Thursday, April 18th, 2019
→ The Walking Monk


Durban, South Africa

My day started with zestful walking in the temple of Radha Radhanath.  I did circle motions within the room while other chanters paced back and forth, and others still just sat while fingering their beads and simultaneously moving lips to chant.  Occasionally, I would stop to talk to a maharaja, a senior monk, or to acknowledge someone I’ve known, and who had just arrived in town for the festival.  I noticed two new fellows.  They were from Cape Town.  I stopped to talk.

“How are you guys?  How do you like the atmosphere here?  I’m Bhaktimarga Swami.  And you?”  My usual opening liners are such.

Both fellows have been involved in devotional circles.  One of them wanted to learn Part Two of the verses to the guru, Prabhupada, starting with, “Namaste.”

“Come to my room; I’ll write it down for you,” I said in a mood of hospitality.  “Here, have some coconut water.”  Then I taught him what it means.  “Our guru came to challenge impersonalism and voidism, which is so prevalent in people’s mindsets today.”

“What does impersonalism really mean,” asked the chap, who sported a handsome head of dreadlocks, and who reads Allan Watts. 

“I agree with many things he says, but we must also acknowledge the Source (God) and not just the Force (Nature).  Balance is the key.”

May the Source be with you!

6 km