Hiranyakasipu and Prahlad.Kadamba Kanana Swami: Lord Brahma…
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Hiranyakasipu and Prahlad.
Kadamba Kanana Swami: Lord Brahma pushed Prahlad forward and said, “Well, He appeared because of you, so you go and pacify Him!” Well, it does not look very heroic when you shove a five year-old boy forward like, “You go and deal with Him!” (Laughter)
No, we should not take it in that way, we should see that Lord Brahma is most intelligent and therefore very deeply analysed the situation and also realized that Prahlad is not just a five-year-old boy, he is extremely powerful – nothing could kill him, nothing could possibly kill Prahlad! So many attempts were made to kill him but nothing worked.
To read the entire article click here: https://goo.gl/8ZHWzK

What is the difference between mind and intelligence? Let’s see…
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What is the difference between mind and intelligence?
Let’s see how the mind and the intelligence fixed in knowledge respond when a beautiful object that is actually harmful appears in front. The mind says, “I want this, I want to enjoy this.” But the intelligence fixed in knowledge says, “No. This is illusion. Enjoying this is like licking the honey on the edge of a razor blade. You might enjoy little, but then you will suffer.” But the intelligence not fixed

Lalitanatha das “How I got into scientific preaching” (4 min video)
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Lalitanatha das “How I got into scientific preaching” (4 min video)
Lalitanatha das from Denmark speaks about how he got into scientific preaching in ISKCON.
Lalitanatha das joined the Hare Krishna movement in Denmark 1981. During many years he has studied ”intelligent design” and is the author of the best selling book ”Rethinking Darwin” which points out weaknesses and defects in Darwin’s theory.

Premier screening of Hare Krishna film in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia…
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Premier screening of Hare Krishna film in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Album of photos)
Simheswara Prabhu, 24 April 2018: Hare Krishna. For once it was not Rajni Kant, Sharup Khan, Bruce Wills or any of the superstars doing their heroic stuffs for the screens. At 8.30PM, the GSC Hall 3 theatre at NU Sentral packed hall screened His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, George Harrisson, the Hare Krishna devotees and many other realised souls for a good 1 hour 20 minutes of exciting life videos, interviews and thrilling encounters. The events were all REAL. In short the movie showed how 70 year old Srila Prabhupada started the movement, how he organised, kept it going and survived amidst tough times and how it exploded and reached the planet’s households. It is a movie that is not just especially for the Hare Krishna devotees but a movie that is thought provoking and which is sure to induce one heart to start taking to spirituality than to be just religious. Srila Prabhupada gave the world a SOLUTION and lived till 1977 to show the world by his personal example how all problems can be solved. You got to see the movie to know more. Also present to view the Premier show were ISKCON Malaysia President and caretaker Deputy Minister of Federal Territories HG Dato Dr Loga Bandu Gauranga dasa @ Loga Bala Mohan, Mr Nishit Kumar Ujjwal (Counsellor Community Affairs High Commission of India) and, HG Ajamila dasa , HG Bhagavatamrta dasa and HG Mayapur Sasi (disciples of Srila Prabhupada) Thanks to HG Yadubhara Prabhu for producing a such a nice movie. We will announce the next screening soon. Bring along your friends and we will provide the popcorn prasadam.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/dJKCKd

Can Old Age Be Reversed? (5 min video)
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Can Old Age Be Reversed? (5 min video)
The author of Caitanya Caritamrita, Krishna das Kaviraja Goswami, he writes, how even at this ripe old age of 95, he is struggling and striving to serve Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the devotees by writing the Caitanya Caritamrita, inspite of all kinds of difficulties and obstacles. Dear friends let’s try to realise that old age is a reality, it cannot be overcome, it cannot be counteracted but we can live life in a way that after leaving this body, we will not have to take another birth, another youth and another old age.

Preaching program in an Iskcon Farm, Russia (Album with…
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Preaching program in an Iskcon Farm, Russia (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: In material consciousness we are trying to love that which is not at all lovable. We give our love to dogs and cats, running the risk that at the time of death we may think of them and consequently take birth in a family of cats or dogs. Thus love that does not have Krsna as its object leads downward. It is not that Krsna or God is something obscure or something that only a few chosen people can attain. Caitanya Mahaprabhu informs us that in every country and in every scripture there is some hint of love of Godhead. Unfortunately no one knows what love of Godhead actually is. The Vedic scriptures, however, are different in that they can direct the individual in the proper way to love God. Other scriptures do not give information on how one can love God, nor do they actually define or describe what or who the Godhead actually is. Although they officially promote love of Godhead, they have no idea how to execute it. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives a practical demonstration of how to love God in a conjugal relationship. Taking the part of Radharani, Caitanya tries to love Krsna as Radharani loved Him. Krsna was always amazed by Radharani’s love. “How does Radharani give Me such pleasure?” He would ask. In order to study Radharani, Krsna lived in Her role and tried to understand Himself. This is the secret of Lord Caitanya’s incarnation. Caitanya is Krsna, but He has taken the mode or role of Radharani to show us how to love Krsna. Thus He is addressed: “I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord who is absorbed in Radharani’s thoughts.” From TLC intro
Find them here: https://goo.gl/958P7W

Iskcon Farmington Hills Grand Temple Opening Ceremony (2018)…
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Iskcon Farmington Hills Grand Temple Opening Ceremony (2018) (Album of photos)
Farmington Hills is a very prominent city in the suburbs of metro Detroit, Michigan which has a very big devotee as well as Indian community. Iskcon Farmington Hills had their grand opening ceremony with the presence of HH Radhanath Swami, HH Chandrasekhar Swami, HG Malati Devi and other esteemed guests and people from many parts of the United States. During the weekend of the festival, more than 10,000 people came and were overjoyed to welcome Sri Sri Radha Gopijana Vallabha among them. People were mesmerized to see the beauty of Their Lordships. Even the large prasadam tent wasn’t enough to accommodate the huge crowd. Please relish the photographs of this historic event.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/FpQFLQ

Sunday 22 April the devotees in Den Haag organized the Premiere…
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Sunday 22 April the devotees in Den Haag organized the Premiere of Hare Krishna, the film. The sold-out event in the Pathe theatre was adorned with the speeches of H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami, H. G. Yadubara Prabhu, H.G. Hrdaya Caitanya prabhu (GBC) and 7 disciples of Srila Prabhupada of Holland and Belgium.
The mood was pleasant, friendly and in a renewed appreciation of Srila Prabhupada’s lilas when establishing Krishna-consciousness all over the world.
Jaya Bhadra (ACBSP) said that when Srila Prabhupada was leaving this mortal world, he said to his disciples that now he hands over the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to them. Jaya Bhadra Mataji continued that now the disciples are slowly leaving and the time is there to hand over the mission of Gauranga to us. This will please Srila Prabhupada the most. We need to take good care of this treasure that we have received.

Srimad Bhagavat Katha at ISKCON Gaya (Album of photos) On…
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Srimad Bhagavat Katha at ISKCON Gaya (Album of photos)
On behalf of upcoming Nrisingh Chaturdasi, Srimad Bhagavat Katha being held for 3 days at ISKCON Gaya by HH Bhakti Ashray Vaishnav Swami from 20th April to 22nd April. Maharaj discussed about Lord Nrisingh pastimes which more than 500 people relished. Maharaj told people should start devotion from early age because in old age body does not permit to serve Krishna enthusiastically. He said if Lord is pleased, then automatically all the souls of universe will be pleased. So everyone should learn how to please Krishna under guidance of spiritual master. Each day program started with kirtan and vaishnav bhajans followed by Katha. Then question and answer session, Srimad Bhagavat aarati and complete dinner prasadam. Being inspired by maharaj ji’s talk, 40 people started chanting and reading Bhagavat Gita.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/XiAVbE

Harinama in Kiev, Ukraine (Album with photos) Srila Prabhupada:…
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Harinama in Kiev, Ukraine (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: To know simply “I believe in God,” that is not sufficient. The ultimate goal is to attain very intimate relationship or love of Godhead. That is required. Of course, to know, to believe in God, to accept God, that is all right. It is better than the atheist. But that is not end. You must develop yourself. You must… You should not simply make God as your order-supplier, but you should be order-supplier. When I become order-supplier to God, that is my perfection. And so long I keep God as my order-supplier, that is not bhakti. Generally, people keep God as his order-supplier: “O God, give us our daily bread,” “O God, I am in distress, “O God, I am in difficulty, “O God, I am…” God supplies them. God is supplying. Eko bahunam vidadhati kaman. But that is not ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is that you should supply God. God will be dependent on you. That is bhakti. Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 20.137-142 – New York, November 29, 1966
Find them here: https://goo.gl/4byKuW

A Honor And A Privilege (Album of photos) Indradyumna Swami:…
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A Honor And A Privilege (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Yekaterinburg is situated within the Ural region in the middle of Russia. It was founded in 1723 and named after the Russian emperor Peter the Great’s wife, Katerina. It is one of the most important economic centers in Russia with a population of 1.5 million people. Devotees in Yekaterinburg have a temple, a cow protection program, 2 restaurants and a small gurukula. They all cooperate nicely in gradually developing Krsna consciousness in their area. It was an honor and a privilege to spend 3 days with them.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/EFP637

Earth Day Book Distribution in Greater Sacramento area. Srila…
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Earth Day Book Distribution in Greater Sacramento area. Srila Prabhupada book distribution ki jaya! (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Even Brahma is bewildered, what to speak of ordinary men like us. So Krsna-lila, to understand… There is no need of understanding. Simply you love Krsna, then the whole business finished. Just like if you touch fire, if you understand it or not understand it, the warmness is there. Similarly, either you understand Krsna or do not understand Krsna, it doesn’t matter. Simply if you love Krsna, then your life is perfect. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Room Conversation – April 11, 1969, New York
Find them here: https://goo.gl/WQcX1Q

Harinama Sankirtana in Union Square park Sunday April 22nd…
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Harinama Sankirtana in Union Square park Sunday April 22nd (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Pradyumna: “Purport: In the human society, all over the world, there are millions and billions of men and women, and almost all of them are less intelligent because they have very little knowledge of the spirit soul.” Prabhupada: This is our challenge, that there are millions and trillions of men and women all over the world, but they’re not at all intelligent. This is our challenge. So, the Krsna consciousness movement may be taken by others as crazy, or we challenge that “You are all crazy men.” Therefore we have got a little book, “Who is Crazy?” Because they’re thinking that “These shaven-headed boys and girls are crazy,” but actually they are crazy. Because they have no intelligence. Why? They do not know what is spirit soul. This is the animal consciousness. Dogs, cats, they think that they are the body. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.3.2-3 – Los Angeles, May 20, 1972
Find them here: https://goo.gl/9UvjyZ

Preaching in North Florida, Albany, Philadelphia, DC, NYC. By…
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Preaching in North Florida, Albany, Philadelphia, DC, NYC.
By Krishna-kripa das.
One should not be envious of those less advanced but should be compassionate toward them.
Serving is the best way to counteract envy.
Forgetting the source of our qualities and achievements causes us to be proud.
Our envy of others derives from our envy of Krishna, and that can be removed by service.
If we are not compassionate to those who do not have Krishna consciousness and give them the opportunity then we are acting enviously of them.
Sometimes on book distribution we want to benefit the people but they deal with us in such a way we give up on them, and we find our compassion has a limit, but if we were completely not envious that would not be.
Bhakti Tirtha Swami said that if you are not envious you will go beneath someone and push them up, not considering advancing your own position.

Helping someone comes from appreciating their value not from thinking we are superior and have something to give.

Glorifying those we are envious of counteracts the envy, but it is hard to do.

The Christian saint Theresa describes the most elevated persons see themselves as least qualified just as we understand from our tradition the maha-bhagavata, highest devotee, does.

Someone may have done so many things, but they are all insignificant compared to Krishna’s mercy.

It is not that we just offer respect to the Supersoul in others and neglect the souls themselves.

If I am superior and I am happy about it, or if I am inferior and I am unhappy about it, it is really the same thing.

Every soul has the potential to please Krishna eternally, so how valuable they are! Thus I should serve them.

We are not just receiving from superiors, but we receiving in all our relationships.

Relationships that are give, give, give, or take, take, take, are imbalanced.

When you are envious of someone you are distant from them, but when you serve them you start developing affection for them, and then they start developing affection for you.

Attention is the beginning of love.

Although Srila Prabhupada hated Mayavadis, when Dr. Mishra was sick, Srila Prabhupada cooked for him, and Dr. Mishra said that Swamiji had saved him by his love.
To read the entire article click here: https://krishnamonk.blogspot.it/2018/04/travel-journal147-north-florida-albany.html

“Krsna Wants to Give Us Love” by HG Mahatma Prabhu
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“Krsna Wants to Give Us Love” by HG Mahatma Prabhu – April 14, 2018 (4 min video)
Krsna likes being controlled by his devotees. So why does he not easily give bhava and prema? Actually, he wants to give it, but we must want it more than anything else. If we want anything else, then he continues to withhold this love from us.