Millions in Puri for Lord Jagannath (video) Srila Prabhupada:…
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Millions in Puri for Lord Jagannath (video)
Srila Prabhupada: “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare—these sixteen names composed of thirty-two syllables are the only means to counteract the evil effects of Kali-yuga. In all the Vedas it is seen that to cross the ocean of nescience there is no alternative to the chanting of the holy name.” (Kali-santarana Upanisad)
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Simple living high thinking for the devotees of Iskcon Slovenia…
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Simple living high thinking for the devotees of Iskcon Slovenia (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s transcendental mission is to distribute love of Godhead to everyone. Anyone who accepts God as the Supreme can take to the process of chanting Hare Krishna and become a lover of God. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 4.41 Purport)
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Festival in Sri Vrindavan Dham Farm, Almaty, Kazakhstan (Album…
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Festival in Sri Vrindavan Dham Farm, Almaty, Kazakhstan (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s transcendental mission is to distribute love of Godhead to everyone. Anyone who accepts God as the Supreme can take to the process of chanting Hare Krishna and become a lover of God. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 4.41 Purport)
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Gratitude Community Cooking and Sharing 27.06.2018 (Album of…
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Gratitude Community Cooking and Sharing 27.06.2018 (Album of photos)
Shantasya Carlisle: Oh what fantastic helpers today; we were honoured to be visited by Kripamoya Das and Havi Das who are world famous for their devotional music. They made these super tasty pizzas for us. Thank you very much.
Tesco’s community champion and her line manager poped in to see what we do with their food donations and gave us a hand cutting cherries.
We had new comers and old comers having lots of fun preparing together great dishes using what we collected yesterday from the paddock Road Allotments.
We also broke off with a Gratitude tradition, due to the heat we didn’t make soup!
Our lunch included;
Boiled artichokes
Roasted baby potatoes
Roasted zukini
Green salad
Baked white sauce pasta
Corn on the cob
Panir in red sauce
Sweet roasted parsnips
Fresh cherries
Rhubarb pudding
Thank you lovely people, till next time …
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“Many fanatic spiritual movement have come and gone, but without the flawless philosophy of Krishna, they cannot stand.Therefore I want especially that my book and Literature should be distributed profusely.This is our substance,real philosophical information, not some weak sentiments.So try for this,to give all men this Krishna philosophy,and many real devotees will come with us back to Home, back to Godhead.”-

The latest culinary conquests by Kurma, the Chef (Album with…
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The latest culinary conquests by Kurma, the Chef (Album with photos)
Kurma Dasa: My final day in Sweden.
The grand finale of my sojourn at Korsnäs Gård was the Vegetarian World Food Masterclass.
Thanks to Kalindi Vraj for most of the images.
Goodbye Scandinavia – I’m looking forward to some nights without sunshine
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Home program in Cuenca, Ecuador (Album with photos) Srila…
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Home program in Cuenca, Ecuador (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “Even while engaged in various activities, devotees whose minds are completely absorbed at Your lotus feet, and who constantly hear, chant, contemplate and cause others to remember Your transcendental names and forms, are always on the transcendental platform, and thus they can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 10.2.37)
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This is love. This service that you are doing, this is also love!
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“This is love. This service that you are doing, this is also love.”
Kadamba Kanana Swami: It is interesting that when speaking of prema (pure love for Krsna) in the Srimad Bhagavatam, the example is given of the intermediate devotee, the madhyama-adhikārī. Not the kanishta-adhikārī (the neophyte), but of the madhyama, someone a bit more advanced, a devotee who has shown determination. It is provided: īśvare tad-adhīneṣu bāliśeṣu dviṣatsu ca prema-maitrī-kṛpopekṣā yaḥ karoti sa madhyamaḥ (Srimad Bhagavatam 11.2.46). This says that for the madhyama-adhikārī, he has prema for isvara (Lord), friendship for the devotees and indifference for the envious. So it is interesting that the word prema has been used for the madhyama-adhikārī. Now, prema comes at the end of the ladder of the nine stages of bhakti, from sraddha (faith) to prema (pure love for Krsna). So how is it that the madhyama-adhikārī can already have prema, considering it is the uttama-adhikārī who is the advanced devotee. This is because prema is not like flicking a light switch that can suddenly be changed from the darkness of ignorance to “I love Krsna”! There is a lot in between where that Krsna prema is developing and growing.

Kirtan Mela in New Dwarka, Iskcon Los Angeles (Album with…
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Kirtan Mela in New Dwarka, Iskcon Los Angeles (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “O Lord,” the demigods say, “the impersonalists, who are nondevotees, cannot understand that Your name is identical with Your form.” Since the Lord is absolute, there is no difference between His name and His actual form. In the material world there is a difference between form and name. (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 10.2.36 Purport).
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Real beauty
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Real beauty.
Kadamba Kanana Swami: Human relationships become meaningful when Krsna is the priority. It is not good enough when Krsna is simply there in our lives. I mean, it is still nice that Krsna is there, but when Krsna actually becomes the priority, then it becomes significant to the point that everything will change. This is the unique feature of Srila Prabhupada, who truly made Krsna the priority and showed that consistently throughout his whole life. Many people in India have some affiliation with Krsna, so Krsna is obviously part of the culture of many people across the world. This is positive, very nice indeed, but that is not the same, not good enough. So Prabhupada came and gave us Krsna, making him the priority, and then suddenly, everything started to change – relationships started to change.