MotelGita reaches out to Community Colleges in…
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MotelGita reaches out to Community Colleges in Florida.
MotelGita recently put Bhagavad Gitas across 3 campuses of Columbia County Public Library & 4 campuses of Eastern Florida State College Library.
Students who are tomorrow’s leaders, scientists, inventors, entrepreneurs and engineers will be now really inspired by these books!

The spiritual world is here!
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The spiritual world is here!
Kadamba Kanana Swami: There is another world than the one we live in. It is transcendental and is not subjected to the material influences of our world. There, Lord Brahma operates on a different time scale to ours where one of his days includes thousands of cycles of the four yugas – even one cycle of which in our world is considered to be a very long period of time. In fact, kali yuga does not even manifest in such higher regions of the universe. It is said that in the heavenly planets, there is always an atmosphere of treta yuga, however Lord Brahma’s abode is called satyaloka where there is a fully transcendental atmosphere. It is so transcendental that there is no varnashrama and all its citizens are of one caste – transcendentalists.

Kirtan Mela in Riga, Latvia (Album with photos) Bhakti Chaitanya…
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Kirtan Mela in Riga, Latvia (Album with photos)
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami: I’m currently in our ISKCON temple in Riga Latvia. Over the weekend we had a wonderful kirtan mela, led by Adirasa prabhu (previously Aditi Dukhaha prabhu) and Ananda Vardhana Maharaja. It’s one of the original temples from the former Soviet Union, and the Deities are among the first Deities from that time.
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Kurma Dasa: Hare Krishna! A Night at the Movies (Album with…
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Kurma Dasa: Hare Krishna! A Night at the Movies (Album with photos)
Last Night’s Premier Irish Screening of “Hare Krishna! The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami who Started it All” was an ecstatic event.
Over 100 devotees from all across this Wee Green Land gathered for a Prabhupada-centred reunion.
A splendid time was had by all.
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“We should do what Krishna or His devotee instructs us to…
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“We should do what Krishna or His devotee instructs us to do.”
BB Govinda Swami: I think it is one thing to join the Krishna consciousness movement, it is one thing to just sort of float on whatever is happening within the Krishna consciousness movement and it’s another thing to actually take control of the situation and have the determination to advance in Krishna consciousness.
As we mentioned before it appears that some people come to Krishna consciousness and they just float in whatever is going on and then there is some type of awakening process and you realize you’re in the middle of something big, something which is sort of demanding, something which is quite powerful, something which you really have to give up everything else to participate in.
And then people may find themselves in a marginal position, they don’t know if they really want to surrender themselves fully to that energy or not, or whether they want to not surrender and reserve energy for independent identity. Sometimes it becomes a crisis for people.
What to do? Our acarya Srila Raghunatha Goswami, he is giving an instruction here. He is saying “Push everything to the side. Push everything else to the back and move ahead in the process of surrendering to Krsna.” The person may say “Well, I keep my body working in service and I follow this and that principle”. But Srila Raghunath Das Goswami is saying “Surrender your mind”.
That is a nice thing that your body is engaging in some service activity. But take your mind and surrender your mind. Body is one thing, the mind is something else. Surrender your mind to the service of the Lord. Keep always in your mind topics that are related to Krishna.
That’s a crisis that many people come to. And then often times depending on how clever is the person he can present different reasons why not to surrender the mind.
Arjuna was very clever. He was a very intelligent person, he was presenting many arguments to Krishna why not to surrender, see, but Krishna cut them all. And ultimately Krishna brought the argument to the point that the mind should always be fixed in Krishna, and then there is a science how to fix the mind on Krishna, which practically is based upon doing what Krishna says. And the way that Krishna has presented it, is that we do what Krishna says based on what our authorities say. You see, that’s basically the way Krishna consciousness works.
Some intelligent people may say “No, I will only do what Krishna directly tells me. And other people say, well He was here 5000 years ago, He spoke, but He is not here anymore. But Krishna says “You hear from me and hear from my devotees, follow their instructions”. But! Because we are so intelligent, we can create so many different ideas.
But despite whatever we create, the essential truth is still the essential truth. That If we wish to absorb our mind in thinking about Krishna we should do what Krishna or His devotee instructs us to do.
HH Bhakti Bhringa Govinda Swami

Back In The USSR – Moscow (9 min video)
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Back In The USSR – Moscow (9 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: Our visit to Moscow was the last stop on our preaching tour of Russia. There we discovered literally thousands of devotees, the fruit of Srila Prabhupada’s visit to the capitol in 1971. We arrived on Victory Day, a celebration by the Russian people of their victory over the Nazis in World War II. Red Square was alive with a show of military might. As we stood there we pondered that Srila Prabhupada also came to the same square during his visit to Moscow. In our heart’s we quietly celebrated his victory in bravely and boldly establishing Krsna consciousness in the country many years ago.

“Krishna’s methods of training”
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“Krishna’s methods of training”
BB Govinda Swami: One should feel oneself meek and humble and also has to tolerate. Tolerance without any limits. Krishna will do this to us because that’s the standard. He’ll do it to us. It’s not that He dislikes us for a moment. But He will test our tolerance until the end of our ability to tolerate anything. We think: “After this point I’m gonna go crazy”. And Krishna says “Ok” and will push us a few kilometres beyond that point, to make us see that we have to tolerate everything without limit.

Amara Conference 2018 (Album with photos) Super success of Amara…
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Amara Conference 2018 (Album with photos)
Super success of Amara service launched yesterday, 12th May 2018 at Amara Conference at ISKCON Leicester.
Nurses and doctors from many NHS hospitals attended the Amara conference.
There was also Kripamoya Prabhu’s book launch – “What to do when someone dies”
Bereavement Support for ISKCON devotees Leaflet.
Memory box now available.
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Iskcon New Govardhana: Harinama at Nimbin Mardigrass – Part 1 of…
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Iskcon New Govardhana: Harinama at Nimbin Mardigrass – Part 1 of 2 – 06 May 2018 (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: When Lord Caitanya asked Ramananda Raya what is the most painful experience in human society, Ramananda Raya replied that separation from a pure devotee is the most painful experience. In other words, when there is no devotee of the Lord present, there is great suffering in society, and association with other people becomes painful. In Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.30.6–7) it is stated that if one who is bereft of the association of a pure devotee tries to become happy through society, friendship and love devoid of Krsna consciousness, he is to be considered in the most distressed condition. In the Brhad-bhagavatamrta (1.5.54) it is stated that the association of a pure devotee is more desirable than life itself and that in separation from him one cannot pass even a second happily. “The Teachings of Lord Caitanya” by Srila Prabhupada
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Motel-Gita (Placement of Srila Prabhupada’s books in…
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Motel-Gita (Placement of Srila Prabhupada’s books in Motels) (Album with photos)
Super8 Montgomery welcomes Bhagavad Gitas!
Lisa Monfee who is Sales Manager at -Super 8 Prattville Montgomery says she is very excited to have Bhagavad Gitas in her motel as people always like to try new & different things.
She has put them in all the rooms & lobby so people who are really interested can take a copy along with them.

TOVP Euro Tour Overview Miracles are not uncommon in the…
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TOVP Euro Tour Overview
Miracles are not uncommon in the pastimes and seva of the Lord, and certainly the TOVP Euro Tour is a current example of how the Lord reciprocates with His devotees, blesses them and simultaneously fulfills His own purposes, in this case the building of the Temple of the Vedic Planetarium and manifestation of His own prophecy of the adbhuta mandir.
From April 10th – 27th, history was created as Jananivas and Braja Vilas prabhus, led by Lord Nityananda’s Padukas and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Sitari, traveled to twelve European temples inundating the devotees with the Lord’s mercy and MISSION 22 to complete the TOVP by the year 2022. Unexpected by all the leaders was the incredible outpouring of financial support by the small numbers of devotees in most of the European temples, many of them considered poor by material standards. The total collection in pledges was 1,240,150 Euros/1,470,290 USD!!! Never before has such a fundraising fervor taken place in the European countries. This overwhelming enthusiasm and support was an indication that Lord Nityananda is in everyone’s heart as Supersoul and is inspiring devotees to serve Lord Gauranga by helping to build His temple, the adbhuta mandir from which His service and Krishna prema will spread to all corners of the universe.
To read the entire article click here:

“Servant Leaders Applied Training and Education…
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“Servant Leaders Applied Training and Education (SLATE)”
For the first time, by the presence of all prominent ISKCON Leaders of Bangladesh, “Servant Leaders Applied Training and Education (SLATE)” camp are successfully completed this week. The whole camp was conducted by H.G. Radheshyam Das, Youth revolutioner, and president of ISKCON Pune, India. All the youth leaders of Bangladesh, especially general secretory of ISKCON Bangladesh, H.G.Charuchandra Das Brahmacari, joint secretory of ISKCON Bangladesh, H.G.Jagatguru Gouranga Das Brahmacari, ISKCON Chittagong Divitional secretory, H.G.Chinmoy Krishna Das Brahmacari, President ISKCON Cox-bazar H.G.Radha govinda Das Brahmacari, President ISKCON Nandankanon Radha Madav Temple, H.G.Pandit Gadadhar Das Brahmacari, Councellor (IYF) ISKCON Dhaka H.G.Mitragopa Das Brahmacari, Sylhet IYF Director H.G.Deborshi Sribas Das, Noakali IYF Director H.G.Hariprem Das Brahmacari, H.G.Tribanga Shyam Das Brahmacari, H.G.Mukunda Bhakti Das Brahmacari and many more various place of Bangladesh (in total 75) attended the camp at Sri Sri Pundarik Dham, the birth place of Sri Pundarik Vidyanidhi. It was a six-day camp with discourses, group presentation, Drama etc. Out of 64 topics of SLATE, Six topics covered this year as follows-Learning to see good in others and overcoming fault-finding tendency, IS competition in devotee circle good or bad, Overcoming insecurity and developing Confidence in Krishna, Balancing the extremes in guiding, Rising above the mental concoction of friend and enemy, and art of revealing mind with confidence.
In the holy land of Bangladesh, by the Instruction of HH. Jayapataka Swami, and by the inspiration of HH. Bhakti Purushottam Swami, youth preaching is going on very vigorously for 14 years. Bangladesh youth preachers, especially ISKCON Nandankanon, are following the exact model & structure provided by H.G.Radheshyam Das Brahmacari. So all the youth preachers considered this camp a great boon and success. All prominent youth Leaders now have become rejuvenated by the rare association of H.G.Radheshyam Prabhu. ISKCON Chittagong devotional committee expresses its gratitude to H.G. Radheshyam Prabhu for visiting Chittagong, Bangladesh. All leaders and devotees of all temples had requested him to come at least once in a year in Bangladesh and inspire and guide them in devotional service to Lord Krishna.

Mukunda Bhakti Das Brahmacari

“Ask a monk” is back on the streets of Copenhagen,…
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“Ask a monk” is back on the streets of Copenhagen, Denmark (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: You mentioned that you are not yet a very bold preacher, but you will become bold, if you have got sincerity. In the beginning also I could not speak. But Krishna is within you, and when you are serving Him sincerely He will give you courage, boldness, everything. We are not going to bluff anyone or cheat others, and we are delivering the message on behalf of the Supreme Lord, so we haven’t got anything to fear and we should be always mindful of our topmost position of occupation of life. To be the messenger of the king is practically as good as to be the king, so the king is the most exalted position. I act like a king because no one can defeat me, and similarly, you should take your responsibility very, very seriously as being the representative of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Who is God Himself, and always remember that you are one of the few men I have appointed to carry on my work throughout the world and your mission before you is huge. Therefore, always pray to Krishna to give you strength for accomplishing this mission by doing what I am doing. My first business is to give the devotees the proper knowledge and engage them in devotional service, so that is not very difficult task for you, I have given you everything, so read and speak from the books and so many new lights will come out. We have got so many books, so if we go on preaching from them for the next 1,000 years, there is enough stock. Just like we have spent one day discussing one sloka, so you introduce this system in all of the temples, and very quickly the devotees will make spiritual progress by getting knowledge. As for the GBC members, if we study one sloka daily in our classes it will take you more than 50 years to finish Srimad-Bhagavatam alone, so at least 50 years matter is already there minimum. So we can finish Bhagavatam once in our lifetime and the next generation can begin again, like that. —From Srila Prabhupada’s letter to: Satsvarupa – Los Angeles 16 June, 1972
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