D.C. Metro’s anti-religion ad policy is a train wreck! Iskcon…
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D.C. Metro’s anti-religion ad policy is a train wreck!
Iskcon and Catholics cooperate to ban it.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The D.C. Metro, as a government body, is supposed to ensure free speech for everyone, yet now Metro bans any religion-related advertising in its stations and subway cars. After being told it could not buy advertisement space for its annual “Find the perfect gift” Christmas campaign last year, the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington sued the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) for banning religious speech. On Friday, Becket along with Arizona Senator Jeff Flake and the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Inc. (ISKCON), filed a friend-of-the-court brief in Archdiocese of Washington v. WMATA, arguing that WMATA does not get to arbitrarily exclude messages just because they are religious.

In 2015, WMATA issued a ban on “issue-oriented advertising,” forbidding ad space to political, advocacy, and religious advertising from the Metro subway car walls. Secular ads about Christmas – such as department store sales – are permitted, while ads about the religious meaning of Christmas are prohibited. Metro’s speech ban has also been challenged by the ACLU as a Free Speech violation. As Becket states in its brief, “[T]he government has no authority to privilege the view of Christmas that starts at the shopping mall over the view that starts in a manger. Even Charlie Brown understood that privileging a secular, commercial expression of Christmas over one with religious motivation is a value judgment.”

“Metro’s advertisement policy is a train wreck,” said Mark Rienzi, senior counsel at Becket. “It happily allows defense companies to advertise the latest weapons and Macy’s to advertise a holiday sale, but there is no room at the inn for Baby Jesus? Metro should spend less time playing speech police and more time preventing fires in its stations.”

Bus and subway advertising are one of the most effective ways for the Archdiocese to spread its message of hope during the Christmas season. But WMATA’s guidelines exclude the Archdiocese from advertising solely because its message is religious. Even though a secular organization can post meeting times, address, or contact information on a metro ad, religious groups – including a monastery – were banned from doing the same thing.
To read the entire article click here: https://goo.gl/cfgZRn

27th January 2018 Disappearance Day of Sri Ramanujacharya…
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27th January 2018
Disappearance Day of Sri Ramanujacharya
Ramanujacharya (1017-1137) was the principal acharya (spiritual teacher) in the Sri sampradaya, one of the four main lines of Vaishnava teachers and disciples. His Vedanta-sutra commentary — Sri-bhasya — establishes the doctrine known as Vishishtadvaita, “qualified nondualism.” A staunch proponent of the philosophy of personalism, he taught that although the Supreme Lord and the individual souls are qualitatively one, there is still a difference between them, for the Lord is infinite and the living entities are infinitesimal.
Srila Ramanujacharya traveled extensively throughout India, teaching personalism and defeating proponents of monistic philosophy. He founded seventy-four centers of Sri Vaishnavism and initiated seven hundred sannyasis (renounced monks), twelve thousand brahmacharis (celibate students), and thousands of householders, including kings and wealthy landowners.

Puri, Orissa Yatra 2018 – Inauguration Ceremony (Album of…
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Puri, Orissa Yatra 2018 – Inauguration Ceremony (Album of photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Radha-Krishna. Radha’s name is first. Why? Nobody can be better devotee than Radharani. As soon as Radha’s name is there, Krishna is more pleased. That is the way. If we glorify the devotees, before the Lord, He’s more pleased than to glorify Himself, He directly. Hawaii, March 24, 1969
Find them here: https://goo.gl/Zm31bs

Mumbai Fest gets “Krishnaized” (Album with…
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Mumbai Fest gets “Krishnaized” (Album with photos)
Indradyumna Swami: I’m in Mumbai for the weekend to participate in Mumbai Fest; a large event celebrating the heritage, culture, art, cuisine and music of Mumbai. Today the program was inaugurated with all major television, radio and newspapers present. I had the chance to meet and speak with many dignitaries. On Sunday I’ll be among 7 spiritual leaders holding a ‘Peace Forum’ at the event. Each of us will speak for 10 minutes on how to achieve peace in the world. The Vice President of India and the Minister of Culture will be in the audience, as well as millions of people watching on TV. Srila Prabhupada, please bless me to be your proper representative and speak the absolute truth as you would do.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/PZWWqv

Telegram Channel for Srila Prabhupada lectures. “Hare…
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Telegram Channel for Srila Prabhupada lectures.
“Hare Krsna, this post is to inform you about a channel in Telegram App featuring Srila Prabhupada’s lectures in a systematic manner.
Every day one lecture is uploaded.
To join, click on the below invite link:
NB: You should have a Telegram App Account to join.”

Govardhan School Of Yoga Is Now Yoga Alliance Certified. Yoga is…
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Govardhan School Of Yoga Is Now Yoga Alliance Certified.
Yoga is one of the fastest growing vogues of the 21st century and while the whole world is rushing on the progressive path of hedonism, Yoga has appeared as a sharp curve where the world seems to be turning back to the roots. While a majority of yoga schools limit the experience to a physical aspect of learning asanas and pranayama, there are few who allow you to explore the deeper aspects of this ancient science. Lately, there is also a rise in the seekers who are looking for a more transformative experience beyond the physical bending and breath control. Another positive development is that many yoga aspirants are seeking an integration in yoga with the profound philosophy of Bhagavad Gita along with the sublime experience of bhakti & kirtan. With an aim to cater to this growing need, Govardhan School of Yoga was commenced in 2015 at ISKCON Govardhan Ecovillage, Maharashtra, India and has been offering a 28 day residential Yoga Teacher Training Course. Having finished a stipulated requirement of 2 years, Govardhan School of Yoga is now officially a registered Yoga School for its 200-hour teacher training program as per international standards led by Yoga Alliance, USA.

In the past two years more than 100 students from over 10 different nationalities have graduated from Govardhan School of Yoga. Set in the serene ashram setup of the environmental haven of Govardhan Ecovillage, the students experience not just physical transformation, but a makeover of their broken hearts for their yoga practice is coupled with the visits of Vrindaban forest, attending Yamuna arati, serving the cows and rendering seva in the village. The 28-day course is scientifically organized to give students a broad understanding of the different systems of yoga, while equipping them with systematic teaching skills, understanding of human anatomy, fundamentals of Ayurveda and sattvik lifestyle. With daily morning & evening satsangs along with philosophy classes by the resident devotees, the course is designed not just to make a living off yoga, but to live by yoga! The next batch is starting March 4th 2017. Please visit http://www.ecovillage.org.in/yoga for further details.

Harinama Sankirtana in Moscow, Russia (Album with photos) Anna…
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Harinama Sankirtana in Moscow, Russia (Album with photos)
Anna Tronina: Today was a nectarian Harinama! Snowstorm, blizzard, frost…all of it had disappeared, and we found ourselves in a wonderful dimension, where everybody is dancing and singing…and everything really!
It was amazing to see the kids who were dancing with us. Then a young couple…they have been with us almost from beginning to end, following the parade, chanting and dancing along, although it was the first time they saw it!
And of course, incendiary, huge dance, it was all magical!
Thank you for such ecstasy!
Find them here: https://goo.gl/bVC2dN

Harinama in Paris under the rain (Album with photos) Srila…
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Harinama in Paris under the rain (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s transcendental mission is to distribute love of Godhead to everyone. Anyone who accepts God as the Supreme can take to the process of chanting Hare Krishna and become a lover of God. (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, 4.41 Purport)
Find them here: https://goo.gl/bjhXiQ

TOVP: The Chakras are manifesting gloriously! (Album with…
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TOVP: The Chakras are manifesting gloriously! (Album with photos)
Sadbhuja Das: With Mahaprabhu’s mercy and the whole ToVP team’s hard work, the development for the Chakra installation is progressing rapidly.
Having only 14 days left, the pressure of organizing and having everything ready is strong.
The wonderful team is doing an amazing job pulling together all the preparatory works.
Today, continuing the days and nights of work, both the Navayogendras and the central piece of the Main Chakra are being installed on the 6M frame.
The Chakras are manifesting gloriously.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/JZQR9a

Lord Advaita Acarya’s Divine Appearance Day “Lord Advaita…
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Lord Advaita Acarya’s Divine Appearance Day
“Lord Advaita Acarya is the incarnation of Maha-Viṣṇu , whose main function is to create the cosmic world through the actions of māyā. Because He is non-different from Hari, the Supreme Lord, He is called Advaita, and because He propagates the cult of devotion, He is called Ācārya. He is the Lord and the incarnation of the Lord’s devotee. Therefore I take shelter of Him.”
– Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta, Ādi-līlā 1.12-13
Śrī Advaita Ācārya is the disciple of Mādhavendra Purī and is combined incarnation of Mahā-Viṣṇu and Sadāśiva. He is one of the main personalities of the Pañca-tattva and stands on Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s far right, next to Śrī Nityānanda Prabhu. He was born on the seventh day of the bright fortnight in the month of Magha in the year 1433 AD, in a village named Lauda in Srihatta. From there, he left and moved to Navahatta and later to Śāntipura. He also has a house in Navadvīpa, near the Yoga-pīṭha birthplace of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu.
Seeing the condition of the illusioned souls of the world, Advaita Ācārya worshipped and appealed for the Lord’s descent to deliver mankind. The only thing Advaita Ācārya was concerned about was the elevation of consciousness of the conditioned souls. He wanted to elevate their consciousness to the platform of devotional service to Śrī Kṛṣṇa. It was only by the request of Advaita Ācārya did the Lord descend upon the earth planet just a little over 500 years ago.
In Śrī Māyāpur dhām, Advaita Ācārya’s appearance day is wonderfully celebrated. Beginning preparations from the day before, the Mayapur community devotees prepare flower decorations for the pleasure of the Lord. They make beautiful flower mukut, or head pieces as well as a floral effulgence to be placed behind Advaita Ācārya. They also make a beautiful replica of His lotus feet with the various auspicious markings. Around 11am, they have kīrtan leading up to a wonderful abhiṣeka of Sri Advaita Ācārya.
In Śrīla Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura’s song Sāvaraṇa-Śrī-Gaura-Pāda-Padme from Prārthanā, he prays, “Be merciful, Advaita Prabhu, husband of Sītā. On the strength of your mercy, I will attain Caitanya and Nitāi.”
And so in this way, we should all pray to Sri Advaita Ācārya for his blessings so that we can access the mercy of Gaura-Nitāi.

First Time in world Live Virtual Reality 360 Flower Festival by…
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First Time in world Live Virtual Reality 360 Flower Festival by ISKCON Chowpatty!
Kindly go to vrdevotee.com and download the app applicable to your phone. This app is created by a company that is going to do live on this app. The special thing is that they are spending Lacs of rupees on this event. This is first time in world where any temple will go live with 360 degrees virtual reality. You can install this app on any mobile and watch it there. Also if you want enhanced experience, you may buy a Virtual reality set available at discount online on the same website or from Chowpatty temple gift shop. In case you are buying online then please order it ASAP. If you don’t want to spend Rs 750, you can still watch it online on the app. Remember to rotate the app in all directions to see all around view of the temple hall. The broadcast will start from approximately 6 pm onwards.

Click on below links to get idea of what you will experience on that day –
And also

More instructions are available on the following link presented by your humble servant here –

For any query WhatsApp +919321164690.

TOVP update: Nrshimha Dev’s wing external walls and…
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TOVP update: Nrshimha Dev’s wing external walls and staircases (Album of photos)
Sadbhuja Das: As Gaura Purnima approaches fast many preparations and activities are taking place.
There has been a lot of effort to prepare Nrshimha Dev’s wing external walls and staircases.
First, the Jali windows were set in place, followed by the GRC cornices and pillars.
Now, as you can see in the images, the top levels have been reached. The last raw of GRC pillars is being installed as well as the small windows cornices.
This is work will also follow all around the temple walls.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/CqZpvF

H.H. Jayapataka Swami Official Health Update January 22,…
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H.H. Jayapataka Swami Official Health Update
January 22, 2018
This message is to report the reason why Jayapataka Swami in the last few weeks has been in-and-out of hospitals. Several devotees from around the world have expressed their valid concerns so we hope to clarify the current situation and emphasize that all efforts are being made for ensuring that Maharaja’s health is maintained to its best possible capacity.
A brief recount of the latest happenings around Maharaja’s health condition: After he attended health check-ups in late last year (November), it was noticed a gradual decline in Maharaja’s condition (liver, kidneys, etc.). Specialist doctors recommended that he postponed his visit to South America due to the high risks involved in such a long journey given Maharaja’s already delicate health condition.

After a short visit to Bangladesh, Maharaja flew to Delhi to be assessed at the Institute of Liver and Biliary Science (ILBS) in Delhi. After discharge, he went to Chennai to continue evaluating different health treatments there. Meantime, Maharaja decided to attend the 40th anniversary of ISKCON Mumbai inauguration. In Mumbai, some complications presented and he was admitted at the Bhaktivedanta Hospital.

Presently Maharaja is considering the best options to improve his health and participate in the upcoming ISKCON Leadership Sanga (ILS) and Gaura Purnima festival this year. He is –as usual- alert, jovial and making decisions regarding his health and traveling. However, he has also expressed great discomfort and pain in public communication broadcasted in the last few days where he indicated that the best way to help him, with these serious health problems, is by strictly following the regulative principles and helping him to “make more devotees”. With his known heroic attitude, he wants to actively continue his preaching and performing his services for Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya. Thus, we request everyone’s prayers for him to fulfill his purpose.

On behalf Maharaja’s Health Team,

Mahavaraha das (H.H. Jayapataka Swami traveling secretary)

The devotees of Govardhan Eco village (two hours outside of…
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The devotees of Govardhan Eco village (two hours outside of Mumbai) have re-created the original Vrindavan with duplicates of the seven principal temples. Along with Krishna’s pastimes in the forest and Fields. They are currently constructing a full size 75 foot high duplicate of the Madan Mohan Temple. It is made of solid red sandstone just like the original. Each block weighing over a ton. They also have a large modern crane to help lift the blocks. The blocks were all carved in Rajasthan.

Sivarama Swami promotes religious and racial tolerance amongst…
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Sivarama Swami promotes religious and racial tolerance amongst children.
A school from Hertfordshire in the UK, which had been experiencing religious and racial intolerance amongst its students, made a very special visit to Bhaktivedanta Manor recently.
The school’s Religious Education teacher had been inspired by Sivarama Swami’s online video blogs and he arranged for the Swami to address the children.
Students were very respectful and listened to Sivarama Swami with rapt attention while he spoke about tolerance, unity and diversity.

New Book release: ‘Bhaktivedanta Manor With Photography’ Sally…
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New Book release: ‘Bhaktivedanta Manor With Photography’
Sally Hedges Greenwood has visually captured the life and soul of Bhaktivedanta Manor in the UK and those that worshipped, celebrated, worked and lived there in 2004. Thirteen years later, in 2017, a collaboration with Radha Mohan das adds a further dynamic to the previously unpublished photographs, which succeeds in being both intimate and informative.
Sally was a mature student from Amersham College and was assigned to the Manor for her end of year project. Sally was previously the Managing Director of an exhibition company, so taking photographs was natural to her.
“Photographing at Bhaktivedanta Manor was an extraordinary experience for me in many ways”, explained Sally. “There was always a lot going on and I was accepted by the community right from the very beginning. I considered myself an ideal person to capture their moments”.

“The book may also be regarded as a souvenir for guests as well as devotees of Bhaktivedanta Manor. Put together in one volume, the photographs become a private, spiritual and personal photograph album”.

Bhaktivedanta Manor is many things: a temple, a home and a farm; it is unusual and interesting but above all it is a community whose contribution to their own and the wider community is extensive and inclusive.

For more information, to ‘Look Inside’ or to buy either the paperback or the eBook please visit Amazon.co.uk https://tinyurl.com/ycmplhlh (Also Amazon.com and Amazon.eu).

Is Your Hut on Fire? The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed…
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Is Your Hut on Fire?
The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for Krsna to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect himself from the elements, and to store his few possessions. One day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened –everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and anger. “Krsna, how could you do this to me?“ he cried. Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him.
“How did you know I was here?” asked the weary man of his rescuers.
“We saw your smoke signal,” they replied.
It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn’t lose heart, because Krsna is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground, it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of Krsna.
Bg 9.22 — But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on My transcendental form – to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have.

Oxpower in Krishna Valley (4 min video)
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Oxpower in Krishna Valley (4 min video)
Krishna Valley is the largest and most well organized ecological community in Hungary, and of Central-Europe. It has been established since 1993. In our farm communities like Krishna Valley we offer an alternative toward a more sustainable, carefree, happy and peaceful future.
Krishna Valley’s 110 acres, which used to be pasture land for sheep in the past, is home to a great variety of species. There are more than 950 different species of trees and bushes in its botanical garden, which enables us (besides education) to preserve the values of nature and to find and research new varieties of edible plants. Self-sufficiency has been our basic principle since the beginning with the help of community work, social development and traditional technologies.
Watch it here: https://goo.gl/BHL872

World’s Top Religious Leaders Issue Rare Joint Appeal
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Hare KrishnaBy Carol Kuruvilla

Religion is often viewed as a force that sows divisions between people. But the world’s most prominent religious leaders have come together to present a different vision of how faith can work in the world. In a rare move, major religious leaders ? from Pope Francis to the Dalai Lama ? issued a joint appeal Wednesday asking people to follow a simple bit of advice: Make friends with people of other faiths. “Our advice is to make friends to followers of all religions,” Ayatollah Sayyid Fadhel Al-Milani, one of the U.K.’s most senior Shia Muslim clerics, said in a video recording.

‘Finding your purpose’ (Album of photos) Yesterday evening…
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‘Finding your purpose’ (Album of photos)
Yesterday evening Sivarama Swami spoke to 120 professionals at Ernst and Young, one of the top four accounting firms in the world, about ‘Finding your purpose’. Our thanks to Veda London for facilitating this wonderful event.
Find them here: https://goo.gl/KMeZaJ