Krsna is association with advanced devotees (sadhu sanga). Even when one’s dormant love for Krsna awakens, association with devotees (sadhu sanga) is still most essential.” CC Madhya 22.83
You may be familiar with Rupa Goswami‘s explanation of the development of pure devotional service. It starts with a little attraction or faith (sraddha) which brings us to the temple or sanga gatherings. Then we need to engage in sadhu sanga, association with advanced devotees. By such association we should develop strong faith, and commitment to the process of bhakti yoga. Through continual sadhu sanga, we should gradually make advancement in spiritual consciousness, rise above the miseries of material existence, and become increasingly peaceful and happy.
For many people, everything develops as it should. But some of us can remain unhappy, even depressed, and feel as if we are stuck in a spiritual rut? For some of us, association with other devotees may be sullied with petty differences and some of us may feel very discouraged and alienated by such experiences. Why do these difficulties occur?
Srila Prabhupada tells us it is because we are not properly trained in the culture of sadhu sanga. He says, “unless and until one is trained in the culture of good association, one cannot become good.” (SB 3.3.6 purport)
On this web page: we examine some of the many instructions that Srila Prabhupada gives on the subject of sadhu sanga.
We encourage everyone to begin regularly discussing at least Bhagavad-Gita As It Is with their family or friends.
What happens when you chant Hare Krishna in the streets of…
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What happens when you chant Hare Krishna in the streets of Paris? (1 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is de…Read More…
Blissful Kirtan in Istanbul – ISKCON TURKIYE (1 min video)
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Blissful Kirtan in Istanbul – ISKCON TURKIYE (1 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: By chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, we gradually …Read More…
New Sydney Temple Project (Album with photos)
Ramai Swami: The…
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New Sydney Temple Project (Album with photos)
Ramai Swami: The third Sydney West temple fundraiser this year was well attended…Read More…
Hare Krishna Festivals UK: Glastonbury, Day 4 (Album with…
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Hare Krishna Festivals UK: Glastonbury, Day 4 (Album with photos)
Hare Krishna,
Over 3,000 plates of delicious prasadam (sanctified spiritual food) were served during the first full day of this year’s Glastonbury Festival 🙂 … Oh, and we went on a Harinam 🙂
Find them here:
Madhvacarya das, ACBSP, left his body.
We are sorry to inform…
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Madhvacarya das, ACBSP, left his body.
We are sorry to inform the devotee community that His Grace Madhvācārya prabhu, Śrīla Prabhupāda disciple, left this world past Sunday 19 of June. He and a group of other devotees were celebrating his mother’s 95 birthday anniversary when he just felt on the ground, he passed away en route to the hospital surrounded by devotees. There will be last rites services at the Mexico City ISKCON temple next Friday July 1st.
It is worthy to add that his mother, Śrīmatī Rocana devī dāsī, is Śrīla Prabhupāda’s elder disciple still on the planet at 95 years old. She has several sons and daughters initiated and grandsons and granddaughters.
June 24. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
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June 24. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Exchanges.
He would listen also, and he heard a wide range of local testimonies. He heard the dissatisfaction of young Americans with the war and with American society. One boy told him he didn’t want to get married because he couldn’t find a chaste girl; it was better to go with prostitutes. Another confided that his mother had planned to abort him, but at the last moment his grandmother had convinced her not to. He heard from homosexuals. Someone told him that a set of New Yorkers considered it chic to eat the flesh of aborted babies. And in every case, he told them the truth.
He talked with Marxists and explained that although Marx says that everything is the property of the State, the fact is that everything is the property of God. Only “spiritual communism,” which puts God in the center, can actually be successful. He discounted LSD visions as hallucinations and explained how God can be seen factually and what God looks like.
Although these one-time visitors came and went away, a few new friends began to stay on, watching the Swami deal with different guests. They began to appreciate the Swami’s arguments, his concern for people, and his devotion to Krishna. He seemed actually to know how to help people, and he invariably offered them Krishna consciousness – as much as they could take – as the solution to their problems. A few began to take the Swami’s message to heart.
To read the entire article click here:
The mind: a friend or an enemy?
Mahatma das: Ignore the…
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The mind: a friend or an enemy?
Mahatma das: Ignore the Mind!
Our acaryas advise us to learn to ignore our mind. Why? Well, we shouldn’t ignore it when we are thinking of Krsna. But in our conditioned state, the mind really has a mind of its own. When we decided to become devotees, the mind didn’t agree. And it still is resisting surrender. When the mind presents thoughts that are detrimental to our Krsna consciousness – or to our well being – we can jokingly tell our mind, “Thank you for sharing,” and decide to connect more deeply with our Krsna consciousness. Since the mind is often like a nagging roommate who continually distracts us from our highest good, knowing how to neglect it is a necessary Krsna conscious survival skill.
To effectively neglect the mind, we need to become more detached from it, something we are not well accustomed to do. Of course, the mind can be the best friend, but the problem is that we often take the mind for a friend when it is acting like an enemy. “Go ahead, do that, look at that, buy that.” And we often think, “OK, that sounds good,” without thinking, “Wait a minute. That’s not what I should be doing. My mind is tricking me.” And even when we know we are being tricked, still, because the mind is so strong, we may find it difficult to resist. To be Krsna conscious means to be prepared to fight with this the mind “by constant practice and detachment.” Constant practice means to never give up no matter how difficult controlling the mind may be.
Changing our beliefs
In my forgiveness seminar I explain that reluctance to forgive is often connected to a belief about forgiveness. For example, people often believe they cannot forgive until their offender apologizes. But if they change this belief to, “I can take responsibility to forgive even if my offender doesn’t apologize,” they immediately find they can start to let go.
So another way of dealing with the mind is to examine the beliefs that are behind your thoughts and actions. Changing a belief will change the thought associated with the belief. If you tend to have negative thoughts, it’s likely you hold a lot of negative beliefs (“nothing ever works outs well for me, things will never get better, I’ll never be advanced, my mind is impossible to control, etc.”). Ask yourself what beliefs might be causing your negative thoughts.
Instructing the mind.
In the song Bhaja Hure Mana, Govinda das speaks to his mind by reasoning with it. In the same way, when we find our thinking detrimental to our progress, we can ask our mind questions as to why it is attached to things that are taking us away from Krsna. We can ask ourselves empowering questions, questions that will naturally redirect our thoughts towards Krishna consciousness. In this way, we can reason with our mind to give up self-destructive thoughts and accept real devotional qualities. And we can also tell our mind what we expect give it reasons to behave properly.
Dealing with emotions.
How do we deal with emotions, particularly emotions that appear to not be Krishna conscious?
There is a tendency to neglect emotions that are unpleasant, much in the same way that we try to neglect negative thoughts. But emotions don’t always go away when we neglect them. They often remain hidden while acting out in subtle ways. According to Vedic psychology, allowing yourself to experience negative emotions – the ones you might naturally try to bury – activates your intelligence to deal with them. In other words, your emotions speak to you and by listening to them you can learn how to improve. For example, during a time when I was not paying as much attention to my sadhana as I normally do, I was feeling guilty about not following Prabhupada’s instructions as strictly as I should. Since this was causing me to feel pretty miserable I didn’t want to confront the painful feeling that I was letting Prabhupada down, so I buried it and pretended it didn’t exist. A devotee suggested I totally face that feeling because that feeling was telling me something. When I faced the feeling I immediately felt that the misery from not following was far greater than any perceived misery I was trying to avoid by making the effort to strictly follow. So the “negative” emotion was instructing and helping me come to a higher platform, but I was only able to get the instruction when I stopped trying to bury the feeling.
Desiring Krsna consciousness.
We often bring problems into our lives through our minds. Sometimes we say, “I can never… (you can fill in the blanks”) and that is exactly what happens. The mind’s vibrations are real and thus have a real effect on our external existence (and even on our physical health). Of course, this also works in a positive way. Elevated devotees desire and expect more Krsna consciousness and more of guru and Krsna’s mercy, and thus they find more of this coming into their lives. This shows that Krsna reciprocates with a negative or positive mind set.
We may look at our lives and think “why has Krsna placed so many obstacles in my path?” when it may be that a negative mind set is attracting those problems.
Constant Effort.
Constant effortThe mind tends to be habituated to a certain way of thinking. This means that of the tens of thousands of thoughts we have daily, the majority are the same. Our goal is to habituate our minds to Krishna conscious ways of thinking. This is quite possible, but we need to make a conscious effort to do so. Then our minds will naturally pull us toward Krishna rather than away from Him.
Krsna never said this is going to be easy, but He did say it is possible. How? It is possible by endeavoring by right means and by detachment. That means if we put our guard down, we’ll be in trouble. The more we practice, and the more we become detached from doing whatever the mind says, the more we take control of the situation and create new positive habits. Since you are above your mind, ultimately you are in control. You just have to exert that control.
Can we do it? Since Krishna has given you free will, you can choose to seek out those thoughts that inspire and uplift you, that connect you with your greatest spiritual ambitions. Do I hear you say, “Yeah, but that’s not always easy?” (Here we go again with those negative thoughts.) Always remember that difficult things become easy for one who has the mercy of guru and Krishna.
The lecture is available here:
Ask a Monk any question – London – Who Will Win the Football…
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Ask a Monk any question – London – Who Will Win the Football Euro Cup? (4 min video)
The Football Euro Cup 2016 is upon us, and…Read More…
‘I wanna be beautiful’
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‘I wanna be beautiful’
Mohini Madhavi devi dasi: How often you shout at your friends not to tag you on Facebook photos?
Did you ever had thoughts of wearing burka?
Did you ever fasted to loose weight & then after 1-2 days because of…