Iskcon Youth Bus Tour (13 min video) We are SO excited to…
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Iskcon Youth Bus Tour (13 min video)
We are SO excited to finally unveil our 2016 Australian Bus Tour video, on the same day that our US Kirtan Tour begins :). It’s wonderful to know that the bus tour revolution is still growing globally!
We hope you get just as inspired after watching this film, and please like, comment and share with others. And we hope you get inspired enough to join us on our upcoming second annual Australian Bus Tour!
Watch it here:

The Bonds of Love. My name is Nadia. I am 13yrs old, live in…
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The Bonds of Love.
My name is Nadia. I am 13yrs old, live in Zurich, Switzerland, and love cows!
My earliest and happiest memories are of coming to Kurma Rupa Prabhu’s Care for Cows with my mother Mahapuri dasi when we visited Vrindavan and the Krsna Balaram Temple, usually twice a year.
Once in the month of Kartik 2009, along with my mother and some friends, I was at Care for Cows with Kurma Rupa prabhu. We were petting the sick and injured cows, when a poor elderly lady walked into the ghosala carrying a tiny calf. She asked if he could take her calf as she was poor and unable to look after her. Kurma Rupa prabhu agreed. One of our friends decided to adopt her and named her Champaka Lata. Since that time we have taken over her sponsorship.
When I first saw Champaka Lata I felt such love and just wanted to hold and cuddle this sweet little calf. Every day I would beg my mother to bring me to the Care for Cows to spend hours embracing Champi (my name for her). She would lay her head on my chest while I petted and brushed her. Years passed and our bond grew and grew.
In September, 2012 Champi gave birth to a beautiful calf, Sarika. Upon our arrival back in Vrindavan we caught a rickshaw over to Care for Cows, Kiki Nagla. Champi ran to my mother and started pushing and licking her. Champi placed her head on my mother’s lap when she sat down and tears were flowing from Champi’s eyes. Soon all of us including, Keshi Nisudan and our friends were crying tears of affection. Keshi prabhu said she was crying with the joy at becoming a mother. Now she is a mother of a second child, a bull called Kurma Rupa.
Champi gives me so much warmth and love that every second spent with her is filled with great happiness and strength. When I grow up I want to be a Veterinarian and serve the holy cows of Vrindavan. I know I have to study very hard.
Thank you to all the staff of Care For Cows for always making us so welcome and for taking such good care of Champi and all her friends.

Govindas street kirtana in Sydney, Australia (Album with photos)…
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Govindas street kirtana in Sydney, Australia (Album with photos)
Kalasamvara Das: As part of the 50th year incorporation of Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON celebration Govindas street kirtana is taking part in the world famous vivid light spectacular for the next 3 weeks which is transforming Sydney into a wonderland of light art and sculptures, like the famous Sydney opera house, the Sydney harbour bridge and other iconic landmark buildings.
Find them here:

It’s On! (Album with photos) Indradyumna Swami: The Sadhu…
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It’s On! (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: The Sadhu Sanga Retreat 2016, in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina, is on! Just under 2,000 devotees from around the USA have registered and are settling in for a special weekend of kirtan, kirtan and more kirtan. We held the first program this evening.
Find them here:

May 28. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations. Satsvarupa…
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May 28. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Even a Paragraph, A Sentence, A Word.
We want to remember what Prabhupada has written and repeat it to audiences wherever we go. His teachings are memorable truths. Other writers may dazzle us with their presentations, but we don’t want to memorize them. Their so-called truths are not worth repeating. Srila Prabhupada’s writing is powerful truth, and because it is powerful, he can utter it with calmness, restraint, and simplicity. Srila Prabhupada himself is a modest person, but he carries the mantle of the pure devotee of Krishna.
Even one paragraph of Srila Prabhupada’s writing is worth studying and restudying. Often just a small section of a paragraph will expose the complicated waste and misuse of energy that the non-devotees engage in. His writing cannot be read with complacency if one wants to get the full effect of his preaching. Srila Prabhupada is too dynamic a writer to read him in a casual way:
The material scientists – the quasi-priests who invoke such material activities – invent many objects to gratify the material senses, including the eye, ear, nose, skin, tongue, and ultimately the mind, and in this way the scientists create a field of unnecessary competition for enhancement of material happiness, which leads the whole world into the whirlpool of uncalled-for clashes. The net result is scarcity all over the world, so much so that even the bare necessities of life, namely, food, shelter and clothing, become objects of contention and control. And so there arise all sorts of obstacles to the traditional, God-given life of plain living and high thinking.
To read the entire article click here:

History of one photo. Denis, hello. My life has changed…
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History of one photo.
Denis, hello. My life has changed dramatically over the last fifteen months. It now makes sense and fullness. My son and husband are happy, our lives normal. I live for the first time. I live with a sense of integrity and involvement to everything around. It all began with a short, but the most important meeting of my life. Denis, thanks to you I have come to Krishna consciousness, it happened six months after it has been made this picture, but for the last six months I read the Bhagavad Gita and had the yatra has already consciously. I have no words to express the sense of gratitude that overwhelms me. It is because you have changed my mentality, attitude towards life and people. Thank you for what you have done to me, for your preaching and for the boundless happiness you gifted me with which I now enjoy. I would be immensely happy to see you again, and personally express you my gratitude.
Answer: Hello, dear Nastya! I am very pleased that my efforts have paid off. In fact, we need to thank Srila Prabhupada, that he saves us. I’m just the postman. I am very glad that your life has changed for the better, it inspired me to continue to distribute the book. Now I live in Omsk, and will stay here until the spring, but when I come back I will be glad to talk with you. I wish you happiness!

Iskcon Alachua: Door left open for Krishna elderly housing. The…
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Iskcon Alachua: Door left open for Krishna elderly housing.
The decision came after hearing presentations from county staff and representatives of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness’ Alachua County location, which is off State Road 235, northeast of the city of Alachua.
Arvind Singh, a member of ISKCON, is proposing to develop his 12-acre parcel next to the religious facility in the hopes of providing a “congregate living facility” where elderly members of the congregation would live. Being close to temple would make attending 4:15 a.m. prayer easier and also help maintain their vegetarian dietary restrictions, according to Singh.
To read the entire article click here:

All you ever wanted to know about how to chant japa…
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All you ever wanted to know about how to chant japa …improperly 🙂 (4 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: My dear Lord, although You bestow such mercy upon the fallen, conditioned souls by liberally teaching Your holy names, I am so unfortunate that I commit offenses while chanting the holy name, and therefore I do not achieve attachment for chanting. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, 20.16)
Watch it here:

May 27. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations. Satsvarupa…
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May 27. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: “All Right”
After a 1966 lecture in the storefront, Prabhupada sometimes asked for questions from the audience. When he felt he had answered enough, he said, “All right.” Sometimes he said it with resignation, almost sadness. He seemed to mean, “All right, I’ve tried my best.” Sometimes after answering many questions, Prabhupada’s utterance of “all right” sounded disgusted. He had just given a wonderful parampara speech, and yet people were raising their hands and asking challenging, doubtful, or crazy questions. He looked out at the audience before him, sensing that they were not asking intelligent questions. “All right,” he would say, “let us have kirtana.”
Swamiji sharing an apple with us as the last act of the evening at 26 Second Avenue; when he said, “All right,” it meant we had to leave. It was sad. Although we had just had such a nice meeting, it had to end, just like everything else in the material world. In that sense, “all right” presented a challenge to those souls who wanted to return to their maya in Manhattan.
To read the entire article click here:

Vivaha-yajna in Russia (5 min video) “In this video is…
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Vivaha-yajna in Russia (5 min video)
“In this video is presented a colorful ceremony called – Vivaha-yajna or a wedding ceremony, a Vedic ritual.
It is the key to a successful marriage and one of the ten major purificatory ceremonies, which must pass a man in his life.
This ritual gives a person the strength to follow his vows for the rest of life. The wedding “is recorded in heaven” at a time when the young are aware of the fact that they promised each other, to God and to others never to leave only if they can be considered as husband and wife in the Vedic tradition of marriage – an act of celebration, and not an agreement that people make among themselves, motivated by lust compound of married men and women -. not only the physical, moral, but also -. a spiritual process he imposes on the spouses responsible not only for their material existence, but also for spiritual development. Together husband and wife are united in the service of God. His wife protects her husband from the other women, and the husband the wife of sexual harassment of other men. A woman can only have one husband, and the man only one wife. “
Watch it here:

Ratha Yatra in Rijeka, Croatia, 04th June 2016. We are most…
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Ratha Yatra in Rijeka, Croatia, 04th June 2016.
We are most happy and enthusiastic to invite you to participate at the 14th Ratha Yatra festival in Rijeka, Croatia.
Festival will be held on the 4th of June at 11 am. This year we celebrate 50 years of ISKCON and we want to make the biggest Ratha Yatra so far.
Please come and join in our celebration for the pleasure of Lord Jagannatha, Lord Baladeva and Subhadra Devi.
Ratha-yatra procession will start at 11 am from Jelacic Square. It will then proceed through Korzo street to Jadranski trg and back to Korzo. Program on stage will start at 11 am and will be going on continually until 3 pm, with a break when the Ratha chariot passes by.
Special guests of the festival are HH Candramauli Swami, HH Krishna Kshetra Swami and HG Rohini-suta Prabhu.
Prasadam distribution will be at 1,30 pm, close to the parked Ratha chariot and the stage.
Everybody is heartily invited to come and enjoy the rain of mercy that will shower on the whole city, and especially on the heart of our town – Korzo.
To see the photos of last year’s festival:

Mega Harinama in Ekaterinburg 07.05.2016 (18 min video) Srila…
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Mega Harinama in Ekaterinburg 07.05.2016 (18 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: These four principles: Always think of Krishna, become Krishna’s devotee, worship Krishna and offer your respect, obeisances to Krishna. That’s all. This is Krishna consciousness. Hyderabad, November 17, 1972.
Watch it here:

Girgaum dump now a butterfly garden, thanks to devotees Mumbai,…
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Girgaum dump now a butterfly garden, thanks to devotees
Mumbai, May 23 – A temple in south Mumbai has created a butterfly garden out of a former garbage dump in Girgaum. After creating the green haven in the middle of a congested area, the temple has taken its green project further by nurturing the garden with compost created from puja wastes.
While much of Mumbai assumes that it is the municipal corporation’s responsibility to collect and dispose of their waste, the Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir at Girgaum, part of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), has been recycling 40kg of flower waste a day into manure that is used at the butterfly garden.

May 26. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations. Satsvarupa…
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May 26. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: Swamiji’s Genius.
It was a sign of Swamiji’s genius to bring together simple instruments that everyone could play. Just as in a kindergarten music class not a single instrument requires one to be a musician – there are blocks, triangles, cymbals, a drum, clackers – so was Swamiji’s genius to bring together all those instruments and hand them out to the children to play. The only instruction was, “one-two-three, one-two-three.”
The naked light, the back bars on the window behind the Swami. Some girls from the Lower East Side coming in with motivations other than to participate in Hare Krishna. New brahmacaris, protective of our celibacy … guys with big, bushy beards reminding us of what we used to be.
Each in our own small space, a box within a box. In a small room with a lot of people, we have to manoeuvre while dancing and moving around. There’s room for everyone. Shoes in the back, smelly. Back to Godhead with many concentric circles on the cover – stencilled, mimeographed copies. A hand-cranked mimeograph machine in one corner. Gargamuni with long hair parted in the middle, looking wistful with his double strand of red japa beads wrapped around his neck. And Swamiji in the center of it all, his pointy white shoes at the door where he left them when he came in.
To read the entire article click here:

Gunagrahi Swami’s health update. Dear friends and well…
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Gunagrahi Swami’s health update.
Dear friends and well wishers,
It’s been a while since our last update. So many changes have occurred over the past few months. Everything was happening so fast daily, so it became difficult to report up-to-date events and progress.
Gunagrahi Prabhu left Bangalore several months ago and was moved to the Bhaktivedanta Hospital in Mira Road/Mumbai. During his treatment in Bangalore the herbs and physical purification had a profound impact on his emotions, sleep and general mental health. Everyone involved in his care, as well as himself, felt he needed to be under the direct care of a hospital and medical professionals. For that reason we moved him to the Bhaktivedanta Hospital in Mumbai.
Shortly after his arrival to the hospital the doctors were able to stabilize his physical and mental condition. Several devotees traveled with him and continued to care for him during the transition. While in the hospital he received his first lupron/hormone shot. This treatment is supposed to reduce pain, shrink the size of the tumor and swelling and extend his life.
After almost one month in the hospital the doctors and devotee caretakers felt he was stable and self sufficient enough to be moved to a private room in the Iskcon Chowpatty temple. There he is receiving first class devotee care and association, attending temple programs, and able to dive deeply into hearing and chanting.
Recently he received his second shot if lupron, which is allowing him to walk again and experience minimal physical pain.
He feels extremely grateful and humbled by the many encouraging and loving emails from devotees all over the world.
We would like to recognize a few devotees who have been very committed and dedicated to helping him during part, and even some the entire process. They have sacrificed their time, finances and even health in order to assure he has been taken care of. It has given all of us a deep appreciation for unconditional loving vaisnava relationships.
Those devotees are Hansadutta and Savitri Prabhus, Brihat Mrdanga Prabhu, Ekavira Prabhu, Mahatma Prabhu, Virabahu Prabhu, Ekanatha Gaura Prabhu, Akshaya and Giri Govardhana Prabhus, Yudhisthira Prabhu, Pavamana Prabhu, and especially a very special recognition for His Holiness Jayadwaita Maharaja who has not left his side since Bangalore. A special thank you to the hospital and all of it’s wonderful staff. His Holiness Radhannatha Swami for helping arrange the personal care given by the Chowpatty temple.
Of course, all of this would not have been possible without the generous donations and support received from well wishers. It really has been amazing and moving to see everyone come together to help take care of this special soul. If I have left anyone out, please forgive me and please let us know.
Your servants,
Mahahari das and Gandharvika devi dasi

May 25. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations. Satsvarupa…
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May 25. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: 26 Second Avenue Kaleidoscope.
All glories to that 1966 kirtana which is still going on and is available any time. I think that those kirtanas were very special because of the degree of reciprocation and attention and focus. Back and forward he chants and we hear. We chant and he hears. The holy name is merciful. Pay attention and hear. It is a transcendental sound vibration. Try it, there is no tax.
Swami pounds the drum. He sings in almost relentless delivery, again and again giving the mantra as if he could go on forever, except the time and place don’t allow. We sing back to him. He is patient and convinced. “Just hear.” He knows we will take to it if we can only hear it. He has no doubt. The heart of everything is right there even now, even in the beginning, even in 1966 – the books, Gaudiya Vaisnavism, India, the sacred Yamuna, Radha-Krishna Deities, Sanskrit … Everything is here, present in the sound vibration of the holy name and in his own presence.
Remembering early times in New York is nice because it gives us an idea of what Krishna consciousness always is and what it should be today – the excitement and ecstasy to get together and chant. When the rhythm starts to build, the many karatalas sound like waves. It’s a crashing surf of happy emotions.
To read the entire article click here:

From a Russian jail. I worked as a senior flight attendant with…
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From a Russian jail.
I worked as a senior flight attendant with a good salary and roamed freely around the world. I had a beautiful pregnant woman and everything seemed complete, but in my heart I felt a terrible emptiness.
The world had no attraction, as nothing made me happy. I started to smoke marijuana and take drugs. The grass and drugs made me feel better for a while, but finally began to make me feel worse. With all my strength I tried to abandon drugs, but I could not. The grass held me in her arms, and I did not have the strength to leave her.
One morning I got up and began to pray: “O Lord, in my life, nothing brings me joy, though you have given me everything I wanted. I am very unhappy. As a child I was happy! Please let me feel that way again and again!”
In my head I listened to a clear thought: “It will not be easy.”
I prayed earnestly and understood that I will have to pay quite a price.
Two months later the friend who supplied me drugs was seized by the police on the street, and to save himself, he told the police where I lived. Police found drugs in my house, and my “friend” was released on bail, after which he fled to another country and the whole case crashed down on me.
Suddenly I found myself in jail. The investigators denounced me, and I could not prove I was only taking drugs. Although an expensive lawyer was employed, I got a ten-year sentence for what I’d not done.
Now I know that this was a plan of Krishna’s, but then I did not understand it. Because Maya would not let me go, this was how Krishna cut my attachments.
In prison, Krishna began to send me the books of Srila Prabhupada.
Another detainee gave me the Bhagavad-gita and said: “This is the most valuable book for you.”
I read a few pages, but understood nothing and instead began to read gospels in the Bible. I read a lot about Christianity, but felt frustrated, as I had many unanswered questions. I had the feeling that something was hidden from people seeking God.
After six months in prison my condition was horrible. My relatives accused me. I felt bad. But Krishna took care of me and created a new situation.
Among the many books in the library I chose the Science of Self Realization.
I devoured the book. I reached the end and wanted more of these books, and knowing that I was in jail, I was very upset.
But Krishna continued manifesting through the librarian. She brought new books. Among them was Srila Prabhupada’s biography. I jumped for joy. For the first time I felt happy in jail! Reading it, I totally fell in love with Krishna and my dear Srila Prabhupada with all my heart and soul.
And this was not the end. All-attractive Krishna didn’t stop there,
knowing that I wanted to know more and more about Him. He sent a prisoner who had the First Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. I could not believe my eyes.
After three days, the new prisoner was moved to another cell but let me keep the book. At that moment I understood that I hold in my hands the very same Krishna I had been reading about. I studied the book very carefully, taking detailed notes. I did not understand it all, but tried to assimilate every last word, stretching out in time the pleasure of reading, knowing that I had no more books of Srila Prabhupada.
I tried to get more books. I asked my mother, the only person who helped me, to please get me more books about Krishna. But she refused, because she was a sworn Christian. Later, I felt the presence of Krishna, and a week after that my mom agreed! I ordered five books. Amazingly Krishna convinced my mother. I knew that to change her mind was practically impossible.
I started to tell her with all my heart about the inspiration of Krishna, quoting Srila Prabhupada. She listened with interest.
Krishna gave me this knowledge, and I began to search on the internet for a guru. I grew to love Krishna with all my heart.
Reading about Him and His devotees and companions, I did not feel that I am in prison, because I constantly thought about him, and thus He did not leave my head.
I feel immense pleasure when I speak to other people about Krishna. Echoing japa, I smile.
I started to feel disgusted with the meat I ate.
Sometimes remembering where I am, I feel worried because I don’t know what awaits me in the future. Krishna took away everything. But then I think about Him again, and I become happy.
Now some questions torture me that I have no answer for. Why did they give me so many years, if even only one year was enough so that I never forget Krishna.
* * *
Bhakti Vijnana Goswami answered:
My dear friend, Krishna not in vain gave you ten years in prison, because if you got freedom now, you would lose everything. When you truly accept Krishna in your heart, his name can delete all other samskaras and free you from all material desires. This depends on only one condition: understanding that in this world nothing else can save me. Not money, wealth, wife, home,
doctors … nothing. Srila Prabhupada says that this condition is true humility. We are looking for protection, but only Krishna can protect us. If we love Krishna, He will come to us! Here we see how Krishna came to you in the form of the wonderful books by and about Srila Prabhupada!”

Friendly Fire! Sutapa Das: With genuine spiritual advancement…
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Friendly Fire!
Sutapa Das: With genuine spiritual advancement comes the capacity and capability to have friendly relationships with one and all. Equipped with spiritual vision that penetrates beyond externals, one remains undisturbed by annoying idiosyncrasies, ideological differences, unpredictable personalities, and sticky character traits. We’re able to see something deeper, see the spirit, the underlying sincerity. We can see the heart. At this stage, we have no enemies, even if others view us as such. Indeed, the Bhagavad-gita explains that such friendly persons are spontaneously engaged in beneficial acts towards all living beings (sarva bhuta hite ratha). We could do with a few more people like that in the world.
Lofty, utopian and unattainable? Admittedly, although we desire these friendly connections with everyone around us, it just doesn’t seem to work out in real life. Fighting and friction seem an integral part of social intercourse. Why can’t everyone be friends with everyone else? Is the fact that we don’t get on with everyone a sign of our spiritual deficiencies? What could be the reason for people not liking us?
Our Problem – often, breakdown of friendships are due to underlying selfishness within us. When people smell agendas, duplicity and exploitation, to a greater or lesser degree, they run a mile. Lesson: examine yourself and avoid blaming others.
Their Problem – other times, people project their own struggles onto us and thus prevent a meaningful connection. Deep rooted issues of insecurity, envy and pride, naturally distance them from others. Lesson: be patient and don’t take it personally.
No Problem – sometimes, two people fall out simply because of misunderstanding and miscommunication. Random unsavory incidents can block what would otherwise be a healthy friendship. Lesson: don’t take things too seriously and learn to forget.
Natural Problem – since we are all unique individual characters, it is impersonalistic and utopian to expect that everyone will perfectly gel. Even pure souls have their differences, though it doesn’t block their appreciation of each other. Lesson: celebrate diversity and find atleast something to appreciate.
So, at the risk of sounding cheesy and cliched, lets make more friendly connections. Its a short life after all. As Abraham Lincoln said, “the best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.”
Read more:

Preaching program in Kalachandji’s Hare Krishna Temple,…
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Preaching program in Kalachandji’s Hare Krishna Temple, Dallas (Album with photos)
Last night we were blessed to have taken the association of HH Jayapataka Swami. Such and amazingly surrendered devotee of Krishna and Srila Prabhupada. All glories to his service! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Find them here:

Karatalas: Weapons of mass inspiration! The Sanskrit word…
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Karatalas: Weapons of mass inspiration!
The Sanskrit word “kara” means hand and “tala” – a rhythmic pattern. Literally, karatalas – a hand tool to maintain the rhythm. However, this instrument is considered to be a divine instrument. Cymbals sound can be compared with the bell ringing – so big is its cleansing effect. This clears the sound and the one who plays the kartalas, and those who hear it said that God himself death Yamaraja and his servants yamadutas can not go to the one who plays the kartalas.
Patron Saint of cymbals is the gopi Sudevi. She needed to pray to learn to play this wonderful instrument. Before start playing them, favorably pronounced this pranama mantra:
“I will defeat death, I will defeat Yamaraja, and I happily will win over all his servants (yamadutas). Hearing the sound of cymbals from afar neither death, nor any of his servants of Yamaraja, certainly will get close to someone who engages in kirtan. ”
Prabhupada stressed that for the devotees there is no need to learn any oter musical instruments to lead kirtan. Lord Chaitanya gave us the easiest method, and all you need for chanting.
“I think that we have no need to use different musical talents to spread Krishna Consciousness. It is better that people strictly follow the path of Lord Caitanya and His sankirtana devotees. We use mrdanga and karatalas, and that’s enough. We are not musicians. We are Krishna bhaktas. Therefore, we are not interested about all these different musical talents. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is God Himself. If He believed that it would be better to spread the Krishna Consciousness in an other way, He would have done it. No, our process – it’s just play on mrdanga and kartalas, travel and chant Hare Krishna and ask everyone to chant Hare Krsna and just preach the philosophy of “Srimad Bhagavatam”. We do not need to try to add anything to this simple method.“
Srila Prabhupada, letter to Jagadisha, 28.12.1974
(Translated automatically from Russian)

May 24. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
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May 24. ISKCON 50 – S.Prabhupada Daily Meditations.
Satsvarupa dasa Goswami: The Krishna-ized Storefront.
Swamiji is a bold performer. He is expert at creating excitement. His foreignness is charismatic – his golden complexion, his yellow tilaka, his shining teeth, lips and eyes, delicate fingers. Nothing showy.

Preaching program and Rathayatra in the town of Dnipropetrovsk, …
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Preaching program and Rathayatra in the town of Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine’s fourth largest city (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: O Hari-nama! The tips of the toes of Your lotus feet are constantly being worshiped by the glowing radiance emanating from the string of gems know as the Upanisads, the crown jewels of all the Vedas. You are eternally adored by liberated souls such as Narada and Sukadeva. On Hari-nama! I take complete shelter of You. (Caitanya-caritamrta, Antya-lila, 4.71 Purport)
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