Sucitra & Rasaraja’s Vedic Wedding (Album of photos)
On the beautiful afternoon of April 14th, two very sweet devotees gathered together with friends and family to observe a very auspicious Vedic Wedding together. All blessings upon this couple in their life of service together.
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Sucitra & Rasaraja’s Vedic Wedding (Album of photos)…
A visit to Iskcon Sochi, Russia (9 min video)
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A visit to Iskcon Sochi, Russia (9 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: The city of Sochi in southern Russia was a milestone in our t…Read More…
Room Conversation with Lord Brockway – July 23, 1973,…
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Room Conversation with Lord Brockway – July 23, 1973, London:
Lord Brockway: And my childhood was spent at Berhampur (Brahmapur).
Prabhupāda: Berhampur?
Lord Brockway: Yes.
Prabhupāda: I see.
Lord Brockway: My parents were missionaries there.
Prabhupāda: Hm. I was also a student of missionary college, Scottish Churches’ College.
Lord Brockway: Oh yes.
Prabhupāda: Yes. We had very good professors. W. S. Urquhart, Dr. W.S. Urquhart, he was a Scotsman.
Lord Brockway: Yes, yes. Was that in Calcutta?
Prabhupāda: Yes, in Calcutta. And Lord Rolandson, Zetland, Marquis of Zetland. He was governor of Bengal. So he’s also a Scotsman.
Lord Brockway: Yes.
Prabhupāda: So he came to our college in our, when we were young men, second-year student. All our professors, mostly they were Scotsmen, and there was one English professor, Mister Warren. All other professors, they were Scotsmen, Mr. Keye, Mr. Cameron, Mr. Scrimgeour in this way.
Lord Brockway: Those are Scottish names.
Prabhupāda: Yes, Scottish names. So you remained only four years after your birth.
Lord Brockway: That is true. But I have quite clear memories, especially of Berhampur, of our house, of playing with Indian children under a tree…
Prabhupāda: Oh.
Interviews with Macmillan and various English Reporters – September 12, 1973, London:
Prabhupāda: Sanskrit compulsory and additional there was Sanskrit. So I took both, compulsory and additional.
Prof. Gombrich: I see.
Prabhupāda: Up to my I.A., I regularly studied Sanskrit, and in my B. A., I gave up Sanskrit. I read history. (laughs) No. Not in B.A. B.A., my combination was economics and philosophy. In I.A. I was intermediate, I.A. I had history and Sanskrit.
Prof. Gombrich: That was at Calcutta University?
Prabhupāda: Yes. Calcutta University, Scottish Churches’ College.
Sunday 4/29/2018 Lecture by Devamrita Swami (video)Srila…
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Sunday 4/29/2018 Lecture by Devamrita Swami (video)
Srila Prabhupada: …here we are having Bhagavata class. This is not ordinary Bhagavata class, not jumping over Krsna’s rasa-lila. It is not like that. It is step by step studying what is Krsna, what is this material world, what is the sambandha, or relationship with Krsna – so many things – how this body has developed, how we have forgotten Krsna, how to revive our Krsna consciousness. These things must be studied first of all. Then we can understand what is Krsna’s pastimes with the gopis. But these professional Bhagavata preachers, they go, jump over at once. Srila Prabhupada, Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.26.31 – January 8, 1975, Bombay
Nrsimha Caturdasi Harinama in Radhadesh and King’s…
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Nrsimha Caturdasi Harinama in Radhadesh and King’s birthday in Amsterdam (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Preya means immediately palatable, and sreya means ultimately beneficial. That is called sreya. Just like for a child, playing is priya, preya. He likes to play. But he is by force, by the parents, he is studied books. That is called preya. But because without education his future life will be dark, so parents know it. Therefore, although the child likes to play – that is preya – the parents engages them into sreya, into education. So that is the Vaisnava’s duty. These rascals and fools, they are busy in material sense gratification, and it has become the duty of the devotee. Because the devotees mean the servant of the supreme father, Krsna. So they have been engaged. Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, yare dekha, tare kaha ‘krsna’-upadesa [Cc. Madhya 7.128]. So devotees are so confidential servant of the Supreme Lord; therefore they are engaged in preaching Krsna consciousness. They have no business for themself – they are completely perfect as soon as they have accepted Krsna – but they are working on behalf of Krsna to turn these two-legged animals to become Krsna conscious. This is the meaning of Krsna consciousness movement. Srila Prabhupada, Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.26.29 – January 6, 1975, Bombay
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New Mayapur, Iskcon France: The reconstruction of the small tower at the castle is finished!
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New Mayapur, Iskcon France: The reconstruction of the small tower at the castle is finished! Hariiiboool!
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ISKCON of Las Vegas – Temple Opening (Album of photos)
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ISKCON of Las Vegas – Temple Opening (Album of photos)
This past weekend, one of the most glorious ISKCON temples in our move…Read More…
A Day Of Celebration! (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: On…
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A Day Of Celebration! (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: On May 1st, when the people of Krasnodar, Russia, came out in mass to celebrate Worker’s Day, we stayed home and celebrated the Lord in our local temple with kirtan, classes and Sri Krsna prasadam. The city was bursting with celebrations!
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Narasimha Jayanthi at Durga temple, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA…
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Narasimha Jayanthi at Durga temple, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA (Album with photos)
1st May 18 Hare Krishna! Many people know Lord Narasimha because of the movies, but if you want to actually know why the Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared in such form, of half man and half lion and killed the demon Hiranyakashipu, then you would surely need to attend ISKCON festivals. We tell you the truth nothing but the truth! Yesterday at Dewi Sri Thurkai Amman temple, Taman Medan, about 75 people attended the Narasimha Caturdasi festival, we had the most attractive Lord Narasimha drama in Tamil which really really attracted the crowd, narration and pastimes of Lord Narasimhadeva spoken by HG Muralidharasyam prabhu, they offered ghee lamps to the Lordships and relished the sumptuous prasadam meals which was prepared by Taman Medan Namahatta. We would want to express our deepest appreciation to HG Sukamurti prabhu, who tirelessly organizes this festival for Lord Narasimha every year at different temples and different locations. He is very determined to organize this program despite any obstacles as how it is described in Part 1, Text 3 of the Nectar of Instruction, there is six qualities which favorable to pure devotional service, and two of the qualities is on utsāhāt — by enthusiasm; niścayāt — by confidence. So to progress in spiritual life, we should always have lots of confidence, enthusiasm to attain love of God, Krishna. By the mercy of Sri Guru and Gauranga, this Narasimha Caturdasi program was very successful because it had attracted the general public and it certainly created awareness on what Krishna conscious is all about! Jai Srila Prabhupada, we are indebted to him life and soul!
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Japa Retreat in central Siberia, Russia (Album with…
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Japa Retreat in central Siberia, Russia (Album with photos)
Bhakti Chaitanya Swami: We spent the last few days with a couple o…Read More…
My Service.
Kadamba Kanana Swami: Only in Vrndavana is Krsna…
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My Service.
Kadamba Kanana Swami: Only in Vrndavana is Krsna fully manifesting his pure transcendental nature which is based only on loving exchange and nothing else. It is not based on any sense of duty. Krsna is only purchased by pure and unalloyed love. To follow a sense of duty is the lower platform of devotional service. Vaidhi-bhakti – it is the platform where one is still materially conditioned and then one takes shelter of rules and regulations.
The higher manifestation of devotional service is devotional service based on pure love, when are contemplating, when we are hearing about these unique qualities of the residents of Vrndavana and we see how much they desire to please Krsna! Everything is done to please Krsna. This awakening in us of some desire to also please Krsna is a big change because for our whole life, we have simply been trying to please ourselves! Everything we ever did was to please ourselves. So to come to that state of pleasing Krsna, is the spirit of loving devotional service.
In the beginning, we serve according to rules and regulations and then gradually, attachment to serving Krsna will develop. In this way, serving Krsna according to rules and regulations transforms as attachment to Krsna develops. To develop attachment to serving Krsna is our aim, mayy āsakta-manāḥ pārtha yogaṁ yuñjan mad-āśrayaḥ asaṁśayaṁ samagraṁ māṁ yathā jñāsyasi tac chṛṇu (Bhagavad-gita 7.1).
Sometimes, we see devotees who do not find a service. They try this one. They try that one but they just cannot seem to get absorbed in any service; nothing captures them. This is a misfortune. Whenever we are given service, we should take that service and wholeheartedly with dedication try to develop that service as nicely as possible by making some special effort. It is not just, “Okay, this is my service.” No, “I’ll try and do it especially nice.” This is the point where attachment will develop.
But if one simply mechanically engages in prescribed duty then the service may stay dry. So this eagerness to do service especially nicely is what will make the difference in our lives. That is where attachment to Krsna and to that service begins to develop, where one starts to feel, “This is my service. It is mine!”
Here’s a couple of more amazing stories & photos of…
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Here’s a couple of more amazing stories & photos of Arabic Gita distribution, starting to come in daily now. There’s an exquisite phrase that seems to fit here: “An embarassment of riches.” Isn’t that nice? An overall atmosphere of sweet spiritual prosperity without end… a knowing, growing Benevolence just pouring down upon us all, gifts that are certainly given in abundance due to the daily sevice of these truly sincere book distributors..
1) Georgia Tech University. It’s a beautiful day. Shastrakrit Prabhu sets up his book table, puts the Arabic Gitas on a book rack, and a moment later sees a gentle soul with his eyes locked on one of the Gitas who thensoftly reads out loud the words “Bhagavad Geeta”… Who could this be other than the smiling Ahmed from Egypt! They get into a wonderful discussion, he becomes fascinated by the philosophy behind the color insert photos, and when Shastrakrit pleads with thim to take a book, he says “No no I want this!” and he gives a nice donation. When Shastrakrit offers him a prasad cookie, Ahmed reveals that he is trying to be a serious Muslim and is fasting for the week leading up to Ramadan…and then, with Arabic Gita in hand, he radiates his happiness into the camera.
2) University of California at Irvine. It’s a beautiful day. The humble, soft-spoken, and highly-determined Prema Sankirtan Prabhu – who also happens to be the #1 Arabic book distributor in the world – sees what is clearly a very enthusiastic student heading for his book table: it’s Zarya from Lebanon, and her eyes go saucer-wide when she sees all the Arabic books on the table (which she says she doesn’t really believe she is seeing). They talk a bit and then she grabs them all (Gita plus the three small books), gives a great donation and tells Prema that she feels so happy this has happened, and there’s the smile to match it… Thanks so much for stopping by…We’ll see you soon…!
To see Zarya from Lebanon click here:
Narasimha Chaturdasi Eve Harinam (Album of photos)
Bhakti Caru…
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Narasimha Chaturdasi Eve Harinam (Album of photos)
Bhakti Caru Maharaja and Trivikrama Maharaja joined the sweet Orlando devo…Read More…
Why Prabhupada is smiling?
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Why Prabhupada is smiling?
Hari-sauri das: June 5th 1976 – Los Angeles: One exhibit in particular is truly wonderful – that of Srila Prabhupada himself sitting at his writing desk in his Radha-Damodara room in Vrndavana. Made by Locana dasa, the…
Ratha Yatra at Brisbane – 28 April 2018 (Album with…
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Ratha Yatra at Brisbane – 28 April 2018 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: This is Krsna consciousness. You have to act by the desires of Krsna. That is the proper use of your senses. You cannot use for your purpose. Anything… Just like you are working in some establishment. Anything in that establishment, you can use for the proprietor’s business. You cannot use it. Just like in hospital there are blankets. It is written there, “Hospital Property.” So long you are in the hospital, you can use it. But you cannot take it outside. Then you are criminal. Similarly, everything… Isavasyam idam sarvam [Iso mantra 1]. Everything belongs to God, and you can use it for the service of God. Tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma grdhah kasya svid dhanam. This is the instruction, Vedic instruction. You can use it as prasadam, but everything should be offered to the Supreme. Yajnarthe karmanah loko ‘yam karma-bandhanah [Bg. 3.9]. If you do not do that, if you engage yourself always in good activities, as the karmis they do, and earn money and use it for your own sense gratification, that is papa.
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The devotees transform the “King’s Day”…
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The devotees transform the “King’s Day” festivity in Amsterdam in Harinama Sankirtana day! (Album with photos)
Held every year on 27 April, King’s Day (previously known as Queen’s Day) is renowned for being one of the biggest and most colorful festivities in the Netherlands, and especially so in Amsterdam.
The Hare Krishna devotees took advantage of such a huge gathering of people in the streets to benedict all with the sound of Lord Krishna’s Name performing loud and joyous kirtans.
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“IDENTITY CRISIS” – “Narcissism vs Our Real Identity” (video)
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‘IDENTITY CRISIS’ …. ‘Narcissism’ vs ‘Our Real or True Identity’ (video)
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Book Distribution weekend April 26 -29, 2018 (Album with…
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Book Distribution weekend April 26 -29, 2018 (Album with photos)
Mohanasini Devi Dasi: Only the cream of the crop makes it into the album each week! But sometimes, I miss someone, like this sweet lady who sent me a friend request, “Hi, I was the girl with the mom walking around the French Quarter. You gave me a book about Krishna. I have been interested in learning about Hinduism for a very long time.. and would like to know more.. I was hoping you could point me in some direction.. I live in Tennessee.”
I replied, “Oh awesome! Definitely, I’m here for you! Which book did you get from me? I’m just a message away if you have any comments or questions…. I look forward to hearing from you and I’ll go right now and confirm your friend request …..thank you so much for reaching out to me… Hare Krishna! She responded, “You gave me the, “you have questions and here are the answers” book. I’m on chapter 6 and still reading. Thank you so much for your kindness ”
Of course, I’m so glad you like it!
I just started distributing “Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers” this week as recommended by Bhakti Charu Swami, so needless to say, I was really thrilled to get this response!
PLEASE take a moment to click on each pic to see each fortunate soul’s story!
Book totals for this weekend: 23 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers, 64 Perfection of Yoga, 7 Chant and Be Happy, 78 Higher Taste Cookbooks, 2 Science of Self Realization, 83 Bhagavad Gitas, and 5 Srimad Bhagavatams Total: 262 books
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Lord Nrsimha appearance at Southport Centre (Album with…
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Lord Nrsimha appearance at Southport Centre (Album with photos)
Ramai Swami: Lord Nrsimhadeva’s appearance festival was celebrated with great enthusiasm at the Southport Centre on the Gold Coast.
Over 100 devotees and guests came for the arati, lecture, drama, puspanjali, feast and prasadam. The drama was especially nice with some of Hiranyakashipu’s soldiers being portrayed by the young devotee children.
Grand Nrsimha Caturdasi Celebrations at ISKCON Netrakona
In the…
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Grand Nrsimha Caturdasi Celebrations at ISKCON Netrakona
In the state of Mymensingh of Bangladesh, a beautiful temple hosting the all-attractive Lord Jagannath stands bold. Located in the district of Netrakona the devotees have become known to almost all the residents here due to their enthusiastic preaching.
In the last year, there has been much progress in temple activities. A sankirtan bus was opened with eight enthusiastic brahmacaris distributing the holy names and Srila Prabhupada’s books. They travel to nearby towns and villages for most the month and return for festivals to the temple. A Govindas restaurant was also opened in the recent months and it has become famous all over Netrakona. In the evenings it is packed up on a daily basis with around forty to fifty eating there at one sitting. It is amazing to see that many people belonging to other faiths also come there and eat Krishna prasad with great relish. Many have commented that it is the best food they’ve ever tasted! Prabhupada once commented in a letter in 1975, ‘You should make a stock of ghee from the farm and if possible open a restaurant in the city for attracting people. You can prepare samosas, kachoris, rasgullas …’
The temple has now 30 full-time brahmacaris who serve in different departments: College preaching, sankirtan, caring for the restaurant needs, tribal preaching, bhakti vrksa preaching etc.
On the request of the temple management, HH Subhag Swami attended the appearance celebrations of Lord Nrsimhadev at Netrakona on the 29th of April 2018. The festivities began from Mangala arati with nearly 200 devotees coming from different parts of Bangladesh. Many devotees arrived late the previous night but still woke up early to attend the morning program.
One of the highlights of the day was the opening of a new sweet shop named ‘Jay Nrsimha Sweets’. Due to the great success of the Govinda’s restaurant, a new place was obtained by the devotees exclusive for distributing a variety of sweetmeat prasadam. Maharaj cut the ribbon and offered an arati ceremony to Lord Nrsimhadeva to invoke auspiciousness and the sweet shop was officially inaugurated.
In the evening a wonderful Abhishek ceremony took place for the half man half lion incarnation of the Lord. At the same time, there was an installation ceremony for Giriraj Govardhana. Maharaj participated in the Abhishek whilst devotees sang in a melodious tune. Maharaj then delivered a short speech to the devotees present about the appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva. The devotees were very much enlivened and enthusiastic to hear more although the majority had been fasting even from water since the beginning of the day. The festivities ended with a sumptuous Ekadasi feast which was served to around 500 devotees.
We request all the devotees to offer the kind prayers for the devotees serving at ISKCON Netrakona so they can continue to and increase their efforts in spreading the Krishna Consciousness movement in Bangladesh where the devotees have faced and continue to face many hardships.
‘A preacher has to face many difficulties in his struggle to preach pure Krishna Consciousness. Sometimes he has to suffer bodily injuries, and sometimes he has to meet death also. All this is taken as a great austerity on behalf of Krishna. Krishna has therefore said that such a preacher is very, very dear to Him.’ KB Ch 29.
To know more about ISKCON Netrakona please see:
For pictures of the festival please see:
On The Black Sea (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: The city…
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On The Black Sea (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: The city of Sochi, on the Black Sea in Russia, hosted the Winter Olympics several years ago. Krsna consciousness came to Sochi in the late 1980’s and today has a large temple with an enthusiastic group of devotees whose presence adds a special charm to the city.
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Nrsimhadeva Caturdasi 2018 celebration in London.
Please find…
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Nrsimhadeva Caturdasi 2018 celebration in London.
Please find below photos from Nrsimhadeva Caturdasi 2018 in London.
The…Read More…
12,000 attend the inauguration of ISKCON Farmington Hills,…
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12,000 attend the inauguration of ISKCON Farmington Hills, Michigan including a congresswoman and Mayor.
On the weekend of April 20th, 2018, Radhanath Swami joined the devotees of ISKCON Farmington Hills, Michigan, and other guests, as together they inaugurated their new temple and installed the beautiful deity forms of Radha and Krishna (Sri Sri Radha Gopijan Vallab). The festival was filled with unforgettable moments that will treasured by all who attended.
On Friday, Radhanath Swami participated in the installation of Srila Prabhupada’s murti with other god brothers and sisters and attended the first arati as Virabadra Ram Das, visiting Executive Director of New York’s Bhakti Center, led a rousing Guru Puja kirtan. Later, Radhanath Swami presided over the netronmelan (eye opening) ceremony of Sri Radha Gopijan Vallab. Auspicious items were shown to Radha and Krishna as the gathered community had their first chance to see Their beautiful forms.
The next day Radhanath Swami took part in Pran Pratishta ceremony wherein Radha and Krishna are invited to reside in the temple. Then he spoke at length on the significance of the rituals of temple worship. Later, he witnessed the Abhishek ceremony of the deities.
Local congresswoman Christine Greig and Farmington Hills Mayor Ken Massey of were present for the occasion.
In the evening Radhanath Swami did the first Maha arati to the deities and then took a guided tour of the newly renovated temple building and met with many of the local devotees. On Sunday morning he gave Srimad Bhagavatam class which Christine Greig also attended.
Approximately 12,000 guests and devotees visited the temple and attended the festival.
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Beautiful Stain Glass windows just got installed (about 57 in…
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Beautiful Stain Glass windows just got installed (about 57 in all) in the ISKCON Temple in Jaipur. (Album with photos)
Find th…Read More…
Mithiladhisa Prabhu ACBSP, left this world yesterday morning on…
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Mithiladhisa Prabhu ACBSP, left this world yesterday morning on the holy day of Ekadasi.
Srila Prabhupada: Our whole program is surrender. And these Western boys, they do not want to surrender to anyone. Is it not? There is no question of surrender. They have surrendered [laughs] to some extent to me; that is wonderful. Otherwise, there is no question of surrender. And our business is surrender. Unless you surrender fully, there is no progress. Srila Prabhupada, Room Conversation – January 3, 1975, Bombay.
Bhaktivedanta Players on Nrsimhadeva caturdasi (Album of photos)…
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Bhaktivedanta Players on Nrsimhadeva caturdasi (Album of photos)
Radha Mohan Das: Bhaktivedanta Manor had elaborate Nrsimhadeva caturdasi celebrations last Saturday. The morning included a children’s drama, a fire yajna, a special class and many participated in a huge Hari nama in central London. In the afternoon there was abhiseka and to round everything off before the feast, the Bhaktivedanta Players had the audience riveted with a lively drama depicting the pastime of Lord Nrsimhadeva and Prahlad Maharaj.
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Nrisimha Caturdasi + Kirtan Simha 2018 at Simhachalam, Iskcon…
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Nrisimha Caturdasi + Kirtan Simha 2018 at Simhachalam, Iskcon Germany (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: One’s natural tendency is to serve because a living entity is an eternal servant of God. The living entity wants to serve, but because of his forgetfulness of his relationship with the Supreme Lord, he serves under the modes of material nature and manufactures various modes of service, such as socialism, humanitarianism and altruism. However, one should be enlightened in the tenets of Bhagavad-gita and accept the instruction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that one give up all natural tendencies for material service under different names and take to the service of the Lord. One’s original natural tendency is to act in Krsna consciousness because one’s real nature is spiritual. The duty of a human being is to understand that since he is essentially spirit, he must abide by the spiritual tendency and not be carried away by material tendencies. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 6.1.53
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Narasimhadev London Harinam (3 min video)
Parasuram das: Lord…
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Narasimhadev London Harinam (3 min video)
Parasuram das: Lord Narasimhadev appearing on Harinam in London on His appearance da…Read More…
Huge celebration in Mayapur! (video)
Srila Prabhupada: I wish…
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Huge celebration in Mayapur! (video)
Srila Prabhupada: I wish that every one of you should be Lion’s descendant. Our Lord Krishna assumed the form of Lion & killed the atheist, Hiranyakasipu, & by disciplic succession we shall also kill all impersonalist atheist. Absolutely there is no Krishna Consciousness for the impersonalist. From Srila Prabhupada’s letter to: Madhusudana – Navadvipa 2 November, 1967
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A theatrical presentation of Narasimha lila in Kiev, Ukraine…
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A theatrical presentation of Narasimha lila in Kiev, Ukraine (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: I am so pleased to hear tha…Read More…
Narasinghadev we praise you! (4 min video) A modern musical rendition of a prayer by Jayadeva das
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Narasinghadev we praise you! (4 min video)
A modern musical rendition of a prayer by Jayadeva das.
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Three planes of consciousness
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Radhanath Swami: Essentially there are three planes of consciousness: enjoyment, renunciation, and devotion.Read More…
Back in the U.S.S.R.- Vladikavkaz (9 min video)
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Back in the U.S.S.R.- Vladikavkaz (9 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: After the freezing tundra of Siberia and the cold steppes of the Ural’s we arrived in Vladikavkaz in Southern Russia on a warm spring evening. Vladikavkaz is only 450 kilometers from the Caspian Sea, where Srila Prabhupada noted in a room conversation that the great sage Kapila Muni had his ashram in ancient times. We enjoyed several days of programs with devotees in the city and mingled with the local population. One highlight was a visit to a Christian monastery in the foothills of the nearby Caucasus mountains. We spoke at length with the head priest there who shared with us the history of the church in that region. He explained that the apostle, Saint Andre ( Andrew ) introduced Christianity in that area not long after Jesus Christ was crucified. He said at that time the area was inhabited by the Aryan race, referring to people of Vedic culture. He mentioned there was no conflict between Saint Andre and the Aryans because both believed in one God. We experienced the same harmony at our programs in Vladikavkaz which were attended by people of other faiths, including a prominent Muslim leader.
Nrsimha Caturdasi Kirtan in Porto Alegre, Brazil (Album of…
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Nrsimha Caturdasi Kirtan in Porto Alegre, Brazil (Album of photos)
When Prabhupada first came to India and traveled with his disciples in a group from one home to another. When they arrived in one place, Acyutananda asked Prabhupada, “What will our program be here?” Prabhupada replied, “Our program is to cry for Krsna.” From Prabhupada Meditations by SDG
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Narasimha Caturdasi 2018 celebrated at Radhadesh (Album with…
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Narasimha Caturdasi 2018 celebrated at Radhadesh (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Only fools are ungrateful to their benefactors. The Lord, however, does not require benefit from anyone besides Himself because He is full in Himself; still He feels benefited by the unalloyed services of His devotees. The Lord feels grateful to His devotees for such unsophisticated, unconditional service and tries to reciprocate it by rendering service, although the devotee also has no such desire in his heart. The transcendental service of the Lord is itself a transcendental benefit for the devotee, and therefore the devotee has nothing to expect from the Lord. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 1.16.26-30 ppt
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Kings Day Harinam, Amsterdam – 27th April 2018 (Album of photos)…
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Kings Day Harinam, Amsterdam – 27th April 2018 (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Although not having fully realized Krsna, …Read More…
Receiving the mercy of Lord Narasimha by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
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Receiving the mercy of Lord Narasimha
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has written five beautiful prayers in “Sri Navadvipa Bhava Taranga” for receiving the mercy of Lord Narasimha. These prayers are certainly assurance to all sincere devotees t…
Harinama at Burleigh Heads – 22 April 2018 (Album of photos)…
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Harinama at Burleigh Heads – 22 April 2018 (Album of photos)
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura: Krsna as the source of love …Read More…
Mohini Ekadasi Kirtan at Iskcon Nepal (Album of photos)
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Mohini Ekadasi Kirtan at Iskcon Nepal (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Caitanya Mahaprabhu is very practical, that “I want to give krsna-prema. One should be ecstatic, emotional in krsna-prema. One shall cry for Krsna.” And He taught everyone by His practical example how He was mad after Krsna. Govinda-virahena me. Sunyayitam jagat sarvam govinda-virahena me. This is krsna-prema: without Krsna, one should see everything vacant. This is Radharani’s prema. But that is not possible for ordinary human being. It might be possible for Caitanya Mahaprabhu and few devotees. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.25.30 – Bombay, November 30, 1974
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Giriraj Swami: Today is Rukmini-dvadasi, the appearance day of…
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Giriraj Swami: Today is Rukmini-dvadasi, the appearance day of Srimati Rukmini-devi.
“The beloved consorts of Lord Krishna are of three kinds: the goddesses of fortune, the queens, and the milkmaids of Vraja, who are the foremost of all. These consorts all proceed from Radhika.” (Cc Adi 4.74–75) Of all Krishna’s queens in Dvaraka, Rukmini-devi is the principal. Ultimately, she is an expansion of Srimati Radharani.
Many of Rukmini and Krishna’s pastimes are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam, and they are relishable and instructive. When I first read the story of Rukmini and Krishna in the Krsna book, I thought that it was the most wonderful story—one that could make a fabulous movie, with romance, suspense, chivalry, adventure, and a truly happy ending. I thought, “This is amazing. You get everything in Krishna consciousness—but completely pure and spiritual.”
If we worship Rukmini-Dvarakadisa and make them the center of our lives, we may enjoy some of their opulence. But material opulence is incidental, because material things without Krishna will not make us happy. The real thing is Krishna. Only Krishna can make us happy, and with Krishna we will be happy—with or without material things.
Rukmini-dvadasi is super-excellent because it is meant to infuse us with thoughts of Krishna, inspire our attraction for Krishna. That is why Srila Prabhupada wrote books, established temples, installed Deities, and trained devotees, so that they could always be busy with Krishna, busy for Krishna, and by association inspire and teach others also how to be absorbed in Krishna. Among the main processes in the present age of Kali, the foremost is the chanting of the holy names: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. So let us chant Hare Krishna, dance, feast on krsna-prasada, and be happy in Krishna consciousness.