The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust has already translated ISKCON Founder-Acharya Srila Prabhupada’s books into 87 languages, and is distributing them all over the world. But even now, 52 years after ISKCON’s inception, new frontiers are being reached.
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Srila Prabhupada’s Books Officially Presented in Cuba for the First Time!
Gala Premiere Of The Hare Krishna Film In Colombia (3 min video)…
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Gala Premiere Of The Hare Krishna Film In Colombia (3 min video) Read More…
Worldwide Maha Mantra flash-mob for Love & Peace (3 min…
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Worldwide Maha Mantra flash-mob for Love & Peace (3 min video)
Golden Age comes again?!
Well, surely at least a beautiful step towards it!
Welwyn Festival, UK – 19th April 2018 (Album of photos)
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Welwyn Festival, UK – 19th April 2018 (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: You have asked me for suggestions of what to say to different persons on Sankirtana Party, but there is no specific saying to any person. Whatever we say we say to everyone. It doesn’t matter what is his age. Krishna Consciousness teaching does not depend on the age. It is the eternal platform of the soul. This is the meaning of transcendental; that is is beyond any consideration of material qualifications such as age or intelligence. Just like thunder in the sky does not need any explanation to any old person or to a young child, similarly, the transcendental sound vibration of Hare Krishna and preaching of Bhagavad-gita philosophy will act on everyone, regardless of whether or not they are understanding at first. When preaching you only repeat what you have heard from the disciplic succession and this will act. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Prahladananda – Tittenhurst 5 October, 1969
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Harinama at Burleigh Heads, Australia – 15 April 2018 (Album…
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Harinama at Burleigh Heads, Australia – 15 April 2018 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: “My favorite [bhajana],” said Prabhupada, “is Hari hari viphale.” He recited the gist of the prayer in English: “”O Lord Hari, I have spent my life uselessly. Although I have taken this rare human birth, I have not worshiped Radha and Krsna, and so I have knowingly drunk poison.’ There is so much depth of meaning in Narottama dasa Thakura’s prayers.” From Srila Prabhupada-lilamrta
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Harinama in Russia (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Because…
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Harinama in Russia (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Because of his development of transcendental attachment for the Supreme Lord, a surrendered soul feels the presence of his beloved everywhere, and all his senses are engaged in the loving service of the Lord. His eyes are engaged in seeing the beautiful couple Sri Radha and Krsna sitting on a decorated throne beneath a desire tree in the transcendental land of Vrndavana. His nose is engaged in smelling the spiritual aroma of the lotus feet of the Lord. Similarly, his ears are engaged in hearing messages from Vaikuntha, and his hands embrace the lotus feet of the Lord and His associates. Thus the Lord is manifested to a pure devotee from within and without. This is one of the mysteries of the devotional relationship in which a devotee and the Lord are bound by a tie of spontaneous love. To achieve this love should be the goal of life for every living being. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Adi 1.56
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Srimad Bhagavatam Class by Pancagauda Prabhu
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Srimad Bhagavatam Class by Pancagauda Prabhu in ISKCON Vrindavan,19.04.2018 (video)
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The premiere of Hare Krishna! The film in Colombia! Amazing to…
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The premiere of Hare Krishna! The film in Colombia! Amazing to see so many people from all different walks of life and spiritual tr…Read More…
Preaching program in Iskcon Barnaul, Siberia (Album of photos)…
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Preaching program in Iskcon Barnaul, Siberia (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: Our visit to Siberia has been magic. The sweet, enthusiastic, dedicated devotees – the blissful endless kirtans, the katha, the prasadam; everything! Even the biting cold and slogging through the snow could not deter us. We’ll miss this hidden, secret, remote part of the world. And if the Lord grants us His mercy, we’ll be back again next winter.
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What Is The Importance Of Spiritual Master (video)
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What Is The Importance Of Spiritual Master By HH Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami (video)
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36 religious students visited yesterday the Iskcon Farm in…
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36 religious students visited yesterday the Iskcon Farm in Sweden (Album with photos)
They were invited to lectures, Indian da…Read More…
Harinama in Paris (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: This is…
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Harinama in Paris (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: This is Vedic civilization, not to waste a single moment of life for useless attempt. That is Vedic civilization. Every moment should be utilized. Especially for the human being, it’s so valuable. And they are finding out sporting, swimming and surfing — simply all programs of wasting time, especially in the Western countries. How much they have invented, I see only and laugh. The elderly men of your age, of course, maybe my age also, they are swimming and surfing. (Srila Prabhupada, Morning Walk, November 11, 1975)
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Golden Age comes again? (3 min video)
Well, surely at least a…
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Golden Age comes again? (3 min video)
Well, surely at least a beautiful step towards it!
Love & Peace maha-mantra flash-mob is now ON!
This special inspirational 2.5 min video features chants by:
HH Radhanath Swami, Bhakti Chaitania Swami, Indradyumna Swami, BB Govinda Swami, Bhakti Vijnana Goswami and many other Maharajas as well as respected Chaitania Chandra Charan, Yadubar, Jayadev, Malati, Mondakini, Mohanasini Prabhus and Matajis.
All that is just to kindly seek your participation in this amazing, utmost auspicious campaign!
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Tosan Krishna das remembers Yamuna devi.
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“When one is on the bhakti marga everything is personal. Yamuna devi’s abundantly nutritious persona was the direct catalyst making the crucial difference between myself merely looking at the honey inside the jar and my deliberate decisio…
Siberia, Novosibirsk: Just Like Vaikuntha! (Album of photos)…
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Siberia, Novosibirsk: Just Like Vaikuntha! (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: As we continue our journey through Russia at winter’s end we meet devotees everywhere. In the city of Novosibirsk, in Siberia, we chanted and danced with blissful devotees for hours on end in an old hall in the city. It was just like Vaikuntha!
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Giriraj Swami: My beloved spiritual son Kunjabihari dasa left…
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Giriraj Swami: My beloved spiritual son Kunjabihari dasa left this world today, on the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya, from a heart attack, in Dallas. Just last night he wrote me, “One thing I admire about you, you have so many wonderful, qualified disciples all over the world. I am not qualified in front of them. But I have true love and attachment for you. I love to talk about you. I love to glorify you to others, and when I do, I really get joy in my heart for you. I feel very much connected to you, heart-to-heart.” And this morning, just two hours before leaving this world, he forwarded me a beautiful photo of Sri Sri Radha-Kalachandji.
I feel separation from Kunjabihari Prabhu, but I take solace in the thought that he will continue his service in a better place, in a better situation, and that in time we will be together again, in service to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Sri Radha-Kalachandji and their devotees.
Please join me in praying for Kunjabihari Prabhu, for his smooth transition to an auspicious destination, where we will all meet again.
Hare Krishna.
Krishna’s house as a paradise on this planet – Narahari Das
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Veda Course at the Manor, UK
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Veda Course at the Manor, UK
This is a three month course, where participants have a comprehensive experience of living like monks. Doing the full morning program, taking active part in the services going on at the temple, adopting Vaishnava attire, a…
Video reviews from the screening of HK! movie in Canada (14…
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Video reviews from the screening of HK! movie in Canada (14 video clips)
Hare Krishna! The movie testimonials from Kamloops, B…Read More…
Program in Moscow (Album with photos)
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Bhakti Chaitanya Swami: We are now deep in Russia, in SIberia. On Monday we passed through Moscow and did a program in the main temp…Read More…
Mayapur, Srimad Bhagavatam Class by HG Sikhi Mahiti Das
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Mayapur, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.15.18-28, Class Speaker: HG Sikhi Mahiti Das on 17/04/2018 (video)
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Preaching event in Budapest, Hungary (Album with photos)
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Preaching event in Budapest, Hungary (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: In the beginning, a conditioned soul is bereft of Krsna consciousness and is always morose in his material activities. Later, by associating with a pure devotee, one becomes inquisitive to know the Absolute Truth. In this way one begins to engage in the transcendental service of the Lord. Next, by the Lord’s grace all misconceptions are vanquished and the heart is cleansed of all material dirt. It is only then that the pleasure of transcendental bliss is awakened. By the Lord’s mercy one is completely convinced of the value of devotional service. When one can see the pastimes of the Lord everywhere, he is firmly situated in transcendental bliss. Such a devotee is relieved of all kinds of material desires, and he preaches the glories of the Lord all over the world. These Krsna conscious activities separate him from material activities and the desire for liberation, for at every step the devotee feels himself connected with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although such a devotee may sometimes be involved in household life, he is untouched by material existence due to his constant engagement in devotional service. Thus everyone is advised to take shelter of devotional service to become happy and liberated. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Madhya 10.119
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Madhavendra Puri’s love to feed Prasad
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HH Radhanath Swami speaks at the inauguration of new Kitchen and Ganesh Temple in Govardhana Eco Village honoring Srinathji Prabhu and family and drawing parallels from Madhavendra Puri’s pastimeRead More…(This post has been viewed 1101 times s…
Super Ecstatic Ratha Yatra parade in Ipswich town in Queensland,…
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Super Ecstatic Ratha Yatra parade in Ipswich town in Queensland, Australia (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Maya is very strong. In the name of philanthropy, altruism and communism, people are feeling compassion for suffering humanity throughout the world. Philanthropists and altruists do not realize that it is impossible to improve people’s material conditions… The only benefit we can render to suffering beings is to try to raise them to spiritual consciousness… If one is at all sympathetic or able to do good to others, he should endeavor to raise people to Krsna consciousness. In this way everyone advances spiritually by the grace of the Lord… We should be very careful not to be misled by so-called welfare activities conducted in bodily terms. >>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 5.8.10
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Inviting all!
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Inviting all!
2018 Prabhupada Festival – New Dwarka (LA) May 26-27
Theme: Windows to the Spiritual World- Prabhupada’s Painters
Artists attending: Baradraja, Rukmini dd, Shyamarani dd, Puskar, Dhirlalita dd, Ramdas, Dhriti dd, Jahnava dd
Special guests: Srimati dd and Nanda Kishore
Kirtan, Harinam, Prasadam, Katha, Sanga, – FREE!
Rukmini dd: I remember the first thing I did after receiving my first book written by Srila Prabhupada was to look at the pictures. I would sit in my room and just stare at these amazingly beautiful pictures. I had no clue really what they were about but I could not take my eyes away from them. I would get lost in their beauty and wonder.
“Windows to the Spiritual World” and “Filled with bhakti” is what Srila Prabhupada said about these beautiful paintings. The paintings have had and continue to have a profound effect on people when they see them in the books. These paintings were done by devotee artists and depict the scenes from Lord Krishna’s pastimes when He appeared on this planet 5000 years ago.
Srila Prabhupada knew the paintings held great importance in attracting people to Krishna Consciousness and so he oversaw every aspect in the creation of the early paintings to ensure that all were correct in every way. He told the artists what needed to be painted and told them exactly how to paint the scenes and personalities. The descriptions of the Lord’s pastimes and the form of the Lord have been passed down through the disciplic succession since the time of Krishna’s appearance on this earth and must be painted just as described.
“Their paintings are not imaginary. The description is given through disciplic succession, just like that given by Narada Muni, who sees the Lord and describes His bodily features. Therefore, such descriptions should be accepted and if they are painted, that is not imaginative painting.” (Srila Prabhupada, Srimad Bhagavatam purport 4.8.46)
If a painting did not show the Lord and/or His associates and pastimes correctly or if the artist painted for his own sense gratification then Prabhupada would not accept the painting and it had to be redone.
“This is not a good style of painting. It is an artistic style for sense gratification only. I can not encourage this style – it should be stopped immediately. Paintings should be like deities, formal and worshipable. This type of painting is not authorized.” (letter to Madhudvisa, 12/8/73)
Boy & Ox Friends for Life (4 min video)
Chayadevi: Balaji…
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Boy & Ox Friends for Life (4 min video)
Chayadevi: Balaji and Devakinandana, a rescued ox, have been friends since 2014 when Balaji was five years old, and Devaki was a few days old. Devaki was one of eight calves who was rescued at the auction barn from slaughter. Devaki and the other calves had to be fed with milk bottles for six months since they did not have enough time with their mothers and did not get enough nutrients. Now four years later Balaji and Devaki are still buddies. Balaji is lucky that Devaki has developed into a friendly, careful ox. With Balaji and the rest of the ISCOWP staff, he never butts or swings his horn or pushes. Devaki is living the good life far from the slaughterhouse.
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Govinda Swami – Important Kirtan Points (10 min video)
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Govinda Swami – Important Kirtan Points (10 min video)
We are extremely honored to have had the wonderful opportunity of interviewing His Holiness Bhakti Bringa Govinda Swami about the important points to be practiced in Kirtan or mantra meditation. …
Back in the U.S.S.R.- Krasnoyarsk (11 min video)
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Back in the U.S.S.R.- Krasnoyarsk (11 min video)
Indradyumna Swami: The third stop on our tour across the entire country of Russia was Krasnoyarsk, deep within the Siberian countryside. There we were greeted by a blissful group of devotees, who introduced us to yet another amazing temple in this far-distant and isolated part of God’s creation. Unique in the congregation of devotees was a group of gypsies, old friends of mine, who relished our visit as we chanted and danced together in great happiness.
So you want a happy life? Here is Bhismadeva’s advice…
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So you want a happy life? Here is Bhismadeva’s advice: Maharaja Yudhisthira inquired, “How should one act so that he can very easily pass his journey through life?”
In reply, Bhishma advised, “My dear King, a person…
Lecture from the home program in the Gypsy Village by Indradyumna Swami
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Lecture from the home program in the Gypsy Village by Indradyumna Swami (video)
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Public program at Karur, Tamilnadu, India (Album with…
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Public program at Karur, Tamilnadu, India (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: We are all set of puppets of Krsna. I am also puppet. This is disciplic succession. We have to become puppet. As I am puppet of my Guru Maharaja, if you become my puppet, then that is success. Our success is there when we become puppet of the predecessor. Tandera carana sevi bhakta sane vasa. To live in the society of devotees and to become puppet of the predecessor acarya. This is success. So we are trying to do that. Krsna consciousness society and serve the predecessor. Harer nama harer nama… >>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk – Los Angeles, April 19, 1973
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Mayapur Parikrama (Album with photos)
Interviewer: As far as…
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Mayapur Parikrama (Album with photos)
Interviewer: As far as rites which you practice and demands upon you which Krsna makes, what are any of these rites or demands? That is must you eat special foods, wear special clothing, special…, anything special which you put upon your face, sign, symbols, and also, is there any connection of Krsna consciousness to the meditation of yoga or of Zen, and what of physical fitness? How does Krsna consciousness look at this?
Prabhupada: Our process is to accept everything which conduces to develop Krsna’s love. So those methods are given by experienced acaryas, that “You just follow.” Just like when a child tries to walk, the mother gives some direction or some help in a wooden plank, that “You try to move in this way. You will learn how to walk,” similarly, there are certain principles given by experienced acaryas. If we follow those principles, then we can work or we can go to the perfection of Krsna consciousness movement. It is not the method that is important. The real important is how to develop your love of Krsna. If somebody develops love of Krsna, or God, without those methods, there is no objection. We are not limited by the methods or ritualistic methods. But there are certain ritualistic method, which, if one follows, then he can quickly learn the art of Krsna consciousness. Just like we restrict our students in four principles: illicit sex life and intoxication, gambling, and meat-eating. So it is not that a gambler or a meat-eater or a man addicted to illicit sex life, he cannot love Krsna. It is not that. But that is very rare case. If he follows these principles, then it will be easier for him. Because Krsna, or God is pure, so so long one is impure in his habits, it is not possible for him. So these are the purificatory processes. And so far our signals or some marks on the body – just like we take tilaka; we have some beads – this means… Just like it is practical. When I was in Montreal and other cities, when we passed through the road, the children, the persons, they also said, “Hare Krsna!” So these marks and this symbolic representation reminds others to Krsna consciousness. Just like a policeman, as soon as he appears in his dress, “Oh, here is a policeman,” so similarly, these things are also required to remind others. Our process is to raise persons to Krsna consciousness. So if by our symbolic representation one immediately remembers Krsna, that is our success. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Interview – Seattle, September 24, 1968
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In God’s Name: A Day in the Life of the Hare Krishnas…
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In God’s Name: A Day in the Life of the Hare Krishnas (video)
Kurma Dasa: A time capsule of life in the Hare Krishna temple in Sydney, Australia in 1973. Classic footage by filmmaker William Kerr.
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Why did Krishna not save the Pandavas when they played dice with Duryodhana & Shakuni?
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Why did Krishna not save the Pandavas when they played dice with Duryodhana & Shakuni?
Wonderful explanation given by Krishna Himself:
From his childhood, Uddhava had been with Krishna, driving His chariot and serving Him in many ways. He never a…
Mayapur, Srimad Bhagavatam Class, Speaker HH Bhakti Rasamrita Swami
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Mayapur, Srimad Bhagavatam 8.14.9-11, Class Speaker HH Bhakti Rasamrita Swami on 14.04.2018 (video)
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Tallahassee 2018 – Festival of Chariots (Album of photos)
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Tallahassee 2018 – Festival of Chariots (Album of photos)
Our Festival of Chariots team chanted and danced in the 2018 Tallahassee Springtime parade. We won two awards this year: • Best in our category: Cities/Nonprofit Organizations • Best in Parade: “50 Years of IHEARTTALLY” Award!!!!!!!
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Hare Krishna! The movie in El Salvador.By: Atilio Flores
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Hare Krishna! The movie in El Salvador.
By: Atilio Flores
As part of the premiere of the film,“Hare Krishna: the Mantra, the Movement and the Swami who started it all”, “El Mundo” newspaper from El Salvador published in its section of movies a double flat about the documentary and life of His Divine Grace A.C .Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This publication was printed last Thursday, April 5, the date of the simultaneous premiere for all of Central America.
TOVP Euro Tour Day 1: Radhadesh, Belgium.
With great pomp and…
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TOVP Euro Tour Day 1: Radhadesh, Belgium.
With great pomp and ecstasy, the TOVP Euro Tour led by Lord Nityananda’s Padukas and Lord Nrsimhadeva’s Sitari and accompanied by Their Graces Jananivas and Braja Vilas prabhus departed Mayapur, arriving in Belgium on April 10th. This is the third year of such touring, bringing the mercy and darshan of Lord Nityananda and Lord Nrsimhadeva to devotees in every corner of the world.
The first stop of this tour was the Radhadesh temple in Belgium, home of the beautiful Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Deities. The program was held at the temple on April 11th and was attended by the entire small community of devotees headed by GBC Hrday Caitanya prabhu and temple president Manohar prabhu. As usual, the Padukas and Sitari were properly greeted with kirtan, arati, an abhisheka, etc., followed by presentations and talks by Jananivas and Braja Vilas prabhus. The intimate gathering of 30+ devotees was highly enthusiastic and generous and a total of $95,000 U.S. was pledged.
This was a very auspicious start for the tour. But the next day Braja Vilas met with a few wealthy Indian diamond merchants who were so enthusiastic they want to organize a large event with many of their friends at a future time to raise funds for the TOVP. Undoubtedly, the Lord is providing us with new avenues to pursue in our fundraising efforts during the next four years of the MISSION 22 marathon.
The next stop is Koln, Germany on April 13th. The Tour will remain in Germany for three days. The complete Euro Tour schedule is here:
Would you like to know the previous life of Karna? (video)
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Would you like to know the previous life of Karna? (video)
A benediction given by Lord Surya became a source of anxiety for many and Lord Vishnu had to intervene to put things in order. But it didn’t finish there. A part of the boon was still va…
Prabhupada Lilamrita by Vijay Prabhu on 12th April 2018
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Prabhupada Lilamrita by Vijay Prabhu on 12th April 2018 At ISKCON Juhu (video)
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