Prince of Peace. BB Govinda Swami’s class, given on April…
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Prince of Peace.
BB Govinda Swami’s class, given on April 1, 2018, in Australia: Before we begin speaking on one topic of Brihad Bhagavatamrita since it is Easter Sunday, I would like to wish everybody a joyful Easter. Srila Prabhupada always spoke very highly of Lord Jesus Christ and he always spoke of the pure and unalloyed devotion of Jesus Christ, and today is Easter.

Harinama, book and prasadam distribution @Sanur Bali Beach…
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Harinama, book and prasadam distribution @Sanur Bali Beach 7.4.2018 (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Life should be molded in such a way that in every step or action, we shall feel the presence of the Lord. That is spiritual life. That is spiritual life. You need not change your present occupation. … The aim is toward Krsna. … Now, suppose a man or woman is in love, and the man is a third person, beyond the husband of the wife, beyond the, of the woman. Now, it is a example given in scripture that the woman who is fallen in love, the woman of man with other woman, other man, opposite sex. So he may be engaged in so many duties, but his mind is always to that point when he or she will meet his lover. With all his duty, or her duties, during the daytime, she or he always thinks, “Oh, when that moment will come when we shall meet together?” That means the mind is always there. The example is said because when there is ecstasy, when there is ecstasy of love, even within our, within the midst of our multifarious duties, we can remember that thing always. Similarly, God consciousness, we shall have to mold our life in that way that in the midst of our very grave duties, serious duties, we shall always remember the Supreme, the Supreme, in every step. That discrimination, that much love, we have to develop. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 2.49-51 – New York, April 5, 1966
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Shastrakrit Das: To our surprise, this young man told us how he…
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Shastrakrit Das: To our surprise, this young man told us how he is reading Krishna Dharma Prabhu’s Mahabharata right now (recommended by his professor of religious studies). When we told him how Gita is the essence of The Mahabharata, he became so happy & bought it right away.
Times are changing for good for sure!

Harinama in Tel Aviv, Israel 7 April 2018 (6 min video)
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Harinama in Tel Aviv, Israel 7 April 2018 (6 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: I have given this example many times. Just like a king and a bug is sitting on the same throne. The bug is biting and the king is ruling. It is not that because the bug is there on the throne, he is king, or the king is sitting with the bug, he is bug. Why this difference? Difference of consciousness. The king knows his duty. He is working in his duty; therefore he’s king. And the bug knows his business, to bite; therefore he’s bug. But sitting on the same place. But because due to different consciousness, one is bug, one is king. So if you take to Krsna consciousness and if you remain in Krsna consciousness, you don’t belong to this world. You are no more bug, you are king. Change this consciousness. Even apparently you may seem to remain with the bug, you are no more bug. Is it clear? From Srila Prabhupada’s lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.46-62 – Los Angeles, December 16, 1968

Tokyo Sunday Feast Kirtan with Havi Prabhu (34 min video) Srila…
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Tokyo Sunday Feast Kirtan with Havi Prabhu (34 min video)
Srila Prabhupada: As the gopis and Krsna danced together, a very blissful musical sound was produced from the tinkling of their bells, ornaments and bangles. It appeared that Krsna was a greenish sapphire locket in the midst of a golden necklace decorated with valuable stones. While Krsna and the gopis danced, they displayed extraordinary bodily features. The movements of their legs, their placing their hands on one another, the movements of their eyebrows, their smiling, the movements of the breasts of the gopis and their clothes, their earrings, their cheeks, their hair with flowers – as they sang and danced these combined to appear like clouds, thunder, snow and lightning. Krsna’s bodily features appeared just like a group of clouds, the gopis’ songs were like thunder, their beauty appeared to be just like lightning in the sky, and the drops of perspiration visible on their faces appeared like falling snow. In this way, the gopis and Krsna fully engaged in dancing. >>> Ref. VedaBase => KB 33: Description of the Rasa Dance
Watch it here:

Swindon Festival – 5th April 2018, Phoenix Theatre UK (Album…
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Swindon Festival – 5th April 2018, Phoenix Theatre UK (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: The prayers of Narottama dasa Thakura. This sound is above the material platform. It is directly from the spiritual platform. And there is no need of understanding the language. It is just like a thunderburst. Everyone can hear the sound of thunder–there is no misunderstanding. Similarly, these songs are above the material platform, and they crack like thunder within your heart. From Srila Prabhupada-lilamrta
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Back in the USSR (Album of photos) Indradyumna Swami: From the…
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Back in the USSR (Album of photos)
Indradyumna Swami: From the green-forested paradise of New Govardhan, Australia in late summer; to the blossoming cherry trees in Tokyo, Japan in spring; we now find ourselves in the freezing cold winter of Vladivostok, in far eastern Russia. But our hearts are warm with love for the local devotees who built an amazing temple just off the main port and who do harinam samkirtan 365 days a year without exception. All glories to these devotees carrying on Srila Prabhupada’s mission in this far-off corner of the world!
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Her Grace Padyavali devi dasi passes away
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Her Grace Padyavali devi dasi passes away.
Her Grace Padyavali devi dasi, a dedicated spiritual warrior, and disciple of Srila Prabhupada left her body on Thursday April 5, 2018
During her last remaining years, Padyavali’s health had deteriorated due to Parkinson’s disease.
She was a fully dedicated disciple of Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON mission. She was a preacher, book distributor, manager, temple president, sankirtan leader and performed a host of other devotional services. Her door and heart were always open to anyone and everyone.
She passed away at the auspicious time 4:55 am in the presence of devotees, surrounded by pictures of Radha Madan Mohan & Srila Prabhupada. A tape of Srila Prabhupada chanting japa was also continuously playing.

Padyavali is now free from the uncomfortable bodily condition she had to endure and we are confident she has gone to be with His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna!

Conscious Leadership at the Houses of Parliament, UK. Radhanath…
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Conscious Leadership at the Houses of Parliament, UK.
Radhanath Swami was invited to speak on the subject of ‘Conscious Leadership’ at the Houses of Parliament last month. The event was sponsored by Shailesh Vara MP and attended by representatives of all Parties, including the Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Faith and Society, Mr. Stephen Timms MP. Radhanath Swami’s presentation was preceded by a more intimate meeting in Shailesh Vara MP’s office, which also included Lord Dholakia, Baroness Warsi, Seema Malhotra MP, Oliver Dowden MP and the Prime Minister’s Special Adviser on faith and communities, Mr Jonanthan Hellewell.

Deputy Lord Lieutenant Vinay Tanna, the Head of Communications…
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Deputy Lord Lieutenant Vinay Tanna, the Head of Communications Operations at Bhaktivedanta Manor, has been duly appointed as one of the Deputy Lord Lieutenants of Hertfordshire. Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant, Mr. Robert Voss, first met Vinay during his visit to the Manor’s Janmashtami festival last year, and felt he was “perfect for the role” and recommended him to the Secretary of State. Mr. Robert Voss represents the Queen at various events throughout Hertfordshire. The function of the Deputy Lieutenant is to attend any function on behalf of the Lord Lieutenant, whenever the need arises.

New Food For All Charity Kitchen in UK. The Food for All (FFA)…
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New Food For All Charity Kitchen in UK.
The Food for All (FFA) charity team is now able to double the daily quantity of meals they prepare. Considering the growing demands on both FFA and the Manor, Bhaktivedanta Manor contributed £50,000 towards the cost of establishing FFA’s very own purpose built kitchen in the City of London. The FFA team are now distributing over 1200 plates of free prasad (vegetarian food) to the homeless community and university students every day.
FFA director Parasuram has called the new premises “Krishna’s Castle” due to its internal décor. “It is located in a great spot,” he explained, “and already we’ve had a number of people from nearby banks coming forward to help out in their free time! We plan to supply prasad to all the day centers and night shelters in London.
“The Castle is located in the heart of the student area, so we are planning to have four cargo rickshaws full of prasad going to SOAS, UCL, LSE and Kings University. We have built a rickshaw book exhibition complete with dioramas and video presentations. We also have an all-day Thursday Harinam and an evening program in the Castle’s temple room!” The address is Krishna Castle, Plumtree Court, 30 Holborn Viaduct, EC1A 2AT

Mayor of Hertsmere, UK, honors 5th Anniversary of ‘Gratitude’ in…
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Mayor of Hertsmere, UK, honors 5th Anniversary of ‘Gratitude’ in Bhaktivedanta Manor.
On 14th March Gratitude celebrated its 5th Anniversary with a three-course vegetarian feast. Special guests included the Mayor of Hertsmere Cllr Charles Goldstein Hertsmere and the former Mayor of Borehamwood, Cllr Clive Butchins. After inspirational speeches and a film about the charity by a BBC composer, there was a community cooking workshop and live music by Paul Lomax and friends. Gratitude saves fruit and vegetables from waste and use it to benefit people in need in the community, via social gatherings that are educational in terms of healthy lifestyle.
Photo: The Mayor of Hertsmere Cllr Charles Goldstein with the founders of Gratitude, Shantasya devi dasi. and Japa Yajna das.

Harinama in Bali Indonesia (Album with photos) Srila Prabhupada:…
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Harinama in Bali Indonesia (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: When one develops pure love for the Lord, he derives an ocean of transcendental happiness from the association of the Personality of Godhead. To qualify oneself to reach this stage of life is the highest perfection. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Adi 1.56
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Bhumi Puja For The Shree Krishna Haveli in Bhaktivedanta Manor,…
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Bhumi Puja For The Shree Krishna Haveli in Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK.
On the morning of Sunday 25th March, a special foundation laying ceremony for Bhaktivedanta Manor’s elaborate Shree Krishna Haveli building project took place in the center of the site. The ceremony included a traditional Vedic Bhumi Shanku Sthapana within the foundation pit, accompanied by the chanting of Sanskrit mantras and the ringing of bells. In the sacred arena, priests were joined by the building’s design and planning team, monks adorned in saffron and senior Temple management. After sacred items invoking auspiciousness were carefully placed deep into the pit, everybody was given the opportunity to add earth, thus working together as a community to signal the beginning of the construction stage of the project.

Mahaksha das ACSBP from UK left this world early this morning, 4 April…
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Mahaksha das ACSBP left this world early this morning, 4 April 2018.
Srila Prabhupada: Devotees who are always absorbed in thoughts of Krsna will soon see Krsna face to face without a doubt. In other words, devotees who are always engaged in Krsna consciousness and are fully absorbed in thoughts of Krsna certainly return home, back to Godhead. They then see Krsna directly, face to face, talk with Him and enjoy His company. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (4.9): tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so ‘rjuna. Because during his lifetime a pure devotee is always speaking of Krsna and engaging in His service, as soon as he gives up his body he immediately returns to Goloka Vrndavana, where Krsna is personally present. He then meets Krsna directly. This is successful human life. This is the meaning of prakateha anibe satvara: The pure devotee will soon see the personal manifestation of Lord Sri Krsna. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Madhya 13.155

Travel Adventures of a Krishna Monk. Diary of a Traveling…
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Travel Adventures of a Krishna Monk.
Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka.
I share many quotes from and notes on Srila Prabhupada’s books, lectures, and letters. I share inspiring quotes from Sanatana Goswami and Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. I share notes on classes by Bhakti Charu Swami, Bhakti Vikasa Swami, Adikarta Prabhu, and Vaikuntha Prabhu. I share quotes from Back to Godhead articles by Satyaraja, Visakha, and Caitanya Carana Prabhus.
To read the entire article click here:

Srila Prabhupada’s youngest son left his body
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Srila Prabhupada’s youngest son Vrindavanchandra De prabhu, left his body last night around 10.30 pm at his residence in Kolkata.
Deena Bandhu Das: He was suffering from cancer last few months. He was present with Srila Prabhupada when he boarded the Jaladuta in 1965. I took him for Radha Kunda Snan many years ago.
Please join us in prayers!

Royal Military Academy consults leading devotee. Kripamoya Das…
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Royal Military Academy consults leading devotee.
Kripamoya Das was invited to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst to attend a workshop staged by the British Army’s Centre for Conflict Research. The event attracted participants from the fields of religion, academics, and the Army. The day featured panel discussions with serving British Army officers as well as practitioners from a wide range of faith traditions in the UK.

Sacred Sounds Retreat 2018 (14 min video)
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Sacred Sounds Retreat 2018 (14 min video)
The annual Sacred Sounds Retreat at New Govardhan, Australia attracts devotees from all over the country. The unique and beautiful forested area around New Govardhan provides a perfect background setting for kirtans that go on for hours and hours. Aside from the morning program, the festival is focused wholly and solely on chanting the holy names with some of ISKCON’s most renowned kirtaneers. Everyone agreed this year’s festival was the best ever!

EastEnders star ( a famous British TV programme) visits…
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EastEnders star ( a famous British TV programme) visits Manor.
EastEnders’ new star Madhav Sharma, who plays the part of Arshad Ahmed, paid a visit to the Manor. He discovered that he shared the same school as Srila Prabhupada, namely the Scottish Church College in Calcutta. Madhav, a Royal Academy trained actor, enjoyed standing on the Manor theatre stage and decided to recite a portion of one of William Shakespeare’s plays!

Ombudsman Programme for ISKCON UK. It’s one thing for an…
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Ombudsman Programme for ISKCON UK.
It’s one thing for an organization to say they care for its members, and another to act on such statements. ISKCON UK is establishing an Ombuds program so devotees can raise concerns, dealing with interpersonal conflicts and find clarity on ISKCON policies and practices.
Vraja Vihari das from ISKCON Resolve, has been training up a team to work in this capacity. They are from different parts of the UK and are a diverse group of devotees, including His Holiness Dayananda Swami, Prabhupada Prana dasa, Chandra dasi, Gomati dasi, Guru Carana Padma dasi and Ananta Vijay dasa.
The idea is to work towards “zero barriers”- so that members of ISKCON should be able to raise, in good faith, concerns they have, and discuss how they can be addressed.
ISKCON UK Ombuds are totally confidential (except imminent risk), independent of management in their capacity of Ombuds, neutral, and informal (conversations are off the record).

Sadbhuja Das: We recently began fixing the stars and ribbons on…
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Sadbhuja Das: We recently began fixing the stars and ribbons on the domes, starting with the Planetarium dome.
Works are happening fast and we have already completed 3 segments.
Each segment has been sealed and waterproofed. They have been so well executed we won’t ever have to go there again!
Premavatar Gauranga Prabhu is working on the next 3 segments.

THE CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE: Thanking Jayasri and…
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THE CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE: Thanking Jayasri and Pratapana.
Vinod Bihari dasa: With great pleasure and a sense of deep appreciation, we would like to thank Jayasri devi dasi and Pratapana dasa for their support of Srila Prabhupada’s gurukula at New Govardhana and their desire to see the school being equipped with all the necessary facilities to ensure a high standard of education in the senior school years.
Our gurukula is currently undertaking the construction of the high school facilities that include eight classrooms and study spaces, the art studio, the science lab, the full-size outdoor basketball field, play areas, pathways, gardens and a new toilet block. This project will assist our students in learning and our teachers in providing a top quality education in both the conventional sciences and Krishna consciousness – helping our students to become compassionate, competent and confident people within the society at large. At the same time, this nurtures their connection with Krishna and engagement in devotional service.
To assist with the construction of the high school facilities, Jayasri and Pratapana have decided to donate $100,000 towards the building project. They will also provide the school with a friendly loan to cover our required contribution towards the project.
Jayasri says, “It is our strong desire in helping support this initiative that the new school has sufficient resources to continue to attract and maintain dedicated passionate teachers who can bring out the very best in every student. Success attracts success. If the students reach their potential on all levels, if they are happy, peaceful and flourishing academically and spiritually, society in general will take note and want to know our formula. It is such an inspiring project.”
On behalf of all the students, parents and staff, we express our sincere thanks to Jayasri and Pratapana for their generous support.

Harinama in Moscow, Russia (4 min video)
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Harinama in Moscow, Russia (4 min video)
Mahamsa: Also another party of five devotees, they have started on the bullock cart sankirtana, going village to village. And one person came to the temple in Hyderabad and met me. He said that “After your devotees had a program in our village, the farmers in the evening they were coming and doing kirtana instead of just…” Previously they were not doing anything, but now they are coming after farming. In the evening they are collecting and they are doing kirtana together. Prabhupada: Just see how quickly there will be response. Therefore I was insisting, “Go village to village, town to town.” Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s prediction, prthivite ache yata nagaradi. Morning Walk – November 21, 1975, Bombay
Watch it here: